Your Science Laboratory

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11/6/24, 6:08 PM Your Science Laboratory

Your Science Laboratory

1.2 Your Science Laboratory

The apparatus commonly used in a laboratory and their function

Boiling tube

To heat a small amount of chemicals

Test tube

To hold small amounts of chemicals

Beaker, conical flask, flat-bottom flask

To hold larger amounts of chemicals

Measuring cylinder

To measure volume of liquid


To measure volume of liquid accurately


To measure a fixed volume of liquid

Tripod stand

To support appratus during heating

Wire gauze

To spread heat evenly during heating

Filter funnel

To filter or separate insoluble solids from mixtures

Gas jar

To contain gas

Retort stand with clamp

To hold or support apparatus

Evaporating dish

To evaporate excess solvent

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11/6/24, 6:08 PM Your Science Laboratory

Hazard symbols


Chemicals which irritate give out vapour or fumes that will hurt the eyes, nose and throat.

Avoid inhaling the vapour or fumes.

Use the chemicals inside a fume chamber.

Examples: chloroform and ammonia.


Radioactive materials that emit radioactive rays can cause cancer. Examples: uranium and


These chemicals are corrosive. DO NOT touch these chemicals because it will burn your skin. In
case of contact with the skin, wash the affected part with lots of water. Examples: concentrated
acid and alkali.


This chemical is poisonous or toxic. DO NOT drink, eat, smell or taste this chemical. Examples:
mercury and chlorine.

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11/6/24, 6:08 PM Your Science Laboratory


This chemical easily vaporises and is flammable. KEEP AWAY this chemical from fire or heat
sources. Use this chemical according to instructions carefully. Examples: alcohol and petro


This chemical easily vaporises and is flammable. KEEP AWAY this chemical from fire or heat
sources. Use this chemical according to instructions carefully. Examples: alcohol and petrol

Laboratory Rules:

Do not enter the laboratory without permission.

Never start an experiment without the teacher’s instructions.
Read and understand the instructions of the experiment beforehand.
Use the chemicals and apparatus correctly and carefully.
Eating, drinking and playing are prohibited in the laboratory.
Do not take the apparatus and chemicals out of the laboratory.
After using, keep the apparatus and chemicals in their original places.
Make sure the place to conduct the experiments is always neat and clean.
Wash all the apparatus and throw away waste materials according to the correct procedures.
Wash your hands with soap and water before leaving the laboratory.

Safety measures when using chemicals and apparatus:

Do not point the mouth of the test tube at your face or at other people
Use safety goggles when mixing or heating chemicals
Do not taste or smell anything unless allowed by the teacher
Keep highly flammable chemicals away from any heat sources

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