Aerospace Manufacturing Processes P. K. Saha: Ctober He Eronautical Ournal

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1598 The Aeronautical Journal October 2017

the manufacturing processes used in the

aerospace industry and includes a very useful
review of aircraft design and materials used
for various components. This is then linked
to the relevant manufacturing processes and
provides a wide coverage of design, materials
and appropriate processes.
In most areas of manufacturing, the cover-
age is of an introductory nature and a number
of important manufacturing processes are
given little coverage. For example, casting
is hardly dealt with, there is no mention
of additive manufacturing processes and the
section on machining is very basic and not
specifically related to aerospace. There is no
section on assembly yet there are several
chapters on forming processes.
Aerospace Manufacturing To illustrate the point, it is useful to look
at one chapter in detail. On machining, the
Processes chapter covers the basic principles and for-
mulae associated with metal cutting. It also
identifies the major materials, aluminium,
P. K. Saha titanium and nickel alloys. Several machining
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 types are identified but the relationship
Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca
between machine design and material type
Raton, FL, 33487-2742, USA. 2016.
Distributed by Taylor & Francis Group, 2 is not discussed. For example, would the
Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 specification of a machining centre to make
4RN, UK. 471pp. Illustrated. £165. (20% aluminium parts be the same as a machining
discount available to RAeS members via centre to make titanium parts? When would a using AKQ07 promotion high-speed spindle be appropriate? How does
code). ISBN 978-1-4987-5604-4. high-speed machining change the machining

was excited to review this book as performance and what are the implications
I believe there is a genuine need for component design? For instance, high-
for a book dedicated to the materi- speed machining of aluminium has increased
als and manufacturing processes relevant the focus on large monolithic parts that in
to aerospace engineering. Unfortunately, I turn reduces assembly and reduces tolerance
think this book misses the mark and falls build up issues. The reference to 5 axis
between two stools. It identifies many of machining is not extensive and the benefits of
the processes but doesn’t go into sufficient 5 axis and also mill-turns are not discussed.
depth to demonstrate their specific relevance Appropriate questions are not raised and
to aerospace. The book gives a review of answered i.e., What is the difference between
Book Reviews 1599

a horizontal and vertical spindle machine;

when is one more appropriate?
The section on machining composites
mentions delamination when hole drilling but
does not suggest how this can be avoided.
The chapter doesn’t mention the hazard
associated with carbon fibres damaging the
electrical equipment and controllers on other
machines and the potential of carbon fibre to
clog and cause abrasive wear of slide ways is
not discussed.
The economics of machining described
suggests that the cost of machining is cutting
cost, idle cost, tool changing cost, grinding
cost and maintenance cost. No mention of
how these figures are arrived at. There is no
mention of machine depreciation, operator
cost, fixturing cost, power, etc. Smart Autonomous
Diagrams are generally appropriate and Aircraft: Flight Control and
add to the understanding of the text.
Photographs, however, add little if anything Planning for UAV
and are generally of poor quality and not very
Overall, the book gives a very general re- Y. B. Sebbane
view of aerospace manufacturing processes. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000
As an introduction to the processes used Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca
in aerospace manufacturing it is useful, but Raton, FL, 33487-2742, USA. 2016.
Distributed by Taylor & Francis Group, 2
it really needs to be used as a primer to Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14
introduce the processes rather than provide 4RN, UK. 422pp. £88. (20% discount
an in-depth analysis of the technologies available to RAeS members via
introduced. using AKQ07promotion
Professor Keith Ridgway code). ISBN 978-1-4822-9915-1.

CBE, FREng, HonFRAeS, his is an ideal reference book for
Executive Dean, Advanced postgraduate students and researchers
Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) who are looking to expand their know-
with Boeing/Nuclear AMRC, ledge in the field of autonomous unmanned
University of Sheffield air vehicles (UAV). Professor Sebbane has
covered a wide range of topics ranging
from modelling and simulation to obstacle
avoidance, whilst ensuring the discussion is
well accompanied with clear definitions and

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