JSA-006 Site Survey
JSA-006 Site Survey
JSA-006 Site Survey
Facility / Site: ……………………………………………… Location within Site: …………………….. Permit No: ……………………. Permit Type: ……………… Date: …………………….
2. Use and handling of survey Unsafe manual handling Proper handling technique MSBI Emergency
station Repetitive movement Use of upper muscles response plan
( medical
treatment +
ambulance )
3. Marks installation Hand injury by hammer Gloves to be worn MSBI Emergency
Presence of mind at all times response plan
( medical
treatment +
ambulance )
4. Housekeeping Greasing materials remaining on place Collect all remaining greasing material from work place PPE
causing slip trip and fall Put back tools and equipment in the store and Trash bins
Harm to environment caused by spill workshop
Empty cans left at work place Put the used spares and parts into correct trash bin or
Used batteries left at work place junk area
Spare parts and tools left at workplace
Trash, boxes remain at work place Clean work place and segregate waste
5. Working in desert Biological hazards such as reptiles Use of PPE MSBI Emergency
Poison from the scorpions & snakes Close supervision response plan
Personnel missing or lost in the desert Long sleeve coverall (medical treatment
Personnel Protests Safety boots + ambulance )
Terrorist Attack Communication
Sat phone
Security accompanying
Provide sat phone, security spot and radio for
personnel working at uncovered area by phone.
Assess the situation as quick as possible and
announcing the state of the emergency (Emergency or
At any security threats call first the ERT leader
mentioned in back of access badge and emergency
contact list.
In case of any Terrorism threats call first the ERT leader
or the IMT Leader and the COMPANY Field Security
Liaison Officer mentioned in back of access badge and
emergency contact list
Delegate someone to make sure that the area is
Name Position Date Signed
Prepared By
Checked By
Approved By