C 2023 Inertia Estimation Through Covariance Matrix
C 2023 Inertia Estimation Through Covariance Matrix
C 2023 Inertia Estimation Through Covariance Matrix
© 2023 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
–G(·) models algebraic constraints such as lumped models of the solution of (6) can be written as ξ = ξ o + ξ η and ζ = ζ o +
transmission lines, transformers, and static loads. ζ η , that is, the effects of perturbations are assumed as additive. It
is thus possible to linearise (6) around ξ o and obtain the random
Equation (1) can be conveniently rewritten as
ordinary differential equation [32]
(ξ, ζ) ,
Λξ̇ = F ζ G−1 Ξ η,
Λξ̇ η = F ξ ξ η − F ζ (8)
0 = G(ξ, ζ), (2)
ζ , and Gζ matrices are computed at (ξ o , ζ o ).
where the F ξ , F
where ξ(t) ≡ [ω, δ, x] , ζ(t) ≡ [v, θ, y] , and Λ is a non- The small-signal variations of the algebraic variables are given
singular diagonal matrix including M . G and F are assumed by
to be continuously differentiable in their definition domain and
ξ, F ξη
matrices of their partial derivatives are referred to as F ζ η = −G−1
ζ [ Gξ | Ξ ] . (9)
Gξ , and Gζ . As an example, F ξ = ∂F j /∂ξk , for j, k =
jk E
1, . . ., 2M + N .
The implicit function theorem guarantees that if G(ξ ∗ , ζ ∗ ) = Augmenting (8) with (7) allows obtaining the linear SDEs (in
0, provided that Gζ (ξ ∗ , ζ ∗ ) is not singular, a unique and smooth narrow sense [26]) governing the overall dynamics of the lin-
function Γ : R2M +N → R2P +S exists so that ζ ∗ = Γ(ξ ∗ ). If earised noisy PSM. Adopting the typical formalism of the SDEs,
the conditions of the implicit function theorem are satisfied, (2) the complete set of linearised SDEs reads
can be rewritten as ⎡ J ⎤
ξ η ⎣ −1
ζ G−1 Ξ⎦ ξ η dt + 0 dW t ,
(ξ, Γ(ξ)) ≡ F (ξ),
Λξ̇ = F (3) d = Λ F ξ −Λ−1 F (10)
η ζ η Σ
0 −Υ
the equilibrium points of which, say ξo , satisfy the condition Xt B
F (ξ o ) = 0, (4)
The solution of (10) with a normally distributed (or constant)
with the Jacobian matrix initial condition is a (2M + N + Z)−dimensional Gaussian
J (ξ o ) = Λ−1F ξ = Λ−1 (F ζ G−1Gξ )
ξ− F . (5)
stochastic process.
ξ=ξo ,ζ=Γ(ξo )
The mean and the covariance matrix of process (10) can
We assume stochastic noise is injected into the PSM as be derived by solving two sets of linear ordinary differential
(ξ, ζ) ,
Λξ̇ = F equations (ODEs) [26]. Since (10) is stable under the hypothesis
that (3) is stable at ξ o , these ODEs reveal that, at steady state,
0 = G(ξ, ζ) + Ξ η, (6) the mean of X t is zero, and its K Xt covariance matrix derives
from the solution of the following Lyapunov equation
where η is a vector of Z independent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU)
processes [26], and Ξ ∈ R(2P +S)×Z is a constant matrix. AK Xt + K Xt AT + BB T = 0. (11)
The OU processes are defined through a set of stochastic
differential equations (SDEs), as follows The diagonal elements of K Xt are the (steady-state) variances
of the components of the X t process. In particular, the last Z
dη = −Υη dt + Σ dW t , (7) diagonal elements, corresponding to the η sub-vector of X t , are
where the drift Υ ∈ R Z×Z
and diffusion Σ ∈ R Z×Z
are di- the (steady-state) variances of the Z independent OU processes
agonal matrices with positive entries, W t ∈ RZ is a vector introduced in (7). Hence, these terms can be written as σz2 /(2υz ),
of Z Wiener processes, and the differentials rather than time for z = 1, . . ., Z, where σz and υz are the diagonal elements of
derivatives are utilized to account for the idiosyncrasies of the Σ and Υ, respectively [26]. The remaining 2M + N diagonal
Wiener processes. The OU processes are characterized by a elements of K Xt refer to the ξ η sub-vector of X t and are
mean-reversion property and show bound standard deviation. influenced by η through the sub-matrix −Λ−1 F ζ G−1 Ξ in (10).
Moreover, these processes show a spectrum that is an accurate According to (9), ζ η can be written as a linear combination
model of the stochastic variability of power loads [27], [28], of the entries of X t through E, thus being a multidimensional
[29], [30], [31]. In (6), we assume that noise injection models Gaussian process, too. Hence, it is possible to write the K ζη
the effect of the consumption randomness of Z loads. covariance matrix of the small-signal algebraic variables as the
Note that, in (6), the vector of stochastic processes η appears quadratic form [33], [34]
only in the algebraic equations. This is assumed for simplicity K ζη = EK Xt E T . (12)
but without lack of generality. The interested reader can find for
instance in [29] a stochastic PSM model where the noise perturbs The proposed approach exploits (12) and the fact that K ζη
both differential and algebraic equations. (and, thus, the variance of the algebraic variables) depends
We also assume that the action of η can be safely modeled as through K Xt (and, thus, A) on the elements of Λ, a subset
a small-signal perturbation around an equilibrium point. Hence, of which are the inertia constants of the synchronous machines.
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Davide del Giudice (Member, IEEE) was born in Angelo Brambilla (Member, IEEE) received the
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elements, such as high voltage direct current sys-
tems, electric vehicles, and generation fuelled by
Open Access provided by ‘Politecnico di Milano’ within the CRUI CARE Agreement