Pliance Review As of May 9 2023 Ded and S.A.

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Initial Compliance Review of Don Carlos Abattoir DED and S.A.

as of May 8, 2023

Still the DED is inconsistent with the Structural Analysis:

Inconsistencies on the pages of the Structural Analysis were not complied.

Slaughterhouse and Holding Pen

Inconsistency of Roof Beam: DED 200x350
Structural Analysis 200x400 see page 68
C3 spacing of rebars S.A. and DED 10mm dia.bars spaced 1@50mm,
DED inconsistent: 7@100mm, rest at 150mm o.c.
Structural Analysis 10mm dia.bars spaced 1@50mm,
4@100mm, rest at 150mm o.c. see
page 71 (inconsistent with page 79)
C1 and C2 spacing of rebars S.A. DED 10mm dia.bars spaced 1@50mm,
and DED inconsistent 4@100mm, rest at 150mm o.c.
Structural Analysis 10mm dia.bars spaced 1@50mm,
7@100mm, rest at 150mm o.c.see
page 79 (inconsistent with page 69
and 70)
Footing 2 Details page 86
inconsistent with DED and
page 74 of S.A.
C2 details of S.A. page 85
inconsistent with DED
Employees’ Lounge
Spacing of C1 DED 10mm dia.bars spaced 1@50mm,
4@100mm, rest at 150mm o.c.
Structural Analysis 10mm dia.bars spaced 1@50mm,
7@100mm, rest at 150mm o.c.
Water Tank
Plans not uploaded at Gdrive


Table of Contents inconsistent with pages in the Final DED
Number of sets of Windows and Doors. Please review and correct. e.g. W1 there are 2 sets
required at the floor plan. Please review all and correct. This will be check again.
Please check scale and dimension of foundation plan. Why 30m?
Please check dimension of roof framing plan and overhead rail layout plan. Dimensions
inconsistent with floor plan. Also, please note minimum scale requirement is 1:100 for all
floor plans. Where is the location of truss 2? Is this for the canopy? Please show in the roof
framing plan.
Please correct label of truss at roof framing plan to coincide with title of drawing at truss details.
Note that there is truss 2 at slaughterhouse.
Number of sets of Doors inconsistent with floor plan. Please review and correct. e.g. D3 – 2 at
floor plan. Please review all and correct. This will be check again.


Not submitted

DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN – Wastewater Treatment Facility

Not submitted
Please provide a General Site Development Plan for Plumbing, Drainage and Electrical showing
interconnections of lines or connections of all structures to outflow for drainage or from source
for electrical and plumbing lines.

SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN for Plumbing and Drainage

Show length distances of the nearest water source and drainage outfall to the project
site. Show lines of water connections of all structures from water source or with each
other. Show drainage canal or embedded drainage line connections of all structures
with each other up to the outfall.


Please provide a site development plan for the facility showing length distances of the
nearest electric connection. Show location of service drop, service equipment and
nearest pole of the utility company furnishing. Show electrical energy; location of the
service Kw-hr meter as well as sizes of service entrance wires conduits and service
equipment. Show clearance of the path or run of service drops and entrance wires to
adjacent existing and/or proposed structures. Show location of poles to be installed
or constructed. Show location of generator set. Provide material specifications of all
materials shown in the Plan.

Provide drawings and specifications for the following items in the POW:
 Field Office for the Engineer (20 Footer Container Van) (inclusive of provision office
 Project Billboard / Signboard

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