IESL Transactions 2019 Part B - Technical Papers 60
IESL Transactions 2019 Part B - Technical Papers 60
IESL Transactions 2019 Part B - Technical Papers 60
Avg. NTF
Over 2000
wheelers to the buses where available. 1.20 All Roads
Composition of the cars when the route buses
are available is high so that it does not relate 1.10
with the availability of route buses and it’s
clearly seen that the motorbike and the three 1.00
wheelers are used heavily in the absence of 24/12 24/16
route buses as an alternative to fulfil their Factor type
mobility needs. Figure 10: Variation of NTF with Traffic Volume
Avalability of Route Buses vs
Vehicle Composition When the traffic composition variation with
respect to the traffic volumes is considered it’s
80% clearly seen that composition of the four
wheelers is increased with a considerable level
Non Bus at the roads where its traffic volume is higher
than 2000 vehicles per 24 hours on a normal
working day while the composition of the
40% motor bikes is reduced. Three-wheeler
composition is steady around 20% despite the
20% traffic volume variation.