Essay Question and Answers
Essay Question and Answers
Essay Question and Answers
1. Write About Bhore’s Theory (Or) Write The Bhore’s Postulates And Limitations
Bohr’s Atomic Theory: this theory was proposed by Neils Bhore and this theory was
explained on the basis of Rutherford’s and Plank’s Quantum theory.
1. The protons and neutrons are located in a small nucleus at the center of the atom.
Due to the presence of protons, the nucleus is positively charged.
2. The electrons revolve rapidly around the nucleus in fixed circular paths called
energy levels or shells or orbits. The 'energy levels' or 'shells' or 'orbits' are
represented in two ways: either by the numbers n= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 or by letters
K, L, M, N, O and P. The energy levels are counted from center to outwards.
3. Each energy level is associated with a fixed amount of energy i.e called stationary
energy levels or cell. The shell nearest to the nucleus has minimum energy and the
shell farthest from the nucleus has maximum energy.
4. As the orbit number increases, the size and energy of the orbits increases. The
difference in energy between adjacent orbits decreases.
E2 – E1 > E3 – E2 > E4 – E3 > E5 – E4.
5. When electron jumps from higher energy level to lower energy level the energy is
emitted, if electron jumps from lower energy level to higher energy level the energy
is absorbed.
The energy differences between two successive energy level is h√
E2 ~ E1 = h√
1. Bohrs model explain the spectrum of hydrogen atom and same ions (
He+,Li++,Be+++…….) containing electron, but it could not explain the ions containing
more than one electron.
2. It could not explain fine structure of the spectrum.
3. It could not explain Zeeman and Stark effects.
4. It could not explain quantization of angular momentum.
5. It could not explain formation of chemical bonds by atoms.
2. Write About Quantum Numbers Or Write The Significances Of Quantum Numbers
Quantum numbers:
The numbers are used for completely characterizing the electron in an atom are called
quantum numbers.
Four quantum numbers are required for completely characterizing the electron in an atom those
1. Aufbaus principal: electrons enter into lower energetic orbitals before enter into
higher energetic orbital.
Electrons are filled progressively in the increasing order of their energies.
LHS n = 4 l = 0 will get (s- orbital) 4+0 3+2 RHS n = 3 l = 2 will get (d-
4 5
Energy comparison 4s < 3d electron enter lowest energy orbital hence it enter into 4s
LHS n = 4, l = 0 will get (s- orbital) 4+0 3+1 RHS n = 3, l = 1 will get (p-
4 4
n+l value is same for two orbitals .from condition 2 electron enter in minimum n value hence
minimum n value is 3p ,so that electron enter into 3p orbital ( n=4 (4s) , n=3 (3p) )
(all orbital having same energy is called degenerate orbital) 3p orbital splits 3px 3py 3pz
all three orbital have same energy due to same n value i.e n = 3 these are called
degenerate orbital.
I. According to this rule half-filled and completely filled degenerate orbitals of atom
3. Pauli’s principal: two electrons in an atom can’t have same value for four quantum
number. i.e. the two electrons in an atom differ in at least one quantum number.
↑ 2 1 -1 +1/2
↑ 2 1 0 +1/2
In four quantum numbers magnetic quantum number values are different
4. Explained Arrhenius Acid and Bases Theory and Limitations
**Arrhenius theory: it tells the substance acid or base when it is dissolved (dissociated) in
aqueous solution (water) which gives ions.
Acids: substances which are dissociated in aqueous solution to give ions (H+) are called
HCl ----------> H+ + Cl-
Bases: substances which dissociated in aqueous solution to give hydroxyl ions (OH -)
are called bases.
NaOH ----------> Na+ + OH-
KOH, Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2,
Neutralization: the reaction between acid and base to form salt and water is called
neutralization .during neutralization H+ and OH- combines to form water
HCl + NaOH ----------> NaCl + H2O
Bronsted – Lowry Theory (Proton Theory): this theory explained based on proton H+ and
also overcome the defects of the Arrhenius theory.
Acid: a substance which can donate proton to other substance is called acid or proton donor is
called acid.
Base: a substance which can accept a proton from other substance is called base or proton
acceptor is called base.
* H2O (ampho tric nature i.e it behaves either acid or base relative to other compound)
All neutralization reaction are reversible and involve two acid – base pair.
This theory was explained based on valency theory (based on lone pair electron)
Acid: a substance that can accept an electron pair to from co-ordinate covalent bond is called
Lewis acid.
Base: a substance that can donate a pair of electrons to form co-ordinate covalent bond with
acid is called base
Donation of a pair of electron is called Lewis base
Ex: NH3,H2O,CN-,OH-
Neutralization: formation co-ordinate covalent bond between acid and base is called
When electricity is passed through molten NaCl ,the molten sodium chloride is
decomposed into ions Na+ and Cl-
The ions move towards oppositely charged electrodes.
At cathode sodium ion Na+ gains electrons to form Na at cathode that is called
At anode chloride Cl- ion lose of electrons to form chloride Cl2 at anode. That is
called oxidation.
The following reactions are take place during the electrolysis:
Decomposition of NaCl :
Net reaction:
2Na+ +2 Cl- ---------> 2Na + Cl2
Faradays second law: whenever the same quantity of electricity is passed through
different electrolytes connected in series ,the weight (w) of substances formed at
electrodes are directly proportional to their equivalent weight or chemical equivalent (E).
We considered ZnSO4 as first compound we have to like
W1 = weight of Zn
E1 = equivalent weight of Zn
W1 α E1 -------------> 1
W2 = weight of Cu
E2 = eauivalent weight of Cu
W1 α E1 -------------> 2
9. Define galvanic cell or denial cell .explain the construction of galvanic cell with
an example.
Galvanic cell or denial cell: a device which converts chemical energy into
electricalenergy by spontaneous oxidation and reduction reaction is called galvanic
A cell convert’s chemical energy into electrical energy by redox reaction is called
galvanic cell.
Denial cell or galvanic cell : Zn/Zn2+ // Cu2+/Cu
Zn anode rod is dipped into the ZnSO4 solution it act as anodic half-cell ,at anode
oxidation take place
Cu cathode rod is dipped into the CuSO4 solution, it act as cathodic half-cell, at
cathode reduction take place
Two half cells are connected by salt bridge. it contains KCl and KNO 3 OR KCl
and NH4NO3
Salt bridge: inverted U-shape tube connected with two half-cell is called salt
o To prevent mixing of two solutions
o To prevent accumulation of charges
o To made electrical contact between electrolytes.
Working: the following reaction is takes place
10. 4. The differences between electrolytic cell and electrochemical cell (galvanic
5.two electrodes are dipped into the same 5..two electrodes are dipped into the
electrolyte solution different electrolyte solution
7.electric current flow from anode to 7.electric current flow from cathode to
cathode anode
11.Electro chemical series and its significances
A series of metals are arranged in the increasing order of their reduction
potentials (or) decreasing order of their oxidation potentials are called electro
chemical series.
Significances or applications:
1. The reactivity of metal is increased from top to bottom
2. The metal placed above the hydrogen in the series under goes corrosion easily
3. The reducing ability of metals are decreased from top to bottom
4. The oxidizing ability of metals are increased from top to bottom
5. The metals placed above in the series displaced lower metal from their salts
Zn + CuSO4 --------> ZnSO4 + Cu
6. The metal placed above the hydrogen in the series liberates hydrogen gas
from acids
12. Define corrosion. Write the factors influence the rate of corrosion
Corrosion: slow and gradually disintegration of metals by the action of environment is called
Ex: rusting of iron, tarnishing of silver, formation of green layer on the surface of copper,
When a piece of iron is placed in environment for a long time it gets coated with reddish
brown substance is called rust .the phenomenon is called rusting.
Net reaction:
1. Ex: when Zn and Cu are electrical connected in electrolytes, Zn behaves as anode and
undergoes corrosion due to Zn is upper in the electrochemical series.
2. Ex: steel pipe connected to copper ,steel pipe behave as anode and undergoes corrosion
Stress cells:
Cells formed between stressed and unstressed areas of same metal due to difference in
energy levels are called stress cells.
1. Ex: in nail the more stressed area are end part and head part those are acted as anode and
undergoes corrosion the middle part act as cathode
2. Ex: In a bend pipes the bend portion is stressed area act as anode and undergoes corrosion
Concentration cells:
Cells formed due to difference in the concentration of electrolyte (as oxygen) around the
surface of the metal is called concentration cell.
1. Ex: When Zn mental is immersed in sodium chloride solution the immersed part is
undergoes corrosion due to less oxygen concentration
2. Ex: Iron undergoes corrosion below the water drop due to less oxygen concentration
15. Explained the cathode protection of corrosion or a) sacrificial anode
a) Sacrificial anode method: the metal (base metal) to be protected from corrosion, is connected
to more active metal in electro chemical series .the more active metal is act as anode and base
metal is act as cathode .the anode metal undergoes corrosion in order to protect base metal and it
is called sacrificial anode method
1. Ex: the buried iron pipes are protected from corrosion by connecting with more active
metals like Zn,Mg,Al.the more active metals act as anode and undergoes corrosion that is
called scarification.
2. Ex: the process of coating of Zn over iron is called galvanization .the Zn prevents Fe
corrosion by act as scarification.
b) Impressed voltage method: in this method current opposite to corrosion current is applied
from a source like battery using graphite anode this current is called impressed voltage .if voltage
is converted to anode metal to cathode and protects the base metal from corrosion .this is called
impressed voltage method.
This method is useful for large structure for a long time operation .it is applicable for open water
wells, coolers, water tanks, conditioners
16.What is the difference between additional polymer and condensational polymers?
formaldehyde resin
17.What are the difference between thermo plastics (thermo softening
plastics)and thermo setting plastics (thermo hardening plastics?)
1. Plastics which are softened on heating 1. Plastics which are hardened on heating
and hardened on coolingare called and cannot be softened iscalled
thermoplastics. thermosetting plastics
8. These are recycled from waste 8. These are not recycled fromwaste
(recycling possible )
1. Amount of sulphur
2. Temperature
3. Duration of vulcanization
S S 373K-415K S S
CH2-CH=C-CH2 - CH2-CH-C-CH2-
1. It is water repellent
2. It is less reactive with chemicals
3. It is highly strengthened
4. High tensile strength
1. It is used in conveyor belts
2. It is used in tires
3. It is used in kids toys
4. It is used in shock absorbs
19 .Define air pollution .write causes and effects and control methods of air
Air pollution:the excessive concentration of unwanted substances present in Air and
adversely effects human beings, plants animals and other materials is called Air pollution.
(a) Forest fires release large amounts of smoke, CO, CO2, SO2 etc...
(b) Vulcanic eruptions release gases like H2S, SO2, CO
Man made causes or artificial causes
(a) Reforestation
(b) Zoning industries
(c) Use of alternative fuel
(d) Reduction of contaminants from the source
(e) Control over use of pesticides and insecticides
(f) Mass awareness
Causes for acid rain: acid rain formed due to presence of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
released by
combustion of fossil fuels,
emissions from industries,
power stations,
automobile exhaust.
*H2SO4and HNO3come down with rain water as acid rain i.e. pH< 5.6
Effect on animals:
acid rain decreases nutrients in water and decreases pHvalues. Hence most of the aquatic
animal can not survive
Effect on plants:
acid rain damages the bark, levees of the trees and root hairs of many plants
acid rain decreases leaf pigments like chlorophyll and decrease rate of photosynthesis.
Effects on materials:
Green hose effect or global warming: The process of heating of earth atmosphere due to presence of
some gases like CO2, CH4, O3 NO2, CFC in atmosphere is called greenhouse effect or global warming
Melting of ice caps in polar region and rise in sea level. this leads to submerging of low-
lying area like Maldives, Sri Lanka, Indonesia.
It causes climatic changes.
It reduces surface water and effects agriculture.
It causes sudden cyclones, transmission of diseases.
Over burning of fossil fuels
Limited use of chlorofluoro carbons (CFC, s)
Ozone layer depletion: the decrease in concentration of Ozone present in stratosphere due to some
chemicals is called depletion of Ozone layer.
Effects: UV-rays are coming to the earth due to depletion of ozone layer and causes
Skin diseases like skin cancer
Cataract (eye diseases)
It decreases photosynthesis in plants
It increases the atmospheric temperature.
21 .Define water pollution .write causes and effects and control methods of
water pollution
Water pollution:
The presence of unwanted substance in water bodies which affects physical, chemical
and biological properties of water and thereby decreasing use of water in domestic purpose and
in industries id called water pollution.