Journal Report, Template, Rubrics

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Journal Report – Triple Entry Journal Report

Title of the Article:

Bibliographic Details:


Noviyanti, R. (2024). Analysis of Transformational Leadership Indicators of School

Principals As Leaders of 21st Century Technology Implementation. MSJ: Majority Science
Journal, 2(3), 1-6.

Part I: Summary (10-15 sentences)

Part II: Reflections on 5 thought provoking statements as reflected in the chosen or

assigned article. Use the statements below as guide for your reflections for the 5
thought provoking
- Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
- Were you annoyed? Impressed? Scared? Puzzled?
- Is there more you would like to know about the statement described?
- Are you aware of any literature that conflicts or supports the author’s position?
- How did this change your understanding of the topic?

Part III: Two Lingering Questions

- Why are these questions important to you?
- What are the perceived implications of these questions?

Part IV: References to back up your Reflections or Ideas (five articles)

Name: ____________________________ Date:___________________________
Course & Year: ____________________ Score: __________________________

Title of the Article:


Bibliographic Details:

Part I: Summary (10-15 sentences)

Part II: Reflections on 5 thought provoking statements as reflected in the chosen or

assigned article. Use the statements below as guide for your reflections for the 5 thought
provoking statements




Part III: Two Lingering Questions


Part IV: References to back up your Reflections or Ideas (five articles)

Rubric in Grading the Accomplished Triple Entry Journal Report

Name:_________________________________ Date: _______________________

Course & Section: ______________________ Score: ______________________

4 3 2 1
CATEGORY Above Standards Meets Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards Score

Position The position The position A position statement There is no

Statement statement statement is present but does position
provides a clear, provides a not make the statement.
strong statement clear student’s position
of the student’s statement of clear.
position on the the author's
topic. position on the
Support Includes 3 or Includes 3 or Includes 2 pieces of Includes 1 or
for more pieces of more pieces of evidence (facts, fewer pieces
Position evidence (facts, evidence statistics, examples, of evidence
statistics, (facts, real-life experiences) (facts,
examples, real- statistics, that support the statistics,
life experiences) examples, student’s position examples,
that support the real-life statement. real-life
student’s experiences) experiences)
position that support that support
statement. The the student’s the student’s
student position position
anticipates the statement. statement.
concerns, biases
or arguments and
has provided at
least 1
Accuracy All supportive Almost all Limited supportive Most
facts and are supportive facts are reported supportive
reported facts are accurately. facts were
accurately. reported inaccurately
accurately. reported.
Sequencing Arguments and Arguments A few of the support Many of the
support are and support details or arguments support details
provided in a are provided are not in an or arguments
logical order that in a fairly expected or logical are not in an
makes it easy logical order order, distracting the expected or
and interesting to that makes it instructor and logical order,
follow the reasonably making the essay distracting the
easy to follow reader and
student’s train of the student’s seem a little making the
thought. train of confusing. essay seem
thought. very
Sentence All sentences are Most Most sentences are Most
Structure well-constructed sentences are well constructed, but sentences are
with varied well- there is no variation not well-
structure. constructed is structure. constructed or
and there is varied.
some varied
structure in
the essay.
Grammar Student makes Student makes Student makes 3-4 Student makes
& Spelling no errors in 1-2 errors in errors in grammar or more than 4
grammar or grammar or spelling that distract errors in
spelling that spelling that the reader from the grammar or
distract the distract the content. spelling that
reader from the reader from distract the
content. the content. reader from
the content.
Transitions A variety of Transitions Some transitions The transitions
thoughtful show how work well, but some between ideas
transitions are ideas are connections between are unclear or
used. They connected, but ideas are vague. non-existence.
clearly show there is little
how ideas are variety
Closing The conclusion The The student's There is no
paragraph is strong and conclusion is position is restated conclusion -
leaves the recognizable. within the closing the paper just
instructor solidly The student's paragraph, but not ends.
understanding position is near the beginning.
the student’s restated within
position. the first two
Effective sentences of
restatement of the closing
the position paragraph.
statement begins
the closing
Sources All sources used All sources Most sources used Many sources
for quotes, used for for quotes, statistics are suspect
statistics and quotes, and facts are credible (not credible)
facts are credible statistics and and cited correctly. and/or are not
facts are cited correctly.
and cited credible and
correctly. most are cited

Instructor: ________________________________ Date:_______________________


5 4 3 2 1
Category Excellent Very Good Average Needs Unacceptable Score
Ideas This essay is This essay The student is Topic is not The paper has
clear and is mostly beginning to well-defined no clear sense
focused. It focused and define the and/or there of purpose or
holds the has some topic, even are too many central theme.
instructor's good though topics. To extract
attention. details and development meaning from
Relevant quotes. is still basic or the text, the
details and general. instructor
quotes enrich must make
the central inferences
theme. based on
sketchy or
Organization The Paper (and The Sentences The writing
organization paragraphs) organizational within lacks a clear
enhances and are mostly structure is paragraphs sense of
showcases organized, strong enough make sense, direction.
the central in order, to move the but the order Ideas, details,
idea or and makes reader through of paragraphs or events
theme. The sense to the the text does not seem strung
order, reader. without too together in a
structure of much loose or
information confusion. random
is compelling fashion; there
and moves is no
the instructor identifiable
through the internal
text. structure.
Sentence The writing The writing The text hums The text seems The reader
Fluency has an easy mostly along with a choppy and is has to practice
flow, rhythm, flows, and steady beat, not easy to quite a bit to
and cadence. usually but tends to be read orally. give this
Sentences are invites oral more paper a fair
well built, reading. businesslike interpretive
with strong than musical, reading.
and varied more
structure that mechanical
invites than fluid.
oral reading.
Conventions The student The student The student The writer Errors in
demonstrates understands shows seems to have spelling,
a good grasp good reasonable made little punctuation,
of standard writing control over a effort to use capitalization,
writing conventions limited range conventions: usage, and
conventions and usually of standard spelling, grammar
(e.g., uses them writing punctuation, and/or
spelling, correctly. conventions. capitalization, paragraphing
punctuation, Essay is Conventions usage, repeatedly
capitalization, easily read, are sometimes grammar distract the
grammar, and errors handled well and/or reader and
usage, are rare; and enhance paragraphing make the text
paragraphing) minor readability; at have multiple difficult to
and uses touch-ups other times, errors. read.
conventions would get errors are
effectively to this piece distracting and
enhance ready to impair
readability. publish. readability.
Presentation The form and The format The writer's The writer's The reader
presentation only has a message is message is receives a
of the text few understandable only garbled
enhances the mistakes in this format. understandable message due
ability for the and is occasionally, to problems
reader to generally and paper is relating to the
understand easy to read messily presentation
and connect and written. of the text,
with the pleasing to and is not
message. It is the eye. typed.
pleasing to
the eye.

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