PLS-SEM Sample Thesis

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Our long and challenging journey at FPT University to reach the graduation thesis
involved conducting research to synthezise our knowledge and understanding on the topic:
"The effect of short video consumption on the attention and academic performance of
undergraduate students." The completion of this research was not achieved by an individual
alone but rather through the collaboration of all members within our group. It would not
have been possible without the encouragement and support of those who have continuously
stood by our side.
Throughout our research journey, we received invaluable guidance and support from
professors, the university, fellow students, and particularly Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan Anh. We
are deeply grateful for Ms. Lan Anh's dedicated guidance, patience, and encouragement,
which were instrumental in our success. Despite her busy schedule, she generously shared
her knowledge, provided timely feedback, and offered motivational words that propelled us
forward. We are truly thankful for her contributions and wish her continued success and
happiness in both her career and personal life.
We'd like to sincerely thank the faculty of the School of Business Administration at
FPT University for their invaluable lectures that provided us with knowledge to apply to our
graduation thesis as well as in practical situations. We are incredibly grateful to FPT
University for fostering an international learning environment with cutting-edge educational
resources throughout our four years. Additionally, our heartfelt thanks extend to our friends
and fellow students from diverse universities who assisted with data collection for our
research. Your valuable perspectives and insights provided crucial information and allowed
us to achieve an objective evaluation of our study.
Despite our utmost efforts, our graduation thesis may still have some limitations due
to our research expertise and other external factors. We hope to receive the attention and
contributions of our professors to help us further improve and refine our work.
We wholeheartedly wish you the very best in all your future endeavors! Thank you.
Ha Noi, December 2023.
Authors of this Thesis

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................... I
TABLE OF CONTENT...................................................................................................... II
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... VI
LIST OF CHARTS ........................................................................................................... VI
LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................. VII
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................... VIII
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... IX
CHAP 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1
1.1. Research Motivation ................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. Research background .......................................................................................... 1
1.1.2. Practical problems ............................................................................................... 3
1.1.3. Research gap ....................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Research Questions & Research Objectives............................................................... 5
1.2.1. Research question................................................................................................ 5
1.2.2. Research objectives ............................................................................................. 6
1.3. Research Scope ........................................................................................................... 6
1.4. Methodology And Data Overview ............................................................................. 7
1.5. Research Contributions .............................................................................................. 7
1.5.1. Theoretical contributions .................................................................................... 7
1.5.2. Practical contributions ......................................................................................... 8
1.6. Thesis Outline ............................................................................................................. 8
1.7. Chapter Conclusion .................................................................................................... 9
CHAP 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 10
2.1. Overview Of Short Video Consumption .................................................................. 10
2.2. Overview Of Attention Of Undergraduate Students ................................................ 11
2.3. Overview Of Academic Performance Of Undergraduate Students .......................... 13
2.4. Overview Of Multitasking Of Undergraduate Students ........................................... 14
2.5. Theoretical Foundations ........................................................................................... 15
2.5.1. Cognitive load theory ........................................................................................ 15
2.5.2. Cognitive bottleneck theory .............................................................................. 17
2.5.3. Dopamine theory ............................................................................................... 18
2.6. Literature Gap ........................................................................................................... 20

2.7. Hypothesis Development And Proposed Model ...................................................... 21
2.7.1. Hypothesis development ................................................................................... 21 Short video addiction and academic performance of undergraduate
students ................................................................................................................... 21 The relationship between short video addiction and attention deficit and
the relationship between attention deficit and academic performance of
undergraduate students ........................................................................................... 23 The relationship between short video addiction and multitasking in class
and doing homework .............................................................................................. 26 The impact of multitasking in class and during homework on the attention
deficit of undergraduate students ............................................................................ 27
2.7.2. The proposed research model............................................................................ 29
2.8. Chapter Conclusion .................................................................................................. 30
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................... 31
3.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 31
3.1.1. Research philosophy ......................................................................................... 31
3.1.2. Research process ............................................................................................... 34
3.1.3. Research approach ............................................................................................ 36
3.1.4. Research methodology ...................................................................................... 37 Quantitative research definition ................................................................. 37
3.2. Data Sources ............................................................................................................. 38
3.2.1. Primary data ...................................................................................................... 39
3.2.2 Secondary data ................................................................................................... 39
3.3. Data Collection Method ........................................................................................... 39
3.3.1. Sampling method .............................................................................................. 39
3.3.2. Target sample .................................................................................................... 42
3.3.3. Questionnaire design ......................................................................................... 43
3.3.4. Measurement model .......................................................................................... 44
3.4. Data Analysis Methods............................................................................................. 47
3.4.1. Descriptive analysis .......................................................................................... 47
3.4.2. Test of measurement model .............................................................................. 47 Reliability................................................................................................... 47 Convergent validity.................................................................................... 49 Discriminant validity ................................................................................. 51
3.4.3. Test of structural model .................................................................................... 51 Variance inflation factor ............................................................................ 52 R-square ..................................................................................................... 52 f- square ..................................................................................................... 53 Path coefficient .......................................................................................... 54
3.4.4. Test of hypothesis ............................................................................................. 54 Direct effects .............................................................................................. 54 Mediating effects ....................................................................................... 55
3.5. Ethical Considerations And Procedures ................................................................... 56
3.6. Chapter Conclusion .................................................................................................. 57
CHAP 4: FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 58
4.1. Survey Analysis ........................................................................................................ 58
4.1.1. Respondent profile ............................................................................................ 58
4.1.2. Descriptive statistics.......................................................................................... 61
4.2. Measurement Model ................................................................................................. 63
4.2.1. Outer loading ..................................................................................................... 63
4.2.2. Reliability and convergence .............................................................................. 64
4.2.3. Discriminant validity......................................................................................... 65
4.3. Structural Model ....................................................................................................... 65
4.3.1. Variance inflation factor .................................................................................. 65
4.3.2. R-square adjusted .............................................................................................. 66
4.3.3. f- square ............................................................................................................. 66
4.3.4. Hypothesis testing ............................................................................................. 67
4.3.5. Hypothesis conclusion ...................................................................................... 68
4.4. Discussion Of Research Result ................................................................................ 71
4.4.1. The direct effect of short video addiction on the academic performance of
undergraduate students ................................................................................................ 71
4.4.2. The indirect effect of short video addiction on the academic performance of
undergraduate students through multitasking and attention deficit ............................ 72
4.4.3. The indirect effect of short video addiction on the academic performance of
undergraduate students through attention deficit ........................................................ 73
4.5. General Discussion .................................................................................................. 74
4.5.1. Main effects ....................................................................................................... 74
4.5.2. Mediating effects ............................................................................................... 77
4.6. Chapter Conclusion .................................................................................................. 78
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................... 79
5.1. Summary Of Findings And Answer The Research Question ................................... 79
5.2. Research Implications .............................................................................................. 81
5.2.1. Theoretical implications .................................................................................... 81
5.2.2. Practical implications ........................................................................................ 83
5.3. Limitations And Suggestions For Further Research ................................................ 90
5.3.1. Limitations ........................................................................................................ 90
5.3.2. Suggestions for future research ......................................................................... 91
5.4. Chapter Conclusion .................................................................................................. 92
REFERENCES................................................................................................................... 93
APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................... 107

Figure 1.1: The latest Internet statistics (Yang et al., 2023) .................................................. 3
Figure 2.1: The latest Internet statistics ............................................................................... 12
Figure 2.2: Proposed research model ................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.1: The research onion (Saunders et al., 2003) ....................................................... 31
Figure 3.2: The research process (Saunders et al., 2009) .................................................... 34
Figure 3.3: Outer loading relevance testing ......................................................................... 50
Figure 3.4: Simple cause – effect relationship model .......................................................... 55
Figure 3.5: Full mediation model ........................................................................................ 55
Figure 3.6: Partial mediation model .................................................................................... 56
Figure 4.1: Smart-PLS included Outer loadings, Beta Coefficient ( 𝛽 ) and R2 Adjusted . 70
Figure 4.2: Smart-PLS included p-values .......................................................................... 70
Figure 4.3: Mediation Model of Variables SA, MT, AD, AP ............................................. 72
Figure 4.4: Mediation Model of Variables SA, AD, AP ..................................................... 73

Chart 4.1: Gender of respondents ........................................................................................ 58
Chart 4.2: Age of respondents ............................................................................................. 59
Chart 4.3: What year are you currently a student? .............................................................. 60
Chart 4.4: Major of respondents .......................................................................................... 60

Table 3.1 Comparison of research approaches .................................................................... 37
Table 3.2: Methods to Improve Dependability of Convenience Sampling ......................... 42
Table 3.3: Short addiction measurement ............................................................................. 44
Table 3.4: Attention deficit measurement............................................................................ 45
Table 3.5: Multitasking in class and during homework measurement ................................ 46
Table 3.6: Academic performance measurement ................................................................ 46
Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistics .......................................................................................... 61
Table 4.2: Outer Loading the first time ............................................................................... 63
Table 4.3: Outer Loading the second time ........................................................................... 64
Table 4.4: Construct Reliability and Validity ...................................................................... 64
Table 4.5: Fornell and Larcker ............................................................................................ 65
Table 4.6: Collinearity Statistics .......................................................................................... 65
Table 4.7: R-square Adjusted (Coefficient of Determination) ............................................ 66
Table 4.8: Effect size (f-square) .......................................................................................... 66
Table 4.9: Hypothesis testing............................................................................................... 67
Table 4.10: Specific indirect effects .................................................................................... 68
Table 4.11: Total indirect effects ......................................................................................... 68
Table 4.12: Hypotheses conclusion ..................................................................................... 69

SEM Structural Equation Modeling
SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
GPA Grade point average
CGPA Cumulative grade point average
PLS-SEM Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling
AVE Average variance extracted
SA Short video addiction
AD Attention deficit
AP Academic performance
MT Multitasking in class and during homework
PLS Partial Least Square
EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis
CB-SEM Covariance-based Structural Equation Modeling
CR Construct reliability
HTMT Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio
VIF Variance Inflation Factor
R2 Adjusted R Square
f2 Effect size
TRA Theory of Reasoned Action
ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
β Beta coefficient

Introduction: In the era of digital technology development and the widespread use
of social media, especially short videos on various platforms, millions of users are being
attracted. In recent years, short videos have exploded in popularity due to the diversity of
content uploaded with short durations, providing unique experiences. Particularly among
undergraduate students, short videos occupy a significant portion of their time and have a
substantial impact on various aspects of life, especially attention deficit and the academic
performance of undergraduate students.
Purpose: This study investigates: “The effect of short video consumption on
attention and academic performance of undergraduate students.” It aims to uncover the
potential negative effects and propose practical solutions for both students and educational
institutions. Specifically, the research seeks to identify ways students can adjust their short
video consumption habits and how educational institutions can support them in minimizing
the negative impact on their attention and academic performance.
Methodology: This research utilizes a descriptive design to gather data using a
standardized questionnaire. Participants were undergraduate students from Northern
Vietnam, drawn through a non-probability convenience sampling method. Valid data was
collected from 351 participants.
Results: This research reveals that excessive short video consumption negatively
influences various factors, particularly attention deficit and the academic performance of
undergraduate students. Additionally, it explores the mediating role of multitasking in class
and during homework in the relationship and attention deficit between short video addiction
and academic performance.
Implications of study: This study aims to provide suggestions and recommendations
to undergraduate students, educational institutions, parents, content creators, and short video
application managers, to make informed decisions about short video consumption. By
providing practical suggestions and recommendations, the research seeks to promote healthy
and effective engagement with short videos. Moreover, its theoretical contributions further
pave the way for future research in this burgeoning field.

1.1. Research Motivation
1.1.1. Research background
Currently, the era of technology is opening up a new horizon for the world, bringing
about a transformation in communication. Short videos have surged in popularity due to the
distribution of internet content, providing users with unique experiences characterized by
short viewing durations, mobility,and the provision of intelligent suggestions (Huang et al.,
2022). It is quickly becoming the center of focus (Geyser, 2021). Short videos are videos
with a duration of less than 15 minutes, mainly ranging from 1 to 5 minutes, and have a clear
topic. Due to their distinctive style, concise content, and fast pace, short videos generally
capture the user's attention within a few seconds, keeping them engaged (Zhang et al., 2019).
Recent Internet data reveals that as of June 2022, approximately 962 million Internet users
watch short videos, with an average daily viewing time of 125 minutes per person. (Yang et
al., 2023) (see Figure 1.1).
Short videos have become a dominant form of digital content, frequently shared
across various social media and content platforms. Among the most prominent platforms for
short videos are YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram Reels (Sholawati & Tiarawati,
2022; Soto et al., 2023). These platforms were specifically designed to cater to the growing
demand for brief, engaging video content. YouTube Shorts was introduced as a feature
within the larger YouTube platform, allowing creators to produce and share videos, tapping
into YouTube's extensive user base and capitalizing on the trend of short-form content
(Hariharan & Janit, 2023). TikTok, on the other hand, emerged as a standalone app, quickly
gaining immense popularity for its unique, user-friendly interface and algorithm that adeptly
promotes viral content (Wang et al., 2019). Instagram Reels, introduced as a new feature
within Instagram, often integrating music and creative editing tools, thus blending
seamlessly with Instagram's visual-focused social networking service (Sholawati &
Tiarawati, 2022). These platforms were born out of an awareness of the modern Internet
user's preference for quick, entertaining content such as short videos that can be watched on
the go, and they continue to evolve with new features to enhance user engagement and
Short-form videos are increasingly being used for a variety of purposes, including
education, entertainment. Zhang (2020) said that in the educational realm, short videos have
transformed the approach to knowledge presentation and access, blending visual elements

seamlessly into educational content. These videos, made available through social media
platforms, combine innovative educational materials with interactive functionalities. Users
can engage by asking questions, commenting, and offering feedback, thereby fostering a
dynamic learning environment. The diverse educational features and capabilities of these
video platforms significantly enrich and elevate the user's learning experience. In addition
to education, short videos are also widely used for entertainment purposes. Short form videos
like TikTok and YouTube Shorts are home to a vast array of short videos, ranging from short
comedy, dancing, singing, or other daily activities (Zhang et al., 2019). Overall, short-form
videos are a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. They are a valuable
resource for education, entertainment, and communication, and their popularity is only likely
to grow in the years to come. In recent times, brief video content has transformed into a fresh
and engaging form of entertainment on social media platforms, capturing a substantial
portion of individuals' attention and exerting a notable impact on diverse facets of everyday
existence (Idemudia et al., 2018; Turban et al., 2008).
The short videos have taken the internet by storm, and for good reason. They bring
countless benefits to users. Platforms with short videos such as TikTok and Youtube shorts
have also become more popular since then. Because these platforms satisfy different
psychological needs of users, such as social interaction, psychological empowerment, and
recognition, using strategies that resonate deeply with audiences (Gao et al., 2017). A key
factor in their success is the minimal resources required for video production, lowering
barriers for users to become content creators. This accessibility, combined with the engaging
nature of short videos, significantly enhances user engagement (Kuss & Griffiths, 2017).
This streamlined approach to content creation and consumption is a primary reason for the
swift market share growth of short videos.

Figure 1.1: The latest Internet statistics (Yang et al., 2023)
1.1.2. Practical problems
Besides the advantages that short videos generate, the explosion in the coverage of
short videos has raised concerns about excessive usage (Wang et al., 2015). Many reports
are still debating the advantages and disadvantages with short video in the realm of
educational psychology. Owing to their variety, the proliferation of short videos, and the
phenomenon of many students excessively watching short videos, there are potential risks
that can affect learning . Currently, more students are using mobile devices than ever before,
and the use of smartphones is common among undergraduate students (Dahlstrom & Bichsel,
2014). Several research papers indicate that young people, particularly those in
undergraduate students, have a higher tendency towards excessive internet usage (Davis,
2001). Consequently, the increasing prevalence of short video content has sparked worries
that overindulgence in such media may detrimentally influence students' academic
performance (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010; Wang et al., 2015) as short videos can affect the
focusing ability of students.
The relationship of short videos with excessive use with attention may be closely
interconnected. The duration for which an individual can maintain concentration before
experiencing boredom or distraction is known as attention span (Oliver, 2000). The data

from Akbar (2021) and González and Mark (2004) indicates a significant reduction in the
average duration of screen engagement, dropping from 75 seconds to 44 seconds between
2016 and 2021.The author also identifies that individuals' attention spans on personal
devices are significantly decreasing over time. The reduction in attention span is a sign that
people are gradually losing focus, and can be referred to as attention deficit (Fifth Edition,
2022) . People today are in a state of continuous overload due to the massive amount of
accessible information and the rapid dissemination of that information through media and
advertising (Kies, 2018). The constant variation and multiplicity in short video materials
prompt rapid shifts in viewer attention, leading to challenges in maintaining prolonged
concentration. Previous studies have realized a link between short videos and the loss of
concentration (Lu et al., 2022). However, there is still a scarcity of empirical studies on
whether excessive consumption of short videos leads to attention deficits. Hence, the
objective of this study is to bridge this existing gap.
In addition, among the brain's executive functions, attention deserves special
emphasis as it plays a fundamental role in all forms of learning (Fernández-Castillo & Rojas,
2009). As Casas-Ortiz (2013) indicated in their studies, there is a significant correlation
between sustained attention and educational achievement. Maintaining focus is essential for
excellence in learning. Furthermore, Tejedor-Tejedor et al. (2008) underscore the
importance of attention in learning strategies that enhance academic achievement. In contrast,
the reduced in attention span may affect learning outcomes of students. Therefore,
understanding the influence of short video factors and attention deficits on academic
performance is significant, so this study specifically clarifies the essential relationship
between these variables.
Furthermore, with the emergence of short video, the habit of multitasking beyond
students' tasks is a major concern for educators (Weaver & Nilson, 2005). Many students
have undergone significant changes in behavior since the emergence and widespread use of
short videos. For example, undergraduate students watch short videos while doing
homework, record short videos during class, indicating that they use short videos throughout
the learning process. There is an increasing amount of research on students' multitasking
abilities during academic sessions (Kraushaar & Novak, 2010; Ragan et al., 2014; Wood et
al., 2012). However, research on the link between the ability to multitask, watching short
videos, and attention deficits is notably limited. There is a discernible lack of studies
examining whether attention worsens after watching short videos and multitasking.
Therefore, this research further explores how short videos affect multitasking and attention,
and examines the effects of multitasking while watching short videos on students' attention
in the learning environment.
Considering these issues, the objective of this research is to ascertain "the correlation
between short video consumption, attention, and academic performance of undergraduate
students" and the "regulating effect of multitasking on the relationship between short video
consumption and attention will be investigated."
1.1.3. Research gap
In relation to the rise in short video content on digital networking platforms and the
potential consequences of overuse of such videos on the attention and academic performance
of undergraduate students, various research investigations have examined this phenomenon
from multiple perspectives.
Past studies, such as those by Ye et al. (2022), have revealed the adverse effects of
excessive video consumption, particularly in terms of addiction to videos can negatively
impact academic performance. This highlights the need for in-depth research into how such
overuse affects both concentration and academic results, as noted by Lu et al. (2022).
Generally, these studies have tended to focus on isolated elements of how short video use
impacts its users.
Nevertheless, there is a noticeable gap in research that extensively examines the link
between short video consumption, issues with attention deficit, multitasking, and academic
achievements. Addressing this gap, the current study is pioneering in its comprehensive
examination and analysis of these interconnected aspects. It also stands out as the first study
to present the mediator effect of multitasking in class and homework and attention deficit in
the framework between excessive use of short videos and academic performance of college
students. This approach offers a broader perspective on how these study variables interrelate.
Furthermore, it is important to emphasize extensive research on this specific subject
within the Vietnamese setting is lacking. Consequently, the main goal of this study is to
explore and evaluate the impact of short videos influence multitasking, attention and
academic performance of undergraduate students, aiming to enhance comprehension of the
implications of short video consumption.
1.2. Research Questions & Research Objectives
1.2.1. Research question
In order to fill in the gap in the literature and address the research problem, this thesis
will answer the questions below:

1. Does excessive consumption of short videos affect undergraduate students’
attention and academic performance?
2. Does attention deficit have an impact on academic performance?
3. Whether the link between short video excessive consumption and attention deficit
is mediated by multitasking?
4. How to provide recommendations to optimize short video consumption to improve
the attention and learning performance of undergraduate students, and propose strategies for
educational institutions, parents, and caregivers content creators and short video platform
managers that aim to minimize the negative impact of short video consumption on
undergraduate students?
1.2.2. Research objectives
This research seeks to establish a relationship between the consumption of short
videos and the attention and academic performance of undergraduate students. Additionally,
the moderating effect of multitasking on the relationship between short video consumption
and attention will be investigated.
Objective 1: Understand the impact of excessive short video consumption on the
attention and academic performance of undergraduate students.
Objective 2: Determine the influence of short video addiction on each factor and
identify the strength of these relationships.
Objective 3: Propose feasible recommendations and solutions for undergraduate
students, educational institutions, parents of undergraduate students, content creators and
managers of short video platforms.
1.3. Research Scope
In the era of digital technology development, parallel to this is the explosion of social
media usage, especially short video platforms. According to some studies, the primary
audience is adolescents aged 18-29 (Ceci, 2022a) and it plays a crucial role in their
development, helping them connect with society and explore various aspects of life.
However, they may not be fully aware of the potential dangers that can impact attention and
academic performance. Nevertheless, there are still many limitations in studies on the impact
of short video consumption on undergraduate students. Therefore, this research will focus
on analyzing the effects of short video consumption on the attention and academic
performance of undergraduate students. With a research scope of over 300 undergraduate

students in the Northern region of Vietnam, survey participants will be provided with a
questionnaire to answer and express their objective opinions on the posed questions.
1.4. Methodology And Data Overview
This study was conducted to determine the impact of short video consumption on the
attention and academic performance of undergraduate students. To examine this relationship,
we conducted an online survey collected through social media platforms. The survey
targeted students at universities in the Northern region from October 15, 2023, to November
5, 2023. To fulfill the research purpose, we synthesized and reviewed existing research
studies. Based on this, we designed a questionnaire tailored to the hypothetical model
constructed and proceeded with the survey. Each participating student was required to
complete a short questionnaire to assess the impact of short video consumption on their
attention and academic performance.
After collecting the data, we obtained 351 valid samples, facilitating the research
process. The collected data were analyzed through key steps, with a preliminary assessment
using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS). Through this analysis, we were able to evaluate our proposed hypotheses and
provide recommendations for educators, undergraduate students, parents, content creators
and managers of short video platforms to make informed decisions on how to use short video
consumption in a healthy and effective manner.
1.5. Research Contributions
1.5.1. Theoretical contributions
The results of this study are expected to make theoretical contributions. The research
integrated existing studies into the literature, forming a comprehensive overview and
assessing the impact of short video consumption on the attention and academic performance
of undergraduate students. By conducting a detailed study, the results provide specific
evidence, contributing to the development and offering perspectives for educators and
undergraduate students in the consumption of short videos that align with reality.
While there have been previous studies examining factors related to short video
consumption affecting undergraduate students, there are still many limitations. Therefore,
our research aims to supplement better knowledge on this topic, enhance understanding, and
provide value for the development of education and the behavior of undergraduate students.

1.5.2. Practical contributions
Based on the research results, we propose recommendations for educational
institutions and undergraduates to make informed decisions regarding the healthy and
effective consumption of short videos. According to the study, the authors address the
negative aspects of short video consumption affecting undergraduate students and find that
students are not aware of their consumption behavior, leading to potential dangers related to
attention and academic performance.
Therefore, we have put forward some suggestions to help students adjust their
behavior reasonably and educational institutions to implement methods to help
undergraduate students limit the impact of short video consumption. Considering the
development and prevalence of short videos on social media platforms today, there is
potential for future benefits if applied appropriately. This could bring advantages not only
to undergraduate students but also to the overall development of education.
1.6. Thesis Outline
Chapter 1: Introduction
The first chapter provides an overview about the research motivation, research gap,
research objectives, research questions, scope, methodology, and contributions.
Chapter 2: Overview
This second chapter presents relevant theories, and meticulously reviews existing
research. By selectively analyzing these previous studies, the chapter identifies key
influencing factors, which are then utilized as the bedrock for constructing a robust research
framework and formulating insightful hypotheses.
Chapter 3: Methodology
This third chapter outlines the research methodology and meticulously details the
quantitative analysis approach, delving into the specific data collection methods and data
analysis techniques used. The chapter further clarifies ethical considerations and provides a
compelling rationale for the chosen methodologies. This transparency ensures the reader
gains a comprehensive understanding of the research process and the rationale behind each
step, fostering confidence in the study's findings.
Chapter 4: Findings and analysis
This chapter analyzes data based on the theoretical foundation in Chapter 3 and dives
deep into the data analysis. From there, draw profound conclusions about relationships.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations

This chapter presents an in-depth analysis of the findings from the methods used in
the study. Recommendations are provided for the reasonable consumption of short videos,
especially for educational institutions and undergraduate students.
1.7. Chapter Conclusion
In this chapter, we have laid the foundation for our research, providing an
introduction and essential information related to the study. The focus is on establishing the
context of the topic, asserting its importance, and highlighting the urgency of the current
issue, revolving around the impact of short video consumption on the attention and academic
performance of undergraduate students. Additionally, this chapter presents the research
objectives, research questions, research scope, and briefly summarizes the methodology and
data collection process.

2.1. Overview Of Short Video Consumption
The rapid development of information technology has stimulated the robust vitality
of the Internet and mobile gadgets, turning them into crucial and indispensable elements in
modern human life. Particularly, on mobile devices, the rise of short video apps marks a
novel trend in entertainment and a new attraction for social media enthusiasts. Short videos,
known for their concise nature, have gained immense popularity on social media, attracting
users with their compelling content in a brief timeframe. The term "short video" is defined
videos with a duration of less than 15 minutes, mainly ranging from 1 to 5 minutes, has a
clear topic, with concise content and fast pace, short videos generally capture the user's
attention within a few seconds, keeping them engaged (Zhang et al., 2019). They cover a
variety of content genres, including entertainment, science, singing, and fashion, aiming to
capture the audience's attention. Additionally, short videos stand out with a clear style,
concise content, and a quick pace, making them easily attract the user's attention within the
first few seconds and encouraging continuous viewing (Zhang et al., 2019). Short videos are
consuming a significant amount of people's entertainment time and significantly impacting
various aspects of their daily lives (Idemudia et al., 2018; Turban et al., 2008).
Several studies have indicated that the primary activity of users on short video apps
is content consumption (Bossen & Kottasz, 2020; Kang & Lou, 2022; Lee et al., 2022).
These platforms enable users to not only create and distribute their own videos but also to
engage with others. For instance, individuals can post videos about intriguing events or
useful tips from their everyday lives. Additionally, they have the option to 'like', comment
on, and share videos uploaded by others, and to follow their favorite creators. Key features
of short videos include low production costs, widespread content dissemination, fast-paced
nature, and the ability to capture the audience's attention (Zhang, 2022). The popularity of
short videos is increasing due to their simplicity in creation and the convenience of
consuming content, allowing many creators to easily engage with it (Kong, 2018; Yang et
al., 2019). Beyond their brief duration, it implies the ability to capture attention instantly but
not maintain it for long, since short videos typically loop automatically and can be instantly
swapped for another with just one swipe away (Schellewald, 2021).
Video feeds are recommended to align with users' viewing preferences. Based on
algorithmic recommendations, algorithm-focused suggestions, personalizing is designed to

cater to user necessities and short video streams on media platforms by adjusting and sifting
through content (Bozdag, 2013; Hasan et al., 2018; Kang & Lou, 2022; Tam & Ho, 2006).
Although short video applications bring undeniable benefits for individuals in terms
of entertainment, learning opportunities, and creative expression, especially for students,
there is still a risk of excessive short video consumption. Short video app addiction can be
characterized as a condition where individuals spend a significant amount of time using these
apps despite enduring negative consequences. As an illustration, TikTok boasts over 150
million daily active users, with an average of 4.7 times opening the app each day. Around
22% of TikTok users use the app for over an hour daily (Chen, 2021).
Addiction on short video applications may result in a range of mental health problems,
including reduced attention span, ineffective time organization, and a decline in academic
performance (Hong et al., 2014), all of which are recognized as common indicators of
addictive behavior (Gao et al., 2017). Analogous to being addicted to Facebook, addiction
to short video applications may represent another form of Internet addiction. Internet
addiction may be defined as "a disorder in which an individual lacks control over their
Internet use, causing significant distress and/or substantial functional impairment and further
creating difficulties in psychological, social, school, and/or work-related areas" (Burnay et
al., 2015). Research has indicated that addiction can lead to detrimental effects on user health,
including problems with mental well-being and a decline in academic and professional
efficiency (Ho et al., 2017). This demonstrates that short videos are closely intertwined with
the current lives of people.

2.2. Overview Of Attention Of Undergraduate Students

"Attention" denotes the duration for which a person can concentrate on a particular
activity (Alabiso, 1975). It is the duration during which an individual can concentrate before
becoming distracted or bored (Oliver, 2000). Studies have indicated that attention spans have
been gradually decreasing over the years. For instance, there has been a decrease in the
average duration spent on a single screen before transitioning to another. In 2004, research
revealed that the average time users dedicated to one screen before switching was 150
seconds, decreasing to 50 seconds by 2017 (Meyer et al., 2017). By 2021, Fatema Akbar's
research indicated that this time period had further reduced to only 44 seconds (Akbar, 2021).
In some studies, it has been confirmed that "science students’ attention lapses during the
initial minutes of settling-in, again at 10-18 minutes into the lesson, and then as frequently
as every 3-4 minutes toward the end of the lesson" (Briggs, 2014). Additionally, Briggs

(2014) found that the attention span of science students during class sometimes depends on
their focus, and sometimes attention spans range from 10 to 15 minutes, while class durations
now extend from 40 minutes to sometimes 80 minutes.

Figure 2.1: The latest Internet statistics

The attention of each student varies due to personal elements or can be affected by
factors such as motivation, emotions, anxiety, tiredness, interest, the time of day, or other
factors. For example, the physical environment, including noise levels, lighting, and comfort,
can significantly affect a student's ability to concentrate. A noisy or visually distracting
environment may lead to reduced attention span, whereas a calm and well-organized space
can enhance focus (Brink et al., 2021; Fernandes et al., 2019). Additionally, personal health
encompassing quality of sleep, diet, and exercise, also plays a crucial role. Lack of sleep or
poor dietary habits can impair cognitive functions, leading to decreased attention. Regular
physical activity, on the other hand, has been shown to improve concentration and cognitive
The influence of technology, particularly through digital devices and social media,
is another factor affecting attention spans. Constant notifications and the practice of
multitasking on digital platforms can lead to scattered attention and a decreased capacity to
concentrate on single tasks for long durations. Concurrently, individual cognitive and
psychological characteristics, such as learning styles, processing capabilities, and executive
function skills, play a role in determining focus and attention duration. For example, students
with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) might struggle more with maintaining
prolonged attention compared to others. Moreover, cultural and social influences, including

family expectations, peer dynamics, and cultural views on education and learning, further
influence a student's ability to focus and engage in academic settings.
This lack of attention can affect productivity as well as mental and emotional health.
Although some studies indicate that attention is not directly in relation to the academic
performance of undergraduate students, there are also studies showing that the attention
directly influences the academic performance of undergraduate students. For instance
Milovanović (2017) discovered that attention is central to cognitive activity and is a crucial
component for processing meaningful information and exercising self-control, which are
essential for achieving academic success. These findings highlight the importance of focused
and sustained attention in academic contexts. Additionally, Stasch (2014) identified that
attention significantly predicted academic performance, further supporting the idea that
attentional capacities are integral to academic success. Furthermore, the research by Silvana
and Robert (2010) delved into the effects of attention regulation. They found that an inability
to regulate attention, or attention deficit, can directly impact the academic performance of
students. This points to the crucial role of attention management in academic
settings. Recognizing its importance, it becomes evident that attention is not just a cognitive
skill but also an academic tool for undergraduate students. Its effective application and
management can be pivotal in helping students overcome challenges in their studies and in
enhancing their overall academic performance. Consequently, fostering attention skills and
strategies should be a key focus in educational environments to maximize students' academic

2.3. Overview Of Academic Performance Of Undergraduate

According to the Cambridge University Reporter, academic performance is often
defined by exam performance (Mann, 2003). Academic performance refers to the level of
knowledge and achievement of students in the learning process expressed in numbers or test
scores (Kobal & Musek, 2001). It is often evaluated through many different methods such
as grade point average (GPA) or cumulative grade point average (CGPA). In some previous
studies, the researchers used the students' actual CGPA obtained from the University
Registrar (Junco, 2012) or using student participants' self-reported CGPA (Kim & Lee,
2011) or using the average GPA of each year of students at universities (Junco & Cotten,

The most popular and common today is the 4-point scale according to the American
education system. However, each country can prescribe its own scale to evaluate and classify
learners (Huong et al., 2019). A positive correlation exists between this GPA score and
students' academic performance, with higher scores indicating better performance.
The method for calculating GPA is as follows:

In Vietnam, GPA is also considered an important factor for evaluating undergraduate

academic achievements. Consequently, GPA serves as a reliable measure of students'
academic performance.
2.4. Overview Of Multitasking Of Undergraduate Students
Multi-tasking can be defined as performing multiple activities at the same time
(Pashler, 1994), means engaging in multiple tasks within a certain period of time.
Multitasking is divided into three main forms: dual-tasking, rapid attention switching, and
continuous partial attention (Wood et al., 2012).
Dual-tasking, also known as divided attention or simultaneous multitasking, involves
individuals completing two tasks at the same time, requires simultaneous attention to more
than one stimulus (Kieras et al., 2000; Posner, 1990). Specifically, an individual engages in
two different tasks, for example, in a dual-tasking experiment, read a passage on a computer
screen while paying attention to a letter at the top of the screen and indicating when the letter
changes color (Schoor et al., 2012). This example highlights the need for simultaneous
attention to two demanding tasks: reading and monitoring the color of a letter. Furthermore,
the dual task is even more evident in educational environments involving multimedia
learning (Schüler et al., 2011).
Rapid attention switching occurs when attention quickly shifts from one task to
another, changing the focus between tasks, requiring individuals to continually focus on
multiple tasks (Posner, 1990). Specifically, an individual allocates their entire attention to
one task or activity at a time but switches rapidly and flexibly between tasks. The repetitive
process demands both tasks to be performed continuously and swiftly. During rapid attention
switching, performance on one of the tasks may decrease, as shown in an experiment in
which participants were asked to quickly look at one word and then another word in round

100 ms; participants often forgot the second word when asked to recall both words (Enns et
al., 2001).
Continuous partial attention is a recent concept explaining how multitasking occurs.
Continuous partial attention include concentrating attention on one or more tasks at the same
time, such when students use the internet and listen to a lecture in class (Stone, 2002).
The effect of multitasking remains mixed. On one hand, many researchers believe
that it is challenging to concentrate on more than one task, so multitasking often leads to
high error rates and inefficiency and frequently leads to at least one job being completed
more slowly (Levy & Pashler, 2001; Levy et al., 2006). Attempting to engage or process
multiple tasks simultaneously can overload the information processing capabilities of the
human cognitive system (Koch et al., 2011; Marois & Ivanoff, 2005; Strayer & Drews, 2003;
Tombu et al., 2011; Wood & Cowan, 1995). On the other hand, some believe that the brains
and concentration abilities of those who frequently multitask may expand and adapt, helping
them become "nimble, quick-acting multitaskers" (Anderson & Rainie, 2012), individuals
capable of managing multiple sources of information simultaneously and having special
abilities for various tasks, developing unique skills.
2.5. Theoretical Foundations
2.5.1. Cognitive load theory
According to Sweller (1988), the cognitive load theory emphasizes the crucial role
of working memory in the context of learning, especially the learning process. This is a
theory that explains how cognitive processes related to problem-solving and the
effectiveness of learning is intricately linked to the level of mental effort it requires (Sweller,
1988). According to this theory, when individuals face complex tasks or information, their
cognitive load increases, which can lead to difficulties in processing and understanding the
material. The total mental exertion required for holding and manipulating information in
working memory, known as cognitive load, is primarily influenced by the number of factors
demanding attention.
This theory is founded on 4 specific concepts: working memory capacity is limited,
long-term memory has virtually unlimited capacity, the learning process requires active
engagement of working memory in processing and understanding instructional material to
encode information into long-term memory, and learning will be ineffective if working
memory is overloaded (Lau, 2017).

First, regarding the concept of limited capacity working memory, working memory
represents a limited mental workspace where individuals can temporarily store and
manipulate information for immediate tasks (Oberauer et al., 2016). There are three main
hypotheses explaining why the capacity of working memory is limited: decay, limited
resource, and interference. The decay hypothesis suggests that information in short-term
memory will gradually fade over time unless it is rehearsed (Oberauer et al., 2016). The
limited resource hypothesis indicates that the capacity of limited working memory
necessitates the efficient allocation of its resources to manage various representations and
processes. The interference hypothesis suggests that the limited capacity of working memory
arises from interference between representations that do not decay spontaneously (Oberauer
et al., 2016).
Next is the concept of fundamentally unlimited capacity of long-term memory.
According to most memory theories, long-term memory is thought to have an unlimited
capacity (Cowan, 2001). However, accurately measuring long-term memory storage
capacity remains a challenge, even with the use of established procedures and inclusion
criteria applied by Cowan (2001). Therefore, further research is still needed to provide more
accurate estimates of its storage capacity.
The next concept is based on the idea that the active participation of working memory
is crucial throughout the learning process, as it facilitates the processing and comprehension
of instructional materials, thereby enabling the process of encoding information into long-
term memory. A long-standing perspective suggests that specialized systems, acting as
buffers for storing and processing information, underpin the function of working memory
(Baddeley, 2003).
Working memory functions as a temporary storage system that helps encode
information into long-term memory. It aids in consolidating new knowledge and connecting
it with existing knowledge, facilitating better retention and retrieval of information. However,
the activation of this long-term memory model still remains a subject of considerable debate
(Baddeley, 2003; Düzel, 2003; Kroger, 2003; Logie & Della Sala, 2003; Majerus et al., 2003;
Vallar, 2003). This concept requires further research to clearly demonstrate and measure it
more accurately.
The final concept is that learning will be unsuccessful if working memory is
overwhelmed. Cowan (2001) demonstrated that when working memory is overloaded, it can
negatively impact various cognitive processes. One of these impacts is a reduction in
attention, making individuals struggle to concentrate and focus on tasks. Additionally, an
overloaded working memory can impair decision-making, make correct assessments and
choices harder for individuals. Ultimately, a detrimental impact on academic performance
can occur, as the cognitive load placed on working memory can impede the efficiency of
information processing (Cowan, 2001).
Cognitive load can be divided into three distinct types presented by Sweller (2010),
including intrinsic, extraneous, and germane. Intrinsic cognitive load is produced by the
intrinsic complexity and difficulty of the content being learnt. Extraneous cognitive load is
due to the design and presentation of instructional materials. Germane cognitive load is
caused by learning activities committed to analyzing, construction, and automating schemas.
When students undertake several activities, this theory predicts that an increase in internal
or external cognitive load will hinder learning (Sweller, 2010). For instance, simultaneous
engagement in extraneous technology-based activities and academic tasks can impose an
additional burden on the learning task at hand.
There are three research-based cognitive science basic principles form the basis of
the cognitive load theory of multimedia learning: learners (a) have two separate channels for
handling verbal and pictorial information, (b) can process only a limited number of elements
in each channel at a time, and (c) must select, organize, and integrate appropriate information
from instructional materials with existing knowledge into long-term memory for meaningful
learning to occur (Mayer, 2010).
In other words, learners should focus their attention on words, related images to
process further, establish intrinsic connections between selected words and images to
achieve conceptual understanding in short-term memory, and consolidate newly knowledge
to previous knowledge in long-term memory. However, the ability to multitask can exhaust
the limited capacity of both visual and auditory channels, resulting in poor performance.
2.5.2. Cognitive bottleneck theory
The limited ability of the brain to concurrently perform two or more overlapping
tasks involving decision-making, resulting in a significant slowdown of the secondary task
(Levy & Pashler, 2001; McCann & Johnston, 1992; Pashler et al., 2008; Schumacher et al.,
2001; Welford, 1952). This interference is caused by a decision-making limitation called as
a cognitive bottleneck (Welford, 1967).
According to Welford (1967), the cognitive bottleneck theory, also known as the
single-channel hypothesis, suggests that the central decision-making apparatus within the
human brain possesses a limited processing capacity, restricting its operation to the analysis
of information from either a singular signal or a small group of signals at any given moment.
This means that the arrival of a new signal during the processing of a previous signal
necessitates its queuing until the decision mechanism becomes available for further
processing. Additionally, the decision mechanism can also be occupied by feedback from
responsive movements, causing a delay when a new signal arrives during or immediately
after responding to a previous signal. This phenomenon is akin to a highway bottleneck,
where construction or barriers force two lanes of traffic to merge into one, leading to a
significant slowdown. The adverse effects of cognitive slowdown have been clearly
recognized, for example, (Borst et al., 2010; McCann & Johnston, 1992; Pashler et al., 2008;
Pashler & Johnston, 1989; Welford, 1952). This has been observed in practice, such as when
driving while talking on a cell phone, for example, Caird et al. (2008) or situations where
pilots chat while flying, for example, (Adams et al., 1991).
This theory has been applied to various aspects of cognitive performance, such as
timed tasks, paced tasks, and mental load measurements. While other explanations have been
proposed, the single-channel hypothesis has been shown to be more consistent with available
data. Despite there are various theories that offer cognitive bottleneck limits, they varied in
their placement throughout the bottleneck process (Deutsch & Deutsch, 1963; MacLin &
Solso, 2007; Norman, 1968), however so the impact of the cognitive bottleneck and the
associated slowdown in performing the secondary task has been clearly identified.
2.5.3. Dopamine theory
Dopamine theory is a broad term that refers to several theories about the function of
dopamine as a neurotransmitter in the brain. According to Wise and Robble (2020),
dopamine, a chemical synthesized by neurons, plays a critical role in neural communication
through its function as a neurotransmitter. However, unlike other neurotransmitters which
directly replace one another, dopamine exhibits modulatory effects. This means that its
primary function lies not in directly substituting other neurotransmitters, but rather in
regulating the sensitivity of receiving neurons to their influence. This characteristic
distinguishes dopamine as a distinct type of neurotransmitter, sometimes referred to as a
Once it was discovered that dopamine is a neurotransmitter (Carlsson & Lindqvist,
1963; Carlsson et al., 1957), it was quickly shown that it plays a major role in the brain
reward system. Based on previous neuroscience research, dopamine is closely related to the
brain's reward systems (Chakravarthy et al., 2018), mediating brain responses to opioids
(Bozarth & Wise, 1986), cash (Zald et al., 2004), food (Wise, 2004) or even interesting
images (Aharon et al., 2001). Talking about rewards, we can understand rewards as complex
abstract entities that support the survival of biological forms. Rewards can encompass a
diverse range of stimuli, including primary reinforcers such as food, drink, and sexual
gratification, as well as abstract, such as novel and engaging experiences (novel stimuli),
monetary compensation, and even aesthetically pleasing stimuli (beauty) (Chakravarthy et
al., 2018). According to research consumption of food and exposure to food-related stimuli
activate the dopaminergic system, particularly in individuals with obesity and eating
disorders (Volkow et al., 2017). Additionally, dopaminergic activity has been implicated in
the biological processes underlying both sexual desire and romantic attachment (Fisher et
al., 2005; Georgiadis et al., 2012; Ruesink & Georgiadis, 2017). Notably, research on
humans demonstrates that monetary rewards activate the dopamine system. This finding
suggests that the dopamine system extends beyond mediating basic, biological rewards and
plays a role in processing abstract and culturally-defined rewards (Koepp et al., 1998; Zald
et al., 2004).
Brain reward system
According to Routtenberg (1978), the brain's reward system refers to a network of
pathways in the brain related to learning, pleasure and mood. This system was discovered
by Olds (1956) at McGill University, at that time called “pleasure centres in the brain”.
Specific neuronal populations and their associated fibers constitute the brain's reward system,
which is susceptible to modulation by drugs interacting with the substances these neurons
secrete. The restricted localization of brain reward activity within specific neural circuits
suggests dedicated functionalities associated with these pathways (Routtenberg, 1978).
There are two important types of nerve fibres in the brain's reward system located in
the frontal cortex: nerve fibres containing norepinephrine and nerve fibres containing
dopamine (Routtenberg, 1978). The norepinephrine system is evenly distributed throughout
the layers of the frontal cortex and extends into areas that cannot be self-stimulated
(Routtenberg, 1978). On the other hand, the dopamine system found in frontal cortical
regions supports brain reward and has been identified as playing a critical role in the brain
reward system (Routtenberg, 1978). These two systems can operate independently or
cooperatively to regulate self-stimulation and reward processes in the brain (Routtenberg,
Dopamine and addiction
According to Wise and Robble (2020) research, Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that
plays a role in addiction. The involvement of dopamine in the addiction process was
proposed more than 40 years ago (Dackis & Gold, 1985; Yokel & Wise, 1975). The
activation of the brain reward system and fluctuations in dopamine levels are shared
characteristics of all addictive drugs and some other reward-inducing stimuli. Most addictive
substances such as drugs, phones, or video games increase extracellular dopamine levels,
which can lead to the development of addictive behaviors (Wise & Robble, 2020).

2.6. Literature Gap

In general, several studies have investigated the impacts of short videos the focus,
attentiveness, and academic performance of undergraduate students. However, each author
has different objectives, research questions, and research methods, leading to various results
and findings. Going into details, in the current research, the consumption and use of short
videos have not been discussed or explored extensively in various dimensions. Despite the
popularity of short video applications, there exists a scarcity of specific studies investigating
the clear consequences of short videos on undergraduate students. This topic is relatively
new and has not been deeply researched in its essence.
Previous research, including that by Ye et al. (2022), has demonstrated the negative
impacts of excessive video usage, particularly highlighting how video addiction can
detrimentally affect learning. This underscores the necessity for further investigation into
the distinct impacts of excessive consumption on attention and academic performance (Lu
et al., 2022). In general, previous studies have concentrated on analyzing individual elements
of the connection between short video consumption and its impact on users.
However, it is notable that there is still a lack of comprehensive studies that
thoroughly explore the connection between short video viewing, attention deficit,
multitasking, and academic performance. Based on this gap, this study is the first to
thoroughly examine and analyze these interrelationships in a comprehensive manner.
Moreover, this is the first study to introduce a mediator effect of multitasking in class and
during homework on the relationship between excessive short video consumption and
academic performance of undergraduate students. This unique approach offers a broader
perspective on how the variables in the research are interconnected.
Additionally, it is noteworthy that this specific topic has not been widely explored in
the Vietnamese context. Especially as undergraduate students are currently using mobile
devices very commonly. Therefore, this study represents a pioneering effort in the
Vietnamese research context, providing a deeper understanding of the current usage of short
videos by students, offering constructive insights to encourage educational institutions to

enhance the learning environment and minimize the negative effects of watching short
videos on undergraduate students.
2.7. Hypothesis Development And Proposed Model
2.7.1. Hypothesis development Short video addiction and academic performance of undergraduate
The landscape of social media is becoming increasingly diverse to meeting the
specific wants and necessities of various user groups. The changes and developments in
social media have created a diverse and flexible environment to serve the demands of a large
user base. Since 2016, the introduction of short video platforms like TikTok, YouTube,
Facebook Live, Snapchat, Instagram, Douyin, and Douyu has drastically altered the social
media scene. These platforms are gaining global popularity and have become integral to
people's lives, especially among college students. As of September 2023, the immense user
base in China alone, boasting 980 million monthly active users and an average daily usage
time of 113 minutes, highlights the widespread appeal of these applications globally (Liu et
al., 2021).
The growing popularity and widespread media attention on short video platforms
like YouTube and TikTok highlight their substantial impact on digital culture, particularly
among the younger demographic (Zhang et al., 2023). These platforms have emerged as
essential content sources in the era of big data, seamlessly fitting into the media consumption
patterns of contemporary students (Wen & Wei, 2022). They have fundamentally altered the
way undergraduate students engage with media, offering entertainment, enhancing
educational experiences, and influencing communication dynamics.
The short video application has been very successful in satisfying the entertainment
needs, impact, information search, and identity creation of adolescents (Bossen & Kottasz,
2020). However, there are increasing concerns about the risks of excessive use and the
potential negative impact on a healthy lifestyle, cognitive function, and learning systems
(Sha & Dong, 2021; Su et al., 2021; Wang & Scherr, 2022; Yang et al., 2021; Zhang et al.,
2019; Zhao, 2021). The overconsumption of these applications can be seen as a status in
which users spend excessive duration of usage of these apps despite facing negative
repercussions (Zhang et al., 2019). Overindulgence in usage may result in numerous
psychological issues, including diminished focus, ineffective time management, and a

decline in academic achievement (Hong et al., 2014), which are all recognized as common
signs of addictive behavior (Gao et al., 2017).
The term "addiction" has been used to describe various behaviors, such as
compulsive gambling, excessive video gaming, and prolonged Internet use (Young, 1999).
In a manner similar to Facebook addiction, developing an addiction to short-form videos
could be seen as another variant of Internet addiction. Internet addiction can be defined as
"a condition in which an individual's inability to control their Internet usage causes
significant distress and/or functional impairment, leading to psychological, social, academic
and/or occupational challenges" (Burnay et al., 2015). Studies have consistently indicated
that addiction can negatively impact the well-being of users, leading to mental health
problems, reduced educational and job performance, and weakened personal relationships
(Ho et al., 2017). The excessive consumption of short videos implies that students are
exposed to technology devices more, leading to increased distraction from current tasks, thus
potentially reducing concentration over time, and possibly predicting poorer academic
performance (Amez & Baert, 2020; Jeffery, 2021).
The cognitive load theory emphasizes the importance of cognitive functions in
explaining the adverse correlation between excessive social media usage and academic
performance (Kokoç, 2021). This theory, rooted in educational psychology, places emphasis
on the constraints of working memory and their influence on the learning process. According
to this theory, our working memory has a finite ability to handle information. When this
capacity is exceeded, it can lead to cognitive overload, negatively affecting learning
When applied to social media use in general and short video consumption in specific,
the cognitive load theory suggests that information overload from excessive social media
use can overwhelm working memory. This overload can hinder essential cognitive functions
for learning, such as attention, information processing, and memory consolidation. Therefore,
students who regularly interact with social media may face difficulties in processing and
remembering academic information efficiently, leading to poorer academic performance
(David, 2012; Malekpour et al., 2013). This theory highlights the significance of keeping a
balanced approach towards the use of social media in order to conserve cognitive resources
for academic tasks. Studies have indicated that students often underestimate the potential
risks associated with excessive short video consumption due to immature self-control
abilities (Casey et al., 2008; Gabriel, 2014) and cognitive immaturity. Cognitive immaturity

may increase the risk for adolescents to experience negative impacts of excessive social
media use on cognitive function and academic achievement (Spear, 2013).
A particular issue linked to social media utilization, especially on short video, is the
constant availability of information providing instant gratification to meet diverse needs.
This availability can challenge students' self-regulation systems, encouraging them to pursue
short-term goals instead of long-term academic goals, which is also considered an aspect of
cognitive function (Mischel & Ebbesen, 1970). The algorithms of these platforms engage
students deeply, strengthening their inclination to postpone essential efforts required for
long-term objectives in favour of immediate enjoyment, even within the context of education
(Xu et al., 2023). This trend may lead to increased multitasking, with students dividing their
attention between social media and academic tasks, potentially harming concentration in
learning (Amez & Baert, 2020).
Overuse of social media, especially in the form of short videos, can have a direct and
significant effect on the academic performance of students. Therefore, we posit the following
H1: Short videos addiction have a negative impact on the academic performance
of undergraduate students. The relationship between short video addiction and attention deficit and
the relationship between attention deficit and academic performance of undergraduate
According to some studies, short videos are defined as user-generated videos,
focusing on entertainment, science, singing, and fashion to attract audience attention. In the
current era of digital technology, social media platforms are developing rapidly. Along with
the positive aspects it brings, there are also many negative issues affecting the concentration
and attention of people, especially the youth. Due to its inherently scrolling nature, the short
video format in these platforms, with a duration of less than 5 minutes, typically ranging
from 15 to 60 seconds (Chen et al., 2021), is associated with a reduction in continuous
attention (Siehoff, 2023). In particular, continuous viewing of numerous short videos can
significantly impact the level of attention. Based on previous research by Anderson and
Hanson (2013), heavy TikTok users tend to have shorter attention deficit compared to light
TikTok users. This proposition rests upon the premise that individuals who are frequent users
of social media platforms engage in interactions with such platforms with greater frequency,
hindering the long-term concentration ability of individuals (Siehoff, 2023).

The fragmentation pattern of short videos, characterized by features providing
concise, diverse, and unrelated information, allows for the effective circulation of
information and allows users to quickly access their desired material (Chen et al., 2022). The
rapid and unpredictable nature of short videos, characterized by their fragmented
presentation and constant shifts in content, can induce intense activation of the brain's reward
system, resulting in a significant release of dopamine in a short period of time (Di Chiara,
2000; Wise & Robble, 2020). According to the dopamine theory, researchers have identified
dopamine as a neurotransmitter (Carlsson & Lindqvist, 1963; Carlsson et al., 1957) playing
a crucial function in the brain's reward system. Dopamine is also an addictive
neurotransmitter (Wise & Robble, 2020). The quick significant release of dopamine is the
source of addictive behavior and impacts attention ability throughout long-term addiction or
excessive use. Over time, frequent exposure to short videos can indeed contribute to a
reduced ability to concentrate, as individuals may start seeking immediate satisfaction more
frequently. The research results of Wise and Robble (2020) suggest that individuals with
addictive tendencies towards short-form videos may encounter increased challenges in
sustaining attention, exhibit heightened attentional deficits during video engagement, and
demonstrate impaired concentration when processing interfering stimuli.
As mentioned earlier, the addictive nature and short format of videos on this platform
lead students to excessive use. Over time, frequent exposure to short videos can indeed
contribute to a reduced ability to concentrate (Chen et al., 2022). Therefore, based on the
relevant research and theoretical results, the following hypotheses was proposed:
H2: Short video addiction has a positive impact on undergraduate students’ level
of attention deficit.
Attention is the core of perceptual activity, playing a crucial role in processing
meaningful information and being a significant factor in self-regulation, essential for
academic success (Milovanović, 2017). Attention serves as a 'gatekeeper' for working
memory, it is estimated that visual working memory can simultaneously maintain only three
to four objects at a time (Irwin & Andrews, 1996; Luck & Vogel, 1997; Sperling, 1960;
Vogel et al., 2001). Therefore, effective goal-driven processing hinges upon the capacity for
top-down control, necessitating the selective allocation of attention within a significantly
constrained space. In this context, attention functions as a "gatekeeper" for working memory,
influencing the encoding of information for the most relevant targets in the ongoing
processing goal.

Similarly, a wealth of research has revealed the critical role of working memory in
various cognitive processes and individual characteristics, including general intelligence and
academic performance (Gathercole, 1999).
Additionally, the cognitive load theory emphasizes that learning is not effective if
working memory is overloaded. This theory also underscores the importance of working
memory in learning (Sweller et al., 1998). According to Kirschner (2002), the demands
placed on working memory can be attributed to two primary factors: the fundamental
difficulty of the learning content itself (intrinsic cognitive load) and the way in which the
material is given (extraneous and germane cognitive load). This can be understood as
imposing a germane cognitive load on learners (Sweller et al., 1998).
The imposition is necessary for constructing and storing data into long-term memory.
Specifically, building comprehensive and rich data has a significant impact on learning tasks
that require substantial effort (Smith et al., 1996). Moreover, in the context of learning,
working memory is manifested through aspects related to changes in performance, working
memory capacity. Research by Baddeley (1974) identified working memory as a theoretical
structure addressing mechanisms and information processing related to task execution
during cognition (Baddeley, 2006; Daneman & Carpenter, 1980).
Working memory may be thought of as a finite resource system that must be divided
between tasks and memory, as well as between the processing and storage requirements of
the task at hand (Baddeley, 2006). However, contemporary undergraduate students are
constrained in their ability to process and absorb new information due to limitations related
to cognitive process and working memory (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). Furthermore, scholars
have argued that the cognitive load theory emphasizes the limitations of human processing
capacity in the learning process (Paas et al., 2004).
For example, during the learning and working process, using social media in the
workplace can lead individuals to be less focused on tasks or studies, thus negatively
impacting work performance or academic performance, as the influx of information can
particularly affect attention deficit (Xie et al., 2021). Switching between tasks during the
learning process necessitates a corresponding adjustment in focus and attention (Delbridge,
2000), demanding individuals to manage activities without becoming overwhelmed. In
Cowan (2008), it was also noted that when working memory is overloaded, it can have
negative effects on various cognitive processes.
These negative effects manifest through increasing attention deficit, making
individuals struggle to concentrate and focus on a particular task. An overloaded working
memory can impair decision-making abilities, making individuals struggle to make
judgments and appropriate choices. Additionally, it leads to a decline in academic
performance, as loading cognitive processes onto memory can hinder information encoding
and retrieval. Previous research also suggests that increasing cognitive load due to frequent
task-switching Paivio (1990) can significantly reduce performance when attempting to
perform multiple tasks simultaneously (Jez, 2011; Junco & Cotten, 2011, 2012). For instance,
undergraduate students watching short videos during class and attempting to listen to
lectures. Therefore, information processing will be limited, as students' attention is divided
into different parts, making it challenging to focus on listening to lectures and understanding
the conveyed information. This means that students' lack of attention can impact academic
performance. Therefore, we hypothesise that:
H3: Attention deficit has a negative impact on the academic performance of
undergraduate students.
H4: Attention deficit mediates the relationship between short video addiction and
academic performance. The relationship between short video addiction and multitasking in class
and doing homework
In addition, addiction to short videos and other media significantly impacts
undergraduate students' multitasking in the classroom. In the contemporary educational
landscape, characterized by the exponential growth of multimedia and social media
platforms, particularly short-video platforms, undergraduate students are increasingly
exposed to audio and video content, both deliberately and inadvertently, during their
homework and classroom experiences (Lin et al., 2011). The multimedia design of a learning
environment can either foster a stimulating and enriching experience or engender confusion
and chaos, depending on individual preferences for such spaces. Notably, the design's impact
surpasses individual preferences, playing a crucial role in shaping the overall user experience
(Mayer, 2002). According to Gardner (2008), the proliferation of new media technologies
has fostered a perception that seamlessly integrating multiple technologies into our daily
routines enhances overall productivity. Many individuals equate efficiency with
multitasking across various multimedia systems. However, this widely held belief and its
corresponding practices appear to contradict well-established theories regarding the
limitations of working memory. Driven by the desire for immediate and frequent
gratification, individuals engage in multitasking, often combining short video platforms with
other tasks in the classroom or during homework. Therefore we hypothesize that:
H5: Short video addiction has a positive impact on the level of undergraduate
students multitasking in class and during homework. The impact of multitasking in class and during homework on the
attention deficit of undergraduate students
As defined, multitasking is defined as performing several tasks at once for a set
amount of time (Wood et al., 2012). In the era of advancing digital technology and the
increasing availability of media for young people, multitasking has become more prevalent
(Rosen et al., 2013). It can be observed that short videos - a digital media giant on social
platforms - have significantly developed worldwide in recent years (Wang, 2021). Notably,
adolescents play a crucial role in the large user base of short videos, meeting the
developmental needs for self-expression, social awareness, and information seeking (Bossen
& Kottasz, 2020).
Social media also provides conditions for young people to multitask, with those aged
18 to 29 accounting for 84%, especially with a 180% increase in TikTok usage in this age
group (Ceci, 2022b). This implies that platforms for short video applications offer more
opportunities for multitasking. The younger generation engaging heavily in multitasking in
the media is a significant factor leading to increased wandering attention deficit, negligence,
and serious issues with attention (Lau, 2017; Ralph et al., 2014). Some studies indicate that
young people often tend to overlook the negative effects of multitasking, believing it to be
"easy" and yielding high efficiency (Rosen et al., 2013; Wood et al., 2012). It is apparent
that many young individuals perceive themselves as adept at multitasking, but concentrating
and maintaining attention deficit on multiple tasks pose a challenge, and seemingly, no one
excels at that.
Numerous studies have been conducted recently on students who use multiple
multimedia devices or multitask continually while working, studying, strolling, and even
driving. In one study, about 38% of students reported that they couldn't sustain their attention
for more than 10 minutes without checking their phones or other devices (Kessler, 2011) and
nearly three-quarters of surveyed university students admitted to using technology devices
even while studying (Lenhart et al., 2010). Diverting attention from the primary task incurs
significant costs, including increased response times and delays when switching back and
forth. Moreover, individuals often exhibit a tendency to "get sucked in" to the secondary
(distracting) task, further hindering their ability to return to the primary task effectively.
The attention deficit in multitaskers is further heightened because they can only
partially engage in both tasks and cannot fully focus on one specific task. Ophir et al. (2009)
claimed that those who are chronic media multitaskers have a reduced ability to filter out
irrelevant inputs and pay attention to pertinent information since they are always hopping
between tasks. According to Rosen et al. (2013) people's inclinations for multitasking,
combined with the emotional satisfaction derived from using social media, may inspire
students to use a variety of devices to fill their learning environment, thereby enhancing
multitasking abilities and simultaneously increasing attention deficits. This lack of focus
makes them less likely to concentrate on essential information they need to learn. A study
by Ophir et al. (2009) found that "frequent multitaskers in the media" struggle to focus their
attention and are more prone to distractions. Media tends to dominate students' attention
away from learning (Walsh et al., 2013).
The cognitive load theory, which emphasizes the need of memory during learning
activities, frequently provides an explanation for how multitasking in the classroom might
result in an attention deficit condition (Sweller, 2003). The cognitive load hypothesis of
learning, which arises when a learning task's processing demands surpass the cognitive
system's processing capability, offers a framework for comprehending how multitasking
may affect learning (Mayer & Moreno, 2003). Consistent with the cognitive load theory
(Sweller, 2003), when students engage in unrelated extracurricular activities during lectures,
it results in attention deficit, making learning less effective (Chandler & Sweller, 1991).
Moreover, cognitive load theory highlights limitations in the processing and perception
abilities of humans during the learning process (Paas et al., 2004). Switching from one task
to another requires redirection, changing focus, and continuous attention (Delbridge, 2000).
Additionally, Any multitasking activity's difficulties, like delays, are frequently
described by the cognitive bottleneck idea. According to the cognitive bottleneck theory,
human cognitive capacity is finite and permits activities to be completed in a sequential
manner, one at a time. Attempting to engage or process multiple tasks simultaneously will
overload the human information processing system, and information processing is
constrained by the cognitive bottleneck, slowing down a task performed in parallel with
another task (Koch et al., 2011; Marois & Ivanoff, 2005; Strayer & Drews, 2003; Tombu et
al., 2011; Wood & Cowan, 1995). Furthermore, performing multiple tasks in addition to the
main task raises concerns for learning, especially regarding the attention deficit of
undergraduate students.
Multitasking while studying is also related to the information processing ability of
learners. For instance, when undergraduate students are sitting in class, they need to process
information to understand the lecture as well as to remember and take notes on the content
or connections between new and existing knowledge. Therefore, using electronic devices
(phones, laptops) to multitask in the classroom will consume a significant amount of
cognitive resources, leading to cognitive overload. This results in reduced cognitive load,
especially an increase in attention deficit, and a decrease in processing and expressive
abilities, hindering the learning process (Junco, 2012; Junco & Cotten, 2012). These theories
predict that when individuals continuously engage in multiple tasks or multitasking, they
only partially engage in each task when switching back and forth. This leads to an increase
in attention deficit during the learning process of undergraduate students. Therefore, based
on the above studies, we propose the following hypotheses:
H6: Multitasking in class and during homework has a positive impact on the
attention deficit of undergraduate students.
H7: Multitasking in class and during homework mediate the relationship between
short video addiction and attention deficit.
2.7.2. The proposed research model
Based on other valuable previous research and to be well-adapted to this research
approach, this indicates that excessive consumption of short videos significantly impacts
attention deficit and directly influences the academic performance of undergraduate students.
Consequently, the author proposes the following hypotheses:
H1: Short videos addiction have a negative impact on the academic performance
of undergraduate students.
H2: Short video addiction has a positive impact on undergraduate students’ level
of attention deficit.
H3: Attention deficit has a negative impact on the academic performance of
undergraduate students.
H4: Attention deficit mediates the relationship between short video addiction and
academic performance.
H5: Short video addiction has a positive impact on the level of undergraduate
students multitasking in class and during homework.
H6: Multitasking in class and during homework has a positive impact on the
attention deficit of undergraduate students.
H7: Multitasking in class and during homework mediate the relationship between
short video addiction and attention deficit.

Therefore, figure 2.2 presents the proposed research model.

Figure 2.2: Proposed research model

2.8. Chapter Conclusion

The research team has methodically identified information aspects and
characteristics of each term, together with factors impacting undergraduate students'
attention spans and academic achievement, to clarify the basic arguments surrounding the
consumption of short movies in this chapter. It also looks at what influences undergraduate
students' academic performance and level of attention. The writers have carefully compared
and assessed pertinent papers through a comprehensive literature analysis, providing a strong
basis for their investigation. In addition, they have carefully noted any gaps in the body of
literature, guaranteeing the thesis's uniqueness and comprehensiveness.

3.1. Introduction
3.1.1. Research philosophy
Each investigator adopts a distinct method when composing their academic article.
Research philosophy, as clarified by Biggam (2018), encompasses the foundational
assumptions, knowledge base, and the inherent nature of the study. Despite its broad and
initially perplexing nature, it can be defined as the set of actions undertaken at the initiation
of a research project, aimed at acquiring and advancing knowledge within a specific domain.
Within the context of a dissertation, it is imperative to explicitly recognize and address
underlying assumptions when delving into research philosophy. In the "Research Onion"
diagram, the representation of a research philosophy is positioned at the outermost layer.
Consequently, it emerges as a pivotal component in the initial stages of the methodology
section of a thesis.

Figure 3.1: The research onion (Saunders et al., 2003)

In academic discussions, four key research philosophies have been recognized and
thoroughly discussed: positivism, interpretivism, pragmatism, and realism (Žukauskas et al.,
Positivism research philosophy

Positivism is a philosophical approach that believes reliable knowledge is obtained
solely from sensory experiences and empirical evidence, including measurements. In this
type of research, the researcher's key responsibility is to gather and examine data impartially.
This approach focuses on the researcher being an objective observer, avoiding any personal
biases that could influence the results. The main emphasis is on data that can be seen and
measured, typically using statistical methods to identify trends and connections in the data.
Positivism has long been influential in business and management studies,
emphasizing the importance of systematically gathering empirical data via observation. This
approach is rooted in the belief that authentic knowledge is derived from human experiences.
Positivism views the world from an atomistic ontological standpoint, seeing it as made up
of separate, discernible components and occurrences that interact in a predictable and
transparent way (Biggam, 2018).
Interpretivism research philosophy
Interpretive research entails the interpretation of various facets within the study. This
methodology considers the human interests inherent in the research, effectively embedding
them into the research methodology. Researchers in the field of interpretivism argue that
understanding reality requires acknowledging the role of social constructs. These constructs
encompass elements such as language, collective meanings, consciousness, and various tools.
Fundamentally, understanding these societal frameworks is a vital aspect of research in the
interpretive paradigm. Interpretivist philosophy, critiquing positivism in the realm of social
sciences, places a strong emphasis on qualitative or quantitative methodologies.
Interpretivism, a term that encompasses a range of theories like social constructivism,
phenomenology, and hermeneutics, challenges the notion that meaning exists independently
of human consciousness, aligning more with idealistic philosophical views. This school of
thought underlines the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the distinctiveness of
individuals within social settings. It primarily seeks to delve into the importance of personal
human experiences, employing diverse research methods to thoroughly investigate different
facets of the subject matter. The interpretive approach concentrates on individual contexts
and experiences, aiming for an in-depth understanding of the subject at hand (Biggam, 2018).
Pragmatism research philosophy
The pragmatic research philosophy emphasizes the significance of ideas based on
their utility in practical actions. A pragmatic approach recognizes the various methods
available for understanding and researching the world, accepting that a singular viewpoint
cannot offer a complete comprehension and that several realities might exist simultaneously.
The ideas of positivism and interpretivism delve into the origins and development of
knowledge, presenting contrasting views. These two major paradigms often encompass a
wide range of dissertation topics. It is acknowledged that experienced academics sometimes
need to revise their philosophical beliefs and shift to a different stance within the spectrum.
Pragmatic researchers, typically experienced themselves, adopt these modified philosophical
assumptions (Biggam, 2018).
Realistic research philosophy
Realism is grounded in the belief that reality exists independently of human thought
and awareness. This perspective asserts that knowledge is developed through a scientific
process. Realism can be divided into two distinct categories: direct realism and analytical
realism. Direct realism, sometimes referred to as naive realism, operates on the belief that
the world is exactly as it appears through our sensory experiences, following the idea that
"what you see is what you get". Critical realism posits that while humans have the capability
to perceive the real world, their sensory experiences and representations of reality are
sometimes deceptive, not always successfully mirroring the genuine nature of the world
(Biggam, 2018).
Considering the nature of the research topic, the author finds the Pragmatism
Research Philosophy to be the most suitable choice. This approach is particularly
advantageous as the topic seems to encompass both objective measures (such as academic
performance) and subjective elements like the level of attention and students' perceptions of
their own academic results). Pragmatism will allow for an effective exploration of both these
aspects, offering a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

3.1.2. Research process
Research involves a series of steps that require careful planning and execution. This
multi-faceted approach is essential in managing different elements of the research project.
These stages are interconnected and typically involve up to 9 steps:

Figure 3.2: The research process (Saunders et al., 2009)

Step 1: Formulate & clarify the research topic
The primary aim of this investigation is to explore how addiction to short videos
influences the attention deficit and academic achievements of undergraduate students.
Additionally, the study will analyze how multitasking in classrooms and while completing
assignments affects this relationship. The focus is on understanding the correlation between
the habitual viewing of short videos and their academic performance.
Step 2: Critically review the literature
Examine past studies to construct a theoretical foundation: Examine what previous
studies have investigated and identify their shortcomings. Short video addiction (SA) factors

influencing attention deficit and academic performance are based on the previous model to
determine an independent factor, short video addiction (SA). Additionally, we construct two
dependent variables, attention deficit (AD), academic performance (AP) and mediating
variable multitasking in class and during homework (MT).
Step 3: Formulate the research design
Decide on the structure of research in this manner: Employ a deductive approach,
utilize a quantitative method for gathering information, incorporate both primary and
secondary sources of data, and opt for a survey as your research technique.
Step 4: Tackle the Moral Concern
Step 5: Plan the data collection & Collect data
The questionnaire form is developed based on criteria derived and organized through
a review of literature and insights from experts. For this segment, the survey will involve
undergraduate students attending universities in Northern Vietnam.
In the first part, the authors will review previous studies, analyze and comment on
variables such as short video addiction (SA), attention deficit (AD), academic performance
(AP) and multitasking in class and during homework. Based on this, the authors will gather
questions with the research objectives from previous studies to form a complete
In the subsequent phase, the researchers intend to develop a questionnaire, drawing
inspiration from insights obtained from prior studies. A preliminary questionnaire will be
sent to 20 undergraduate students for feedback, adjusting the questionnaire for suitability,
ensuring clarity, ease of understanding, and alignment with the research objectives.
Subsequently, a definitive survey questionnaire will be developed and distributed to the
selected participants for the research.
Carrying out an organized study: The survey form will be distributed to 351
undergraduates in Northern Vietnam, and the gathered information will be examined through
quantitative techniques.
Step 6: Analyze the data
Upon finalizing the scale of measurement, executing the official survey, and
gathering all elements from the fifth step, employ the PLS-SEM 4.0 instrument for data
analysis in the study model. Proceed to evaluate the model and investigate the research
hypotheses by:
Using the PLS-SEM 4.0 tool:

 Test with Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient to eliminate variables with less
than 0.3. Additionally, a Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.7 or higher is required
for inclusion.
 Test with Composite reliability to assess the reliability of a construct formed by
multiple indicators or items. A composite reliability score of 0.7 or above is deemed
satisfactory, signifying strong internal consistency.
 Check Outer Loading between the observed and latent variables to remove variables
with Outer Loading < 0.708.
 To assess the quality of measurement variables in their association with the research
model, it's recommended to examine the average variance extracted (AVE). A value
greater than 0.50 in AVE is considered indicative of satisfactory quality.
 Afterward, test with Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio, Variance Inflation Factor, r-square,
f-square and Path Coefficient.
Using SPSS 26.0 tool:
Performing analyses of mean and Std.deviation allows for the assessment of the
data's central tendency and variability. This is done with the goal of ascertaining if a
statistically meaningful distinction exists among the compared groups.
Step 7: Discussion & Recommendations
Analyze the impact of various elements as per the study findings, evaluate the
importance of the proposed five hypotheses, and offer suitable guidance for both students
and educational institutions.
Step 8: Write the project report and prepare the presentation
Step 9: Submit the project report and give the presentation
3.1.3. Research approach
Research methodologies are generally divided into three primary types: deductive,
inductive, and abductive. Each type is distinct in its features and suitability for various
research contexts.
The inductive method starts with detailed observations, leading to broader
generalizations and theories. This approach is particularly useful in situations where there is
no existing theoretical framework, as it helps in formulating general theories from observed
On the other hand, the deductive method begins with a theory, leading to the
formulation of a hypothesis. Research is then conducted to test this hypothesis. A key

characteristic of this method is its reliance on the premise that if the underlying theory is
correct, the conclusions drawn will also be correct. This method is popular in research across
the globe.
The abductive approach focuses on explaining incomplete observations and acts as a
combination of both deductive and inductive methods. It is instrumental in generating new
ideas and providing strong predictions, which can be crucial for suggesting future research

Reasoning Departing point Aim Drawing conclusion

observations Suggestions (for future
Developing new
Abduction (unmatched directions,
by/deviating from theory/paradigm/tool)
Induction observations Developing theory
of results
(theory is absent)

Theoretical Testing/evaluating
Deduction Corroboration or falsification
framework theory
Table 3.1 Comparison of research approaches
For this particular study, the deductive approach is deemed most appropriate. This
method will help in exploring and quantifying the impact of short video consumption on the
attention and academic performance of undergraduate students.
3.1.4. Research methodology Quantitative research definition
In comparison to qualitative methods, the use of quantitative research offers greater
ease for researchers. This method emphasizes numerical data, aligns variables with the
study's objectives, and explores the connection between these variables by converting the
collected information into statistical figures. For the purposes of this study, the researcher
has chosen to implement the quantitative research methodology.
Quantitative research provides the advantage of conducting investigations that are
both objective and systematic (Carr, 1994). It allows researchers to reduce or completely
remove the effects of personal biases and subjective viewpoints, ensuring their results are

based on data that is both reliable and valid. This type of research typically entails larger
sample sizes, augmenting the applicability and generalizability of the outcomes (Connolly,
2007). As a result, researchers can derive more inclusive conclusions that apply to a broader
population. Moreover, both Carr (1994) and Connolly (2007) emphasize the ability of
quantitative research to quantify and examine numerical data effectively. This capability
facilitates statistical analysis, enabling the identification of trends, correlations, and
variances in data, which assists in explaining and predicting phenomena. Additionally,
quantitative research commonly employs standardized methods and tools, contributing to
the accuracy and consistency of the collected data. In summary, the strengths of quantitative
research arise from its unbiased approach, systematic methods, the utilization of large
sample sizes, and its proficiency in analyzing and interpreting numerical data through
statistical methods.
Quantitative research often focuses on numerical information, but this can lead to a
lack of depth in understanding complex human emotions and experiences. This method
usually examines a small range of factors and may not cover every relevant aspect of a topic
or event. Despite its systematic nature, quantitative research can still be influenced by the
biases of researchers in choosing participants, crafting research tools, and interpreting data.
This type of research is primarily concerned with measuring variables and analyzing
numbers, which might not always be the best method for all types of research questions. It
frequently depends on established theories and models, which could limit the discovery of
new insights or perspectives on a subject. The key shortcomings of quantitative research are
its challenges in capturing the complexities of human experiences, its restricted scope, the
possibility of researcher bias, its occasional inappropriateness for certain research questions,
and its reliance on established theories and models (Rahman, 2020).
3.2. Data Sources
Data, as a general concept, refers to some information or knowledge that is presented
or encoded in a suitable form for easier usage or processing (Ajayi, 2017). Data collection
can be carried out through a primary source (where the researcher is the first to obtain the
data) or a secondary source (where the researcher uses data that has been collected from
other sources, such as widely available data in scientific journals).
Data collection is critical in statistical analysis. In research, various methods are used
to gather information, all falling into two categories: primary data and secondary data.

3.2.1. Primary data
According to Hox and Boeije (2005); (Junco & Cotten, 2011), primary data is
information gathered for a specific research topic, using processes most appropriate to the
research question. As primary data collection expands, the collective knowledge base in our
academic field grows. Meanwhile, previously generated research materials, over time,
become increasingly accessible for general research reuse, transitioning into secondary data.
Data can be used to (1) characterize current and historical characteristics, (2) conduct
comparative or replicative studies of original research, (3) reanalyze (pose new questions
about previously unsolved data), (4) design studies and improve methodology, and (5) teach
and learn.
3.2.2 Secondary data
There are various opinions on the definition of secondary data, and although many
definitions have minor differences, they collectively indicate a lack of agreement on the
definition of this term. Secondary data is defined as any data not directly collected by the
person writing about the matter. Secondary data is often publicly available but is minimally
accessible outside the organisation in some way (Harris et al., 2019).
Secondary datasets are typically less expensive and take a shorter period to arrange
(in regards to processing data for analysis) than primary datasets. The process of designing,
collecting, and organizing data into a primary dataset can be quite time-consuming
(Vartanian, 2010). Despite the benefits it brings, secondary data still has several limitations.
As mentioned by Vartanian (2010), one of the issues when using secondary data is the lack
of control over how survey items are framed and expressed. This may mean that crucial
questions for your research are not represented in the data. Additionally, researchers often
prioritize precision, but secondary data can provide valuable insights by illuminating broader
contexts and sparking further investigation, rather than the specific questions your research
3.3. Data Collection Method
3.3.1. Sampling method
Individuals who may not be readily identifiable will be included in the sample using
non-probability sampling methods, with a probability portion equal to 0 (Vehovar et al.,
2016). A non-probability sampling method known as convenience sampling is commonly
utilized in research conducted in both clinical and qualitative contexts. It is also a frequently
encountered sampling approach within population studies (Stratton, 2021). Convenience

sampling is favored because it is cost-effective, time-efficient compared to other sampling
strategies, and straightforward. In the context of formulating potential hypotheses or research
objectives, convenience sampling can offer considerable utility (Stratton, 2021).
While convenience sampling has inherent limitations, its reliability can be improved
through specific steps. This commonly used and uncomplicated method, despite its
drawbacks, offers opportunities to enhance the trustworthiness of findings.
Rationale Action
1. To enhance the clarity and focus of 1. Provide a succinct study objective that
research, it is crucial to avoid ambiguous avoids using ambiguous terminology. To
and intricate study objectives and prevent study confusion and
instead, strive for precise definitions of misunderstanding, limit the variables of
input and outcome variables. interest to two or three.

2. The methods section of a manuscript should

2. Define the process for selecting and
thoroughly describe the recruitment
enrolling participants in the research,
procedures employed to ensure culturally and
establishing both inclusionary and
socially appropriate participation in the
exclusionary factors.

3. The study should provide both the number

of individuals who have been invited to take
3. As many participants or cases as
part and the final number of participants.
possible should be recruited.
Ideally, the participation rate should be at least

4. Maintaining similar demographic

characteristics between participants and the
4. Characterize the study participants
target population is crucial to avoid bias in
and provide demographic details. Ensure
research. When investigating typical cases,
the sample adequately represents the
study participants should be representative of
targeted population.
the expected population norm, rather than
focusing solely on atypical instances.

5. Avoid exaggerating the study's 5. Due to the non-probability nature of
findings. Findings should be interpreted convenience sampling, not all members of the
cautiously due to the limitations of the target population are equally represented in the
convenience sample. The results may not study. This limits the generalizability of the
be generalizable to a broader population findings beyond the specific sample recruited,
and are only applicable to the specific as it is unknown whether they accurately
group of participants involved in the reflect the characteristics of the broader
study. population.

6. Data collection should be conducted across

diverse temporal contexts. Case study
6. Data collection should be investigations necessitate the implementation
implemented through a multi-faceted of varied search strategies. In survey-based
approach utilizing various methods and research, participation requests and surveys
strategies to attract potential subjects. should be disseminated at various times and on
different dates to maximize participant
7. To ensure the accuracy and integrity of
research data, it is crucial to employ validated
survey and interview instruments. Data
collection should only proceed once these tools
7. When conducting research, employ have undergone thorough validation.
validated questionnaires or scripts for Additionally, a balanced spectrum of
data collection through questionnaires or responses encompassing positive, neutral, and
interviews. In clinical studies, utilize negative perspectives is essential. This can be
standardized data definitions and achieved by incorporating confirmation
collection tools to ensure consistency questions within the survey or interview itself.
and reliability. In the context of clinical case studies, data
collection should involve a minimum of two
independent extractors, with their results
subsequently compared using statistical

8. Avoid inappropriate reliance on 8. In research studies employing convenience
statistical techniques developed for samples, statistical tests based on probability
random data is crucial for accurate theory are generally not recommended. Likert-
analysis. Utilize descriptive analysis type data, possessing ordinal rather than
techniques, which provide a detailed continuous measurement scales, should be
description of the data's key analyzed accordingly. This necessitates
characteristics, to ensure robust and employing the median, rather than the mean,
reliable findings. as the central tendency measure.
9. During the research process, external factors
9. Explore potential external sources of such as media coverage, political unrest,
bias that could influence participants' economic pressures, and educational
responses or behaviors. initiatives should be identified and
documented, if they are present.
10. Research should also consider
incorporating questions related to personal
10. To assess potential bias in survey or
experiences or exceptional cases. This
interview research, incorporate
approach can enrich the data and provide
questions or scenarios that directly
insights not captured by traditional methods.
address and probe for such biases.
However, it is important to acknowledge that
Similarly, evaluate participant fatigue in
lengthy surveys and interviews can become
survey and interview research by
less reliable over time as participant fatigue
employing specific questions or
sets in. To mitigate this issue, researchers
assessments designed to detect any
should consider employing embedded
inconsistencies in data, potentially
measures of engagement to ensure participants
indicative of fatigue.
remain interested and motivated throughout
the data collection process.
Table 3.2: Methods to Improve Dependability of Convenience Sampling
3.3.2. Target sample
In this study, non-probability sampling techniques, such as convenience sampling,
were employed to collect data from the population. However, a lack of consensus persists
regarding the optimal sample size necessary to guarantee the reliability of the research. A
minimum sample size will ensure that statistical methods like Partial Least Square (PLS)
have sufficient statistical power (J. Hair Jr et al., 2021).

For example, following the 10-times rule according to Barclay et al. (1995), this rule
suggests that the minimum size should be at least ten times the most important number of
formative indicators used to measure any one construct in the model.. Alternatively, it can
be calculated as 10 times the number of largest structural paths directed towards a specific
construct within the model.
Different criteria are proposed by various researchers. Comrey and Lee (2013)
provide benchmarks like "100 = poor, 200 = fair, 300 = good, 500 = very good, and 1000 or
more = excellent". Gorsuch (1990) suggests a minimum of 200 observations for Exploratory
Factor Analysis (EFA).
Other researchers, such as Bollen (1989) and Hair et al. (2010), suggest a rule of five,
where they propose that the reliability of a study is contingent upon a minimum sample size
of 5 times the number of observed variables. Similarly, according to Hoang and Chu (2008),
the sample size should be n ≥ 5*k (k is the number of observed variables in the model).
The literature suggests that a sample size of n ≥ 8k + 50 is appropriate for regression
analysis, where k refers to the number of independent variables in the model (Tabachnick et
al., 2013). Additionally, the number of variables incorporated within the model should be
calculated as the sum of 104 and m, where m represents the combined total of independent
and dependent variables included in the analysis or 50 + m (if m < 5) (Harris, 1985).
Following the 10-times rule, this rule can be interpreted as requiring a sample size
that is at least 10 times larger than the greatest number of arrows pointing to any latent
variable in the PLS path model. Adhering to this 10-times rule, our minimum sample size
should be 30 respondents (Barclay et al., 1995).
In this study, 21 observed variables participated in the factor analysis. According to
the rule of five Bollen (1989); (Hair et al., 2010), the required sample size would be 105. On
the other hand, Tabachnick et al. (2013) would lead to n ≥ 74 (with k = 3), and Harris (1985)
to n ≥ 108 (with m = 4). Ultimately, we obtained 351 responses through the survey after
cleaning the data, meeting all the proposed thresholds by the aforementioned researchers.
3.3.3. Questionnaire design
Based on the study by Hair et al. (2014), the construction of a research questionnaire
involves seven key steps: (1) confirming the research objectives; (2) selecting the most
suitable data collection method; (3) designing questions and scales; (4) determining the
layout and evaluating the questionnaire; (5) testing, revising, and finalizing the instrument;
and (6) conducting the survey.

Following these stages, the questionnaire was developed in both Vietnamese and
English, and it was divided into five parts:
Part 1: Includes questions formulated to elicit both specific information related to the
interviewees and general information deemed essential for the research.
Part 2: Designed to collect feedback on participants' habits of consuming short videos
and their level of addiction to short videos.
Part 3: Comprises questions to assess participants' ability and level of concentration
during studying and working.
Part 4: Introduced to evaluate the multitasking level of the survey participants when
studying in class or doing homework.
Part 5: Includes questions to assess the academic performance of the participants
Specifically, this questionnaire consists of a total of 17 observed variables grouped
into 4 latent factor categories. The observed variables from SA1 to SA3 are all included in
the SA factor; the observed variables from AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4 are all included in the AD
factor; the observed variables from MT1 to MT6 are all included in the MT factor; and the
observed variables from AP1 to AP4 are all included in the AP factor.
3.3.4. Measurement model
Short video addiction is measured by three items from Choi et al. (2021) and Ye et
al. (2022). These items are measured using a 5-point likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree)
to 5 (strongly agree). Example item of the scale is "You will abandon tasks that need to be
completed or are currently in progress to spend time watching short videos." The full list of
the scale is summarized in Table 3.3.
Scale Item Ref
You will abandon tasks that need to be
SA1 completed or are currently in progress to
Short spend time watching short videos.
video You will sacrifice your sleep at night to (Choi et al., 2021)
SA2 (Ye et al., 2022)
addiction spend time watching short videos.
You will feel bored when not watching short
Table 3.3: Short addiction measurement

Attention deficit was referenced to the measurement of Paul et al. (2012) and used 4
items. These items are measured using Ordinal scale from once to over four times and a 5-
point likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The full list of the scale is
summarized in Table 3.4.

Scale Code item Item Ref

On a daily basis, how many times do I

check online social networking sites?

While working, how many times do I

check online social networking sites?
Attention I often check online social networking
(Paul et al., 2012)
deficit AD3 sites in the middle of working on a school
or work assignment.
The longest amount of time, in minutes, I
AD4 can focus on a lecture, audio/video
presentation without any distraction is...
Table 3.4: Attention deficit measurement
Multitasking in class and during homework is measured by six items from Bellur et
al. (2015). These items are measured using a 5-point likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree)
to 5 (strongly agree). Example item of the scale is "How many times do you usually consume
short videos (watch and search for short videos, etc.) while doing homework?" The full list
of the scale is summarized in Table 3.5.

Scale Code item Item Ref

How many times do you usually
consume short videos (watch and
search for short videos, etc.) while
Multitasking doing homework?
in class and How often do you typically interact on
(Bellur et al.,
during short video platforms (like, comment, 2015)
homework share, participate in challenges, etc.)
while doing homework?
How many times do you usually
produce short videos (create, upload

short videos, etc.) while doing
How many times do you usually
consume short videos (watch and
search for short videos, etc.) while
participating in class?
How often do you typically interact on
short video platforms (like, comment,
share, participate in challenges, etc.)
while participating in class?
How many times do you usually
produce short videos (create, upload
short videos, etc.) while participating in
Table 3.5: Multitasking in class and during homework measurement
Academic achievement is assessed through the final GPA calculated by adding the
average scores of the students' subjects. Academic performance is measured by four items
from Paul et al. (2012). These items are measured using the ordinal scale from 0.0 - 2.0 to
8.0 - 10.0. Example item of the scale is "My overall GPA is..." The full list of the scale is
summarized in Table 3.6.
Scale Code item Item Ref

AP1 My overall GPA is...

My average grade from last semester

Academic was... (Paul et al.,
performance My average grade in the last three 2012)
online classes I took was...
My average grade in the last three face-
to - face classes I took was...
Table 3.6: Academic performance measurement

3.4. Data Analysis Methods
3.4.1. Descriptive analysis
Smart-PLS is a statistical software designed for purposes akin to Lisrel and AMOS,
focusing on the examination of relationships between latent and indicator variables or
manifest variables. Its primary function lies in implementing Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) diagrams, a tool employed by researchers to meticulously scrutinize and refine
theoretical models (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). Notably, SEM, particularly when compared
to multiple regression, provides heightened predictive capabilities (Lee & Jetz, 2011). SEM
comprises two main types: covariance-based SEM (CB-SEM) and partial least squares SEM
In the context of our study, we have chosen to utilize PLS-SEM. This decision is
grounded in the fact that PLS-SEM is predominantly employed for theory development in
exploratory research, with a focus on describing variations in dependent variables.
The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is employed for advanced
statistical analyses, covering aspects such as big data analysis, string analysis, and data
analysis through machine learning techniques. Recognized as one of the most widely used
programs for quantitative research, researchers must be familiar with its application for
conducting comprehensive data analysis. The creation of SPSS aimed to simplify the
organization and generation of accurate data in accordance with accepted methodologies,
streamlining the research process for investigators.
3.4.2. Test of measurement model
The first step in analyzing the results of PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares Structural
Equation Modeling) is to assess the measurement model. This assessment depends on
whether the constructs are reflective or formative. After the measurement model meets all
necessary criteria, the researcher can then move on to examining the structural model (J. F.
Hair Jr et al., 2021). Reliability
Reliability is one of the most important components of testing quality. It is related to
the reproducibility, consistency or performance of the tester on the test. A measure is deemed
highly reliable when it produces consistent outcomes under stable conditions (Carlson et al.,
2007). The primary criterion typically examined first is internal consistency reliability.
Internal consistency reliability, a key concept in research, is the degree to which items in a
test or scale are interrelated and consistently measure the same underlying construct. Two

main measures are used to assess this reliability: Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability
Cronbach’s Alpha
Cronbach's alpha is a traditional and widely used to estimate reliability, relying on
the interconnections among observed item variables. It presupposes equal levels of reliability
among indicators and is quantified as a value ranging from 0 to 1. The reliability and validity
of observed variables pertaining to the latent factor are determined by assessing Cronbach's
Alpha scale reliability. This assessment evaluates the extent to which observable variables
associated with the same factor are correlated with each other. It helps determine how factors
in a test relate to each other when they are intended to measure different aspects of the same
concept. When multiple factors are used to gather information about a particular construct,
the data set becomes more reliable.
If all factors are intended to measure the same entity, indicating a high degree of
relatedness, then Cronbach's Alpha coefficient will be high. Conversely, if factors intended
to measure different entities have low correlation, the alpha value will be low.
According to J. F. Hair Jr et al. (2021), Cronbach's coefficient value of at least 0.7 is
required to confirm the internal consistency of scales. Consequently, constructs that have a
Cronbach's alpha value of 0.7 or higher are deemed appropriate for further analysis (Gray et
al., 2011). Additionally, if a measurement variable has a correlation coefficient of total
variable (Corrected Item - Total Correlation) ≥ 0.3 then that variable is satisfactory Nunnally
(1978) unless the removal of items results in only marginal improvements in reliability.
Composite reliability
Composite reliability (CR) emerges as a more scale-independent and less
conservative alternative. Composite reliability estimates the internal consistency of a set of
items (or "indicators") that form a latent construct. It is akin to traditional reliability measures
like Cronbach's alpha but is generally considered to be a more accurate and reliable measure
when dealing with latent constructs. It accounts for the differential weights of indicators,
unlike Cronbach's alpha, which weights all indicators equally. This makes CR particularly
suitable for structural equation modeling (SEM), as acknowledged by Chin (1998) and
Dijkstra and Henseler (2015). The range of composite dependability extends from 0 to 1,
with higher values indicating stronger reliability. For exploratory studies, composite
reliability figures between 0.60 and 0.70 are viewed as accepted, whereas in more advanced
stages of research, a range from 0.70 to 0.90 in these values is seen as satisfactory (Nunnally
& Bernstein, 1994). However, values exceeding 0.90, particularly those above 0.95, are
generally not favored as they suggest redundancy and cast doubt on the validity of the
construct measurement. Such issues often stem from using semantically similar items, which
can negatively affect the content validity of the measures and potentially lead to higher
correlations in error terms (Drolet & Morrison, 2001; Hayduk & Littvay, 2012).
Consequently, researchers are cautioned against engaging in these practices. Composite
reliability scores below 0.60 indicate insufficient internal consistency.
When examining and assessing the internal consistency reliability of measures, it's
sensible to take into account and present both Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability.
Cronbach's alpha usually offers a conservative estimate (the lower limit), while composite
reliability gives a potentially higher estimate (the upper limit). By incorporating both these
metrics, researchers can indicate a probable range for the actual reliability of the scale. This
method not only recognizes the constraints of each individual measure but also leverages
their collective advantages to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the scale's
To summarize, the criteria set in this study were as follows:
 Cronbach's Alpha ≥ 0.7 (J. Hair Jr et al., 2021).
 Composite Reliability CR ≥ 0.7 (Bagozzi & Yi, 1988). Convergent validity
The evaluation of convergent validity is essential in the empirical analysis of
formative measurement models using PLS-SEM. This type of validity testing examines the
degree to which a measure is positively correlated with other measurements of the same
underlying construct. When dealing with reflective constructs, indicators are viewed as
various approaches to gauge the same concept; it is crucial that these indicators demonstrate
convergence and share a substantial part of their variance. For ascertaining convergent
validity, researchers focus on the indicators' outer loadings and the average variance
extracted (AVE).
Outer loading
The outer loading value in SmartPLS is the correlation coefficient that measures the
relationship between an observed variable (indicator) and a latent variable (also known as a
factor or structure) in the PLS-SEM model. Outer loading reflects how strongly the observed
and latent variables are associated. As J. Hair Jr et al. (2021), explain, high outer loadings
on a construct suggest that the indicators associated with it share a lot, which the construct
captures. It's crucial for the outer loadings of all indicators to be statistically significant. To
ensure reliability, a common guideline is for (standardized) outer loadings to be at least 0.708.
The squared value of a standardized indicator's outer loading signifies the extent of the item's
variation that is explained by the construct, a concept known as the variance extracted from
the item. A widely accepted guideline suggests that a latent variable ought to account for a
significant portion of the variance in each of its indicators, usually no less than 50%.
Therefore, the outer loading of an indicator should exceed 0.708, as squaring this value
(0.708²) results in 0.50, aligning with the 50% variance explanation threshold. In social
science studies, weaker outer loadings 0.700 are often observed, particularly when using
newly developed measurement scales (Hulland, 1999). Before removing indicators with
loadings below 0.700, their effect on composite reliability and content validity should be
evaluated. Indicators with loadings between 0.40 and 0.70 might be removed if doing so
enhances composite reliability above the recommended threshold. The decision to exclude
an indicator also depends on its influence on content validity. Indicators that have extremely
low loadings (under 0.40) must always be removed (Hair et al., 2011).

Figure 3.3: Outer loading relevance testing

Average variance Extracted (AVE)
The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) serves as a measure for assessing a
construct's convergent validity, representing the average extent of variance that a construct
explains in its indicators. AVE is calculated as the mean of the squared loadings of all
indicators associated with the construct. The 'loading' of an indicator is a measure of how
strongly it is associated with the latent construct. Mathematically, AVE is calculated as the
sum of the squared loadings of the indicators associated with the construct, divided by the
number of indicators. An AVE of 0.50 or higher is considered acceptable, indicating the
construct explains 50 percent or more of the variance in the indicators that constitute the
construct (J. F. Hair Jr et al., 2021). Conversely, an AVE value below 0.5 suggests that, on
average, the variance resulting from measurement errors in the items exceeds the variance
ascribed to the construct. Discriminant validity
Evaluating discriminant validity is which determines how distinct a construct is from
others within the structural model.
Fornell and Larcker
In their approach, Fornell and Larcker (1981) proposed a traditional method, comparing
the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of each construct with the square of its correlation with
other constructs in the model that are measured reflectively. They argued that the shared variance
between constructs should be lower than their respective AVEs. Put differently, for a given
construct, the square root of its Average Variance Extracted (AVE) should exceed its strongest
correlation with any other construct. This principle, as outlined by Fornell and Larcker (1981),
ensures that the construct has a more significant association with its own indicators than with those
of any other construct in the model.
3.4.3. Test of structural model
After the measurement model in PLS-SEM has been thoroughly reviewed and
deemed satisfactory, then moves to the analysis of the structural model. This model clarifies
the relationships between latent variables, their arrangement and sequencing being shaped
by theoretical underpinnings or the insights and experiences of the researcher. In route model
development, there is a left-to-right progression. Here, the left-sided variables in the path
model function as independent variables, whereas those on the right are dependent variables.
These left-sided variables are shown to precede and influence the right-sided variables. It's
noteworthy that some variables may serve dual roles, acting as both independent and

Hair et al. (2019) highlight that Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is an influential
statistical approach enabling the examination of relationships between both observable and
unobservable variables. SEM stands out for its capability to test intricate theoretical
frameworks by scrutinizing the correlations and causal links among various variables. This
methodology offers a thorough way to validate hypothetical models and quantify the
relationships’ intensity and direction. Hair and colleagues underscore that SEM is adept at
testing models encompassing multiple independent and dependent variables, making it
instrumental across diverse fields like psychology, sociology, economics, and business.
Important criteria for evaluating the structural model include assessing Collinearity
(VIF), the coefficient of determination (R-square), Effect Size (f-square), and Path
Coefficient. Variance inflation factor
Collinearity refers to a situation in multiple regression models where two or more
predictors either measure the same underlying concept or different aspects of that concept,
which is referred to as vertical collinearity. In order to evaluate collinearity, we utilize the
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), a metric primarily employed in regression analysis to
identify the existence and severity of multicollinearity. Multicollinearity is a situation in
which two or more independent variables in a multiple regression model exhibit strong linear
relationships with each other. VIF values start at 1, with higher numbers indicating more
multicollinearity. Values exceeding 10 signal strong correlation and raise concerns.
Additionally, Kock (2015) recommends that VIF ideally should be below 5. VIF values
exceeding 5 suggest potential issues with collinearity among the predictor variables.
Collinearity problems can also arise at lower VIF values, typically within the range of 3 to
5 (Becker et al., 2015; Mason & Perreault Jr, 1991). Ideally, VIF values should be close to
or below 3. The suggested VIF assessment threshold is as follows:
 VIF ≥ 5: High probability of occurrence of multicollinearity.
 3 ≤ VIF ≤ 5: Possibility of multicollinearity occurring.
 VIF < 3: Possibly no multicollinearity. R-square
In the context of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM),
the R² value is a key indicator of the model's predictive accuracy. It measures the squared
correlation between actual and predicted values of an endogenous construct, essentially
quantifying the effect and proportion of variance in the endogenous construct explained by
exogenous latent variables.
However, relying solely on the R² value for model comparison, especially when
models vary in their specifications can lead to problems. This is because the R² value can be
artificially inflated adding non-significant constructs that have slight correlations with the
endogenous latent variable. This issue is particularly noticeable in cases where the sample
size is similar to the number of exogenous latent variables, leading to a bias towards models
with more exogenous constructs, even if they are only marginally related to the endogenous
To avoid this bias, the preferred models are those that are both explanatory (indicated
by high R² values) and parsimonious (characterized by having fewer exogenous constructs).
The adjusted R² value, which considers the quantity of exogenous constructs as well as the
size of the sample, can help mitigate the bias towards more complex models. This adjusted
measure balances out the tendency to bias towards more complex models by accounting for
the inclusion of extraneous variables that are not statistically significant but still add to the
total variation explained by R^2. It's crucial to understand that the adjusted R-squared value
is distinct from the traditional R-squared and should not be construed similarly; instead, it's
purpose is to facilitate the comparison of PLS-SEM analyses that include varying quantities
of external latent variables or diverse sizes of data samples.
R-square values range between 0 and 1, with higher values indicating better
predictive accuracy. However, the acceptability of these values depends on the model's
complexity and the specific research field. In marketing research, for instance, R² values of
0.75, 0.50, or 0.25 are typically deemed substantial, moderate, or weak, respectively, as per
Hair et al. (2011) and Henseler et al. (2009), R² values of 0.75, 0.50, or 0.25 are generally
considered substantial, moderate, or weak, respectively. This reflects the varying
expectations and norms across different domains and types of studies.
The evaluation of R-square values in PLS-SEM is highly context-dependent. What
is considered a high or low value can vary significantly depending on the field of study and
the specific nature of the constructs being examined. f- square
Every independent variable in the SEM model will have an f-square (f2) score.
According to Chin (2003), the impact of each independent variable on the dependent variable
is measured by a coefficient called the effect size (f2), which can be used to compare the
effects of independent factors on the dependent variable. Additionally, f-square (f2) provides
thresholds to determine the strength of the variable.

Cohen (2013) proposed the following f-square index table to evaluate the importance
of independent variables:
 f2 < 0.02: Very small or no effect.
 0.02 ≤ f2 ≤ 0.15: Small effect.
 0.15 ≤ f2 < 0.35: Medium effect.
 f2 ≥ 0.35: Large effect. Path coefficient
Path coefficient is the regression coefficient of the path model that indicates the
causal relationships between latent variables. The SEM model's variables can be examined
for any causal correlations using standardized regression coefficients. The technique known
as "bootstrapping" involves selecting data at random and using that sample to estimate path
coefficients several times under data variance (Hair et al., 2013). The significance of path
coefficients depends on their standard errors obtained through bootstrapping in SMARTPLS
4. The structural model's t-test and p-values may be calculated for each path coefficient
thanks to bootstrap standard errors.
If the results of path coefficients indicate that the causal relationships have:
 P-value < 0.05: The relationship is statistically significant.
 P-value > 0.05: The relationship is not statistically significant. When the causal
relationship is not statistically significant, it is still kept in the model, and the
conclusion is that it is not statistically significant.
To assess the strength and direction of the causal relationship:
 The original sample with a positive sign indicates a positive effect (+).
 The original sample with a negative sign indicates a negative effect (-).
3.4.4. Test of hypothesis Direct effects
The beta coefficient and p-value are two requirements that must be taken into account
in order to assess direct effects. The original data's normalized effect coefficient serves as
the baseline sample. The p-value is contrasted with generally used significance thresholds,
0.05, 0.1, and higher.

Figure 3.4: Simple cause – effect relationship model Mediating effects
The presence of a third variable serving as a mediator between the independent and
dependent variables is what defines the indirect impact, also referred to as the mediating
effect. Stated differently, M is considered the mediator variable in this study since it
influences the link between the dependent variable (Y) and the independent variable (X).
Through one or more mediator variables M, the independent variable X has an effect on the
dependent variable Y (Preacher & Hayes, 2008).
Full mediation
When the predictor variable X has a considerable impact on the mediator variable M,
which in turn has a significant impact on the response variable Y, but the predictor variable
X does not have a significant direct effect on the response variable Y, full mediation is
suggested. We refer to this as a full mediation case. It also means that circumstance Y
completely absorbs the effect of independent variable X, whether it be positive or negative.
This makes it possible for it to be totally silenced from a different angle or entirely overcome
by another effect.

Figure 3.5: Full mediation model

Partial mediation
Without regard to any mediating variables, the direct effect is the instantaneous
impact of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). On the other hand, the
indirect effect explains how X affects Y via a third variable called the mediating variable
(M). This concept is well-established in the literature, with Nitzl et al. (2016) providing a
clear explanation. They present a case in their work where X greatly impacts M, which in
turn significantly affects Y, and has a significant direct effect on Y. This scenario represents

a case of partial mediation, where the direct effect of X on Y is partially mediated by M.
Adding the mediating variable M to the analysis often leads to a reduction in the direct effect
of X on Y. This occurs because some of the influence that X previously had on Y is now
being accounted for by M. The entire impact of X on Y that is mediated by M is captured by
the indirect effect, often referred to as the intervening, intermediary, mediating, or surrogate
effect. Understanding both the direct and indirect effects is crucial for uncovering the
complete picture of how X influences Y and identifying the potential mechanisms
underlying this relationship.

Figure 3.6: Partial mediation model

3.5. Ethical Considerations And Procedures

Every study methodology presents ethical issues and identifying and proposing
preventive solutions is a necessary issue that researchers should address. Based on the
research methods theory by (Sauder et al., 2012) , there are ethical issues to be explored and
addressed in this study:
Respect for human dignity, ensuring voluntary participation, and the right to
withdraw: The research team will ensure that participants voluntarily engage and have the
right to withdraw. Accurate information about the project and the sender will be provided to
participants during data collection. Identity will be kept confidential, and data will be
collected without requiring explicit consent. Additionally, the authors will respect the
freedom and desires of the participants without coercion or disturbance.
Data security and participant anonymity: The survey description will provide a clear
explanation of data security and anonymization to improve participant safety and

dependability. The team will not use quotes or direct conversations of participants without
Throughout the data collection, analysis and reporting of results, the authors
emphasize the importance of accuracy: Information presented will have high authenticity
and be sourced from reliable websites and accurate scientific research papers. The collected
findings will be ensured not to be altered, manipulated, added or withdrawn. Results of
statistical di will be provided fully and accurately, even if they deviate from expectations.
3.6. Chapter Conclusion
In summary, this chapter provides detailed information on the methodology and the
construction of the survey questionnaire, as well as the research methods employed
throughout the dissertation process. The quantitative research utilizes a sampling method
through a survey instrument processed using SmartPLS 4 software and SPSS. A sample size
of 351 undergraduate students from universities in Northern Vietnam is used in the formal
study. Following data cleansing, the data will be loaded into the program, examined for
dependability, and the outcomes will be shown. In the next chapter, the specific results and
data analysis procedure will be further explained.

This chapter provides an overview of the research context related to the relationship
between the level of short video viewing and multitasking, attention, and student academic
Additionally, it delves into an examination of the research outcomes and the findings
derived from the PLS-SEM and SPSS analysis. To begin with, a descriptive analysis will be
carried out, encompassing general information, demographic details, data cleansing, and
handling missing values. Subsequently, the inferential analysis will involve a two-step
evaluation of the PLS-SEM model, focusing on validating the reliability and validity of the
measurement model and scrutinizing the direction and significance of structural
relationships among constructs.
4.1. Survey Analysis
4.1.1. Respondent profile
The results collected from the survey responses of undergraduate students in the
Northern region of Vietnam yielded 391 responses, of which 351 responses were deemed
valid for the study. Here are the details of the sample demographics.

Chart 4.1: Gender of respondents

Regarding the inquiry about the gender distribution of respondents, the graphical
representation indicates that females constitute the largest segment at 51.3%, followed

closely by males at 47.6%. Notably, a small percentage, accounting for 1.1%, belongs to a
different gender group.

Chart 4.2: Age of respondents

The survey was conducted with participants from a range of age groups to ensure efficiency
in sampling and subsequent analysis stages. The breakdown depicted in the chart reveals that
the majority of respondents fall within the 18 to 22 age group, constituting 89.9%. The next
prominent age group is 23 to 27, representing 7.2% of participants. Finally, the remaining
0.5% of participants are aged over 27. Finally, the remaining 2.9% of participants are aged
under 18.
The research focused specifically on individuals who are enrolled in universities
located in the Northern region of Vietnam, and the survey was designed to include only these
participants. The results reveal a substantial number of students from notable institutions
such as FPT University, Thang Long University, National Economics University, Vietnam
National University of Agriculture, Hanoi University of Science and Technology and more.

Chart 4.3: What year are you currently a student?
Based on the differences among first-year, second-year, third-year, and fourth-year
students regarding the level of addiction to short videos, the authors synthesized information
about these differences to gain a deeper understanding. According to the survey table, 43.3%
of the respondents reported being fourth-year students. The next group, third-year students,
accounts for 25.4%. The second-year students group constitutes 16.8%. The percentage of
first-year students and students with over 5 years of study is 9.4% and 5.1%, respectively.
This means that, in this dataset, most subjects are close to the average year, which is the third
year for students.

Chart 4.4: Major of respondents

According to the pie chart in Chart 4.4, the majority of respondents, approximately
47.3%, are studying economics. Next is 22.2% of students majoring in technology, or
communication studies 8.5%. Finally, 6.8% of the respondents are studying in other fields.

4.1.2. Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics
Standard Skewnes
Min Max Mean Kurtosis
Name deviation s
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error
SA1 1 5 2.70 1.121 0.353 0.130
SA2 1 5 2.75 1.183 0.167 0.130
SA3 1 5 3.16 1.062 -0.115 0.130
AD1 1 5 3.69 1.469 -0.507 0.130
AD2 1 5 2.28 1.529 0.842 0.130
AD3 1 5 2.71 1.303 0.326 0.130
AD4 1 5 2.53 1.486 0.427 0.130
MT1 1 5 3.09 .985 -0.100 0.130
MT2 1 5 2.81 1.076 0.145 0.130
MT3 1 5 2.46 1.230 0.353 0.130
MT4 1 5 2.89 1.042 0.111 0.130
MT5 1 5 2.62 1.125 0.192 0.130
MT6 1 5 2.31 1.244 0.517 0.130
AP1 1 5 1.99 0.823 0.305 0.130
AP2 1 5 2.17 0.879 0.136 0.130
AP3 1 5 2.37 0.929 -0.077 0.130
AP4 1 5 2.56 0.957 -0.130 0.130
Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistics
After synthesising 351 valid responses and conducting descriptive analysis, the
results show:
The mean values for variables SA1, SA2, SA3, and MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5,
MT6 all fall within the range of 2.28 to 3.69. This indicates that the level of short video
addiction and multitasking in class or doing homework for the surveyed subjects is quite
The mean values for variables AD1, AD2, AD3, and AD4 all fall within the range of
2.28 to 3.71. This suggests that the level of distraction for the surveyed subjects is also quite

The mean values for variables AP1, AP2, AP3, and AP4 all fall within the range of
1.99 to 2.56. This indicates that the academic performance of the surveyed subjects is at an
average level.
Standard Deviation
The standard deviation values for variables SA1, SA2, SA3, and MT1, MT2, MT3,
MT4, MT5, MT6 all fall within the range of 1.04 to 1.53. This indicates that the data
dispersion for these variables is quite large.
The standard deviation values for variables AD1, AD2, AD3, and AD4 all fall within
the range of 1.23 to 1.53. This suggests that the data dispersion for these variables is also
quite large.
The standard deviation values for variables AP1, AP2, AP3, and AP4 all fall within
the range of 0.82 to 1.26. This indicates that the data dispersion for these variables is
relatively low.
The skewness values for variables SA1, SA2, SA3, and MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4,
MT5, MT6 all fall within the range of -0.56 to 1.67. This indicates that the distribution of
data for these variables tends to be right-skewed.
The skewness values for variables AD1, AD2, AD3, and AD4 all fall within the range
of 0.842 to 1.261. This suggests that the distribution of data for these variables tends to be
The kurtosis values for variables SA1, SA2, SA3, and MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5,
MT6 all fall within the range of -1.309 to -0.245. This indicates that the distribution of data
for these variables tends to be flatter than a normal distribution.
The kurtosis values for variables AD1, AD2, AD3, and AD4 all fall within the range
of -1.261 to -0.831. This also suggests that the distribution of data for these variables tends
to be flatter than a normal distribution.
In summary, based on the analysis of the Mean, Std. Deviation, Skewness, and Kurtosis
indices, we can draw the following conclusions:
 The level of addiction to short videos and multitasking in class or doing homework
among the surveyed individuals is relatively high.
 The level of concentration deficiency among the surveyed individuals is also quite
 The academic performance of the surveyed individuals is at an average level.
Variables SA1, SA2, SA3, and MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5, MT6 all exhibit right-
skewed distributions, while variables AD1, AD2, AD3, and AD4 exhibit left-skewed
Variables SA1, SA2, SA3, and MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5, MT6 all have flatter
distributions compared to a normal distribution.
4.2. Measurement Model
4.2.1. Outer loading

OUTER LOADING (first time)

AD1 0.432
AD2 0.864
AD3 0.857
AD4 0.011
AP1 0.844
AP2 0.834
AP3 0.898
AP 4 0.883
MT1 0.794
MT2 0.836
MT3 0.811
MT4 0.802
MT5 0.856
MT6 0.823
SA1 0.877
SA2 0.892
SA3 0.804
Table 4.2: Outer Loading the first time
It can be observed in the Outer Loading Table that the loading score for the observed
variable AD1 is 0.432, and for AD4, it is 0.01. The general rule is that the standardized outer
loading should be equal to or higher than 0.708 (J. Hair Jr et al., 2021). It can be observed
in the Outer Loading Table that the loading score for the observed variable AD1 is 0.432,
and for AD4, it is 0.01. Therefore, the two observed variables, AD1 and AD4, cannot meet
the standard value of 0.708. Hence, the outer loading needs to be re-conducted without AD1
and AD4.
The data was reused, but the variables AD1 and AD4 were excluded from the
analysis, and the results are presented in the table below. This time, all items meet the
significant standard according to the rule of thumb.

OUTER LOADING (second time)

AD2 0.864
AD3 0.857
AP1 0.844
AP2 0.834
AP3 0.898
AP 4 0.883
MT1 0.794
MT2 0.836
MT3 0.811
MT4 0.802
MT5 0.856
MT6 0.823
SA1 0.877
SA2 0.892
SA3 0.804
Table 4.3: Outer Loading the second time
4.2.2. Reliability and convergence


Composite Composite
Cronbach's variance
Item reliability reliability
alpha extracted
(rho_a) (rho_c)

AT 0.676 0.681 0.86 0.755

AP 0.888 0.891 0.923 0.749

MT 0.903 0.905 0.925 0.674

SA 0.821 0.832 0.893 0.737

Table 4.4: Construct Reliability and Validity
The Construct reliability and validity table provides three indices assessing the
reliability or internal consistency of the measurement scale, namely Cronbach's alpha,
Composite reliability rho_a, and Composite reliability rho_c (CR). Focusing on two indices:
Cronbach's alpha and Composite reliability rho_c (J. Hair Jr et al., 2021).
According to the data table, Cronbach's alpha scores for the three variables AP, MT,
SA are all above 0.7, indicating high internal consistency. However, Cronbach's alpha score

for the variable AT is only 0.676. Nevertheless, given the exploratory nature of the study, a
Cronbach’s Alpha threshold of 0.6 may be acceptable.
The traditional reliability assessment coefficient, Cronbach's alpha, has many
drawbacks and tends to underestimate the inherent reliability of the measurement scale (J.
Hair Jr et al., 2021). Instead, evaluating reliability using the Composite reliability rho_c
would be more appropriate. As shown in the mentioned data table, the Composite reliability
rho_c scores for all variables are 0.700 or higher, indicating high reliability.
With all variables having AVE values greater than 0.500, the measurement scales
meet the convergent validity criterion.
4.2.3. Discriminant validity
constructs AD AP MT SA
AD 0.869
AP -0.825 0.865
MT 0.496 -0.598 0.821
SA 0.397 -0.727 0.64 0.858
Table 4.5: Fornell and Larcker
The numbers on the diagonal (AD = 0.869, AP = 0.865, MT = 0.821, SA = 0.858)
represent the square root of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) for each construct (AD,
AP, MT, SA ). These values are higher than all off-diagonal values in the corresponding
rows and columns. Overall, discriminant validity can be accepted for this measurement
model and supports the discriminant validity between the constructs.
4.3. Structural Model
4.3.1. Variance inflation factor
Constructs AD AP MT SA
AD 1.187
MT 1.693
SA 1.693 1.187 1
Table 4.6: Collinearity Statistics

Table 4.6 indicates that the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values for all variables
are below 3, suggesting that there is likely no multicollinearity among the independent
variables in this model (J. Hair Jr et al., 2021).
4.3.2. R-square adjusted
Constructs R-square adjusted
AD 0.252
AP 0.869
MT 0.408
Table 4.7: R-square Adjusted (Coefficient of Determination)
According to table 4.7, in order to appropriately represent the degree of explanation
provided by the independent variables, the author prefers to employ adjusted R-square .
 The R-square adjusted of AD is 0.252, which means that the independent variables
explain 25.2% of the variation of the dependent variable.
 The R-square adjusted of AP is 0.869, which means that the independent variables
explain 86.9% of the variation of the dependent variable.
 The R-square adjusted of MT is 0.408, which means that the independent variables
explain 40.8% of the variation of the dependent variable.
4.3.3. f- square
f- square
Constructs AD AP MT SA
AD 2.617
MT 0.133
SA 0.015 1.447 0.693
Table 4.8: Effect size (f-square)
Table 4.8 shows that, with f-square values of 2.617 and 1.447, respectively, the two
independent variables, AD and SA, significantly affect the dependent variable, AP. Similarly,
the independent variable SA also has a substantial impact on the dependent variable MT,
with an f-square result of 0.693, which is greater than the threshold of 0.35 (Cohen, 2013).
For MT and the dependent variable AD, there is a small interaction effect with an f-square
result of 0.133 (within the range of 0.02 and 0.15).
Additionally, the f-square for the independent variable SA and the dependent
variable AD is 0.015, which is less than the 0.02 threshold (Cohen, 2013). The route
coefficient in the model, however, is statistically significant (p-value = 0.028 < 0.05).

Consequently, the author draws the conclusion that the variable SA has very little influence
over the variable AD and makes very little contribution to understanding the relevance of
the variable AD.
4.3.4. Hypothesis testing
Original Sample Standard
sample mean deviation T statistics P values
AD → AP -0.637 -0.638 0.024 27.054 0.000
MT → AD 0.409 0.411 0.060 6.821 0.000
SA → AD 0.136 0.133 0.062 2.200 0.028
SA → AP -0.474 -0.474 0.026 18.101 0.000
SA → MT 0.640 0.640 0.041 15.679 0.000
Table 4.9: Hypothesis testing
In light of the results outlined in the table provided above, it is observed that the p-
values associated with the remaining direct effects are consistently below the significance
threshold of 0.050 (J. Hair Jr et al., 2021) and all the hypotheses put forward in this study
are meaningful. In addition, the Original sample results show that the impact of AD and SA
on AP has a negative sign, which shows that this is a negative relationship, as the
independent variable increases, the dependent variable decreases. MT affects AD, SA affects
AD, SA affects MT, has a positive sign, showing a relationship in the same direction,
As the independent variable demonstrates an upward trend, a corresponding increase is
observed in the dependent variable. Therefore, all of these additional interactions
demonstrated statistical significance.
Original Sample Standard T
sample mean deviation statistics P values Result
SA → MT → Partial
AD 0.262 0.263 0.041 6.441 0.000 mediation
SA → MT → Partial
AD → AP -0.167 -0.168 0.027 6.120 0.000 mediation
SA → AD → Partial
AP -0.086 -0.084 0.038 2.264 0.024 mediation
MT → AD → Partial
AP -0.26 -0.263 0.041 6.319 0.000 mediation

SA → MT → Partial
AD 0.262 0.263 0.041 6.441 0.000 mediation
Table 4.10: Specific indirect effects
The data in the Specific Indirect Effects data table suggests that SA has a positive
indirect effect on AP through MT and/or AD. The indirect effect of SA on AP through MT
is the strongest, suggesting that MT is the most important mediator of the relationship
between SA and AP. However, the indirect effect of SA on AP through AD is also significant,
suggesting that AD also plays a role in the relationship between SA and AP.
The total indirect effect of SA on AP is positive and significant, suggesting that SA
has a positive overall indirect effect on AP.
Original Sample Standard
sample mean deviation T statistics P values
MT → AP -0.26 -0.263 0.041 6.319 0.000
SA → AD 0.262 0.263 0.041 6.441 0.000
SA → AP -0.253 -0.252 0.028 8.916 0.000
Table 4.11: Total indirect effects
Based on the outcomes presented in the aforementioned table, it is evident that the
p-values associated with all indirect effects are statistically significant, registering values
below 0.050. Consequently, it can be concluded that each of these variables exerts a positive
impact on AP.
4.3.5. Hypothesis conclusion
According to the consequences of the tables above, the results of testing hypotheses
are recapitulated in the Table 4.12 below:
Hypotheses Content p-value Result-Beta
Short videos addiction have a
negative impact on the academic
H1 -0.474 0.000 Supported
performance of undergraduate
Short video addiction has a
positive impact on undergraduate
H2 0.136 0.028 Supported
students’ level of attention

Attention deficit has a negative
impact on the academic
H3 -0.637 0.000 Supported
performance of undergraduate
Attention deficit mediates the
relationship between short video
H4 -0.086 0.024 Supported
addiction and academic
Short video addiction has a
positive impact on the level of

H5 undergraduate students 0.640 0.000 Supported

multitasking in class and during
Multitasking in class and during
homework has a positive impact
H6 0.409 0.000 Supported
on the attention deficit of
undergraduate students.
Multitasking in class and during
homework mediate the
H7 0.262 0.000 Supported
relationship between short video
addiction and attention deficit.
Table 4.12: Hypotheses conclusion

Diagram SEM

Figure 4.1: Smart-PLS included Outer loadings, Beta Coefficient ( 𝛽 ) and R2 Adjusted

Figure 4.2: Smart-PLS included p-values

4.4. Discussion Of Research Result
4.4.1. The direct effect of short video addiction on the academic performance
of undergraduate students

SA → AP (𝛽 = -0.474; p-value = 0.000)

The research findings indicate that being addicted to short videos significantly
impairs academic performance, with a beta coefficient of -0.474 and a p-value of 0.000. This
statistically significant relationship underscores that excessive engagement with short video
platforms is closely associated with diminished learning outcomes. This finding is consistent
with research by Amez and Baert (2020), which collectively suggest a direct correlation
between increased usage of short video applications and a decline in overall learning efficacy.
The aforementioned results can be interpreted to mean that the overuse of these platforms
frequently results in a significant decrease in the time and attention students devote to their
academic duties. Given that these platforms are crafted to be extremely captivating and
habit-forming, they have the potential to swiftly shift students' attention away from
educational activities towards entertainment. As these platforms are designed to be highly
engaging and often addictive, they can easily divert students' focus from educational pursuits
to entertainment. Additionally, the habit of frequently consuming short-form content may
condition students to prefer brief, superficially engaging content, thereby diminishing their
patience and perseverance required for deeper, more comprehensive academic work.
Therefore, based on the results of this article, it can be inferred that a dependency on brief
video content exerts a direct and adverse influence on the academic achievements of
undergraduate students.

4.4.2. The indirect effect of short video addiction on the academic performance
of undergraduate students through multitasking and attention deficit

SA → MT → AD→ AP: Partial mediation (𝛽 = -0.167; p-value = 0.000)

Figure 4.3: Mediation Model of Variables SA, MT, AD, AP

The indirect effect of short video addiction (SA) on undergraduate students'
academic performance (AP) through multitasking (MT) in class and attention deficit (AD)
is -0.167, with a p-value of 0.000. This means that there is a significant indirect effect of SA
on AP through the mediators of MT and AD.
In other words, short video addiction may lead to academic performance issues by
increasing multitasking and attention deficit. When students are addicted to short videos,
they tend to multitask while studying or doing homework. This can lead to a lack of focus,
further reducing academic effectiveness.
Short video addiction has been associated with an increased tendency to multitask.
For instance, a study by Gao et al. (2017) found that students addicted to short videos were
more likely to multitask while studying.
Multitasking has been correlated with attention deficit. For example, a study by
Ophir et al. (2009) revealed that individuals who frequently multitasked had more difficulty
paying attention.
Attention deficit has been linked to decreased academic performance. For example,
Students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had lower GPAs than students
without ADHD (Bruisten et al., 2006).

The findings of this study emphasize the importance of undergraduate students being
aware of the potential negative consequences of short video addiction on their academic
performance. Students should aim to limit their time spent watching short videos and focus
on developing good study habits, such as avoiding multitasking.
4.4.3. The indirect effect of short video addiction on the academic performance
of undergraduate students through attention deficit

SA → AD→ AP: Partial mediation (𝛽 = -0.086; p-value = 0.024)

Figure 4.4: Mediation Model of Variables SA, AD, AP

The relationship between short video addiction and academic performance, with
attention deficit acting as a mediating factor, is substantiated by the findings presented in
Table 4.10. These results reveal that the indirect effects of short video addiction on academic
performance, mediated through attention deficit, are statistically significant, with a p-value
= 0.024 and a β = -0.086. This indicates a partial mediation effect in this relationship.
To add to the existing understanding of this relationship, (Chen et al., 2022) concur
with the notion that individuals addicted to short videos often struggle with maintaining
attention and experience diminished capacity to concentrate, particularly when faced with
destructive interferences. Our research further underscores this point, highlighting a direct
correlation between short video addiction among undergraduate students and their attention
deficit. Furthermore, this outcome aligns with the conclusions of prior research conducted
by (Herath, 2020; Ye et al., 2022), researchers have highlighted that addiction to short
videos negatively impacts students' academic performance. It's noteworthy to observe that
the relationship between short video addiction and academic performance, with attention

deficit playing a mediating role, has not received considerable attention from the research
community. Recognizing and addressing this mediator can provide a more comprehensive
understanding of how short video addiction influences academic performance.
4.5. General Discussion
4.5.1. Main effects
To provide additional insight into the research findings, the various factors
impacting academic performance will be examined sequentially in the following sections:
Short video addiction
The study findings supported Hypothesis H1, asserting that short video addiction
negatively impacts the academic performance of undergraduate students. These results are
consistent with the findings Zhang et al. (2023), Ye et al. (2022) and Lin et al. (2023).
According to the study, when students spend a majority of their time watching and
interacting on short video applications, the time and focus necessary for studying are
significantly reduced. This not only decreases study efficiency but also diminishes time
management and self-control skills.
In today's digital era, most students possess smartphones with internet connectivity,
providing easy access to short videos anytime and anywhere, even during study sessions.
However, this convenience leads to a dependency on watching videos, rendering students
unable to control their behavior. This results in excessive use of short video platforms,
adversely affecting their concentration and critical thinking skills essential for learning.
To mitigate these negative impacts, support from educational programs focusing on
time management and responsible technology use is needed. This approach will not only
help students balance their academic and leisure activities but also contribute to enhancing
their self-control awareness and developing essential life skills in the digital age.
Attention deficit
The research results show hypothesis H3 “Attention deficit has a negative impact on
the academic performance of undergraduate students.” supported. This finding is in line with
the work of Le (2021) and Gallen et al. (2023). The primary reason behind this is the
diminished capacity of students to process information when they lack focus. Concentration
is crucial in assimilating new information and integrating it with previously acquired
knowledge. When attention wavers, this integrative process suffers, significantly hampering
both understanding and the retention of knowledge. Attention deficit, in turn, leads to poor

time management, making students prone to distractions from non-academic activities,
resulting in procrastination and the inability to complete academic tasks timely.
Moreover, an ongoing struggle with focus can escalate academic stress and anxiety,
further worsening the situation. This creates a vicious cycle where poor concentration leads
to subpar academic outcomes, which are then compounded by increased stress levels. This
cycle not only affects academic performance but also can have a detrimental impact on
students' mental health and overall well-being.
To provide additional insight into the research findings, the various factors
impacting attention deficit will be examined sequentially in the following sections:
Short video addiction
Recent research has confirmed hypothesis H2, indicating that addiction to short
videos negatively affects the attention of undergraduate students. This means that excessive
consumption of short videos by students can lead to a decrease in attention span, a conclusion
that aligns with the findings of Chen et al. (2022) and Qin et al. (2022).
Short videos typically provide information quickly and engagingly. Continuous
viewing results in the student's brain being constantly stimulated by a large amount of
information and attention-grabbing imagery. This can lead to information overload, making
it challenging to maintain focus on a specific task for extended periods. Additionally,
constantly switching between different videos can diminish the ability to maintain long-term
attention on a particular subject, creating a habit of short-term attention and reducing long-
term focus capability.
Moreover, excessive consumption of short videos can lead to uncontrolled habits and
procrastination in completing important tasks. Students may spend too much time watching
short videos instead of focusing on their studies, thereby reducing their academic
performance and ability to concentrate on academic tasks.
Each student's attention varies depending on the individual and can be influenced by
factors such as motivation, emotions, anxiety, fatigue, interest, time of day and other factors.
Attention is not only crucial for cognitive functioning but also a key component in
processing meaningful information, self-regulation, and essential for academic achievement.
An inability to regulate attention, or in other words, a lack of attention, can directly impact
a student's academic performance. Therefore, understanding and addressing the impacts of
short video viewing on attention spans is essential to promote effective learning
environments and academic success.
The research results show that the hypothesis H6 “Multitasking in class and during
homework has a positive impact on the attention deficit of undergraduate students” is
supported. This suggests that engaging in multiple activities simultaneously, especially in
academic settings, can exacerbate issues related to attention span and focus, and this result
is similar to the comments of (Jamet et al., 2020). Research indicates that excessive media
multitasking, often involving short videos, adversely affects students' academic performance,
attention, working memory, and learning depth. This suggests that frequent consumption of
short videos might lead to superficial engagement in academic tasks, compromising the
quality of learning and depth of focus.
When students attempt to multitask, such as listening to a lecture while browsing the
internet or doing homework while watching short videos, their brains are required to switch
quickly between tasks. This constant shifting not only divides their attention but also places
a significant cognitive load on the brain. As a result, the effectiveness of cognitive processes,
including the ability to concentrate and absorb information, is compromised. This divided
attention can lead to shallow processing of information, where students may struggle to
deeply understand or retain what they are learning.
Additionally, the habit of multitasking can foster a shorter attention span. Over time,
students may find it increasingly difficult to focus on a single task for an extended period.
This can be particularly detrimental during activities that require deep focus and
comprehension, such as studying complex subjects or engaging in critical thinking exercises.
Moreover, the negative impact of multitasking extends beyond immediate academic
performance. It can also contribute to increased stress and anxiety levels, as students may
feel overwhelmed by the simultaneous demands of multiple tasks. This increased stress can
further impair cognitive functions, including attention and memory.
Individual differences, such as the student's baseline ability to concentrate, their level
of self-control, and their personal study habits, can influence the degree to which
multitasking affects them. Generally, the practice of multitasking in academic environments
is likely to detract from the quality of learning and the ability to concentrate on tasks that
require sustained attention. Understanding the detrimental effects of multitasking on
attention deficit is crucial for developing effective study habits and strategies. It highlights
the importance of focused, single-task learning environments in enhancing academic
performance and reducing attention-related challenges among undergraduate students.
To provide additional insight into the research findings, the various factors
impacting multitasking will be examined sequentially in the following sections:
The confirmation of Hypothesis H5 indicates a noteworthy trend: frequent usage of
short videos correlates with increased multitasking among college students. This insight
sheds light on an important, yet insufficiently studied, dimension of digital media
consumption within academic environments. The specific relationship between short video
addiction and the ability to multitask in educational settings remains largely unexplored,
marking an evident gap in scholarly research.
Data analysis reveals a direct link between students' short video addiction and their
multitasking during classes and homework sessions. Regular interaction with short videos
leads to fragmented attention and diminished cognitive control, hindering students' effective
multitasking in learning environments.
As research in this area is still in its infancy, there is a vital need for more
comprehensive studies. These should aim to explore the subtle effects of digital media
consumption on academic performance, cognitive development, and the overall well-being
of college students. By investigating these aspects, educators and policymakers can better
understand and address the challenges posed by the digital media landscape in modern
4.5.2. Mediating effects
The mediator hypothesis H4: This research has confirmed Hypothesis H4, which
asserts that an attention deficit serves as a crucial mediator in the relationship between the
addiction to short videos and the academic performance of undergraduate students. The
hypothesis argues that excessive consumption of short videos may lead to a reduction in
attention span, which in turn negatively affects students' academic results. Ye et al. (2022)
study reinforces this idea, showing that not only does an overabundance of short videos
reduce the ability for long-term attention, but it also encourages a pattern of fleeting, short-
term focus, which can weaken the abilities needed for extended concentration.
Constant engagement with short videos results in a flood of information and visually
stimulating content, leading to an overload of information. This overwhelming influx of
stimuli makes it difficult to maintain focus on a single task for long periods. Moreover,
regularly switching between different videos aggravates this problem, diminishing the ability
to concentrate on particular subjects for extended times. Therefore, it is essential to
understand and address the effects of short video consumption on attention spans. Tackling
these issues is key to creating effective learning environments and improving academic
performance in university contexts. By gaining a more comprehensive insight into these
interactions, educational institutions and students can develop methods to balance media
consumption with academic duties, fostering a more rounded and effective educational
The mediator hypothesis H7: This research verifies Hypothesis H7, demonstrating
that multitasking during classes and homework plays a significant role in bridging the gap
between addiction to short videos and attention deficit. It brings to light an important yet
overlooked aspect of digital media use in education. The practice of watching short videos,
characterized by rapid content changes, seems to train students for shorter attention spans,
adversely affecting their focus during longer, singular activities like lectures or homework.
The frequent attention shifts cultivated by this habit hinder students' ability to focus
on one topic or task for long periods, leading them to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously.
This multitasking not only degrades the quality of their academic work but also exacerbates
their attention deficit.
Overall, the study indicates that multitasking in the classroom and during homework,
particularly when it involves digital media, negatively impacts academic outcomes and
contributes to attention-related issues. These findings are crucial for understanding how
modern media consumption can affect cognition and academic performance. It is crucial for
educational institutions and students to develop strategies that discourage multitasking
during critical learning periods and promote sustained focus on individual tasks to mitigate
these effects.
4.6. Chapter Conclusion
Chapter 4 comprehensively and thoroughly details the research findings of the thesis,
with data processed using SmartPLS and SPSS software. The models introduced in Chapter
3 were evaluated, and all hypotheses were validated. Additionally, this chapter encapsulates
and explores the interconnections among the variables and insights derived from the research
methodologies employed.

5.1. Summary Of Findings And Answer The Research Question
(1) Does excessive consumption of short videos affect attention and academic
(2) Does attention deficit affect academic performance?
(3) Whether the link between short video excessive consumption and attention
deficit is mediated by multitasking?
In the analytical findings of Chapter 4, we explore the nuanced effects of short video
addiction on the cognitive and academic facets of university students' lives. As depicted in
Table 4.9, a direct correlation exists between short video addiction and attention deficit,
denoted by a beta coefficient of 0.136. This positive coefficient signifies that as students'
addiction to short videos increases, their attention correspondingly diminishes. Moreover,
this addictive behavior inversely affects academic performance, as evidenced by a beta
coefficient of -0.474, elucidating that a surge in short video consumption can lead to a
considerable decline in academic achievements.
The intricacies of these effects are further complicated by the presence of indirect
influences. Short video addiction exerts an indirect effect on attention deficit, mediated by
multitasking, with a substantial beta of 0.262. This mediation analysis suggests that
multitasking may amplify the adverse consequences of short video addiction on students'
ability to focus. The allure of short videos can lead to multitasking in the classroom or while
doing homework, thereby dispersing the students' focus and exacerbating the challenge of
maintaining attention during academic activities.
Furthermore, research shows that short video addiction not only directly impacts the
academic performance of undergraduates in a negative way but also mediated by
multitasking and attention deficit to explain the relationship between short video addiction
and academic performance of undergraduates students. This two-pronged mediation
underscores a vicious cycle: excessive engagement with short videos may induce
multitasking, which in turn could erode the students' focus, culminating in subpar academic
outcomes. This phenomenon suggests that not only does video addiction directly hamper
academic performance, but it also catalyzes a disruptive multitasking behavior that further
impairs learning and retention.
The extended time spent interacting with short videos could potentially lead to a
chronic attention deficit, which may have a sustained negative impact on a student's

academic trajectory. This finding aligns with contemporary concerns about digital
distractions and their ramifications for educational attainment. It also raises questions about
the potential for developing interventions to mitigate these effects. Could structured 'digital
diets' or the integration of educational content into these platforms turn the tide? Could they,
instead of detracting from academic performance, enhance learning outcomes?
In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis from Chapter 4 illustrates that the
ramifications of short video addiction extend beyond immediate gratification; they ripple
into the broader academic sphere, reshaping the educational experiences of university
students. Our exploration opens the door for further investigation into strategies that can help
balance the use of short-form media with the demands of academic rigor, ultimately
empowering students to harness digital tools for their educational advancement without
succumbing to the pitfalls of addiction.
(4) How to provide recommendations to optimize short video consumption to
improve the attention and learning performance of undergraduate students, and propose
strategies for educational institutions, parents, and caregivers content creators and short
video platform managers that aim to minimize the negative impact of short video
consumption on undergraduate students?
Recommendations for Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students are advised to manage their video consumption by setting
daily time limits and developing effective study schedules. It's important for them to practice
self-control and to seek support from friends for healthier lifestyle choices. Choosing
educational videos instead of mindless entertainment can also be beneficial. If necessary,
they should consider collaborating with mental health professionals.
Recommendations for Parents
Parents should strive for open, empathetic communication with their children.
Establishing clear boundaries and guidelines for video usage is crucial. They should
encourage their children to adopt healthy coping mechanisms and not hesitate to seek
professional help when needed. Regular communication and guidance towards campus
resources are also key in supporting their children's academic journey
Recommendations for Universities' Lesson Design
Universities are encouraged to diversify their teaching methods by incorporating
active learning and multimedia elements. Setting clear expectations and addressing digital
distractions is essential. Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment, as well

as integrating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into lessons, can greatly enhance the
educational experience.
Recommendations for Content Creators on Short Video Platforms
Content creators on short video platforms should focus on educational and
informative content. They are advised to limit attention-grabbing techniques and encourage
viewers to take breaks and practice mindfulness. Collaborating with educators and mental
health professionals can enhance the quality of their content. Promoting healthy habits and
well-being should be a priority.
Recommendations for Managers of Short Video Platforms
Managers of short video platforms should implement time limits and usage breaks.
Prioritizing educational content, promoting healthy habits and alternative activities, and
providing self-awareness tools are recommended. Collaborating with educational
institutions and empowering parents are also important. Encouraging responsible content
creation, implementing stricter age restrictions, and providing opt-out options for
personalized recommendations are key strategies.
These recommendations aim to help undergraduate students manage short video
addiction, improve academic performance, and maintain a healthy balance between digital
and real-world activities. The answer to this question is analyzed in detail in the next section.
5.2. Research Implications
5.2.1. Theoretical implications
This study is the first to explore the topic "The effect of short video consumption on
attention and academic performance of undergraduate students". The research is based on
three main theories: Cognitive load theory, cognitive bottleneck theory and dopamine theory.
In terms of content, the research findings reveal that addiction to short videos has a direct
negative impact on the academic performance of undergraduate students. Additionally, this
study confirms that multitasking during study sessions, completing assignments, and
inattention due to excessive consumption of short videos also play an intermediary role in
this research model.
Cognitive load theory
The research findings suggest that addiction to short videos significantly contributes
to inattention, adversely affecting students' ability to concentrate on academic tasks. This is
explained by cognitive load theory, which posits that the brain has a limited capacity for
processing information. Excessive consumption of short videos leads to cognitive overload,

as the brain becomes inundated with a continuous stream of diverse and stimulating
information. This overstimulation exhausts the cognitive resources necessary for sustained
attention, making students more prone to distraction and less capable of focusing on their
lessons. Additionally, regular engagement with these fast-paced videos can condition the
brain to favor short, rapid bursts of information, further diminishing the attention span and
hampering the ability to concentrate on longer, more demanding academic tasks. Essentially,
the habitual consumption of short video content can lead to a state where students find it
challenging to maintain focus, as their cognitive systems are overwhelmed and tuned to the
transient stimuli of these videos, detracting from their academic engagement and
Cognitive bottleneck theory
The research sheds light on how addiction to short videos can adversely impact
students' academic performance by monopolizing their time and cognitive resources. This
issue is aligned with the cognitive bottleneck theory, which posits that the brain's capacity
to process information is limited. When students excessively engage with short video content,
they not only allocate a substantial portion of their time to entertainment but also exhaust
their mental capacity for processing information. This excessive engagement leads to a
cognitive bottleneck, where the ability to absorb and process new academic information is
significantly impaired due to the preoccupation with these videos. As a result, students find
themselves with limited time for studies and a diminished capacity for effective learning,
underlining the need for a more balanced approach to media consumption in relation to their
educational commitments.
Dopamine theory
The recent research findings illuminate a concerning trend among students: the
growing tendency to prioritize watching short videos over studying, a behavior that can be
comprehensively understood through the Dopamine Theory. This theory explains how
dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward, influences behavior. Regular
consumption of short videos leads to increased dopamine release, reinforcing the habit due
to the pleasure derived from these videos. Consequently, this dopamine-driven
reinforcement makes watching videos more appealing than academic tasks, which typically
offer less immediate gratification. As students increasingly succumb to this form of short
video addiction, they tend to neglect their studies, resulting in a potential decline in academic
performance. This phenomenon highlights the significant impact of short video addiction on

students' academic priorities and achievements, underpinned by the neurobiological
mechanisms of reward and pleasure in the brain.
This study by the author makes valuable contributions to each theory. For cognitive
load theory, the research provides evidence demonstrating how excessive consumption of
short videos leads to cognitive overload. Analysis of how this overload impacts the brain's
ability to process educational information. Implications of this theory on understanding
students' decreased academic performance due to short video addiction. For the cognitive
bottleneck theory, the findings highlight the impact of multitasking between video
consumption and academic tasks. Exploration of how cognitive bottlenecks manifest in
students who are addicted to short videos.
Discussion on the implications of these bottlenecks for academic engagement and
efficiency. Finally, regarding the dopamine theory, the research offers insights into how
addiction to short videos triggers dopamine release. Analysis of how this dopamine release
influences students’ preference for video consumption over studying. Implications for
understanding the neurobiological basis of changes in academic behavior and priorities.
In summary, this study provides a structured approach to analyzing how the research
contributes to each theory, offering a comprehensive understanding of the academic
implications of students' addiction to short videos.
5.2.2. Practical implications
The study aims to provide recommendations for undergraduate students, families,
educational institutions, content creators, and short video platform managers to create a
healthy learning environment and minimise the negative impact of excessive short video
consumption. For undergraduate students, we emphasize the importance of effective time
management and cultivating healthy habits in consuming short videos. For educational
institutions, there is encouragement to design more effective lectures and foster a diverse
learning environment. As for content creators, the focus should be on producing content that
is relevant and beneficial for students. Based on the research findings, the authors have
detailed these recommendations, offering clear practical value for all stakeholders in the next
Recommendations for undergraduate students
This study provides valuable insights and practical applications. The authors
discovered that excessive consumption of short videos can lead to a lack of attention and a
decline in academic performance among undergraduate students. This is particularly crucial
for those students who frequently watch short videos; they need to reassess their habits and
seek alternative activities to improve this situation. In addressing the issue of excessive short
video consumption among undergraduate students, the study proposes two intervention
Firstly, implementing time limits through digital tools or applications is crucial in
controlling daily video-watching time. Establishing an effective study schedule, clearly
allocating time for study and leisure activities, helps students improve their focus on
academics. Practicing self-control to remind oneself of academic goals helps reduce the
allure of excessive short video-watching. Building a support network with friends and
engaging in sports activities with them provides a healthier alternative for mental well-being.
Secondly, selectively choosing educational and personal development short videos over
purposeless entertainment is also essential. The directions proposed in our study offer an
effective path for undergraduate students to manage excessive short video consumption and
maintain a healthy balance between academic responsibilities and recreational activities.
Recommendations for parents
The addiction to short videos is becoming an increasingly prevalent undergraduate
students' problem. It can have negative effects on their academic performance, attention and
concentration. In this scenario, parents can play a role in helping their children overcome
this addiction and improve success in their studies.
Open and honest communication
Open and honest communication is a cornerstone of addressing the issue of short
video addiction and attention deficit in college students. Initiating an open and honest
conversation with your child about their short video usage and its impact on their academic
performance is crucial in understanding the underlying reasons for their behavior and
fostering a sense of trust. Approach the conversation with empathy and understanding,
avoiding judgment or criticism. Active listening involves giving your child your undivided
attention, validating their feelings, and avoiding interrupting. This will help them feel heard
and understood, creating a safe space for open communication. Collaborative goal setting
involves working together to establish realistic and achievable goals for reducing short video
usage and improving focus. Involving your child in the decision-making process fosters a
sense of ownership and commitment, increasing the likelihood of adherence to these goals.
Establish boundaries and guidelines
To effectively manage short video consumption and cultivate a focused learning
environment, it's crucial to establish clear boundaries and guidelines. Begin by setting clear
expectations for acceptable and unacceptable short video usage behaviors. Explicitly
communicate these expectations to your child and openly discuss the consequences of not
adhering to them. This will foster a sense of accountability and encourage responsible
Next, collaborate with your child to establish realistic and achievable time limits for
short video usage. These limits should align with their academic commitments,
extracurricular activities, and personal time. Consider utilizing parental control tools or apps
to assist with monitoring and enforcement of these time limits. This can help your child stay
on track and avoid exceeding their allotted video consumption.
Finally, create distraction-free zones within the home, such as designated study areas
or bedrooms, where short video usage is strictly prohibited. This will help your child
associate these areas with focused work and reduce the temptation to engage with social
media platforms during crucial study periods. By establishing clear expectations,
implementing time limits, and creating designated distraction-free zones, you can empower
your child to manage their short video consumption effectively and foster a conducive
environment for academic success.
Promote healthy coping mechanisms
Navigating the challenges of college life can be demanding, and the allure of short-
form video content can easily become a distraction and impede academic progress. To foster
a healthy balance and promote well-being, it's crucial to encourage alternative coping
mechanisms that address the root causes of short video addiction and attention deficit.
Introducing engaging and fulfilling activities that serve as alternatives to short videos
can effectively redirect attention away from the addictive nature of these platforms.
Encourage your child to explore sports, hobbies, creative pursuits, or social interactions that
align with their interests. Engaging in physical activity, such as sports or exercise, can not
only promote physical fitness but also enhance mental well-being and reduce stress, a
common factor contributing to excessive short video consumption.
In addition to introducing alternative activities, incorporating mindfulness and
relaxation techniques into your child's routine can significantly improve their ability to focus
and resist distractions. Encourage practices like meditation or deep breathing exercises,
which have been shown to cultivate a calm and centered state of mind, reducing stress and
anxiety that often drive individuals towards seeking immediate gratification through short
If your child's short video addiction or attention deficit is causing significant distress
or impairment, seeking professional guidance from a mental health professional or addiction
specializt is highly recommended. These experts can provide personalized assessments,
identify underlying causes, and develop tailored strategies to address these challenges
effectively. By fostering open communication, encouraging healthy coping mechanisms, and
providing ongoing support, you can empower your child to overcome these obstacles and
achieve academic success while maintaining their overall well-being.
Support from afar
Maintaining a supportive presence in your child's life, even from a distance, is crucial
for their well-being and academic success. Schedule regular check-ins, whether through
phone calls, video chats, or in-person visits, to stay connected and offer your support. These
interactions provide an opportunity to check in on their emotional state, academic progress,
and overall well-being.
Approach these interactions with empathy and understanding, acknowledging the
challenges they may be facing. Offer words of encouragement and reassurance, reminding
them of your unwavering support and belief in their abilities. Instead of providing unsolicited
advice or criticism, listen attentively to their concerns and validate their feelings.
Encourage your child to utilize the comprehensive resources available on campus,
such as academic advising, tutoring services, and counseling centers. These resources can
provide valuable guidance and support in navigating academic challenges, managing stress,
and enhancing personal well-being. Remind them that seeking help is a sign of strength, not
weakness, and that you are there to support them every step of the way.
Recommendations for universities’ lessons design
Diversify teaching methods
Diversifying teaching methods is crucial for constructing an engaging and beneficial
learning space that caters to the diverse range of student needs and learning modalities.
Incorporating active learning techniques, such as hands-on activities, group discussions, and
collaborative projects, can shift the focus from passive listening to active participation,
promoting deeper understanding and retention (Prince, 2004). Additionally, utilizing
multimedia elements, such as videos, infographics, and interactive simulations, can break up
the monotony of traditional lectures, capture attention, and present information in a more
visually appealing and accessible manner (Mayer, 2002). Furthermore, promoting peer-to-
peer learning through group work, debates, and peer tutoring can foster a sense of community,
encourage knowledge sharing, and enhance engagement by allowing students to learn from
and support one another (Prince, 2004). By implementing a variety of teaching methods,

educators can design a stimulating and responsive learning environment that meets the
varied needs of their students, promoting deeper understanding, retention, and engagement.
Establish clear expectations and guidelines
Establishing clear expectations and guidelines is a crucial step in creating a
conducive learning environment. By providing students with a clear understanding of course
objectives, expectations, and assessment criteria, instructors set the stage for success and
empower students to take ownership of their learning journey. This approach, as advocated
by Chickering and Gamson (1987), provides a roadmap for students to navigate the course
and achieve their learning goals.
In today's technology-driven world, digital distractions pose a significant challenge
to maintaining focus in the classroom. Recognizing this reality, it is essential to proactively
address distractions by establishing clear policies regarding phone usage and multitasking.
Minimizing these distractions fosters an environment conducive to deep learning and
To ensure the effectiveness of these policies, consistent enforcement is paramount.
By upholding established guidelines, instructors maintain a distraction-free learning
environment, ensuring that all students have equal access to learning opportunities. This
approach, as emphasized by Chickering and Gamson (1987), promotes respect for fellow
students and instructors, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning community.
In essence, establishing clear expectations and guidelines sets the foundation for a
productive and rewarding learning experience. By providing students with a clear
understanding of expectations, addressing distractions proactively, and enforcing policies
consistently, instructors create an environment where students can thrive and achieve their
full potential.
Foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment
Fostering a supportive and inclusive learning Establishing clear expectations and
guidelines is a crucial step in creating a conducive learning environment. By providing
students with a clear understanding of course objectives, expectations, and assessment
criteria, instructors set the stage for success and empower students to take ownership of their
learning journey. This approach, as advocated by Chickering and Gamson (1987), provides
a roadmap for students to navigate the course and achieve their learning goals.
In today's technology-driven world, digital distractions pose a significant challenge
to maintaining focus in the classroom. Recognizing this reality, it is essential to proactively
address distractions by establishing clear policies regarding phone usage and multitasking.
Minimizing these distractions fosters an environment conducive to deep learning and
To ensure the effectiveness of these policies, consistent enforcement is paramount.
By upholding established guidelines, instructors maintain a distraction environment is
crucial for maximizing student engagement and enhancing their overall learning experience.
Creating a welcoming atmosphere that embraces diversity and respects various learning
styles and backgrounds establishes a foundation of acceptance and belonging, encouraging
students to feel valued and comfortable contributing to the classroom community
(Chickering & Gamson, 1987). Active listening and participation are nurtured by fostering
a culture of open dialogue, where student contributions are actively sought and valued.
Providing regular feedback and addressing questions promptly demonstrates a genuine
interest in students' understanding and encourages them to engage more deeply with the
material (Chickering & Gamson, 1987). Additionally, promoting self-regulation and
metacognitive strategies empowers students to take ownership of their learning, enabling
them to manage their time effectively, monitor their progress, and adapt to different learning
tasks, fostering a sense of independence and self-efficacy (Pintrich, 2000).
Cultivate mindfulness and relaxation techniques
Cultivating mindfulness and relaxation techniques is essential for fostering a
supportive and conducive learning environment. Incorporating brief mindfulness exercises,
such as meditation or deep breathing practices, into lectures or class breaks can help students
manage stress, enhance focus, and improve concentration, thereby promoting a more
receptive and engaged learning experience (Pintrich, 2000). Additionally, encouraging
students to adopt healthful lifestyle habits such as frequent exercise, proper sleep, and a well-
balanced diet, can significantly improve their overall well-being, providing them with the
physical and mental energy necessary to focus on their studies. Finally, providing access to
support services, such as counseling centers, tutoring services, and academic advising, can
empower students to address personal challenges and gain the necessary support to excel
academically. By fostering a holistic approach to student well-being, educators can create a
supportive learning environment that promotes academic success and personal growth.
Recommendations for content creators on short video platforms
Short-form video platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts have become
increasingly popular among college students. While these platforms can be a source of
entertainment and information, they can also be addictive and lead to decreased academic
performance. A recent study found that college students who are addicted to short videos are
more likely to multitask in class and do homework, which can lead to difficulty focusing on
one task and ultimately lower grades.
In light of these findings, it is important for short video content creators to be aware
of the potential negative impacts of their content on students' academic performance.
Create educational and informative content
Instead of creating videos that are solely for entertainment, content creators can use
their platforms to educate and inform students. This could include creating videos about
study tips, time management strategies, or interesting facts about different subjects.
Educational content is more likely to keep students engaged and learning, while also
reducing the amount of time they spend mindlessly scrolling through videos.
Limit the use of attention-grabbing techniques
Short-form video platforms are designed to be addictive, and they often use attention-
grabbing techniques such as autoplay, endless scrolling, and notifications to keep users
engaged. While these techniques can be effective in the short term, they can also lead to
increased addiction and decreased attention. Content creators can help reduce the negative
impacts of these techniques by limiting their use in their videos.
Encourage breaks and mindfulness
The fragmentation pattern of short-form videos can trigger intense stimulation of the
brain's pleasure center, leading to a significant release of dopamine in a short period of time.
This is the main reason short videos can be addictive is because they provide a constant
feeling of stimulation. It can make it difficult for students to focus on other tasks, such as
studying or doing homework. Content creators can encourage students to take breaks from
watching videos and practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing,
to help them focus and improve their attention.
Collaborate with educators and mental health professionals
Content creators can also collaborate with educators and mental health professionals
to develop content that is specifically designed to help students reduce their addiction to
short videos. This could include creating videos about the risks of addiction, teaching
students how to manage their time and use technology responsibly, or providing resources
for students who are struggling with addiction.
Promote healthy habits and well-being
In addition to creating content that is specifically designed to reduce addiction,
content creators can also promote healthy habits and well-being in general. This could

include creating videos about healthy eating, exercise, and sleep. Content creators can also
encourage students to take breaks from technology and spend time with friends and family.
Recommendations for managers of short video platforms
The first is implementing time limits and usage breaks.For undergraduate users and
incorporate in-app notifications reminding users to take breaks and engage in other activities.
Next, need to prioritize educational and informative content. Promote educational and
informative content tailored to undergraduate students' interests and academic needs. This
could include educational videos, study tips, and career guidance resources. Promote healthy
habits and alternative activities. Encourage users to engage in healthy habits and activities
outside of the platform. Suggest physical activities, creative pursuits, or social interactions
to promote balance and well-being. On the other hand collaborate with educational
institutions. Partner with universities and colleges to develop targeted campaigns and
initiatives that promote responsible social media usage among undergraduate students.
Promote responsible content creation. Encourage creators to produce positive and
meaningful content that aligns with educational goals and personal development. Emphasize
the impact of content on viewers and promote responsible online behavior. Finally,
implement stricter age restrictions. Consider enforcing stricter age restrictions for short
video platforms to limit access to younger users who may be more vulnerable to addiction.
By implementing these recommendations, undergraduate students can take control
of their short video consumption, enhance their academic performance, develop healthy
media habits, and limit multitasking in class. Remember, it's not about eliminating short
videos entirely, but rather about using them responsibly and in a way that aligns with your
personal goals and well-being.
5.3. Limitations And Suggestions For Further Research
5.3.1. Limitations
Limitations in methods
The first limitation in terms of method is sample size. Due to limited accessibility to
participants, who are undergraduate students in Northern Vietnam, the sample size is
constrained, with only 351 participants. Small samples may present challenges in
generalizing findings to a larger population and can lead to statistical issues, complicating
the detection of actual effects. However, the obtained sample size for the group is still of
good quality to support the research.

Beyond sample size, a significant limitation arises from data collection methods. The
research students lacked the expertise or resources to employ modern and rigorous data
collection methods. This could potentially result in biased or inaccurate data, impacting the
overall validity of the study. To partially address this issue, we opted for a convenient
sampling method, commonly used to gather information about a population. Convenient
sampling is favored for its cost-effectiveness, time efficiency compared to other sampling
strategies, and simplicity. When used to formulate a potential hypothesis or research
objective, convenient sampling can be highly beneficial (Stratton, 2021).
Reliability and validity of data is also a limitation. Due to the study being conducted
by students with limited expertise or resources, ensuring the reliability and validity of the
data becomes challenging. This could impact the overall reliability of the study. Nevertheless,
data validity is still ensured based on our analyzes.
Apart from the concern about reliability and validity of data, the team needs to
contend with the limitation from data analysis tools. The team did not have access to
advanced and most suitable data analysis tools, relying only on available tools suitable for
the research. This may pose difficulties in accurately assessing the variables of interest.
Limitations in theoretical aspects
A significant limitation arises from limitations in theoretical aspects and limitations
in human resources. The limited number of team members has led to a reduced amount of
collected data and limitations on the types of analyzes that can be performed. This has
constrained the depth and breadth of research conclusions. Additionally, resource constraints
have influenced the choice of research design, leading to simpler and less rigorous methods.
This affects both the internal and external validity of the research results.
Limitations at execution
In tandem with limitations in human resources, the team must confront the challenge
of lack of reference sources. As this is a new research topic, reference materials on the issues
under investigation are often nonexistent or limited, making it challenging for users to find
relevant literature. Our team had to rely heavily on existing literature, which could hinder
the generation of unique or innovative findings. Despite these challenges, our team
employed various strategies to minimize the impact of resource limitations and enhance the
quality of the research.
5.3.2. Suggestions for future research
Our overarching objective is to equip readers with a thorough grasp of our field of
expertise, enabling them to leverage this knowledge in future research or related endeavors.
The initial investigation concentrated on specific variables, theories, and definitions. To
achieve precise and in-depth findings, future research should involve extended surveys
incorporating multiple independent variables for further elucidation of the dependent
variable. Additionally, the present study's sample size was confined to undergraduate
students in northern Vietnam. Future studies should strive to broaden the scope by
incorporating a larger and more diverse participant pool. Furthermore, extending the
research duration and utilizing a wider range of data collection methods are crucial for
achieving more comprehensive results. Based on the current use of short videos by
undergraduate students, specific recommendations, practical applications, and identified
issues will be highlighted and clearly addressed.
5.4. Chapter Conclusion
In this chapter, summarize and discuss the findings from the research methods.
Answer the questions posed in Chapter 1. Based on the research findings, we present
recommendations for students, parents, educational institutions, content creators and short
video platform managers to help minimize excessive short video consumption among
undergraduate students. Simultaneously, we outline limitations in the research process and
propose considerations for future studies.

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“The effect of short video consumption on attention and academic performance of
undergraduate students”
We are students in the Fall 23 semester project group of FPT University.
Currently, our team is conducting a survey on the SHORT VIDEO viewing habits of
undergraduate students and would like to receive your opinions. Hope you can take a
moment to complete this survey!
This survey will take approximately 3 - 5 minutes to complete. All information and
data collected for the study will be completely confidential and used for research purposes.
Your answers will contribute greatly to our research.
Thank you very much for taking the time to participate and contribute to our survey!
Part I. Personal Information
Question 1. How old are you currently?
o Under 18
o 18-22 years old
o 23-27 years old
o Over 27 years old
Question 2. What is your gender?
o Female
o Male
o Other gender
Question 3. Currently, what year of college are you in?
o First-year
o Second-year
o Third-year
o Fourth-year
o Over five years
Question 4. Currently, which university are you attending or have attended?
Short-answer text...
Question 5. What is your field of study?
o Health Care

o Economics
o Education
o Graphic Design
o Technology
o Communication
o Law
o Architecture and Construction
o Other
Question 6. Have you ever watched short videos?
o Have watched
o Have not watched
Part II. Rate how often you watch short videos.
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about
how often you watch short videos? (Tick the box, where 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree,
3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Completely agree)
Short video addiction (SA) 1 2 3 4 5
You will drop what you need to finish or do and spend my time
watching short videos.

You will sacrifice my sleep at night because of watiching short videos.

You would feel bored when not watching short videos

Part III. Assessing the attention deficit level of undergraduate students.

Question 1. How many times do you watch short video daily?
o One time or below
o Twice
o Three times
o Four times
o More than four times
Question 2. How many times do you watch short video while working?
o One time or below

o Twice
o Three times
o Four times
o More than four times
Question 3. Tick in the box, where 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 =
Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree.

1 2 3 4 5
Attention deficit (AD)
Do you often watch short videos while doing homework at school or
while working?

Question 4. What is the longest time (in minutes) you can concentrate on lectures,
videos/audio without getting distracted?
o Under 5 minutes
o 5 - 10 minutes
o 10 - 15 minutes
o 15 - 20 minutes
o Over 20 minutes
Part IV. Assessing the multitasking level of undergraduate students in class and
during homework.
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about
multitasking in class and during homework, (Tick the box, where 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 =
Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Completely agree)
Question 1. While doing homework, how often do you do the following?
Multitasking during homework (MT) 1 2 3 4 5
Consuming short videos (watching and searching for short videos, etc.)
Interacting on short video platforms (liking, commenting, sharing,
participating in giveaways, responding to challenges, etc.)
Producing short videos (creating, uploading short videos, etc.)
Question 2: While attending class, how often do you do the following things?
Multitasking in class (MT) 1 2 3 4 5
Consuming short videos (watching and searching for short videos, etc.)

Interacting on short video platforms (liking, commenting, sharing,
participating in giveaways, responding to challenges, etc.)
Producing short videos (creating, uploading short videos, etc.)
Part V. Assessing the academic achievements of undergraduate students.
Question 1. What is your current average grade?
o Average grade: 0.0 - 2.0
o Average grade: 2.0 - 4.0
o Average grade: 4.0 - 6.0
o Average grade: 6.0 - 8.0
o Average grade: 8.0 - 10.0
Question 2. What was your average grade in the previous semester?
o Average grade: 0.0 - 2.0
o Average grade: 2.0 - 4.0
o Average grade: 4.0 - 6.0
o Average grade: 6.0 - 8.0
o Average grade: 8.0 - 10.0
Question 3. What was your average grade in the last three online courses you participated
o Average grade: 0.0 - 2.0
o Average grade: 2.0 - 4.0
o Average grade: 4.0 - 6.0
o Average grade: 6.0 - 8.0
o Average grade: 8.0 - 10.0
Question 4. What was your average grade in the last three in-person classes you attended?
o Average grade: 0.0 - 2.0
o Average grade: 2.0 - 4.0
o Average grade: 4.0 - 6.0
o Average grade: 6.0 - 8.0
o Average grade: 8.0 - 10.0


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