B 2020 Online Estimation of Power System Inertia Constant
B 2020 Online Estimation of Power System Inertia Constant
B 2020 Online Estimation of Power System Inertia Constant
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51761145106, and in part by the
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China, under Grant 2018B030306041.
ABSTRACT An online estimation method for the power system inertia constant under normal operating
conditions is proposed. First of all, a dynamic model relating the active power to the bus frequency at the
generation node is identified in the frequency domain using ambient data measured with the phasor
measurement units (PMUs). Then, the inertia constant at the generation node is extracted from the unit step
response of the identified model in the time domain using the swing equation. Finally, with the sliding
window method and the exponential smoothing method, the estimated inertia constant is updated in real-
time. Compared to the conventional methods using large disturbance data or field test data, the proposed
method can estimate the inertia constant under normal operating conditions, and therefore, can provide the
tracking trajectory of the power system inertia constant in real-time. The effectiveness of the proposed
method is validated in the IEEE 39-bus system. The results show that the relative error of the identified
inertia constant is below 5% and the identified inertia constant can be updated within 1s.
INDEX TERMS Inertia constant estimation, ambient signals, subspace identification, step response, sliding
window, exponential smoothing
I. INTRODUCTION controls and many of the protection relays [1]. When the
In the point view of physics, the inertia of a power system is penetration of RESs becomes higher, the situation is different.
its capability to resist energy fluctuations caused by external For instance, the system frequency may drop badly when the
disturbances, which, in conventional power systems, are system suffers an active power deficiency, and consequently,
supplied mainly by the kinetic energy stored in the rotating the protection and control devices such as under-frequency
mass of the synchronous generators and quantified by the load shedding or disconnection of generators may be
inertia constant [1]. triggered reluctantly [9]. Since there is no mature method to
With the increasing share of the power electronic inverter track the power system inertia in real-time, to avoid the
interfaced renewable energy sources (RESs), some changes malfunction of the protection relays and stability controllers,
have taken place in power system inertia. Many synchronous the transmission system operators (TSOs) must adopt more
generators are displaced by RESs, thus leading to a persistent conservative operational schemes to ensure the stable
decrease in the conventionally available inertia resources [2]- operation of the power system, which inflates the power
[4]. Meanwhile, with different control strategies and system operational costs.
parameters, various inertia suppliers such as virtual inertia Given the issues mentioned above, the need for online
control and energy storage systems are employed to improve estimation of power system inertia (constant) is highlighted
the power system inertia [5]-[7]. Therefore, the power system and has drawn consistent attention in recent years. According
inertia, as well as its quantification, not only decrease but to the measurement data types, the existing estimation
also become time-varying [8]. methods can be categorized into two groups: 1) disturbance
In conventional power systems, the inertia constant is data methods, and 2) non-disturbance data methods.
steady over the long term, and therefore, is chosen as a For most of the estimation methods based on disturbance
fundamental reference to the design of frequency stability measurements, the inertia (constant) is estimated using the
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
swing equation, utilizing post-event data that record the In relation to the existing work on inertia estimation, the
transient active power and frequency characteristics of the contributions of this study are clarified in Fig. 1 and
generators [10]-[21]. For instance, a procedure for estimating summarized as follows: 1) it provides a more stable and
the total inertia of the Great Britain power system was precise solution to identify power system inertia constant
proposed in [13], which calculated the total inertia for the using ambient signals; 2) it realizes the estimation of inertia
whole system by summing all the estimated regional inertias. constant at different hierarchies (individual generator, area
An online algorithm to estimate the system inertia after a and the whole system) under normal operating conditions; 3)
disturbance based on sliding windows of active power and it realizes the real-time online tracking of inertia constant in
frequency derivative measurements was proposed in [14]. In the time scales of seconds under normal operating conditions,
[17], an inertia estimation method based on the extended which can timely provide important information for stable
Kalman filter was proposed, which needs to assume the time operation of the power system.
of disturbance. Based on the transient and steady state
characteristics of the frequency response after a disturbance, Inertia Estimation
a method to estimate the equivalent inertia and damping
constant simultaneously was proposed in [18]. In [19], an
approach for online inertia estimation in the power system Disturbance Data Non-disturbance Data
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
rated capacity of the generator, without any additional respectively; fj denotes the aggregated frequency of the area
mechanical input. or the system (in p.u.); Hj denotes the equivalent inertia
In a power-electronics-dominated power system, the constant of the area or the system; and Dj denotes the total
converter-interfaced RESs are initially inertia-free and the damping coefficient of the area or the system. The
system frequency response does not have clear three-stages. theoretical value of Hj can be calculated using (2).
However, virtual inertial response can be obtained with Under normal operating conditions, all the variables in (3)
control of electrical converters, then converter-interfaced vary around the steady-state operating point. Therefore,
RESs can provide equivalent inertia for the power system. formula (3) can be written as the incremental formulation
Besides, the dynamics of inertial response provided by around the steady-state operating point as follows:
converter-interfaced RESs can be described by a first-order 1
differential equation [25]-[26], which is similar to the swing f r ,i = (Pm,i − Pe,i − Di f r ,i ) (5)
2H i
equation of the synchronous generator. Namely, the inertial
response of converter-interfaced RESs is mathematically Assuming ΔPm,i to be zero and taking the Laplace
equivalent to that of the synchronous generators [27]. transform on both sides of (5), we can reformulate the
Therefore, when estimating the equivalent inertia constant swing equation as a first-order transfer function:
of the converter-interfaced RESs, it is reasonable to regard f r ,i(s) 1
Gi(s) = − (6)
them as the equivalent synchronous generators and the Pe,i(s) 2H i s + Di
proposed estimation method can be employed.
Further, in a multimachine power system, if we consider where Δfr,i represents the rotor electrical frequency
the other inertia contributors as the equivalent synchronous deviation of generator i, ΔPe,i represents the electrical power
generators, then the equivalent inertia constant of the entire deviation of generator i, and Gi(s) (s is the Laplace operator)
power system can be calculated as follows: is the transfer function from ΔPe,i to Δfr,i, which is
characterized by Hi and Di. Besides, the transfer function
1 N
H sys =
H i Si (2) from ΔPe,j to Δfj is similar to that in (6), which is
i =1 characterized by Hj and Dj.
where Hsys is the equivalent inertia constant of the system,
Ssys is the rated capacity of the system and N is the number III. METHODOLOGY
of generators. The methodology proposed in this paper is for power
system inertia constant real-time online estimation under
B. SWING EQUATION normal operating conditions, which is shown in Fig.2. The
The dynamics between active power and frequency of a key procedures include signal selection and preprocessing,
synchronous generator in a short time frame after a power system identification, inertia constant extraction and inertia
mismatch can be modeled by the swing equation. For constant tracking. All the key procedures can be realized
synchronous generator i, considering the damping effects, automatically with low computational burden, and their
the swing equation can be written as [1] details are expanded in the following subsections.
f r ,i = ( P − Pe,i − Di f r ,i ) (3) A. SIGNAL SELECTION AND PREPROCESSING
2H i m,i According to section Ⅱ-B, the dynamic model of generator i
where Pm,i and Pe,i are the mechanical power (in p.u.) and can be identified using electrical power Pe,i as the input and
the electrical power (in p.u.) of generator i, respectively; fr,i rotor electrical frequency fr,i as the output. However, Pe,i and
is the rotor electrical frequency (in p.u.) of generator i; and fr,i in the real power system are difficult to measure. As a
Di is the damping coefficient of generator i. Physically, substitute, Pe,i and fr,i can be approximated by the active
when suffering a power mismatch, the RoCoF of the power output Pi and the frequency fi at the generator
synchronous generator is constrained by the inertia constant connection bus, respectively. In practice, Pi and fi can be
and the damping coefficient in a short time frame, thus the measured by PMUs installed at the generator connection
frequency of the generator cannot change suddenly and the bus. Therefore, we can identify the dynamic model of
frequency stability can be improved. generator i using active power output Pi as the input and
As an approximation, the dynamic behavior of a certain bus frequency fi as the output. Namely, the following
area or the system can be represented as an equivalent equation holds:
synchronous generator j, which leads to the aggregated fi(s) 1
swing equation as follows: Gi(s) − (7)
Pi(s) 2H i s + Di
fj = ( P − Pe,j − D j f j ) (4) Additionally, it is possible to identify the dynamic model
2 H j m, j of a certain area (or the system) using the total active power
where Pm,j and Pe,j denotes the total mechanical power and output and the aggregated frequency of the area (or the
the total electrical power of the area or the system (in p.u.), system) as input and output, respectively. It would be
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
Bus H
G Power system
P f PMU Time-varying inertia
Disturb the
Convert into per model with a
unit values unit step signal Sliding
N4SID window
Remove mean Calculate the method with
values initial slope exponential
Model cross-
validation smoothing
Prefilter Extract the inertia
Downsample constant using
swing equation
Signal System Inertia Constant Inertia Constant
Selection and Identification
Preprocessing Extraction Tracking
simple to obtain the total active power output by summing frequency components that can impair the inertia constant
up all active power outputs in the area (or the system). To estimation. Finally, the signals are downsampled to the
aggregate the frequency, however, the center of the inertia range of 5-10 Hz to avoid the numerical problems when
frequency is commonly used, which is an average running the identification algorithm.
frequency weighted by the inertia of each node and cannot
be measured directly [23]. B. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION
Here we propose a simplified aggregated frequency to Generally, the power system is nonlinear. However, under
represent the center of inertia frequency. The frequency of normal operating conditions, the disturbance to the power
the area (or the system) is evaluated by a weighted average system is small, so the nonlinear power system can be
of the measured frequencies as follows: approximated by a linear state space model around the
steady-state operating point. An nth other multi-input-multi-
i =1 wi fi
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
where / denotes the oblique projection. Then, singular value According to section Ⅲ-B, the real power system can be
decomposition (SVD) is applied on Γk to determine the approximated by a linear model and the model is reliable if
order of the identified model. Specifically, the order of the the model cross-validation performs well. In other words,
identified model is equal to the number of the dominant the identified model can be regarded as the real power
singular values of matrix Γk. The SVD can be partitioned system model to some extent. In this perspective, when a
into the following form: certain disturbance is applied to the identified model, the
S 0 V1T disturbance source can be regarded as the active power
W1 Γ kW2 = U1 U 2 1 T U1 S1V1 (11)
deviation ΔPi and the corresponding response can be
0 S2 V2 regarded as the bus frequency deviation Δfi.
where W1 and W2 are the identity weighing matrixes. In If we disturb Gi(s) with an unit step signal, namely, ΔPi =
(11), the insignificant singular values are neglected by -ε(t) (ε(t) is the unit step function), then Δfi can be
removing S2 as the dominant singular values determine the expressed as (13) in Laplace domain.
main dynamics of the system. Finally, the system matrixes 1 1
fi(s) = (13)
A, B, C and D can be obtained by solving the linear 2H i s + Di s
equations. Readers can refer to [28] for the details of the
The equation can be solved directly and be written as
N4SID algorithm.
follows in the time domain:
Generally, the order of the real system is rather high as it Di
contains many complicated control systems. However, a 1 t
(1 − e 2 H i )
fi(t ) = (14)
model with a lower order is identified in this part. Though Di
the order of the identified model is lower than the order of
Then the slope of the unit step response at t = 0 can be
the real power system, it is accurate enough to capture the
calculated as:
dynamics of the inertial response. The N4SID algorithm
can search the best order for the identified model fi t = 0 = (15)
automatically after setting a range of orders from nmin to 2H i
nmax. Empirically, nmin can be set as 1 and nmax can be set as According to (15), the inertia constant Hi is determined
10 for inertia constant estimation. by the initial RoCoF fi t = 0 , namely the initial slope of
After running the identification algorithm, the reliability
of the identified model should be verified by model cross- the unit step response of Gi(s). Therefore, we can disturb
validation. The model cross-validation can be performed by the identified model with a unit step signal and calculate the
comparing the validated output yˆ(t ) and the original output initial slope of the corresponding response as fi t = 0 .The
y(t). To evaluate the reliability of the identified model
problem turns into how to estimate fi t =0
after the
quantitatively, the fitting ratio (FR) between the validated
output yˆ(t ) and original output y(t) is defined as follows: disturbance as accurate as possible. As the inertial response
( yˆ(t ) − y(t ))2
activates immediately after the disturbance and lasts a short
FR = 1 − t =1 100% (12) time, we recommend calculating fi t = 0 with a 500 ms
y(t )2
t =1 sample-by-sample sliding window1 over 1-2 s period [13]
where N is the number of samples. from the unit step response of the identified model. For
power systems of various sizes, the data length of the unit
C. INERTIA CONSTANT EXTRACTION step response for the fi t = 0 calculation can be adjusted
Theoretically, the state space model includes the inertia
constant but as an implicit value, so further analysis should properly according to the dynamics of the systems. During
be employed for the identified model. A direct way is to each sliding window, fi t = 0 is estimated as the slope of a
extract the inertia constant from the model itself in the linear fit to the response. The maximum slope is then taken
frequency domain after some transformation. First, the state
to represent the fi t = 0 during the inertial response period
space model can be transformed into a transfer function
from ΔPi to Δfi. Then, the transfer function is reduced to a following the disturbance.
first order inertia function the same as (7) and finally, the Note that, the discrete time identified model should be
inertia constant Hi is estimated together with Di. However, converted into continuous time model before evaluating
large error may be introduced during the order reduction step response. Then, the continuous time model should be
process, leading to inaccurate estimation of the inertia checked for stability in s-domain, namely, the real part of
constant. For this reason, we propose a method to extract poles should be less than zero. The functions d2c, step,
the inertia constant from the step response of the identified polyfit in MATLAB can be used in this part for inertia
model in the time domain. constant extraction.
The proposed RoCoF calculation method is also
applicable for the event data of real power systems. In other
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
words, the inertia constant can be estimated from the event IV. CASE STUDY
data based on the proposed RoCoF calculation method and
the swing equation. In this case, the event data can be A. SYSTEM BACKGROUND
treated as a complementary of ambient data. The proposed method was tested in the IEEE 39-bus system,
which is a simplified model of high voltage transmission
D. INERTIA CONSTANT TRACKING system in the northeast of the USA (New England area).
In this part, sliding window2 method and exponential The system consists of 10 generators, 39 buses, 19 loads, 34
smoothing method are used to update the estimated results lines and 12 transformers. The rated frequency is 60 Hz and
in real-time, thus realizing the online tracking of the inertia the main voltage level is 345 kV. Generator 1 is the
constant. For the sliding window method, a fixed size time equivalent generator for the external power grid, and
window is used to estimate the inertia constant, and the generator 2 is the balance generator. Automatic voltage
window is gradually updated for the next estimation. The regulators and governors are used for generator 2-10. The
performance of the sliding window method is dependent on time domain simulations are carried out using Digsilent/
both the choice of sliding window length and the estimation Powerfactory software. The single line diagram of the test
refresh rate. system is shown in Fig. 3.
Generally, the estimation accuracy increases with sliding
10 8
window length. However, no estimates are available during 30 37
the first sliding window, and the time delay of the first 26 28 29
estimation result can be reduced with a shorter sliding 2 Area 4
window length. The estimation refresh rate determines how 1
3 18 17 9
fast a new estimation should be done. Though a faster
39 21
refresh rate makes the estimator more responsive for real- 1
15 16
time estimation as well as tracks change of inertia constant
Area 1 Area 2 Area 3
better, it increases computational burden, thus leading to a 7
longer execution time. 4 14 24 36
Though the inertia constant extracted from the identified 23
5 13
models can be updated in real-time, there may be a few low 9 6 19
FR models that introduce inaccurate estimates, leading to 12 22
large fluctuations of the inertia constant. To smooth the 11 20
estimates from the low FR models, the exponential 10 33 35
smoothing method was used, whose original form is 8 31 32 34
2 3 5 4 6
defined as:
t = t + (1 − ) t −1 (16) FIGURE 3. Single line diagram of the IEEE 39-bus system[31]
where νt and νt-1 are the smoothing value at time t and time
t-1, respectively; θt is the actual value at time t; and α is the B. ONLINE INERTIA CONSTANT ESTIMATION
smoothing constant, ranging from 0 to 1. In this part, the inertia constant estimation accuracy of the
In addition, the inertia constant extracted from the proposed method is validated in the widely used IEEE 39-
unstable identified model is far from the real value, which bus system mentioned above. All 19 loads in the 39-bus
should be detected and removed. In this paper, we replace system are injected with Gaussian noise filtered by a low-
the abnormal estimates from the unstable identified model pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 5 Hz, thus simulating
at time t with the estimates at time t-1. the small random load fluctuations and other related small
Combining the methods mentioned above, the inertia variations of real power systems during normal operating
constant can be updated as follows: conditions. Then, the inertia constant of all the individual
generators as well as the equivalent inertia constant of both
t ht + (1 − t )H t −1 ,if stable
k k
Ht = (17) the areas and the whole system is estimated using the
H t −1 ,if unstable methods introduced in section Ⅲ-A to C.
1) Online Inertia Constant Estimation of The Individual
where Ht and Ht-1 are the smoothing value of inertia
Generator: The experiment of a single estimation can be
constant at time t and time t-1, respectively; ht is the inertia
carried out with the following procedures:
constant extracted from the identified model at time t; μt is
Step 1: The bus frequency fi at the generator connection
the fitting coefficient at time t, which is equal to FR divided
bus and the active power output Pi are measured by PMUs.
by 100; and k is the exponent, which can be set from 20 to
The length of the measurements is 200 s and the sampling
80 to get a good smoothing effect.
The sliding windows in these two parts are different. The former is rate is 100 Hz. The first 100 s signals are used for model
for RoCoF calculation, and the latter is for inertia constant tracking. identification, and the last 100 s signals are used for model
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
Step 2: Data preprocessing is employed to the signals. Step 4: The inertia constant of the generator is extracted
The bus frequency fi and the active power output Pi are from the identified model using the method proposed in
converted into per unit values by dividing their base values section Ⅲ-C. The identified model is disturbed with a unit
60 Hz and 100 MW, respectively; the trend is removed; the step signal; the unit step response of the identified model is
high-frequency components are filtered using a noncausal collected; the initial RoCoF is calculated from the unit step
low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 0.5 Hz; and the response of the identified model; and the inertia constant is
sampling rate is decreased from 100 Hz to 5 Hz to avoid extracted using (15).
numerical unstable problems. Fig. 6 shows the unit step response of the identified
Fig. 4 shows the preprocessed active power and bus model of generator 2 as well as the calculation of initial
frequency of generator 2. The fluctuations of both the RoCoF during inertial response, where the first 0.5 s of the
active power and the bus frequency under normal operating result is enlarged. Table Ⅰ shows the detailed results of the
conditions is rather small. The preprocessed measurements inertia constant estimation with a rated apparent power (Sb)
of other generators are not provided here since they are of 100 MW. In Table Ⅰ, the estimated inertia constant (Hest)
similar to that in Fig. 4. is very close to the real inertia constant (Href), and the
Step 3: With the processed active power Pi and bus largest relative error for the estimated inertia constant (Hest)
frequency fi, the state space model with Pi as input and fi as is below 5%, thus the feasibility of the proposed method to
output is identified using N4SID. Then the model cross- estimate inertia constant of individual generator is verified.
validation is carried out to evaluate the reliability of the
identified model.
Fig. 5 shows the model cross-validation result of
generator 2. The model cross-validation results of other
generators are not provided here since they are similar to
that in Fig. 5. It indicates a reliable model is identified as
the validated output fits the original output well.
Generator Bus Order Href Hest Error (%)
G01 39 5 500 506.06 1.21
G02 31 7 30.3 30.96 2.18
G03 32 7 35.8 36.42 1.73
G04 33 6 28.6 29.34 2.59
G05 34 7 26.0 25.40 -2.31
FIGURE 4. Preprocessed measurements of generator 2 G06 35 5 34.8 34.99 0.55
G07 36 7 26.4 27.49 4.13
G08 37 5 24.3 23.61 -2.84
G09 38 7 34.5 35.93 4.14
G10 30 5 42 43.56 3.71
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
Generator Href Havg ρH Havg CI-95% ρH CI-95% Error (%)
G01 500 510.01 29.61 498.73-521.28 20.50-40.06 2.00
G02 30.3 30.87 2.86 29.86-31.89 2.30-3.78 1.88
G03 35.8 36.24 3.25 35.67-36.81 2.89-3.71 1.23
G04 28.6 29.10 2.29 28.56-29.65 1.96-2.74 1.75
G05 26.0 26.54 1.52 25.97-27.10 1.21-2.04 2.08
G06 34.8 35.47 2.89 33.87-37.07 2.12-4.56 1.93
G07 26.4 26.90 1.99 26.00-27.81 1.52-2.87 1.89
G08 24.3 24.40 1.56 24.16-24.63 1.41-1.74 0.41
G09 34.5 35.02 2.13 33.77-35.08 1.75-2.70 1.51
G10 42 42.05 3.34 41.27-42.82 2.87-3.98 0.12
After all of the estimations are completed, the results from is estimated by summing the active power outputs and
the identified model with an FR above 95% are selected for aggregating the bus frequencies.
statistical analysis, which means the point estimation and To evaluate the accuracy of the developed method and to
the 95% confidence interval (CI) estimation are carried out. further reduce the relative error, the sliding window method
Fig. 7 shows the normal distribution behavior of the is used to obtain various estimates from one measurement
estimated inertia constant (Hest) of generator 2. It can see period. In our simulations, a 10-minute measurement with a
that 106 inertia constant estimates are selected for statistical window length of 200 s and a refresh rate of 1 s is used; in
analysis. The distribution of the estimated inertia constant total, 401 inertia constant estimations are carried out. In
from other generators is not provided here due to the each estimation, steps 1 to 4 mentioned above are employed
limited space. Table Ⅱ shows the statistical analysis results sequentially. After all of the estimations are completed, the
of the estimated inertia constant. In Table Ⅱ, we can see results from the identified model with an FR above 95% are
that the average of the estimated inertia constant (Havg) is selected for statistical analysis.
nearly the same as the real inertia constant (Href), and all the Fig. 8 shows the normal distribution behavior of the
real inertia constant (Href) values lie in the 95% CI. The estimated inertia constant (Hest) of area 2. It can see that
variance of the estimated inertia constant (ρH) is rather 258 inertia constant estimates are selected for statistical
small, meaning that the estimated values (Hest) fluctuate analysis. The distribution of the estimates from other areas
around the real values (Href) in a small range. Further, the is not shown here because of space considerations. Table Ⅲ
relative error of all the estimated inertia constants is shows the statistical analysis results for the estimations. In
approximately 2%, which is less than the results of a single Table Ⅲ, we can find out that the average of the estimated
estimation, indicating sufficiently good performance of the inertia constant (Havg) is nearly the same as the real inertia
proposed method. constant (Href), and all of the real inertia constant (Href)
values are in 95% CI. The variance of the estimated inertia
constant (ρH) is small, indicating the estimated values (Hest)
narrowly fluctuate around the real values (Href). Further, the
relative errors of all the estimated values are below 5%,
thus verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method for
estimating the equivalent inertia constant of the area or the
whole system.
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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
Area/System Href Havg ρH Havg CI-95% ρH CI-95% Error (%)
Area 1 500 510.01 29.61 498.73-521.28 20.50-40.06 2.00
Area 2 66.1 64.81 5.96 63.57-66.31 5.49-6.53 -1.95
Area 3 115.8 118.24 6.87 115.77-120.80 5.49-9.18 2.15
Area 4 100.8 104.43 2.29 103.25-105.63 1.70-3.48 3.60
System 782.7 757.94 32.96 724.57-791.30 30.82-35.42 -2.94
3) Comparison with the Disturbance Data Method: The aggregated by all the generators of a certain area. The
disturbance data method in [13] is carried out to compare inertia constant of the synchronous generator of the 39-bus
with the method proposed in this paper. system is changed to simulate the time-varying equivalent
Step 1: The active power of Load 15 is increased from inertia constant caused by the switching of the generators in
320 MW to 1820MW suddenly, resulting in an active the area. Considering a measurement length of 120 min, the
power deficiency in the system. In this case, the active inertia constant of all generators remains at H1 during the
power imbalance ΔP is equal to 15 (in p.u.). first 40 min, then changes to H2 and remains there from 40
Step 2: The transient frequency following this event is to 80 min. The inertia constant stays at H3 during the last 40
measured. A five-order low pass Butterworth filter with a min. H1, H2 and H3 can be regarded as the inertia constant
cutoff frequency of 0.5 Hz is used to isolate the dominant vectors here that represent the inertia constant of all
system inertial response. The processed transient frequency generators in different periods. Table Ⅳ shows the inertia
is shown in Fig. 9. constant of all generators in different periods.
Step 3: The RoCoF is calculated using a 500-ms sample-
by-sample sliding window, over a 2 s period following the TABLE Ⅳ
event. The maximum value is then taken to represent the INERTIA CONSTANT OF ALL GENERATORS IN DIFFERENT PERIODS
RoCoF following the event before the primary frequency Generator Bus
H1 H2 H3
response starts to take effect. (0-40 min) (40-80 min) (80-120 min)
G01 39 500 600 400
Step 4: With the method in [13], the equivalent inertia G02 31 30.3 28 35
constant of the whole system is estimated as 809.98 s. The G03 32 35.8 32 40
estimate value is close to the real value of 782.7 s and the G04 33 28.6 24 36
relative error is 3.49%. G05 34 26.0 30 33
Besides, the relative error of the estimated inertia G06 35 34.8 40 44
G07 36 26.4 21 31.5
constant from the disturbance data method and that from
G08 37 24.3 31.5 21
the method proposed in this paper are both below 5%, thus G09 38 34.5 38 42
verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method further. G10 30 42 36 48
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
trajectories fluctuate around the reference trajectories in a For various power systems, the sliding window length
small range, meaning that the inertia constant can be can be adjusted properly until an acceptable dynamic model
tracked accurately in real-time using the proposed method. can be identified and the faster refresh rated can be
determined to track the inertia constant better using a more
powerful computer. All the analyses above confirm that the
proposed method is suitable for power system inertia
constant real-time online tracking.
This paper proposed an online estimation method for
power system inertia constant under normal operating
conditions. First, the dynamic model between active power
output and bus frequency measured by PMUs was
identified using the subspace identification method. Then,
FIGURE 10. Inertia constant tracking trajectory of generator 7 the inertia constant was extracted from the unit step
response of the identified model in the time domain. Finally,
the sliding window method and the exponential smoothing
method were used to update the inertia constant in real-time.
The proposed method was tested in the IEEE 39-bus
system. The results confirmed that different hierarchical
power system inertia constant (individual generator, area
and the whole system) could be estimated with high
accuracy using ambient data, which could overcome the
disadvantages of the disturbance data methods. Moreover,
by using the proposed method, the inertia constant could be
FIGURE 11. Inertia constant tracking trajectory of generator 8 updated on a time scale of seconds, and the inertia constant
tracking trajectories could also be provided in real-time.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997728, IEEE Access
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.