4 - Laced and Battened Columns
4 - Laced and Battened Columns
4 - Laced and Battened Columns
Rolled sections or tubes of equivalent strength may be permitted instead of flats, for
Angle of Inclination
Lacing bars, whether in double. or single systems, shall be inclined at an angle not less
than 40° not more than 70° to the axis of the built-up member.
The maximum spacing of lacing bars, whether connected by bolting, riveting or welding,
shall also be such that the maximum slenderness ratio of the components of the main
member (al/rl ), between consecutive lacing connections is not greater than 50 or 0.7
times the most unfavorable slenderness ratio of the member as a whole, whichever is
less, where al is the unsupported length of the individual member between lacing points,
and rl is the minimum radius of gyration of the individual member being laced together
Dr. Aruna Rawat, UIT-RGPV, Bhopal
Design of Lacings
The lacing shall be proportioned to resist a total transverse shear, Vt, at any point in the
member, equal to at least 2.5 percent of the axial force in the member and shall be
divided equally among all transverse lacing systems in parallel planes.
For members carrying calculated bending stress due to eccentricity of loading, applied end
moments and/or lateral loading, the lacing shall be proportioned to resist the actual shear
due to bending, in addition to that specified in 1.
The slenderness ratio, KL/r, of the lacing bars shall not exceed 145. In bolted/riveted
construction, the effective length of lacing bars for the determination of the design strength
shall be taken as the length between the inner end fastener of the bars for single lacing, and
as 0.7 of this length for double lacings effectively connected at intersections. In welded
construction, the effective lengths shall be taken as 0.7 times the distance between the
inner ends of welds connecting the single lacing bars to the members.
Q. In a single laced column system a tie plate of length 300 mm is used at the end of
the column. The minimum thickness of the tie plate should be = (1/40) ×300 = 6
Q. Two ISMC 350 are placed back to back with a spacing of 200 mm and a single
lacing system with an inclination of lacing bar of 45° is used. If the gauge length is
45 mm, the minimum radius of gyration of the lacing bar will be
Length of lacing flat, 𝑙𝑙 = (200 + 45 + 45)𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑐𝑐45° = 410.122 mm
Minimum thickness of lacing flat = 1 40 × 410.122 = 10.25 mm
Minimum 𝑟𝑟 = 𝑡𝑡 /√12 = 10.25 /√12 = 2.96 mm
Dr. Aruna Rawat, UIT-RGPV, Bhopal
Design a laced column with two channels back to back of length 10m to carry an axial
factored load of 1400kN.the column may be assumed to have restrained in position
but not in direction at both ends.
The effective slenderness ratio of the battened column is increased by 10% of the actual
Intermediate batten
Intermediate batten
Intermediate batten
End battens
Hence safe