Class XI Accountancy Introduction To Accounting Notes - 2020 - 2021
Class XI Accountancy Introduction To Accounting Notes - 2020 - 2021
Class XI Accountancy Introduction To Accounting Notes - 2020 - 2021
Definition of Accounting
According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant “ Accounting is the art
of recording, Classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money;
transactions and events, which are in part at least of a financial character and interpreting
the results there of.”
Objectives of accounting
1) Maintain Accounting records :
The objective of accounting is to record financial transactions and events of the
organization in the books of account in a systematic manner following the
principles of accountancy.
2) Determining Profit or Loss:
Another objective of accounting is to determine the financial performance i.e
profit earned or loss incurred for the accounting period.
A statement called Profit and loss account is prepared.
3) Determining Financial Position:
Another objective of accounting is to determine financial position.
A statement called position statement or the balance sheet is prepared.
4) Providing accounting information to the users:
Another objective of accounting is to provide accounting information to users
who analyze them as per their individual requirements.
1) Financial information about business:
Financial performance during the accounting period i.e. profit earned or loss incurred and
also the financial position at the end of the accounting period is known through
2) Assistance to management:
The management makes the business plans, takes decisions and exercises control over the
affairs on the basis of accounting information.
3) Replaces memory:
A systematic and timely recording of transactions obviates the necessity to remember
The accounting provides the necessary information.
4) Facilitates comparative study:
A systematic record enables a businessman to compare one year’s results with those of
others years and locate significant factors heading to change.
1) Accounting is not fully exact:
Although most of the transactions are recorded on the basis of evidence such as
sale or receipt of cash yet some estimates are also made for ascertaining profit or
Examples are providing for depreciation etc.
2) Unrealistic information:
The Balance sheet does not show the amount of cash which the firm may realize
by the sale of all the assets.
This is because many assets are not meant to be sold but for use.
3) Accounting ignores the Qualitative elements:
Since accounting is confined to monetary matters only, qualitative elements like
quality of staff, industrial relations and public relations are ignored.
4) Accounting ignores the effect of price level changes:
Accounting statements are prepared at historical cost.
Money as a measurement unit, changes in value. It does not remain stable.
Unless price level changes are considered while preparing financial statements,
accounting information will jot show true financial results.
5) Accounting may lead to window dressing:
The term window dressing means manipulation of accounts so as to conceal vital
facts and present the financial statements in such a way as to show better position
than what it actually is.
In this situation the profit and loss account fails to provide a true and fair view of
the result of operations and balance sheet fails to provide a true and fair view of
the financial position.
Role / Functions of accounting
1) Maintaining a systematic Accounting Records:
To Maintain systematic accounting records of financial transactions and events.
It means accounting should be maintained following the accounting rules,
principles and concepts.
2) Preparation of financial statements:
Financial statement means final accounts prepared at the end of the accounting
It includes Income statement and Position statement
It is a important function as it shows the financial performance (profit earned or
loss incurred) and position of the accounting year.
3) Meeting Legal requirements:
Accounting records are accepted as evidence by the court of law if they are
maintained systematically following the accounting rules, principles and concepts.
Thus it is the function of accounting to meet legal requirements.
4) Communicating the financial information:
Another function of accounting is to communicate the financial information to the
users which may be internal as well as external users.
Such as Banks, Employees, Government etc.
5) Assistance to management:
Management often requires financial information which is given by the
accounting records which in turn helps the management in decision making.
It will also help the management in protecting the assets and exercising control.
Internal Users:
1) Owners:
Owners contribute maximum capital to the business and are exposed to risks.
They are interested in knowing about the profit earned and loss incurred besides
safety of their capital.
2) Management:
The management makes extensive use of accounting information to arrive at
decisions such as determination of selling price, cost contols and reduction,
investment into new projects etc.
3) Employees and workers:
Employees and workers are entitled to bonus at the year end which is linked to the
profit earned by the firm.
They are also interested as the financial statement reflect whether the enterprise has
depsoited the dues towards Provident Fund, ESIC etc.
External Users
Systems Of Accounting
The systems of recording transactions in the books of accounts are two namely:
Book Keeping