SBT Loan Letter

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(Specimen of Sanction Letter)

Annexure -D

State Bank of Travancore (Associate of the State Bank of India) ............ Branch

No. To


Dear Sir, Gyan Jyoti - Loans for Education With reference to your application dated ....... for a loan of Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Rupees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only ), we have pleasure in sanctioning you an amount of Rs.. . . . . . . . . . (Rupees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only) subject to the following terms and conditions. 1. Nature of limit 2. Loan amount 3. Margin 4. Purpose of the loan - Medium Term Loan - Rs. - Nil / % of the total cost

- To meet the cost of Education for . . . . . . . . . . . course. years

5. Period of the loan 6. Rate of interest

- SBT PTLR / 1% above SBT PTLR Minimum - ----% p.a. Interest to be debited annually on simple basis during the repayment holiday / moratorium period and thereafter applied quarterly on a quarterly

compounding basis. -27. Processing charge 8. Repayment - Nil . . . . . . . . . . . . monthly instalments commencing from ....... (EMI)

The repayment will commence after one year after completion of study or 6 months after getting a job, whichever is earlier) 1% interest concession will be provided, if interest debited during a financial year is remitted within one month of its debit in the account. The accrued interest during the repayment holiday period will be added to the principal and repayment in EMI fixed. (wherever interest is not serviced during the moratorium period) The loan amount can be prepaid without any penalty. Penal interest @ 2% be charged for above Rs.4 lacs for the overdue amount and overdue eriod. 9. Disbursement The loan will be disbursed in stages as per the requirement / demand directly to the Institutions / vendors of books / equipments / instruments to the extent possible. 1. Mortgage of Property by deposit of title deeds. EM of . . . . . cents of land under Survey No. . . . . situated at ......... Village 2. Pledge of securities (* please specify) ............................... 3. Personal guarantee(s) of i)...............S/o .............. ii).............S/o .............. iii)............... S/o .............. -

10.Security @

-311. Broken period @ encumbrance - Encumbrance certificates for the periods upto the date of creation of EM and four months thereafter, should be produced.

@wherever applicable.

12. Execution of documents

- The following documents are to be executed before the availment of the loan. i) ii) iii) iv)

13. Other conditions

- i) The student should not , without the Banks written prior permission, change the course of studies and/or the place of study and/or the educational institution. ii) The student should not take up any employment during the period of the course, except with the permission of the Bank as he has to concentrate his attention on the course he is pursuing. iii) The student should keep the Bank informed from time to time of any change of address.


iv) The student should try to secure employment after the course is completed and on obtaining employment, should inform the Bank. v) The student should not enter into any pecuniary obligation of financial liability during the currency of the loan.


The student


a) shall not participate in any unlawful activity which may debar him from the academic career. b) shall follow all the rules and regulations laid down by the institution he has joined. c) shall maintain such dignity and honour as is expected of a student pursuing higher education. vii) The branch may obtain and keep a certificate of non-concurrent borrowing,from the borrower The loans are to be granted by branches located near the place of domicile of the students. Where necessary, this branch may arrange for the disbursal of the loan instalment to the student through our branch located if any, near the educational institution. If need be, the branches granting similar loans may seek the help of our branch managers at / near the centre of study of the students to keep in touch with the head of the educational institutions / student'slocal guardian. In addition to the terms and conditions given above, the following conditions also should be complied with by the student who propose to study abroad. a) The duration of the course should not normally exceed three years. b) The details of part time employment



if any, must be advised to the Bank. c) The student should undertake to return, upon completion of studies, to India. -5-

Please sign and return the duplicate copy of this sanction letter as a token of having accepted the terms and conditions detailed above.

Yours faithfully,

Branch Manager

I/We agree to the above terms and conditions and agree to furnish in this connection any details required by the Bank.




ANNEXURE - B STATE BANK OF TRAVANCORE (Associate of the State Bank of India) HEAD OFFICE : TRIVANDRUM To The Branch Manager/Chief Manager/Assistant General Manager State Bank of Travancore Place ..................... Date ..................... GYAN JYOTI EDUCATION LOAN SCHEME APPLICATION FORM 1. Particulars of student/course of study a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Full Name Date of Birth Educational Qualifications Name of proposed course of study Name of Institution / University Duration of the course Date of commencement of course Expected monthly income of student after completion of the course

2. Particulars of Parent/Guardian a. b. c. d. e. f. Full Name Permanent Address : Residence Address : Place of work Phone Number Age If in service 1) Name of Employer 2) Age of retirement

-2g. Passport particulars : No. : Date : Place of issue : h. Number of children/dependents i. Particulars of deduction from gross income j. Net monthly income k. Details of present borrowings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl.No. Date of Loan Obtained from Amount of loan Repayment Original Present plan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------3. Particulars of Loan applied for a. Total expenses for the course. b. Details of non / repayable studentship / fellowship, etc. available to student. c. Details of repayable loan scholarship or other financial assistance available. d. Details of funds available from family sources for the course. e. Amount of Loan applied for (Attested documents to be enclosed)

-34. Security offered a) Immovable property (give particulars) b) Other securities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of security Serial No. Name of holder Maturity value Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Repayment Programme The loan is proposed to be repaid as under: a) During the studies by the student in ............. equated monthly instalments (EMI) of Rs.......... each by the parent / guardian, beginning from ..................... (towards interest debited during the moratorium period) @

b) After completion of studies by the student: In ............ .equated monthly instalments (EMI) of Rs............ each by the parent / guardian / student, beginning from .................. @ If proposed 6. Any other useful information Please sanction the aforesaid amount of loan in our favour. We certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief, the information furnished herein is true and correct. We promise to abide by the terms and conditions governing the loan facility by the Bank.

Signature of witness Name : Address :

Signature of Parent / Guardian

Signature of student

-4Documents to be enclosed i) Copies of certificates/mark sheets of examinations passed onwards) ii) Testimonials from head of institution last attended / other persons. iii) Copies of letters conferring scholarship, freeship, iv) Proof of admission to the course v) Schedule of expenses for the course vi) Two copies of passport size photograph of the student vii) Copies of foreign exchange permit (if applicable) viii) Copy of salary slip/statement of income of parent/guardian. income tax assessment order, if applicable). (Last (from S.S.C


studentship etc.



GYAN JYOTI SCHEME PROPOSAL FORM (To be submitted in duplicate) Branch ..................... Proposal No................. Date : ..................... Name of the borrowers ....................................... (Nature of proposal*) New/Enhancement Changes in terms. 1. A copy of loan application dated ...............obtained from Shri........................and Shri/Smt/Kum................. is enclosed. The details given in the application have been verified by independent enquiries, reference to testimonials/certificates / documents etc. wherever necessary, my comments have been appended. 2. In my opinion, the applicants are eligible for a loan amount hereunder: (1) Cost of completing the course: a) Tuition fees 1st year of the course Rs............ 2nd year of the course Rs............ 3rd year of the course Rs............ 4th year of the course Rs............ 5th year of the course Rs............ b) Essential books Rs............ Stationery Rs............ Equipments, if any Rs............ as detailed



-2c) Examination fees 1st year of the course 2nd year of the course 3rd year of the course 4th year of the course 5th year of the course Rs............ Rs............ Rs............ Rs............ Rs............


d) Maintenance expenditure Rs............ Rent Rs............ Board Rs............ Clothes Rs............ Sundries Rs............ TOTAL (2) Own funds / Scholarship a) Non-repayable scholarship / studentship/fellowship/other financial assistance b) Repayable loan scholarship or other financial assistance c) Funds available from family TOTAL 3. Security (wherever applicable) Brief particulars and estimated value 4. Loan amount recommended 5. Repayment schedule 6. Guarantee (if applicable) Name of guarantor Net worth (Brief opinion reports on applicants and guarantor to be enclosed). Rs...........


Rs........... Rs........... Rs...........

-37. Any other information not contained in the application but has a bearing on the sanction of the loan: 8. Recommendation The proposed term loan amount is reasonable and commensurate with the requirements of the applicants. I recommend the proposal for sanction.

Recommending Official

For use of the Sanctioning Authority

A Term Loan of Rs......... is sanctioned subject to remarks below:


(Sanctioning Authority)



This Agreement made on this of ............... in the year 200..... between Shri/Smt/Kum........................ son/wife/daughter of Shri............................ residing at ..................................... hereinafter referred to as "the student" and Shri............................... residing at .................................... hereinafter referred to as "the Guardian" of the one part and the State Bank of Travancore, a bank constituted under the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959 and having its Head Office at Thiruvananthapuram and one of the branches among other places at ................... hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" of the other part. Whereas the Student desires and intends to prosecute higher studies at .................... (Name of the institution) .............. at .................... (hereinafter referred to as "the Institution") in ..................... and for that purpose has sought / secured an admission for the course of .................... at the institution and is in need of financial assistance from the Bank and has therefore jointly with the Guardian applied to the bank under the Bank's scheme for Assistance to students by their application dated ............... for a loan of Rs............ so as to enable the student to pay the tuition fees, cost of books and his maintenance charges during the period of the course as stated in detail in his application. And whereas the Bank has expressed its willingness to afford such assistance by way of loan to the extent of Rs.............. and upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter expressed and contained. Now it is hereby agreed and declared as follows: 1. The Bank agrees to grant jointly to the Student and the guardian a loan which in no circumstances shall exceed Rs.......... . The grant of such loans is at the Bank's discretion and the Bank reserves the right to withhold for discontinue the loan after sanction / part disbursal thereof for any reason which it considers just and sufficient and the Bank shall be the sole and final judge of such justness and sufficiency. 2. The disbursement of the loan will be made as follows: i) An amount equivalent to tuition fees will be paid in whole or in instalments directly to the institution where the student proposes to undergo or is undergoing his study, as and when the whole or each instalment falls due for payment.


ii) Such part of the loan as is towards purchase of books necessary for the prosecution of studies of the course undertaken will be paid to the student from time to time on condition that he produces the relative receipts evidencing purchase of the books to the Bank within a reasonable time from the receipt of the relative part of the loan; and iii) Any other amount towards any other expenses agreed to be financed by the Bank, will be paid at such time as may be decided by the Bank. 3. The loan amount will carry interest at the rate of ........ percent per annum. The Bank reserves the right to vary the rate of interest for any reason which it considers just and sufficient and the Bank shall be the sole and final judge of such justness and sufficiency.

4. The loan would be repayable as under: i) During the studies instalments (EMI) of from ................... by the student, in .............equated monthly Rs.......... each by the guardian, beginning

ii) After completion of studies by the student, in ............. equated monthly instalments (EMI) of Rs........... each by the guardian/student beginning from ................. The Bank may change the number of instalments and determine the quantum thereof or allow the repayments to be made in any other manner in such a way that in no circumstances, the loan would extend beyond twelve years unless the Bank in its own discretion decides otherwise. In case the student has to leave the course for any reason attributable to his default, negligence or misbehaviour, then the entire outstanding of the loan together with interest and other costs shall become payable immediately.

-35. In consideration of the Bank granting such loan, the Student and the guardian agree and undertake as below: i) The Student shall not without the prior permission of the Bank obtain any loan or other such financial accommodation as would involve repayment thereof and in case where such loan or other financial accommodation has been availed of by the student after the availment of the loan hereunder, with the permission of the Bank, the student shall immediately notify to the Bank about the same. Upon receipt of such notification, the Bank may at the time of granting such permission decide whether to continue the loan arrangement and, if so, to what extent thereof. ii) The student is ordinarily not expected to take up employment during the course of his studies without the prior permission of the Bank, where, however, he wishes to take up a job during the course of his studies he should inform the Bank about the same and should produce a certificate from the institution that such employment will not interfere with his studies. Full particulars about the nature of the employment, the working hours, salary and other relevant matters should be advised to the bank immediately. Upon receiving such intimation, the Bank may consider whether to continue the loan arrangement and, if so, to what extent thereof. iii) Should there be any change in the Student's financial condition from what was stated in his application to the Bank for financial assistance which is likely to affect the Bank's decision to continue the finance the same shall be notified to the Bank and thereupon the Bank may decide whether to continue the loan arrangement, and if so, to what extent thereof. iv) The student shall not enter into any pecuniary obligation or financial liability during the currency of the loan without the prior permission of the Bank. v) The student is expected to take up his studies seriously and shall work hard and try his best to maintain a good academic record and shall intimate to the Bank the results of periodical tests/examinations conducted by the institution. The Student shall not participate in any unlawful activity which will debar him from prosecuting his studies and shall follow all the rules and regulations for the time in force and maintain such dignity and decorum as is expected of the student by the institution. If the performance of the student is not satisfactory or if he fails in any one of the examinations conducted by the institution or if any adverse report in respect of the progress/conduct of the student comes to Bank's knowledge, the Bank will be at liberty to recall the loan amount and the student and/or the Guardian shall be liable to repay immediately the outstanding due together with interest and other costs.

-4vi) The student shall not without the prior consent of the Bank change the course of his studies, place of study of the institution as stated in his application. vii) The student shall during the currency of the loan keep the bank informed from time to time of any change of address on account of his being on vacation, study leave, study tour, or his being required to stay away from the station. viii) Every month, the student who is prosecuting his studies shall, wherever possible, report to the manager of the branch of the Bank if any, at the place where he is undergoing studies for discussing any matter of interest or any difficulties. ix) After completion of the course of his studies, it will be the responsibility of the student to secure gainful employment and immediately upon securing such employment inform the Bank giving full particulars of such employment and the income therefrom. x) In case the student has undertaken higher studies in India and intends to go abroad for further studies or for taking up a job, he shall intimate to the Bank immediately and thereupon the Bank may decide whether the loan has to be repaid in full before the student leaves the country or whether to allow the loan to be continued on revised terms and conditions.

Signature of the Guardian

Signature of the Student

(In case the student is a minor, the Agreement is to be signed by the Guardian on his own behalf and also on behalf of the student).


This indenture made this of ..............19... by (1) Shri/Smt...................residing at .................. and (2) Shri/Smt.................. residing at ...................... (hereinafter referred to as the Guarantor(s) which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include his/her/their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns). AND Shri/Smt/Kum................ son/wife/daughter of Shri........... residing at ......................... hereinafter referred to as the Student AND Shri/Smt/Kum....................... residing at ........................ hereinafter referred to as the Guardian (the Student and the Guardian being hereinafter referred to as the Borrower which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include them jointly and severally and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) in favour of the State Bank of Travancore, a bank constituted under the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act 1959 having its Head Office at Thiruvananthapuram and one of its branches among other places at ..................... (hereinafter referred to as the Bank which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include its successors and assigns). WHEREAS the Borrower and the Guarantor(s) jointly requested the Bank to grant an advance of Rs.......... by way of loan to the Borrower to enable the student to pay tuition fees, cost of books and maintenance charge during the period the student prosecutes studies at .......................... (name of the Institution) for the course of .................... AND WHEREAS the Bank at the aforesaid request of the Borrower and the Guarantor(s) agreed to grant a loan of Rs......... as aforesaid upon the guarantor(s) guaranteeing payment of the said sum of Rs....... granted as aforesaid, but not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of Rs........... (hereinafter referred to as the principal sum) and interest costs, charges and expenses in relation thereto in the manner hereafter appearing.

-2NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH and it is hereby covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. If at any time default shall be made by the Borrower in the payment on demand of the principal sum or part thereof or interest costs, charges, expenses and/or any other money's for the time being due to Bank under or in respect of the amount of the loan advanced as aforesaid, the guarantor(s) will on demand pay to the Bank the principal sum or part thereof or interest costs, charges, expenses and other moneys as shall be then due to the Bank as aforesaid and will indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank against all loss of principal, interest or other money's due as aforesaid and all costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the Bank may incur by reason of any default on the part of the Borrower. 2. The Bank shall have the fullest liberty without affecting this guarantee to postpone for any time or from time to time to enforce or forbear to enforce any remedies or securities available to the Bank and the Guarantor(s) shall not be released by any exercise by the Bank of its liberty with reference to the matter aforesaid or any of them or by reason of time being given to the Borrower or any other forbearance act or omission on the part of the Bank or any other indulgence by the Bank to the Borrower or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of so releasing the Guarantor(s). 3. In case the said advance is further intended to be secured by the assignment to the Bank of the Life Insurance Policy covering the life of the student or by pledge of any movable or immovable security for a part or the entire amount of the loan in favour of the Bank, the Guarantor(s) agree(s) that no failure in acquiring or obtaining such security shall have the effect of releasing the Guarantor(s). 4. The Guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Guarantor(s) notwithstanding that the securities or any of them or any other collateral securities that the Bank may have obtained or may obtain from the Borrower shall at the time when court proceedings are taken against the Guarantor(s) hereunder be outstanding or unrealised.

-35. The Bank shall be at liberty to take in addition to the subsisting securities any other securities for the said advance or any part thereof and to release or forbear to enforce all or any of its remedies upon or under such securities and any other collateral security or securities now held by the Bank and that no such release or forbearance as aforesaid shall have the effect of releasing the guarantor(s) from his/their liability or of prejudicing the Bank's right and remedies against the Guarantor(s) under this guarantee and that the Guarantor(s) shall have no right to the benefit of any other security that may be held by the Bank until the claim of the bank against the borrower in respect of the said advance and of all (if any) other claims of the Bank against the Borrower on any other account whatsoever shall have been fully satisfied and then in so far only as such security shall not have been exhausted for the purpose of realising the amount of the Bank's claims and ratably only with other persons (if any) entitled to the benefit of such securities respectively. 6. In order to give effect to the guarantee herein contained the Bank shall be entitled to act as if the Guarantor(s) was the principal debtor to the Bank for all payments guaranteed by him / them as aforesaid to the Bank. 7. The guarantee herein contained is a continuing one for all amounts due to the Bank by the Borrower under or in respect of the aforesaid advance granted as aforesaid as also for all interest costs and other moneys may from time to time becomes due and remain unpaid to the Bank hereunder. 8. The guarantee shall be irrevocable and enforceable against the guarantor(s) notwithstanding any dispute between the Bank and the Borrower. 9. The guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Guarantor(s) notwithstanding the student at time leaving the said ......................(name of the institution) and/or giving up studies for the course of .................. or changing the said course to some other course. 10. The Guarantor(s) hereby agree(s) and undertake(s) forthwith on demand made by the Bank to deposit with the Bank such sum or security or further sum or security as the Bank may from time to time specify for the due fulfillment of his / their obligation under this guarantee and any security so deposited with the Bank may be sold by the Bank after giving to the guarantor(s) a reasonable notice of sale and the said sum or the proceeds of the sale of the securities may be appropriated by the bank in or towards satisfaction of the said obligations and any liability arising out of nonfulfilment thereof by the Guarantor(s).

-411. It is agreed by the Guarantor(s) that not withstanding any variation made in the terms of the aforesaid arrangements of any composition between the Bank and the Borrower or any promise given by the Bank to the Borrower to give time to or not to sue or the Bank parting with any of the securities given by the borrower, the Guarantor(s) shall not be released or discharged of his/their obligations under this guarantee and in the event of such variation, composition promise or parting with security the guarantor(s) shall be deemed to have consented to the same. 12. In the even of the death of the Guarantor(s) during the subsistence of the liability of the borrower to the Bank as aforesaid the Borrower shall offer such other person or persons as the Bank may deem proper as Guarantor or Guarantors in the place of the deceased Guarantor(s) and if the Bank agrees to accept the guarantee of such a person or persons the said new Guarantor or Guarantors shall execute a fresh deed of Guarantee in favour of the Bank and such deed shall be in such form as the Bank may require AND until such new Deed of Guarantee is executed and registered, the liability of the guarantor herein will remain unaffected and unimpaired. PROVIDED however, that the execution of the fresh Deed of Guarantee as aforesaid shall not affect any liability of the Guarantor(s) for payment of the principal sum, interest and other moneys payable as aforesaid and which have already become due and payable by the Borrower to the Bank at the date of the fresh execution of guarantee but have not been paid in full. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantor(s) and the Borrower hereunto set their respective hands the day and year first above written SIGNED by the above named Guarantor in the presence of: 1. 2. SIGNED by the above named Parent / Guardian (For self and on behalf of the student) Shri............................................ in the presence of: 1. 2. SIGNED by the above named student (Only if student is a major) Shri/Smt/Kum............................. in the presence of: 1. have


ANNEXURE - G SPECIMEN OF DEED OF RATIFICATION TO BE EXECUTED BY A MINOR ON ATTAINING MAJORITY (GYAN JYOTI) The Branch Manager/Chief Manager/Assistant General Manager State Bank of Travancore ...............................

Dear Sir,

I, .......................................... son / daughter of .................................. have been granted a loan by the Bank jointly with Shri/Smt................................ son/daughter of ...................................... hitherto my guardian who for that purpose has executed an agreement with you on my behalf as well as on his own behalf. I hereby give notice that I have since attained majority and ratify in its entirety the agreement entered into on my behalf by my then guardian.

Verified by ................................. Date ........................................


To The Trustees, State Bank of Travancore Employees Provident Fund / Gratuity Fund. Dear Sir, EDUCATION LOAN TO WARDS OF STAFF MEMBERS


With reference to the educational loan of Rs. __________ (hereinafter referred to as the said loan) availed by my son / daughter / brother / sister, _______________________ the due payment of which has been guaranteed by me vide agreement dated ____________ executed by me in favour of the State Bank of Travancore, _____________________ Branch (hereinafter mentioned as the Bank), I wish to state as follows: 1. I hereby irrevocably authorise you to hand over to the Bank the cheque / draft of the amount of my own contribution to the Provident Fund together with interest thereon as soon as the amount becomes payable to me under the State Bank of Travancore employees Provident Fund Regulations in force for the time being and any payment made to the bank shall be deemed to be the payment made to me. 2. If any further application or letter or receipt is required from me to authorise or enable you to hand over the above cheque / draft and effect payment as aforesaid, I shall sign the same after being informed thereof by you or by the Bank. In the event of my failure, neglect, omission, inability or refusal to do so for any reason or cause whatsoever, I hereby irrevocably authorise State Bank of Travancore acting through any of its officers to sign any application or letter receipt or discharge or any other letter or writing required by the Trustees on my behalf and in the same manner as if I myself / we ourselves had signed the same. 3. I further undertake that I shall not submit any application under Regulation 15 of the State Bank of Travancore Employees Provident Fund Regulations for withdrawal of the amount of provident fund subscribed by me with interest thereon during the currency of this letter of authorisation. If I make any such application in spite of the above undertaking, I authorise you to disburse the amount payable to me to the ______________ branch. If the balance outstanding in the said loan is less than the amount of provident fund subscribed by me with interest thereon, I may be permitted withdrawal of such amount subject to the approval of the Bank. Yours faithfully, Name of the employee Employee code No. Designation Name of Dept at Head Office / Zonal Office to which Employee is attached Copy to: State Bank of Travancore _________________ Branch.

ANNE To The Trustees State Bank of Travancore Employees Provident Fund Trivandrum. Dear Sir, EDUCATION LOAN TO WARDS OF STAFF MEMBERS I/We the nominees of Sri/Smt. ________________, an employee of State Bank of Travancore, to receive his / her provident fund accumulation hereby state and irrevocably authorise you as follows: i) I am / We are aware that the said Sri/Smt __________________ has guaranteed the due repayment of the educational loan of Rs.___________ (hereinafter referred to asthe said loan) availed by his / her son / daughter / brother / sister, ______________, from State Bank of Travancore, _____________ Branch (hereinafter mentioned as the Bank) under a scheme framed by the Bank therefor. ii) I/We hereby irrevocably authorise you to hand over to the Bank the cheque / draft of the Provident Fund amount together with interest thereon accumulated in the provident fund amount together with interest thereon accumulated in the provident fund account of Shri _______________ which becomes payable to me / us as per the State Bank of Travancore employees Provident Fund Regulations in force for the time being. Such payment shall be valid discharge to you for the amount so paid and the same shall be binding on me/us and my/our respective heirs, executors and administrators and assignees. iii) If any further application or letter or receipt is required from me / us to authorise or enable you to hand over the above cheque / draft and effect payment as aforesaid, I / We shall sign the same after being informed thereof by you or by the Bank. In the event of my / our failure, neglect, omission, inability or refusal to do so for any reason or cause whatsoever, I / We hereby irrevocably authorise State Bank of Travancore acting through any of its officers to sign any application or letter , receipt or discharge or any other letter or writing required by the Trustees on my behalf / our behalf and the same shall be deemed to have been signed by me / us. Yours faithfully, XURE - I

Name of nominee: Address:

Copy to: State Bank of Travancore, From The Manager State Bank of Travancore . Branch. To

________________ Branch.

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations Housing Board Buildings Santhinagar Thiruvananthapuram. Sir, Sub : Sanctioning of Education Loan to Sri / Kum S/o / D/o Sri/Smt.. intimating of Reg. We are ahppy to inform you that we have sanctioned a loan amount of Rs. (in words) in favour of Sri/Kum (Entrance Examination Roll No...)S/o/D/o Sri/Smt (full address) .. as we understand that he / she is an eligible candidate for getting admission in the Engineering / Medical courses during 200 . The loan amount will be disbursed as per the requirement and as and when he / she is selected and admitted to the course, subject to other terms and conditions of education loan scheme. The above payment will be made direct to the Institution by way of Demand Draft, where the candidate is admitted, after getting a statement showing the fee structure for the institution concerned. The deposit amount of payment seats should be refunded to the Bank after completion of the course by the college authorities. The institutions concerned will obtain an undertaking for the balance amount from the student and forward to the bank while claiming the loan amount. In addition to the above, the institution should furnish an undertaking in the prescribed format attached. Yours faithfully, Place: Date :


LETTER Of UNDERTAKING From . . . To The Branch Manager State Bank of Travancore Branch.

Dear Sir, Ref: Refund amount deposited with us for admission to .. Course at our institution by Mr. / Kum. Son/Daughter of . We are in receipt of your sanction letter No. dated issued to .. Son/Daughter of Sri / Kum . has been admitted to . Course and hence we request you to send us a Demand Draft for Rs. (Rupees .only) as refundable deposit. We do undertake to refund the deposit amount directly to Bank after completion of the course or on discontinuance of the course by the student. We also undertake to inform the bank in the event of discontinuance of the course by the student and advise the progress made by the student periodically. Yours faithfully,

(seal of the institution)


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