Drilling and Blasting (BTCMNPEC501)
Drilling and Blasting (BTCMNPEC501)
Drilling and Blasting (BTCMNPEC501)
2. Write short notes on Wire Line Drilling and Directional Drilling. (5+5)
3. What is Production Drilling? Discuss different factors which affect the drilling. (5+5)
7. Explain the mechanics of Rock Fragmentation by Explosive action with a neat diagram. (10)
8. A 2000m Decline is to be excavated in hard rock by means of drill and blasts with burn (10)
cut drilling pattern, the geometric dimensions and drilling data are:
Decline width = 4.5m, height = 3.2m, relief hole diameter = 54mm, drilling diameter =
45mm, drilling length= 3.5m, advancement = 90%, explosive used in the cartridge form
having diameter of 38mm, density of explosive is 1.2gm/cm3.
Assume other relevant information and calculate powder factor, unit operations cycle
time, total time required, drilling and firing pattern, and machines requirement.
9. An underground coal mine is being planned for development by Bord and Pillar mining (10)
system with drill and blast for production of 1000 tonnes per day from a 3.0 m thick
coal seam occurring at a depth of 150 m having pillar sizes of 30m x 30m, drive size of
4.2m x 3m.
Assume required relevant information and give layout of working faces, powder factor,
manpower, drilling and firing pattern and main equipment against targeted production.
10. A surface mines production target is 50,000 tonnes per day of limestone from multiple (10)
benches through drilling and blasting. The given information are-
Drill size = 165mm, drilling rate-30m/hr, bench height = 12m, specific gr. of rock = 2.4,
explosive density = 1.0 gm/cc, , dumping distance-3km
Assume other required information and calculate powder factor, number of holes,
drilling and firing pattern, equipment required for drilling, loading (shovel) and
transporting (dumper).