b1 Quiz
b1 Quiz
b1 Quiz
Fill in the blanks with the given conjunc<ons; because, although, so, but
Fiil in the blanks with these words: (choose, spend, make, do)
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences using the appropriate modal
auxiliary verbs (can, could, must, should, may, might).
1. You ____ wear a helmet when riding a bike for safety.
2. ____ I borrow your pen for a moment?
3. He ____ speak French fluently when he was younger.
4. It’s gePng late. We ____ hurry if we don’t want to miss the train.
5. I ____ call her tonight, but I’m not sure if I’ll have Bme.
6. You ____ stop smoking; it’s bad for your health.
7. They ____ be at the office now, but I’m not sure.
Fill in the blanks using “will” or “be going to” according to the hint given
parentheses in the following sentences.
1.Look at those dark clouds! It ____ (rain) soon.
2. I think I ____ (get) a new phone next month.
3. She ____ (visit) her grandparents this weekend. She’s already made plans.
4. We ____ (probably / travel) to Spain next year, but we haven’t decided yet.
5. He ____ (buy) a new car; he’s already chosen the model.
6. I don’t feel well. I ____ (stay) at home today.
7. I promise I ____ (help) you with your homework aZer dinner.
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the appropriate words.
1. She is very ________ (curious / lazy) and loves learning new things.
2. The exam was really __________ (easy / difficult), but I managed to pass it.
3. The weather was __________ (sunny / rainy), so we decided to have a
4. My brother is ________ (tall / short) and very athleBc.
5. We had a _________ (delicious / disgusBng) meal at the new restaurant
Rewrite the given words with different forms (noun, adjec;ve, verb,
1. Generous → _______________
2. Polite → _______________
3. Noisy → _______________
4. Bright → _______________
5. Flexible → _______________
Write a short story using the following star@ng sentence.