Mock Drill Part II

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1. Total injuries: Nil
2.Total no of persons withdrawn =212.
3. Overman& mining sirdar started whistling & shouting receiving the information of
withdrawal from CDS. Most of the workers moved outside from the district hearing the 1. Some people started shouting and running here
Regarding Danger of whistle. The response time of workers was 4 minutes. Pump operator posted in 46 L , Cleaning of travelling road needs to be done at
101 and there.2. Travelling road was not clean at some
Inundation main dip of pit 7 was communicated via CDS . regular intervals.
places, so the withdrawal took more time.
4. All persons were withdrawn by 4:55 p.m.
5. Reporting time of official / Ambulance :-
a. Agent : 4 :45, manager : 4:43,c.Ambulence : 4:40,
d. Rescue trained persons :- 4:42, e. Doctor : 4:48
Dump Slide & Heavy 1 Satisfactory, Response time 30 min 2.Satisfactory, Response time 15 min
102 Good Need to be improved in system of communication
(i) Mock rehearsal for assessing fire fighting preparedness at SB project was planned by
safety officer on 03.04.2022(ii) venue was chosen (iii) only supervisor & Dozer operator
was informed before.(iV) when supervisor has raised the alarm about the fire in the
Dozer, the response of all the stakeholders was (a) the manager reached the spot within 7 Overall mock drill was found satisfactory but one
minutes (b) Shift in charge in 5 minutes (c) safety team members in 10 minutes (d) fire shortcoming was happened as contact with Separate phone shall be provided to the operator
103 Fire in Dozer
tender in 10 minutes (e) Ambulance in 20 minutes. (e) the operator was rescued to ambulance driver was being late due business of his to stop the recurrence of such incident.
dispensary within 12 minutes.(Vi)fire fighting arrangement was deployed within 5 minutes phone.
of reaching the fire tender. Total Response time-32 minutes.(vi) the end of mock drill was
announced by Safety officer after ambulance reached the dispensary.
(i) Mock rehearsal for assessing fire fighting preparedness at SB project was planned by
safety officer on 12.06.2022(ii) venue was chosen (iii) Foreman sri Joydev Ghosh has
raised the alarm at 12.30 PM regarding one person was drowning in the sump while
working. the response of all the stakeholders was (a) the manager reached the spot
more life jacket has to be procured during
104 Drowning of a person within 10 minutes (b) Shift in charge in 8 minutes (c) safety team members in 15 minutes overall mock drill was found satisfactory
(d) Ambulance in 15 minutes. (e) Rescue team members were ready to drive into water monsoon season
with life jackets within 2 minutes reaching the spot. (f) Ambulance reached the dispensary
within 12 minutes Total Response time-27 minutes. The end of mock drill was announced
by Safety officer after ambulance reached the dispensary.
40 Minutes
105 Danger of Inundation Satisfactory NIL
45 Minutes
106 Danger of Inundation Satisfactory NIL
1 hr. 45 min.
Frequency of mock rehearsals should be more to
107 Inundation Rescue team members delayed to reach at the mine
make Acquainted to deal with emergency
108 Dump Slide 20 min No delay in relay of information NIL
An Oil (Diesel) Fire Identified by Mr. Rakesh (Mechanic) and he shouted “FIRE – FIRE” by
14:40 hrs. and a worker name Dawni Passah fallen from Hitachi (vehicle’s) trolley while he
was working on trolley. 14:55 hrs. Fire emergency information given by Officer Meraj ·Emergency number board to be fix at all area to
Alam (HEMM) to Security Control Room. Safety Officer given call to fire Tender operator increase awareness about the emergency
by 14:55 hrs. Fire was identified as oil fire due to fire on used oil drum. Fire team along Workers unknown about emergency number. Mech. response. Mech. Foam to be procures & keeps on
Fire identified by with ambulance was rushed at site by 15:20 hrs. Mech. Foam requires for extinguish the Foam was not kept on fire tender. Fire extinguisher ready condition in fire tender for extinguishing
109 worker in Automobile oil fire, but foam drum was missing at Fire Tender. Stored pressure ABC type Fire
not worked properly. Ambulance & fire tender’s the oil fire. Re-check-up of all fire extinguishers
Section extinguisher installed at HEMM. Mr. Dawni tried to put out fire by extinguisher but fire ext. operator not using seat belt. and action against refilling service provider.
wasn’t discharged by 15:30 hrs. Dawni saw sand bucket Hanging in Fire shed, he run and Refresher training to drivers and operators for
put out fire by applying sand by 15:32 hrs. Debriefing given by Safety officer Mr. safe driving skill while in emergency situation.
Prasanna Kumar Tiwari. All clear signal given at 15:40 hrs. Total 60 minutes time took to
conduct the overall scenario.
Fire may catch due to The participants got the knowledge about the fire fighting procedure.
short circuit/ spark Continuous improvement among the mine
110 Improvement of cautiousness among the participants
induced by silencer or workers.
hot components.
ACTUAL INFORMATION TO & TIME 03:25 PM @ Talapaneni Ramu
TIME 03:31 PM @ Satyajit Palia Requesting the VTO & EHS Fire Officer to provide
Fire accident has ACTUAL ARRIVAL TIME OF RESPECTIVE PERSON 3:42 PM ACTUAL INFORMATION TO & additional Training to all workmen about the
TIME 03:27 PM @ Ankur Rathore Workmen were trying to control the situation &
111 happened in mine usage of fire extinguishers. Requesting Shift-In-
premises. Charge to enhance the coordination and know the
TIME 03:30 PM @ Satyaiit Palia
precaution during fire incident among workmen.
TIME 03:35 PM @Security-ln-Charge
1. At 11:10 AM fire seen near the main engine of CK300 by Supervisor Sri Jagdish Oraon, 1. When fire occurrence was informed to Operator he 1. Instruction during the emergency shall be
Mining Sirdar. He stopped the operation and asked operator to come out as fire is seen. hurriedly came down, in this process he could have given carefully by supervisors, so that the
injured himself. operator of work persons doesn’t panic.
2. At 11:12 AM Sri Jagdish Oraon, Mining Sirdar Sri Jitendra Kumar, Shift Manager and
2. No one opted to trigger the AFDSS manual liver to 2. Awareness about the functioning of AFDSS
Fire in HEMM CK300 informed about the fire occurrence. operate AFDSS manually to control the fire. shall be given to workmen.
112 during operation at
3. At 11:14 AM portable fire extinguisher present at the machines was used, but the fire
11:10 AM
was still out of control.
4. At 11:18 AM Sri Jitendra Kumar, Shift Manager long with Sri Jitendra Kumar, Colliery
Manager reached the spot.
5. At 11:30 AM water tanker came at the spot with fire fighting attachment, and fire was
1. At 10:0 AM fire seen near the main engine of TH196 by Supervisor Sri Sanjay Singh, 1. When fire occurrence was informed to Operator he 1. Instruction during the emergency shall be
Mining Sirdar. He stopped the operation and asked operator to come out as fire is seen. hurriedly came down, in this process he could have given carefully by supervisors, so that the
injured himself. operators of work persons don’t panic.
2. A10:45AM Sri Sanjay Singh, Mining Sirdar Sri Himanshu Kumar,Overman informed
2. No one opted to trigger the AFDSS manual liver to 2. Awareness about the functioning of AFDSS
Fire in HEMM TH196 about the fire occurrence.
operate AFDSS manually to control the fire. shall be given to workmen.
113 during operation at
10:30 AM 3. At 11:14 AM portable fire extinguisher present at the machines was used, but the fire
w Under control.
4. A11:25 AM Sri Himanshu Kumar, Overman along with Sri Kalilash Kumar, Colliery
Manager reached the spot.
5. and fire was controlled with the use of portable Fire Estingusher
Impact of CO2 (Balack 1. Mock drill successfully done 1. Mining Sirdar accompaying pump khalasi at 1. Whoever is deployed at pumping station
Damp) on pump 2. Importance of carrying and closely keeping eyss on the variation flame height of Flame pumping station must carry flame safety lamp./ presence of FSL is must so as to avoid such
114 Safety Lamp.
khalasi at pumping pump khalasi directly went to see the water level incidences which has potential to invite accident
3. Quick Communication and response within 5 minute.
station without carrying FSL and informing mining sirdar. in underground.
1. Mock drill successfully done
Dumper Suddenly falls 2. During The Inspection O/B Dump Berm Was not Found Satisfactory. 1. Due To Nonavilibility Of Mobile
1. Proper supervision and training of Operator. 2.
Down Due To Edge Network,Information About The Incident Could Not
115 Atleast 05 Rescue Trained Persons Should be
Dumping(Dumper- Reach MTK Immediately. 2. Only 03 rescue Trained
3. Ambulance Took 15 minute to Arrive At The Accident Site. Present at The Site.
302) Persons Were Able To Reach The Spot.

1. Mock Drill completed smoothly and successfully.2. Every key person made his duty as 1. MGD to be adequately available.
Rescue team took 01 hour to reach the site due to
116 Spontaneous heating per emergency plan.3. Availability of MGD was not sufficient.4. There was huge fallen 2. Fallen coal to be removed from underground to
coal. arduous and long travelling.
surface to avoid spontaneous heating.
1. Mock Drill completed smoothly and successfully.2. Every key person made his duty as 1. Awareness is required regarding emergency
per emergency plan.3. All persons had been evacuated from underground to surface. Persons deployed in underground took more time to response and evacuation plan.
117 Inundation
reach surface. 2. Man riding to be introduced to avoid long and
arduous travelling.
1. At 11:15 AM Shri Naresh mahto and Shri ajay kumar Sharma were involved in fire 1. While fire fighting, safe distance from the fire area
fighting in the coal stock in presence of mining sirdar shri Surender Chauhan using pipe 1. PE/E&M has been informed to rectify the
was not maintained due to which the person holding
connected to water tanker operated by shri sukra munda, when a sudden burst of hot pipeline as soon as possible
the water pipe could have got injured.
steam due to fire in coal stock occured.
2. At 11:16 AM Sri Surender Chauhan, Mining Sirdar informed the control room (MTK) ,
Sudden burst of hot Colliery manager, Safety officer about the incident where Shri Arvind kumar Choubey was 2. A pipeline connected to the stock for use of fire so that fire fighting can be done directly from the
steam during fire on duty. He instantly initiated the Emergency Organisation Plan on the advise of safety fighting was not working. pipeline.
fighting at coal stock officer.
at 11:15 AM 3. By 11:20 AM Shift Incharge,Colliery Manager and safety officer, Project Officer has 2. SOP for fire fighting should be explained to
reached the spot. every fire fighting staff and supervisor and proper
training should be given to deal with fire in coal
4. At 11:25 AM Fire fighting tender reached the spot.
5. At 11:27 AM Ambulance reached the spot.
Life saving jackets were available at pumping station
Mock drill on drowning
Regular training and practices are required for use of regular mock rehearsal to be organized so that
119 in sump during
life jackets during suction pipe changing works. more employees may be trained,
changing suction pipe
1. The activity of mock drill started at 11am. 1. RTP of the mine reported at 11.45am. 1. Response time should be reduced.
2. All emergency organization members’ reports at control room 11.30am 2. Lack of awareness among the work persons
2. Need more training in respect of fire fighting
regarding alertness in case of fire
120 Dumper Fire . 3. Persons with fire extinguishers and RTP arrived at 12pm 3. One water tanker shall be available round the
3. Mock drill consumed 1.5 hours
clock for fire fighting
4.Fire got quenched at 12.30 pm. 4. Fire extinguishers should be readily available at
all vulnerable places.
1. The activity of mock drill started at 2:45 PM 1. Checking of stability of embankment shall be
1. RTP of the mine reported at 3:05 PM.
done regularly by competent persons.
2. All emergency organization members’ reports at control room about 3:00 PM. 2. Awareness among work persons needs to
Inundation due to 2. Lack of awareness among the work persons
enhance to deal with situation in case of
failure/breaching of regarding alertness in case of overflow/breaching of
overflow/breaching of embankment. And
121 embankment at initial embankment.
assembly point shall be fixed &known to all.
point of diverted 3. RTP persons with lifesaving jacket reach at site about 3:05 PM. 3. Failure of regular checking of Stability of 3. Ambulance shall be available at unit
Nallah embankment. dispensary.
4.All persons evacuated from working places of mines at 3:30 PM. 4. Lifesaving jacket shall be available at mines at
4. Ambulance reached at 3:10 PM as no ambulance
sufficient number and all persons shall be aware
is available at unit dispensary.
about their use.
1.The activity of mock drill started at 1:45pm. 1. all persons were found to be acquainted with the 1.Security guards need to be trained and made
escape route. aware of their duty
2. All communications to different personnel including RTP was made. 2.workers/persons should be aware of
Sudden increase in 2.some of the persons coming from belowground
maintaining poise during course of any
122 water level in VIII were found in panic attitude.
seam(mine no 1)
3.All Rescued trained persons were available at mines at 2:05pm.
4.all persons below ground came up on surface under supervision of overman.
evacuations was completed at 2.40 pm
1. The activity of mock drill started at 1:00pm 1. All persons needs to trained for operation of
fire extinguisher.
Fire at Laiyo bore 2. All communications to different personnel including control room before MRS team 1. All the persons were not acquaintance of 2. the fire area needs to be fenced off
123 reached to spot.
station operation of portable fire extinguisher process.
3. Fire extinguishers reached the spot at 1:30 pm.
4. Fire was extinguished by MRS team with the help of foam based fire extinguisher by
There was quick response of Ambulance and medical staff. Life jackets were available at pump fitter. Pumps
Drowning of pump While working near the sump the fitter shall
124 Little delay in response of rescue team. related SOP was followed to disconnect electrical
fitter at Sump always wear Life jacket.
Phone calls done timely by MTK at Karma OCP supply to pump.
There was quick response of Ambulance and medical staff, little delay in response of Life jackets were available at pump khalasi. Pumps Haul road gradient was required more correct at
Drowning of pump
125 rescue team, Phone calls done timely by Time keeper at Topa OCP related SOP was followed to disconnect electrical bottom seam so that ambulance can directly
Khalasi in face sump
supply to pump. reach upto the required site.
1. Mock drill successfully done 1. Proper cleaning of HEMM from dust, grease, oil 1. Proper supervision and training of Operator. 2.
126 Fire in HEMM 2. Use of Fire extinguisher explained
etc at regular interval. Proper training for use of Fire Extinguisher.
3. Quick Communication and response within 2 minute.
1.The activity of mock drill started at 12:38 PM2.All emergency organization and 1.RTP of the mine reported at 12.45 PM.
neighbouring mine were informed at 12:45 PM.3. Fire extinguishers from other running 2. Awareness among the work persons was found.
Fire-fighting to water dumpers collected at the spot at 12.55 PM.4. Water Tanker from Dakra OCP reached at
127 Tanker 28054 at coal 1.05 PM.5. Fire tender from RRT Churi, reached at 1.20 PM 3.Some of Fire Extinguisher were not refilled on right NIL
face time.
4. respond from neighbouring mine Dakra OCP was
really worth of praise.
1.AFDSS anf Fire extinguisher checked in Drill physically by the official present at the time 1. Regular supervision and maintenance of
1. In dozer AFDSS not working properly.
of mock drill. AFDSS.
Fire at Dozer due to 2. Water tanker reached in time at the place of mock drill.
128 2.Water tanker reached without extension hose. 2. Proper checking for hose pipe in water tanker.
short circuit
3. All officials & ambulance reached at the site of Mock drill within 25 minutes of getting 3. Extra fire extinguisher reached with delay due to 3.Awareness should be spread during any
information shift vehicle engaged in working face. emergency.
1. Mock drill was successfully completed 1. Proper cleaning of DG set from dust, grease, oil is 1. safety talk to the DG operator and E&M
required at regular interval. workers.
2. Fire EXTINGUISHER was available and used in time. 2. Regular checking of fire extinguisher and
2. Proper supervision and training of DG operator.
129 Fire in DG Set training to use is required.
3. Response and coordination was very good among employees conducted the mock drill.

4. Response time is 1 min.

1. Mock drill was successfully completed. 1. Proper cleaning and cutting of grass in substation 1. safety talk to the substation attendant and
area. E&M workers.
2. Fire EXTINGUISHER was available in sufficient number and used successfully. 2. Proper operation of isolators switches to avoid any 2. Regular checking of fire extinguisher and
130 Fire in Substation sparking. training to use is required.
3. Response and coordination was very good among employees conducted the mock drill.
3. supervision and training of substation attendant.
4. Response time is 2 min.
1. At 11:20 AM fire seen near the main engine of CKE by Supervisor Sri Kripal Singh,
Mining Sirdar. He stopped the operation and asked operator to come out as fire has been
2. At 11:22 AM Mining Sirdar has informed Shift Manager, Safety Officer,Mine Manager
about the fire occurrence.
Fire in HEMM CKE 3.Safety officer has informed Project Officer and Rescue Room In-charge(Churi) at 1.Delay in reaching of Water tanker on the spot .
131 (L&T) during operation 11:25AM. NIL
2.AFDSS not functioning.
at 11:20 AM 4.Safety officer advised Mining sirdar to use portable fire extinguisher present at the
machine and advised MTK to activate Emergency organisation plan immediately and act
4 Within 10 minute Shift Manager, Colliery Manager and Safety Officer reached the spot.

5. At 11:35 AM water tanker came at the spot with fire fighting attachment.
Fire in HEMM (EKG 1. Mock drill successfully done 1. Proper cleaning of HEMM from dust, grease, oil 1. Proper supervision and training of Operator. 2.
132 2. Use of Fire extinguisher explained
Shovel -419) etc at regular interval. Proper training for use of Fire Extinguisher.
3. Quick Communication and response within 5 minute.
Mock drill of 1) Drill conducted for an hour . 1) Power cut during the drill, hence marching of Communication was better during the use of
immediate action 2) Manpower responded in alert mode and positively. shovel delayed 2) Shortage of Cable man was seen. walky-talkies.
Fire mock drill in Gandhonia paitch Urimari OCP inform to MTK by the supervisor about Some person are not aware, How to deal with the
Fire in Pay lpader 271 Regular demonstration to be given to the use of
134 fire in Gandhonia Paitch then inform to Safety Officer, Manager, Project Officer, Project situation by itself , spot discussion/ demonstration
at Gandhonia Paitch fire extinguisher to deal with the Fire.
Engineer Excavation, PE (E&M)and area safety Officer. has be given.
Inundation mock drill in Gandhonia paitch Urimari OCP in form to MTK by the supervisor
Some person are not aware, How to deal with the
Inundation in about inundation in Gandhonia Paitch then inform to Safety Officer, Manager, Project Regular training to be given to the water to deal
135 situation by itself , spot discussion/ demonstration
Gandhonia Paitch Officer, Project Engineer Excavation, PE (E&M)and area safety Officer. with the inundation.
has be given.
1. On 25th June at around 11:25 am, all of sudden surface water in rushed into mine due
136 Inundation of Mines NIL NIL
to heavy rain fall, because the pit inundated.
1. On 27.06.2022, at about 10:45 AM, an accident (fire due to short circuit at server
room ) has taken place in system department. The technician Sri N. Suresh informed on
intercom to Emergency Control Room.
2.The interactions of the technician Sri N. Suresh on various incidents happened during
the course of Mock drill were quite clear and there was no ambiguity
3. Anxiety was not noticed in conversation during various interactions of mock drill
Fire due to short-
4. Mock drill was well coordinated during the process by Emergency team.
137 circuit at server room NIL NIL
5. All the walkie-talkies used during the mock drill worked perfectly without any noise.
in system department.
6. Cordoning off the admin office area & clearance of the route was very good by CISF

7. First Aid Ambulance reached at the site, in time.

8. Sufficient vehicles were available for movement of team in time
9. Ambulance response time was very good.
Total response time - 11:00 minutes.
1. On 30.06.2022, at about 10:35 AM, an accident (due to head to head collision of two
tippers engaged for Bauxite transportation ) was taken place near South Block weigh
bridge area. The shift in charge Sri P.L.Mohanta informed over mobile to Emergency
Control Room.
2.The interactions of the shift in charge Sri P.L.Mohanta on various incidents happened
during the course of Mock drill were quite clear and there was no ambiguity
Accident due to head
to head collision of 3. Anxiety was not noticed in conversation during various interactions of mock drill
138 two tippers engaged NIL NIL
4. Mock drill was well coordinated during the process by Emergency team.
for Bauxite
5. All the walkie-talkies used during the mock drill worked perfectly without any noise.
6. Cordoning off the admin office area & clearance of the route was very good by CISF

7. First Aid Ambulance reached at the site, in time.

8. Sufficient vehicles were available for movement of team in time
9. Ambulance response time was very good.
Total response time - 16:00 minutes.
01. Mock Situation:- A local bench failure occurred at Nb1 north 100 rl face at 5.24 PM, in
which some portion of collapsed bench came over the excavator which led to injury to
excavator operator in his right hand.
02. Action By Shift Incharge (mining operation):- A. Infromation shared by whom & when
:-Information was passed by Purusottam Mahanto (Mining Mate DECO) to the shift
incharge (TSML & DECO) through walky talky at 5.24PM and he also pressed the bottom 1. The ambulance came in time(13 mins) but no
on his suraksha card. B. Response Initiated - Communicated to whom & when : medical representative was present with ambulance.
Communicated to security control room - 5.25 PM, Mines Manager -5.26 PM, Safety officer-
5.26PM Excavation Incharge(DECO) - 5.27 PM.

03. Emergency Team:- Security shift incharge with Supporting Staff, ambulance,QRT,
1. A mine visit of QRT team with mining persons,
TSML staff. A. Response Time:-Ambulance- 5.37 PM ,Security & Emergency Team-
139 Bench Failure which will help them to understand the access
5.37PM, Mining Manager and safety officer- 5.37 PM, Excavation Incharge(DECO)- 5.39
routes and about different zones of working area.
B.Action initiated How & When:- Purusottam mahanto (Mining mate DECO) was present
near to 100rl face NB1 north, he first saw the failure of face and also heard the shout of 2. Confusion was seen with QRT team in reaching
excavator operator. He immediately informed TSML and DECO shift incharge though the incident location.(Lackof knowledge of different
walky talky and called for mines ambulance. TSML shift incharge informed the control zones and access route leading to them).
room about the incident, its location and asked for QRT team and ambulance.
04.Incident Duration:- Total duration of Mock Drill- 18 minutes
05.Observation details:-A good team work was observed through out the execution of
3. Mines ambulance was available at the start of shift
mock drill and the group took action on the time which helped in reaching of injured
but was not present at mines at the time of incident,
person to dispensary on time.
as it was sent to Jajpur with another patient.
1. Mock Situation:- 1) Fire Tender crossed the incident spot.
At about 12:23hrs, Mr. Raj Singh, M/s Terra Worker, observed that fire caught on dry
2) Fire team delayed in branch operating.
leaves near A/18 block , Sector-II area.
2. Action By Control Room: a. Information Received by whom/when Security Control
3) Casual approach by patrolling guard during initial
Room Supervisor information Received - 12:23hrs from Mr. Raj Singh, M/s Terra Worker.
b. Response Initiated - Communicated to whom/when :Communicated to security shift
incharge - 12:24hrs, Dispensary- 12:26hrs, AGM Mines-12:37hrs, ADM Mines- 12:30,
Safety Manager- 12:32hrs , ADM/Manager Security- 12:39hrs, AM (SIS)-12:34hrs, Dy
Manager Electrical-12:28hrs and AGM Admin - 12:34hrs. 3. Emergency Team- Security
Bush Fire at Colony shift incharge with Supporting Staff, Ambulance. 1. Awareness session on Fire fighting Do's and
Premises Don't
a. Response Time- Shift In-Charge and QRT 12:26hrs, Ambulance 12:39hrs, Electrical
Department Staff-1239hrs
b.Action initiated How/When:-After getting information of fire call shift In-Charge reached
on the spot with Fire Team & QRT. They barricade that area & started operation. They
controlled the fire by using fire tender and fire beating method.

4. Incident Duration: Total duration of Mock Drill- 33 minutes.

5.Observation details: Fire Team and QRT reached at the location within time. Good
coordination was observed between operation team, promptly act vehicle placement and
fire hose branch connection. QRT thoroughly checked after dousing fire. Debriefing was
done by Manager Security (TSML).
1. Mock Situation:-
At about 15:20hrs, Mr. Abhimanyu Mahakud, Electrical Maintenance Department, M/s
DECO observed Mr. Janmejay Naik was electrocuted. Both were employed for
housekeeping near transformer area at COB substation.
2. Action By Control Room: a. Information Received by whom/when
Security Control Room Supervisor received information at 15:30hrs from Mr. Abakash
Pradhan, M/s TSML.
b. Response Initiated - Communicated to whom/when: Communicated to security shift
incharge - 15:33hrs, Dispensary/ADM Medical 15:35hrs, AGM Mines-15:35hrs, Safety
Officer- 11:37hrs , ADM/Manager Security- 11:37hrs, Dy Manager Electrical-15:37hrs.

3. Emergency Team- Security shift incharge with Supporting Staff, Ambulance, Medical
Staff, Mechanical Maintenance staff.
a. Response Time- Shift In-Charge and QRT 15:41hrs, DECO Ambulance 15:39hrs,Dy.
Electrocution during Manager Electrical (DECO) -15:30hrs, Safety TSML - 11:40hrs, Dy Manager Electrical -
141 housekeeping of area 11:40hrs , Electrical-15:30hrs
near transformer b.Action initiated How/When:- After getting information of medical emergency shift In-
Charge reached on the spot with supporting staff. They cleared the people standing
surrounding affected person, open his shoes, helmet and shirt, gave encourage to him
and brought him to TSML Dispensary. Before moving from the incident spot same was
communicated to mines gate supervisor to keep road clear and told WTP guard to inform
medical team of Dispensary. They reached at dispensary at 15:55hrs. Doctor checked
him and referred to Medica hospital.
4. Incident Duration: Total duration of Mock Drill- 33 minutes.
5. Observation details
Emergency Response Team and medical response time was good. Debriefing was done by 1) While housekeeping is being carried out near
Dy.Manager Electrical and Safety person from TSML. charged electrical equipment electrical supervisor
must be present. NIL
2) Emergency response preparedness training to be
imparted to electrical supervisors.
1. Mock Situation:- At about 15:21hrs, Mr. Santha Charan Behera, deployed security
guard at Sealing Point informed that Mr. Ranjit Kumar Behera of M/S Nayak Enterprises
fell down and senseless while he tying tarpauling in truck at Sealing poing due to heat
stroke. 2. Action By Control Room: a. Infromation Received by whom/when Security
Control Room Supervisor information Received - 15:21hrs from Mr. Santha Charan
Behera, M/s SIS (I) Ltd. b. Response Initiated - Communicated to whom/when 1) Dispensary and ADM Medical could not able to
Communicated to ADM Medical and Dispensary - 15:22hrs, security shift incharge - contact after several attempt by Phone.
15:22hrs, AGM Mines-15:23hrs, ADM Supply and Chain- 15:23, Safety Manager-
15:23hrs , Dy Manager Security- 15:24hrs, AM (SIS)-15:24hrs, Mining Shift In-Charge-
15:25hrs and AGM Admin - 12:34hrs. 3. Emergency Team- Security shift incharge with
Tarpaulin Tying labour Supporting Staff, Ambulance, Mining First-Aider Team.
fell down while tying
a. Response Time- Shift In-Charge and QRT 15:27hrs, Ambulance 15:29hrs, First-Aider 2) One drinking water point is given but in 1. Awareness session on Heat Stroke to tarpaulin
142 tarpaulin in the hauling
Team-15:28hrs, Manager Supply and Chain - 15:35hrs. afternoon hour hot water is coming in it. tying labour.
truck due to heat
b.Action initiated How/When:- After getting information shift In-Charge reached on the
spot with QRT. They removed the gathering surrounding of the victim, took him under the
shade of tree, opened his shoes, helmet, shirt, blow hand fan and sprinkle water on his
face. Ambulance reached at the location and taken him to dispensary. Dispensary staff
checked him and found normal.
4. Incident Duration: Total duration of Mock Drill- 30 minutes.
5.Observation details Shift In-Charge and QRT reached at the location within time. Good
coordination was observed between QRT, they immediately shift the patient under shade
of the tree, blow hand fan after opening of shirt, shoes, helmet etc. When Dispensary was
able to contacted by telephone then information given to dispensary by WTP Security
Guard. Debriefing was done by Dy Manager Security (TSML), Sr AM (SIS) and Dy
Manager Mining.
1. On 16.06.2022 about 11:15am, During gas cutting work of EC-480 bucket adaptor by
Gopal Chandra Barik, his hand caught fire due to back fire at Cutting torch of Gas cutting
set. 2. This incident was seen by Biswanath Purti & he immediately closed the Dissolved 1) Dispensary and ADM M+D46edical could not able
Acetylene Cylinder (DA) & oxygen cylinder valve. He took him from that place & made him to contact after several attempt by Phone.
to cool down under the fan.3. Mr Biswanath Purti called to the respective area owner
Biswajit Barik at 11:17am.
Back Fire During gas 4. Mr Biswajit reached to the welding section & called to security control room for
143 Ambulance at 11:18am. He pressed the SOS of surakhya card. He gave IP hand under NIL
running Tap water to heal down.5. Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Biswal called to dispensary at 2) One drinking water point is given but in
11:20am from control room.6. Ambulance was sent from dispensary & reached at afternoon hour hot water is coming in it.
workshop at 11:28am & took the patient to dispensary along with Biswajit & co-worker
Sarat Chandra Mohanta.
7. Ambulance reached dispensary at 11:32am & IP was facilitated with first aid (checked
temp, pulse rate, & dressing work) immediately.
8. After finishing of treatment, IP retuned to workshop at 11:44am.
1. On 24.05.2022, at about 9.30 am a fire broke out near workshop area.
2. The security guard communicate to the emergency control room (main gate) about the
3. The fire fighting Team and fire tender reached the site at 9.40 am.
Fire Near Workshop 4. The fire tender put off the fire kept for Mock dill. 1. Action and Movement of fire fighting team was
144 Frequency of mock drill to be increase.
area 5. Took the Necessary action about injured person and first aid given and called good.
6. Ambulance reached the site at 9.45 am.
7. The area of incident was properly cordoned off.
8. Briefing about Mock drill by security head.
1. On 13.04.2022, B-shift at about 5.07 pm , fire broke out near weigh bridge-II of
SMC.2. The Security near by the area informed to Mines Manager about the fire.
Response time- 2 min. 3. As per instruction of Mines Manager, emergency was declared &
siron blown. Response time- 3 min.4.Then message given to the key personnel. Response
Fire broke out near time- 15 min. 5. Fire fighting team & water tanker reached at the site at 5.19pm .
Late coming of key personnel other than fire fighting
weigh bridge-II of Response time- 10 min. 6. First-aid team with ambulance reached at the site . Response team due to mobiles & landlines are engaged during Use of Walky-talkies for better communication.
SMC & along with first time - 10 min.7. During fire fighting, one security person of rescue team fell down due to
communication and un-availability of vehicle.
aid case . suffocation by smoke. As the first aid team was present their, they attained the victim
immediately and send to dispensary by ambulance. Response time - 10 min.
After completion of fire fighting work, all persons were warned by "All Clear" Siren.

Observation:- 1 . The incident was informed to Mines manager immediately.

Observation:- 2. Communicating to all key personnel & reporting at emergency control Delay in reaching of Security Officer at the
room. Immediate vehicle arrangement is to be ensured
146 Air blast emergency control centre due to non-availability of
Observation:- 3. Declared Emergency by blowing siren & whistle by Security at Decline in case of emergency.
vehicle at that time.
Entrance, Shaft area & near by construction area.
Observation:-4. Rescue Team & Ambulance reached the site in time.
Brief of Activities:
1.Mr. Shiba Bahadur, a plant mechanic got a burn injury due to electrical fire while doing
welding work
2.Mr Nanda Kumar Reddy, shift In-charge rushed to the spot.
Burn injury due to 3.Shift I/C informed to the Control Room and simultaneously communicated with Safety
During first aid treatment, crowd control was not
147 electrical fire at PLC-1 Officer, Security Officer and Mines Manager by walkie talkie. NIL
4.The ambulance was available near the Mine Office Area. The ambulance took 2 minutes effective.
of OHP
to reach at the place.
5.Testing of stretcher and first-aid is provided.
6.Application of first aid took two minutes of time.
7.The injured was loaded on to the ambulance.
8.Ambulance took 12 minutes to reach at Central Hospital which is 09 K.M away
Brief of activities:
1.It is assumed that, this time a fire case happened inside the community hall near the
market complex.
2.The security guard was deployed at the place of incident detected occurrence of fire and
informed security incharge. The evacuation of all the persons took 01 minutes.
Fire fighting at
148 Further drill is required for time management
community centre 3.Security I/C informed to the Control Room and simultaneously communicated with
Welfare officer, Safety Officer & Mines Manager by walkie talkie.
4.The ambulance was available near the central hospital and the QRT was present in the
township. Both reach at the place within 03 minutes. The fire fighting took 02 minutes

5.The area declared safe after cleaning of the place of incident

03.15PM - Siren blown to alert the emergency situation.
03.16PM - Employees came out of the admin building & Gathered at the assembly point.
Time taken one minute.0
3.17PM - Head count done by security I/C :
¨Total Nos. of persons in office -57
¨ Total Head count near assembly point -57
¨ Nos. of visitors - Nil. Resources of the Drill:
Office Evacuation ü Casualties-NIL 1. The time required for arrival of the ambulance at
149 ü First Aid Required-Yes NIL
Mock Drill the spot should be less than 02 minutes.
ü Ambulance Required-No
Report of response team:
ü Fire fighter team arrived on the spot in less than 02 minutes
ü First Aider arrived on the spot in less than 03 minutes
ü Ambulance Arrived at the spot in 03 minutes
ü Total workshop evacuated in 2 minutes
03.21PM - Emergency situation declared as “Emergency Mock Drill”03.22PM - “All Clear”
Siren blown to declare completion of Drill.
•The victim was immediately addressed by co-workers and Fist Aid was given at the site • Failing to Walk around the Truck Before Backing
Up. • Remove people from the reversing area, create
Mock drill on saving by the Foremen (First Aid Certificate Holder) .
a vehicle only area and keep the area free from
lives from accident due •Immediately Doctor was informed of the incident and was asked to send an Ambulance. • Non-Functioning of AVA due to wire damaged.
150 obstructions.
to while reversing of
•Upon arrival of the Ambulance, the injured person was sent for further medical • AVA should be checked before starting the
water tanker.
examination / treatment with a co-worker. vehicle.
• Mock drill was smoothly coordinated.
At about 4:20 PM: An earthquake occurs and a building where workers were working Management & CISF personnel were not having 1) Training by NDRF Team may be arranged
151 Building Collapse
collapsed. 4:23 PM : Siren blown by the Mining Shift In charge to warn all the persons required Rescue facilities and appliances for cutting every year. 2) Emergency Contact No. of
1. Alarm was raised in time. (09:50 am) 1.Dos and Don’ts during gas cutting / working in 1. Dos and Don’ts need to be displayed at more
workshop was not displaced. no of places.
2. Rescue team with First-aiders reach the site at 9:57 am. 2. Some of the items for rescue from height were 2. All Items for rescue from height need to be
not present with emergency rescue team kept with emergency rescue team
3 persons were rescued from the site and first aid was completed at 10: 07 am.
3. SOP for working with gas cutting was not 3. Training on Emergency plan shall be given to
Gas Shielding with displayed. all mine employees during refresher training.
rescue of trapped
3. Ambulance reached the site at 10:05 am and patients were referred to KBR-MBR 4. When discussed with gathering after clearance of
incautious person
emergency about 20% are not aware about the 4. SOP for working with gas cutting need to be
152 working at overhead general Hospital.
exact flow of information to be taken place during displayed.
Crane. Cause of
Incident: collapse of
4. One person reported trapped at the overhead crane and was incautious coming in
contact with gas leakage.
5. CISF reached at 10:05 am and NDRF team reached at 10:10 am.
6. Rescue of trapped person and first aid was completed at 10:42 am.
7. Trapped person was referred to KBR-MBR hospital at 10:45 am.
8. Short comings were discussed and suggestions were received and the Mock Drill
completed at 11.30 am.
1. Mock drill start Time/Accident Time: 3.04 PM. 1. Lack of general awareness amongst employees 1. Fire fighting to commence only when the
regarding first hand rescue of person injured in an injured is relocated to safe distance from fire as
fire incident/accident. well as range of fire extinguishers.
2. Alarm was raised in time :3.05 PM 2. Fire fighting started even before the injured is 2. While operating fire extinguishers care is to be
relocated to safe distance from fire as well as range taken that the direction of outlet nozzle must be
of fire extinguishers. in the direction of air current.
3. Emergency response was met in time (First Aid Team: 3.07 PM, Vehicular/Ambulance 3. While operating fire extinguisher direction of 3. Until utmost necessary any sort of fire fighting
Sudden outbreak of Assistance 3.09 PM & Fire Fighting 3.06 PM) activity must not be done in haste . These
fire near on-going outlet nozzle was opposite to the direction of air
activities must be done with proper skill ,
maintenance job near current.
153 patience and safety.
loader, Bottom Garage 4. Fire fighting was done on time 4. Immediate field talk & demonstration of
(Mechanical 4. Fire fighting activity was done in haste . rescue during fire incidents/accidents (for general
Department). awareness ).
5. Mock drill was safely and smoothly coordinated (Patient Evacuated :3.9 PM & Reached 5. More focus on emergency preparedness by the 5. Workshop at site on 16.04.2022 for mock drill
Bolani Hospital By 3.11 PM . Condition of patient reported over phone by attending doctor way of regular field interactions and class room participants regarding fire safety & emergency
to Safety Office at 3.15 PM) trainings. preparedness.
6. Development of First Aid rooms with
6. Review of First Aid Preparedness as it is the necessary fixtures at relevant locations and the
primary tool while facing any industrial misshaping. same to be placed under custody of First Aid
Trained personnel.
Mock Drill on Fire Brief Write-up on observations made during the Mock Drill:With knowledge of Asst. Chief Shortcomings observed: (a) Suggested the Asst. Chief Medical Officer of
154 Fighting at Hospital of Medical Officer, Hospital of Kalta Iron Mine, Kalta, Safety Officer put fire on waste card (a)Fire extinguishers are placed at inaccessible Hospital, Kalta Iron Mine to keep the fire
Kalta Iron Mine boards to verify the understanding of of Emergency Preparedness Plan on fire fighting location inside the store room. extinguishers at easily accessible location at a
1.Training on fire emergency shall be given to all
Fire Emergency
mine employees during refresher training
• A house keeper was burning the collected waste paper but due to wind and dry leaves 2.There is a need of exercise so as to increase
the fire began to burn with high intensity. On seeing this the nearby security personnel awareness amongst all concerns and rescue team
(Regional Office) tired to control the fire but it went uncontrollable. members suggested for more practice for smooth
155 NIL and speedy rescue operation
• He then informed the fire security I/c, Security I/c informed the fire fighting team,
Safety Officer and called the ambulanance.
Response Time:
1-Fire fighter arrived on the spot= 03 Mins
2-Fist Aider arrived on the spot=04 Mins
2- Ambulance arrived at the spot= 05 Mins
A crusher helper was doing maintenance work of the crusher, but suddenly he fell down
on the ground. The Supervisor standing there shouted for help and informed the shift I/c
about the incident. The Shift I/c informed the Mines Manager and called the ambulance.
156 Work at Height NIL NIL
The Helper was given first-Aid and then taken to nearby hospital for further check-ups.

1- First Aider arrived on the spot = 03 mins.
3- Ambulance arrived at the spot= 05mins.
Communication given in the area by Siren & ensured by Security In charge - 01 min.
1. The fire incident occurred due to cotton waste 1. Housekeeping of Workshop area should be
lying on ground after maintenance of Excavator. carried out at regular interval.
Departmental team members were alarmed along with fire fighting team - 02 min. 2. No designated place for waste material handling 2. Their must be designated place for waste
in workshop area. material handling in workshop area.
Cordon team reached the incident area - 03 min. 3. Lack of communication observed among fire 3.More training to fire fighters to be imparted
fighting team. emergency Preparedness.
Total area evacuated – 05 min. 4. The first aid team seems to be treating the injured
4.More training to be imparted to First Aid Team
hurriedly and in process laid the injured in wrong
for Emergency Preparedness.
Cordon team isolated the incident area - 03 min
5. Maintenance crew member seems to be casual in 5. Maintenance team needs to be trained to
the maintenance operation. perform job specific works in standard procedure.
Fire in cotton waste Fire Fighter team arrived on the spot & started fire fighting operation – 05 mins. 6. The concerned person is briefed about
lying on ground after importance of such drill and do’s & don’ts in such
maintenance of HEMM scenario.
at Workshop area. Water Tanker arrived the spot – 04 min. Mines Manager & Safety Officer reached the site 7.More awareness program on such drill is require
- 10 min. Salvage team arrived the spot – 05 min to make streamline the activity at time of such
actual emergency.
First Aider team with ambulance arrived on the spot - 07 min
During dealing with fire, 01 fire fighter got injured.
First Aider team came in action & taken the injured person into ambulance - 3 min.

Fire get in control with the help of fire fighting team. At last all workers were called of at
assembly point & briefing given to all by Shift Incharge about the emergency response
procedure and fire Emergency, “All Clear” Siren blown to declare completion of drill.Also it
is pointed out by the Fire fighting in-charge to ensure about proper housekeeping in
workshop area and special care to be taken during maintenance time & designated place
must be there for storage of waste items to avoid such type of incident.
injury due to running During removal of wood like material from running conveyor helper hand trapped in roller *Not aware about the risk involved. *SOP for conveyor to be circulated and
conveyor and belt.Immediatly First Aid was given to the person.Ambulance was called and the *SOP not followed awareness to be given to sc & cr crew
It is observed that there was an outbreak of fire at the Waste Lubricant Yard in the office
1. Poor housekeeping near the waste lubricant a. Good housekeeping must be maintained at any
premises. It occurred due to the presence of pieces of papers and dry leaves gathered by
yard to clean the waste papers and dry leaves. lubricant yard.
the wind storm and someone threw a match stick during smoking there. Seeing the fire
and fumes, the security persons and the Store-in-charge rushed to the spot and informed b. Smoking shall be strictly prohibited near
2. Smoking near the lubricant yard.
the same to the mines manager and the personnel manager through the walkie-talkie storage area.
DRILL the same to the mines manager and the personnel manager through the walkie-talkie
Outbreak of fire at immediately. Subsequently, the security-in-charge blew one long siren for emergency c. SOP for the lubricant yard shall be followed
159 3. Negligence in following the SOP for lubricant yard.
Waste Lubricant Yard. warning. All the staffs and security persons came to the Safe Assembly Point. The water properly.
tanker came to the spot in time. The security persons rushed to the place of fire with sand d. The matter of incident is required to be
and water buckets and fire extinguisher. The fire was put out by the operation of fire discussed during the safety talks given to the
extinguisher. housekeeping persons before the commencement
of the working shift by the Store-in-charge.
It was observed that, the dumpers head collided with the Haul road barrier. Initial (a) “Not to drink while driving” is to be discussed
(a)Not following the Mine Rules and Regulations.
investigation suggested that the dumper operator was drunk. It was fortunate that he did in the daily meeting..
not suffer any serious injuries and was transferred to local health centre. (b)Shortage of ALCOMETER device in the Mine entry
Driving dumper in (b) To procure more Alco meters.
drunken stage
160 (c)Security In charge did not test the person with the
(Dumper collided with (c) Slogan for alcohol-free zone inside the mines.
Alco meter at the time of entry to the Mines.
Haul Road Barrier).
(d) Instruct the Security officer for the regular
checking of every person at the entry gate.
1. Incident was communicated to all concerned within 2 - 5 mins. 1. Heat stroke prevention measure tips to be
Heat stroke to a
2. Communication regarding location of incident site to be more specific so that shared among the sorting yard labours during
person deployed at A LMV was parked near Bichakundi Dispensary,
161 emergency response team can find location easily. summer in Tool box meeting.
Gangaigoda sorting which was blocked the approach road to dispensary.
3. First aid was given at site and victim shifted to Bichakundi dispensary for further 2. Signage and locational display board post at
treatment. different location to locate site easily.
While the mining operation was in progress, at 9.30 A.M .suddenly two dumpers where 1. The concerned dumper driver did not wear the 1. During driving it should be mandatory to wear
they approached at the turning point of haul-road met head-on colliding with each other seat-belt. proper seat-belt.
(one loaded & another empty dumper), as a result one dumper driver had sustained minor 2. The dumper driver was absent-mined during 2. Proper repair & maintenance job of HEMM to
Colliding of two
driving. be undertaken.
162 dumpers at Haul-road injury of leg & chest. The security personnel present there, they reported to the shift Mine
foreman on duty immediately. The first-aid team along with ambulance reached at the 3. Training and awareness program should be
incident at about 9.40 A.M. The dumper driver attended by the first aid team and 3. Proximity warning device fitted in dumper were conducted from time to time for achievement of
rendered necessary first-aid immediately and sent to hospital for better treatment. not functioning properly. zero harm to men and property in mining
The helper was not aware of blasting operation. He
A- Evacuation of man and machineries from
1. Hotter was not blown.
danger zone should be done by blowing hooter.
was wondering near dump and one fly rock hit his right palm and got injured. First aid B- Before blasting one senior mining official
2. No senior mining official inspect the site before
Accident by hitting a given at site and shifted to First -aid room.Responce time was 2:10 pm to 2:23. should inspect the blasting site including danger
163 blasting.
fly rock zone.
C- All employees should be properly trained
3. Emploees are not properly trained.
regarding blasting operation.
4. Ignorance to obey the safety code of practice. D- Ignorance to obey the safety code of practice.
On dated 24th June 2022, at around 10.30 am a team of blasting helper after getting
clearance from the site in-charge regarding charging of explosive in the drill holes in the
2nd Bench SE Face, started their working. During charging of explosive in the blast holes,
suddenly Md. Quamuddin(Blasting Helper) make loud noise for help and got fainted due
to excessive heat. Immediately Mr. Malaya Basant Rout (Blaster) who was working nearby
area rushed into the spot and noticing the incident, he informed Mr. Dhananjaya Dash
(Asst.Manager) and safety team. Mr. Dhananjaya Dash and safety team rushed into the Ambulance was reached in sited 15minutes delay Sufficient water to be taken before entering the
incident spot and informed Mr. Gajendra Prasad Sahu (Mines Manager). After getting the due to road was jammed as haul road repairing work working place and at a span of interval water to
was under progress, Blaster and Blasting Foreman be taken as humidity is very high, Road and
On-Site face cleaning information Mines Manager declared an emergency and instructed to blow the siren. Then
164 was not exactly at site, Blaster information to the access to be free from any jam or huddles free
for drilling operation the victim was taken to the First-Aid room by Ambulance and Mr Das instructed to fence
the incident spot for further investigation, at the same time victim was given proper Manager and Safety staff got delay. Blasting helper access to should be ensure, Training related to
preliminary First-Aid and sufficient rest at First Aid Room by the First aider. Mr. was not taken plenty of water as the weather weather condition and health & safety advisory
Dhananjaya Dash Briefed Mines Manager about the safety measures to be taken to condition was very humidity. should be given time to time.
prevent reoccurrence of such incident. After getting confirmation regarding the health
condition of the victim was normal, the Mines Manager instructed for to blow the all clear
siren. After that post briefing on site emergency plan was delivered by the Mines Manger
with all team members at site.

Mock Situation:-During Metso crusher maintenance work (shutdown period) Mr. Anant
sahoo (Plant. Helper) was deployed to check at BC -106 conveyor motor by the
supervisor of Mr. Deepak Patra (Electrical Engineer) at 3:20 pm. At the time of working at
height he has not used (F.B.H). At the working period his left leg slipped in the walk way 1) The plant helper has not used the full body
and he fell down on the 10/20 discharge chute point at 3:40 pm.Looking the situation Mr. harness (F.B.H) at the time of working at height. The 1) All the workers must have to wear all safety
Deepak Patra immediately rushed to the spot and passed the message to time office as supervisor also allowed to work without the required equipment before starting of work.
well as to Mr.A.Daspattanaik ( Asst. Manager,MInes) through walky talky. The First aid PPEs.
team reached that spot with Ambulance at 3:55 pm. First-Aid provided to that Plant
helper and brought him to the First-Aid station at 4:25 pm. Then Mr.A.Daspattanaik
Incident occurred due informed all these to the Mines Manager Mr.C.Sahoo over Mobile Phone.
to working at height Respond Time 2) Ambulance could have reached 5 minutes before
with out using full but due to communication gap in between the time 2) All supervisory staffs should be focus on the
165 body harness (FBH) at office staffs with the Ambulance driver, that reached above issue strictly.
Metso crusher in B lately.
shift (2.00 pm to Asst. Mines Manager-12 min 3) First-aid could have provided to the helper by
10.00 pm) Mr.Deepak Patra before reaching of the Ambulance 3) Time office staff should be more alert & active
as one First-aid box was available within 100 meters to face the emergency situation at any time.
distance from the spot of incidence.
Ambulance van -15 min 4) Refresher job orientation training should be
provided to the Time office staffs & the
Ambulance drivers to improve the communication
system between them.
First Aider-15 min 5) All the supervisory staffs in Electrical /
Mechanical should be trained in First-aid.

Fire around DG set area near Mine Site was reported at 10:30am by a compressor
operator who was working nearest to fire poit. Consequently after report, Fire Fighting
team members and officials responds quickly and diminished the fire within 08 minutes.
Operations to diminish the fire were completed at 10:38am.

Detailed Observations:1. All the workmen and staff reported to the Assembly point
without any panic.
2. Communication was well enough to reach the Fire Point at the right time. A Briefing is to be done informing about the
3. The fire-Fighting team used the right Extinguisher for the Extinguishing purpose (CO2, Miscommunication between fire fighting team leading Emergency Mock Drill scenario and the objective
Fire around DG area Sand)
166 to delay in accumulation of numbers and proper type of the drill; Also in case of Fire Emergency,
due to electrical flash 4. Emergency Vehicle is available at Site.
of fire extinguisher. Emergency Response Procedure and Hazards
5. The First aid team is available at site.
associated with their work need to be addressed.
Response Time: Fire start near DG Set - 10:30am
Reporting Time-10:30am
Communication to Fire fighting team & other officials - 10:31am.
Fire fighting started in Fire Point - 10:33am
Fire Closed - 10:38 am
Staff and workers reached at Assembly Point. All activity were stopped - 10:40am

Declared Mock drill successfully completed - 10:45am

While climbing While he was climbing through rope ladder to reach the stope face for rock bolting, 1. Hand rail should be provided along the rope
through rope ladder to 1.Hand railing was not there.
suddenly slipped. His hand grip loosened from the top of ladder and he fell down ,that ladder.
reach stope face, caused injury on his lower back. As he felt severe pain and shouted, few workers came 2.Telephone communication system was not 2.Proper communication shall be provided at
injury caused to a and shifted to fresh air location.Then, the workers informed the incident to supervisor,
167 provided within the 300m of the face development. every 300 mtr distance.
person on his lower mining mate. A stretcher was arranged within 10 mins and shifted to 4L plat within 15
back due slips of hand mins.As the incident was informed to time office and Mine manager,man winding skip was 3. Shortage of material at first Aid station at 4 th L 3. Availability of First aid material and first aid kit
grip from ladder and ready available at 4th plat . As soon as his arrival at 4th plat, he was hoisted through skip like splint, bandages etc. to be provided at nearest working location.
directly fell down on along with stretcher to surface within 05 mins. As ambulance was ready available at pit
On dtd. 29/06/2022 near about 10.15pm suddenly fire occurred in the mobile Light tower
DG set used near production WB. one supervisor immediately informed to Shift i/c and
shift ic informed to control room. Control room immediately passed message to the fire
fighting officer cum security officer and also to BLS ambulance. Within 5 minute team
Fire in Mobile Light DG reached and curdon off the area and then the fire fighting tem supressed the fire. One fire 1. Lack of Co-ordination among the fire fighting Instructed the purpose of the mock drill and how
set fighting crew member injured while fire fighting. The first aid team rescued the injured crew members to perform in the actual situation
person and give first aid to the causality and shifted to medical by dept. BLS ambulance
which reached at the spot 15 minutes of the incident. The entire operation completed
within 30 minutes of incident.
At Thakurani Mines Entry Gate, one of the security guards was performing his daily duty.
Unfortunately, the logistic truck lost stability as he was inspecting it during the D.O.
check, truck lost his control and came back, Hit the security guard. He collapsed. The
security team then arrived to assist the injured person. According to the Emergency
Response Plan, the security officer then immediately alerted the Shift Incharge, the Safety a. Awareness training to be imparted to all
Officer, and finally the Operational Incharge. Then the safety officer informed the 1. Unawareness of First aid on an injured person.
security crew regarding First Aid.
paramedic, then ambulance arrived at the location. A paramedic exited the ambulance,
spoke with the patient about his health, examined his pulse, and then drove him to the
first aid station. At the end, the shortcomings were briefed by the safety officer to the
employees present at the incident location.
a. 11:45 am -Mock drill started (Security guard fell down) b. Specific training on Handling of patient and
2. Inappropriate way of handling the patient.
b. 11:46 am - Security team informed to shift in-charge and security officer
c. 11:48 am Shift in-charge reach at location
d. 11:49 am -Safety officer reach at location.
e. 11:50 am ambulance reached at location .
f. 11:52 am ambulance left the location with patient
g. 11:53 am ambulance reached at First Aid station
1. A mock drill was conducted regarding the action to be taken in case of a Person Get a) More coordination and awareness is required as to
Electrocuted at 04:30 pm on dated-27.06.2022. how to tackle a situation amongst fellow workers.
a) Proper training is being required on regular
Workers took time to react to a particular situation
intervals to tackle this type of situations.
when they were called for help and more alertness is
needed amongst workers.
2. One Worker while doing maintenance work in DG area got electrocuted due to not
using proper PPE’s. He fell down and was in a senseless position a person standing nearby
shouted for help and called the ambulance and informed the in charge. The ambulance b) Emergency siren/Alternate warning system to
b) Emergency siren not found in DG area.
170 Electrocution reached the site within 3 minutes and the First Aider present their attended the worker, warn the employees during emergency.
stretcher was taken out by the first aiders and the injured worker was then put to the
3. The other fellow workers took about 2 minutes to respond then came to the spot. One c) alternate arrangement for communicating to c) Walky talky to be provided at gate for
of the workers isolated the area as well as removed the source of power simultaneously control room/Time office during the emergency communicating to control room/Time office
the other worker removed the helmet and shoes of the injured worker. situation. during the emergency situation.
4. The ambulance reached the first aid station within 2 minutes,
5. First-Aider team reached at the spot at about 04:35 PM.
6. The ambulance reached the First aid room at 04:40 PM
On 09th April 2022 at around 10.05 am it was reported that a contractual person fell ii) Oil dispensing system to be improved to
i) Oil dispensing system was defective.
down on the floor at Lubricant Storage Room of F/M Section and as a result got minor prevent spillage of oil.
Fall of person due to injury in his right leg and hand. Information was given to all concerned authorities and ii) Antiskid tiles to be installed on the floor of
ii) Floor of the Lubricant Storage Room was found to
slippery floor at First Aid was given on the spot. Ambulance was also called which arrived in quickest Lubricant Storage Room and proper housekeeping
171 be somewhat slippery.
Lubricant Storage possible time (18 minutes) from the Hospital. Mine Manager and Safety Officer reached to be maintained.
Room the site and enquired about the incident and gave necessary instructions. iii) There was lack of knowledge among employees iii) Create awareness among employee for safe
regarding handling and storage of lubricant oil. handling of lubricant.
1. A mock drill was conducted regarding the action to be taken in case of fire incident a) Designated assembly point was not in appropriate a) Emergency Assembly point to be re-designated
occurred at site at about 04:00 pm on dated-27.05.2022. place. at appropriate place.
2. The security guard of camp was disposing wastage materials of the camp by burning
the wastage materials in a dust bin. During that time, fire outspread nearby area of of b) Emergency siren/Alternate warning system to
b) Emergency siren not found in camp area
dust bin to towards the camp. During fire extinguishing one fire-fighter was came in warn the employees during emergency.
contact with the flames and injured.
172 Fire fighting 3. Security Ofiicer reached at the spot immediately and communicated incident related c) Alternate arrangement for communicating to c) Walky talky to be provided at gate for
message to control room/time office. control room/Time office during the emergency communicating to control room/Time office
situation. during the emergency situation.
4. Time office communicated incident related message to all concern HOD.
5. HR officer intimated the incident to Mines Manager and safety officer.
6. First-Aider team reached at the spot at about 04:05 PM
7. The ambulance was reached at the dispensary at 04:09 PM
Observations made during the Mock Drill:- a. Time of Raising The Alarm:-
41 sec.
b. Time of Telephone to HOD/Safety officer/Mines Manager:-02min 28sec
c. Time of Telephone to Quick Response Team:-37sec
Fire at Workshop d. Time of Telephone to Rescue Team:-27 sec Some employees of workshop could not operate fire Operation of fire extinguisher training will be
173 e. Time of Telephone to Ambulance:-29 sec
(Lubeyard Area) extinguisher. conducted.
f. Time of Action Started for Rescue Operation:-03min 58 sec
g. Time of Arrival of Quick Response Team:-05min 11sec
h. Time of Arrival of Rescue Team:-05min 47 sec
i. Time of Arrival of Ambulance:-04min 18sec
j. Time of Completion of Mock Drill:21min
• Mock drill start Time/Accident Time: 3.30 PM. Shortcomings Observed:
• Alarm was raised in time :3.32 PM • After call normal bolero reached to the spot instead
of ambulance
• Dumper operator Mr. Murali Kujur while getting into dumper (No. 37) cabin, suddenly
• Later (after 5 min.) ambulance was reached.
slipped and fell down at 3.35 PM
• Nearby guard informed to the first aid team leader about the incident at 3.38 PM.
• After receiving message ambulance should send
174 First aid • Immediately first aid team lead by Mr. Suman Kindo rushed to the spot i.e. at dumper
parking yard along with his team members at 3.42 PM.
• One of the team member called ambulance.
• After discussing with the injured operator fracture was expected at his right hand
forearm. First aid was given to him at 3.45 PM and sent him to dispensary for further
• send to dispensary for further treatment.
• Total event was completed successfully in 16 minutes.
1. Fire Incident was communicated to all concerned within 3 - 5 mins. 2. Plant was 1) Lack of Awareness amongst workers observed a) Assembly point location to be prominently
Fire during operation
stopped and Emergency contact number was used for communication. 3. All emergency regarding Assembly point location. displayed in the plant area
175 at Sandvik crusher
services, ambulance, first aiders and statutory persons available at mines reached the site 2)Lack of general awareness amongst some workers b)Field demonstration and training on operation
within 11 - 15 mins. 4. Area was barricaded and all persons were evacuated and sent to regarding operation of fire extinguisher of fire extinguishers
Mock drill was conducted to rescue the injured Mine Supervisor coming across the tipper
while reversing at the loading point at around 10.09 am. 1. The Mining Mate deployed at
the loading point saw the accident and rushed to the incident place shouting for help from The Mine Management arranged a meeting with
Accident caused to the
other personnel. 2. The Mines Foreman and other first aiders immediately attend the place the mechanical team. It is found that their must
Mine Supervisor due to
and started First Aid to the injured. 3. Meanwhile, the Asst. Mines Manager informed the be some negligence in the daily routine check-up
coming across the The inspection team observed that the AVA system
176 First Aid station about the incident with proper location and directed to move first to the of the equipment. Hence, the management
tipper while reversing of the tipper was not working properly.
location. 4. Within a short span of time, the ambulance with Pharmacist reached the advised the team to be serious enough in future
at the loading piont at
incident area. 5. The rescue team shifted the injured to the First Aid station for further and a squad team is formed to monitor all the
around 10.09 am
treatment. 6. The mock drill exercise came to an end at 10.20 am . It took around 11 maintenance jobs.
minutes for the complete exercise.
The P R Miner is standing side of the tipper at the time of loading of face residual by the 1) The P R Miner is standing side of the tipper with
1) The Supervisor should follow the 'SOP'
Excavator. One oversize boulder spillage from the Tipper and fall down the leg of the PR absent minded.
Falling of Boulder from Miner. The PR Miner injured due to absent minded. The Supervisor informed immediately 2) The supervisor and the operator should check
2) The operator has not the seen surrounding area.
177 dumper and injured by to the Foreman present in the plot. The foreman informed the same to the Asst. Manager the surrounding area.
miner & called the Ambulance with First -Aid team. At first the First Aider had given the First- 3) The Supervisor also has not look after the
3) The operator should followed the 'SOP'
Aid treatment to the Supervisor, then send him to the nearest hospital by Ambulance for surrounding area.
Aid treatment to the Supervisor, then send him to the nearest hospital by Ambulance for
better treatment. 4) The operator overloaded the tipper.
1. Chances of collision of person while reversing tipper in loading areas and collision of
person while turning excavator in swing area.
2. Causes of Accidents during tipper movement on haul roads And excavator operation.
TIPPER WHILE 3. How to eliminate the situations of collision of persons at work places.
178 4. Awareness of drivers in respect of traffic rules, SOPs, and Traffic signs etc. NIL NIL
5. Awareness of work place safety
6. Mock drill for people responding in case of accident.
7. Mock drills helps work men to respond quickly with presence of mind in case of
8. Collecting suggestions from the Operators and implementing the same.
Satisfactory Given Suggestion to attack the fire from opposite
179 Oil Fire Fire Extinguished from the opposite direction of wind
The mock drill is conducted during shift starting time. All are actively involved in Mock
Fire Fighting at Mines drill. Our internal fire team organised Mock drill to mining operation team and
area. maintenance team. Explained about basics of fire fighting, types of fires and control
1)On 16.03.2022 at 12.30 PM, Blast firing was done and immediately one of the
supervisor deployed for installation of minimize for vibration reading near the crusher
Injury due to blasting area. Refresher training to blasting & mining team on
181 2) He came out of blasting shelter and got right hand due to hit of fly rock. NIL
fly rock taking shelter during blasting
3) The Person is taken to company Hospital immediately after giving first aid treatment.
4) On reaching Hospital, treatment is given to the victim.
5) At 1.20 PM , Mock drill concluded and informed to the Manager accordingly.
Explained about the importance of mock drill and create awareness in case of emergency 1. Maintain time to time face dressing to
1. Overhanging boulders found at face.
and alertness among all the workmen. Accordingly Conducted mock drill, how to prevent remove overhanging boulders.
Incident of accident the overhanging /fall of boulders at face. Counted the response time and personnel.
2. Insufficient platform for loading machine & Speed 2. Proper platform provided and Maintain the
182 due to overhanging
of tippers while reversing a bit more. height of the safety berm upto tyre height.
boulder falled at face
3. Proper training to personnel involved in
mining operation (drivers, operators)
Fire Hazards Providing of water tanker with high pressure
Providing of water tanker with high pressure pump
pump and sufficient hose pipe to be available at
183 Fire Hazards and sufficient hose pipe to be available at all the
all the time with trained persons wherever
time with trained persons wherever necessary.
Fire Hazards Providing of water tanker with high pressure
Providing of water tanker with high pressure pump
pump and sufficient hose pipe to be available at
184 Fire Hazards and sufficient hose pipe to be available at all the
all the time with trained persons wherever
time with trained persons wherever necessary.
It is observed that due to lack funk white at the time of accident A brief note put up for management frequent
185 Fire fight Frequent training required training to be needed for every employee while
an accident takes place.
Fire near Mines Taken the feedback from operators and mechanics
186 NIL Conducted the awareness program on fire safety
Assumed that there 1. During the Diesel filling time the helper observed oil spillage near to the Diesel bunk.
was a oil spillage near (2) Helper unfortunately stepped on the oil spillage and slipped down. (3) Diesel spillage
187 was cleaned and maintained good housekeeping (4) A meeting was conducted at the NIL NIL
to the Diesel Bunk
area. assembly point to discuss the emergency to all the employees and workmen.

Nature of accident assumed for the Mock Drill:- The safety department Head deputed for recording 1. Whoever work near pumps should wear life
Drowning of a
the Observations. jacket all ways.
Drowning of a person in Sump. The mock drill was conducted by involving of Safety
1. The pump operator was not worn the life jacket 2. Do not engage the person who does not know
person in Sump department, Mine Officials and mines workmen in the presence of, Mines-Agent and Mines-
while inspecting the pump. the swimming.
Brief write-up on observations made during the Mock Drill:- 2. Life jackets kept in pump house which was not 3. Display board to be fixed near pump in Local
reachable immediately. language with visuals.
At 7:30 AM, Pump operator was drowned in the sump which is 3 meters depth of water 3. The electrician could not able to perform CPR due 4. Refresher training to be given periodically in
due to slipped while inspecting the pump. to forget the procedure. First Aid.
At 7:32 AM During inspection electrician was near starter and saw the pump operator is
188 5 .Near pump area permanent barricading to be
drowning in the sump, immediately the electrician went to pump house and took 2 no's
life jackets for self and for the pump operator to save.
At 7:35 AM The electrician worn life jacket and jumped in to the sump to rescue the
pump operator and brought to level surface, mean time Asst Manager arrived to the spot
and communicated to ambulance & Doctor and subsequently Mine Manager and Mine
At 7:55 AM the ambulance with doctor reached at site and performed the CPR to the
At 8:00 AM the victim was shifted to the OHC for medical check-up was done by the
Nursing Staff and condition of the victim was found normal.
1) Emergency at Mines area.
2) Local Emergency alarm given as per emergency code.
3) Informed to Mines HOD, Time office, Ambulance & Fire Tender.
4) Fire tender reached to incident place and controlled Fire.
5) Ambulance reached to the incident place.
6) First-aid given to injured person and took him to ambulance with a stretcher. Instructed Mechanical department for arrest the
Water Leakage observed at Fire tender male-female
189 Fire Drill 7) Ambulance started from emergency point . water leakage at Fire tender male-female
coupling area
8) Ambulance reached to OHC. coupling area
9) Treatment done by the doctor.
10) Situation normalized.
11) The Safety Dept., addressed the gathering and announced that the emergency is Call
off Siren.

1) FINALISE THE QUANTITY OF AMMONIUM NITRATE PRILL REQUIRED FOR THE BLAST. 1) All the benches where ever the material is soft
and proven to be danger due to the risk of erosion, it
will be provided with the garland trenches to safe
guard the mine benches from the erosion and divert
the water into the sump where the water can be
stored at the place without any danger to the mine
SHIFT TO THE MIXING SHED. wherever required to settle the dust particles into it
and divert the fresh water out side the lease area.
3) EXPLOSIVE VAN DRIVEN BY THE AUTHORISED DRIVER TO THE AMMONIUM NITRATE 3) All the additional works which are not so urgent
MIXING SHED. has been stopped for an instance. Deployed less
machinery and manpower which is required to feed
the factory which is located outside the lease area.
4) UNLOAD AMMONIUM NITRATE BAGS IN THE ALUMINIUM TRAY IN MIXING SHED. 4) as far as possible we have developed separate
roads for the loaded and empty vehicles, instead of 1) All the benches where ever the material is soft
Maintaining of benches
this we have cut the speed limits of the vehicles to and proven to be danger due to the risk of
both in ore & OB in
20 kmph which will give comfort timing to under erosion, it will be provided with the garland
monsoon by forming
190 stand and take the right decision by the driver / trenches to safe guard the mine benches from the
garland drains and
operator. 5) Dumping area is under the erosion and divert the water into the sump where
safe guarding the
supervision of Mate he will maintain all the the water can be stored at the place without any
operations at the dump under the guidelines of danger to the mine workings.
Manager Mines. Machinery provided for timely
clearing the dump.
5) EMPTY TWO BAGS AT A TIME AND BREAKE THE AMMONIUM NITRATE PRILLS IN 6) All three sides of the dump is covered with good
SOLID FORM. AS THE PERMISSION IS 200 KG AT A TIME. plantation except the active part which is safe and
we have provided garland drains and parapet walls
also to divert the rain water and to prevent running
of silt due to erosion if any.
7) we have planned to plant about 1500 no's of
plantation in the current year to generate good
greenery all along the dump and other places which
will restore the greenery and save the dump from
the erosion due to heavy rains.

191 Tipper Collision Response time is good Need to do more drills NIL
1. At 04.42pm Mr. N.Saraiah, drill helper was got injured due to unsafe practice of tool,
when he was working on drill machine. Mr. N. Shankar, Driller working on the same
machine, where the incident was happened saw that the victim was shouting.
Immediately stopped the drill machine and helped the victim to step down. Mr.T.Tirupathi
and Mr.Khader both working nearer to the incident spot, informed to Mr. K.Premsagar
Reddy, Drilling in charge. He immediately rushed to the spot and informed the same to
Mr. T.Sudarshan Reddy, Section in charge (Drilling & Blasting) and Primary Controller at
2. At 04.45pm Mr. T.Sudarshan Reddy, Section in charge (Drilling & Blasting) and
Mr.Mutyam Ravi (Safety Officer) has reached the incident spot and immediately brought
up the First-Aid box and given the First-Aid.
3. At 04.46pm Mr. T.Sudarshan Reddy, Section in charge (Drilling & Blasting) and
Primary Controller has informed by telephone to the Factory Main gate. The OHC & Safety The Mines Manager & Safety Officer has
team has given quick response to the incident. suggested the management to arrange some
Injury to hand due to 4. At 04.47pm Mr. T.Sudarshan Reddy, Section in charge (Drilling & Blasting) has Lack of knowledge of workmen over the importance
192 more programmes to make awareness among the
unsafe practice of tool. informed by telephone to Mr.M.Ravindar Reddy, Mines Manager (Incident Controller) of job specific PPE.
workers regarding the importance of PPE &Job
about the incident.
Specific PPE.
5. At 04.50pm Mr.M.Ravindar Reddy, Mines Manager (Incident Controller) reached to the
spot and asked the witnesses about the incident, also informed Mr. Subhashish Bose-
Mines Agent (Site Controller).
6. At 04.50pm Ambulance along with one compounder has reached the spot and
immediately shifted the victim to the dispensary at 04.52pm.
7. At 04.56pm Ambulance reached the OHC, Medical Officer along with his OHC team of
compounders are ready with medical equipment, immediately picked down the victim and
started the medical treatment.
8. After completing the mock drill, Mr.M.Ravindar Reddy, Mines Manager (Incident
Controller) & Mr.Mutyam Ravi (Safety Officer-Mines) has conducted awareness on
precautions to be taken while working on Drill machine and also explained the procedure
to be followed after such incident, importance of SOPs and also briefing of Mock drill.

Person was hit by the Observed that all the concerned persons are communicated about the incident and all
1. Splints required during First Aid for immobilising 1. First aid splints to be provided in Central repair
truck while reversing responded immediately and rushed to the spot along with first -aid kit .Injured Person
the injured leg are not available at spot. shop
193 was given first aid and shifted to health centre by Ambulance and medical support is
at Central Repair Shop
given in time. 2. Reverse gear alarm to be provided and
. 2. Reverse gear alarm is not provided in truck.
maintained in the truck
There were various agencies involved in mitigation operation. Details of their sequence
and activity are given below:
12:30 hrs: Initiation of incident (fire near dump area) and created emergency situation

12:31 hrs: Operator has seen fire.

12:32 hrs: Operator tried to extinguish fire by fire extinguisher but it was not controlled.
Mock drill of localized Strengthening of system of communication for
12:33 hrs: Mine Foreman informed to Asst. Manager about incident. Ambulance reached late at incident site due to
194 fire near O/B dump any emergency situation along with proper
194 fire near O/B dump any emergency situation along with proper
12.34 hrs: Asst. Manager informed to Incident controller & Mines manager. communication gap
area location is conveyed to everyone
12:35 hrs: Asst. Manager conveyed message to Fire station and ambulance.
12:38 hrs: Asst. Manager reached incident site with first aid kit.
12:40 hrs: Safety officer & Mines Manager reached at incident site.
12:41 hrs: Fire tender reached at site with fire fighting crew from plant
12:42 hrs: Head counted by Safety officer.
12:47 hrs: Ambulance reached at incident Place.
12:50 hrs: Information given to all that this was a Mock drill
• Excavator was provided with all safety features including wind shield guard. • Commutation to the right person at right time in
case of emergency.
• The importance of knowing the technical specifications of machinery i,e weight of the
• All Safety features to be provided to the
machine/counter weight before handling the boulders, material, bench cutting.

Injury to Excavator • A small piece of rock may pierce through the front glass and make injure to the operator • Operator should Undergo VT class regularly.
195 Nil
operator while working due to improper operating.
• The importance of wind shield guard is understood which may avoid the piercing of • Technical Specification of Machinery should be
smaller piece of rock in to operator’s cabin. taught to operators.
• No supervisor should be present near the machine at least the boom length of the • Importance of Tool box talks before work
machine plus 5mtrs allocation.
• The importance of using PPE’s while working
1.) The Mock drill was carried out at 10:30 AM at workshop. (Start time)
2.) At around 10: 35 AM the ambulance arrived at the spot with first aid team - (Time
taken 5 minutes).
3.) At around 10:36 AM officials like the Mines Manager, the production in charge along 1. The incident happened due to the tools in
with Safety officer and workmen inspector reached the spot- (Time taken 6 minutes). mechanic's hand while climbing up the dumper
PERSON FALLEN SOP to be followed, specially three points
196 ladder. The tools made the grip of hand weaker and
FROM HEIGHT 4.) The mechanic was rescued and shifted immediately to the first aid station for further contacts to be ensured while moving up.
subsequently the three-point contact was not strong
treatment by 10:37 AM- (Time taken 7 minutes).
enough to move forward.
5.) The Ambulance reached the Dispensary at time - 10:42 AM (Time taken 12 minutes).

6.) Situation under control declared on 10:45 AM (Overall time taken 15 minutes).

Assumed that Fire accident occurred near conveyor belt due to dry gross around the During that time Mobile signals were failed about Need to have alternate communication system to
conveyor belt which may damage the conveyor etc 10.0 Min however fire fighting team rushed to the communicate in case of Failure of Mobile
197 Fire accident spot by hearing the siren and after that Ambulance network.
On 17.04.2022 we had conducted the mock drill fire engine and fire fighting team rushed
along with doctor came to the spot after receiving Intercom telephones are established immediately
to the spot within 12.0 min Ambulance along with Doctor came to the spot within 18.0
telephonic communication. after this Mock drill.
Machine Toppling The importance of the operator checking the benches condition before starting the Always ensure that the safe operating procedures
198 NIL
while Working machines to ensure the safety of persons working above and below benches are followed
(1) Evacuation drill performed as planned and drill undergone smoothly. (1)Check the dump condition before unloading
There is a need of exercise so as to increase the tipper.
(2)Mock drill observation and recommendations: ERT team /emergency contact no’s be awareness amongst al concerns and rescue team (2) Dump safety berm height to be maintained to
displayed. members suggested for more practice for smooth size of the tipper tyre height (3)Dump
Incident of waste consolidation to be maintained
199 and speedy rescue operations. Emergency contact
dump slide (3) Mock drill went on as planned and as per the timings.
numbers &First aider lists to be displaced at more
(4)All employees of Mines responded very promptly.
places. Training on emergency plan shall be given to
(5)There were no incidents.
Alarm activated by mega phone /emergency communication: 4:15 pm. all mine employees during refresher training.
Emergency mitigation time : 4.45 pm.
10.41Hrs. Mr. Shailendra Sharma observed the fire incident at HSD pump area.
10.41 Hrs. Mr. Shailendra Sharma called emergency control center and informed about
the dry grass fire at mine HSD pump & informed the incident to Security personnel. 10.42
Hrs. Emergency Siren activated for alerting people. 10.42 Hrs. Mr. Prabhu and
Ramakanth both diesel filling helpers trying to suppress the fire.
10.42 Hrs. Mr. Prabhu while suppress the fire has got burn injuries.
10.44 Hrs. Mr. Ravindra Reddy safety officer reached at incident spot
10.44 Hrs. Mr. Dayanand (Security and fire team) and his team reached to site
10.44 Hrs. Mr. Phani Rajeev incident controller (shift in charge) reached to site.
10.47Hrs. Fire Water tanker reached to site for firefighting.
Mines HSD pump area 10.47 Hrs.All personnel assembled at assembly point 1. After filling the water, the tanker arrieved to the 1. The water tanker should always be parked with
200 10.50 Hrs. Fire brought under control.
dry grass fire incident site which was delayed by 5 minutes. full water tank condition.
10.47 Hrs First aid done by first aider.
10.51 Hrs. Medical team: Dr. Suresh and ambulance reached to site.
10.51Hrs. Dr. Suresh asked to incident controller about the medical history happened here
and any first aid treatment given to injured person.
10.53 Hrs. Medical team shifted the injured person to hospital.
10:55Hrs. Ambulance departure to hospital.
11:00 Hrs. Admin. Vehicles reached to site for evacuation and time office officials reached
to assembly point for head counting.
11.10 Hrs. Briefing of Emergency preparedness plan and observations to assembled
11.15Hrs. All clear siren and safely disbursed the assembled persons.

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