Opioid Free Anesthesia With Goaldirected Strategies Based On Monitoring For Spine Surgery in A Patient With Opioid Intolerance A C
Opioid Free Anesthesia With Goaldirected Strategies Based On Monitoring For Spine Surgery in A Patient With Opioid Intolerance A C
Opioid Free Anesthesia With Goaldirected Strategies Based On Monitoring For Spine Surgery in A Patient With Opioid Intolerance A C
Citation: Marco D, Larissa D. Opioid Free Anesthesia with Goal-Directed Strategies Based on Monitoring for Spine Surgery in a Patient
with Opioid Intolerance: A Case Report. Anesth Pain Res. 2022; 6(1): 1-4.
This study aimed to report the use of a multimodal anesthetic (MA) regimen by combining a panoply of drugs
without opioids for posterior spinal fusion surgery in a patient with Low-back incapacity and opioid intolerance.
The surgery occurred without incidents nor do hemodynamic instabilities, except for a delay in waking up, reverse
with extra doses of decurarizing. On the 13th day, she reported mild pain (VAS 2/10) and was satisfied with the
result of the surgery. This case report highlights the new concept of using manifold drugs through the use a goal-
direct strategies based on monitoring. Furthermore, we emphasize the use of good monitoring, such as ANI and
IGP, for the success of this type of surgery.
Case Presentation
We report a 48-year-old woman with a history of lower back
discomfort, since 2016 that worsened over time. In 2019, she
experienced movement limitations in her left leg and paresthesia
on the same side. In 2020, she was diagnosed by NMR with a
herniated disc between L5-S1 and progressively became unable
to perform basic home activities. Over the last years, she relied
excessively on analgesics drugs and opioids, thus finally
developing an opioid intolerance. Currently, she uses AINES
(ibuprophen), acetoaminophen, ansiolityc drugs (midazolam) and Figure 1: The Opioid Free Anesthesia goal-directed strategies are based
gabapentinoids to relief her pain. Surgery was indicated as only on monitoring: ECG; ANI; ICG; TOF; BIS.
choice for dealing with her chronic pain. At preoperative the patient
[Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI); Impedance cardiography (ICG);
was assessed to identify reasons for drugs exclusion such as allergy,
Acceleromyograph (by using Train-Of-Four [TOF] ratio; Bispectral
age, or previous intolerance to any agent. She has as comorbidity
Index (BIS)].
of controlled arterial hypertension and no other medical history
besides the current complaint (ASA II). She weighed 90 Kg Prior to the procedure, the patient reported a Visual Analog
with 167 cm of height, having a body mass index of 32.3 Kg/ Score (VAS) of 4/10 pain. Before induction, it was administered
m2 classifying as grade I obesity. Patient reported unpleasant Magnesium Sulphate 2g (23mg/Kg), Tranexamic acid 900mg
experiences with opioids in the past, which were complicated by (10 mg/Kg) for 15 min. each, and dexamethasone (4mg). After 3
nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and intestinal difficulties and she minutes of preoxygenation anesthesia was induced with droperidol
refused to consider any peri and postoperative opioid therapy. We (1,25mg), midazolam (2mg), lidocaine (60mg), ketamine
proposed multimodal opioid-free anesthesia (OFA) to minimize (30mg), and propofol (200mg). Muscle relaxation was obtained
and ideally eliminate the need for postoperative opioid analgesia. with rocuronium (40 mg) and the patient was maintained with
She signed the informed consent with those exceptions and agreed sevoflurane (MAC 1%), N2O, and an oxygen mixture (BIS 40-
with the proposed anesthesia. 60). A lidocaine infusion was started immediately after induction
and ran at 2mg/Kg/h (0,1mg/Kg) until extubation when it was
In the operating room, routine monitoring of noninvasive blood changed to 1mg/Kg/h (0,05mg/Kg) in the Post-anesthesia care unit
pressure, electrocardiogram, oxygen saturation, Bispectral Index (PACU). The usual precaution necessary for a prone position (eyes,
(BIS), acceleromyograph (by using Train-Of-Four [TOF] ratio) nose, arms, breasts, genitals, etc.) was taken, and light anesthesia
was established, and a urinary catheter was placed to control during the change was maintained to avoid hypotension. This
urinary output. We also used the following specialty monitoring process was controlled by ICG and no hemodynamic instability
(Figure 1). ANI: Analgesia Nociception Index monitor (MDMS, occurred. Our goal-directed antinociception protocol was the
Loos, France) works based on raw ECG data that is derived from following: Mean blood pressure, Bispectral Index, TOF, and ANI
the use of two ANI electrodes applied on the chest. The values were set to be greater than 70 mmHg, between 40 and 60, up to
between zero to 100 are displayed and reflect predominance in 1, and between 50 and 70, respectively and with these targets
parasympathetic tone, with low numbers being low tone and high (2,4,5): If ANI »60 plus arterial hypertension (AHT) then we use
numbers being high parasympathetic predominance. In addition, Esmolol (10 mg); If ANI «60 plus AHT then we use Ketamine
© 2022 Marco D, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License