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Lesson Plan For Junior Studenst

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Christ the King College

Calbayog City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

(April 25, 2022 (1:00-2:00 PM)


A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of contemporary Philippine literature as a means
of responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual
cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and use of
imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.

B. Performance Standards

The learner transfers learning by explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s
global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and
C. Learning
appropriate Competencies:
and polite oral language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

C. Learning Competency
 Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed. (EN7VC-1-h-10)

D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 Differentiate fact from opinion based on the given platforms;
 Construct sentence/s based on the material viewed;
 Justify the importance of checking factual information.


Subject Matter : Fact vs Opinion


A. References
1. Textbook pages: Sena, Marites. Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 3rd
Edition, 190-193. Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2017.
2. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Garcia, C. T.
(2021, May). Quarter 4 module 4 FACT VS opinion - znnhs.zdnorte.net.
ENGLISH7 Q4- Module 4 Fact Vs Opinion. Retrieved April 18, 2022, from

B. Learning Materials: Laptop, LED TV, Cartolina, Marker, PowerPoint

Presentation, Pictures.


Be responsible in sharing of information on social media.

Teachers’ Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings and Reminders
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Explore

Do you like games? Yes, Ma’am!

Today we will play a game called “Pose

is my answer”.

What are we going to do? Kindly read the (Someone reads the direction of the game)

If your answer is a fact, you are going to

stand and clap once, then pose with a sign
of peace. But if your answer is an opinion,
you are going to stand and clap once, then
pose with a cross- arm. You are going to
pose as fast as you can after 3 seconds.
The first one to get six points will receive
a reward.

1. There are three stars in the 1. Fact

Philippine flag that represents
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

2. If mobile games were not 2. Opinion

developed, the children nowadays
will be more focused on their

3. Filipinos have been known to be 3. Opinion

resilient in facing all the problems
in our country.

4. COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 4. Fact

2019) is a disease caused by a
virus and was discovered in
December 2019.

5. From 0 to 1000, the only number

that has the letter “a” in it is “one 5. Fact

6. Dancing Zumba is better than 6. Opinion


Let’s give five claps to the winner of the


(Gives reward to the winner)

Based on the activity, what is our Based on the activity, I think our
discussion for today? discussion is all about fact vs opinion

C. Firm-Up

(Presenting PowerPoint presentation)

Look at the sentences I have given earlier, Based on the sentences, a fact is a
what do you think is fact? statement that is consistent with reality or
can be proven with evidence. It is a
statement that is real or true, or a thing
that can be shown to be real or true
Who could give me an example of a fact?
(Answers may vary).
Now, based on the sentences earlier and
your example, how were you able to say
it’s a fact? It is a fact because it is true or real,

Again, when can we say that it’s a fact?

We can say, it is a fact if it can be proven
In gathering information, what are the true with evidence.
things you should consider in order to get
factual information?
In gathering information, the things that
we should consider in order to get fact
What are those reliable sources, we could information are the references or the
use? reliable sources, Ma’am.

Very good! The reliable sources we could use are

books, encyclopedias, magazines, news
How about the opinion, who could define articles, and media.
what opinion is? Based on the sentences
An opinion is a personal judgment. It is an
Do you think we can agree or disagree expression of someone’s view or belief
with an opinion? that is not demonstrable as fact.

How were you able to say that? Yes, Ma’am!

Can we prove or disprove the opinion of It is because not all people have the same
someone? Why and why not? opinion, Ma’am.

Alright! We cannot prove or disprove the opinion

of someone, because opinion has no
Who could give me an example of an evidence, it just our own feelings towards
opinion? something, Ma’am.

Do you now understand what is the (Answers may vary.)

difference between fact and opinion?

Very good! Yes, Ma’am!

Since you already grasp the difference,

let’s have an activity.
Activity 1 “Pass the Marker “

Who would like to read the directions?

Directions: I will show logos of the

different platforms, then differentiate and
explain if it gives us a fact information?
Or does it give us opinionated
information? (Someone reads the direction of the
I will play music while you pass the
marker. When the music stops, the person
who holds the marker will answer with
the given logo.

Again, what do you need to do to

accomplish this task?

Great! When the music starts, we need to pass

the marker Ma’am. If the music stops, and
the person who holds the marker will
answer with the given logo Ma’am.


Fact Information Opinionated

Let us give a WOW Clap to everyone.
Great job everyone! What did you learn in We learn that not all platforms of the
our activity? internet have given us fact information,

D. Deepen

Let’s have a group activity!

Please watch the video. Later we will

have an activity.

Group yourselves into two (2) groups. (Students will group themselves)

Kindly read what is on the monitor? Construct three (3) facts and (3) opinions
on the given materials. You only have five
(5) minutes to present your work and
discuss it. The first group to present the
output will receive a reward.

Did you understand the direction? Yes, Ma’am.

Very good!

(After watching the video)

What is the video all about? The video is all about climate change.

What is climate change? Climate change refers to long-term shifts

in temperatures and weather patterns,

Let’s now proceed to the activity.

We are going to construct three (3) facts

Again, what are you going to do?
and three (3) opinions sentences, based on
the video, and we will present it to the
class, Ma’am.

A. Transfer
I want you to read this quotation. “Don’t believe everything you read on the
the internet just because there’s a picture
with a quote next to it”.

It means that we don’t believe anything

What does the quotation mean? we read on the Internet unless we have a
credible source for it, Ma’am.

Very good!

People do believe in fake news, because

Why do people believe in fake news? they think that all information from the
internet is fact, as long as it agrees with
Exactly! their views and biases, Ma’am.
As a student I will use my social media to
As a student, how can you help to avoid convince people not to simply believe the
the spread of fake news in your school or information they get from the internet,
community? especially if it does not publish from
credible sources, Ma’am.

Directions: Write T if the statement is TRUE and write F if the statement is FALSE.

_________1. YouTube gives a factual information.

_________2. Wikipedia is one of the most reliable sources of information.
_________3. Checking the source of information is not necessary.
_________4. Tiktok is a social media platform that is full of opinionated information.
_________5. Fact-checking of information is important because misinformation can sway an
_________6. Encyclopedia is a book or set of books giving factual information on many subjects
or on many aspects of one subject, and typically arranged alphabetically.
_________7. An opinionated information states the reality of life.
_________8. Manila Bulletin provides Filipinos an accurate and objective news of the
Philippines, without embellishment or advocacy of persons and parties, but only in ideas.
_________9. Fact is a statement that is consistent with truthfulness while opinion is more on
fake news.
________10. Twitter is one of the trusted social networking apps that gives the right information.

Research about how to write an informative essay.

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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