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Aldol Condensation 1

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Investigatory Project

NAME: Aarush Srivastav


Roll no:

Topic: Aldol Condensation


I gratefully acknowledge the encouragement and guidance

of our respected Principal Vimmi Kapoor Ma'am as well as
extend my hearty thanks for giving us this wonderful
opportunity to learn and create this project.
I am highly indebted to Sayali Ma'am for the constant
supervision, help and guidance. I am also grateful for the
modern resources like books, internet which helped me
gather information.

Lastly, I thank my parents for being my constant support

system and always helping me.

• Certified that the entries in this project is the

bona fide
work of master Aarush Srivastav.
Roll no.-
of class XII completed during the academic
year 2024-25.
• This project file was submitted for the AISSCE
(CLASS XII) Practical examination in Chemistry
conducted on and the guidelines issued by the
Aldol Condensation
EXPERIMENT 7 (Organic Chemistry II) P

Chemicals Materials

Methanol, CH3OH 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask 25 mL graduated cylinder

Acetone, CH3COCH3 thermometer Büchner funnel
10% NaOH test tube rack medium size test tube
Benzaldehyde, C6H5-CHO mel-temp filter paper
95% Ethanol, C2H5OH ice bath

Purpose - The objectives of this experiment are to learn aldol condensation mixture of aldehydes and ketones,
which used extensively in organic synthesis to form C-C bonds and make bigger molecules.

Like the Grignard reaction, the Aldol Condensation is an extremely useful carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction
in organic chemistry. Under the reaction conditions in the experiment, two equivalents of aldehyde will react.


aq. NaOH
2 R - CHO + + 2 H2O
95 % EtOH
R' R'
R' R'
The aldol condensation is a reaction that is named based on the type of product formed when two aldehydes (or
ketones), in the presence of dilute base, yields a molecule having both alcohol and aldehyde functional groups.
An example of the type of base-catalyzed aldol condensation that you will perform is shown below.

- 2 H2O
2 +

Benzaldehyde Acetone Dibenzalacetone


These products are a β-hydroxyaldehyde (or a β-hydroxyketone). This reaction is used extensively in organic
synthesis to form C-C bonds and make bigger molecules. In every case, the product results from the addition of
one molecule of an aldehyde (or ketone) to a second molecule in such a way that the a-carbon of the first
becomes attached to the carbonyl carbon of the second.

The acidity of the alpha-carbon makes beta-dehydration of aldols an easy

reaction. (This is of course quite different than the chemistry of normal alcohols.)
This conjugated enone synthesis is catalyzed by both acids and bases. This shows
the mechanism of the experiment performed. The reaction proceeds by an aldol
Step 1:
First, an acid-base reaction. Hydroxide functions as a base and removes the acidic
α-hydrogen giving the reactive enolate.
Step 2:
The nucleophilic enolate attacks the aldehyde at the electrophilic carbonyl C in a
nucleophilic addition type process giving an intermediate alkoxide.

Step 3:
An acid-base reaction. The alkoxide deprotonates a water molecule creating
hydroxide and the β−hydroxyaldehydes or aldol product.


Step 1:
First, an acid-base reaction. Hydroxide functions as a base and
removes an acidic α-hydrogen giving the reactive enolate.

Step 2:
The electrons associated with the negative charge of the enolate are
used to form the C=C and displace the leaving group, regenerating
hydroxide giving the conjugated aldehyde.

Dehydration generally occurs under slightly more vigorous conditions, such as higher temperature, than the
condensation reaction. Thus at higher temperature in base the aldol reaction will go directly to the conjugated
enone without any isolation of the aldol intermediate.

The aldehyde and ketone used for aldol reaction will be selected from the following group:


Benzaldehyde 4 - Methylbenzaldehysed 4 - Methoxybenzalsehyde Cinnamaldehyde
(p - tolualdehyde) ( p - anisaldehyde)


Acetone Cyclopentanone Cyclohexanone 4 - Methylcyclohexanone

Notice that none of the aldehydes shown above contains an enolizable α-hydrogen, so they cannot act as the
nucleophilic species in the aldol reaction. Ketones, in general, are less susceptible to nucleophilic attack than
aldehydes, so in a reaction mixture containing both an aldehyde and a ketone, the aldehyde will react faster with
nucleophiles. Thus, it is possible to perform a "crossed" aldol reaction in which the enolate formed by
abstraction of the alpha-hydrogen on the ketone attacks the carbonyl of the aldehyde. Since we are working with
conjugated aldehydes, the resulting beta-hydroxyketones readily eliminate water to form enones. Under the
conditions used in this experiment (an excess of aldehyde), a "double condensation" occurs by reaction on both
sides of the ketone to give the products shown below.

Although a β-hydroxyaldehyde (or a β-hydroxyketone) is produced in an aldol condensation, the ultimate

product of these reactions (as shown above) is often the α,β-unsaturated aldehyde and a separate molecule of
water. Upon heating, the β-hydroxy aldehyde product of an aldol condensation easily undergoes dehydration to
yield an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde (or ketone). Conjugation of the newly formed double bond with the carbonyl
group (and of the benzene ring, as shown in the example below) stabilizes the product and provides the
thermodynamic driving force for the dehydration process.


In the present case, the reaction—a mixed, or crossed aldol condensation involving an aromatic aldehyde—is
referred to as a Claisen-Schmidt condensation. The Claisen-Schmidt condensation always involves dehydration
of the product of the mixed addition to yield a product in which the double bond (produced during dehydration)
is conjugated to both the aromatic ring and the carbonyl group.
Because this aromatic aldehyde lacks α - hydrogens, only one product is formed, rather than a mixture of four
different compounds, as long as the concentration of the second aldehyde is carefully controlled. In this

experiment we will prepare the dibenzalacetone: 1,5-diphenyl-1,4-pentadien-3-one. The equilibrium is shifted
toward the product because the compound precipitates from the reaction mixture as it is formed.



Dibenzalacetone is a common ingredient in sunscreen. This is because dibenzalacetone absorbs UV light and
helps to protect the skin from the sun’s damaging rays. The properties that are most valuable in a compound that
is used in sunscreen are the compound’s abilities to absorb, reflect, or even scatter the harmful UV rays.
Another importance is for the compound to not cause an allergic reaction on a person’s skin.

This experiment was being performed so that dibenzalacetone could be synthesized from benzaldehyde and
acetone. This experiment was performed to show how a ketone and an aldehyde could be added together
through the aldol condensation.
The aldol condensation is extremely important because it can form a β-hydroxy aldehyde or ketone from two
carbonyl compounds. This type of reaction proceeds through the creation of a resonance-stabilized enolate ion
from one of the carbonyl groups. The enolate ion can then act as a strong nucleophile and add to another
carbonyl group. It is extremely important that one of the carbonyl groups has an acidic alpha hydrogen (one
adjacent to a carbonyl group) so that the enolate ion can be formed. Aldol products can be formed through either
acidic or basic conditions and since they are usually exothermic the reaction will be driven to completion.

In this experiment, you will run an aldol condensation between an aldehyde and a ketone and then the product
of the reaction precipitates out of solution and can be collected by filtration. The crude product is normally
purified by recrystallization. Weigh your product and determine percent yield. What reactant is your percent
yield based on? Determine the melting point and compare to the literature value. (Table 1 and 2)

Table 1. Physical properties of compounds

Compound MW Mp Bp Density
o o
Benzaldehyde 106.13 -56 C 178 C 1.04
Acetone (reagent) 58.08 56oC 0.79
Dibenzalacetone 234.30 113 C

Table 2. Melting points of aldol condensation products

Aldehydes Acetone Cyclopentanone Cyclohexanone 4-Methylcyclohexanone
Benzaldehyde 111-113°C 189°C 118°C 98-99°C
4-Methylbenzaldehyde 175°C 235-236°C 170°C 133-135°C
4-Methoxybenzaldehyde 129-130°C 212°C 159°C 141-142°C
Cinnamaldehyde 144°C 225°C 180°C 163-164°C

Safety Note

a) NaOH in aqueous ethanol is corrosive and particularly dangerous to the

eyes. If contacted, remove with plenty of water.
b) Acetone is highly flammable.
c) Benzaldehyde is listed as moderately toxic (but contributes to the flavor of

Experimental Procedure

Transfer 15mL of ethanol into a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask and add 20mL of 10% NaOH to it. Using a
thermometer, cool the solution to 20ºC.

In a medium size tube, mix 2mL of benzaldehyde with 15 drops of acetone, and leave it at room temperature for
5 minutes. Then, add the mixture to the ethanol-NaOH solution in small portions and stir with magnetic stirrer
(if available) for 30 minutes. Chill the solution in an ice-water bath. Collect the yellow crystals by suction
filtration and hand-dry them by pressing them between dry paper towels.

Determine the weight of the dibenzalacetone product, its melting point, and the percent yield. Return the
product to your instructor.

NOTE- The amounts of the reagents used in this reaction are very important to ensure the correct product
forms. In a given example a student added twice as much acetone as the procedure called for. This error on the
student’s part would greatly affect the end product. Since there would be such an excess of acetone the
benzaldehyde would only see acetone and would not end up adding twice to any acetone molecules. This would
give an end product of benzalacetone instead of dibenzalacetone.

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