First Revelation
First Revelation
First Revelation
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Pease be upon him) was born in a society which had lot
of bad practices which include idol worship. The Holy Prophet ( )ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ و ﺳﻠﻢcould
not believe polytheistic ideas ( )�����تof the pagans of Makkah and often
thought of the God of his forefathers, Ibrahim and Ismail. Though he did not follow any
particular method of worship, yet he had the awareness that there is a force of truth
beyond this world which must have power and control over the whole universe.
A few years before the announcement of phrophethood, he had the practice of going to
the cave of Hira for meditation and prayer. He used to go to the solitude of Hira for a
week or more with a supply of dates, oatmeal (�) and water, meditated and pondered
As he approached the age of forty, one day towards the end of the month of Ramazan
of 610 AD while he was meditating in the cave of Hira, he experienced the first
revelation and saw the Angel Jibril. The angel said, “Read.” He replied, “I am not a
reader.” Jibril held him and press him hard and released saying again, “Read.” The Holy
Prophet ( )ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ و ﺳﻠﻢreplied the same. This happened three times and then Jibril
“Read, in the name of your Lord Who created man from clots of blood. Read! Your
Lord is the most Bounteous, Who taught the use of the pen. Taught man what he
knew not.” (96: 1-5)
The Holy Prophet ( ))ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ و ﺳﻠﻢreturned home a bit shaken at his selection for this
great and noble mission. He feared that thought of the tremendous task of his mission.
He said to his wife, Khadija to wrap him which she did. The Holy ( )ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ وﺳﻠﻢrelated
the whole incident. Khadija comforted him and asked him to be calm and relaxed as
Allah would protect him from all evil as he was kind to his relatives, he spoke the truth,
he assisted everyone in need and helped every just cause.
Hazrat Khadija then took the Holy Prophet( )ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ و ﺳﻠﻢto Warqa bin Noufal, her
cousin, who was a Christian scholar with good knowledge of Old Testament and New
Testament. The Holy Prophet ( )ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ و ﺳﻠﻢnarrated before him what had
happened. Warqa said that it was the same revelation as was sent down to Musa. He
wished that he had been a young man so that he might be alive when the people of
Makkah would turn him away from the city. Warqa added that if he had been alive until
that day, he would certainly give him all his support. Saying that, Warqa leaned forward
and kissed the forehead of the Holy Prophet ( )ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ و ﺳﻠﻢ. Howerver Warqa died
soon after that meeting.
Allah’s message continued to be revealed to Muhammad( ) ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯿہ و ﺳﻠﻢover the next
23 years. Muhammad then recited the message to his people and ordered some of his
followers to write it down as it was revealed to him from time to time.
Muhammad’s early messages instructed his people to worship only One God, Allah and
do good deeds as Allah would judge each person on the Day of Judgment to decide
whether he should be sent to Paradise or Hell.