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Itep Test 5

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In the grammar section, there are two question types:

 In questions 1-13 you must click in the circle next to the word or phrase that correctly completes in
the sentence.

 In questions 14-25, you must click on the circle next to the incorrect word or phrase in the sentence.

You will be shown one example before each of the two different question types. You have 10 minutes to
review and answer the 25 questions.


For questions 1-13 select the word or phrase that CORRECTLY completes the sentence.

The students to visit a museum tomorrow.

(A) is going
(B) are going
(C) will going
(D) will be go

iTEP International Test of English Proficiency Test - 5

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1. Hale Telescope, at the Palomar 7. I am having lunch with the new

Observatory in southern California, manager next Tuesday at 10:00.
scientists can photograph objects several
billion light years away. (A) person
(B) personal
(A) With the (C) personnel
(B) The (D) personality
(C) They use the
(D) It is the 8. A camel 30 gallons of water in ten
2. Earlier, this morning, I spoke to the
President . (A) can drink
(B) in can drink
(A) him (C) a large drink of
(B) himself (D) with a drink of
(C) he
(D) each other 9. tea plant are small and white.

3. She owns diamond in the world. (A) The

(B) On the
(A) as expensive as (C) The flowers of the
(B) more expensive (D) Having flowers the
(C) the most expensive
(D) less expensive 10. The flight was canceled the snow.

4. The greenhouse effect occurs heat (A) because of

radiated from the Sun. (B) instead of
(C) whereas
(A) when the Earth’s atmosphere traps (D) despite
(B) does the Earth’s atmosphere trap
(C) when does the Earth’s atmosphere 11. This armchair is much cheaper the
trap sofa.
(D) the Earth’s atmosphere traps
(A) as
5. Do you want to the meeting? (B) that
(C) than
(A) her to come (D) so
(B) that she comes
(C) them coming 12. The door closes by .
(D) coming
(A) it
6. They will not sign the contract we (B) its
change some of the terms. (C) themselves
(D) itself
(A) earlier
(B) despite 13. The plane was four hours .
(C) both
(D) unless (A) last
(B) late
(C) latest
(D) lately

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For questions 14-25, select the word or phrase that is NOT CORRECT in the sentence.

He is studying Law at the university in order to becoming an attorney.

(A) is studying
(B) in order to
(C) becoming
(D) an

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14. The software should be used on a laptop 20. The money offered of the client was not
computer, nor this computer is a laptop. accepted.

(A) used (A) offered

(B) laptop (B) of
(C) nor (C) client
(D) is (D) accepted

15. Alloys of gold and copper have been widely 21. The rain clouds can be seen in the distance,
using in various types of coins. or no rain has fallen.

(A) have (A) can be seen

(B) widely (B) the
(C) using (C) or
(D) various types (D) has fallen

16. The port were reach by the sailors two days 22. The portraits exhibited on the Houston
ago. Museum last month are now on display in
(A) were reach
(B) the (A) exhibited
(C) two (B) on
(D) ago (C) last month
(D) on display in
17. The pizza served in this restaurant is the
tastier in the country. 23. The progressive reading methods at this
school is given credit for the improved test
(A) served scores.
(B) this
(C) restaurant (A) reading
(D) the tastier (B) this
(C) is given
18. The chapters taught by the professor this (D) improved
morning will be on next week’s examined.
24. Those suspected in the string of robbery were
(A) chapters arrested by the police.
(B) by
(C) will be (A) Those
(D) examined (B) robbery
(C) arrested
19. On he lunch hour he went to a nearby (D) by
department store to purchase a wedding gift.
25. With a sudden jerk of his hand threw the ball
(A) he across the field to one to another players.
(B) went to
(C) store (A) a sudden
(D) a (B) his
(C) threw
(D) one to another

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The listening section has three parts:

Part 1: four short conversations, each followed by 1 question

Part 2: one longer conversation, followed by 4 questions
Part 3: one lecture, followed by 6 questions

You will hear each conversation or lecture only one time. However, you may take notes while listening and
use your notes when answering the questions. You must answer each question before continuing. To
continue to the next question, click the “Next” button. In this section, you cannot use the “Back” button to
return to an earlier question. The number of questions and the amount of time you have to answer the
questions will be shown separately for each question in the “Question - Time Left” window on your screen.
Time is not counted while you are listening to the conversation or lecture.

Part 1

Now prepare to listen to 4 short conversations, and to answer 1 question after each.

You will have a total of 80 seconds to answer the 4 questions. This time will be shown in the “Time Left”

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1. What does the woman want to do?

(A) See a TV show

(B) Go to the movies
(C) Take a walk
(D) Read a book

2. Where does the man eat lunch?

(A) At a cafe
(B) At his desk
(C) In the park
(D) In the cafeteria

3. What is the weather like?

(A) Warm
(B) Snowy
(C) Rainy
(D) Cool

4. Where does this conversation take place?

(A) A travel agency

(B) A train station
(C) A hotel
(D) A bank

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Part 2

Now prepare to listen to 1 longer conversation, and to answer 4 questions about the conversation.

You will have a total of 2 minutes to answer the 4 questions. This time will be shown in the “Time Left”

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5. Why are the man and woman talking?

(A) They are reviewing information covered in class

(B) They are preparing to attend a class
(C) They are reviewing information from a chapter they read
(D) They are preparing to present information in class

6. What are they discussing?

(A) How the continents were discovered

(B) How the continents got their names
(C) How the continents differ
(D) How the continents were formed

7. What misconception did the Greeks have about Europe and Asia?

(A) Whether their names come from Semitic of Greek

(B) Which was located to the east and which was located to the west
(C) Whether they were one landmass or two
(D) Where the dividing line between Europe and Asia lay

8. What will the woman probably do about her notes?

(A) Throw them and make a copy of the men’s notes

(B) Study them harder to understand better
(C) Write as Vespucci did
(D) Write in a more organized way from now on

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Part 3

Now prepare to listen to a lecture, and to answer 6 questions about the conversation.

You will have a total of 3 minutes to answer the 6 questions. This time will be shown in the “Time Left”

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9. What does the professor mainly discuss?

(A) Major changes in the migratory patterns of hummingbirds

(B) The adaptation of hummingbirds to urban environments
(C) Concern about the reduction of hummingbirds habitat
(D) The impact of ecotourism on hummingbird population

10. What does the professor imply might cause a decrease in the hummingbird population?

(A) An increase on the ecotourism industry

(B) An increase in the use of land to raise crops and cattle
(C) A decrease in banding studies
(D) A decrease in the distance traveled during migration

11. What does the professor say people have done to help hummingbirds survive?

(A) They have built a series of hummingbird feeding stations

(B) The have supported new laws that punish polluters of wildlife habitats
(C) They have replanted native flowers in once polluted areas
(D) They have learned to identify various hummingbirds species

12. What way of collecting information about migrating hummingbirds does the professor
(A) Receiving radio signals from electronic tracking devices
(B) Counting the birds that return to the same region every year
(C) Comparing old and young birds’ migration routes
(D) Being contacted by people who recapture banded birds

13. What does the professor imply researchers have learned about hummingbird migration?

(A) Hummingbirds have totally disappeared from some countries due to the recent
habitat destruction
(B) Programs to replant flowers native to hummingbirds habitats are not succeeding
(C) Some groups of hummingbirds have changed their migration patterns
(D) Some plants species pollinated by hummingbirds have become extinct

14. Why does the professor give the example of hummingbirds?

(A) To bring an example of the impact of habitat loss in animal species that require large areas of
(B) To show the amazing qualities of hummingbirds
(C) To explain why it is important to protect hummingbirds from extinction
(D) To state that hummingbirds are now a specie under protection

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Part 1: The first passage is approximately 250 words in length, and is followed by 4 questions.

Part 2: The second passage is approximately 450 words in length, and is followed by 6 questions.

In this section you will have 20 minutes to read two passages and answer comprehension questions about
them. While there is time remaining, you may use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to move forward and
backward between both passages and all of the questions, and you may change your answers if you wish.

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Something unusual about lions is that they hunt in groups. Group hunting is beneficial to lions because
it means that much larger prey can be captured by the lions and that individual lions expend much less
energy during a hunt.
There is a standard pattern to the process of hunting in groups. A The process is initiated by a single
female, who stations herself as a raised elevation to serve as a lookout to spot potential prey. B When prey
is spotted, a group of young lionesses advances on the herd and pushes the herd in the direction of a
different lioness who has hidden herself downs wind. C It is up to this concealed female to choose the
weakest member of the herd for the kill. D
As can be seen from this description of the process, it is the females rather than the male or males in
the pride that take part in the kill. While the young and strong females are on the attack, the males stay
behind to protect the rest of the pride from attack from predators such as hyenas.

1. How can the sentence bellow best fit in 3. It can be concluded from the passage
the passage? that lions:

This is usually accomplished by knocking the (A) Only go hunting one by one
prey to the ground and breaking its neck (B) Run fast to catch their prey
(C) Gather in groups for a better hunting
A()B()C()D() (D) Don’t use a lot of energy hunting

2. The word “pride” as used in the passage 4. The purpose of this passage is:
could be best replaced by;
(A) To show how lions use a specific
(A) Bunch pattern to catch a prey
(B) Gaggle (B) To illustrate the lions weakness
(C) Drove (C) To determine how a prey can escape
(D) Flock from its predators
(D) To describe how a pride of lions get

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Realism and Modernism in Literary Fiction

While today we tend to think of realism—the attempt to portray real life as accurately as possible—as
one of the major goals of literary fiction, this mode of representation was a revolutionary idea in the
middle of the nineteenth century. With the goal of accurate presentation of real life in mind, nineteenth
century novelists embraced new subject matter for their work: the mundane details of everyday, usually
middle- and lower-class lives.
This new subject matter and the desire to represent it accurately placed constraints on these authors.
Realist novelists believed that we can all know and describe an objective reality, and this impacted both
the structure and style of their novels. Writers in Russia, France, the United Kingdom, and the United
States confronted these limitations in similar ways, in spite of their different backgrounds. Because these
writers limited themselves to the world they could observe, and not one they could only imagine, realist
novels tend to follow certain conventions, so that they remain faithful to real experiences. For example,
most realist novels have linear plots and omniscient, or all-knowing, narrators. Plots that move both
backward and forward in time, for example, are unusual because they differ from the perception of how
our lives naturally unfold. However, the circumstances of human lives vary widely across time and place;
that is why reading Tolstoy’s War and Peace is a very different experience from reading George Eliot’s
Middlemarch. What varies is not so much the structure of the novel and the perspective of the narrator but
the texture of the places and lives it describes.The details of everyday experience are thus limiting factors
for the realist novelist.
One might assume that the same constraints would hold for the next generation of novelists, the
modernists. Modernists, however, made very different assumptions about how best to represent human life.
Modernist novelists no longer assumed that the best representation of reality is also the most literal one,
as the realists did. Virginia Woolf, for example, strove to describe the way our conscious mind works by
focusing more on memory and reflection than on actual experience. Other authors further experimented
with unusual language, shifts in time, and fractured sentences, among other devices, to depict the
workings of consciousness. These authors were still trying to describe human experience, but they no
longer took for granted that we all experience the world the same way. For example, William Faulkner, in
his novel The Sound and the Fury, uses several different narrators who speak with different voices. He does
this to portray the same characters and events from different perspectives. In other words, he is trying to
represent human experience as subjective and varied, rather than as a universally knowable truth. He uses
a number of literary devices, including unusual language and shifts in time, to capture variations in how
different people think, focusing more on the nature of individual consciousness than on how people live (as
the realists did).
A Even though realism again became a dominant trend in fiction later in the twentieth century, the
innovations of the modernists and the way they thought about the purpose of fiction have remained part of
the contemporary novel. B While later generations of novelists have continued to portray the details of
everyday lives as the realists did, they also recognize that the ways different people experience life are
shaped by the internal workings of their minds. C Thus, these novelists incorporate both realistic
description and innovative style and structure into their work. D

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5. The word “Representation” as used in the passage is closest in meaning to:

(A) Election
(B) Metaphor
(C) Portrayal
(D) Study

6. The author mentions Russia and the United States in paragraph 2 in order to:

(A) Demonstrate that art can reconcile opposing viewpoints

(B) Describe the migration of realist ideas from one country to another
(C) Illustrate that realism developed in similar ways in different societies
(D) Introduce an analysis of the novel during times of tension between countries

7. According to paragraph 2 which of the following is true about most narrators of realist novels?

(A) They are fully aware of the events described

(B) Their perspective varies by country
(C) They are usually from the working class
(D) They typically use the third person

8. The phrase “the most literal” is closest in meaning to:

(A) The most exact

(B) The most dramatic
(C) The most enhanced
(D) The simplest

9. The following sentence where would logically occur in the passage?

To capture those interior mental operations, modern-day authors tend to make use of modernist devices,
from shits in time and narrative perspective to stream-of-consciousness narration


10. Select the 3 answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage

(A) Believing that the world can be accurately represented, realist authors strove to depict the details
of everyday lives.
(B) Focused on the unique experiences of individual minds, modernist authors used unusual techniques
to capture the nature of conscious thought
(C) William Faulkner, a leading modernist, wrote from a variety of perspectives in his novel The Sound
and the Fury
(D) Contemporary authors often blend traditions, combining modernist methods and realist focus on
representing daily lives authentically
(E) Realist Russian novels and realist American novels vary in the details of the lives they describe
(F) Before the nineteenth century, novelists primarily wrote about the lives of the wealthy

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The writing section has 2 parts:

 Part 1: In this part, you will write a short note or a letter

 Part 2: In this part, you will write a longer essay

Topics will be given to you for both the note and the essay.

You have a total of 25 minutes to complete the Writing Section. For part 1 of the Writing Section you will be
presented with a simple situation or topic about which you will be asked to write a short note or letter. For
part 2 of the Writing Section you will be asked to write a longer essay expressing an opinion on a topic, and you
will be expected to support your answer. Once you finished, you must click “Next.” Once you click on “Next”
you cannot return to the previous question.

Part 1

For Writing Section 1 you will be asked to write a short note or letter (50-75 words) to respond to a simple
situation or topic. Type your answer on the keyboard. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. You must click
“Next” to indicate that you have finished. Once you click on “Next”, you cannot return to the question.

1. Write a note describing your favorite book and why you would recommend it.

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Part 2

In the Writing Part 2 Section you will be required to write an essay of 175-225 words (maximum 250 words)
expressing an opinion on the given topic. To score well, you must give reasons and examples to support your
opinion. You will type your essay using a keyboard, and you will be allowed 20 minutes to complete the
assignment. Once you have completed your writing, you must click “Next”, you cannot make any more changes.

2. For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and maths. With
the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added
to the list. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.

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The Speaking section has two parts:

 In the first part, you will both hear the question and see it printed on your screen
 In the second part, you will hear a statement that presents two differing opinions, or points of view, on a
topic. You will only hear the statement—it will not be shown on your screen. After you hear the statement,
you will be asked your thoughts on the topic.

In both Parts 1 and 2, you may take notes and use them to help you with your spoken responses.

Part 1

You will both hear and read a question. Answer the question giving specific reasons and examples that support
your answer. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your answer, and 45 seconds to

1. Imagine your dream job. Describe the job and what you would like the most about it?


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Listen to a short statement presenting two differing opinions on a topic. Then express your thoughts on the
topic, giving specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
You will only hear the statement—it will not appear on your screen. After you hear the statement, you will
have 45 seconds to prepare, and 60 seconds to speak. Remember, you may take notes.

Now listen to the audio

iTEP International Test of English Proficiency Test - 5

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