MBA01C105 - Compressed Quantitative Management Old Paper Baou
MBA01C105 - Compressed Quantitative Management Old Paper Baou
MBA01C105 - Compressed Quantitative Management Old Paper Baou
Q-1 The Monthly income (in thousand Rs.) of 130 persons living in a certain area is as 14
Income (thousand Rs.) Less than 4 4-8 8-12 12-20 20-28 28-36
No. of person 6 14 31 35 28 16
Find the median of income.
Discuss on applications where the system needs to be modeled mathematically.
Q-2 Find initial basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem using(i) 14
North-West Corner Method and (ii) Least Cost Method:
Destination D1 D2 D3 Supply
S1 30 20 10 700
S2 5 15 25 400
Demand 300 400 250
Solve the following assignment problem so as to minimize the time (in days)
required to complete all the task.
Task 1 2 3 4 5
A 6 5 8 11 16
B 1 13 16 1 10
C 16 11 8 8 8
D 9 14 12 10 16
Q-3 Explain the Characteristics of Queueing system. 14
The Probability distribution of a random variable is as follows:
Xi 15 16 17 18 19 20
P(xi) 0.04 0.19 3p 0.26 P 0.07
Find the value of p and hence obtain expected value of x.
Q-4 Discuss the Hyper geometric Probability distribution. 14
Write the steps for solving Liner Programming Problem by Graphical Method.
Q-5 Short notes (Any two) 14
1. Function of Statistics
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Absolute Mean Deviation
3. Formulation of Liner Programing Model
4. Differentiate between CPM and PERT
5. Properties of Binomial Probability Distribution