Ijair 3150 Final
Ijair 3150 Final
Ijair 3150 Final
Abstract – The aim of this research is to determine the impacts of some climatic factors and plant phenology on the
population density of Schizaphis graminum. Field experiments were conducted at wheat program of El-Mattana
Agricultural Research Station, Luxor Governorate, Egypt, during two successive growing seasons (2017/18 and
2018/19) to study the seasonal activity of S. graminum (Rondani) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on wheat plants (Giza 171
cultivar). Results indicated that S. graminum infested wheat plants from 17th December 2017 to 8th April 2018 during
the first growing season and from 27th January 2019 to 13th April 2019 in the second growing season. The cumulative
counts of S. graminum were 597.00 and 310.33 individuals per season for the two growing seasons, respectively. The
total mean of S. graminum population through the whole season was 35.12 ± 3.31 and 25.86 ± 1.96 individuals per 10
tillers over the first and second growing seasons, respectively. Generally, it was, found that the climatic conditions of
weekly inspection dates were more favorite for S. graminum to grow its population during December, January and
February of the first season and during February and March 2019 in the second season. Furthermore, it was found
that the number of S. graminum disappeared during the wheat maturation period in two consecutive growing seasons.
Results revealed that the combined effects of the climatic factors and the plant phenology can explain the variation in
the population density of S. graminum. The percentages of explained variance (E.V. %) were 95.93 and 98.02% for the
two successive growing seasons, respectively. Mean daily maximum temperature of S. graminum population changes
was 25.75 and 18.57% for 2018 and 2019, respectively and it was the most effective variable. These pieces of information
can be useful for planning an IPM program of aphid on wheat plants.
Keywords – Schizaphis graminum, Seasonal Abundance, Wheat Plants, Environmental Conditions, Plant Age,
Growth Stage.
Wheat, Triticum aestivum L. (Family: Gramineae) is one of the most important cereal crops in Egypt. It is used
for human food, as well as in animal and poultry feeding. During different growth stages, wheat plants are attacked
by many insect pest species which aphids are the most destructive the crop loss assessment was 7.5 – 18.7%
(Tantawi, 1985).
The green cereal aphid, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is one of the 14 aphid species
that considered as a worldwide key pest (Blackman and Eastop, 2007). Severe damage was happened by sucking
the plant sap followed by deformation and excreting large amount of honeydew that encourages the growth of
sooty mould. Then photosynthesis and vegetative growth of the infested plants decreased. Furthermore, it is so
important because of transmission of viral diseases ability (El-Fatih, 2000 and 2006). In recent years, S.
graminum has become the most frequent species on wheat crop, and is abundant throughout all developmental
stages of wheat plants (Youssef, 2006, Parizoto et al., 2013, Ahmad et al., 2016 and Awadalla et al., 2018).
To develop an effective control against S. graminum, it is essential to know its bio-ecology including population
dynamics under different climatic factors influencing the different phenological stages. The temperature has a
direct effect on insect activity and the rate of development (Lamb, 1992). In addition, such changes in climatic
conditions could profoundly affect the population dynamics and the status of insect pests of crops (Woiwod,
1997). The abundance of S. graminum varied on barley plants with the growth stage of the plant, the season and
probably other factors related to plant physiology (El-Fatih, 2006).
Plant phenology can have a significant impact on aphid species infestation. For example, phenology determines
at which growth stage the crop is likely to be invaded by aphids and which crops are likely to be most severely
affected (Williams and Dixon, 2007).
The present investigation was carried out to estimate the impact of certain climatic weather factors and plant
phenology on the population density of S. graminum on wheat plants over the two growing seasons to plan an
effective program for its control.
Field experiments were carried out at wheat program of El-Mattana Agricultural Research Station, Luxor
Governorate during two successive growing seasons (2017/18 and 2018/19). Four replicates (of 3 m × 3 m log ═
9 m2 each). Replicates were distributed in complete randomized blocks design and it sown using the commercial
wheat cultivar (Giza 171) in optimum sowing date (November, 25 th every season). All agricultural practices were
followed except pest control. For estimating the population density of S. graminum, 10 tillers were sampled
randomly in the morning every week, using 10x lenses in the field. Sampling was started when the seedlings grew
above ground and continued until crop harvesting. Direct count of aphids sample was conducted on the same day
as described by Dewar et al. (1982). Numbers of alive insects' (nymphs and apterous individuals) on tillers were
counted and recorded to represent every inspection date. Identification of aphid was carried out by taxonomy
specialists at the Department of Piercing-Sucking insects, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research
Center at Giza, Egypt.
Aphid days are cumulative number was used as a term to express the total impact of an ever-changing
population over time. Aphid-days, also, allow better comparisons between treatments, locations and other
variations observed during the experiment. The obtained data of aphid population at the two successive growing
seasons are used here to calculate the Aphid-days cumulative values according to the following formula (Ruppel,
a1 = Mean of aphids count per 10 tillers before the present inspection date.
Cumulative aphid-days = Aphid-days from last inspection + Aphid-days from present inspection, for each
sampling date to obtain a running, cumulative total.
2. Plant Phenological Characters i.e. Plant Age (in Days) and Growth Stage (as Decimal Code):
Growth stage refers to a decimal code for the cereal growth stage according to Zadoks et al. (1974) in Table
(1). The decimal growth stage can help in understanding crop adaptation and development (Barber et al., 2015).
Mean numbers of S. graminum per 10 wheat tillers were counted every week. To facilitate the comparisons of
each season and season to each other, the seasonal population density above criteria was expressed in terms of
percentage of the estimated numbers in each inspection date from the overall season. It was done by pooling the
collected individuals over the inspected periods of each week. Then, the accumulated numbers of aphids per 10
tillers in each inspection date were calculated by adding the number of individuals of aphids that accumulate at
each sampling date, and the percentages of accumulated numbers relative to the overall season individuals number
were calculated during the two successive seasons. Afterward, the percentages of individual numbers were used,
to reflect the general trend of the population density (Bakry, 2018).
Furthermore, the rate of weekly variation in the population (R.W.V.P) was calculated as follows:
3. Simultaneous Effects of the Abiotic Factors (three Climatic Factors) and Biotic factors i.e., plant
Phenology as [plant age (in days) and Growth Stage (as Decimal Code)] on S. graminum Population
Density Infesting Wheat Plants:
The weekly counts of three climatic weather factors viz., mean daily maximum temperature (X 1), minimum
temperature (X2), mean of % relative humidity (X3) of Luxor governorate during two successive growing seasons
(2017/2018 and 2018/2019) were obtained from the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate, Agricultural
Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture at Giza. The daily records of these factors were recalculated to obtain
the daily averages within one week before the sampling date. The altitude, latitude, and longitude of this weather
region of Luxor were 99 m, 25.67ºN and 32.71ºE, respectively.
Concerning, the biotic factors i.e. (plant phenology), the first biotic factor was considered as plant age (X4)
were determined during two successive experimental seasons (2017/18 and 2018/19). This relation was presented
by the polynomial equation of third-degree (Y = a+ b1X4+ b2X42+ b3X43).
The second biotic factor, the growth stage (X5) as expressed, the decimal code for the growth stages of cereals
and refers to plant development and crop adaptation according to Barber et al. (2015). This relation was presented
by polynomial equation of third degree (Y = a + b1X5 + b2X52 + b3X53).
The data were statistically analyzed by using different models of correlation and regression to find out the
relationships between tested main weather factors and plant phenology (plant age and growth stage) as
independent variables on S. graminum population density (dependent variable) according to Fisher (1950). As
well as, the percentage of explained variance (E.V. %) was calculated for demonstrating basic information about
the amount of variability in the population size under these tested factors. All statistical analysis of the data was
carried out by MSTATC Program software, 1980 and SPSS (1999). All data were subjected to calculations and
were depicted graphically by Microsoft Excel 2010.
The weekly counts of S. graminum that infested wheat plants at Esna district, Luxor Governorate were recorded
through the two successive growing seasons (2017/18 and 2018/19). As well as, weekly mean records of climatic
weather factors and plant phenological characteristics for wheat tillers throughout the two growing seasons of
investigation are tabulated in Tables (2 and 3) and Figs. (1 and 2). The effects of the climatic factors and plant
phenological properties of wheat tillers on the seasonal abundance of S. graminum were estimated based on the
average number of alive insects (nymphs and apterae individuals) counts per ten tillers in the successive sampling
1. Population Studies:
The population density of S. graminum appeared in few numbers on wheat plants on December 17 th and then it
highly increased continuously to reach the first peak of abundance on January 7 th during the tillering stage, with
mean counts of 24.33 ± 0.88 individuals per 10 tillers under field conditions (21.14 °C, Max. temp.; 5.86°C Min.
temp. and 50.71% R.H.) (Table, 2 and Fig. 1). Furthermore, the phenological characters of wheat plants viz. (plant
age, 42 days and the decimal code for the growth stages, 27). The population decreased on January 14 th and then
increased gradually to reach the second peak on January 21st (59.00 ± 4.51 individuals per 10 tillers) at (24.57 °C,
Max. temp.; 8.57°C Min. temp. and 49.14% R.H.) and the phenological characters (plant age, 56 days and the
decimal code, 31), as suitable with growth up to the first node of stem becomes visible. Then, the population
decreased on January 28th and then increased gradually to reach the third peak on February 4 th (69.00 ± 3.79
individuals per 10 tillers) under field conditions at (22.43 °C, Max. temp.; 5.86°C Min. temp. and 50.29% R.H.)
when the phenological characters were (plant age, 70 days and the decimal code, 35), as compatible with the stem
extension period. Afterward, the population decreased successively until it reached to February 18 th. Another
increase in population took place on February 25th indicating the fourth peak (66.33 ± 3.28 individuals per 10
tillers) at 23.43 °C, Max. temp.; 7.00°C Min. temp. and 47.57% R.H.). As well, the phenological characters (plant
age, 91 days and the decimal code, 50) as coincided with the date of first heading. After that, the population of
aphids decreased gradually until April 8th till the disappearance of any aphid infestation during the period between
the end of heading and maturation (Table 2 and Fig., 1).
The results presented in (Table, 3) and illustrated in Fig. (1), indicated that S. graminum appeared in few
numbers on wheat plants on January 27 th (6.00 ± 0.58 individuals per 10 tillers), then its population increased
gradually, until reaching its maximum (30.67 ± 1.20 individuals per 10 tillers) on March, 2nd at 24.00 °C, Max.
temp.; 8.43°C Min. temp. and 33.14% R.H.). As well, the phenological characters of wheat plants were (plant
age, 91 days and the decimal code for the growth stages, 45), being coincided with the period after emergence of
the flag leaf sheath. Then, aphids' population decreased on March, 16 th and it rein creased gradually to reach the
highest peak of abundance on March, 30th (44.67 ± 1.45 individuals per 10 tillers) at (26.71°C, Max. temp.;
14.14°C Min. temp. and 24.57% R.H.) and the phenological characters (plant age, 119 days and the decimal code,
65), is compatible with the an thesis period. After that, the population decreased continuously until April, 13 th and
this aphid species disappeared during the maturation period.
The present results agree with those of Abou-Elhagag and Abdelhafez (1998), Abdel-Aziz et al. (2002), El-
Rawy (2013), and Youssif et al. (2017) who recorded that the maximum population density of cereal aphids
occurred during February and March on wheat plants. El-Heneidy et al. (2004) found that the population densities
of cereal aphids on wheat plants in Sakha and Sides regions occurred in high numbers during February and March.
Abd El-Megid et al. (2007) in Egypt, stated that the infestation by aphids on wheat started during the 2 nd week
of February. The population reached a peak during the 1 st week of March and disappeared towards the end of
It was obvious that infestation by S. graminum, completely, disappeared on wheat plants from December to the
3rd week of January during the second growing season. This may be due to the low temperature during these
periods. El-Rawy (2013) recorded that the lowest number of cereal aphid species on wheat plants (61.6 aphids/10
plants) occurred in January.
The obtained results cleared that the total population density of S. graminum during the first growing season
(2017/18) was higher than the subsequent growing season (2018/19). The mean total S. graminum population
through the whole season was 35.12 ± 3.31 and 25.86 ± 1.96 individuals per 10 tillers over the first and second
growing seasons, respectively. This may be due to the influence of environmental factors in this region and the
plant phenology of wheat as recorded in Tables (2 and 3) and illustrated in Fig. (1).
It was noticed that S. graminum disappeared during the maturation period of wheat plants during the two
successive growing seasons. The same findings were noticed by Vidya (1982) who reported that the aphid
population started to decline when ear head emergence started. Dent (1991) clarified that the rate of insect's
population abundance at any location is influenced by the environmental factors at that location.
1.2. Weekly Incidence of S. graminum Population, its Accumulation and their Percentages in Relation
to the Seasonal Total:
To facilitate comparisons within each season compared to another, the seasonal population density of the above
criteria, was expressed in terms of percent of counted numbers, in each inspected week relative to the overall
season grand total of the insect population. As well, the percentages of accumulated counts of each week were
related to that of the overall seasonal number, to reflect the general trend of the population density as presented in
Tables (2 and 3) and illustrated in Fig. (1).
Results in Tables (2 and 3) and in Fig. (1), indicating that the highest percentages of S. graminum numbers
occurred during the first growing season (9.88, 11.56 and 11.11 % from the grand total), occurred in Jan., 21 st,
Feb., 4th and Feb., 25th, respectively, may be attributed to the suitable climatic conditions during these periods.
While, during the second growing season, those were (9.88, 13.53 and 14.39%) found during March month, 2nd,
23rd and 30th, respectively. On the contrary, the lowest percentages of numbers were 1.33% took place on
December 17th, 2017 during the first season and 1.93% recorded on January 27 th, 2018 during the second season.
Data recorded in Tables (2 and 3) showed that the cumulative numbers of S. graminum were 597.00 and 310.33
individuals per season for the two growing seasons, respectively. As well, the percentages of accumulated
numbers of S. graminum in each inspected week increased with increasing the periods the inspection during the
growing season.
Data in Tables (2 and 3) and illustrated in Fig. (1), presented the aphid-days and the cumulative aphid-days for
S. graminum on wheat plants to express the total impact of an ever-changing population over time. These present
results indicated that the impact of S. graminum population on wheat plants was higher at the first growing season
(1782.00 cumulative aphid-days) as compared to the second one (898.00 cumulative aphid-days). Thus resulting
in higher impact on plant phenology in the first season than the second one. The cumulative aphid-days method
was used to express the total impact of an ever-changing population over time in the field by El-Fatih (2006) that
used the same technique for cereal aphids on barely.
The monthly variation rates in the population of S. graminum on wheat plants were calculated (Tables, 2 and
3). The rate of monthly variation in the population is considered an indicator of the favorable month for insect
activity expressed as the week of higher increase of this insect population through the year. When R.W.V.P. was
> 1, that meant more activity, < 1 means lower activity and = 1 means no change in the insect activity.
The obtained results cleared that the favorable weeks of annual increase for S. graminum population were
December, 24th, Dec., 31st, Jan., 7th, Jan., 21st, Feb., 4th, and Feb., 25th during the first growing season (2017/18),
when the rates of weekly variation were [2.75, 3.27, 2.03, 3.16, 1.68 and 1.26, respectively (Table, 2)]. As for the
second growing season (2018/19), the favorable times of annual increase for total S. graminum population
appeared to be in February, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd and during March, 2nd, 16th, 23rd and 30th, when the rates of
monthly variation were (1.72, 1.68, 1.23, 1.27, 1.14, 1.25, 1.50 and 1.06, respectively; Table 3).
Generally, it was clear that climatic conditions during weekly inspection dates in December, January and
February months during the first season and weekly inspection dates in February and March in the second one
when all conditions were more favorable for the insect multiplication and build up. As well, the favourable periods
for insect activity varied according to tested seasons of the study.
2. Effect of the Abiotic and Biotic Factors on Population Density of S. graminum Infesting Wheat
2.1. Effect on Independent Variables [three Climatic Factors (X1, X2 and X3), Plant Age (X4) and Growth
Stage (X5)] on total Population of S. graminum (Y) (Dependent Variable):
Results presented in Table (4) showed that the simple correlation (r) between the daily mean maximum
temperature and the total insect population of S. graminum was insignificantly positive (0.14 and 0.51) for the
first and second growing seasons, respectively. As well as, the simple regression coefficient indicated that a 1˚C
increase in the daily mean maximum temperature would increase the population by 1.15 and 1.95 individuals per
10 tillers for the two growing seasons, respectively (Table 4).
The partial regression coefficient values for the effect of daily mean maximum temperature on the total S.
graminum population are shown in Table (4). Data revealed that this factor had a highly significant positive
relation with the insect's population (P. reg. value; 9.07) during the first growing season and highly significant
negative effect (P. reg. value; -3.37) for the second growing season. Also, the values of partial correlation were
(0.87 and -0.86, respectively), and the t-test values were (5.73 and -4.13, respectively), Table (4). The obtained
results revealed that daily mean maximum temperature entirely under the optimum range of total S. graminum
population activity during the first growing season and entirely above the optimum range of total population
activity during the second growing season. This climatic factor was the most effective variable on total S.
graminum population changes by 25.75 and 18.57% during the first and second growing seasons, respectively
(Table 4).
The results of statistical analysis of simple correlation (Table, 4) showed an insignificantly negative correlation
between the daily mean minimum temperature and the total population of S. graminum (r value; -0.23) during the
first growing season and highly significant positive relation (r value; 0.80) for the second growing season. As
well, the calculated regression coefficient (b) for the effect of this factor indicated that every 1˚C increase in the
mean daily minimum temperature would decrease the population by 1.63 and would increase the 3.03 individuals
per 10 tillers during the two seasons of study, respectively.
The precise effects of mean minimum temperature on the total insect population of S. graminum are presented
in Table (4), those showed significant negative relation for the first season (P. reg. value; -4.94) and significant
positive effect (P. reg. value; 2.08) during the second season. Furthermore, the values of partial correlation were
(-0.68 and 0.72) and the values of the t-test were (-3.10 and 2.56) during the two growing seasons, respectively.
The obtained results revealed that, mean daily minimum temperature above the optimum range of total S.
graminum population activity during the first growing season and under the optimum range of total population
activity during the second growing season. This climatic factor was responsible for certain changes in the total S.
graminum population by 7.54 and 7.12% for the two successive growing seasons, respectively (Table, 4).
Data in Table (4), showed that the correlation between relative humidity and the total population of S. graminum
was insignificantly positive (r-value; 0.27) for the first growing season and highly significant negative relation (r
value; -0.82) during the second growing season. In the same time, the simple regression coefficient indicated that
an increase by 1% in the mean relative humidity would increase the population by 0.92 individuals per 10 tillers
during the first season and would decrease the population by 1.42 individuals per 10 tillers for the second season
(Table 4).
The real effect of this factor appeared from the partial regression values which showed that the effect of relative
humidity on the total population activity S. graminum was highly significant positive (P. reg. value; 3.04) for the
first growing season and significant negative (P. reg. value; -1.33) during the second growing season. Also, the
partial correlation values were (P. cor. values; 0.75 and -0.78) and t-test values were (3.77 and -3.08) for both
seasons, respectively. Results revealed that, mean relative humidity was entirely under the optimum range of total
population activity during the first season and above the optimum range of total population activity of S. graminum
during the second season. This climatic factor was responsible for certain changes in the total population of S.
graminum by 11.12 and 10.32% for the two successive growing seasons, respectively (Table 4).
The obtained results indicated that the effect of mean daily maximum temperature and relative humidity
affected the total population of S. graminum more than the mean daily of minimum temperature.
Data in Table (4) show the effect of the plant age on total population of S. graminum. The correlation coefficient
(r) was insignificantly positive (r-value; 0.20) for the first growing season and highly significant positive relation
(r-value; 0.76) during the second growing season. The calculated regression coefficient (b) for the effect of this
factor indicated that for everyday increase in the plant age of wheat, the total population of S. graminum would
increase by 0.13 and 0.36 individuals per 10 tillers during the two seasons of study, respectively.
The exact relation between the wheat plant age and total population of S. graminum was determined by the
partial regression values (Table 4), which were highly significant positive (P. reg. value; 1.49) for the first growing
season and insignificantly negative relation (P. reg. value; -0.25) during the second growing season. Also, the
partial correlation values were (0.83 and -0.22) and the t-test values (4.89 and -0.56) for the two growing seasons,
respectively. Also, the plant age of wheat was the most effective variable on S. graminum population of 18.76%
during the first growing season and was the least effective variable on the total S. graminum population changes
by 0.34% during the second growing season.
Data presented in Table (4), showed that the decimal code of wheat growth stage had an insignificantly positive
effect on the total S. graminum population in the first growing season, since the correlation coefficient was (0.04)
and a highly significant positive relation (r-value; 0.73) during the second season. The unit effect (regression
coefficient) indicated that one-degree increase in decimal code of wheat growth stage would increase the
population by 0.05 and 0.56 individuals per 10 tillers, for the two seasons, respectively.
The real effect of the decimal code of growth stage of the wheat plant was clear from the partial regression
values (Table 4), which showed a highly significant negative effect (P. reg.; -2.27) in the first growing season and
insignificant positive effect (0.74) during the second season. The partial correlation values were (-0.72 and 0.40)
and the ''t-test '' values were (-3.40 and 1.06) during the two growing seasons, respectively. The obtained results
indicated that the decimal code of the growth stage of wheat plant was responsible for certain changes in the total
population of S. graminum by 9.04 and 1.22% during the two seasons, respectively.
G. The Combined Effect of [three Climatic Factors (X1, X2 and X3), Plant Age (X4) and Growth Stage
(X5)] on the Total Population of S. graminum:
As shown in Table (4), the combined effect of these tested factors on the S. graminum total population during
the two growing seasons was highly significant where the «F» values were 23.31 and 17.19, respectively. The
amounts of variability were 91.38 and 93.47% for the two growing seasons, respectively.
The plant phenology as plant age (X4) (obtained by three-degree polynomial equation); Y = a + b1X4 + b2X42 +
b3X43 revealed high relation to the variation in the population. E.V. values were 87.39 and 78.01% for the two
successive growing seasons, respectively (Table 4). These added values seem to be significant and fully explained
the variance in the population density of S. graminum. Based on this model, the population density of S. graminum
on wheat plants can be predicted by looking for the plant age. As the plant age realized the main effect on the
population density of S. graminum, regression analysis was performed using the plant age per day (X4) and the
corresponding log of the mean number of S. graminum (Y). The regression equation was presented in Fig. (2):
Second growing season (2018/19): Y = - 0.0002 X43 + 0.0565 X42 - 3.9169X4 + 90.781 R2 = 0.7801
Also, the combined effect of these tested factors on S. graminum total population was a highly significant where
the «F» values were 30.03 and 9.46 during the two growing seasons, respectively (Table, 4).
In general, when the plant age of wheat was 70 days for the first growing season and in plant age was 119 days
during the second growing season, at these times, S. graminum recorded the maximum population density (69.00
± 3.79 and 44.67 ± 1.45 individuals per 10 tillers) during the two successive seasons, respectively.
The decimal code for the growth stages of the wheat plant is presented by the polynomial equation of third-
degree, Y = a + b1X5 + b2X52 + b3X53. It seems that the equation provided the best fit of the data by indicating the
high value of the percentage of explained variance (E.V. = 89.63 and 82.08%) as compared with the other biotic
factor (plant age), Table (4). These added values seem to be significant and fully explained the variation in S.
graminum population density.
Based on this model, the population density of S. graminum on wheat plants can be predicted by looking for
the growth stage (as the decimal code). As the growth stages of wheat realized the main effect on the population
density of S. graminum, regression analysis was performed using the growth stage (as the decimal code) (X5) and
the corresponding log means the number of S. graminum (Y). The regression equation was presented in (Fig., 2).
Second growing season (2018/19): Y = -0.001X53 + 0.1283 X52 - 4.0906X5 + 45.008 R2 = 0.8208
Also, the combined effect of these tested factors on the S. graminum total population was highly significant
where the «F» values were 37.45 and 12.21 during the two growing seasons, respectively (Table, 4).
In general, when the wheat plants were in the stem extension stage during February, at this time S. graminum
recorded the highest population density during the two growing seasons. El-Fatih (2006) recoded that the stem
extension growth stage of barley harbored the highest population density of Rhopalosiphum maidis (Hemiptera:
Aphididae) in comparison with the tillering or heading stages.
2.3. Effect on Independent Variables (X1, X2, X3, X4, X42, X43, X5, X52 and X53) on Total Population of S.
graminum (Y) (Dependent Variable):
The Results revealed that the combined effect of the abiotic factors (three climatic factors) and biotic factors
i.e., plant phenology as [plant age (in days) and growth stage (as decimal code)] on the variation in the population
density of S. graminum.
The amount of variability, attributed to the combined effect of all these tested factors on the total population
density of S. graminum have a highly significant where the «F» value was 18.32 during the first growing season
and insignificant where the «F» value was 10.98 during the second growing season (Table 4). The multiple
regression analysis revealed that the studied variables altogether were responsible for changes in the total
population density of S. graminum. The percentages of explained variance (E.V. %) were 95.93 and 98.02% in
the two growing seasons, respectively (Table 4).
The present results do not eliminate the effect of weather factors on the population fluctuations. Under
laboratory conditions, these factors may reveal more effects. While under field conditions these factors first affect
the plant growth which makes the plant more palatable for infestation. Therefore, plant phenological
characteristics as (plant age and growth stage) influenced mathematically the effect of weather factors.
Climatic factors exert a great influence on the growth, development, distribution, and population dynamics of
insect pests (Chang et al. 2008). Both the physical and biological factors are much vital causing the variations in
the densities of aphid population (Naeem, 1996).
The aphid population density was partially and negatively affected by temperature, wind velocity, photoperiod
and rainfall in summer and nili plantations of 1995 and 1996. In addition, plant age was positively related to aphid
population density in nili one (Abd El-Fattah et al., 2000).
Aphid population on tomato showed a significant negative correlation with minimum and maximum
temperatures (Shakeel et al., 2015). They recorded also, significant positive correlation with relative humidity
and non-significant negative correlation with rainfall. The same authors reported that the determination of effects
of different weather factors on the population of aphids in tomato plantations was essential for effective pest
Aphid population on wheat varied due to temperature (Aheer et al., 2008). They indicated that the aphid
population showed, significant negative correlation with maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation,
whereas relative humidity was positively correlated. The significant negative correlation of the aphid population
with maximum temperature was reported by Chandrakumar et al. (2008). The highest aphid population occurred
during March (Aheer et al., 2007; Wains et al., 2010 and Iqbal et al., 2008).
The population of aphid increased with the decrease in temperature, lowest population was found on tomato at
32.5°C, while, the highest population was recorded at 27.5°C (Shakeel et al., 2015).
Plant phenology can have a significant impact on the status of aphid species infestation. For example, phenology
determines at which growth stage the crop is likely to be invaded by aphids and which crops are likely to be
affected most severely (Williams and Dixon, 2007).
Table 2. Weekly mean counts, aphid days, % cumulative, cumulative aphid-days and R.W.V.P. of S. graminum on wheat plants, with
climatic factors, at Esna district, Luxor Governorate during the first growing season (2017/18).
*(ZGS) = A decimal code for growth stage of cereal (Zadoks et al., 1974).
Table 3. Weekly mean counts, aphid days, % cumulative, cumulative aphid-days and R.W.V.P. of S. graminum on wheat plants, with
climatic factors, at Esna district, Luxor Governorate during the second growing season (2018/19).
Fig. 1. Weekly mean numbers of aphid days, % cumulative, cumulative aphid-days of S. graminum on wheat plants, with climatic factors at
Esna district, Luxor Governorate during the two successive wheat seasons (2017/18 and 2018/19).
Table 4. Different models of correlation and regression analyses for describing the relationship between some weather factors and plant age
on population fluctuations of S. graminum on wheat plants during the two successive wheat growing seasons (2017/18 and 2018/19).
Fig. 2. The polynomial relationship between plant age (X4) and total population of S. graminum (Y), as well growth stage (X5) during the
two successive growing seasons (2017/2018 and 2018/2019).
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First Author
Moustafa M.S. Bakry, Plant Protection Research Institute, A.R.C, Dokii, Giza, Egypt.
Second Author
Roya Arbabtafti, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO),
Tehran, Iran.
Third Author
Lamiaa H.Y. Mohamed, Moustafa M.S. Bakry, Plant Protection Research Institute, A.R.C, Dokii, Giza, Egypt.