Katureebe Paper On Damages
Katureebe Paper On Damages
Katureebe Paper On Damages
Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, JSC*
2. Many of your Lordships will agree with me that the whole region of
inquiry into damages is one of extreme difficulty. It is impossible to
lay down a single principle upon which you can give damages. It is
often said that lawyers, and perhaps judges as well, are not very
fond of figures. However, in all civil cases, your Lordships shall be
called upon to approximate a sum of money for the plaintiff’s loss or
inconvenience arising out of a violation of a legally enforceable right
or interest. This sum of money is in law called “damages” and the
plaintiff’s loss or inconvenience, a “damage”. The law recognizes
various kinds of damages, but I shall return to the classification of
damages later.
I would like to thank Isaac K. Ssemakadde, Esq. and Bryant Kairugavu, Esq., my law clerks at the
Supreme Court of Uganda, who have helped in the preparation of this paper.
that the difficulty of assessing damages is no reason for the court
not granting them.
5. To achieve the ends of justice, there are well established rules and
principles that govern the award of damages in civil cases. These
rules and principles are firmly rooted in the common law. As you
already aware, the common law and doctrines of equity are part of
the law applicable in Uganda, thanks to the provisions of S. 14(2)
of the Judicature Act, Cap 13.
7. This paper does not pretend to encompass the full range of rules
and principles which govern the award of damages but it does,
however, seek to achieve a less lofty aim, that of making the
subject sufficiently interesting for your Lordships to refresh your
memory on the matter of damages. If I achieve this aim, I shall be
4. A statute may create a civil action for damages directly, and may
also define the criteria for the assessment of damages. By statute,
common law remedies may be excluded or limited, or a limit may
be put on the damages recoverable.4 Examples of such statutes in
Uganda include the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Act, Cap 79; the Employment Act5 2006, National
Environment Act6, Cap 153; Occupation Safety and Health
Act7 2006; and Workers Compensation Act, Cap 225. In this
context, damages may be referred to as ‘statutory damages’.
Nominal Damages
7. Nominal damages have been famously referred to as a mere peg on
which to hang costs. According to Maule J. in Beaumont V.
Greathead12, nominal damages, in fact, mean a sum of money that
may be spoken of, but that has no existence in point of quantity. For
instance, where the seller brings an action for the non-acceptance
of goods, the price of which has risen since the contract was made.
In practice, a small sum of money is awarded; say, one dollar or its
Exemplary damages
11. A keen reader of our law reports will soon observe that litigation
lawyers in Uganda have a strange obsession for exemplary
damages yet very few actually understand the nature and essence
of this kind of damages. They will jump at every opportunity to
declare in their plaints, “We want exemplary damages, My Lord.”
Mercifully for their adversaries, the courts of judicature do not at all
share the lawyers’ enthusiasm and have, in fact, safely avoided
setting a dangerous precedent.17
23. In all cases where the parties by their contract agreed a sum
payable on the default of one of them, it is always a question of law
for the court to determine whether or not such a sum should be
paid by the party in default.
2. In all civil actions, the law does not so much regard the intent of
the actor as the loss and damage to the party suffering. 32 This
rule is recognised more in breach than observance. This does not
always means that a court proceeded on wrong principle. I shall
explain this later. But for illustration, Your Lordships would do
well remember here the dicta of Sir Barclay Nihill CJ in
Njareketa, above:
3. It is trite law that in all cases where special damages are claimed,
they must be pleaded with sufficient specificity and strictly proved:
See Musoke v. Departed Asians Custodian Board [1990-1994]
EA 219; Uganda Telecom v. Tanzanite Corporation [2005] EA
351; Mutekanga v. Equator Growers (U) Ltd [1995-1998] 2 EA
219; Uganda Breweries Ltd. v. Uganda Railways Corporation
Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 6 of 2001 (unreported)
[1964] ALLER 367 at 410, 411. In some courts within the Commonwealth, there have been some
criticisms of the principles formulated by the House of Lords in Rookes V. Barnard. See for example
Australian Consolidated Press Ltd. V. Uren [1967] 3 All ER 523, PC
EACA No. 19 of 1965 (C.A.)
[1965] EA 789
See for instance London v. Ryder [1953] I All ER 741, where the court utilized the award of exemplary
damages to teach a defendant who had acted with a cynical disregard of the plaintiff’s rights a lesson that
“a tort does not pay.”
Per Spry V.P. in Obongo & Another v. Municipal Council of Kisumu [1971] EA 91
See O’Connor v. Hewiston [1979] Crim LR 46,CA; Archer v. Brown [1985] QB 401
“With regard to exemplary damages, the appellant seems to equate them with aggravated damages.
SPRY, V.P. explained the difference succinctly in OBONGO -Vs- KISUMU COUNCIL [1971] EA 91, at
page 96; “The distinction is not always easy to see and is to some extent an unreal one. It is well
established that when damages are at large and a court is making a general award, it may take into
account factors such as malice or arrogance on the part of the defendant and this injury suffered by the
plaintiff, as, for example, by causing him humiliation or distress. Damages enhanced on account of such
aggravation are regarded as still being essentially compensatory in nature. On the other hand, exemplary
damages are completely outside the field of compensation and, although the benefit goes to the person who
was wronged, their object is entirely punitive.”
In the circumstances of this case, as discussed in this judgment, I do not think this is a case that qualifies for
an award of exemplary damages as envisaged in ROOKES -Vs- BARNARD AND OTHERS [1964] A.C.
1129, which is very well considered by SPRY – VP in his judgment in the Obongo Case (supra) at page 94.
The gist of that decision is that exemplary damages may be awarded in this class of case. In the words of
SPRY, V.P. at P. 94 these are: “first, where there is oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional action by the
servants of the government and, secondly, where the defendant’s conduct was calculated to procure him
some benefit, not necessarily financial, at the expense of the plaintiff. As regards the actual award, the
plaintiff must have suffered as a result of the punishable behaviour; the punishment imposed must not
exceed what would be likely to have been imposed in criminal proceedings if the conduct were criminal;
and the means of the parties and everything which aggravates or mitigates the defendant’s conduct is to be
taken into account. It will be seen that the House took the firm view that exemplary damages are penal, not
consolatory as had sometimes been suggested.”
It has to be borne in mind that the respondent were private persons and not acting on behalf of any
government or authority.
I think this is a case where the appellant should receive enhanced compensatory damages not only for the
unwarranted and wrongful deprivation of his property, but also because of the conduct and apparent
arrogance of the respondents. In my view, this is not the type of case where the respondents are likely to
repeat their wrongs on the appellant.
In considering an award of enhanced or substantial general damages, I must take into account the station in
life of the appellant. He is a senior lawyer and a respected member of society. He has a family who all
lived on the property from which they were wrongfully evicted. Part of the property was used as offices for
the trial court for assessment of damages. This practice could
help us achieve expediency in the administration of justice.
his law chambers. The appellant testified that as a result of this eviction, he had to find alternative
accommodation for his family. He lost not only some of his books and files but also his clients. His
livelihood as a lawyer was compromised. He suffered much humiliation and distress.
He has since been denied use of his property for the period of about 10 years. The appellant had made a
total claim for shs.307,000,000=. I am of the view that this is a case where substantial damages should be
awarded. Given the circumstances of this case, I would award to the appellant Shs.200,000,000/= (two
hundred million) as aggravated damages. Per Katureebe JSC, who delivered the opinion of the Court.
Per McCarth J. in Huljich V. Hall [1973] 2 NZLR 279 at 287; a case from New Zealand.
For the essential distinction between aggravated and exemplary damages, it is often said that the former
represents a solatium to the plaintiff, and the latter a punishment of the defendant. Per Mahon J. in A v. B
[1974] 1 NZLR 673 at 677. See also Loomis V. Rohan (1974) 46 DLR (3d) 423.
See for instance Ntabgoba v. Editor-in-chief of the New Vision & Another [2004] 2 EA 234
12 Halsbury’s Laws (4th edn) para 1109
12 Halsbury’s Laws (4th edn) para 1116. See also Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd. V. New Garage &
Motor Co. Ltd. [1915] AC 79 at 86, 87 per Lord Dunedin: “The question whether a sum stipulated is a
penalty or liquidated damages is a question of construction to be decided upon the terms of each particular
contract, judged of as at the time of the making of the contract, not at the time of the breach.”
Seeles’ case (1639) Cro Ear 557; 79 ER 1080
Bessey V. Olliot and Lambert (1682) T Raym 467; 83 ER 244.
See endnote 14.
In the oft-cited case of Ashby v. White 92 ER 126, Holt CJ stated the principle thus: “Every injury
imports a damage, though it does not cost the party a shilling and it is impossible to prove the contrary.
Any injury imports a damage when a man is hindered of his rights.”
For a similar approach, see also Udale V. Bloomsbury Area Health Authority [1983] 2 ALLER 522,
which held that it was contrary to public policy to award damages to a mother whose child had been
conceived after the mother had undergone a negligently performed sterilization operation to cover the cost
of carrying out necessary extensions to the home and of bringing up the child because:
a) It was highly undesirable that the child should learn that a court had declared that his life
or birth was a mistake and that he was unwanted or rejected.
b) The appropriate measure of damages in such a case would denigrate virtue.
c) Medical practitioners who would incur liability would be placed under pressure to
authorize or carry out abortions, and
d) The birth of healthy, a normal baby was a beneficial, not a detrimental, event.
However, those public policy considerations did not preclude an award of damages for lost income and also
of pain, suffering, inconvenience, anxiety and the disruption to the family’s finances caused by the
unexpected pregnancy.
The People v. The Lord’s Bar- reported in East African Law Reports.
Per Kennedy L.J. in National Phonograph Co. Ltd V. Edison-Bell [1908] 1 Ch 335.
Bovet V Waletr (1917) 62 Sol Jo 104.
Ungar V. Sugg (1892) 9 RPC 114, CA.
: Chaplin V. Hicks [1911] 2KB 786.
Hall V. Ross (1813) 1 Dow 201 3 ER 672, HL.
approved by the Court of Appeal for East Africa in the well known
case of Felix Onama v. The Uganda Argus Ltd.42
“s. 26 Interest.
(1) Where an agreement for the payment of
interest is sought to be enforced, and the court is of
opinion that the rate agreed to be paid is harsh and
unconscionable and ought not to be enforced by
legal process, the court may give judgment for the
payment of interest at such rate as it may think just.
(2) Where and insofar as a decree is for the
payment of money, the court may, in the decree,
order interest at such rate as the court deems
reasonable to be paid on the principal sum adjudged
from the date of the suit to the date of the decree,
in addition to any interest adjudged on such
principal sum for any period prior to the institution
of the suit, with further interest at such rate as the
court deems reasonable on the aggregate sum so
adjudged from the date of the decree to the date of
payment or to such earlier date as the court thinks
(3) Where such a decree is silent with respect to
the payment of further interest on the aggregate
sum specified in subsection (2) from the date of the
decree to the date of payment or other earlier date,
the court shall be deemed to have ordered interest
at 6 percent per year.”
See also the passage of Tsekooko, JSC in Ahmed v. Car & General Ltd., Supreme Court Civil Appeal
No. 12 of 2002: “There was no complaint about interest awarded at 45% p.a. Counsel for the appellant did
not given reasons for claiming such high rate of interest. No explanation was given by the trial judge for
such a high rate of interest. However under s.26 (2) Civil Procedure Act, the rate of interest is awarded on a
discretionary, basis unless it is agreed to by the parties.
I think that in these proceedings the award of interest on the decretal amount at the rate of 45% was
uncalled for and is too high. On the facts, it is patently unjust. I would award interest at 10% p.a. on $
18700 (special damages) from 17/3/1999 till payment in full. I would award interest of 8% on Shs. 5m/=
(general damages) from the date of judgment till payment in full.”
Per Bowen LJ in the Argentino (1889) 14 App Cas 519, HL.
restitution. In practice, whether tort or contract, the court should
pause the follow the question: “how much would restore the
plaintiff to its situation just before the wrongful act?” Technically
speaking, other questions or considerations would be irrelevant
and it would be a misdirection to follow them.
Application in contract
4. Thus, it has been held that the general intention of the law in
giving damages for breach of contract is that the plaintiff should
be placed in the position as he would have been in the contract
had been performed.45 No more, no less. Gullabhai Ushillingi v.
Kampala Pharmaceuticals Ltd46 Supreme Court Civil
Appeal 6 of 1999; Kengrow Industries Ltd. v. C.C.
Chandran Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 7 of 2001;
Ahmed Ibrahim Bholm v. Car & General Ltd. Supreme
Court Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2003; Bank of Uganda v.
Masaba & Others [1999] I EA 2; Uganda Telecom v.
Tanzanite Corporation [2005] EA 351
Application in tort
5. Where any injury is to be compensated by damages, in settling
the sum of money to be given for reparation the court should as
nearly as possible get at the sum of money which will put the
party who has been injured or who has suffered in the same
position as he would have been in if he had not sustained the
Per Wertheim V. Chicoutimi Pulp Co [1911] AC 301; See also Robinson V. Harman [1843-60] All ER
Rep 383.
Per Mulenga JSC in Gullabhai Ushillingi Vs Kampala Pharmaceuticals Ltd Supreme Court Civil Appeal
No. 6 of 1999: “I respectfully agree that this is the correct statement of the law. I would add that it is
premised on the principle of restitutio in integrum. Damages are intended to restore the wronged party into
the position he would have been in if there had been no breach of contract. Thus, in the case of employment
for a fixed period which is not terminable, if there is no wrongful termination, the employee would serve
the full period and receive the full remuneration for it. And in the case of the contract terminable on notice,
if the termination provision is complied with, the employee would serve the stipulated notice period and
receive remuneration for that period, or would be paid in lieu of the notice"
wrong for which he is now getting his compensation or
reparation.47 No more, no less. See Interfreight Forwarders
(U) Ltd. v. EADB Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 33 of
1992; Musoke v. Departed Asians Custodian Board [1990-
1994] EA 219; Mutekanga v. Equator Growers (U) Ltd
[1995-1998] 2 EA 219; Uganda Breweries Ltd. v. Uganda
Railways Corporation Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 6 of
2001 (unreported); Karim Hirji v. Kakira Sugar Works Ltd.
[2005] 2 ULSR 60
Damages must be proximate
1. It is trite law that damages should not be recovered where they
are too remote with regard to the wrongful act. In other words,
the rule is that the damage (material loss alleged) must be
proximate, and fairly and reasonably connected with the breach
of the contract or wrong 48 One who commits a wrongful act is not
liable for damage which is not the natural or ordinarily
consequence of such an act, unless it is shown that the
defendant has notice of special circumstances as to render him
so liable.49 See Bank of Uganda v. Masaba & Others [1999]
per Lord Blackburn in Livingstone V. Rawyards Coal Co (1880) 5 App Cas 25, HL.
I EA 2; Uganda Telecom v. Tanzanite Corporation [2005]
EA 351;
Hadley V. Baxendale (1843- 60) All ER Rep 461; See also the dicta of Martin B in Wilson V. Newport
Dock Co (1866) LR I Exch 177 for a restatement of the principle.
Per Borill CJ in Sharp V. Powell (1872) LR7 CP 253
Fetter V. Beale Holt (1701) KB 12.
test was appropriately stated by Borill CJ in Gibbs V.
Cruickshank51 thus:
Application in tort
Per Lord Alverstone CJ in the oft-cited case of De La Bere V. Pearson Ltd [1907] I KB 483. See also the
dicta of Hamilton LJ in Lathan V. R Johnson (1913) KB 398
Scholes v. Northern London Railway Co. (1893) (1870) 21 LT 835
9. In keeping with the rule of remoteness, it is generally accepted
that tortious liability of a defendant must be limited to injury that
was reasonably foreseeable as a direct consequence of his
wrongful act in those circumstances. Thus, a court of law
confronted with the problem of assessing damages arising out of
a defendant’s negligence would do well to adopt an objective
test of ‘reasonable foreseeability’, qualified in certain
circumstances by public policy considerations. There are a
number of reported cases that demonstrate the continuing
relevancy of this time-honoured principle. The leading case in
this area is, as you may recall, Re Polemis.54
Application in contract
10. In keeping with the rule of remoteness, it is generally
accepted that the liability of a defendant for breach of contract
must be limited to losses that are the proximate, probable and
likely consequences of the breach, or such as may be taken to
have been fairly in the contemplation of the parties when the
contract was entered into. This principle is explained at great
length in the oft-cited case of Hadley V. Baxendale55
[1921] 3 KB 560.
[1843-60] All ER Rep. 461
12. In deed, there may be differences in the application of this
rule to the various actions and one should approach judicial
precedents on this point with the necessary circumspection. As a
matter of practical guidance, the trial court must have greater
regard for the circumstances of the particular case at bar than
for judicial evaluation of an earlier case, notwithstanding the
range of benefits such comparison may bring forth.
Aggravation in contract
2. Damages in an action for breach of contract are ordinarily
confined to losses which are capable of being appreciated in
money. However in certain exceptional circumstances, the court
would be justified in looking at all what happened or was likely to
happen down to the day of trial to increase the plaintiff’s
pecuniary and non-pecuniary loss. These circumstances are
called aggravating factors and they have the effect of increasing
the quantum of damages. See Ahmed Ibrahim Bholm v. Car
& General Ltd. Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2003,
where court awarded 5m/= in addition to other damages to the
appellant because it found that appellant had been humiliated,
harassed and embarrassed by this employers with the object of
bringing an end to the employment relationship.
3. For instance, the conduct of a defendant may be a relevant
factor in the assessment of damages if it accounts for more than
the ordinary losses that a plaintiff would be put by reason of a
breach of a particular contract. I such cases. It is not unusual for
a plaintiff to aver aggravation in the following terms: “that
defendant’s conduct occasioned injury to feelings and dignity of
the plaintiff.” Lets take the following examples:
8. Where the court forms the opinion that the defendant’s conduct
is in the nature of aggravation, it may award additional damages
to compensate the injury to the plaintiff’s feelings, pain and
suffering that is presumed to have been occasioned.
[1861-73] All ER Rep 221
“In assessing damages for breach of
performance, a court will of course take into
account whatever the plaintiff has done, or has
had the means of doing, and as a prudent man,
ought in reason to have done, whereby his loss
has been, or would have been, diminished.”
11. Thus, the plaintiff can not claim any part of the damage
which is due to his neglect to take such steps that would have
the effect of reducing his loss. If the action he has taken has
actually diminished his loss, such diminution may be taken into
13. But in all breach of contract claims, the court must inquire
into the availability of circumstances of mitigation that the
plaintiff could have called in his aid. However, it has been held
that a sum of money paid to the plaintiff by insurers in respect of
loss suffered by him is not to be taken as a mitigating factor. 59
Mitigation in Tort
British Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd V. Underground Electric [1912] AC 673.
Goldberg V Shell Oil Co. of Australia Ltd. [1990] 95 ALR 711.
Lates V. Whyte (1834) 4 Bing NC 272. These are collateral matters, as opposed to incidental matters, and
they should not be considered in an inquiry of mitigation.
14. Generally speaking, a plaintiff is not bound to spend money
to minimize his damages in tort. However, where the damage
that arises out of a tort committed by the defendant is akin to a
damage that would arise out of a breach of contract, the law
imposes a duty on the plaintiff to mitigate his losses. For
instance, a cab driver whose motor vehicle is unlawfully detained
cannot maintain a claim for ‘loss of earnings’ without taking
reasonable steps to mitigate his loss. See UCB v. Deo Kigozi
[2002] I EA 293
1. Where the trial court makes a finding on the evidence that two or
more parties are to blame for the injury arising out of, say, a
road collision, it should proceed to apportion or distribute the
blame between the parties depending on their level of
contribution (or causation) in the circumstances. Assessment of
damages in this way presents considerable difficulties for judges
and it is advisable that court should invite technical expertise, at
the cost of the parties, to help determine these matters.
1. Assessment of damages is principally the duty of the trial court.
In deed, although appellate courts within the Commonwealth,
including ours, are by statute enabled to invoke any of the
powers of a trial court, in practice, they will not engage in the
activity of assessment of damages except in the most
exceptional circumstances. See Fredrick J. K. Zaabwe v.
Orient Bank & Others Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 4 of
2006 (unreported).
[1935] 1 KB 354.
3. The above principle has been applied by the Supreme Court of
Uganda in a number of cases. See Impressa Federici v. Irene
Nabwire Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 3 of 2000;
Uganda Breweries Ltd. v. Uganda Railways Corporation
Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 6 of 2001 (unreported);
Kengrow Industries Ltd. v. C.C. Chandran Supreme Court
Civil Appeal No. 7 of 2001; Premchandra Shenoi & Anor v.
Maximov Oleg Petrovich Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 9
of 2003; Ahmed Ibrahim Bholm v. Car & General Ltd.
Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2003; and
Administrator General v. Bwanika James & Others
Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 7 of 2003; Bank of
Uganda v. Masaba & Others [1999] I EA 2; inter alia.
Wrong principle61
4. Per Oder, JSC in Uganda Breweries Ltd. v. Uganda Railways
Corporation Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 6 of 2001
See also the judgment speech of Tsekooko, JSC in Ahmed Ibrahim Bholm v. Car & General Ltd.
Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2002:
“The trial judge found that the appellant “was harassed, embarrassed and humiliated by the General
Manager.” Because of that holding, the learned judge awarded the appellant Shs 30m/=. My
understanding of the findings of the judge is that although he described the damages as general damages
(which must be due to the way the 5th issue was framed), on the evidence and the pleadings, these are
punitive or exemplary damages which the appellant had claimed in the plaint and he adduced evidence to
prove such damages.
On damages it is now established that an appellate court will not reverse a judgment, or part of judgment,
of a court below on a question of damages unless the appellate court is satisfied that the judge acted on a
wrong principle or that the amount awarded was so extremely large or so very small as to make it an
entirely erroneous estimate of the damage: See Singh v. Kumbhal (1948) 15 EACA 21; Henry. H. Ilanga Vs
M. Manyoka (1961) EA 705 and Obongo's case (supra) at page 96.
I have held that the trial judge erred by including an element of [punitive] damages for wrongful dismissal
in the award of 30m/=. He acted on a wrong principle. I have pointed out that the trial judge was not guided
by any authorities in that award. In my opinion since the appellant had been awarded US$ 18700 as salary
for the residue of the contract which was terminated, punitive damages of Shs. 30m/= would be
inappropriate and too high. Considering that the appellant was subjected to high handed mistreatment, and
bearing in mind the award of US$18700, I think that Shs. 5m/= would be adequate.
There was no complaint about interest awarded at 45% p.a. Counsel for the appellant did not given reasons
for claiming such high rate of interest. No explanation was given by the trial judge for such a high rate of
interest. However under s.26 (2) Civil Procedure Act, Cap 71, the rate of interest is awarded on
discretionary basis unless it is agreed to by the parties. I think that in these proceedings the award of
interest on the decretal amount at the rate of 45% was uncalled for and is too high. On the facts, it is
patently unjust. I would award interest at 10% p.a. on $ 18700 from 17/3/1999 till payment in full. I would
award interest of 8% on Shs 5m/= from the date of judgment till payment in full.
In conclusion, I would allow the appeal with costs here and in the two courts below. I would set aside the
judgment and orders of the Court of Appeal. I would restore the award by the trial judge of $ 18700
representing salary for the residue of the contract. I would award interest thereon at the rate of 10% p.a.
from date of judgment of High Court till payment in full. Instead of Sh. 30m/= awarded as damages by the
trial judge, I would award the appellant Shs 5m/= as punitive damages with interest thereon at the rate of
8% p.a. from date of judgment of the High Court till payment in full.” See also Kengrow case for
illustration of wrong principle.”
court unless the award is based on an incorrect
principle or is manifestly too low or too high. In
the instant case, the learned Justices of Appeal
interfered with the award of damages by the
trial Court and awarded a lower figure. Be that
as it may, my opinion is that the sum of Shs.
424,891,540/=, representing the purchase price
of Shs. 93,995,560/= of the commercial building,
which the appellant should have paid to the
respondents is still too excessive. This state of
affairs arose because the Hon. Justices of Appeal
used the Future Value Interest Factor (FVIF)
formula in assessing what should be awarded to
the respondents. In my view, the respondents
would be fairly compensated if the award to
them was assessed by subjecting the sum of
Shs. 93,995,560/= to a factor of 10% per annum
at simple interest for the period of 17 years.
This is the period from 1986, when the suit
cheque was paid to the appellant's account to
May 2003, when the Court of Appeal varied the
trial Court's award of damages to the
respondents. This plus the principal would yield
the amount payable under this item to Shs.
226.788,012/= (of which Shs. 142,792,452/= is
accrued interest) .
Proof of damages
1. In all civil cases, the burden of proving claims in a suit rests on
the plaintiff and the standard of proof is on the balance of
probabilities. Although the law presumes general damages to
flow from the wrong complained of, it is trite law that the plaintiff
must plead and prove claims of special damages, if any. This rule
applies where the suit proceeds inter parte or ex parte. Thus,
even where the defendant neither files a defence nor enters
appearance, the plaintiff bears the burden to prove his claim to
the required standard. The burden and standard of proof do not
become any less: Mutekanga v. Equator Growers (U) Ltd.
[1995-1998] II EA 219. See also Kyambadde v. Mpigi
District Administration [1983] HCB 44 for the proposition
that although special damages must be strictly proved, they
need not be supported by documentary evidence in all cases.
2. In deed, even where a party admits liability, the suit must be set
down for a proper inquiry into the issue of damages: Impressa
Federici v. Irene Nabwire Supreme Court Civil Appeal No.
3 of 2000 (unreported). This is why it is fondly said within the
common law jurisdictions that damages are always in issue.
5. The parties, their lawyers, and the court must at all times
suggest a reasonable hypothesis for their inquiry of damages.
Witnesses must be called for the purpose of making out a party’s
claim for damages. The courts should encourage the parties’ use
of the rules of discovery, inspection and production with a view
to collecting evidence relevant to the measure of damages in a
given case. This judicial approach will undoubtedly promote the
common law tradition of respect for an assessment of damages
made by a trial court as prescribed by the rule in Flint v. Lowell
[1935] I KB 354, above.
By way of conclusion, allow me to quote from a Commonwealth
precedent known as Grey V. Alanco62 from the Canadian jurisdiction.
It is fondly said that such precedents carry a persuasive value in a
jurisdiction like ours. Well then, I intend to persuade your Lordships to
enjoy the task of assessing damages with the following passage:
1. Halsbury’s Laws of England, Fourth Edition, Vol.12,
Butterworth; London, 1975, P411-501.
[1965] 2 OR 144; 50 DLR (2d) 17 (Canada)
2. The Digest of Annotated British, Commonwealth and
European cases, 2nd Re-issue, Vol.17 (2) Butterworth;
London, 1994.
3. Black’s Law Dictionary.
4. Worlds And Phases Legally Defined.
5. The Uganda Commercial Law Reports 1997-2001. [UCL]
6. Uganda Law Society Reports [ULSR]
7. The High Court Bulletin [HCB]
8. East African Law Reports [EA]
9. All England Reports [All ER]
10. Supreme Court Digest