V5 Clanbook Gangrel 5th Edition (Deluxe)
V5 Clanbook Gangrel 5th Edition (Deluxe)
V5 Clanbook Gangrel 5th Edition (Deluxe)
World of Darkness, Vampire: e Masquerade, Vampire: e Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: e Apocalypse,
Werewolf: e Wild Wes , Mage: e Ascension, Mage: e Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: e Oblivion, Wraith: e Great War,
Changeling: e Dreaming, Hunter: e Reckoning, Demon: e Fallen, Mummy: e Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted,
Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: e Requiem, Werewolf: e Forsaken, Mage: e Awakening, Changeling: e Los , Hunter:
e Vigil, Giest: e Sin Eaters, Demon: e Descen , Mummy: e Curse, Beast: e Primordial, Promethean: e Created,
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©2018 World of DarknessWhite Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden.
Additional Archetypes 4 Country Gangrel 37
Blood Ravens 39
Regal Knights of Avalon 41
Einherjar & e Valkyries 43
Animalism 6
Laibon of the Wise Spider 45
Auspex & Celerity 8
Coyotes of the Cities 47
Fortitude 9
Wendigo 49
Obfuscate 10
Mariner 51
Potence 11
Presence & Protean 12
Blood Sorcery & Rituals 14
Shaped by the Will to Survive 54
NEW PREDATOR TYPES 16 e Nomadic Life 55
A Political Animal 57
OPTIONAL ADVANTAGES 19 Clan and Culture 62
Bestial 19 e World Outside 68
Bonding & Feeding 20
Looks, Mythic & Psychological 21
Haven Addon & Domain 22 Tension 71
Chronicle Hooks for Wilderness 72
Blood of Artio 23
Casimir Bane of Cities 24
Aerial Animals 80
Eremites of the Perfect Beast 25
Terrestrial Animals 83
Feral Child 26
A uatic Animals 89
e Hushed Chorus 27
Strange Creatures 91
Mortals 94
Lorekeeper 29
ings in the Dark 97
Pagans of the Old Ways 30
Typical Bloodsuckers 99
Path of the Beast 31
Strange Kindred 102
Protege of Inspector Wolfe 32
Dyscrasia Animals 103
e ing at's Seen You 33
Animals for Feral Whispers 104
e World Anew 34
Whispers & Rumors 109
Wolves of Wall Street 35
Gangrel Myths & Tales 111
Wh A«e ·he Gag«e?
“Even at the first city of Uruk our kind lived on the periphery, waking the beast in the hearts of men. Leading the barbarian
hordes to delve into its hear , where we cast their gods down onto the streets. en when the other Cainites rose up and
defended the walls they'd buil , we pulled back into the wilderness. ere we became the monsters in the dark: the wendigos,
the bête of Guévaudon, the giants and trolls of the world, but still the city pushed out into us. When the Sect wars began we
played our role as their soldiers and trackers, we brought death and destruction in their names –yet still they kept us at arms
length. But now something is differen , in the chaos and uncer ainty of these new nights. Our kind is beginning to thrive once
more, the walls are crumbling, and when they do the wolves will prowl those cities once more and again shall their gods be
cast down.''
–Shamsha , Childer of Enkidu
ild creatures of the night, the SURVIVALIST
Gangrel prowl the edges of It goes without saying that Kindred have been having a
civilization as hunters, nomads, and rough time in recent nights, from sect wars to the
mercenaries. Having been aptly second in uisition, there is no shortage of things trying
called Wolves, Barbarians, Outcasts, and Strays, though to bring an end to a Kindred's existence. Unlike others
their most common name, used even among themselves, you not only intend to survive each night, you have
is Ferals. While some might nd these brands an insult, been taking active measures to secure that survival.
many Gangrel have appropriated them as badges of Some might call you a bit paranoid, but it's not about
honor, and they wholly accept their nature as whether you're paranoid, it's if you're paranoid enough.
primordial creatures of the night, viewing the trappings SUGGESTED CONVICTIONS: Always persist regardless of
of society as shackles that once bound them to the wills opposition or circumstance, nothing is greater than to
of others, and their Beast as a driving instinct for survive, avoid unnecessary danger
survival and adaptation.
In the previous eras, the Ferals were the loyal dogs MERCENARY
of the Camarilla serving as the claws and fangs of the Maybe in life you were a hitman, or you never really
High Clans, but have since le and become believed in a cause. Being turned hasn't changed your
independent, taking up their own aims. Many that le habits much, or if it has it's granted you a realization
behind their nights in the Ivory Tower now nd the that your new powers and skills can be honed and sold.
lack of structure freeing, nding their own You're good at what you do, and others are willing to
self-determination and ambitions giving them new pay you for it. Whether it's a means to an end or a
purpose and strength in these uncertain nights. ough simple way to eke out an existence doesn't matter. Life
not usually political as a whole, many Ferals have taken has a price, and if someone is willing to pay enough,
up the banner of local Anarch movements, or assist and you'll take that life.
SUGGESTED CONVICTIONS: Never do anything for free,
facilitate those movements, and nd themselves
regularly standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Don't die for another's cause, I come rst
Brujah. Other Gangrel use their talents as hired hands;
Mercenaries, messengers, bodyguards, and spies, and
Society is a social construct, and in your opinion the
move between the lines of civilization and wilderness,
systems and destructions it brings are unnatural. e
from wealthy to impoverished, and from High to Low.
entitled God and His church, the CEO and his
As a whole, the Clan of the Beast cares not for the
unrelenting greed, roads that carve through the
con nes of the labels others might give them, and so
countryside like black veins of corruption to bring
freely move amongst all territories, castes, and status
forth poison-belching machines and trash trailing
–apart from them all.
tourists. You've endured the destructive expansion of
civilization for long enough, and even when you ed to
Additional Gangrel Archetypes the forest, it wasn't content to leave you alone. You've
HUNTER heard how your Clan prospered before the industrial
For this vampire, every night exists only for the thrill of age and the monolithic Sects of the night, and vowed a
the hunt. Wishing only to prove that they are the return to those primal times.
ultimate predator in the city, willing to compete with SUGGESTED CONVICTIONS: Never pass an opportunity
any other Kindred to prove superior. Rarely is this for to disrupt the system, Do not allow yourself to be
power or in uence, the Hunter does it all for the shackled to commitments, ose in authority are
challenge, and the thrill of proving their superior mechanisms of destruction
predatory skills.
another hunter outside of a challenge, never show You were dejected in life. Lost and without a bearing
mercy to prey, only hunt worthy prey, reveal yourself and where to go or what to do. Perhaps a toothless
before a contest begins failure, or a lost soul that never found purpose. In death
Alal¯ Level 2
A power that cements a Kindred's sovereignty over the Amalgam: Fortitude 2
Kingdom of Animals and ensures that they will always Pour your Beast into an animal that has tasted your
have the natural diversity of their area at their beck and blood, causing it to dive into a blind frenzy that
call. Unbeknownst to most Kindred who don't have the bolsters its physical attributes beyond natural limits.
understanding of this ability in their blood, Animalism Cost: One Rouse Check; Free when used on Famulus
also governs the control, understanding, and in uence Dice Pools: Frenzy Test; (Current Willpower + One
of supernatural Beasts, such as those found in Kindred, ird of Humanity Rounded down)
but also in Werewolves and certain cryptids. Amongst System: Upon activation, the user chooses any animal
the Gangrel this power is one of the reasons why they that has at least one step towards a Blood Bond with
thrive so well in countryside, as they use it to cow them, the user then Tests for Fury Frenzy; Di culty 4.
predators, ensure companionship, and thwart the Regardless of the Test's outcome the chosen animal
advancement of Werewolves. enrages for the duration. Enraged animals lose all sense
of self-preservation, add the user's Animalism to their
Level 3 Level 5
Many old tales tell of animals that communicate a ose who have mastered Animalism and this power of
terrible temperament through their bite. Kindred with the blood can not only bring their beast to heel, but
this power are likely the source of such tales, as their also pull other supernatural Beasts into themselves,
bite can inject vicious splinters of their beast into a making their body a vessel for an entire pack of Beasts,
victim that can be tri ered to send those bitten into a uni ed in savage purpose.
Frenzy. ose who have a Famulus have even use this Cost: One or More Rouse Checks and One or More
power through their companion. Willpower
Cost: One Rouse Check Dice Pools: --
Dice Pools: Strength + Brawl System: Upon activation, the user chooses any number
System: On a successful bite the user may activate this of individuals in their presence with a Supernatural
power to infect a victim with a splinter of their Beast. Beast, then makes a Rouse Check and spends a point of
At any time for the remainder of the night the user may Willpower for each, before making a Test of Animalism
make another Rouse Check to activate that splinter. + Resolve; Di culty 3 + 1 for each chosen individual.
Kindred and other creatures with a supernatural Beast On a success, the Beast of each target is forcibly pulled
must test for Fury Frenzy, user's choice, against a out and into the user, granting the user a Discipline
Di culty e ual to the user's Animalism. While mortals Power known by each target, chosen by the user. If one
and other creatures without a Beast simply y into a of these Disciplines has pools that call for a Discipline
rage, taking non-halved Willpower Damage e ual to the rating, the user's Animalism is used instead, as they
user's Animalism. When the user's Famulus bites an wrangle the target's Beast into executing the powers.
individual, the user may activate this power through Additionally the user su ers no penalties from physical
them. e user can inject a number of beast splinters impairment and gains bonus dice e ual to the number
e ual to their Resolve. of Beasts absorbed to all Athletics, Brawl, Stealth,
Duration: Beast splinters last within victims for Survival, Intimidation, and Awareness pools. If the user
twenty-four hours or until activated. must Test for Frenzy while under the e ects of this
power, they instead su er a point of A ravated
Willpower Damage, and become immune to that form
Level 4 of Frenzy for the remainder of the scene.
FERAL DIALOGUE ose targeted by this power e ectively have
Ferals with this power can convey complex messages via no Beast for its duration. ey do not Test for Frenzy,
howls, grunts, and barks. Sounds produced by this cannot su er Bestial Failures, and Messy Criticals have
power are always animalistic in nature. Many Ferals use no negative e ects. is does not remove the e ects or
this power to discreetly communicate over long detriments of Hunger, however, and they may still be
distances, whether in the countryside or across urban a icted with non-Bestial compulsions at the
sprawl. Storyteller's discretion.
Cost: One Rouse Check When the e ects of this power ends, all Beasts
Dice Pools: -- are returned to their character of origin. When a
System: While Feral Whispers is active, you can emit a character re-gains their Beast, if they are at Hunger 5 or
vocalization, usually a howl, that has a radius of at least their Willpower tracker is fully marked, they must test
one mile. is vocalization can be fully understood by for Hunger Frenzy, as the Beast is once again let loose
anyone with Animalism or any animals or individuals within them.
with superhuman hearing. Vampires with Auspex, Duration: One scene or until ended voluntarily.
especially Malkavians, may be able to glean an
intention or emotion from the vocalizations made via
this power, but never understand the wording of the
message itself.
Duration: As with Feral Whispers.
melee-ranged attacker, dealing the margin in
Super cial Damage.
Duration: One turn.
Supernatural senses are hardly foreign to the Clan of
Beasts, but the powers of Auspex tend to be less
common amongst them. e uadsi-Bloodline of the Level 3
Wendigo are the only Gangrel who hold this power BLOODY RECOLLECTION
within the core of their bestial blood, wielding it to Vampires with this power not only imbibe the blood of
sense and sew Hunger. Other members of the Clan tend their victims, but also partake in their memories as
to manifest it as the hyper-perceptive senses seen in well, making them their own as much as the blood
some animals, such as the vigilant hound who somehow they've slaked.
knows when danger looms in the dark beyond sight. Cost: Free
Dice Pools: Variable
Level 1
System: When the user slakes at least one Hunger from
a victim, they may make a Test of Resolve + Auspex.
e user gains a recent memory for every two successes
on the Test. is memory must have been thought by
Amalgam: Protean 2
the victim within the last two nights. If the user
Altering their physical senses in a way that ne-tunes
completely drains the victim the user gains a memory
them into being able to read the radiating need for
for each Success instead. Especially violent memories,
sustenance, almost like an aura. Many view this power
such as being shot, stabbed, or damaged from re or
as an unnatural intrusion of reading of another, as it
sunlight, may contextually in ict Willpower Damage or
operates on an almost insidious knowing rather than
force the user to Test for Frenzy.
the more "natural" powers that stem from Animalism.
Duration: Memories gained are as permanent as the
Cost: Free
user's own.
Dice Pools: --
System: e user passively knows the Hunger value of
any Vampire in their line of sight. Additionally the user
unerringly knows the location of individuals within ten
yards/meters who are "famished". Vampires who are at
Hunger 5, Mortals who haven't eaten in at least a day, Moving uickly through the world keeps Kindred alive,
and Ghouls who have gone more than a week without and no powers of the Blood allow for uicker
Vitae all count as famished. is power does not sense movement than the Discipline of Celerity. Learned and
Vampires at Hunger 0. employed by the City Gangrel, as well as any Feral that
Duration: Passive can manage to learn it.
Level 2 Level 1
Amalgam: Protean 2
Amalgam: Protean 1
e vampire uses a subconscious sense of danger to
rough the use of their Celerity, a vampire with this
reactively dissolve into a chilled mist, becoming power can immediately assume any transformation
insubstantial and able to evade most forms of attack. with Protean, or feasibly another Discipline, instantly.
is transformation is eeting. however. Cost: One Rouse Check
Cost: Free Dice Pools: --
Dice Pools: -- System: When using a power of transformation the user
System: e user instantly becomes insubstantial mist ignores the normal delay. Additionally, while under the
that can only be damaged by re, sunlight, and e ects of a full-body transformation, the user adds
immaterial supernatural attacks. If this power is used to their Celerity to their non-combat Dexterity Tests.
evade an attack, the user does so with a pool of Wits + Duration: As with power used.
Auspex. On a Critical Win, the user ash-chills any
Level 2
Level 1
Amalgam: Animalism 1
e user shares a small portion of their unnatural
agility with the animals they in uence. Teeming
swarms and great beasts alike exhibit an uncanny speed MAD GRIT
almost e ual to the vampire themself. Using their Hunger as a focusing anchor, vampires with
Cost: One Rouse Check; Free for Famulus this power can thwart the in uences and advancements
Dice Pools: Stamina + Animalism (for non-famulus of others, bolstering their own mental and physical
animals) strength.
System: e vampire can choose to extend some of their Cost: --
Celerity powers to animals a ected by their Dice Pools: --
Animalism. Any animal thus imbued adds the user's System: e user may add a number of dice e ual to
Celerity to their Dexterity pools. Using this power on their current Hunger to any defensive pools made in
their Famulus is free and automatic. To imbue other contests with others. Criticals resulting from these
animals besides their Famulus, the user must make a pools are considered Messy Criticals and confer the
Rouse Check and roll a test of Wits + Celerity Hunger Compulsion (Vampire the Mas uerade Core
(Di culty 3). e user can bolster one animal per point Book, Pg. 208). If this power is used multiple times in a
of margin. single Scene, subse uent uses cost a point of Willpower.
Duration: One Scene; Permanent for Famulus. Duration: --
Level 3 Level 2
Amalgam: Protean 3 Amalgam: Animalism 1
A Feral with this power can assume the shape of three Prere uisite: Bond Famulus
separate animals to ensure that they have the ability to A power created by the shamanistic members of the
adapt to their environment.
Ferals, and seen almost wholly amongst them. rough
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: When taken, the user chooses three animals in the strange combination of their blood's powers, those
regards to traversal, Air, Land, and Water, with each with this ability can form a supernatural link with their
one usually being an animal that thrives in such beast that spreads thin in icted wounds and damage
environs. When this power is activated, the user spends between them, while the Famulus also bene ts their
one turn transforming into a form based on their master's mending powers of the blood.
current environment. If the user is falling or jumping
Cost: Free
they may change to their Air form, running a er
someone would result in their Land form, and the same Dice Pools: --
while swimming in Water. Moving between these System: When the user or their Famulus takes
environments automatically shi s the user between the Super cial Health Damage, the user may have an
three forms without re uiring additional Rouse amount up to their Fortitude rating transferred to the
Checks, only taking a turn to shi (Unless the user has other. When the user rouses the blood to mend damage,
uickshi above, of course). An example would be that same type and amount of damage is also mended
running across a pier as a Wolf, leaping o the edge to
by their Famulus. If the user has more than one
become a Hawk, before diving beneath the waves to
become an Otter. As with Metamorphosis, the user may Famulus, due to a Power, Background, or Merit, the
choose forms with much di erent sizes and mass than damage that is transferred to their Famulus is
their base form. distributed between them as the user sees t.
Duration: Until ended voluntarily. Duration: Passive.
Level 3 Level 5
Amalgam: Animalism 3 Amalgam: Protean 2
When backed into a corner, or near-death, a Feral with is variation of Flesh of Marble has developed in
this power will surrender to their Beast, which will various groups of Gangrel, usually spontaneously
grant them a second wind to continue in the face of through instinctual uses and changes of their blood,
Final Death, doing everything to survive. rather than as something consciously developed. is
Cost: Free power grants immunity to natural damage from
Dice Pools: -- environmental e ects, as well as granting nearly
System: When your Health tracker becomes fully insurmountable durability and monolithic
marked with A ravated Damage, and you are not in immovability.
Frenzy, this power activates automatically. While Cost: Two Rouse Checks
active, the user enters Fury Frenzy and adds their System: While active any attack that does not exceed
current Hunger to their Health track. is Fury Frenzy the user's Fortitude rating deals no damage and fails
cannot be resisted in any way, even through outright and the user is completely immune to
expenditure of Willpower, but the vampire can choose environmental and incidental damage, examples
to Ride the Wave (Vampire the Mas uerade Core include re, high voltage electrical shocks, freezing
Rulebook, Pg. 219). When this power ends, unmarked temperatures, radiation, total vacuum, and extreme
Health boxes are removed rst and if the user has no pressure.
Hunger, they immediately mend 1 A ravated Health Additionally they can't be moved outside their
Damage. own in uence unless the opposing force achieves a
Duration: Lasts a number of turns e ual to the user's number of successes greater than the user's current
Hunger rating upon activation. Willpower and the user can't be Stunned, ignores any
penalties of Physical Impairments (pg. 303 Vampire the
Level 2
example would be the user transforming into a large
gray wolf, but employing this power to appear as a
beloved family pet dog. is power does not alter the
ASSAILING BEAST OF TORMENT user's physical shape or mass, but like Mask of a
Amalgam: Animalism 2 ousand Faces and other similar powers of Obfuscate,
is ability allows one to weave their Beast into their uses a mental glamor to appear as the animal they're
powers of Obfuscate, manifesting it as a harrying and mimicking. As usual, Sense the Unseen and similar
horrifying animal in a way that has no small similarity powers can pierce this e ect, per the rules of
to the Chimerstry employed by the Ravnos. Obfuscate.
Cost: One Rouse Check Duration: Until ended voluntarily.
Dice Pools: Manipulation + Obfuscate
System: e user chooses a victim in their line of sight,
and activates this power, making a test of Manipulation
+ Obfuscate; Di culty 3. Victims add their Fortitude
rating if they have Unswayable Mind or a similar power.
A win weaves the user's Beast and Obfuscate together
Level 1
and projects it into the victim's mind, causing them to RECKLESS BERSERKER
be haunted by peripheral visions of a massive hound or Amalgam: Protean 1
wolf that's nearly demonic in appearance. Victims su er Most fre uently seen amongst the Einherjar, this power
a -2 dice penalty to their Resolve and Composure pools causes the user to enter a meditative battle-trance,
for the duration. Beasts manifested by this power are wherein their Beast alights upon their min, visibly
most o en Canids, but users whose Beast more closely bolstering their physical body and allowing them to
matches another animal may cause it to be conjured as attack with brutal abandon, at the cost of
that instead; Blood Ravens manifest birds matching self-preservation.
their namesake, while a Nosferatu might conjure up Cost: --
visions of nightmarish rats. Dice Pools: --
Duration: One Scene; A Critical Win on the initial Test System: In combat the user adds their Potence to their
makes it last the entire night. Dice Pools made to attack or destroy, but loses an e ual
number of Dice from their evasive and defensive pools.
Level 3
is power is passive and can't be deactivated.
Duration: Passive.
has the Eat Food Merit (Vampire the Mas uerade Core
Rulebook Pg. 182) they pass the test automatically.
Taking a point of A ravated Damage or receiving a
Level 2 Critical Injury forces another Protean + Composure;
Di culty 3 Test to keep the esh down.
WOLF KNIGHT'S VALOUR While the animal remains within the vampire,
Amalgam: Fortitude 2 they can make a Rouse Check to assume its form,
e signature power of the Knights of Avalon. It was following the same rules of Shapechange (Pg. 271 of
created by their founder, Sir Godfrey, who valiantly led Vampire the Mas uerade Core Rulebook).
the charge against the monsters that threatened both Duration: Transformation lasts until ended, or the esh
Mortal and Cainite society in the dark ages. In modern is expelled from the body. As with food, the esh must
nights it's also sometimes seen amongst Ventrue who be expelled before daysleep.
hold the same values and morals of the Knights of
Avalon close to their chest. ose who have this power
Level 2
inspire others around them with their accomplishments
and feats of skill and bravery –A wol 's valour to bolster
Cost: One Rouse Check
Amalgam: Fortitude 2
Dice Pools: --
Channeling the raw ferocity of their Beast into a single
System: While this power is active, whenever the user
attack, the Feral leaps towards the target like a wild
wins a contested pool of any kind against an enemy, any
predator, attacking with the sudden manifestation of
number of Mortals or other Kindred of the user's choice
hooked claws, a barbed tail, a crab's pincers, or any
in their immediate company that doesn't have this
manner of animalistic weapon. Whatever the form this
power, regains a point of Willpower and whenever the
weapon assumes, it rips apart esh with inhuman
user resists Frenzy of any kind those same chosen
violence, all while the user ignores the detrimental
Mortals or Kindred add half the user's Presence in
e ects of pain and injury.
bonus dice to their pools to resist Intimidation and
Cost: One Rouse Check
Fear Frenzy.
Dice Pools: Protean + Brawl
Duration: One scene or until intentionally ended.
System: Activated as a Protean + Brawl attack, the user
sprouts an animalistic light piercing Brawl weapon with
P«·ea a damage modi er e ual to their current Hunger as
they leap up to ve yards/meters towards their target,
making a loud animalistic sound that draws attention.
Level 1 On a successful hit, this attack deals non-halved
Super cial Health Damage to the target, and the user
SKIN TAKER may choose to automatically grapple their victim by
A power fre uently seen among the indigenous Gangrel di ing their animal weapon into esh or garments.
of North America, said to have been developed out of Attack pools made with this power su er no penalties
their spiritual meditations and traditional connections from Impairment or Crippling Injury.
with nature. By draining and then consuming an A Critical Win on this attack allows the user
animal, bones and all, the user can then assume that to activate it again next turn for free, while a Messy
animal's shape, so long as they can keep the esh down. Critical removes the cost entirely for the remainder of
Cost: Free the scene. is power also has no cost while the user is
Dice Pools: -- in Frenzy. Attack pools made with this power cannot
System: e user fully drains an animal and then be split to strike multiple targets.
consumes it entirely, then makes a Test of Protean + Duration: Animalistic weapons gained from this
Composure; Di culty 3. On a success the user keeps transformation last until the end of the turn it was
the animal down without issue, while a fail causes them activated.
to retch up the esh at the end of the scene. If the user
Bd S«ce«× Level 2
A Ritual that takes ambient spiritual energy and uses
vitae as an animating nexus to form it into an arti cial
Amongst less academic practitioners of Blood Sorcery,
spiritual construct. is construct is in no way a proper
especially those who are primarily interested in the
elemental spirit, but can pass as one even when present
processions and rituals of an almost religious
among such beings.
signi cance, the core ability to specialize in those
Cost: One Rouse Check, One Willpower
rituals is more important than the overt mastery of
Dice Pools: Ritual Test (Intelligence + Blood Sorcery;
one's blood, leading to the learning of this talent in the
Di culty 3 or 6)
place of more academic sorcery.
Ingredients: Vitae, the heart of a large ruminant,
Cost: Free
common fungus, fresh moss, an acorn or pinecone
Dice Pools: --
Process: e caster grinds up their vitae along with the
System: e user learns Blood Sorcery Rituals at a cost
fungus and moss. e animal heart is then stu ed with
of two experience per dot, rather than three, and when
the mixture as well as the acorn or pinecone, before
this power is taken they immediately learn a free level
being planted at the center of a clear plot of land, open
two Ritual, regardless of Blood Sorcery level.
to the sky, during which the caster makes their Ritual
Additionally the user learns Rituals in half the time. If
they have a teacher they learn them in a fourth of the
System: On a Win a large stag (regardless of what
animal contributed the heart) made of earth, moss, and
Duration: Passive
wood rises from the spot where the heart was buried.
is stag will obey the caster's commands, and is more
P«eda·« Tרe¯
• Gain the Enemy Flaw: Deadly Mortal (●●) - A
veteran Hunter that likely has your name etched into
their favorite weapon.
More than any other clan for the Gangrel the hunt and Predator Pool: Resolve or Intelligence + Allies or
the methods they pursue is the greatest form of self Technology to get a line on the movement of a local
expression. Below are new Predator types that treat a Hunter, or to nd one of their loved ones to feed from
Feral's most comfortable methods of feeding as or Strength or Dexterity + Athletics to subjugate a
inhuman acts. Hunter in combat and feed from them. e Cazador's
uick hunts always have their di culty increased by
one, due to the dangerous nature of their feeding
Cannibal habits.
Cruel Deerstalker
failing that, their loved ones. You in ltrate their circles
through various means, or simply bait your hunters into
a trap that gives you the upper hand, and attack and
feed from them, usually a er or during combat. You give your prey a head start and then relentlessly
Considered to be a dangerous and reckless method chase them down, maybe even playing with your food.
of feeding, it none-the-less turns heads when found out Your hunts tend to cause a massive problem here and
or mentioned, though the precariousness of what you there, but that doesn't matter. ere is only meaning in
do doesn't necessarily garner you outright fame, as you the eeing prey and the thing that hunts them.
get praise and scorn in e ual measure. • Add a specialty: Athletics (Pursuit) or Intimidation
• Add a specialty: Athletics (Bows) or Cra (Traps) (Glare)
• Add one dot of Celerity or Fortitude • Add one dot of Dominate or Presence
• Spend three dots across the Allies Background (●●●) • Gain the Feeding Merit: Gratifying Predation (●) -
- A mortal you can call on to in ltrate, or get a lead on, ey run, you chase them. Nothing feels better.
a potential Hunter, or someone that Hunter cares Predator Pool: You manipulate your target into eeing,
about. then with raw exertion run them down with Strength +
• Gain the Mythic Merit: (●) Early Riser - Your Athletics, or you pick out someone in a crowd and
vigilance has led you to waking earlier than most meet their gaze and trick them into a poor position
Kindred. with Manipulation + Intimidation. Cruel Deerstalkers
tend to Succeed at a Cost for their Hunts.
Stalking the trackless wastes and outskirts was how
your human ancestors lived in ancient days, and how
your inhuman progenitors persisted in the early nights.
Everything you need is out there, amongst the trees,
rocks, ravines, and pools. is is what you nd the most
appealing, the most natural.
• Add a specialty: Survival (Wilderness) or Stealth
• Add one dot of Protean or Fortitude
• Gain the Feeding Merit: Prey Specialization (●●) -
Animals. You might feed on a human out yonder, but
feeding on Animals is what you're best at.
• Gain the Haven Merit: (●) - You have a small hunting
shack or a secret place away from the city.
• Gain the Feeding Flaw: Taste of the Kill (●●) - It's
only worth eating if you nabbed it yourself.
Predator Pool: Stamina + Survival or Stealth. You cross
the night tracking down prey, or sneak up on your
uarry over several hours. In any case, your " uick
hunts" always take at least two hours if you're not
already in the wilderness.
Within this section are new Merits, Bloodlines, Loresheets, and Flaws that Players and Storytellers can use to build
their characters. Many of the Advantages here are designed with Gangrel in mind, and certain advantages should only
be taken by Gangrel, though any player who aims to have a more bestial or hunger-associated character concept might
nd these of interest regardless of written intention.
Storytellers and Players are encouraged to think about the whys and hows of these merits, and consider what events
may have lead to a character having them, and how they will a ect the character scene-to-scene, as they are stand-out
ways to help de ne characters, both Player and otherwise, and add stronger context and story.
Merits & Flaws (•••) Predatory Elo uence. You add +1 Bonus Dice to
any Social dice pools made while Hunting, your
predatory nature shining through as an allure, or
BESTIAL New Advantages that focus on the presence
warning, of imminent danger.
of the user's Beast and its Hunger and how it in uences
a Cainite's night-to-night and moment-to-moment life.
ese are meant to be primarily associated with Flaw (•): Bestial Impulse. When you reach or start a
Gangrel, as they have a uni ue and more personal scene at Hunger 4 or 5, your Beast will give you a Desire
association with their Beast, however any particularly for the scene. All Dice Pools that aren't made towards
monstrous or animalistic character may take them at achieving this desire get a -2 Dice penalty. is penalty
the Storyteller's discretion. is increased to -4 at Hunger 5.
(•) Frenzy's Catharsis. A er you Frenzy for at least one Flaw (•): Monstrous Countenance. When you lose
Scene, choose Physical, Social, or Mental. Add 1 die to Humanity you gain a permanent animal feature.
all pools of the chosen type for the rest of the night. Di culties to hide these features are increased by 1 for
each that you have and give you a -1 Die penalty to a
speci c Skill. Even if you somehow gain the lost
(••) Inhuman Advisor. When you reach or start a scene
Humanity back, the feature stays.
at Hunger 4 or 5, your Beast will give you a Desire for
the scene. All Dice Pools made towards achieving this
desire get +2 Bonus Dice. is bonus is increased to +3 Flaw (• to ••): Animal Antipathy. For each dot in this
at Hunger 5. Flaw choose a type of Animal, such as Cat, Canid, Bird,
or Rodent. at Animal will never converse with you
and is completely immune to your powers of
(•• to ••••) Hunger's Bargain. When you slake at least
Animalism. In certain cases they will also attack you
one Hunger, add +1 Bonus Dice to resist Frenzy for the
remainder of the scene. If taken at four dots increase
the bonus to +2 Bonus Dice.
BONDING A Feral's blood is a tool of survival like (•••) Solitary Hunter. When you hunt down and feed
anything else, and nothing helps with survival more from prey on your own, without any other individuals
than dependable bonds that one can rely on. helping you, including animals, slake 1 additional
Hunger. is cannot reduce Hunger below zero.
(••) Shackle Eater. When you slake at least 1 Hunger by
drinking the blood of the vampire that you've been (••••) E cient Metabolism. Your Beast is either more
Blood Bound to, slake 1 additional Hunger. is can not easily slaked, or you've learned how to utilize what
reduce Hunger below zero. blood you consume more e ciently. For every 2
Hunger you slake, slake 1 more. is cannot reduce
(••) Deeper Bond. When an animal drinks at least a Hunger below zero. is cannot be taken with Solitary
Rouse Check worth of your Blood, they become Hunter or any other Merit that slakes bonus Hunger.
two-steps towards a bond with you, rather than one.
Additionally certain powers of Bonding, such as Flaw: (••) Connoisseur. You slake one less Hunger from
choosing a Famulus, take only two nights, rather than blood that doesn't have an Intense or Acute Resonance,
three. and your Hunger can only be fully Slaked by draining a
vessel with a Dyscrasia.
Flaw: (••) Animal Vagary. Your Blood su ers from a
strange uirk that prevents it from bonding sentient Flaw: (••) Dead Palette. You cannot taste or gain a
Mortals, Kindred, and most other Supernatural Resonance, and by extension cannot bene t from them.
Creatures. You can only create Blood Bonds with is aw cannot be taken if you have Bloodhound or
animals. Connoisseur.
FEEDING As with the core Advantages, what follows
Flaw: (••) Glutton. Your Hunger can only be fully
are several new merits and aws associated with
slaked when consuming at least half your weight in the
hunting and imbibing in blood of various kinds.
esh and blood of other supernatural creatures.
LOOKS Gangrel act aloof and disinterested at times PSYCHOLOGICAL A type of Merits and Flaws
when it comes to looks, but the fact of the matter is introduced in Forbidden Religions, these are always
that it is as part of their every-night life as much as it is mental in nature, framing the character's conscious or
the Toreador, perhaps just inverted. Bloodlines like the subconscious mind with traits that are a core part of
Knights of Avalon prize themselves on their human how they think or act, sometimes not of their own
appearance and well-kept grooming, while others such choice. While many of the Bestial Merits and Flaws
as Country Gangrel maintain their Bestial Features as a above are also psychological in nature, the ones listed
badge of pride, a casting away of their prey here are independent from the Beast's instincts and
countenance for a predator's, or so they might claim. designs.
Flaw: (••) eriocephaly. Your head has transformed (••) Wild Heart. Add +2 Bonus Dice towards any Social
into that of an animal's, or very similarly to one, like and Mental pools made when interacting with animals.
the animal-headed deities of ancient myths. Di culties is bonus is increased to +3 at Hunger 4 or higher.
to hide your countenance are increased by 2, but you
gain a free Specialty in relation to how this Flaw: (•) Animals Are Better an People: You can't
transformation helps you in some way. is Merit isn't stand to see animals get hurt or be mistreated.
mutually exclusive with positive Looks Merits. It is Whenever you see something like this happen and you
almost wholly found amongst Gangrel, Ministry, don't act to circumvent or prevent it, you take a point
Nosferatu, and Tzimisce, though a powerful curse or of A ravated Willpower Damage.
some other supernatural happenstance may cause it in
any Clan. Flaw: (• to ••) Zoophilist: You stru le to understand
Humans, probably even before the Embrace. You su er
MYTHIC Every bloodline of the night carries some
a -1 Die penalty in all Eti uette, Insight, and Leadership
strange peculiarity or some other bizarre property that
pools made in relation to Mortals and other Cainites
a ects them in a nearly inexplicable way, granting some
for each dot in this aw and you can't take non-Animal
boon or curse.
related Specialities in those same Skills.
(•) Early Riser. You always awaken the moment the sun
sets, regardless of your Humanity rating.
HAVEN MERITS AND FLAWS Additional Addon Merits
that help create and build out a Haven for the Cainite on
the move, or one that's more animal-minded.
feeding in this enclosure, treat this Merit as an e uivalent
of Herd as well. Di culties to get in and out of this
Haven Addon (•) Mobile Shelter. Your haven is mobile,
enclosure with a key are e ual to the rating. is
allowing you to take it with you in some way and still
di culty is doubled for animals and other Bestial
remain secure. A one dot Haven is small and portable,
like a Sunbag with some camping amenities, a two-dot
would be something like a small car or pop-up shelter, DOMAIN Additional Traits to assign to you or your
while a three-dot would be a large van or RV. e security Coterie's Domain.
of a Mobile Haven's base rating is partially gained
primarily from its mobile nature, rather than being as Domain Trait (• to •••••) Chicane. You know the ins
secure as an e uivalent structure. and outs of your territory better than anyone and can
attack or defend on your turf with unmatched expertise.
Haven Addon (• to •••) Stomping Grounds. Your Haven Add +1 to any Specialties used in Contests while within
has an enclosure of some kind that can hold animals very the boundaries of your own Domain for every dot in this
securely, and is e uipped with everything that animal Trait.
needs to survive within reason. A single dot in this might
be a very large yard for a wolf, while three dots might be
several acres of land for a bull. If you keep prey related to
What follows are Loresheets associated with the Gangrel as part of their identity as a Clan in Modern Nights. Many of
these call back to old traditions, while presenting completely new and unseen pieces that are built on their themes and
overall structure of the Gangrel as a whole. Many of these Loresheets were created and designed to be for the Gangrel,
but a Storyteller may nd associating them with any Kindred, especially other Low Clan like Nosferatu, a compelling
way to build out the backgrounds of a character.
Each of these Loresheets is almost entirely self-contained, but further elaboration on in e Gangrel Modern
Nights (Pg. 52) section of this book if readers need some details on how they might t into their World of Darkness.
Storytellers, and Players, are encouraged to modify the narrative and backstory of these Loresheets as they wish in order
to make them more compelling for their own settings and characters. When conceptualized and written, these optional
Backgrounds are meant to help build out archetypes for use in a Chronicle, and to help bolster playstyles and
archetypes that have been presented in Clanbook Gangrel elsewhere.
Some of these Loresheets, like many others, can be uite disruptive to a Chronicle. Storytellers should keep in
mind what kind of themes they want to portray when building out a Chronicle, and if some of these Loresheet
backgrounds might be too disruptive of those themes. e Storyteller is the nal arbiter of anything presented here.
blood of artio
nce a prominent member of the Sabbat, Casimir has kept to the teachings
of the Priests from his youth: at the Camarilla are tools of the ancients,
and that humanity exists to be ruled as cattle by the strong. With the
majority of his former Sect having ed to the beckoning elds of the
Gehenna War, Casimir not manifests his ambitions across the cityscapes of the cities of
the Ivory Tower, running surgical strikes and hollowing out whole courts one at a time,
then lling the vacuum le with his own bloodthirsty generals.
With a larger-than-life personality, Casimir now bows to no other Cainite and elds a
burgeoning kingdom that spans land and seas, a Warlord gathering the most ambitious
and strongest to his banner, to build a new world in the name of strength and in the name
of Casimir himself.
With a brutal and unforgiving nature, the Warlord's methods are to disarm with
inappropriate humor, before ordering vicious acts of violence, making examples of foes
and subordinates alike. Favoring ghters of his own Clan, he leaves a trail of tributary-
cities helmed by lieutenants in the path he carves. e strong nd their name under his
banner as they coerce and break others into joining with their engine of con uest.
● “Rise and shine ! It's a new joke. You're still expected to give for violence and ambition. While in
beginning”: You have been tribute, even without this Mawla. this form you add your current
WIllpower in place of Strength or
branded by a Casimiri Adherent. If
you would gain a step towards a ●●● “I Give With One Hand, Intimidation in your associated Dice
And With the Other I Take Pools. Each drink also moves you one
Blood Bond make a Strength +
step towards a bond with Casimir.
Resolve; Difficulty 4 Test. If you pass, Yours”: At any time you may
the strength of that bond does not summon two Casimiri Warbandits (Pg.
increase. Additionally you do 1 bonus 99) to brutally kill someone who has
●●●●● “Can’t I Visit My Good
Superficial Willpower Damage to been an obstacle for you, however Old Friend”: The fall of your city's
targets at Hunger 3 or higher, as the the Warbandits will view your need for leadership is written on the halls of
mark chaffs against their Beast. them as weakness, and also kill one of their court. Casimir arrives to lend
your Allies, Contacts, Mawla, or support in your claim to the seat of
●● “What’s yours is mine and Retainers. If you have none, they the domain. Once per Chronicle you
what’s mine is still mine”: attempt to kill you instead. may stake any number of
Background Dots towards the effort to
Casimir expects tribute to fund the
●●●● “A Vial A Day Keeps the take the city alongside Casimir's
war machine. You gain Status (●●)
warriors. If the City is taken, you are
amongst local Cainites, and a Mawla Disloyalty Away”: You've been
installed as its administrator and not
(●●). By the end of each Story you sent three specially treated ceramic
only regain your contributed
must accumulated Resources (●) vials of altered Proteonic Vitae. You
Backgrounds, but that many more
worth of tribute. If you don't your may consume one vial, transforming
dots to spend across Allies, Contacts,
Mawla's broken body will be you into a monstrous mass of
Fame, Resources, Status, and Havens.
delivered to you along with a sick musculature for a Scene. While in this
form your strength is tied to your drive
n the ancient days of life, there was the rst death. e rst murder. is blessed fratricide begot the separation
of strong from the weak. Murderer, from murdered. Life from death. For his act of brutality, the murderer was
bestowed an inner mind of holy savagery to keep his rationale clear of weakness –the ultimate sin. So says the oral
canon of the Eremites of the Perfect Beast, an ancient and scrupulous group that wanders the wilds of the world,
who believe that the Beast is the shard of a greater, supreme, being.
You are an aspirant that has come into contact with a wandering Eremite. Seeing potential in you, they've
granted you a chance to prove your adherence to the Beast. Upon taking this Loresheet the Eremite le in your
possession a type of, supposedly, ascended Wight they call a Perfect (Pg. 101). Proving yourself to this denomination
re uires that you take care of, observe, and eventually understand this Wight. Losing this Wight, or letting it escape,
proves that you are not ready for perfection.
● Purpose in Liberation: The ●●● Hands and Claws in weapon, vampires in Fury Frenzy will
instincts and inclinations of the Beast Common Cause: Your ignore you so long as there are other
are freedom from the baggage and targets in their line of sight.
understanding of the Perfect in your
tediums of humanity. Others must feel care grants you the ability to
the message of unfettered freedom. converse with it. Once per story, you ●●●●● Descent Into Sanity:
When someone gains a Stain due to can make a Resolve + Animal Ken; Studying the Perfect has shown you
Frenzy or a Messy Critical, and you Difficulty 6 Test. Pass or fail, the Perfect clarity and understanding of the
console with your bestial philosophy, will perform a single task for you to its Beasts of all Kindred, and a way to
add one die to their remorse roll. If ability, however on a failure it will not force that clarity unto others. If you
they pass it, restore all of your return to the place where it is kept, manage to provoke a Fear, Fury, and
Willpower. and you must find it before the end of then Hunger Frenzy In a Cainite on
the current story. each night in sequence, that
●● Complines of Inner Voice: individual loses three Humanity after
Each night when you awake you may ●●●● Perfect Piece: The Perfect the Hunger Frenzy. If this bestial ritual
spend a point of Willpower and recite manages to reduce a victim to zero
has shed a huge fang or claw that
a mantra to speak to your inner Beast. Humanity, they become a Wight that
the Eremites treat as a gift of pure
Though it may not answer, it will is wholly bound to your will, and you
violence. This shed body part counts
acknowledge the act of deference. may use any powers of Animalism on
as a light Melee or Brawling weapon
The next time you resist Frenzy that them as if they were an Animal.
that deals 2 Aggravated Damage on
night, its Difficulty is increased by 2, a successful attack. Victims must test
but you get three free turns to for Fury Frenzy; Difficulty 4.
maintain control. Additionally, while holding this
feral child
● One of the Pack: Your family non-combat pools while in the shape credence to the status of your more
was a pack of wolves, who taught of a canid. However you must spend civilized peers. You only take
you how to hunt and survive in the one Willpower to revert to human Willpower Damage from the margin
wilds. You gain these wolves as an Ally form. of loss from Social Contests. Additional
(●●) that can be called on for damage from others present, or from
assistance and will automatically ●●● Skulking Wolf: You've Status, do nothing.
show up at least once per Story. learned how to move and position
Additionally, all canids treat you with when you've been heavily weakened ●●●●● Family Resemblance:
an innate sense of deference, and will or injured. When your Health Tracker is You struggled, bled, and cried with
be friendly unless specifically fully marked, your Survival, Stealth, your family in the wilds. You are as
instructed to attack you by their and Awareness pools suffer no much them as they are you, a fact
master. penalties and you instead add two true down to your bones. Once per
dice to those same pools. Specialties story, you can make two Rouse
●● Canid Mind: Your teeth are in those pools also add an additional Checks to take the shape of an
exceptionally sharp, and you have die while under this effect. enormous Dire Wolf (Pg. 91) that has
learned the methods of hunting and great size and strength. You can do
fighting from your canid family. Add ●●●● Bestial Ignorance: Raised this even without the powers of
one die to your attack pools made to amongst the wilds, where social Protean, however if you have four or
bite or carry objects in your mouth. hierarchy was defined by the more dots in Protean, you may use
You also add three dice to any strongest leader, you lend little this ability as many times as you wish.
● A Link in the Chain: You're ●●● Owl-Mask: The Hushed deliveries of information within it,
trusted enough to have been given Chorus only works as well as it does coming into it, and going outwards.
information on a few Ghouls, because each member is You can key off of the way
well-trained animals, unsuspecting anonymous. You've proved that information flows to know well ahead
Mortals, and even one or two Kindred. you're capable of staying indifferent of time when someone within the city
Gain them as Contacts (●●) - "Chorus and anonymous in your work, and the is setting up to make a big move.
Links". You may use one of these dots Operators have gifted you a secret
to ensure a message gets where it Haven (●) with the Security (●) addon, ●●●●● A Song of Whispers:
needs to anonymously, even if it's to and a Mask (●●) that has been The Operators have passed down a
another city. However that dot is zeroed. If any of these backgrounds task specifically for you to personally
unusable for the remainder of the are compromised, they will not be carry out. This message or item must
current story. replaced, however. be delivered to the head of a
Domain, Sect, or Clan. While they trust
●● One With The Chorus: You've ●●●● Nest of Whispers: The your ability and methods to ensure
proven to have a talent for delivering Chorus in any given area operates via delivery, disclosing this message to
messages. Once per story you can a series of unincorporated "Nests", others, delaying its arrival, or simply
ask a superior to transfer all deliveries with each Nest being made up of one keeping it for yourself will affect
meant for a specific Kindred so you or two Kindred that are responsible for Kindred society at large. Then again,
might deliver them personally. This ensuring all Chorus messages get to getting into the same room as the
usually nets you addresses and where they need to be. You have a receiver could yield opportunity
information on that Kindred. Nest in your city, and see all the enough.
the invicti
ating back to the age of imperial Rome, these militant Kindred
functioned as a praetorian guard, protecting those who bear the Curse
of Caine from mortal hunters. With the rise of the SI the INVICTI
have come into the light once more under the leadership of the
enigmatic Constanus II, who has organized them into a powerful regiment of highly
trained Gangrel. As a group they have used their military prowess to push back the
SI in cities such as Bordeux and Madrid. Some claim that the INVICTI have
unlimited funding due to a massive numberof boons that have been held onto from
the age of Rome, and are cashing out the debts of anonymous High Clan Elders,
leveraging their protection to gain status, wealth, and security.
You are a member of the INVICTI and have trained in one of their camps until
you were deemed ready to operate as a hunter of hunters. It is your solemn duty as a
Protector of the Undead to ensure that your charges never see the light of the sun, or
nd themselves at the end of a Second In uisition blade. You have an o ciating
mark of authority and a ceremonial wolf helm from Constanus II that solidi es your
rank and position as an SI hunter.
● Seal of Constantius II: You ●●● Oath of Protection: A case, it's especially deadly to Kindred,
have successfully protected a high-profile group of Kindred in the dealing +1 Aggravated Damage.
member of your city, garnering you city have drawn the eyes of SI hunters,
Status (●●) in the reigning Sect. Once and have contacted you to defend ●●●●● INVICTI Inner
per Story you can gain an audience them. You gain them as a Mawla Induction: Constanus II has sent a
with any member of that Sect. (●●), and once per story they will call message via courier to you, an SI
on you to protect them. Each time target that's meant to be taken
●● Insightful Collateral: You've you are successful they will reward down. This target comes in the form of
charmed, persuaded, bought, or you with a permanent dot in Fame, an Enemy (●●●) and has a base of
intimidated someone close to a Resources, Status, or Herd. However operations in your city. You've been
member of the SI into assisting you. you also gain SI Hunters as an Enemy given an armored personnel vehicle
They count as a Contact (●) that (●●). that counts as a Haven (●●●) with
specializes in getting you SI-related Mobile Shelter (●) and Armory (●●). It
information or equipment. You can ●●●● Inquisition Trophy: also has a mounted high-caliber
push them for more, gaining them as You've killed one of these Kine that weapon that can be fired as a
a three-dot Contact until the end of fancy themselves "Hunters", and have ranged attack with Strength +
the current Session, however they will a tangible reminder of your victory to Resolve, dealing +4 Superficial
become unreachable until the end of show for it –One of the mortal's Damage. The target must be
the next story. personal weapons. This weapon takes destroyed by the end of the
the form of a specialized Firearm that Chronicle, or you are stripped of your
might shoot cinder rounds, or maybe station and all other INVICTI treat you
even a blessed blade. Whatever the with disdain.
orekeerpers are Gangrel who safeguard a mythical oration techni ue that
dates back to pre-history, even before the so-called "Dark Ages" of the
Mas uerade. eir duty is to pass down stories, usually parables and fables
of note, to keep their Clan strong. ese individuals also immortalize
their fellow Kindred, usually Gangrel, with tales of their deeds that are told through
the ages.
You are a Lorekeeper, one that is part of a push to ensure the Clan's historied
knowledge remains in oral form to keep the spark of your Clanmates alive and well.
Other Kindred may roll their eyes at such a pursuit, the wisest know that your duty
is an important one, as you are a valued repository of Cainite History, and can
provide many insights to lost knowledge, even paganistic processions and beliefs.
● Ennoia Edda: You know the epic Clan's blood. Once per story, when 3 Test. Passing this Test grants you
of Ennoia, an allegorical poem you tell the tale of another person's once piece of true information about
several hours long when spoken in its deeds, you increase their Fame by the topic, such as what it is, where it is,
entirety. Once per Story, you may one for the remainder of the or what it does. Upon achieving
orate a part of the Edda to an Chronicle. twelve total successes across these
audience with a Test of Charisma + tests, you find the object and it
Performance; Difficulty 3. Passing the ●●● Trial by Ordeal: In the days teaches you a new Discipline with a
test grants a benefit to those listening: before Kindred institutions of law and dot in it. It is treated as in-Clan for you.
LIFE WITH WOLVES: Re-roll an entire order, the Lorekeepers were seen as a
pool that includes Animal Ken or wise and impartial group amongst ●●●●● The Wild Hunt: Amongst
Animalism when using Willpower. Kindred. Once per story you can hold Kindred, the act of Hunting has
a duel or contest for two parties to always been a passtime, a universal
SURVIVAL IN ENOCH: Survival may be
settle their disagreements, which they truth that equalizes all castes of
used in place of Streetwise for the
will agree to. You are the arbiter of society, friend or foe. You know the
remainder of the Story for pools and
this Ordeal and decide the rules of tales of the grand hunts of old. The
engagement that the participants celebrations of ending one era and
must follow. So long as you remain beginning anew and one per
points of Willpower to become
neutral, the outcome will be the Chronicle you can hold such an
immune to Willpower Damage for one
settlement of the disagreement. event as an Elysium-like gathering,
aimed at a specific festival or
the Wave during Frenzy, add two dice ●●●● Seeker of celebration of the end of an event
Understanding and Power: You and the beginning of another. Your
to your physical Discipline Pools.
know of an Elder Kindred, a holy Status is increased to (●●●●●) during
place, or an artifact of old. Whenever the Story leading up to the Festival
●● Raconteur: Your orations
and during the event.
spread like wildfire, stirring the hearts the object of your seeking, once per
and minds of those that hear them in Story you may make an Intelligence +
ways that are borne through your Academics or Investigation; Difficulty
● Spirit Knowing: Your mentor ●●● Bounty of the Forest: You Fire in a scene by two. The inscription
has taught and can see and and your Mentor perform a ritual to of the Moon grants you a one die
commune nature spirits in an area, so infuse the seed of a tree with blood bonus based on the Moon's phase; +1
long as you've rested there at least from the both of you. When planted, to Dexterity pools on New Moon, +1 to
three days within the last week. As the seed sprouts to a sapling Strength pools on a Full moon, or +1 to
long as you have, you can make a immediately, growing to adulthood Charisma in any other phase.
Test of Resolve + Occult; Difficulty 3, to within a lunar cycle. This tree has ●●●●● The Crone's Design:
attempt to commune with a local brilliant crimson leaves that can be The revelations of your Mentor's
spirit. This spirit counts as a Contact used as additional ingredients for intentions have become apparent.
(●●) and give you information that Blood Rituals performed in your Like the land you draw power from,
tends to be occult-aligned, though domain, reducing their difficulty by 2. you are fertile soil from which their
they demand steep prices if If ever this tree is destroyed, your practices will bloom anew. The power
offended. mentor will refuse to grant you the of the old ways now flows through
●● Vestige of Old: Your mentor privilege of another. you, and you have been given the
has transfused a vestige of their old ●●●● Bounty of Sun and knowledge how to teach others in the
power into you. Your eyes have a Moon: Inscribing a rune upon your same way you've been taught.
subtle green glimmer that betrays Additionally while within fifty miles of
body symbolizing either your greatest
your affiliation and emotional state to your place of rest, you automatically
enemy, the Sun, or your constant
some degree, conferring a one die pass any Rouse Checks made to
companion, the Moon, you gain a
penalty to resist Insight pools. However wake or use Blush of Life, and you add
benefit. With the inscription of the Sun,
you add two dice to any Social or three dice to your Blood Sorcery and
you reduce the first instance
Mental Skill pools made outside of Protean pools.
Aggravated Damage from Sunlight or
populated areas.
● Survival is Blood: Blood slaked animal as your prey. Until dawn, you ●●●●● Hunter Hunted: Your
controls your Beast and ensures your get a bonus die to any Physical Skill reputation as an apex predator has
survival. You gain the Bloodhound (●) pool made with that person as the reached the ears of an Elder Kindred,
Feeding Merit, and also add a bonus target. Additionally supernatural who has decided to hunt you. You
die to any Athletics, Survival, Insight, attempts for your prey to hide or mask gain the Adversary Flaw (●●●). You
and Investigation pools made themselves from you have their are incredibly outmatched by this
towards tracking and anticipating Difficulties increased by an amount individual, however you've sharpened
your prey's location. equal to your current Hunger. your mind and fangs to take down
larger targets than you. Once per
●● Trophy of the Feat: When ●●●● Red Queen's Decree:
chronicle, in a single scene, you add
you take a trophy or memento from Predator and prey are in a constant
four dice to all pools to out-maneuver
someone you best or prey upon, race to survive, and it takes all their
or overcome any actions or obstacles
restore a Willpower point. If you have running just to stay in place. You
this Elder has made against you. If you
that trophy on you, add one bonus adapt to this fluctuation better than
best this Elder, and make of them your
die to any pools made to coerce or most, and whenever you are beaten
prey, you may diablerize them without
frighten that same person or someone in a contest by another, you may
suffering automatic Humanity loss.
they were close to. move a point from one Skill used in
You are also granted the Elder's
the beaten pool to another in the
●●● Marked Target: Each night Haven (●●●), Resources (●●), and
same category. The categories being
is another potential hunt, another Status (●●) and Fame (●●) amongst
Physical, Social, or Mental, as your
chance to mark a person as prey. local Kindred.
mind, body, and blood shifts to
Upon waking from Daysleep, choose anticipate conflict.
a specific individual or a type of
● You Can't Trust No One In ●●● Fangs of the Past: however if you investigate her closely,
This City: You don't know who to Whenever you imply that you're she might not be telling you the whole
working at the behest of, or truth…
trust, but you do know people. You
gain six dots to spend across three alongside, the Black Wolf of the ●●●●● The Pulseless Unlife of
Allies, Contacts, or Mawla, however Golden Coast while in Social Combat, the City: You've been entangled in
at the beginning of each Story one of you deal non-halved Superficial the lives and unlives of the city for
them becomes an Enemy without you Willpower Damage. Dredging up the long enough now that you know the
knowing which, with the previous past will likely draw the considerable hangouts and haunts of all the
reverting to their previous state. ire of Inspector Wolfe however. biggest players, and if you don't, you
●● Black Masks: In a city of ●●●● Thorns of a Lost Rose: A know someone who knows. You can
masked monsters, everyone has their beautiful lover, a problem, a job. easily locate anyone in the city if
own ambitions and desires. Once per Wolfe's dark past comes knocking they're following their usual routine,
Story, you can delve deeply into the when the Childer of the Toreador who and when you need to track
background of one of you or your held his leash appears to find someone down, you can roll your
Coterie's Allies, Contacts, Retainers, or evidence of the one responsible for Resolve + Contacts; Difficulty 5 to find
Mawla and learn a definitive piece of her Sire's death. She lends you exactly where they are, or where
true and useful information about Resources (●●) up front as payment, they're going to be and when.
them. If Wolfe helps you achieve this, and gives you Contacts (●●) that However any Contacts used in this roll
you add two bonus dice to any have information about the case. If may lay low for a time.Kindred society
Insight, Investigation or Streetwise you solve this problem she will inherit at large. Then again, getting into the
pools going forward due to the her Sire's vast wealth and holdings same room as the receiver could yield
information he gave you. and become a Mawla (●●●), opportunity enough.
t h e w o r l d-a n e w m o v e m e n t
he Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster
for Kindred. It has fortified the Kine to such an extent that they have
become aware of us. ey've seen passed our “Masques” and only those
of "High Clan" tend to survive the Second Inquisition. While at first the
lights of these burgeoning cities served as bastions against the wild dark, it is now
apparent that they only prove a des abilizing force, illuminating our secrets and
subjecting us to indignities that are counter to our nature.
" is is nothing to say of the great harm done to the natural world, over which
the Clan of the Beast is meant to hold domain and watch as protectors. Machinery and
the expansion of Kine have manifested, in this age of electrical light and mass
production, the destruction of what we once were. It will only worsen as the system is
main ained, as it expands, as it advances. e Kine themselves will buckle under the
weight of their own machine as it simul aneously grinds them in its gears, and we
cannot s and idle when next it grinds us. e Enoch experience has ailed and only by
returning the world to a pre-industrial era, where the wilds reigned and we reigned in
them, can we all once again prosper. I pledge that this will be done by any means necessary."
To you, the words of this journal ring truer to you than any you've ever read, and you will use them to bring about
a better, truer, era.
● The Tale of A Rolling ●●● Like Minds of Destructive own Status to the resulting Willpower
Country: A story, wrought with Kind: You have gotten into contact Damage you deal you to them. If you
manage to impair them with this
consequence. You tell the tale of with an individual who keeps their
attempt, they will willfully give up a
land, beautiful and bountiful with life, distance that counts as a Contact
dot in one of their Backgrounds.
and how Ferals once roamed in (●●●) who feeds you strategic
freedom from the encroaching lights information about corruption and
of society, where prey was plentiful. commercial overreach in the city that ●●●●● Apocalyptic Holdout:
Telling this story always attracts impacts the environment. You can Someday you'll go too far and attract
Gangrel, and other like-minded ask them to assist you on information too much attention. Every facet of
individuals who will listen in, regardless they provide, and they will appear in your identity will get burned. You've
of standing or relationship. person as a Werewolf Vandal (Pg. 97), prepared a contingency. You know
but cannot be contacted again until the right people. Once per Chronicle
●● Fire and Rebirth: You know the end of the next Story. you can fake your death, and appear
as a completely different person with
that small steps lead to bigger
●●●● At What Point To the Backgrounds purchased on this
ventures. When you destroy a piece
Loresheet, and redistribute any other
of equipment or structure owned by a Escalate: You know that people
Backgrounds you have to be
proponent of civilization, especially a won't change on their own. There
associated with new people, places,
commercial asset, you restore a point needs to be a push towards a return
and things. Even your appearance
of Willpower. This can occur up to two to a primordial, purer, way of unlife.
will be altered by someone you know;
times in a single Story. Kindred are the creators of their own
A Thin-Blood Alchemist, Tzimisce
prisons. Once per Story you can tear
Fleshshaper, or a rare Volgirre.
down a Kindred socially, adding their
● Predatory Evaluation: You can be used amongst your fellow dots in Resources to gain two dots of
know every beast has its burdens and wolves, or to intimidate outsiders. temporary Resources for each one
its weaknesses, and the same is true spent. These temporary resources
for these commercial institutions. ●●● Pack Acquisition: Nothing cannot be sacrificed for any other
Once per story you can identify a wagered, nothing gained. You've effect, but can be spent to get what
pivotal weakness somewhere in a established yourself in the Wolf Pack you need immediately. Sacrificed
commercial institution that can be and can call for their assistance to run and temporary Resources are lost at
exploited. The disorganized mailing down an enemy too large for you the end of the current session.
list, the outdated security system, or alone. Once per Story, you can spend
the easily purchased loyalty of an your Status in the Wolf Pack to ●●●●● Feral Buyout: Your
insider are all examples of a automatically damage twice that influence has expanded and taken
company's soft spot. many Resource dots of another root in one of the major corporate
character. You can gain no entities in your city, specifically one
●●Corporate Wolf: You know Background from doing this, however, that another major Kindred player
where to hit and how to capitalize on as the other members of the pack owns. You effectively have Influence
it in ways that garner you take the lion's share for themselves, (●●●) within this company, and can
considerable prestige and fear and your call for assistance grants you make major decisions that affect its
amongst your peers in the corporate no positive reputation in their eyes. operation and aims. It also has its own
world. Whenever you manage to Resources (●●●) that can be used
damage the Backgrounds of another ●●●● It's All Liquid: Meat spoils however you see fit. However the
individual that are tied to their assets if not eaten quickly, so having eyes Kindred in control is treated an
or income, specifically through play or bigger than your stomach is usually a Adversary (●●) and will constantly
with a Project, you gain Status (●) that benefit when in the wilds. At any point undermine your efforts elsewhere until
you can sacrifice any number of your you give up your control.
ot all Gangrel keep the same aspects in their blood as others. In this section are the various Bloodlines of
the Clan of Beasts, along with a full Bloodline sheet for each that follows. e Clan of Beasts is as varied as
the Animal Kingdom itself, with some lineages of Gangrel gaining aspects and particularities that set
themselves apart from the greater clan, such as the near-ubi uitous Country Gangrel, the noble Knights of
Avalon, the plotting Blood Ravens, or the ever-starving Wendigo. Many of these divergences from the main clan have
their own Discipline distribution, having favored certain powers over the norm. In these cases, those that belong to one
of these Bloodlines may choose to use the optional discipline spread presented in place of the one typical to Clan
A player may take a Bloodline Sheet in addition to a Loresheet, further creating a uni ue assemblage of
backgrounds and setting themselves apart from their peers, even in a Coterie consisting of nothing but Gangrel. is
section gives a brief elaboration of these Bloodlines and what sets them apart from others, as well as a full Bloodline
write up that confers uni ue Advantages.
e Sabbat was once the primary disruptive force in Kindred society. Spanning from the old haunts of Europe,
to the searing nights of the middle east, but most prevalently in North America, the Country Gangrel served as the
shock troops and eld agents of the Sword of Caine for hundreds of years. Due to the practice of mass-embracing,
few Country Gangrel have any real lineage to look back on, or can even cite who their sire is. Contemporary
scholars of Kindred lineage have managed to whittle down the likelihood that the majority of these Country
Gangrel have heritage that stems from Scandinavian regions, and some still practice such nordic paganisms in their
night-to-night. Even so, fewer Country Gangrel truly care who their Sire or Grandsire is, and take little interest in
nding out.
In contemporary nights, Country Gangrel are the most numerous kind of Gangrel found in North America,
with even many who mingle in Camarilla circles being the descendant of a former Sabbat, or simply using the
Camarilla's members for their own immediate gain. ey're fre uently embraced outside of large cities, from among
rural and isolated towns, hikers in national parks, or drivers that travel long commutes over highways. is tends to
make them rather worldly and capable outside of civilization, even compared to their cousins.
With a heritage in the brutally violent Sabbat, and the ability to survive in the wilds, the Country Gangrel live
up to their moniker. Free to live as wild things without the six traditions, or an authoritative Baron breathing down
their neck, many Country Gangrel embrace the appearance and life of animals.
country gangrel
he lineage of the Country Gangrel were once some of
the most prominent murderers and scouts of the
Sabbat. Rarely were these Gangrel subject to the
zealotry of the Sabbat itself, and instead got along with
their packmates primarily because of how inhuman they loved to be
as they stalked the ages and feasted on the blood of order. Sects rise
and fall on the whims of ambitious fools, but the wilds are forever
free, and with the Sabbat's traversal to the Gehenna War, these
Gangrel roam wild, relishing in the truest form of their Clan.
e sect of your forebears has no in uence on the simple
fact that you are a bestial thing of the night, embraced into this new
unlife with all the trappings and intentions of an animal, but with
an intelligence unlike the wilds. While your cousins regularly
choose gilded shackles provided by Elders, you burden yourself with
only what you need to thrive and survive. A free hunter, amidst the
fettered hunted. You do not deny the most bestial aspects of your
blood when it calls, and so you live with extensive transformations,
reveling in how inhuman you can look and act.
● House on the Edge: You've ●●● A Beast I Am: The thrashes Chronicle, when you heal from a
made a place for yourself on the of the Beast in your blood perform in a crippling injury that caused an
edge of wilderness, beyond the manner beyond the comprehensions impairment, you may permanently
authority of other Kindred. You have a of other Clans. The fact of the matter increase your Strength, Dexterity, or
Haven (●) with a Postern (●) that is is that you and your Beast have aims Stamina by one, up to a maximum of
unknown to anyone else as long as that align, like enemies with a five.
you keep it that way. common goal. Once per Session,
when you have a Messy Critical, add ●●●●● Shifts in Blood and
●● Mixed Blessings: The an additional number of Successes to Body: A fluid and constantly
transformations and manifestations of the roll equal to your current Hunger, changing shape allows one to survive
your Beast can be extensive, but also however your Hunger automatically destruction and help ensure you
beneficial. Once per Story, when you increases by 1 afterward. thrive against odds that would've
Blood Surge a Dice Pool that includes killed you previously. You gain a dot in
a Discipline, add an additional die to ●●●● Survivor of the Wastes: Fortitude or Protean, and at the
the surged pool, however you Survival is in your blood, through and beginning of each Story you may
manifest a Bestial Feature afterward, through. Your predecessors have switch a power in one of them for
even if you have an alternate Bane. shrugged off death numerous times, another power at an equal or lower
making you hardier and stronger than level.
others in your Clan. Once per
Bd RaÐe¯
She checked the boxes in her head. One by one each ordered vessel that was purchased from the Circulatory System was
here. Each an illegal vin age from the Camarilla across the river, but the Baron demanded beyond her ability. It was then that
she heard something in the dark of the warehouse. Shi ing. A motion. Her eyes changed to pitch black, reflecting the night back
at itsel , and the darkness gave way to visual clarity. Shouting into the dark she said "Show yourself!!" Her hand rested on her
holstered gun. Nothing was there.
e sanguin vessel was the most expensive, the most forbidden. Most enticing. She would get the most praise for i .
Looking at it again, something in her dead gut then made her look up. Movemen . Closer. But nothing. Her eyes didn't
corroborate her instinc . e cold comfort of the shadow that wrapped around her felt disrupted. Yet it was empty. e
warehouse was quie . Almost s atic, save for the murmuring breaths of the cultivated Kine she ca aloged. But there. On the
sanguine's expensive nape. A black feather, tipped red.
A rather brutal and monstrous bloodline xated on tra cking information and accruing leverage. e Blood
Ravens tend to become competing predators to the Nosferatu in the cities they ock to, and in many Anarch cities
this will spill over into a uiet war for exclusive information, dark secrets, boon-trading, and even assassination.
Rare is it that this invasive species and the sewer-rats are able to get along within the same circles of in uence.
e bloodline's namesake, Blood Raven, was a powerful Gangrel Elder with twisted raven-like transformations
who came to prominence during the age of the Baronies of Avalon. Amassing a hoard of blackmail and boons, the
Elder embraced prodigiously and usually without permission, all to create an army of Childer that would allow for
further scheming and information mongering. is ock's expanding presence and political maneuvering became so
abrasive that Prince Mithras grew wary of the Elder and began to cull the ock, calling Blood Hunts and
slaughtering them by the dozens. When the Blood Raven himself was brought before Prince Mithras, he was
shackled in gold-plated irons, and buried beneath the crypt of St John's Chapel, below the White Tower of London,
forever sealed under tons of stone and earth, and the binding power of Mithras' Blood Sorcery.
With the Fall of London, Mithras' once forgotten deeds have tempted many Kindred into following the long
storied trails of his exploits. One such individual, an up-and-coming Gangrel Anarch, hoped to nd a powerful
artifact below St. John's Chapel and dug his way into the crypt, nding the torpored body of the Blood Raven
instead. A erward this Anarch claimed to be Blood Raven reborn, and the ock resurged in prominence and
population overnight. Old members of the Bloodline came out of hiding, while others were Embraced, all to create
the Feathered Court, which now nests somewhere outside of London. is new Court, populated by the most
in uential and accomplished members of the Bloodline, spread their wings outwards, and perch in cities far and
wide, sending valuable information back to the nest. Some claim this a long-form plan by Prince Mithras himself,
to pull all information back to London, while others claim the Blood Raven amasses secrets and leverage as a
bulwark against the supposed return of the Methuselah.
● Talons of the Blood Raven: from you to others in this network, and
is considered a one dot Retainer that
One of your hands and forearms has ●●● Murder of Informants:
taken on the likeness of a crow's leg, serves as an additional Famulus in
Your bloodline has a natural
with thick scaly skin and long curved regards to Discipline Powers –even if
propensity to exert a network of
talons. The limb keeps this likeness you don't have Animalism, or already
information gathering throughout the
even under other transformations. This have another Famulus. When this
city, to the point that you have, likely
arm counts as a Light +2 Brawling background is taken, at the start of a
without even realizing it, created one
natural weapon, which is increased to new Story, or whenever you deliver
for yourself. You gain four dots to
+3 while under the effects of a useful intelligence to the Blood Raven,
distribute between different
Protean power, such as Feral you gain a secret from another
kindred-related institutions, clans, and
Weapons or Altered Assault. However character of your choice.
sects throughout the city in the form
you lose 1 die from any pools that of Mawlas, Retainers, and Contacts,
require precise manipulation with however you must keep these ●●●●● Corvidian Anatomica:
both hands. individuals anonymous, else they will The twisting transformations of your
vanish. bloodline manifest more overtly,
causing black feathers to grow from
●● Avian Aid: The birds of the
your skin and large wings to sprout
world share a natural kinship with you, ●●●● Feathered Court: The
from your back. You lose Beautiful or
and will attempt to aid you. Once per current Blood Raven, head of your
Stunning Looks Merits and any
session, a bird can appear to lend a Bloodline, holds you in high regard,
attempts to hide your mutations have
hand or point you in the right impressed with your abilities, they
their difficulties increased by 2.
direction, such as tapping on the have admitted you into their
However you gain the ability to glide
window of a shop your target fled personalized network of information
through the air at running speed, a +2
into, hopping around outside of an gathering known as the Feathered
Dice bonus to Stealth pools, and
alleyway that can be used as a good Court. Membership in this Court has
when you use your powers of
escape route, or swooping down to granted you a very large Raven with
Obfuscate they also affect anyone
grab a small item and dropping it red-tipped wings. This creature's
under your wings.
before you. primary function is to ferry information
Not every Gangrel follows their feral inclinations, or treats their Beast as a friendly enemy. e Knights of
the Order of Avalon hold true to chivalric values and keep strong convictions of faith and honor. Unlike the rest of
their clan, these brave Kindred refuse to give into their Beast, and view Frenzy and the transformations that occur
from it as marks of shame.
In the dark ages of centuries passed the young Gangrel, Godfrey d'Au ay, set out to join a chivalrous
order. Viewing honor, confraternity, and a strong code of chivalry as the best defense against his Beast. However
back then the line between the High and Low clans of Cainite society was regularly drawn in blood, and a lord of
little renown and of a Feral's lineage hardly warranted membership in the established orders of the High.
Undeterred by this circumstance, Sir Godfrey went before Mithras, Prince of Avalon, and proposed that honor was
not reserved only for the High and that wolves such as he could be as noble. While those in the Prince's court
sco ed, Mithras did not and named him the leader of the Order of the Knights of Avalon, giving the young lord his
blessing and a charge to destroy the monstrous wicked things of the world. Taking St. Austrebertha as the Order's
patron, Sir Gofrey went out and lead the order nobly, proving those who sco ed in the wrong for centuries to
While most of the founding members have since been beckoned away, this regal order still holds true to
the charge Mithras gave them, long a er his vanishing from the throne. Having strongholds in Cornwall and Caen,
they also exist in smaller lodges in Andorra, Schenectady, and most recently Corpus Christi. Now led by Sir Arthur
Blaidd, who is assisted by Lady Sophia of Leeds and backed by the Venture Prince of Cornwall, the Knights of
Avalon root out and destroy evil wherever it might be. e loss of Sir Humphrey of Exeter, a Nosferatu, at the turn
of the century due to outer-clan politics as seen non-Gangrel recently barred from entry into the order.
PRESENCE With tutelage and help from their steadfast Ventrue allies, the Knights of Avalon ingrained the
powers of Presence into their very blood during the Dark Ages. eir uni ue usage of this power is primarily a
sel ess one, to inspire others, rather than manipulate onlookers into fear or adoration.
PROTEAN With less focus on this power than others of their Clan, the Knights of Avalon still employ Protean to
give themselves an edge in combat, or to shelter amongst animals. Almost always taking the form of a noble beast,
such as a Lion, Wolf, and more rarely, a Stag. As a part of their code of honor, a Knight may assume the shape of a
Beast, so long as they still maintain a human mind and proper chivalry.
n the dark age of centuries passed the young Gangrel, Godfrey d'Au ay, set out to join a
chivalrous order. Viewing honor, confraternity, and a strong code of chivalry as the best
defense against his Beast. However in the Dark Ages, when the line between the High
and Low clans of Cainite society was regularly drawn in blood, a lord of little renown and
of a Feral's lineage hardly warranted membership in the orders of the High. Undeterred by this
circumstance, the lord went before Mithras, Prince of Avalon, and proposed that honor was not
reserved only for the High and that wolves could be as noble. While those in the Prince's
court sco ed, Mithras did not. Giving the young lord his blessing and a charge to
destroy the monstrous wicked things of the world, Sir Godfrey set out to lead his own
You descend from one of the original Knights of Avalon, and the charge of your
forebears runs through your blood, even if unknowingly, as well as a powerful sense
of chivalry that runs contrary to your Beast. Your bloodline has completely shunned
the powers of Animalism, instead mastering the more regal power of Presence in its
place. Your bloodline's transformations are wholly wolf-like, and many older
members venerate St. Austreberthe as an anchoring point.
● A Knight's Squire: Under your three bonus dice to any Charisma Composure or Resolve is increased by
pools for the rest of that scene. 1, up to a maximum of 5. However
care is a mortal squire who serves you
whenever you enter Fear Frenzy, or
and provides you with a lifeline to
●●● Regal Beastclaw: Your gain a Fear-related Compulsion, you
humanity and honour. This Squire gain 1 automatic Stain.
forebears forsook the animalistic
counts as a Retainer (●●), doing their
approach to solving their conflicts,
best to assist you. Mistreating this and instead put their faith in the ●●●●● Thy Cup Runneth
Squire inflicts a Stain upon you, and if industriousness of humanity to sharpen Over: From Sire to Childer, you've
they die you take three Stains. If you their minds against the Beast. When been gifted or bequeathed a goblet
choose this Squire as a Touchstone, you take this merit, choose a melee depicting the scene of Prince Mithras,
their associated Conviction defends weapon. You gain a specialty in as he sits upon his throne, and Sir
Melee for that weapon and it deals Godfrey, who kneels in proposition of
against two stains rather than one.
non-halved damage to creatures of your Order. Drinking blessed water
horror (Werewolves, Wraiths, Faeries, from the goblet allows you to add
●● Noble Blood: Your forebears mortal magic wielders, and Kindred your Humanity rating as bonus dice to
have proven themselves contrary to who assume monstrous forms, as well any pools made to resist the effects of
the system of High and Low clans for as other appropriate supernaturals). Oblivion and Blood Sorcery, and also
centuries, and have gained an When you grip this weapon tightly in gives you an innate sense of who
ingrained respect from both. When a both hands for a turn, add one die to wields such powers, for the remainder
distinction between High and Low resist Frenzy. of the night. Once per story, you may
clans occurs, regardless of context, present the goblet to others for them
you are considered a member of ●●●● Thou Shalt Not Recoil: to drink. Those that do gain half your
both, preventing the negative social Etched in your vitae is the strength of Humanity, rounded up, as bonus dice
connotations from either, and gain mind to remain steadfast against thy to resist the same powers.
Beast. The lower of either your
Holding origins in Scandanavia, this Bloodline hails from the proto-Nordic period and grew into the
culture and people that eventually became more widely known as Vikings. Split into two groups consisting of the
Einherjar and the Waelkyrige, with both holding the old Nordic gods of Asgard in reverence. Members of this
Bloodline are embraced entirely from warriors who have died in battle, with the Valkyries being treated as battle
fates who observe con icts and then embrace the most capable combatants that have fallen. ough the Valkyries
are erce and powerful ghters in their own right, their Childer are the Einherjar who are embraced speci cally to
prepare for Ragnarok and destroy the systemic entrenchment of oppressive Sects.
e Bloodline's culture and Anarchy-centric actions are born from an undying grudge against the
advancement of Christianity and southern European nations into their lands during the Dark Ages, who labeled
them as savages and pagans. As a result of their ght to preserve their culture and beliefs, this Bloodline's members
fell into obscurity, with many of the Elders going into torpor in self-made barrows, so that they may rise again in
time for Ragnarok. With many Kindred believing the Bloodline nearly extinct, little attention was given as the
Camarilla and Sabbat rose to prominence.
With the waking of Brunhilde during World War I, this Bloodline has returned and begun undermining
the established Sects, usually with alliances inside Anarch movements. Recreating the Waelkyrige, now simply
called Valkyries, through rousing her sisters from torpor and Embracing from strong-willed ghters, she sent them
out into the Anarch movements of Europe and North America to nd the greatest warriors of the modern age, and
put the ame to the ruling class of the Sects. ough there are whispers abound that the Valkyries now operate
without Brunhilde's guidance, there remains a persistent mentality that the killing elds of Gehenna War are
merely the rst stage of Ragnarok. is Bloodline now embraces uite prominently in Anarch regions, and wages
open war against the Camarilla, with older members leaving with their Beckoned sires.
● Heroic Espousal: Once per ●●● Claws of Fenrir: The Dexterity, and Resolve pools for the
Story, you can regale an audience Einherjar were notorious for their remainder of the scene.
with a tale of your deeds. This story endless rage and terrible Hunger.
catches everyone's attention, While at Hunger 3 or higher, and while ●●●●● They Send Shrieking
overpowering even most Presence having a Sanguine Resonance, you Spears: Legendary are the Valkyries
powers. may make a Rouse Check to grow when marshaled for war, descending
long steel-hard claws that count as a upon the night with such inhuman
●● Memory & Thought: The +3 Light Brawling weapon that deals ferocity and skill, that their powers
Valkyries claim that the All-Father's non-halved Superficial Damage. would buckle the sunder the armor of
Ravens circumnavigate all the world champions, pillars of gods, and set a
each night, returning to Odin at ●●●● Their Armor, Drenched kingdom to the flame. Once per
nightfall to tell him of what they in Blood: Einherjar and Valkyrie alike Chronicle, when you would initiate
witnessed. A pair of ravens roost near don the blood of their enemies upon open combat that's likely to involve
to your haven, always watching and their apparel, so that all might see the leader of a Sect and its forces,
listening. Once per story you may ask their fierce might. When you score a you may find a swan, raven, or horse,
them a single question, which they will critical hit with a Brawl or Melee whispering to it Brunhilde's name.
answer succinctly and truthfully with attack, those struck have their Hunger Within the same night a Valkyrie will
almost preternatural knowledge. After increased by 1 as even vitae is pulled descend upon the conflict and
this they will refuse elaboration, and from their body by the blows. attempt to turn the tide in your favor,
refrain from further answers. Spreading this blood over your face however any slain may be taken with
and apparel adds 1 to your Strength, her back to Valhalla upon her
Taking their name from the "wise spider", this legacy of Laibon holds that they are the inheritors and
keepers of his wisdom and cleverness. eir blood compels them to go out into the world and seek knowledge and
wisdom wherever it might be found, and then disperse that learned wisdom and knowledge to those that will listen,
in an e ort to provide a betterment to Kindred society. As a general rule, this Bloodline isn't intentionally
secretive, but does maintain mystery and dispenses wisdom at measured moments.
e origins of this Bloodline are relatively consistent. Scholarly accounts of the Weavers found them
fanning outwards from the west African region of Ghana, tending to travel along rivers, and Embracing during the
rainy season especially. ey are relatively generous with their Embrace, choosing anyone with a thirst for life
lessons and useful knowledge, and tend towards consensual embraces. Unlike their regional origins, the Bloodline's
progenitor is somewhat contested, with the majority of the clan claiming that Enoia Embraced the Spider-God
Anansi a er he guided her through a dark rain forest, and others that it was his daughter who was Embraced a er
she convinced Enoia that she wished to travel the world as a Beast.
In modern nights this Bloodline is sparsely spread across the domains and Sects world-wide, owing
allegiance to few of them. ey tend to most regularly nd themselves as part of the Anarch scene, assisting those
that dismantle poor leadership and tyrannical power. If they do throw their lot in with a Sect or organization, it is
usually to observe from within, and provide wisdom or knowledge to those that seek to lead nobly and properly.
Preferring this advisory role, Akunanse rarely take the leadership roles of a Baron or Prince, and when they do, they
tend to organize or orchestrate their own replacement within a few decades.
● Kin of Weavers: You share a additional die. This resistance stems the traits and shapes of a spider. You
spiritual kinship with spiders, who are from your Beast, and can occur gain the Looks Flaw: Ugly (●) but
normally quiet to most other members without your conscious awareness. Mental Skills have their experience
of your clan. All of your powers of costs reduced to 2 times their level,
Animalism work on and affect Spiders ●●● Wisdom in a Drop of and you gain three Specialties of your
as they would typical animals. Rain: Your bloodline truly believes choosing across any skills.
Additionally, your sire gifted you a that all the wisdom of the world was
Akyede Ananse (Pg. 90) , a special poured into its water, and you can ●●●●● A Web of Knowing: You
African Jumping Spider, when you even sense and partake in it at times. have entrenched yourself in the area
struck out on your own. This spider is You have a gourd or animal skin, you live in and have set up a network
uncannily cunning and resourceful, blessed by your Sire, with which you of watchers that keep you informed.
and is immortal so long as you persist. can collect rainwater. Drinking down These watches can be anything from
It can serve as your Famulus. all the water in the gourd grants you a animals to mortals –Or even
Specialty in one of Academics, something stranger. You gain ten dots
●● No Elder's Fool: The Akunanse Investigation, Medicine, Occult, or to spend across two groups of Allies as
are solely interested in their own Politics. Drinking the water again you see fit. You may call on these
pursuits and are rarely duped or removes the previous specialty if it Allies once per story to get almost any
controlled by the other clans and wasn't purchased with experience. information on what's happened in
more especially their Elders. When you recent nights and provide a lead on
Blood Surge to resist the mental ●●●● Aspect of the Spider: As further information. However
powers of a lower generation someone powerful creeps lightly upon
you learn, your knowledge is
vampire, such as Dominate, your web, watching back.
expressed in your flesh as it takes on
Obfuscate, or Presence, add an
Creatures embraced into the Sabbat, the City Gangrel, or Coyotes as they're also called, are descendants
of the Greek Gangrel. Before the new millennium, these Gangrel were mass-embraced, usually as shock troops or
cannon fodder, to siege and dismantle entrenched Camarilla cities. How the Greek Gangrel became the prevalent
bloodline within the Sabbat is rather unknown, but the common consensus is that every Coyote is the descendant
of a rather prodigious Ductus, who embraced ceaselessly until succumbing to the Beast.
Reminding most Kindred of their namesake animal, these Gangrel have adapted to city life rather than
the countryside, and prefer to hunt exclusively in heavily populated areas rather than in the wilds, allowing this
bloodline to ourish and supplant their mainline Clan in certain areas, especially in South America. is doesn't
mean they have any love for the city or the Kindred that call it home, and in fact are usually some of the most
secretively destructive agents at times.
In the last two decades, with many of the hardline Sabbat traveling to the war elds of Gehenna, many a
Coyote has been le unattended, allowing them to exist independently. If joining or assisting members of other
Sects, many Coyotes assume the facade of being a typical Gangrel, as their previous a liation with the Black Hand
garners no small amount of suspicion and scorn. Even so, when their former a liations or lineage does come out,
few younger Anarchs know enough about the Sabbat to readily identify how adversarial and terrifying they are,
and even fewer care to label a useful asset with rather uni ue powers as an enemy.
● Domestic Animal: You've ●●● Sheep's Clothing: You're Streetwise, or Drive Test, however the
developed a talent for communing exceptionally capable of passing as result counts as a Messy Critical.
with the creatures of the city. At any Kine due to your lineage's ability to Additionally you have a mental map
time, you may make a Rouse Check adapt. It's survival of the fittest after of the entire city and have a general
to use Feral Whispers, even if you all, and that old adage never meant knowledge of where you are, and
don't have it, but only to speak with the most athletic, but rather who fits in where you need to go, so long as you
and understand domesticated the best. When you use Blush of Life can see a landmark or a place you've
animals. you may roll two dice for the Rouse been before.
Check and choose the better
●● Old Commiserates: Your outcome, your blush effect lasts the ●●●●● Suite Digs: Home is a
bloodline were frequent allies of the entire night, and if you pass your shelter from the storms, and you've
Nosferatu in the past, and together Rouse Check upon waking the next been around the block enough times
you would provide an underground night it's maintained another night to stake out one of the best Havens
bulwark to keep the underbelly of the longer for free. this city has to offer. You have a
city in your control. You gain Status three-dot Haven and a second
(●●) with the Nosferatu of the city, ●●●● Concrete Creature: You three-dot Haven that serves as a
and a Nossy Sewer Rat as a Mawla (●) and your Beast know every alleyway, secret safe house attached to, or
who will give you tidbits of every sewer grate, and every rooftop within, the first Haven. Addons
information, though you're expected jump you can make, and you work purchased for either Haven cost two
to help them defend the sewers from together to ensure navigation and experience per dot, rather than three,
threats every now and again. survival in this concrete jungle. Once and in order to reach the secondary
per Story, you can choose to Haven, the defenses of the first must
automatically pass any Survival, be overcome.
S·a«Ðlg Wl·e«¯
"Pushing out into the frontier of the Americas was later painted as some grand conques , but to me it was a careful victory by
degrees. e supposed 'New World' was full of very old things, untouched by the lights and fires of the renaissance that had
spread across my beloved home of Versailles. Here we were under amiliar s ars that guided us through strange and unknown
wilds, and within those vast expanses in the north there was already a great and dire hunger that preceded us, rivaling and
even succeeding our own. e Academics of the Tremere claim them as fellow Kindred due to similarities in their blood, but
having seen one myself I remain entirely unconvinced. ese insatiable hellish things came without the trappings of our politics
or pretenses of our rivalries, and carried with them the madness of a wintry s arvation that only sought a er naught else but
the new bloodied flesh we bore, onto which they'd feast in their dark forests."
–Garnet de Rune, Seneschal of Detroit
With heavily contested origins, these half-cryptid monsters crave both the blood and esh of other
Kindred, and will gorge on them if given the chance. Kindred Scholars claim them to be related to Gangrel, but
when pressed their certainty tends to wane. Lorekeepers tell that the Gangrel came to the shores and su ered in the
bleak winters of North America. Unable to nd nourishment,these Gangrel were consumed by their Hunger and
cannibalized one another, until only one remained. e last Feral, blood now potent with diablerie, began the
Wendigo bloodline. Einherjar Lorekeepers, who explored the Great Lakes region long before heavy European
colonization, insist that the Wendigo predates the Kindred's arrival by a century or more, and tell tales of starving
nightmarish spirits that appropriated the hungers of Caine's bloody curse to consume Kindred colonists, and to
maintain total mastery of all that starves in the night.
e Wendigo might wear the trappings of other Kindred, most closely their supposed Gangrel cousins,
however they do so with the primary ambition to consume their kin and as a result are solitary by nature. Embrace
into this Bloodline usually occurs purely so that a Wendigo can feast on the esh of their own kind, rather than a
mortal's. What few Childer who persist beyond being a meal usually do so in unintended accidents, or by their
Sire's attempt at Diablerie failing to consume them. Rare is it when a Wendigo Sire embraces simply to reproduce,
as their famished nature creates stark competition almost instantly, as they are cannibalistic above all else, and
prefer to eat one another, and of the Clan of the Beast.
Present in North and South America, in recent nights there have been reports of chilling cannibalistic
creatures feasting on Kindred as far away as Denmark. e grim fact of the matter is that these creatures are
insatiable instruments of all-consuming Hunger, and will go wherever their preferred prey will be found. However
when taking territor, the Wendigo tend to stick to rural areas, but are not adverse to stalking across cities to get
their ll, and though bestial in their ambitions, they have adapted a cunning mentality to hunt other undead, and
can run a long and vicious campaign, picking o members of a court or coterie over decades.
● Delicatessen: Your very blood is ●●● The Last Winter: Your ●●●●● Ravenous: There's no
starving. Mortals and Animals who Hunger is a terrible winter that escaping the gnawing hunger in your
partake in it are always hungry, eating consumes all in its expanse. You veins as it grows. Once per story,
any food indiscriminately, but still passively chill everything within a when you reach Hunger 4, you may
becoming thinner. Kindred who feed number of yards/meters equal to assume a tall, monstrous, and
on your blood slake no Hunger, and twice your current Hunger. Drinks emaciated form. While in this form,
instead their Hunger increases by 1 for quickly cool, open flames slowly you grow +3 natural brawling
every 2 Hunger they might've slaked wither, and others feel a cold draft. weapons, and your successful bite
from you. You also gain the Famished You may spend a point of Willpower attacks cause the victim to Test for
Mythic Flaw. to magnify this effect, forcing all Hunger Frenzy; Difficulty 4. You cannot
others in the radius to pass a Stamina slake Hunger in this form unless you
+ Resolve; Difficulty 3 Test. Failure drain and consume a victim
●● Bones and All: Your blood is a
causes two Superficial Damage. completely. All other attempts at
manifestation of the evils of greed
slaking Hunger instead cause you to
and gluttony, and you relish in this
nature to consume more of it. You
●●●● A Certain Hunger: When grow larger, and increase one of the
your Beast is satiated or starving your Physical Attributes by 1, each up to a
can consume up to twice your mass
powers become oppressive in their maximum of 5. You revert to your
without any issue and when you
potency. While at Hunger 0 or Hunger base form at the end of the Scene or
diablerize, add two dice to any pools
5, add two dice to your Discipline when you reach Hunger 0. You can
made in the attempt.
pools. assume this form whenever you wish if
you have Protean 4 or higher.
Be·hlc Fe«a¯
“Deep beneath the waves they drown, gargantuan beings cast out by God in Noah’s trial. Under the sea they gasp for
air, but tread water in its place. eir pain and misery unwitnessed, until the child of Ennoia came upon them. In that
discordant chorus of gasping the child of Ennoia did learn.”
–Excerpt from Rahab's Lament
Referred to by scholars of lineage and researchers and cataloguers of Bloodlines as Gangrel Aquarii, these
Mariners are an elusive o shoot of the main clan. Choosing to live in bodies of water and assuming the forms of
animals that call such habitats home, they are extremely similar to typical Gangrel outside of their preference for
a uatic animals and forms. As a rule, they choose to hunt in bodies of water, usually vast ones, and rarely care for
taking domains or territory outside of it.
e source of this Bloodline di erentiates from that of others, in that a mainline Gangrel can embrace a
Childe, who then assumes all of the traits and preferences of a Mariner, and a Mariner can embrace a Childe that
reverts to the mainline Clan's preferences. However in recent nights there exists lines of Mariners that seem to be
more "true". From the crushing depths rise Mariner Elders, Beckoned to landfall in their long swim to the killing
elds of the Gehenna War, and as they paddle violent paths through cities, they leave newly Embraced Mariners in
their wake. Hapless Childer embraced by these elders have little choice in how to go about their transformations, as
the benthic nature of the ocean appears to saturate their very blood with its strange biology and adaptations. While
other Mariners take on the appearance of sharks or octopi, these Benthic Mariners take on much more alien forms,
such as that of the angler sh, giant s uid, or monstrous crustaceans.
Once considered extremely rare, in modern nights more and more of this Bloodline has begun to appear, as
many Gangrel seek refuge in the depths of the ocean from tyrannical Princes and the res of the Second
In uisition. Adding to these are the aforementioned Benthic Mariner Elders who tread cities almost like sh out of
water, bringing all the strangeness of the abyssal depths to bear on their prey.
Despite their stark di erences when compared to their terrestrial cousins, the Mariners still employ the same
core Disciplines as their kin, albeit with an a uatic bent.
Discipline Spread
ANIMALISM Mariners use Animalism to communicate underwater, usually telepathically. If taking a Famulus, a
Mariner almost always chooses something that can live in and around water. Crocodiles, whales, sharks, and
otters are all rather common.
FORTITUDE For the deep sea dwellers, this power gives them considerable durability, and allows them to survive
in the crushing depths of the ocean, or against the unseen gigantism of the things that sleep there.
PROTEAN Like with their preferences of Animalism, Mariners almost always take on transformations that are
related to water. Webbed claws, shark teeth, and even barbed tentacles are used as Feral Weapons. More rarely a
Mariner will assume the form of an albatross or a seagull. ose that hold origins in the deep sea tend to take on
very alien and haunting shapes of large sizes.
any Gangrel are constantly on the move, always searching for the
undiscovered country to live far from the expanding reach of
civilization, and more especially the reach of other Kindred. is
search for mythical isolation has lead several Gangrel to become the
variant called Mariners, Ferals who seek sanctuary beneath the blackened waves and
assume the twisted guise of large isopods, mollusks, and sh, and strange
transformations that mimic deep-sea life when they Frenzy.
Once thought to be incredibly rare, the beckoning has dredged utterly inhuman
Elder Mariners from their benthic havens, and they have le childer of greater
numbers in their wake. ese chaotic embraces have no apparent reason, with many
embraced by these ancient creatures le to wallow alone. ose that take a er their
sires tend to live in self-imposed exile, disconnected and usually clueless, to Kindred
● Immersion: Your flesh and blood every turn until they spend a full turn quick and secret movement. You and
is called to the water, and when to remove the sludge. Expelled your Storyteller choose three separate
completely submerged you gain organs can be projected with locations that are all linked by this
webbed membranes between fingers Stamina + Athletics roll, and are
network of waterways. While traveling
and toes, and may even sprout fin-like treated as a typical ranged attack.
these submerged paths, your sense of
protrusions, as your eyes and ears Aqua Jet: While your forearm is
direction is unerring, however others
shift. You automatically pass all submerged, you can spend a turn
will need to make a Wits + Survival;
Athletics Tests while underwater, your absorbing water into it, and then
perception pools are also increased project it as a powerful stream with a Difficulty 7, to navigate them.
by one. Strength + Brawl ranged attack that
deals two Aggravated Damage. ●●●●● Creature of the Deep:
●● Benthic Mutation (choose One of the elders who has made
one): Your blood has altered your ●●● Rest on the Ocean Floor: landfall left a trail in their wake, and
body in some fashion that grants you Vast watery depths are your most you've followed it somewhere deep
one of these strange abilities: comfortable home, amongst the below sea level, into a secreted away
Bioluminescence: With a Rouse Check, deep reaches of the world. When you subterranean lake, where aquatic
your skin can display patterned glows daysleep uninterrupted in, or buried monstrous creatures rest. You gain
of alternating colors that hypnotize
under, a body of water at least the these Creatures of the Deep as Allies
and attract. Those that see you must
size of a pond, your Blood Potency is (●●●●●), and you gain the location as
make a Willpower Test; Difficulty 2 +
your Protean to resist. However when increased by 1 until dawn the next a Haven (●●●). These allies will always
you're at Hunger 4 or higher, your skin day. appear once per Chronicle when
becomes transparent. ●●●● Obscure Waterways: You summoned, but will cause
Expulsion: With a Rouse Check, you know of a network of underground considerable damage to whatever
expel your dead organs, which waterways that weave their way location they're called.
quickly liquify to acidic sludge. Those
through your local area, allowing for
hit take a point of Superficial Damage
On its face the Clan of the Beast may seem like it doesn't belong in these modern nights, too primitive for the
society at large, its powers replicated, replaced, or shared with too many other Kindred. at they are ill-suited to
modernity and it's a small wonder that these Ferals still stand strong when other decentralized Clans have fre uently
been trampled by the march of history and those who write it.
However the Feral's lack of unity is a core strength. Unconcerned with the individual a airs of the Clan's members,
the Gangrel have proven themselves to be the most eclectic clan in all of Cainite history. e divides of sects or politics
mean little to a Clan of Beasts that is populated by so many Bloodlines and Kindred of vastly di erent talents and
capabilities that continue to persist in a world that has always put them to the ame, stranded them on their own, and
born down upon them with ever-expanding metropolises of concrete and light. Ferals unite under the one notion that
they hold close to the core of their being, something that no other clan understands so intimately and de nitively, and
so purely: Survival.
Sha¨ed b× ·he Wl · these Bloodlines are usually the result of a potent
Gangrel kindred, whose proteonic blood has imprinted
Fellow Travelers on the Road e territorial nature of the Gangrel is not entirely
unwarranted or without merit. Historically the Clan of
"It's a long road, this life. A few hundred years long if
Beasts have been pushed out of their Domains due to
you s ay clever. at's a long time to be alone, so I travel
the expansion of cities and the marching armies and
with a few friends. 'A spider eats what's in its web, but it dies
in uences of others, leading to them constantly being
pushed further and further out of their own territory.
–Rial, Akunanse Lorekeeper
Especially prevalent during the Dark Ages in Europe,
this caused many Gangrel to ee across the ocean to
While the Gangrel are seen by other kindred as
America, and were even some of the rst Kindred to
loners or Kindred who look down on humans, instead
arrive in the new world, claiming their Domains in the
preferring the company of animals, that could not be
new frontier with thoughts that the Camarilla would
further from the truth. e Gangrel can be found
back their claim. When the cities grew out of the soil
accompanying or mirroring Kine who share their
the grim realization of the truth was manifest, however,
mentality or whose circumstance forces them to be on
and the Gangrel were yet again pushed out of their
the move, such as wandering refugees and traveler
Domains, by both political decrees and even direct
communities. Relationships with these fellow travelers
and nomads can range from purely pragmatic, such as
Since those early nights of colonial history,
easy feeding stock put to use as a mobile Herd and a
Gangrel have been harboring a sense of paranoia,
like-minded Ghoul servant to ensure safety during the
turning their territories into strongholds to prevent the
day, to a silent benefactor or guardian angel helping
incursions and erosion of their land by other Kindred.
them on road and ensuring their safety, even against
ese Gangrel preoccupy their time with knowing
other Kindred. Some nomadic Gangrel who grow
every single nook and cranny of their Domain, laying
especially attached to these groups go so far as to reveal
down traps or stashes to use in case someone assaults
their vampiric nature and form symbiotic relationships
them on their territory. Some of the older or more
amongst them, though this is much to the disapproval
powerful of these even warp their form, combining
and dismay of other Kindred. Finally there are those
with the land and enthralling the animals, so that
who prefer to travel with a single person such as digital
taking their territory would be too costly.
nomads, o en feeding on them and the entourage they
When a pack of Gangrel share a territory, they
come into contact with, and using their relationship
defend it together, rising up against any threats and
with technology as an asset to help navigate an
ghting tooth and claw to maintain their turf. Like a
ever-modernizing world of electronics.
family of wolves, they prowl the land and ensure it
remains their hunting grounds. While Gangrel have few
e Stru le for Territory rules and constraints, one that betrays their packmates
"Outside of the city the only principle that governs is is almost universally reviled, even by Gangrel of other
'might makes right.'" sects. It's been known that a pack betrayed will travel
–Rickon, Anarch Emissary thousands of miles to destroy such traitors, and other
Gangrel will even assist in the endeavor.
ose Gangrel that do decide on claiming a While some of the more naive and ignorant
domain are matched only by the Tzimisce in Kindred might nd a Gangrel clamoring for, and
territorialism, and they tend to lay claim to vast maintaining, territory in a city confusing, the truth of
expanses of land that have easily defensible borders, the matter is that life in the wilds is hard. Few Kine live
with plenty of prey to hunt and feed, rather than any in the countryside, and those that do don't provide a
kind of politically in uential function. In cities this is density enough to ensure a consistent supply of blood.
rarely possible outside of the least-desirable districts, as While animals can provide one with sustenance, a
other Kindred readily stake their claim, or have it gi ed particularly active Gangrel would need to hunt them
to them by a gure of authority due to their deeds or fre uently, and travel long distances to do so. On top of
status. Only the most vigilant and well organized this, the wilds are home to Lupines and other things of
Gangrel, usually along with the help of a pack, can hope dire monstrousness. Few Gangrel will admit it, and
to maintain a large city-based Domain without losing fewer still enjoy it, but Domains in the city are much
ground to the High Clans. more consistent and comfortable for hunting. ose
A Pl·lca Ala
that are able to hold highly sought out territory in a
city for decades are uietly admired and feared, in e ual
measure, by their clanmates. "Kindred aims are always selfish. Other clans build a
acade of some gobbledygook to prop up their ideals and
reasons why they're in charge, but it all has that day-time
Relationship with the Environment
soap opera feeling. I can't be bothered with all that bullshi .
"I don't know the names of these fish, but I do know
Just give me what I wan ."
they need dirty water to breathe, so if that hydroelectric dam
–Ravager Meryl
gets buil , they'll die. If they die everything else that eats
them leaves or dies. en I need to leave or die. It's not that
Many think that the Gangrel are incapable of
hard to unders and."
navigating the politics of Kindred society on their own,
–Mariner "Cap ain" Clayton
and that they are easy tools and pawns for other
powers, and while historically the Gangrel have been
Considering themselves stewards of the land they
the swords and shields of Dark Age courts, in these
fre uent, most Gangrel have a strong sense of
modern nights that's far from the case. Most
responsibility to maintain and protect it from
contemporary Gangrel have taken a path that has
unnatural forces. e human creation of dams,
radically transformed the landscape of Kindred politics,
reservoirs, cabins, camping grounds, and even hiking
setting out on their own and carving freedom from the
trails can draw a local Gangrel's scorn and result in the
hands of Princes and Barons. For the rst time in
Feral sabotaging human activity and e uipment,
centuries the Gangrel are no longer silent partners or
hunting down and killing Kine until they're forced to
pawns for the machination of those that govern sects,
leave, and even lash out against those higher up on the
they are movers, shakers, and agitators. Finding
commercial or government ladder to stop technological
themselves in positions of power and in uence as key
expansion into their territory. Surprisingly, this is
pillars of their chosen political movements, and more
fre uently uite e ective, as SI operatives care less
importantly they are recognizing this new position and
about a few torn-down power lines on a distant stretch
the opportunities that it o ers to them and their Clan
of road, or the mangling of half a dozen workers along a
as a whole.
river far outside the city.
In rare cases, this protection of the environment
invites a cohabitation with Lupines, who would Anarchs
otherwise be too-stretched thin to maintain the " ere's a time and a place for resis ance and we've had
Gangrel's claim of land themselves. When this does time enough now. e world is a big place. Let tyranny fly
happen there's rarely love lost between the two someplace else to inflict misery, I've seen enough of it for two
monsters, but they function with parallel purpose all lifetimes. ' e mosquito stru les against a web, but all the
the same, and try to make sure that they don't disrupt stolen blood in its belly will be eaten too.'"
one another's stewardship and maintenance of the land. –Rial, Akunanse Lorekeeper
Brujah, while their ability to scout and travel the is escalation has brought the attention of several
dangerous and fetid sewers to scout and carry messages other groups and Clans. Camarilla members a ected by
and secrets nds them useful even to the Nosferatu. the destructive methods of the World-Anew nd
eir uni ue mix of camou age and raw combat ability themselves fortifying their holdings with armed
allows them to readily undermine institutions remotely security and advanced alarm systems, sometimes
and install surveillance via Animalism without any creating a uiet war of attrition. Fellow Anarchs regard
need for technology that is ever-increasingly these tactics with mixed observation, some thinking the
compromised by Second In uisition Hunters. A Feral extreme measures as too dangerous, while others view it
amongst their Anarch companions can ll numerous as a necessary shock to the system. Meanwhile Lupines
niches, and provide aid and protection for the tend to revel in the destruction this movement causes,
movement as a whole. and rumors abound that the movement stands
Occasional points of friction do grow out of shoulder-to-shoulder with Lupines, who not only
interactions within Anarch movements, as agents of participate in the destruction caused, but even provide
change and stru le, such things are to be expected, intelligence, funding, and logistics to ensure that whole
even if the Brujah like to blame the machinations of city blocks are disrupted.
Camarilla courts that keep the youth of the night at one As a group the World-Anew operates as a
another's throats. e fact of the matter is that points collection of heavily scattered cells across Europe and
of friction arise. Gangrel love their freedom, and they North America. Messages and information between
have the strength and exibility to defend it, even each cell is terse and infre uent, as each member
against powerful Barons who would seek to use them, already knows the ultimate goal of what it is that they
or take from them. Territory and the ability to hunt should do, but when they do communicate they tend to
within it is regarded as an inalienable right to those do so using and exploiting Kindred information
Gangrel that take it, and anyone that disrupts or networks, such as the Hushed Chorus and the Blood
contests their claims should prepare to be carved by a Ravens, to keep in contact with one another.
Feral's weapons.
In addition to territory-related grievances, the
Gangre have always treated society with no small
amount of caution, and Brujah are nothing if not
bringers of society's change for the betterment and e Gangrel have been tied down by the
expansion of those within that society. Few within the expectations of the sects and clans for a long time, few
Clan of Beasts are comfortable with a large central elders remember the night when they had no
power, be it Camarilla or otherwise, governing their obligations to a titled High Clan, or an Elder that
night-to-night activities. is wariness puts them at dangles their boons over a Feral's head. Xavier's
odds with the grand designs of many Anarch emancipation of the Clan of Beasts from the Ivory
movements, which demand organized cooperation and tower fostered an already-developing attitude in the
ever-elaborate methods of oversight and governance. minds of the Gangrel: at of self-determination. On
top of that, Gangrel who can make such sweeping and
the world-anew movement in uential changes within an already disparate clan
Growing out of this distaste for civilization is the become increasingly rare with each passing night, as
"World-Anew Movement", an extreme Anarch group their ancient blood is Beckoned away to the killing
that's gaining traction even amongst non-Gangrel. elds of Gehenna.
While it began as a concerted e ort to ensure ecological Having witnessed the tremendous e ort and
prosperity and the preservation of natural land, this organization re uired to leave the Camarilla, even if it
movement has been twisted and has become was kickstarted by a powerful and widely-respected
increasingly destructive in a very short amount of time. member of their blood, many Gangrel found the
eir eventual goal is to take down the rotting edi ce prospect of taking refuge in another Sect more trouble
that is modern civilization by any means necessary, than it's worth. Hesitant to entangle themselves in
sometimes even tossing aside the Mas uerade to ensure Anarch politics, or their open war with the Ivory
they reach their goal. Tower, many in the Clan of Beasts remain wholly
independent, taking to their own lands and keeping to
themselves. e claims of freedom that Anarch espouse within the group, so that the Atavists remain uni ed in
serve little temptation, as their promises of autonomy their mindset.
ring hollow when power over others tends to remain
the truth, even more so now that the Ministry have
begun to nest within the Sect. war dogs
While some groups of Gangrel are considered
independent because of their staunch convictions that
atavists support those positions and ways of unlife, the War
Amongst the Gangrel is the ever-growing ideal Dogs instead operate on relative indi erence. Less an
that they should only be governed by their own Clan, as institution or organization, and more a term that
too long have they compromised their convictions, describes the many Gangrel mercenary companies
beliefs, and survival for not only other Sects and Clans, willing to work for whoever pays the right price, living
but also in relation to what other claim is their and dying on their own prestige and operating on their
supposed humanity. As if the Clan of Beasts weren't the own sense of morality. ese disjointed companies of
most natural of what they were meant to be. mercenaries tend to be de ned by their leadership.
At their core, the Atavists believe that they should Some follow strict codes of honor, or refuse jobs that
return to the Path of the Beast, a philosophy and they nd distasteful, while others have absolutely no
movement based around nurturing and understanding ualms about what the job is, and are willing to do
their inner-Beast through the primal concepts of whatever it takes to ful ll the contract.
Self-Su ciency, Strength, and Survival. rough this ese mercenaries are uick to gain prestige and
animalistic existence, and a return to the old ways of reputation when they're consistently successful, but
their Clan, they've come to value paganism, and hold usually nd themselves walking a tightrope to keep
their members to the convictions of Gangrel being from being dra ed into the Sects that have hired them,
"Hunters among the Hunted", and have a duty to or embroiled in their politics. Canny War Dogs use
maintain the balance between the cunning of man and their jobs and position as leverage, however even these
the ferocity of the Beast in themselves and the world as individuals can nd themselves backed into a corner by
whole. a Prince and a particularly competent Sheri if it
e hardliners of these ideals within the Clan take becomes more bene cial to cover up a job entirely.
it one step further, proclaiming that the dichotomy of
man and beast also engloves Kindred society and their
place as a member of the Clan of Beasts. For this reason
ose Who Remain in the Camarilla
they are very isolationist and revile the idea of an "We don't s and idle. We are a definitive pillar of the
institution not of their own blood being able to judge Cour . A shining shield against horrors. ey show us due
them or dictate how they should live. Primarily based respect because we have earned i ."
on the outskirts of towns or pockets of wilderness, they –Knight Commander Blaidd
stay away from cities whenever possible, however they
have been known to spontaneously organize, usually While the Camarilla would never admit it, they are
without warning, to humble the local members of a missing, or at the very least silently regretting, the loss
Sect, or even target speci c Kindred who attempt to of the Gangrel and not having done more to retain
expand outwards or subjugate members of their Clan. their Clan as members. Many High Clan Kindren found
Within the group of Atavists themselves runs the a use for the apolitical dog in the court, who le
rm ideal that might make right, so challenging leaders matters uncomplicated and was easily swayed or
and others higher status within the group is encouraged manipulated, not looking too deeply into the
and fostered as part of what cements the identity of the complexities of politics. is uni ue position now goes
clan as an ever-changing and strengthening animal. completely un lled, as the in ux of the Lasombra prove
When challenges like this do occur, it tends to be a too ambitious and politically astute, while many of
ceremonial event, o ciated by a Lorekeeper who Haqim's Children retain a distant aloofness, as well as a
knows the old ways, or another widely respected and keenly edged blade.
wise gure of the Clan. ese events are also used to In many courts this has created an amusing
regulate divergent ideas, or punish transgressions position, where the Gangrel that remain are tended to
by High Clans and others of status, and made a show of provide many opportunities to the ambitious
being admired for their loyalty and superior mineset. In Greyhounds willing to brave the halls of power that
certain cases this even becomes a fashionable trend or a they tend to avoid. ese more elitist Gangrel tend to
shallow social ritual of hollow appreciation, where the nd common cause with the Toreador and other
Feral is practically put on display and showered with members, acting as a kind of intermediary to the
gi s and appreciation. While some Ferals nd this members of their clan on lower rungs of the social
validating, most see it as little more than a pat on their ladder such as the Hounds, as well as those outside the
head that is insincere. Sect. Fre uently they also nd themselves aligning with
those in the Clan of the Rose who seek to preserve
aesthetically pleasing natural areas, such as large parks,
loyal hounds and oppose the development of expanding urban areas,
For some, service within the Ivory Tower is simply usually to the detriment of the masses.
a means to an end. While they may have loyalty to the
local Prince or their Coterie, many have stayed simply
because the Camarilla tends to have the resources to the orders
reward their e orts. ese hounds usually act in the Members of the Gangrel that didn't heed the call
role of maintaining bu er Domains at the edges of for defection based on principle alone. e resurgence
cities, or in areas too far from the court's seat of power, of the Invicti and the Knights of Avalon have gained
giving them a degree of freedom that most others don't new prominence in some Camarilla cities due to their
share. martial organization and their ability to stand tall and
Since the defection of most of their Clanmates, with poise. ese orders have become renown in many a
these few remaining Gangrel are now dependent on the Prince's Domain for their poise in the face of
few remaining Camarilla-aligned Gangrel Elders, or overwhelming opposition, with the Invicti sel essly
more commonly the Prince, to provide them with pushing back against the Second In uisition and
guidance. However these same individuals tend to re-taking cities with sound tactics and incredible
exploit them as a way to solve private a airs without martial acumen, while the Knights of Avalon press
upsetting the balance between the ruling class in the outwards as paragons of what it means to be a defender
Court and disrupting a careful balance of power and of the Ivory Tower against the terrors of the dark
in uence amongst the other members. Hounds that are beyond the lights of the city.
use, or exploited, in this way are a ectionately, and also Some individuals have been critical of the rise of
mockingly, called the House of the Prince. such groups within the Sect, however, citing their
meteoric rise as a sign of political meddling, and far too
convenient. ese same people theorize that their
greyhound presence has been engineered as a way to arti cially
While many Gangrel le the Camarilla to throw in boost Sect morale, and that they are backed by the
their lot with the other Sects, many of those who were Inner Circle or some other unseen powers who merely
already well-established and a part of the Ivory Tower's wish to show other Gangrel that they do still very much
upper echelons of society and nobility made the choice have a place of prestige within the Ivory Tower. Of
to remain. ese "Greyhounds" as they're called by those course those that openly share this conspiracy with
found within and outside of the Sect, nd themselves members of either group uickly nd it a good way to
better suited to keeping their position, whether it be be disemboweled by a blade, or challenged to an
because their values align with the Camarilla very well, honorable rite of combat.
or more sel shly because they have an array of amassed
assets and titles tied to their membership, neither of
which they want to lose.
Another key reason is that, unlike the rest of their
Clan, these Greyhounds tend to be shrewd politicians
who know how to exploit the arrogance of those of the
Ivory Tower who turn their nose up at the Gangrel, as
you be underestimated is uite an asset that can
Legacy of the Sabbat most competent and strongest of those who remain and
blood bond them, leaving them responsible for the city,
and allowing them some degree of self-governance.
When the Sword of Caine le for the Gehenna
Along with these blood-bound overseers, he leaves a
War, not all marched on with their packmates. While
small group of three or four capable and trusted
many pursued the beckoned elders, especially key
Gangrel, who keep watch and provide protection from
leadership, many were le to wander without guidance
other Sects and forces that would seek to move into the
and many more were destroyed and scattered by their
territory. While the overseers remain somewhat
enemies or the Second In uisition. Among these that
autonomous, Casimir re uires that they pay him
remain are the signi cant number of Country and City
tribute, usually in the form of actionable assets, ghouls,
Gangrel, who were a large portion of the Sabbat's
blood, or even Kindred to fuel his war machine. In
frontline and scouting specialists. In the absence of core
some cases, without warning, Casimir will appear to
leadership, many of these Gangrel became roaming
collect these tributes himself, usually to display his
packs of violent predators, killing, destroying, and
agrant acts of brutality and sardonic wit.
diablerizing everything at a whim.
While this new empire has yet to push into the
While many of these Ferals nd some semblance of
largest Camarilla held cities, it's only a matter of time
camaraderie within the Anarchs, they eventually
and infantry numbers before there is an open assault on
become murderous enforcers with inhuman traits and
a position of the Ivory Tower, who Casimir seems to
appetites, or they're exiled or killed outright by the
hold a speci c disdain for. is isn't to say that
more morally-sound Barons and their members. Few of
Anarch-aligned city-states are any safer from the
these ex-Sabbat nd a real place of belonging within
shredding claws of his army, as many have already
the Anarch as anything more than a tool for violence.
thrown their lot in with him, either through coercion
e few Sabbat that are able to throw o the
conditioning of their former Sect nd themselves most or convenience. ⬛
comfortable amongst the Ministry, who readily shi
and aim their fervor towards more productive ends.
animals and dyscrasia these cases, should the Childe manage to fend o their
ere are some animals whose blood holds great Sire, they are fre uently rewarded with proper
power being able to confer disciplines or even hidden guidance or assistance, and le to persist in the night.
insight. ese animals are said to be the descendants of
powerful beastly companions that drank from
methuselahs or even antediluvians. When these ancient those that distinguish
masters withdrew from the world their companions While embrace by trial is the most known method
were le to wander the world procreating with others of embrace, it is far from the only one. Some more
of their kind and passing on a fraction of their old radical Gangrel believe that newer generations are
master’s power to their progeny. Cainite scholars are tainted by modernity and civilization and thus take it
skeptical of the veracity of these claims, but the idea upon themselves to kidnap children at a young age and
remains a pervasive one in clan Gangrel. As streets and to raise them in the wild or isolate them in
cities alike have been torn to shreds by Gangrel hunters environments that aren't conducive to the evils of
thinking they are tracking such blessed animals. modernity. e "feral children" are usually raised by a
Gangrel's ghouled animals until they have survived and
matured enough for the Embrace. e warped and
Methods of Embrace inhuman belief behind this process is that this creates a
purer, stronger, Gangrel who is closer to Ennoia.
Some Gangrel also prefer to Embrace those that
embraced by trial have managed to prove themselves in some remarkable
Gangrel are widely known amongst Kindred for way, beyond that typical to other Kine, such as those
their method of Embrace, where they leave their new who provide a great challenge while being hunted, or
Childe to fend for themselves to see how many years even gain the upper hand in combat. ese future
they can survive without direct aid. is is usually Childer are seen as exceptional, and embraced to
referred to within the Clan as surviving a number of strengthen the ways of the Clan.
"winters'' and it's not uncommon for older Gangrel to Others still Embrace purely on the matter of
ask younger ones "How many winters?" to get a degree shared ideals or values, and even sometimes are
of how capable a younger Feral is. Childer who show embraced to preserve values. is method is common to
the ability to survive and adapt to their new nature as a all Kindred in many ways, however for Gangrel the
predator, as well as the everynight trials they must face, shared beliefs are usually speci c to something primal,
are usually taken under the wing of older Gangrel and protective, or destructive. Environmental activists that
given more direct wisdom and assistance. refuse to back down against all odds, or hunters that
e Clan as a whole have recognized the problem throw their well-being into jeopardy to stave o
with these methods of Embrace, however, and in these poaching, are both good examples of these kinds of
exceptionally dangerous nights many Wolves Embrace embraces.
from especially hyper-competent Kine to ensure their
survival, or at the very least guide them to some degree.
As said above, it's not uncommon for older members of Bloodlines Surge
the Clan to ask other Gangrel who are in dire straits A recent phenomenon is the sudden surge in
the uestion "How many winters?" to ascertain just how Gangrel Bloodlines, both in their sudden appearance
new they are, and how much help should be given. and reintroduction. Many of them have entered
Despite it becoming more common that Gangrel Kindred circles to blaze their own trail, and present
receive help from others these nights, there still remains monstrous and strangely speci c adaptations that
certain members of the Clan that are brutally manifest due to their uni ue environments or even
darwinian and believe that if you are unable to remain their beliefs. Some range from the withered and
discreet, that if you attract unwanted attention to stag-like Wendigo, to the abyssal deep-sea aspects of the
yourself and the rest of Gangrel society, then you have Mariners. Even stranger as insectoid approximations
shown yourself to be un t to survive. In many cases, if that have compound eyes and ns suited for wading
these un t Childer do not destroy themselves, their through thick marshes. ese Bloodlines of Gangrel
Sire will descend upon them and end their existence. In
show abilities and practice Disciplines that usually tend to repeat themselves and bring old parables and
surprise or confound even other members of their clan. lost history to the fore once again, resonating through
While these Bloodlines would once keep to echoes in the blood of an ancient descendant. In these
themselves, or be uncommon enough that they might strange ways, the Gangrel have a storied heritage unlike
go unnoticed as little more than a rumor or strange any other clan. An instinctual history, perpetuated even
sight at the edge of town, the Beckoning has pulled when lost, that sometimes adapts and changes to suit
many of their elders from slumber and pulled them to the environment in which it is most useful to them.
the killing elds of Gehenna. In their travels many of Myths featuring Ennoia, the supposed founder of
these anachronistic Elders have Embraced into their the Clan, and her many enemies, allies, and lowers, are
once-rare lines, resulting in a surge of prominent especially prominent amongst the more learned of the
numbers, even in places that are normally uncommon. Gangrel. Serving as allegorical lessons about a Kindred's
e uirks of these Bloodlines pose an interesting existence and how it relates to others, especially other
conundrum for the Gangrel and Kindred, as their Clans and monsters of the night, akin to La Fontaine's
particularities could be a great asset to those willing to Fables. When told well, and with belief in their
accept them into their ranks, however many of them authenticity, these orations of Ennoia are inspirational
have forms and strange animal aspects are less than in a supernatural way that stirs the listener's blood to
ideal for a Kindred Society that continues to sink help them persevere against in nights for opposition,
deeper behind the Mas uerade. almost as if the antediluvian fosters their messages and
lessons herself, and grants her boon to those that hear
Oral Traditions In addition to tales of ancients, oral traditions are
e roots of the Gangrel go deep, both into the also used to preserve the exceptional deeds of Kindred
culture of Kindred as a whole, and into the distant past in contemporary or more recent nights. Immortalizing
that the Clan grew out of. e growing and blooming their actions for either praise or infamy. e subject of
stories of the Gangrel grow outwards through the these tales are usually overshadowed by embellishments
preservation and cultivation of a long oral history. that an orator takes upon telling it, and the passage
from Sire to Childe usually results in a great deal of
creative license, until the retelling can no longer be
the lorekeepers of beasts
distinguished from what the actual events were, and the
Foremost amongst those that preserve these stories
legend itself. In this way, the Gangrel create modern
are the Lorekeepers, who pass traditionals of oral
myths. Acts of grand heroism, or terrible villainy,
stories from Sire to Childe, and treat them as a pivotal
which resonants and is appreciated even by other
part of everynight life as parables to live by, or at least
Clans, especially the Toreador.
lessons of wisdom. Lorekeepers are known to even
ose cunning enough in these methods also
speak in code to keep their stories secret from the
utilize these tales of deeds as leverage. ough many
prying corruption of other Clans, or sometimes to
Lorekeepers refrain from embellishing an event with
ensure that their lessons don't preserve those that need
purposeful twisting of the story and its message, some
to be undone by their own foolishness. e Akunanse,
re-weave a narrative to teach a new lesson, adding
Laibon of Africa and followers of the Wise Spider, as
threads of note that grant the Lorekeeper or the subject
particularly adept at gleaning the wisdom found in the
of their tales social prominence and standing, or take it
old oral traditions of the Gangrel, and dispensing them
away. is can of course be a double-edged sword, as
to their own Childer as powerful mental knowledge, or
many Kindred seeking to alter their status or damage
an incredible method of providing level-headed and
the reputation of others, fre uently seek out a
critical advice to others.
Lorekeeper to weave a tale that might help them, or
e whole of the Gangrel's history is preserved in
hinder their opponents.
fragments of events and unlife, in song and story,
passed from an ancient world of myths and gods to the
storied history of contemporary nights. is spoken
lore is the beating heart of the Clan of Beasts. While
the loss of oral tales is inevitable in some cases, events
always o ered the Embrace by the Prey Priest, even Gangrel that held territory, usually to take it
against that Kine's will, as the escaped uarry have themselves, but sometimes just out of spite. Despite
proven themselves worthy against all attending hunters, this, even in these modern nights these tales persist and
even as a mere mortal. ose embraced in this manner even multiply, of course their origins are always always
are usually regarded with no small amount of prestige thrice removed, obscuring the truth if there is any.
and enjoy much elevated status among the Clan, their Tales talk of strange beings from the wilds playing
tale of escape also perpetuated by any attending favorites, and even pitting their chosen Gangrel against
Lorekeepers. one another in hunts and ordeals. Others speak of the
For exceptionally large Great Hunts, the Prey intolerable sensations of being followed or watched by
Priest usually endows another of the Clan with the title something far o , a presence that's indiscernible by
and position of Predator Priest. ese Predator Priests mundane senses, but felt none-the-less, and only
ensure that all who participate follow the rules outlined ceasing when strange o erings are le , such as
by the Prey Priest. ese rules can be anything from hollowed carcasses lled with wild owers and bones.
hospitality, to methods of the Great Hunt itself. When On a night-to-night basis, especially in modern
these rules are broken it also falls to the Predator Priest nights, Gangrel tend to hold their beliefs deep within
to enact punitive actions. For this reason the Predator themselves, rarely opening up about what it is they
Priest is usually especially capable in combat, and it's revere or hold dear, and most of them care little to
not uncommon that the winner of the previous Great learn the beliefs of others. Rarely does a Gangrel
Hunt isn't given the position. agrantly and openly claim their religious values, even
when provoked.
such example is Mielikii in Finland, a primal bear of for this reason that some Gangrel are willing to aid
dire size and strength that is believed to have drawn these Beckoned Elders as they make their dangerous
breath for over ve centuries. Many believe that in journey to their nal destination, even accompanying
caring for, and keeping these famulus alive, will bring them along all the way as a form of pilgrimage in some
the blessings of their ancient masters when they wake. cases. Many claim it is for sentimentality, others that it
is to safeguard their memories and learn hidden secrets.
Lorekeepers travel with Elders for this very reason.
path of the beast Many Elders usually welcome the company, though are
An inner belief system that originates from Via wary of overly disruptive or humane members of their
Bestiae, a philosophical belief system that once served as Clan, other Elder Gangrel see their companions as no
the Gangrel's dominant way to govern morality and better than vultures or carrion feeders to be chased
nightly unlife during the Dark Ages. is path has been away –or eaten. ⬛
slightly warped by various movements, and even veered
o into other paths, such as Paths of the Hunter,
Nomad, Savage, and Grey Hunter, however its core
values remain intact by those that practice it: Survival
at all costs, in any situation, above all others.
With the advent of the Camarilla and the
corrupting religious in uences of the Sabbat, the exact
practices of this old road have receded. While it was
still practiced in small numbers, in these unsure nights
its adherents have grown nding comfort and meaning
on this once forgotten path, to learn the morality of
willfully allying with one's own Beast, and to feel no
need for guilt or mercy at the cost of one's own survival.
Of the dichotomy of leashing and unleashing one's
Beast whenever needed, and not denying it outright,
allowing it to roam free and pushing it to a speci c
course with muttered prayers and mantras. e primary
practitioners and perpetrators of this path are the
Atavists, who relish in their feral urges and the
destruction of the weak.
Exceptionally radical versions of this philosophy
have developed in remote corners of the world, where
the worship of wights as perfect beings has taken root.
ese extreme religions view the Wight as a pure
manifestation of instinct and drive, unfettered by the
concepts of humanity. ese Eremites claim that God
rewarded Caine for his act of violence, for his primal
urge and the o ering of Abel's life, granting Caine a
fragment of Himself in the form of the Beast.
e Beckoning
For many Gangrel the reaction to the sudden
disappearance of their Elders is a mixed one, for they
do not share the same typical animosity that other
Kindred have. eir Elder’s grip was not as su ocating
as those found within other Clans, and they represent
the memories and storied history of their blood. It is
holdings, the Gangrel who were once at peace in nature has become almost a ritual for Gangrel to adopt the
have also been pushed into the cities. Displaced Gangrel guises of bizarre creatures and fearsome entities. is
fre uently seek their cousins, warning of conspiring practice serves a dual purpose: deterring other Kindred
and mobilizing Lupines, though their warnings are from encroaching upon their domains and warding o
rarely heeded. mortals from areas deemed sacrosanct.However, such a
Amongst the Kindred, there were always rumors strategy demands a delicate touch and a keen sense of
that the Gangrel held some deep connection to the timing. One must know precisely when to breathe life
Garou, some link that allows them to co-exist. Such into these stories, for overstepping might draw the
claims have existed since the Dark Ages, and usually unwanted gaze of the Second In uisition or pi ue the
call back to tales of Ennoia's relationship with them, interest of those with a penchant for the grim and the
who some Lorekeepers claim birthed the rst Garou unknown.
from her earthen womb. However, in actuality, an
alliance or even co-existence between Garou and
Gangrel is exceedingly rare. Despite this the idea of this when the beast is freed
relationship persists, most likely kept alive by the e precarious nature of the Gangrel's pact with
Gangrel themselves. their inner beast is fraught with peril, akin to a perilous
In incredibly rare cases, there have been times dance atop a razor's edge. Many of which have been cut,
when the Clan of Beasts and the Children of Gaia have ultimately losing themselves to the beast within. is
aligned and worked towards a common goal. In these grim fate is disproportionately common among the
situations the Gangrel are rarely treated as e uals, and Gangrel, leading to a notably higher prevalence of
are usually regarded as subservient to the Garou in wights within their ranks—a somber reality that elders
some fashion, such as a tributary or a serf. In these among them are reluctant to discuss with their kin.
instances the Gangrel are given a task, or volunteer for is dark metamorphosis is accelerated by the
one, that aligns with the values of the werewolves, such Gangrel curse, spiraling them into a frenzy of continual
as feeding exclusively on invasive species, adhering to transformation. ese creatures, unrecognizable as
strict edicts of hunting, or coming to the defense of anything remotely human and endowed with
territories outside the reach or ability of the formidable might, prompt swi retribution from the
werewolves. Despite these occurrences, many Gangrel Second In uisition and other Kindred.Yet, some of
sco at such tales, declaring that no true member of the these wights seek refuge in the deep wilderness, where
Clan of Beasts would lay low and bow before the they are either destroyed by lupines, succumb to the
Garou. sun, or, in rare instances, evolve into beings of
astounding cunning and terror. ese survivors morph
into the things of nightmares, fueling urban legends
tales of monsters and cryptid lore as they devolve further from their
Tales of the macabre and the monstrous have original selves.A few Gangrel, motivated by either a
always enthralled the clan renowned for weaving sense of duty to the Mas uerade or a uest for status,
narratives and embodying the beastly. e Gangrel, hunt these monstrosities. Despite these e orts, many
masters in the art of storytelling, understand the potent wights continue to exist in the shadows, their descent
sway of a well-cra ed legend, recognizing that tales can into inhumanity casting them as true monsters even to
o en guard one's existence more e ectively than any kindred. ⬛
physical barrier or brute strength. In certain realms, it
ravel between cities is no small feat for the damned. e comfort and safety of cities exist for a reason, and
the lights of civilization are a bulwark against the vast strange dark of the wilds, and the numerous dangers
that darkness hides. Elder Kindred are wise and in uential enough to avoid traversing the expanse between
cities and what few remain regularly send others in their place. Even with modern day transportation,
movement between cities can be exceptionally perilous. e roads are patrolled and guarded with SI checkpoints and
local Hunter cells, using bureaucracy and surveillance in tandem. O the beaten path and in the trackless wastes are the
territory of Lupines and even more nightmarish creatures of the dark.
All this is to say that travel outside of a Kindred's city is no small feat, and the dangers that occur during such
instances can add a great deal to the ction of your Chronicle and the World of Darkness it takes place in. What follows
in this section are tools, tips, story hooks, mechanics, and optional systems to create and manage Tension. During these
extra-city ventures, the skillsets of rough and tumble street Kindred and country survivalists tend to shine, giving them
an ideal place amongst the coterie. If your Chronicle's Coterie doesn't have such a character, introducing a Gangrel
guide or courier that's willing to trailblaze for a price can also lead to additional twists and turns.
As Kindred move through the wilderness, something is ⬛ Named and primary Antagonists may add Tension
always watching, waiting, hunting. ings go wrong, to their Dice Pools by spending a point of Willpower.
stakes are raised, and the race against the sun is a deadly
one. Tension serves as a rating, 0-to-5, similar to ⬛ Finding secure shelter for Daysleep at increasing
Hunger. Its increase signi es the building sense of Tension might become di cult as the Coterie's vehicle
unease, peril, and isolation that Kindred feel when is compromised with bullet holes, the Motel they set up
outside of the safety of cities, as well as the peril of the ahead of time is swarmed with local law enforcement,
wastes that the Coterie traverses. e higher it gets, the or they just need to scavenge for material to cra a
more treacherous and di cult their journey becomes. makeshi haven. In these cases the players roll against
Tension lasts until the end of the current Story, or until the current Tension to nd a suitable place to Daysleep.
the group reaches their destination. Certain Chronicles
that follow a Nomad Coterie or take an entire ⬛ At Tension 3 the Beast begins to feel uneasy. Tests to
Chronicle to reach their destination may result in resist Fear Frenzy have their Di culties increased by 3.
Tension being maintained from Story to Story. In these
⬛ At Tension 4 the ability to phone a friend might
instances it's recommended that Tension decreases by
become unusable, stranding the group without help
one or two at the start of each new Story.
that's normally available.
Tension increases due to especially dangerous
or attention-drawing actions; A Messy Critical, Frenzy,
⬛ At Tension 5 the group su ers a terrible event.
succeeding at a cost, or hunt gone wrong are all likely
Lupines begin to ruthlessly chase them, they take a dire
to increase Tension by one rather than cause typical
turn into the den of some awful creature that time
downsides. When in doubt about if Tension should
forgot, or threats previously established become aware
increase, the Storyteller can make a "Tension Check" by
of one of the Coterie's Backgrounds, or even a
rolling a single die. A Success yields no increase, while a
failure does. As a general rule, Tension does not
decrease during a Story unless a Coterie makes an players and tension dice
active e ort to safeguard themselves, such as nding a Despite Tension being primarily negative, Players may
safe Haven to lie low in for the day, or misdirect what attempt to use it as a driving factor to reach their goal
might be pursuing them. e exact e ects of building and overcome the threats that bar their path. At any
Tension changes depending on the nature of their time a player may spend Willpower e ual to the current
traversal. Tension to add that many Dice to a Dice Pool that
include one of their Disciplines. If the resulting pool
using tension in play fails the Test it was made for, the Storyteller
As previously stated Tension's e ects should vary
immediately makes a Tension Check, mentioned above,
depending on the themes of the current Story, however
while a Critical Success lowers Tension by 1. ough
the Tension Tracker is a good gauge of how di cult
using Tension Dice has a steep cost, a successful
travel will become. As Tension increases, so does
outcome allows a Kindred to accomplish even
di culty. Opposition rises, obstacles bar the path, and
insurmountable tasks when the ames of adversity lick
help dries up as other Kindred hunker down to avoid
at their heels. ⬛
e Storyteller ultimately has the nal say in
how Tension a ects the player characters and the world
they're moving through, but what follows are some
Chronicle Hooks for Wilderness Excursions
ith the myriad dangers of the wilderness, why would a smart Kindred ever venture over that
threshold and into certain uncertainty of what lay beyond the borders of their well-lit domains?
A er all, unlife in the city itself is already fraught with con ict and the ability to survive there
presents enough challenges that inviting more adversity in a harsher and less-known
environment would be foolish. e answer to this is that any Kindred knows full well that they will be pushed,
pulled, and commanded outside of their own comfort zone. ey don't always get what they want, and even more
rarely do ambitious Kindred get to choose how their nights are spent when pressure bears down onto them. What
follows are several ideas that can help you, even if only temporarily, tempt or move your coterie outside of the night
lights of civilization, and into the unknown frontier beyond.
realize that they've gone in a circle, ending up back at Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3;
Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 2;
where they rst spotted the strange light. It takes
Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 1
everything the Coterie has to nd a path out of this Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3, Humanity
dream-like loop of wilderness, and escape the 6
maddening ame.
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3, marked in Aggravated Damage, it vanishes and frees
Humanity 7 those snared in its trap.
Skills: Athletics 2, Craft 1 (Barricades), Drive 3,
Firearms 3, Stealth 2; Animal Ken 1 (Canids), Insight 2,
Performance 3 (Singing), Persuasion 2, Subterfuge 2;
Academics 3 (Monarchs), Finance 2, Medicine 2,
Technology 3
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 2, Fortitude 2,
Obfuscate 1 Five exceptional eld agents who hunt vampires.
Notes / Other Traits: Katarina wears a floral ey go by the codenames first strike, shroud, fear,
fabric headband over her head to cover her third haste, and reach. Each agent has talents that give them
eye. An event that raises Tension might tear or incredible team working abilities, covering one
damage this headband, revealing her Clan. She another's weaknesses.
carries a small five-shot +2 revolver with her, which
ey've caught the trail of the Coterie and are
she will use to defend herself.
hell-bent on their destruction, or ensuring that they
never return to the city again. ese Agents are
designed to be extremely di cult to combat, but not
impossible to overcome. ey come prepared with
powerful weaponry, an armored SUV, and two
roughout history, and regardless of geography,
high-performance motorbikes.
there have always been strange and ethereal lights in the
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 3, Mental
dark of the wilderness that haunt and tempt travelers.
e Feu Follet is not unlike the Will o' the Wisp, and
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 5
some scholars will claim that they are the expression or
Exceptional Dice Pools by Agent:
visions of fairfolk moving between our world and some First Strike: Melee 8 (Spears), Larceny 8; Leadership
dream-like state, twisting up mundane reality in their 7; Awareness 6, Medicine 6
wake. Shroud: Firearms 8 (Sniper), Stealth 9; Insight 6
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1; (Non-humans), Subterfuge 7; Academics 10,
Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Composure 2; Investigation 8, Science 8
Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 1 Fear: Firearms 8 (Close Proximity), Intimidation 11;
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 3 Academics 8, Finance 7, Occult 10, Technology 8
Skills: Stealth 5, Survival 5; Animal Ken 4, Persuasion Haste: Drive 9 (Motorbike), Brawl 10 (Pugilism);
3, Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 5; Awareness 5 Persuasion 6, Streetwise 8; Awareness 7 (Combat),
Politics 7
Disciplines: Celerity 3, Dominate 3, Obfuscate 3,
Presence 3
Reach: Athletics 11 (Bows), Drive 9 (Motorbikes),
Survival 8; Animal Ken 7;
Notes / Other Traits: Many of this entity's abilities
use the Tension system (Pg. 70) to meddle and pester
Equipment: Each Agent comes with body armor,
the Coterie. If Tension is not used the Storyteller is specialized ammunition for Vampires and
encouraged to simply add three Dice to this Werewolves, and explosive breaching tools.
creature's pools. Additionally each agent has a personal +4 Damage
Upon being seen, make note of any landmarks that weapon associated with their individual specialty;
the Coterie could recognize, after some time first strike has a carbon fiber spear, shroud has an
traveling, perhaps even a scene later, the Coterie will anti-material sniper rifle, fear has a sawn-off shotgun,
somehow end up back at these landmarks again, haste has blessed silver knuckles, and reach has a
having gone in a circle, and this will immediately add compound bow.
one Tension. Escaping this circular reality requires a Notes / Other Traits: They count as prepared
force of will: Resolve + Composure; Difficulty 2 + mortals with occult defenses and add +4 bonus dice
Tension. to resist Mental Disciplines.
While it hounds the Coterie, this creature will use the
equivalent of Chimerstry and various powers of
Obfuscate to disorient and distract. If a Coterie
member attempts to attack the Feu Follet, it defends
itself with its Wits + Stealth. If successfully hit it takes a
single point of Aggravated Damage from any source.
When this creature's Health or Willpower tracker is fully
attribute focus: physical / mental
An important package has been given to the
Coterie, and they're charged with escorting it to a GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 4/3
speci c person in a small town roughly three hour's A Cell of three hunters; Natty, Vas uez, and
drive outside the city. ey're speci cally told not to Kamino, who patrol the roads outside the city. ey
open the contents of the package, and get it there by specialize in vehicular combat, and drive 80's-era
dawn. e package itself is small and unassuming, but Crown Victorias painted matte black. All three are all
locked tightly. If opened, the Coterie nds a large glass mortals, but are seasoned enough to know that while in
container, full of preserved blood sealed with yellow their vehicles, they're an even match for the things they
wax. If the blood is consumed, it o ers a Dyscrasia. hunt.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 3, Mental
what could happen 3
⬛ While on the road it becomes very uickly apparent Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 5
that a cell of traveling Hunters is in the area, and is Exceptional Dice Pools:
looking for the parcel and a group of supernatural Natty: Drive 9, Awareness 5
Vasquez: Melee 8, Drive 7 (Ramming)
creatures that might have it. Highway law enforcement
Natty: Academics 8, Occult 6
seems happy to look the other way and even provide a
Notes / Other Traits: Each of the three
degree of assistance. If used, rising Tension uickly Quartermaines prefers to stay in their cars to combat
results in these Hunters descending upon the coterie the supernatural along the roads. If using Tension
–loaded for bear. they begin using caltrops, smoke bombs, and
firearms to try and stop the Coterie.
attribute focus: physical / mental
e local Baron or Prince has issued a Bloodhunt for
the Diablerist LAnsa. Once a trusted member and GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 4/2
enforcer of the local Kindred authority, this individual A Gangrel has been killing and eating Kindred in
has been revealed to have been consuming other the city. Fleeing out of town and into the vast expanse
Kindred, gorging himself on their esh and blood and beyond, where he thrives amongst the animals and
showing no signs of slowing down. wilds. He has little pity for the Kindred he's killed, and
However Lansa has ed the city and is uickly views most of his peers as little more than food.
moving across the countryside to seek refuge beyond However the terrible Hunger that makes him so
the reach of the local Kindred government, and there's dangerous is also his primary weakness as not even he
only a few nights until he's gone for good. While most fully understands it, and will go to great lengths for a
would be ne to let him ee and be someone else's meal.
problem, Status, Resources, or even Major boons are Clan: Gangrel (Wendigo)
promised rewards for capturing Lansa, or bringing back Sire: ???
evidence of his destruction. Embraced: 1990 (Born 1978)
Ambition: Find a meal that satiates his Hunger
what could happen Convictions: None.
⬛ e Coterie sets out into the wilderness, either piling Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3;
into a single vehicle, or taking a small eet. ey follow Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 1;
signs of Lansa's passage, who has now tossed aside the Intelligence 3, Wits 1, Resolve 2
Mas uerade entirely in his haste to run. ey happen Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 6,
Humanity 5
upon a tiny roadside town where he has killed one and
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 3 (Bites), Melee 2, Stealth 3
brutally hurt another. Giving aid to the town takes
(Forests), Survival 4; Insight 2, Intimidation 3, Persuasion
precious time, but provides the Coterie with Contacts 1, Subterfuge 3; Occult 3 (Kindred)
(●●) in the area, and a better idea of what they're up Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 3,
against. Potence 2, Protean 4
attribute focus: social / mental
An important shipment has been stranded at a
dock three hours south of the city. Several Coteries GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 4/3
have been tasked with personally going to pick it up A Tzimisce that was the former ductus of her pack.
and bring it back to the city. ey're given a large truck She spends her nights hunting and prowling along the
to haul the shipment, which comes in the form of three banks of the river to feed and collect biomass. She has
large crates, and each member is given a basic Mask (●) used extensive eshcra ing to hollow out her torso to
that allows them to pass scrutiny among the dock's house two Electric Eels, which lash out and bite
workers and security, but won't stand up to scrutiny through openings in her collar and abdomen.
elsewhere. e shipment needs to be in the borders of Without her pack, Mithentronika's mental state
the city by dawn, or it'll be lost. hinges entirely on keeping what little she has le : Her
river, and she will irrationally attack any other
what could happen Kindred that travels through it, or along its banks.
⬛ e road south has a well-known checkpoint run by Clan: Tzimisce
local law enforcement, and rumored to have ties to the Ambition: Fortify my domain.
SI. Going through it is the uickest way to travel, but it Convictions: Humans are such easy prey.
carries its own steep risks if the party can't talk Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4; Charisma
3, Manipulation 2, Composure 3; Intelligence 3, Wits 1,
themselves passed it.
Resolve 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 5,
⬛ Travel via boat may be possible, but picking up the Humanity 5
crates and getting them back to the city draws Skills: Athletics 3 (Swimming), Brawl 3, Stealth 3
unwarranted attention from an ex-Sabbat whose (Water), Survival 3; Insight 2, Intimidation 4, Persuasion
claimed the river as her own, and will stop at nothing 2, Subterfuge 3; Occult 3 (Koldunism), Medicine 3
to antagonize and destroy their watercra .
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 2, Blood Sorcery 2,
Protean 4
⬛ Upon reaching the crates, the Coterie realizes that
Notes / Other Traits: When attacking with Brawl,
the weapons are military grade. Mounted machine guns, the electric eels in Mithentronika's body can spend a
assembly parts for an armored vehicle, and even point of Willpower to add +2 Superficial Damage to
rockets. ese weapons would fortify the ruling her attack and stun mortals.
Kindred's position with threat of considerable violence,
but might also secure the Domain from Hunters and
other threats. It'd be a shame if one of the three crates
was lost in transit… GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 3/2
Electric eels can reach up to 8 feet in length and
can generate a nasty electric shock of up to 600 volts.
ese animals use their electric shocks to hunt and
defend themselves from predators.
may or may not be responsible for the Wraith or the Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 6,
abductions –or both. Humanity 5
destroyed. e Hecata, Victor Lansek below may be in Disciplines: Dominate 2, Oblivion 3, Fortitude 3
on the ploy.
Notes / Other Traits: Lansek has access to
Ceremonies of Oblivion that assist in helping him
deal with Wraiths. If no such Ceremonies are
available to the Storyteller, use his Resolve + Oblivion
against a Wraith's Resolve + Composure to
command or attack them through arcane means.
A ghostly being that haunts a speci c stretch of
road somewhere outside the city. She is perpetually
alternating between sorrow and wrath, and will stop
at nothing to feel the warmth of a living person.
attribute focus: physical / mental
e Coterie, or someone they're ac uainted with, has
recently come into possession of information that GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 6/2
points to a supposed cache of buried loot, old valuables A large amalgamation of human and animal bodies
from a bygone era, and possibly even Kindred-related that appear to have been melted together to form a
artifacts. Additionally even if the Coterie doesn't want mass of agonized esh. is awful creature is
these things for themselves, there's a high pro le unmarred by the passage of time, and could be
Kindred willing to pay in Boons, Fame, or Status. e centuries old. Between the splits in its wi ling limbs
primary complication of this loot is that it's resting out and in the hollows of its many eyes glows a burning
in the middle of nowhere, far from any safe haven or green ame that it can release outwards, searing itself,
well-paved road, and that there's something old and but attempting to burn away all nearby intruders in
diabolical about it. the process.
hat follows are stat blocks that are designed to help a Storyteller or Player create characters and
their companions, adversaries, and minions. Listed here are an extensive a regation of
information and stats for animals that can be used as Player Character companions and as forms
that can be assumed through various powers of transformation, such as Shapechange or Shi ing
Traversal. Some entries here can be found in the Vampire the Mas uerade Core Rulebook on Page 373, but here
they have been expanded upon to have much more de ned purposes, and to better display each individual animal's
uni ue properties.
Beyond the extensive number of animals are also Mortals, Kindred, and other terrifying supernatural
ings in the Dark that one might populate the cities and wastes of the World of Darkness. ese tools are meant
to be in-depth, but also provide a Storyteller or Player a uick and easy resource to drop characters into their
Chronicle without having to compose them on the y. Storytellers are encouraged to modify and change these stat
blocks if they have better ideas of how they might function, especially in their own world, and more especially in
the case of the ings in the Dark.
e Clan of Beasts have been the undead masters of the Animal Kingdom since pre-history, and some Gangrel
scholars even believe that they share a heritage with many of the creatures of the wilds, rather than a direct lineage
to Caine. Regardless of beliefs, none can argue the breadth of the Feral's ability to survive amongst, train, and even
befriend, the animals of the world, from the heights of the sky to the depths of the sea, and all the land in between.
Aerial Animals
Bat (Small) Bat (Large)
General Di culties: 3 / 1 General Di culties: 3 / 2
An animal that has been associated with vampires Larger bats are renowned for their maneuverability in
throughout history, but more especially in pop culture ight and incredibly high resistance to infection. Many
of the last century, this is in no small part because of Gangrel and Nosferatu prefer taking large bats as a
Kindred willingly associating with them for hundreds Famulus over birds of prey for this very reason.
of years. Nocturnal hunters, just as Kindred are. ese Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 2, Mental 1
small bats are fre uently found throughout the world in Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 1
large groups referred to as "cauldrons", and are highly Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6 (Aerial Maneuvers),
social animals. Stealth 5 (Total Darkness); Awareness 7
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 2, Mental 1 Special: Bats su er no perception penalties from
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1 mundane darkness due to their ability to employ
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4, Stealth 5 (Total echolocation. Unlike their smaller cousins, larger bats
Darkness); Awareness 7 have vision comparable to humans. Due to their
Special: Bats su er no perception penalties from inherent social nature, Bats always know of any nearby
mundane darkness. Small bats otherwise have poor colonies of other bats.
vision and are e ectively colorblind. Due to their
inherent social nature, Bats always know of any nearby
colonies of other bats.
Crow Owl
General Di culties: 4 / 1 General Di culties: 3 / 1
Unrivalled among raptors in their intelligence, Crows Nocturnal and crepuscular hunters with forward-facing
are a social bird that is capable of self-motivated eyes. While slower moving than falcons, the Owl is
problem solving and have some of the best critical nearly silent when in ight and have excellent senses,
thinking skills of any animal, with some research even seeing better in low-light than in bright light
showing them to surpass animals that are typically Preferring to prey on smaller animals, Owls have
thought of as intelligent, such as dolphins or monkeys. nonetheless been employed as competent look outs and
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 3 spies.
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 3 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4, Brawl 3; Insight 6; Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 1
Awareness 5 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Survival 6;
Special: Crows add their Willpower to any pools that Awareness 8 (Low Light)
involve critical thinking and problem solving. Attempts Special: Owls are completely silent while in ight, and
to communicate with a crow via Animal Ken have their are able to ambush any target uncontested, so long as
di culties reduced by 1, as crows are naturally social the target doesn't have Rapid Re exes, or an e uivalent
and capable of understanding basic body language and ability. ough they prefer hunting small animals, the
even intention from both Kindred and Kine. Owl is capable of harring larger targets and herding
them away from vulnerable areas by rolling their
Falcon Survival vs the target's Composure + Resolve.
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Incredibly e cient birds of prey that rank among the
fastest ying animals in the world. Falcons can dive at
speeds of over 250km/150mph, and have virtually General Di culties: 3 / 2
unrivalled sight, that allow them to surgically strike a A well-known bird, with the males featuring
prey without warning. e most well-known falcons are extravagant and metallic plumage and females having
the kestrel, peregrine, and gyrfalcon. rather dull or tawny coloration. Despite the
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 1 ostentatious and typically admired appearance of
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 2 peacocks, within the species itself the peahen holds the
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6, Brawl 5 (Distant ultimate choice of taking a male as a mate.
Target); Awareness 6 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 2
Special: Falcons can dive at speeds that exceed the Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 2
ability for typical individuals to track their movement. Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Survival 3;
While swooping and diving at full speed, a Falcon Intimidation 2; Awareness 3 (Food)
automatically evades any attacks that don't exceed its Special: Peacocks can spread their tail feathers to
Physical pool rating. Due to their impressive speed, display their extravagant plumage. When doing this
Falcons su er no minor action penalty for moving into Toreador onlookers gain a compulsion that keeps from
range of their target. looking away. Peahens get +1 Die to physical pools, as
their lack of excessive feathers makes for uicker
Terrestrial Animals
e Ferals have long used animals to assist them in the without a rest break, and have been known to stay
night, with each Gangrel tending to take on awake for twenty-nine hours at a time to accomplish
companions and animal thralls that suit their tasks.
temperament and needs. Listed here are an extensive
a regation of information and stats for use as Cat (Domestic)
character companions and for forms that can be
General Di culties: 3 /1
assumed through various powers of transformation.
One of the oldest pets on earth. ese beloved little
Some entries here can be found in the Vampire the
felines have managed to keep their predatory instincts
Mas uerade Core Rulebook on Page 373, but have been
and relative independence despite being kept in the
expanded upon to have more de ned purposes, or to
houses of humanity since ancient anti uity.
better display each individual animal's uni ue traits.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2
Bear Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5, stealth 4
General Di culties: 5 / 2 (Hunting), survival 4; Performance 3 (Yowling);
A powerful animal that prowls forests across the Awareness 3
northern hemisphere of the world. Typical bears are Special: Domestic cats are extremely uick and agile.
erce creatures that tend to be crepuscular in their ey automatically pass any tests that involve balance
activity, but can regularly hunt in nocturnal conditions or landing on their feet, and can't take damage falling
without issue. from most heights.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7 Chameleon
Exceptional Dice Pools: Intimidation 7; Awareness 3
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Small four-le ed reptiles with scaly hides that are
Special: Bears unarmed attacks are brutal +3 heavy
found throughout the world, only absent from areas of
piercing natural weapons that rake bare esh. When
extreme cold and the deep oceans. Most lizards have
ghting something smaller than themselves, regardless
adapted to their environments to such a degree that
of how strong their opponent is, Bears add one die to
many species have gone almost unchanged for millions
their pools to attack.
of years. ey commonly have long detachable tails to
fool and distract predators, a long thin tongue, and
Beaver lidless eyes.
General Di culties: 3 / 1 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1
Found commonly throughout the rivers and forests of Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2
Europe and North America, the beaver is the second Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Climbing), stealth
largest animal in the rodent family. eir at 5 (Camou age), survival 4; Awareness 2 (Low light)
paddle-shaped tail and webbed hind feet make them Special: Chameleons can change the color of their hides
excellent swimmers, and their robust and muscular to blend in with their surroundings. Blending into
build allows them to haul large logs and construct river foliage gives an automatic success, while blending into
dams and dwellings out of sticks, mud, and other anything else gives a +2 Dice bonus.
natural materials.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 5
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5 (Swimming), cra 5
(Rudimentary Structures); Awareness 3
Special: Beavers have powerful jaws that allow them to
chew through most so materials with ease.
Additionally they are one of the few animals that can
perform labor intensive activities for up to seven hours
Coyote Ferret
General Di culties: 3 / 2 General Di culties: 3 / 1
Canids native to North America, where they feature in In uisitive and mischievous, ferrets are intelligent little
many indigenous folklore. ese versatile creatures are animals that are able to get into places they really
uick and smart enough to survive even in human shouldn’t thanks to their long dextrous and slender
cities, turning from predator to scavenger, and back bodies. Domesticated from the European polecat, their
again without issue. Like foxes, Coyotes tend to hunt cute appearance belies their e ectiveness as a uick and
primarily with exceptional sight, rather than their deadly hunter.
still-exception smell. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 3, Mental 2
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 4 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Contortion,
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4 (Bites), stealth 5; scurry), larceny 7 (Small objects), stealth 6;
Insight 3, intimidation 2; Awareness 5 (Sight) Performance 4 (War Dance); Awareness 4 (Smell)
Special: +1 damage to bite attacks. Coyotes can form Special: e Ferret's long and exible tube-like body
mutual teamwork tactics with other animals, such as allows them to jump and dodge exceptionally well and
Crows and Badgers. crawl through tight spaces. Add one Automatic Success
to a ferret's Dice Pools made to evade and escape.
General Di culties: 5 / 3
Large reptiles that reach up to ve yards or meters in General Di culties: 3 / 2
length. ey di er from the commonly confused Preset across every populated continent, the Fox is a
alligators by being much larger and having a small canid with red, white, and black coat coloration.
wedge-shaped snout. Crocodiles also tend to fre uent Red Foxes are present across numerous histories. ey
salt-water or brackish habitats. ey also happen to be are omnivorous, and tend to be opportunistic hunters
far more a ressive and hold the record for the that can thrive even in urban environments.
strongest bite of any living animal. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 1, Mental 1
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 8, Willpower 4 Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4 (Bites), stealth 5;
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 7, Stealth 6; Intimidation Insight 3, intimidation 2; Awareness 5 (Sight)
5; Awareness 2 Special: +1 damage to bite attacks. Foxes have excellent
Special: +2 A ravated damage to bite attacks. If biting eyesight and get +2 Dice to detect movement.
a limb, the crocodile can choose to immediately sever it
through sheer bite force.
Deer General Di culties: 5 / 2
General Di culties: 4 / 2 Horses can be unpredictable and dangerous animals.
Found in a variety of habitats, ranging from dense ey are large and powerful, and if not properly
forests to open meadows. Deer are herbivores that are handled or trained, they can become easily frightened
active during evening and night, skittish and graceful. or agitated, being able to run down and trample down
Many Kindred view them as a sign of valor, vigor, and their foes if forced to defend themselves.
nature. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 1, Mental 1
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 2 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8 (Gallop);
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 7 (Escape); Awareness Awareness 4
5 Special: Horses do +2 damage when trampling prone
Special: Deer su er no minor action penalty when opponents. ey can travel up to 30 mph or 48 km/h,
closing distance and deal +3 damage on goring with allowing them to cross long distances.
their antlers.
Hound Lion
General Di culties: 4 / 2 General Di culties: 4 / 3
A man's best friend is said to be his dog. e same tends Held in high regard amongst the Baronies of Avalon
to be true even a er death. Fiercely loyal, domesticated during the Dark Ages, where this animal was
dogs and hounds lack the physical size of wolves, but considered a majestic symbol of pride. In modern
make up for it in fearlessness and sel essness, making nights Lions are rare as ghouled pets outside of the
them much better guards and protectors. Laibon, who themselves avoid ghouling them without a
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 1, Mental 2 speci c purpose, such as turning them into man-eaters.
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 4 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 2, Mental 2
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics (Chasing), brawl 6 Secondary Attributes: Health 6 , Willpower 5
(Bites), stealth 4; Intimidation 4; Awareness 4 (Smell) Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 7 (Chasing), Brawl 9;
Special: +1 damage to Hound bite attacks. On a Intimidation 6 (Roars); Awareness 4
successful bite attack a Hound can lock its jaws and Special: Lions deal +2 Damage with bite and claw
grapple an opponent. attacks. ey may make a special pouncing attack by
rolling their Athletics. is attack su ers no minor
Komodo Dragon action penalty for closing short distances. If this is used
as a grapple, add four dice to the Athletics pool.
General Di culties: 4 / 3
Enormous and exotic animals are favored as ghouls by
eccentric Kindred, or those who live in and around
Indonesia. ese beasts are the largest of all extant General Di culties: 3 /2
lizards, growing passed three yards/meters in length Small four-le ed reptiles with scaly hides that are
and can weigh up to 300lbs. Solitary and territorial, found throughout the world, only absent from areas of
these creatures also have a mortal bite, that's not only extreme cold and the deep oceans. Most lizards have
venomous, but tears esh and causes rampant infection. adapted to their environments to such a degree that
Ferals fre uently nd kinship with these creatures, and many species have gone almost unchanged for millions
they make brawny and powerful ghouls. of years. ey commonly have long detachable tails to
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 2, Mental 1 fool and distract predators, a long thin tongue, and
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 4 lidless eyes.
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 7, Stealth 6; Intimidation Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1
5; Awareness 4 (Carrion) Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2
Special: If a komodo dragon successfully bites a mortal Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics (Climbing), stealth 5,
opponent, it deals +1 A ravated Health damage and its survival 4 (Chosen habitat); Awareness (Low light)
venom kills or debilitates the victim by the end of the Special: When attacked or grappled, the lizard may
scene if not treated. Against vampires, this bite deals instead choose to take 1 A ravated Damage and detach
non-halved Super cial Damage, as the komodo dragon their tail, preventing other damage and allowing for
specializes in feeding on tough dead esh. escape. A ghouled lizard regrows this tail within three
If Chameleon special: May change the color of its skin
to blend gain +4 to stealth while immobile
Moose Opossum
General Di culties: 4 / 3 General Di culties: 3 / 1
Weighing up to 1,800 pounds and the largest member of e only marsupials north of Mexico, even having a
the deer family with , overhanging, bell-shaped head. special pouch in which they can carry their young.
ey can cause serious damage if they feel threatened or eir prehensile tail allows them to hang from
provoked. ey can become a ressive and charge at branches, or carry heavy objects. Strangely enough they
people, cars, and other animals. ey are also very fast have an incredible immune system that makes them
and can easily outrun humans. immune to many diseases and poisons, such as rabies
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 1, Mental 1 and most forms of venom. Nocturnal by nature, they
Secondary Attributes: Health 8, Willpower 2 only forage during the day when seeking a mate, or
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8; Awareness 5 caring for their young.
Special: Moose su er no minor action penalty when Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 2, Mental 2
closing distance and deal +3 damage on goring with Secondary Attributes: Health: 3 Willpower: 2
their antlers in a charge attack. Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Climbing), survival
4 (Foraging, hiding); Performance 4 (Play Dead);
Mouse Awareness 3 (Danger)
Special: As an involuntary response, opossums can
General Di culties: 3 / 1
enter a state of shock that slows their heart rate and
Small furry rodents with a pointed snout, whiskers, and
releases a noxious smell that mimics rotting decay and
a long hairless tail. ese little rodents usually stay
disease. is state can last up to four hours in certain
hidden in small nooks and crannies, and have adapted
cases, but serves as good defense in the wild against
exceptionally well to life in urban sprawls. Strangely,
being eaten. Additionally, Opossums are immune to
they have a very similar brain structure to humans and
most poisons and diseases, and when ghouled, this
have long been used in research and study.
includes most supernatural poisons and diseases.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 2
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Climbing), stealth
6, survival 4; Awareness 4 (Smell) General Di culties: 3 / 1
Special: Any Dice Pools made by a signi cantly larger Successful in numerous ecosystems, raccoons have
creature to nd a mouse automatically fail if they do ve- ngered and dexterous paws that can handle
not beat the mouse's Stealth rating. objects with human-like e cacy, being able to open
doors, manipulate lids o jars, and even pluck sh out
of the water. Despite their reputation for trash-diving
Monkey pests, raccoons remain one of the few animals that
actively wash their food before eating it.
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 2, Mental 2
With a playful and intelligent behavior, Monkeys are
Secondary Attributes: Health 3 Willpower 2
social and adaptable creatures that can learn complex
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 3 (Climbing), Larceny
communication and have cognitive skills.
5, survival 3; Streetwise 3; Finance 2 (Bells), technology
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 4
3 (Door Knobs)
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 3
Special: Raccoons are opportunistic scavengers and
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5 (Climbing), stealth
predators, they tend to know their environment
6, survival 4; Awareness 4
extremely well and how to navigate it in ways that
Special: Monkeys can add +1 Bonus Die to any test
other animals can't. e raccoon's di culty to move
they've done before in the same Session.
through urban environments is reduced by 2.
Tiger Wolf
General Di culties: 4 / 3 General Di culties: 4 / 2
Another exotic animal enjoyed by eccentric collectors An e cient hunter with sharp senses that has
and the largest of the big cats with powerful muscles captivated kine and kindred for millennia. Forming
and sharp teeth and claws that make them formidable strong familial bonds with their packmates, wolves are
predators. ey are both solitary and territorial, and social animals that hunt larger prey through complex
prefer to live in forests and grasslands. Many Kindred pack tactics.
ghoul these creatures as a social statement. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 2, Mental 2
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 2, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 , Willpower 5 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics (Long Marches),
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8 (Jumping, brawl 6 (Bites), stealth 5; Intimidation 5; Awareness 4
Swimming), Brawl 9; Intimidation 5; Awareness 4 (Smell)
Special: Tigers deal +2 Damage with bite and claw Special: +1 damage to Wolf bite attacks. Employing
attacks. ey may make a special pouncing attack by pack tactics, Wolves provide a bonus of 2 Dice instead
rolling their Athletics. is attack su ers no minor of 1 when assisting with Teamwork rolls, up to a
action penalty for closing short distances. While hiding maximum of 4.
in tall grass, tigers are invisible to color blind animals.
Aquatic Animals
e waters of the world are home to some of the most individual, adding +2 Super cial Damage to their
diverse and strange life on earth. While few have such attacks. Mortals are stunned one stun by this e ect.
animals as their Famulus, the Mariners tend towards an
amphibious or a uatic Famulus and use them uite Fish
e ectively. As a general rule many of these animals
General Di culties: 2 / 1
cannot function on land, or if they do, function at a
Cat sh, salmon, char, steelhead, and trout. Fish come in
reduced capacity.
a wide variety of colors and vary in size depending on
many circumstances.
Crab Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 1
General Di culties: 2 / 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 3
A crustacean with a hard exoskeleton that uses its Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4 (Swimming)
strong claws to tear and grip objects. Special: When in a school of a dozen or more sh, add
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1 +2 bonus dice to evasive pools.
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4, stealth 2 Giant Isopod
Special: Targets grappled by crabs lose 1 die to all pools
General Di culties: 4 / 1
due to the pain and annoyance of being pinched.
e giant isopod is a large, segmented marine
crustacean It has a broad, attened body, up to 40cm in
Dolphin length, and is typically a mottled gray or brown color.
General Di culties: 4 / 3 It is uick to scuttle away but has a nasty bite and
is sh-like mammal is e ual parts brilliant, playful, durable exoskeleton if backed into a corner.
and cruel. As one of the most intelligent creatures in Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
the world, the Dolphin is capable of incredible problem Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 3
solving. ey swim exceptionally uick, and have been Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8 (scurry), Brawl 3
known to organize their pods to hunt extremely (bite), Stealth 8
dangerous predators, such as sharks and whales. Special: An isopod may curl into a ball defended by its
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 2, Mental 4 exoskeleton, gain +4 armor while curled up
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 4
Exceptional Dice Pools: Awareness 8 (echolocation), Octopus
larceny 3
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Special: With a greater concentration of hemoglobin in
Highly intelligent and known for their ability to escape
their cells, a Dolpin's blood is nearly as satiating as a
even the most secured tanks, these creatures use their
mortal's. When drinking from a Dolphin, the user
long tentacles to manipulate their environment with
su ers no half penalty to slaking Hunger.
incredible dexterity.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 3
Electric Eels Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 3
General Di culties: 4 / 3 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5 (Climbing ,
Electric eels can reach up to 8 feet and can generate a swimming), brawl 8 (Grapples), larceny 6; Insight 5
nasty electric shock of up to 600 volts. Electric eel use (problem solving)
their electric shocks to hunt and defend themselves Special: e octopus can release a jet of ink. While
from predators. underwater this ink creates a cloud that provides total
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 1 cover and a -2 dice penalty to those trying to see into or
Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2 through it. Additionally the octopus uses its Brawl to
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6 (swim), Brawl manipulate objects in place of Dexterity-related pools.
4(sting), Stealth 5; Intimidation 2 While outside of water, the octopus su ers a -2 minor
Special: ese eclectic eels may spend a point of action penalty for anything that re uires moving more
Willpower when coming into contact with an than 1 yard/meter.
Orca Piranha
General Di culties: 5 / 3 General Di culties: 2 / 1
Known as wolves of the sea, these large sleek black and A species of South American sh, roughly eighteen
white whales have great maws with sharp teeth; they inches long and with sharp teeth that can tear into prey
coordinate with others of their kind to form pods that uickly and e ciently. ough relatively harmless in
make them apex predators. small numbers, a school of these creatures can enter a
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 11, Social 3, Mental 2 feeding frenzy to uickly consume large prey.
Secondary Attributes: Health 12, Willpower 5 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8, Brawl 10, Stealth 5; Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1
Intimidation 6 Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4 (Bite), survival 5
Special: Employing pack tactics, Orca provides a bonus (Bloodscent),
of 2 Dice instead of 1 when assisting with Teamwork Special: When in schools of ten or more, Piranhas'
rolls. attacks automatically hit and their Health Tracker and
Physical Dice Pools are tripled.
General Di culties: 2 / 0
A slimy and usually salty mollusk that can lter toxins General Di culties: 5 / 3
and algae out of its environment, with some species Sharks are powerful predators that are responsible for
being able to clean up to y gallons per day. ey many alassophobias (phobias of the ocean). Sharks
produce pearls when foreign objects, such as a grain of have sharp, powerful teeth and a strong sense of smell,
sand, gets inside their shells and irritates their so which allows them to detect and track prey. eir bite
tissues. ese animals are very rarely ghouled by is fatal to most living creatures.
Kindred. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 9, Social 1, Mental 1
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 9, Willpower 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5, Brawl 10, Stealth 5;
Exceptional Dice Pools: -- Intimidation 6
Special: When prying open an oyster, a character rolls Special: Sharks deal +3 A ravated Damage on bite
two dice. With two or more successes they nd a pearl, attacks. When hunting a bleeding target, the shark
on a Critical Win that pearl is worth a dot of resources. automatically passes any tests to nd and pursue it,
assuming the target is still in water.
General Di culties: 4 / 3
is immense whale moves through the water with
grace, and despite its size isn't particularly a ressive; it
can leverage its strength and bulk to cause considerable
damage to ship hulls if needed.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 12, Social 3, Mental 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 15, Willpower 6
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 10 (swim),
intimidation 8
Special: e whale's bulk allows it to capsize any boat
smaller than it without issue. It uses its athletics to
attack and crash into other targets.
S·«age C«ea·¼«e¯
Not every animal is completely mundane. Kindred have Blood Raven
kept a number of creatures with supernatural abilities
General Di culties: 4 / 1
as companions. ese include the revenant-like
Large Ravens with red-tipped wings employed by the
Animals like the Akunanse's colorful jumping spiders,
Feathered Court. Bred and ghouled for hundreds of
or the Blood Raven's Blood Ravens. ere's also strange
years, their revenant-like physiology produces its own
creatures that are conjured up from forgotten pagan
thin vitae that makes them canny, strong, swi , and
rituals as physical contrivances of old spirits, and even
incredibly long-lived. Some of these corvids have even
things of unknowable origins that were once thought
outlived their Elder owners from the night of Avalon.
extinct. As a rule, Kindred cannot assume the forms of
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1;
these strange creatures without a special circumstance,
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2; Intelligence
usually granted by speci c powers of the blood, or an
2, Wits 4, Resolve 3
occurrence within their Bloodline.
Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Larceny 2, Stealth 3
(Darkness), Survival 3; Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 3;
Akyede Ananse Awareness 3
General Di culties: 2 / 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 5
eir name meaning "Gi ed Spider" in the Twi Disciplines: Obfuscate 1 (Cloak of Shadows)
language of the Akan people of Africa, these colorful Special: Blood Ravens are exceptionally fast iers and
jumping spiders are roughly the size of a pea, and are can cover roughly 100 mi/160 km in a single night, so
long as weather conditions are favorable and they y
believed to have been gi s from the wise trickster
non-stop in a straight line. ey hold a bit of Obfuscate
Spider-God. Exceptionally cunning and intelligent in their blood due to generations of ghouling, allowing
arachnids, these spiders appear almost comically them to utilize Cloak of Shadows.
di cult to capture or destroy, and have supernatural
ualities and knowledge that make them helpful in a Dark Hart
General Di culties: 3 / 1
Standard Dice Pools: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 1;
Certain Gangrel have been taught the Blood Rituals
Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 1; Intelligence
that allow for the conjuring of these aspects of nature's
3, Wits 4, Resolve 2
power. Dark Harts are most fre uently seen in the old
Skills: Athletics 4 (Jumps), Survival 6; Performance 4
forest of Europe, but some have been sighted in the
(Singing); Awareness 7 (Sight), occult 5
jungles of South America, or the bush of Australia,
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1
even in places where Deer are not native fauna.
Special: ese tiny spiders cannot take damage or be
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4;
destroyed so long as the Akunanse they're linked to has
Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 2; Intelligence
not met Final Death. Additionally they have the
2, Wits 4, Resolve 2
e uivalent of Sense the Unseen, and can phase out of
Skills: Awareness 5, Occult 4
existence and reappear nearby when out of line of sight.
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 4
Special: Su ers no minor action penalty when closing
distance and it deals +2 piercing damage when goring
with antlers in a charge attack. It can perceive
individuals and objects as if it has Sense the Unseen.
Once per scene the Dark Hart can spend a point of
Willpower to add a single die to the caster's Willpower
Sacred Bear
Shielded Luster
General Di culties: 6 / 3
A huge bear that was once the Famulus of a Gangrel General Di culties: 4 / 2
Methuselah, such creatures fre uent the wilds of A pangolin that has pearly scales that shimmer in the
ancient forests, where they long for vitae and to be fed moonlight. It is uncannily durable, with scales that are
from. Creatures such as these are wise beyond their more like thick plates of bone, rather than keratin
years in matters of nature and beast. typical to normal pangolins.
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4; Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5;
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 4; Intelligence Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2; Intelligence
2, Wits 3, Resolve 3 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Larceny 3, Survival 2; Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Larceny 3, Survival 3;
Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 5; Awareness 3 Insight 2; Occult 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 5 Secondary Attributes: Health 8, Willpower 5
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Potence 2, Protean 2 Disciplines: Fortitude 2 (Toughness, Resilience)
Special: ese creatures tend to have thick vitae owing Special: When making an All-Out-Defense, reduce
through their veins, even if they haven't been directly Super cial Damage by 1 more. is can reduce damage
fed by a Kindred in some time, those that feed from to zero.
them slake Hunger as if they were feeding from a Blood
Potency 2 Vampire. eir powers of Protean and Spiral Iridescence
Potence make them brutal and dangerous.
General Di culties: 3 / 2
An enchantingly beautiful peafowl that's said to have
Silvered Trickster been bred by a Toreador. Both sexes display incredibly
beautiful plumage.
General Di culties: 4 / 1 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 2
A pale Raven with re ective feathers that look almost Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 2
silver in direct light. eir bright plumage makes them Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Survival 3;
poor at stealth, however they have heightened Intimidation 2; Awareness 4 (Carrion)
intelligence comparable to children. Special: When spreading their tail feathers, those who
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1; look directly at the display must make a Composure +
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2; Intelligence Resolve; Di culty 3 Test. A failure Stuns the onlooker
3, Wits 4, Resolve 3 for one turn.
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Larceny 3, Survival 2;
Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 5; Awareness 3, occult 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 5
Disciplines: Obfuscate 1 (Cloak of Shadows)
Special: Silvered tricksters can speak at least one mortal
language and don't re uire Feral Whispers to
communicate with.
Populating both the cities and wilderness, and
outnumbering their Kindred predators, mortals are Digital Nomad
prey, threat, and tool. is section details the still-living
General Di culties: 2 / 1
and relatively mundane populace of the World of
With their old way of life long gone, these individuals
Darkness, and how they function in relation to the
have le it behind entirely, never looking back and
Kindred that hunt them.
instead moving from city to city. Working remotely for
corporations or high-paying freelance jobs, they carry
Animal Control Specialist with them only a trusty traveling pack full of what they
General Diculties: 3 / 2 need, searching for a new city with something, or
It seems like everyone decided to get a dog over the last anything, worth staying for.
few months and now their incompetent owners have let Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 4, Mental 3
their mutts run wild, not to mention the untold Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 7
environmental damage their cats cause. Still, this job Exceptional Dice Pools: Streetwise 6; Academics 5
gives him the opportunity to take his revenge on pet for (Linguistics), nance 6, technology 6 (Computers)
causing so much racket while he's trying to sleep. Special: ough not entirely self-su cient, these
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 2, Mental 2 nomads are capable of moving across borders and living
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5 in multiple countries with little e ort. ey have access
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 5 (Animals), rearms 6 to portable technology, such as the latest smart phone,
(Non-Lethal Weaponry), Survival 6 (Animals); Animal high-end laptops, and are savvy enough to keep their
Ken 8; Awareness (Animals) personal information relatively safe.
Special: Comes e uipped with a tran uilizer gun, a net
gun, an animal catch pole, muzzles, and most other
e uipment needed to deal with animals of any size. Highway Patrol
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Law enforcement that specializes in enforcing tra c
Avenging Supernatural Hunter laws and safety on the roadways. ey also respond to
General Diculties: 6 / 3 emergencies and special operations to set up
Avenging supernatural hunters are usually out for checkpoints, regularly working in tandem with the SI,
blood and have little to lose outside of their cell. ey though unknowingly. ese individuals roam the streets
come with experience that usually belies their age, in cars or on motorcycles. When Tension (Pg. 70) is
either because they had a good mentor, an intelligence high, they may even pursue using helicopters.
network, or have a natural talent at surviving and Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 3, Mental 3
dealing with inhuman monsters. Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 7
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 7, Mental 5 Exceptional Dice Pools: Firearms 5, Drive 5 (Pursuit);
Secondary Attributes: Health 9, Willpower 8 Streetwise 6; Investigation 6
Exceptional Dice Pools: Drive 10 ('67 Impala), melee 8 Special: Highway Patrol appear in cars, motorcycles,
(Stakes); Academics 11, awareness 7, investigation 6, and even on horses. ey come e uipped with rearms
occult 8 and usually have high speed vehicles, and are always in
Special: ese mortals come prepared with weaponry contact with local dispatch, who can uickly eld more
designed speci cally for the creatures they're up o cers to the area.
against. In combat against Kindred and their Coterie,
they have access to stakes, burning ammunitions and
torches, transportation, as well tools to exploit any of
their Folkloric Banes.
Lost Hunter Special: Can use their spray wand to deal a ravated
damage to pests and swarms.
General Diculties: 3 / 2
Someone who went on a hunting trip and got lost,
Radical Environmentalist
either because they were unprepared, or due to a
sudden change in weather, has found themselves General Diculties: 4 / 2
stranded in the wilderness or an unfamiliar location. From a young age they identi ed the core problem of
Disoriented and in need of help they are tired and wary. this world and its apathy towards it, and they've been
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 3, Mental 4 ghting against that apathy and for the protection of
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 6 the environment from the short-sighted and corrupt.
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6, rearms 6, survival ese radicals are willing to take any measures, any
5; Awareness 4 risks, to ensure nature remains safe from the expanding
Special: ese mortals carry survival supplies, such as a industry of humanity, and have accrued many technical
hiker's pack or things like bear mace, however they are and organizational skills along the way, becoming
usually running low on ready-made food and they will competent and dangerous leaders.
eventually stop to cook or attempt to make camp. Most Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 5, Mental 4
importantly they come e uipped with a +3 damage ri e Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7
or crossbow. Exceptional Dice Pools: Cra 6 (Demolition), larceny 6,
stealth 5; Leadership 7, persuasion 6; Academics 5
Naturalist Researcher (Environmental Preservation)
Special: ese individuals carry with them tools to take
General Diculties: 2 / 1 out power grids, shred tires, and disrupt construction.
A eld researcher who works tirelessly with a passion Pipe bombs, home-made EMP devices, and litigation
for being in and understanding nature. is individual are all weapons in their arsenal, and they are used in a
is knowledgeable of the ecosystem and can rely on their zealous manner without regard for their own safety.
wits and academics to learn and survive at a uick pace,
but lacks the physical capabilities to thrive in the wilds
Road Hunters
e ortlessly.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 4, Mental 6 General Diculties: 4 / 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7 Hunters who patrol the roads outside the city. ey
Exceptional Dice Pools: Science 6, medicine 5, specialize in vehicular combat, and tend to drive high
academic 5, athletics 3 (hiking), survival 2 performance sports and muscle cars. ey're seasoned
Special: ese researchers have whatever e uipment is and use their vehicles as an extension of their wills and
needed to help them understand the area they're in. tactics.
Anything from seismic gear to infrared cameras. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 3, Mental 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 5
Pest Control Worker Exceptional Dice Pools: Drive 8
Special: ese hunters tend to travel in small eets. In
General Diculties: 3 /2 these cases giving variations on Exceptional Dice Pools
It's not exactly what you dream of doing when you are a might be good to characterize each driver individually,
kid. But the job pays well enough, at least enough to as seen with the modi ed stat block provided for the
ignore the coughing ts from the chemicals. ey're a uartermaines on Pg. 73.
veteran of their eld, and have picked up experience
needed to deal with almost any threat.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 3, Mental 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 6
Exceptional Dice Pools: Melee 4; Academics 3 (Vermin),
investigation 3 (Vermin),
Technology 2 (pesticide), academic 2 (insect and
rodents), Science 2 (chemical), investigation 2, melee 4
(spray wand)
Urban Explorer
General Diculties: 4 / 2
ey can still remember the rst time they decided to
explore an abandoned subway. e rush of the
unknown that led to the frenetic escape from the
o cer who pursued them, and then getting lost all over
again in the old tunnels below the city. Ever since then
the call of the abandoned, the ruined, and the
forgotten, is all they think about. Sometimes they
record and stream every moment of it, so that others
can feel as they do.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 4, Mental 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 9 (Parkour), larceny
6, stealth 8; Performance 6, Streetwise 7; Academics 4
(City Maps), awareness 7, investigation 5
Special: e urban explorer is young and highly
athletic, carrying everything from bolt cutters to
colored smoke bombs. ey wear obscuring dark
clothing that allows for free movement, such as hoodies
and long pants, and are sometimes e uipped to climb
or scale surfaces and pass over impeding structures like
barbed wire.
Typical Blood Suckers
"My Sire used to say to me 'Dearest Elena, we're all in this together, some simply don't realize i .' He'd say it while looking
heroic, full of poise and peering out the window and into the moonligh . An old knight from a airy ale age that never really
existed. 'All are meant to live in harmony, with grace and poise. Circums ance is something you rise out o , overcome, not
something you drown in.'
"He was a fool, of course. I won't lie and say that I don't miss him now and again, his idealism was oppressive, but also
genuine, which meant it was endearing. So few things are real when we say them. He thought the world could be a harmonious
place, and he fought for it every nigh . I wield his sword now. I speak the words he spoke to me. But unlike him, I gladly raise
this blade to cut down my enemies. ey are notches on my bel . Just a number ever-growing. Nothing more. e act of the
matter is that we are our own worst enemies. Monsters, wraiths, aefolk, magicians, even Second Inquisition Hunters – ey
don't hurt us like we hurt each other. We're experts on what makes us suffer. I feel no pangs of remorse for the other Kindred I
must kill."
–Lady Sophia of Leeds, Knight of Avalon
Strange Kindred
ese are Kindred that are fairly uni ue and uite uncommon. For the purposes of this book, they are used
primarily by Loresheets or Bloodline backgrounds, similar to the Strange Creatures. Storytellers can also use these
stat blocks and concepts to add unconventional Kindred to their Chronicle.
hat follows are examples of an assortment of rare supernatural animals and the dyscrasias that
can be gained from them. In order to tap a Dyscrasia from one of these creatures, the drinker
must slake at least one point of Hunger. In addition to any gained Dyscrasia, these animals also
provide an Intense Animal Resonance, granting +1 die to Animalism and Protean pools, on top
of any other bonuses and e ects they might confer. ese Dyscrasias, and the animals who harbor them, are meant
to be rare and used as a valued resource that many Kindred would covet or ght over. It's recommended that
Storytellers treat each of these animals as key plot points or centerpieces within their Chronicle.
Many of these beasts are presented as being mistreated by their current master or jailer, and can be o ered as a
uni ue interaction or story beat for Kindred with Animalism or high Animal Ken. e individual stat blocks of
each animal can be found on Pg. 90, in the Strange Creatures section.
ust as with the section above, this section has a number of example animals that a Storyteller can draw
from at a moment's notice to populate their nights with small story hooks or interesting characters for
characters with high Animalism or Animal Ken, who might not normally get moments to shine or use
those abilities to be helpful. Unlike the section above, these animals are meant to be generally common to
the area they might appear in to help keep scene momentum or to create a scene where one might not have
been before. As a general rule of thumb, many of the animals that follow are meant to be beats that lead to, or
directly help with, a greater event that's occurring in the area.
ese animals are not designed with any apparent supernatural properties in mind, and outside of their
somewhat uni ue situation and personality, are just typical night-to-night beasts. If a Storyteller needs stats for
these animals, it's recommended that they simply use the e uivalent under the Animals section (Pg. 79).
the city. What They Want: ey want What They Can Provide:
What They Can Provide: to know what a "two leg" tastes Not mauling you.
Willing to become backup or a like. Expanded Utility: Yogi/Bella
tracker in return for getting rid What They Can Provide: could be used to intimidate
of the Kine in their territory. ey could provide safe passage targets or guard a location with
Expanded Utility: Could through waterways. their imposing presence.
provide knowledge about safe Expanded Utility: e perfect Location: Near a city's
passages through the wilderness way of disposing of unwanted… outskirts, in a forested area with
and alerts about dangers or 'Problems'. nearby campgrounds or hiking
traps set by hunters or other Location: In a secluded part of trails.
entities. the city's river, particularly in a
Location: In the outskirts of less-traveled area with dense 15 noble lion
the city, near a forested area foliage.
Name: Leo
where urban development
Who they are: An old lion.
meets the wilderness. 13 small fish
Personality: Noble and proud,
Name: Swimzell with a deep-seated desire for
11 charming fox
Who They Are: sh freedom.
Name: Mr. Todd Personality: Skittish and What They Want: To be free
Who He Is: A sly fox alert, constantly aware of their and no longer in this cage
Personality: Charming and surroundings. What They Can Provide:
in uisitive, with a knack for What They Want: To be able Could be convince to lend you
getting into and out of trouble. to swim peacefully without his might in return for freedom
What He Wants: Food and seagulls or other predators Expanded Utility: While Leo
many other creature comforts coming at them makes a capable combatant,
What He Can Provide: What They Can Provide: having a lion accompany you
Willing to provide information Information of the going on around can provide some potent
on what he has seen and even near the sea, strange two legs symbolism and surprise even
gather more if you promise to with gills cited not far near the the most jaded kindred.
improve his well being. shoreline Location: Con ned in a large,
Expanded Utility: Mr. Tod Expanded Utility: Swimzell somewhat neglected enclosure
could become a scout or a spy, could o er insights into at the city zoo.
using his cunning to gather underwater happenings,
information or lead adversaries including the movements of 16 isolated deer
astray. boats or the presence of
Name: Roe / Buck
Location: Fre uently seen near underwater creatures.
Who They Are: A rather large
a busy city s uare, especially Location: In the waters near a
popular pier or close to a busy deer.
during the evening.
Personality: Timid and
shipping lane.
gentle, with an innate
understanding of the forest.
12 man-eating croc 14 big bear
What They Want: To make it
Name: Gustave / Cora / Name: Yogi / Bella back to their herd safely a er
Laguna Who They Are: A large black being separated.
Who they are: Crocodile that bear. What They Can Provide:
rests comfortably in their spot. Personality: Gru and Can show you the location of an
Personality: Predatory and intimidating but with a empty tent torn to shreds that
patient, with a deep surprising level of curiosity and smells of ash and blood.
understanding of their a uatic warmth. Expanded Utility: ey could
environment. What They Want: Food, lots provide valuable reconnaissance
of food. in forested areas and alert to the
hese are meant to be uick and easy gossip that are related to Gangrel, their Bloodlines, or some other
adjacent group, topic, or individual. ey're best used as a little way to spice up a scene, entice a player
with a little mystery, or provide a hook for a much larger picture. ey are meant to lack elaborate
context, and if used a few of them may re uire broader knowledge on the topic that might not be
thoroughly provided within this book. Despite this, Storytellers are encouraged to spin their own narratives and
plots in regards to these tidbits. Creating something out of very little is usually better than burdening oneself with
too much research into old tomes.
An order of Gangrel calling themselves the INVICTI have Some local Gangrel Elders haven't forgotten the atrocities
begun to gain prestige in local Kindred society. Regardless of that Clan Tremere had committed against their Clan, and
Sec , they have aken up the mantle to hunt down local are looking to form an alliance with local Gargoyles in order
Vampire Hunters, and are looking for capable applicants. to create a greater federation that will finish the Omen War
Some claim they may even have the support of a justicar. once and for all.
In the mid-century the Irish Gangrel, Michael Flannery, e supposed founder of the modern Bloodline of City
supposedly flew from Donegal Ireland to Boston, Gangrel has been spotted moving through a local Anarch
Massachusetts as a bat amidst a terrible winter. Some claim territory. Rumors abound that he's in alks with a local
he was a powerful Methuselah, and that a similar occurrence Baron.
has happened in the city.
08 living zoo
03 magda's expulsion
Enkidu, one of the oldest Gangrel known to exis , is said to
An ancient Elder has awoken in Ireland and wields old have ghouled and curated animals on the edge of extinction.
sorceries that control and empower plantlife. ose fleeing Supposedly destroyed by the Ivory Tower, some claim they've
from the island claim that she may not be a Kindred at all, seen a strange creature aking up a similar mantle, creating a
and her primary goal is expelling all vampires from her nearby preserve.
09 lupine exodus
04 night road
A massive influx of Lupines has been moving through the
A nearby Prince has been looking to create a network of city. Some Gangrel claim that something in the nearby pine
trafficking information and cargo between cities to strengthen barrens has spooked them to such an extent that they'd rather
other Prince's domains and foster a broader alliance. flee than figh .
In hushed tones, various people are saying that a jawbone An aberrant group of insectoid Gangrel has aken purchase in
has been used in several bru al murders that have carved the nearby city of Houma, where they are in open war with
their way through courts. Some even claim its the same the Nosferatu for control of the swamps and sewers. eir
biblical weapon used to slay Able, and that its being used to aims seem overly insidious, even for Kindred kind, and the
decimate the Kindred across whole cities. creatures they call upon are twisted and strangely resis ant to
powers of Animalism.
e most influential local Gangrel have chosen a Predator Word abound that a member of " e Fist" has survived their
and Prey Pries , and are looking to hold a grand feast and destruction during World War II, and has been seen on the
hunt to bring in the new seasons, and enlighten other Ferals move in the city. Great prestige is granted for those that fell
about their heri age. e winner of this hunt is said to be this survivor, or bring them before the local Baron.
rewarded but an elder of the bloodline.
17 grim tremors
12 moon elk
ose who merge with the earth when in slumber claim that
Gangrel in the city have claimed to dream of a grant white they have dreamt of numerous bloodied teeth, and have been
elk. Some claim they are being beckoned for its council, while momen arily roused from slumber by tremors from deep
others claim it wishes to be hunted. below. Some have aken to claiming that it is Ennoia, moving
eastward to parts unknown.
13 glorious death
18 ivory animal
A Valkyrie has appeared at a local Anarch gathering, and
offered those capable and willing an honorable death at the e grand childer of Milov Petrenkov, Julius, has been seen
final conflict when Ragnarok begins. ose who fight beside moving through local Gangrel circles, converting some Ferals
the Valkyries and the All-Father will achieve enlightenment to the banner of the Camarilla as part of a grand new vision.
and glory in death.
19 ambitious wolves
14 blood beast
A group of exceptionally wealthy Gangrel have aken ou , or
A massive bear has been seen moving into the city. It aken over, several Gangrel institutions in the city.
specifically hunts Kindred, and supposedly has developed a Supposedly they want to create a city that is entirely under
aste for Vi ae. Mixed accounts claim that it is an ancient their Clan's thumb, where they hold all the cards.
ghoul, while others tell that it's been seen shi its form like a
Kindred with Protean. 20 drunken fool
he Lorekeepers of the Clan of Beasts have long labored to keep the oral history of the Gangrel, and
Kindred at large, persistent into the modern age. ough this practice has wavered a bit in recent
nights with the departure of many Elders, it lives on through the Childer who are willing to take up
the mantle. Below are a number of Myths and Tales that Players and Storytellers can use or draw from
to help represent the history or ancient folktales of Kindred.
I before the lost city of Ennoia from the darkest wood. Into this effi , she
summoned the spirit of the first fores , ancient and arcane,
In the days before the First City, Ennoia, daughter of Lilith, breathing alse life into this twisted simulacrum. us was
was forsaken by kin and kingdom. She wandered the wilds, born Lhiannan aking the appearance of Ennoia, but earning
her heart heavy with solitude, and was raised by wolves. her eternal ire.
Among them she grew strong and fierce, her spirit
intertwined with the un amed land. In a union most
V beauty marked wrath
forbidden, she coupled with a mighty wolf under the silver
eye of the moon, and from this union, the Beast of the Moon Since time immemorial, distrust has festered between Gangrel
was born, harbinger of terror in the night and enemy of man. and Toreador, ever since Ish ar, the radiant but treacherous
It and its progeny wander the earth, a fearsome specter, its Toreador Antediluvian, sought to usurp Ennoia's sacred
howls a reminder of the eternal bond between the wilds and charge. She sent her airest Childer to beguile and steal from
the children of Ennoia. the daughter of Lilith, her honeyed words dripping with
decei . But Ennoia, wise to the empty words, cast them ou ,
II the turn of the siblings marring the beauty of Ish ar's Childe. Henceforth, the
Gangrel watched the Toreador with eyes of suspicion, their
Born alongside Ennoia was a twin, a rival as fierce as she, enmity as enduring as the s ars.
their spirits forged in the same infernal flame. Together they
wandered, together they battled, their strength and fury
VI coils of temptation
matched only by each other. But upon their dark ather's
mysterious departure, their unity fractured, turning to bitter With relentless determination, Ennoia and her legion pursued
enmity. Armies of their progeny rose, and the land was her cowardly twin, traversing lands desolate and strange. In
soaked in blood, a crimson tes ament to their fraternal wrath, their journey, they chanced upon an oasis, a haven of
as each sought the other’s destruction seductive tranquility, where dwelt a serpen , vast and vile,
offspring of Apep, whisperer of lies. It beckoned them to s ay,
III the carnal conflict to par ake in its forbidden fruits, its words slithering into the
hearts of the weary. But Ennoia, unyielding and resolute,
e war, cruel and relentless, consumed child and child of rebuked the serpen , leading her aithful away from its
child, a battlefield of endless carnage. But Ennoia's twin, ensnaring coils, while those who succumbed were constricted
cunning and craven, vanished into the earth's arthest and devoured by the son of Apep.
corners, scattering his blood like chaff in the wind. It is
whispered in hushed tones that only when the last of his line
is devoured, will Ennoia return, her wrath quenched. Until
that day, her eyes search the horizon, her heart a cauldron of
vengeance, awaiting the hour of reckoning when blood shall
call to blood.
As traces of her twin were carried away by the winds of time, e first Kindred on the continent of Europe were the Noaid,
Ennoia, wearied by the endless chase, cursed his name to the ancestors of our blood and first born of Ennoia. It's said they
night sky. Gazing upon the ravages of war, the desolation communed with the Guovssahas, whose screams they could
wrought by her vengeance, her heart grew heavy with sorrow. hear in the night sky. e Noiad shepherd their tribes, but as
She saw the unspoken cost of those who followed her path and the followers in Christ's crucifixion spread across the land, the
cause. Wracked with guil , she proclaimed that children of screaming lights grew possessive of their tribes and urged the
Ennoia should make their own path, never to be shackled to Noiad to tighten their grip lest they escape, but in doing so
another’s cause. they suffocated the herd in their fists. us the screaming gods
of light fell silent and the Noaid were los .
VIII victorious dead
XII rahab's mercy
In the annals of the Blood Saga, there is the ale of Canarl,
the first of the night's children. Cast out as an outlaw, An Erimite by the name of Rahab was a great scholar of the
wounded in the throes of battle, it was under the cold gaze of Beast's blood. He walked the land hungering for knowledge
the All-Father Odin that Canarl's blood seeped upon the earth and power so that he may never be shackled as he was in
and transformed, birthing the Einherjar. e first chosen youth. He continued to grow in power until he came across a
slain was led by Ennoia to join All-Father Odin in his halls of strange and alien thing washed up on the beach. It spoke in a
victorious dead. Forsaken by kin, embraced by nigh , to roam voice like a rain all and proclaimed if its life was saved then
the earth, a draugr of war and blood, forever bound to the it would give him what he craves, and so Rahab granted the
darkness that birthed him. mercy of his blood upon the thing, and joined it beneath the
deep black waves.
IX old one-eye
XIII the warrior's hound
In the frozen north, where the wind sings laments of the los ,
sat Odin, the One-Eyed Lord of the Slain, in his majestic hall ere was a renowned warrior named Amos who was strong
of Valhalla. It is said that with his enchanted drinking horn, and brave, his deed and life continued to accrue until he was
he and his brood could turn the sweetest wine into the darkest encountered by Scylla, who was so impressed by him that she
blood. Shadows of warriors of great renown danced in his Embraced him into the Clan of Beasts. He awoke, reborn as a
halls. ere, in the heart of winter's grasp, the lord and his child of Ennoia, and by his side a large black hound. With his
children feasted, his eye aglow with the ancient knowledge, a newfound power he continued to prosper, aided by his hound
boon of those from those before the flood. until he became a legend. But in his prestige he began to
neglect and ignore the hound that had been with him from
X spider's reminder the beginning and one day on a hunt it turned on him and
devoured him. e hound of Amos is said to be only a few
As the daughter of Lilith roamed the world, traversing the steps behind all children of Ennoia, ready to devour those
Ebony kingdom, where the night holds secrets and paths are who stray too ar from themselves.
le untreated by any of God’s creation. Ennoia found herself
lost deep within a angled forest of web and bone, there she
XIV ennoia and the eldest
encountered Anansi who aunted her until she became a
primal force of nature. Chase did she, through the winding In Ennoia's long travels before her rest deep within the earth,
heart of darkness, until she found herself clear of the trees did she come across the Dragon, an enigma of flesh and bone,
and rain. For reminding her of the Beast's mastery of a living nightmare that twisted and reshaped its form. Under
instinc , Ennoia bestowed her immor al gi unto his daughter the eye of a blood red moon, the Dragon and Ennoia found
and the Akunanse did beguile this world ever-a er. themselves in a s alemate. Recognising the futility of their
conflic , they struck an ancient pact: Once per century, or in
the direst of times, their progeny would come to each other's
aid, a bond forged in the recognition of their shared, ine able
ere was a Gangrel named Aethon Whisperwind, bound to Whispered in the night of the steppe is the ale of Dobrul the
the wild, trusted his winged kin above all. But when darkness Brave, the first of the Anda, who slumbered deep beneath the
stormed, it was not the beast but man who stood stead ast in earth, his spirit entwined with the ancient victories of the
the maelstrom's eye. e alcon, a creature of the skies, once great Mongolian horde. It is said that in his dependence
vanished into the tempest's shroud. us was it revealed: True on their migh , he lost his own, becoming but a ghostly echo
loyalty, a rare gem, may emerge from the most unforeseen of of their conquest as their accomplishment became echoes of
realms. the pas . And so he sleeps, and the land trembles with his
dreams, for it is foretold that he will rise once more at the end
XVI sylvana's haligtree of days, his awakening heralding an era of turmoil and blood.
So, the children of the night wai , their hearts a stilled
Sylvana, priestess of Ennoia, erected a majestic monument in drumbea , for the moment when Dobrul shall emerge, a ti an
honor of Ennoia and her descendants. In a profound act of reborn from the ashes of history.
devotion, she severed her own hear , letting her blood nourish
the soil. From this sacrifice, a mighty oak emerged, a towering
XIX jukash the breaker
emblem of Gangrel fortitude and migh . Ye , others, envious
of its grandeur, conspired in the dark. rough sorcery and Jukash, breaker of the gate of heaven, crusher of stone and
plotting they spawned a monstrous ivy that coiled insidiously enemy of civilisation, tore down the cities of corruption in his
around the oak, sapping its strength and twisting it to their quest to restore purity. His might was uncontes able, until the
own purpose. But it is said the Gangrel will be above all, denizen of a cursed decadent city did invite him into their
when the heart of Sylvana may beat freely once more. labyrinth of stone and sin, wherein the Gangrel, children of
wilderness had their strength sapped. In their quest to cleanse
XVII lysander's kin corruption, they find themselves ensnared, for the city's
darkness is as intrinsic as roots to the earth. As they delve
Lysander, son of Ennoia and brother to wolves, was a warrior deeper, their nature, once wild and free, becomes shackled to
of great renown and wisdom, his mind and heart open to all. the very corruption they sought to destroy, a tragic irony
However he did not see the envious look of man. ey trapped woven into the abric of the city's hear . His descendant to
him with fire and bounded his heart with wood. But in his this day entwined in an eternal dance with the city, a dance
anguished howl, a lament for trust broken, did awaken the of predator and prey, forever bound to its shadowed streets.
vengeful spirits of the fores . With eyes aflame and hearts
cold, the wolves, his true kin, emerged. eir wrathful
XX the mother of beasts
retribution, a tragic ode to the shattered bond between man
and beas . e sun will grow black and the earth shall shudder, as the
children of blood and moon unite under their mother. As she
makes her war, the walls of man shall no longer s and all
and their master’s will be cast down before her judgmen .
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World of Darkness, Vampire: e Masquerade, Vampire: e Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: e Apocalypse,
Werewolf: e Wild Wes , Mage: e Ascension, Mage: e Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: e Oblivion, Wraith: e Great War,
Changeling: e Dreaming, Hunter: e Reckoning, Demon: e Fallen, Mummy: e Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted,
Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: e Requiem, Werewolf: e Forsaken, Mage: e Awakening, Changeling: e Los , Hunter:
e Vigil, Giest: e Sin Eaters, Demon: e Descen , Mummy: e Curse, Beast: e Primordial, Promethean: e Created,
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©2018 World of DarknessWhite Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden.
Additional Archetypes 4 Country Gangrel 37
Blood Ravens 39
Regal Knights of Avalon 41
Einherjar & e Valkyries 43
Animalism 6
Laibon of the Wise Spider 45
Auspex & Celerity 8
Coyotes of the Cities 47
Fortitude 9
Wendigo 49
Obfuscate 10
Mariner 51
Potence 11
Presence & Protean 12
Blood Sorcery & Rituals 14
Shaped by the Will to Survive 54
NEW PREDATOR TYPES 16 e Nomadic Life 55
A Political Animal 57
OPTIONAL ADVANTAGES 19 Clan and Culture 62
Bestial 19 e World Outside 68
Bonding & Feeding 20
Looks, Mythic & Psychological 21
Haven Addon & Domain 22 Tension 71
Chronicle Hooks for Wilderness 72
Blood of Artio 23
Casimir Bane of Cities 24
Aerial Animals 80
Eremites of the Perfect Beast 25
Terrestrial Animals 83
Feral Child 26
A uatic Animals 89
e Hushed Chorus 27
Strange Creatures 91
Mortals 94
Lorekeeper 29
ings in the Dark 97
Pagans of the Old Ways 30
Typical Bloodsuckers 99
Path of the Beast 31
Strange Kindred 102
Protege of Inspector Wolfe 32
Dyscrasia Animals 103
e ing at's Seen You 33
Animals for Feral Whispers 104
e World Anew 34
Whispers & Rumors 109
Wolves of Wall Street 35
Gangrel Myths & Tales 111
Wh A«e ·he Gag«e?
“Even at the first city of Uruk our kind lived on the periphery, waking the beast in the hearts of men. Leading the barbarian
hordes to delve into its hear , where we cast their gods down onto the streets. en when the other Cainites rose up and
defended the walls they'd buil , we pulled back into the wilderness. ere we became the monsters in the dark: the wendigos,
the bête of Guévaudon, the giants and trolls of the world, but still the city pushed out into us. When the Sect wars began we
played our role as their soldiers and trackers, we brought death and destruction in their names –yet still they kept us at arms
length. But now something is differen , in the chaos and uncer ainty of these new nights. Our kind is beginning to thrive once
more, the walls are crumbling, and when they do the wolves will prowl those cities once more and again shall their gods be
cast down.''
–Shamsha , Childer of Enkidu
ild creatures of the night, the SURVIVALIST
Gangrel prowl the edges of It goes without saying that Kindred have been having a
civilization as hunters, nomads, and rough time in recent nights, from sect wars to the
mercenaries. Having been aptly second in uisition, there is no shortage of things trying
called Wolves, Barbarians, Outcasts, and Strays, though to bring an end to a Kindred's existence. Unlike others
their most common name, used even among themselves, you not only intend to survive each night, you have
is Ferals. While some might nd these brands an insult, been taking active measures to secure that survival.
many Gangrel have appropriated them as badges of Some might call you a bit paranoid, but it's not about
honor, and they wholly accept their nature as whether you're paranoid, it's if you're paranoid enough.
primordial creatures of the night, viewing the trappings SUGGESTED CONVICTIONS: Always persist regardless of
of society as shackles that once bound them to the wills opposition or circumstance, nothing is greater than to
of others, and their Beast as a driving instinct for survive, avoid unnecessary danger
survival and adaptation.
In the previous eras, the Ferals were the loyal dogs MERCENARY
of the Camarilla serving as the claws and fangs of the Maybe in life you were a hitman, or you never really
High Clans, but have since le and become believed in a cause. Being turned hasn't changed your
independent, taking up their own aims. Many that le habits much, or if it has it's granted you a realization
behind their nights in the Ivory Tower now nd the that your new powers and skills can be honed and sold.
lack of structure freeing, nding their own You're good at what you do, and others are willing to
self-determination and ambitions giving them new pay you for it. Whether it's a means to an end or a
purpose and strength in these uncertain nights. ough simple way to eke out an existence doesn't matter. Life
not usually political as a whole, many Ferals have taken has a price, and if someone is willing to pay enough,
up the banner of local Anarch movements, or assist and you'll take that life.
SUGGESTED CONVICTIONS: Never do anything for free,
facilitate those movements, and nd themselves
regularly standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Don't die for another's cause, I come rst
Brujah. Other Gangrel use their talents as hired hands;
Mercenaries, messengers, bodyguards, and spies, and
Society is a social construct, and in your opinion the
move between the lines of civilization and wilderness,
systems and destructions it brings are unnatural. e
from wealthy to impoverished, and from High to Low.
entitled God and His church, the CEO and his
As a whole, the Clan of the Beast cares not for the
unrelenting greed, roads that carve through the
con nes of the labels others might give them, and so
countryside like black veins of corruption to bring
freely move amongst all territories, castes, and status
forth poison-belching machines and trash trailing
–apart from them all.
tourists. You've endured the destructive expansion of
civilization for long enough, and even when you ed to
Additional Gangrel Archetypes the forest, it wasn't content to leave you alone. You've
HUNTER heard how your Clan prospered before the industrial
For this vampire, every night exists only for the thrill of age and the monolithic Sects of the night, and vowed a
the hunt. Wishing only to prove that they are the return to those primal times.
ultimate predator in the city, willing to compete with SUGGESTED CONVICTIONS: Never pass an opportunity
any other Kindred to prove superior. Rarely is this for to disrupt the system, Do not allow yourself to be
power or in uence, the Hunter does it all for the shackled to commitments, ose in authority are
challenge, and the thrill of proving their superior mechanisms of destruction
predatory skills.
another hunter outside of a challenge, never show You were dejected in life. Lost and without a bearing
mercy to prey, only hunt worthy prey, reveal yourself and where to go or what to do. Perhaps a toothless
before a contest begins failure, or a lost soul that never found purpose. In death
Alal¯ Level 2
A power that cements a Kindred's sovereignty over the Amalgam: Fortitude 2
Kingdom of Animals and ensures that they will always Pour your Beast into an animal that has tasted your
have the natural diversity of their area at their beck and blood, causing it to dive into a blind frenzy that
call. Unbeknownst to most Kindred who don't have the bolsters its physical attributes beyond natural limits.
understanding of this ability in their blood, Animalism Cost: One Rouse Check; Free when used on Famulus
also governs the control, understanding, and in uence Dice Pools: Frenzy Test; (Current Willpower + One
of supernatural Beasts, such as those found in Kindred, ird of Humanity Rounded down)
but also in Werewolves and certain cryptids. Amongst System: Upon activation, the user chooses any animal
the Gangrel this power is one of the reasons why they that has at least one step towards a Blood Bond with
thrive so well in countryside, as they use it to cow them, the user then Tests for Fury Frenzy; Di culty 4.
predators, ensure companionship, and thwart the Regardless of the Test's outcome the chosen animal
advancement of Werewolves. enrages for the duration. Enraged animals lose all sense
of self-preservation, add the user's Animalism to their
Level 3 Level 5
Many old tales tell of animals that communicate a ose who have mastered Animalism and this power of
terrible temperament through their bite. Kindred with the blood can not only bring their beast to heel, but
this power are likely the source of such tales, as their also pull other supernatural Beasts into themselves,
bite can inject vicious splinters of their beast into a making their body a vessel for an entire pack of Beasts,
victim that can be tri ered to send those bitten into a uni ed in savage purpose.
Frenzy. ose who have a Famulus have even use this Cost: One or More Rouse Checks and One or More
power through their companion. Willpower
Cost: One Rouse Check Dice Pools: --
Dice Pools: Strength + Brawl System: Upon activation, the user chooses any number
System: On a successful bite the user may activate this of individuals in their presence with a Supernatural
power to infect a victim with a splinter of their Beast. Beast, then makes a Rouse Check and spends a point of
At any time for the remainder of the night the user may Willpower for each, before making a Test of Animalism
make another Rouse Check to activate that splinter. + Resolve; Di culty 3 + 1 for each chosen individual.
Kindred and other creatures with a supernatural Beast On a success, the Beast of each target is forcibly pulled
must test for Fury Frenzy, user's choice, against a out and into the user, granting the user a Discipline
Di culty e ual to the user's Animalism. While mortals Power known by each target, chosen by the user. If one
and other creatures without a Beast simply y into a of these Disciplines has pools that call for a Discipline
rage, taking non-halved Willpower Damage e ual to the rating, the user's Animalism is used instead, as they
user's Animalism. When the user's Famulus bites an wrangle the target's Beast into executing the powers.
individual, the user may activate this power through Additionally the user su ers no penalties from physical
them. e user can inject a number of beast splinters impairment and gains bonus dice e ual to the number
e ual to their Resolve. of Beasts absorbed to all Athletics, Brawl, Stealth,
Duration: Beast splinters last within victims for Survival, Intimidation, and Awareness pools. If the user
twenty-four hours or until activated. must Test for Frenzy while under the e ects of this
power, they instead su er a point of A ravated
Willpower Damage, and become immune to that form
Level 4 of Frenzy for the remainder of the scene.
FERAL DIALOGUE ose targeted by this power e ectively have
Ferals with this power can convey complex messages via no Beast for its duration. ey do not Test for Frenzy,
howls, grunts, and barks. Sounds produced by this cannot su er Bestial Failures, and Messy Criticals have
power are always animalistic in nature. Many Ferals use no negative e ects. is does not remove the e ects or
this power to discreetly communicate over long detriments of Hunger, however, and they may still be
distances, whether in the countryside or across urban a icted with non-Bestial compulsions at the
sprawl. Storyteller's discretion.
Cost: One Rouse Check When the e ects of this power ends, all Beasts
Dice Pools: -- are returned to their character of origin. When a
System: While Feral Whispers is active, you can emit a character re-gains their Beast, if they are at Hunger 5 or
vocalization, usually a howl, that has a radius of at least their Willpower tracker is fully marked, they must test
one mile. is vocalization can be fully understood by for Hunger Frenzy, as the Beast is once again let loose
anyone with Animalism or any animals or individuals within them.
with superhuman hearing. Vampires with Auspex, Duration: One scene or until ended voluntarily.
especially Malkavians, may be able to glean an
intention or emotion from the vocalizations made via
this power, but never understand the wording of the
message itself.
Duration: As with Feral Whispers.
melee-ranged attacker, dealing the margin in
Super cial Damage.
Duration: One turn.
Supernatural senses are hardly foreign to the Clan of
Beasts, but the powers of Auspex tend to be less
common amongst them. e uadsi-Bloodline of the Level 3
Wendigo are the only Gangrel who hold this power BLOODY RECOLLECTION
within the core of their bestial blood, wielding it to Vampires with this power not only imbibe the blood of
sense and sew Hunger. Other members of the Clan tend their victims, but also partake in their memories as
to manifest it as the hyper-perceptive senses seen in well, making them their own as much as the blood
some animals, such as the vigilant hound who somehow they've slaked.
knows when danger looms in the dark beyond sight. Cost: Free
Dice Pools: Variable
Level 1
System: When the user slakes at least one Hunger from
a victim, they may make a Test of Resolve + Auspex.
e user gains a recent memory for every two successes
on the Test. is memory must have been thought by
Amalgam: Protean 2
the victim within the last two nights. If the user
Altering their physical senses in a way that ne-tunes
completely drains the victim the user gains a memory
them into being able to read the radiating need for
for each Success instead. Especially violent memories,
sustenance, almost like an aura. Many view this power
such as being shot, stabbed, or damaged from re or
as an unnatural intrusion of reading of another, as it
sunlight, may contextually in ict Willpower Damage or
operates on an almost insidious knowing rather than
force the user to Test for Frenzy.
the more "natural" powers that stem from Animalism.
Duration: Memories gained are as permanent as the
Cost: Free
user's own.
Dice Pools: --
System: e user passively knows the Hunger value of
any Vampire in their line of sight. Additionally the user
unerringly knows the location of individuals within ten
yards/meters who are "famished". Vampires who are at
Hunger 5, Mortals who haven't eaten in at least a day, Moving uickly through the world keeps Kindred alive,
and Ghouls who have gone more than a week without and no powers of the Blood allow for uicker
Vitae all count as famished. is power does not sense movement than the Discipline of Celerity. Learned and
Vampires at Hunger 0. employed by the City Gangrel, as well as any Feral that
Duration: Passive can manage to learn it.
Level 2 Level 1
Amalgam: Protean 2
Amalgam: Protean 1
e vampire uses a subconscious sense of danger to
rough the use of their Celerity, a vampire with this
reactively dissolve into a chilled mist, becoming power can immediately assume any transformation
insubstantial and able to evade most forms of attack. with Protean, or feasibly another Discipline, instantly.
is transformation is eeting. however. Cost: One Rouse Check
Cost: Free Dice Pools: --
Dice Pools: -- System: When using a power of transformation the user
System: e user instantly becomes insubstantial mist ignores the normal delay. Additionally, while under the
that can only be damaged by re, sunlight, and e ects of a full-body transformation, the user adds
immaterial supernatural attacks. If this power is used to their Celerity to their non-combat Dexterity Tests.
evade an attack, the user does so with a pool of Wits + Duration: As with power used.
Auspex. On a Critical Win, the user ash-chills any
Level 2
Level 1
Amalgam: Animalism 1
e user shares a small portion of their unnatural
agility with the animals they in uence. Teeming
swarms and great beasts alike exhibit an uncanny speed MAD GRIT
almost e ual to the vampire themself. Using their Hunger as a focusing anchor, vampires with
Cost: One Rouse Check; Free for Famulus this power can thwart the in uences and advancements
Dice Pools: Stamina + Animalism (for non-famulus of others, bolstering their own mental and physical
animals) strength.
System: e vampire can choose to extend some of their Cost: --
Celerity powers to animals a ected by their Dice Pools: --
Animalism. Any animal thus imbued adds the user's System: e user may add a number of dice e ual to
Celerity to their Dexterity pools. Using this power on their current Hunger to any defensive pools made in
their Famulus is free and automatic. To imbue other contests with others. Criticals resulting from these
animals besides their Famulus, the user must make a pools are considered Messy Criticals and confer the
Rouse Check and roll a test of Wits + Celerity Hunger Compulsion (Vampire the Mas uerade Core
(Di culty 3). e user can bolster one animal per point Book, Pg. 208). If this power is used multiple times in a
of margin. single Scene, subse uent uses cost a point of Willpower.
Duration: One Scene; Permanent for Famulus. Duration: --
Level 3 Level 2
Amalgam: Protean 3 Amalgam: Animalism 1
A Feral with this power can assume the shape of three Prere uisite: Bond Famulus
separate animals to ensure that they have the ability to A power created by the shamanistic members of the
adapt to their environment.
Ferals, and seen almost wholly amongst them. rough
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: When taken, the user chooses three animals in the strange combination of their blood's powers, those
regards to traversal, Air, Land, and Water, with each with this ability can form a supernatural link with their
one usually being an animal that thrives in such beast that spreads thin in icted wounds and damage
environs. When this power is activated, the user spends between them, while the Famulus also bene ts their
one turn transforming into a form based on their master's mending powers of the blood.
current environment. If the user is falling or jumping
Cost: Free
they may change to their Air form, running a er
someone would result in their Land form, and the same Dice Pools: --
while swimming in Water. Moving between these System: When the user or their Famulus takes
environments automatically shi s the user between the Super cial Health Damage, the user may have an
three forms without re uiring additional Rouse amount up to their Fortitude rating transferred to the
Checks, only taking a turn to shi (Unless the user has other. When the user rouses the blood to mend damage,
uickshi above, of course). An example would be that same type and amount of damage is also mended
running across a pier as a Wolf, leaping o the edge to
by their Famulus. If the user has more than one
become a Hawk, before diving beneath the waves to
become an Otter. As with Metamorphosis, the user may Famulus, due to a Power, Background, or Merit, the
choose forms with much di erent sizes and mass than damage that is transferred to their Famulus is
their base form. distributed between them as the user sees t.
Duration: Until ended voluntarily. Duration: Passive.
Level 3 Level 5
Amalgam: Animalism 3 Amalgam: Protean 2
When backed into a corner, or near-death, a Feral with is variation of Flesh of Marble has developed in
this power will surrender to their Beast, which will various groups of Gangrel, usually spontaneously
grant them a second wind to continue in the face of through instinctual uses and changes of their blood,
Final Death, doing everything to survive. rather than as something consciously developed. is
Cost: Free power grants immunity to natural damage from
Dice Pools: -- environmental e ects, as well as granting nearly
System: When your Health tracker becomes fully insurmountable durability and monolithic
marked with A ravated Damage, and you are not in immovability.
Frenzy, this power activates automatically. While Cost: Two Rouse Checks
active, the user enters Fury Frenzy and adds their System: While active any attack that does not exceed
current Hunger to their Health track. is Fury Frenzy the user's Fortitude rating deals no damage and fails
cannot be resisted in any way, even through outright and the user is completely immune to
expenditure of Willpower, but the vampire can choose environmental and incidental damage, examples
to Ride the Wave (Vampire the Mas uerade Core include re, high voltage electrical shocks, freezing
Rulebook, Pg. 219). When this power ends, unmarked temperatures, radiation, total vacuum, and extreme
Health boxes are removed rst and if the user has no pressure.
Hunger, they immediately mend 1 A ravated Health Additionally they can't be moved outside their
Damage. own in uence unless the opposing force achieves a
Duration: Lasts a number of turns e ual to the user's number of successes greater than the user's current
Hunger rating upon activation. Willpower and the user can't be Stunned, ignores any
penalties of Physical Impairments (pg. 303 Vampire the
Level 2
example would be the user transforming into a large
gray wolf, but employing this power to appear as a
beloved family pet dog. is power does not alter the
ASSAILING BEAST OF TORMENT user's physical shape or mass, but like Mask of a
Amalgam: Animalism 2 ousand Faces and other similar powers of Obfuscate,
is ability allows one to weave their Beast into their uses a mental glamor to appear as the animal they're
powers of Obfuscate, manifesting it as a harrying and mimicking. As usual, Sense the Unseen and similar
horrifying animal in a way that has no small similarity powers can pierce this e ect, per the rules of
to the Chimerstry employed by the Ravnos. Obfuscate.
Cost: One Rouse Check Duration: Until ended voluntarily.
Dice Pools: Manipulation + Obfuscate
System: e user chooses a victim in their line of sight,
and activates this power, making a test of Manipulation
+ Obfuscate; Di culty 3. Victims add their Fortitude
rating if they have Unswayable Mind or a similar power.
A win weaves the user's Beast and Obfuscate together
Level 1
and projects it into the victim's mind, causing them to RECKLESS BERSERKER
be haunted by peripheral visions of a massive hound or Amalgam: Protean 1
wolf that's nearly demonic in appearance. Victims su er Most fre uently seen amongst the Einherjar, this power
a -2 dice penalty to their Resolve and Composure pools causes the user to enter a meditative battle-trance,
for the duration. Beasts manifested by this power are wherein their Beast alights upon their min, visibly
most o en Canids, but users whose Beast more closely bolstering their physical body and allowing them to
matches another animal may cause it to be conjured as attack with brutal abandon, at the cost of
that instead; Blood Ravens manifest birds matching self-preservation.
their namesake, while a Nosferatu might conjure up Cost: --
visions of nightmarish rats. Dice Pools: --
Duration: One Scene; A Critical Win on the initial Test System: In combat the user adds their Potence to their
makes it last the entire night. Dice Pools made to attack or destroy, but loses an e ual
number of Dice from their evasive and defensive pools.
Level 3
is power is passive and can't be deactivated.
Duration: Passive.
has the Eat Food Merit (Vampire the Mas uerade Core
Rulebook Pg. 182) they pass the test automatically.
Taking a point of A ravated Damage or receiving a
Level 2 Critical Injury forces another Protean + Composure;
Di culty 3 Test to keep the esh down.
WOLF KNIGHT'S VALOUR While the animal remains within the vampire,
Amalgam: Fortitude 2 they can make a Rouse Check to assume its form,
e signature power of the Knights of Avalon. It was following the same rules of Shapechange (Pg. 271 of
created by their founder, Sir Godfrey, who valiantly led Vampire the Mas uerade Core Rulebook).
the charge against the monsters that threatened both Duration: Transformation lasts until ended, or the esh
Mortal and Cainite society in the dark ages. In modern is expelled from the body. As with food, the esh must
nights it's also sometimes seen amongst Ventrue who be expelled before daysleep.
hold the same values and morals of the Knights of
Avalon close to their chest. ose who have this power
Level 2
inspire others around them with their accomplishments
and feats of skill and bravery –A wol 's valour to bolster
Cost: One Rouse Check
Amalgam: Fortitude 2
Dice Pools: --
Channeling the raw ferocity of their Beast into a single
System: While this power is active, whenever the user
attack, the Feral leaps towards the target like a wild
wins a contested pool of any kind against an enemy, any
predator, attacking with the sudden manifestation of
number of Mortals or other Kindred of the user's choice
hooked claws, a barbed tail, a crab's pincers, or any
in their immediate company that doesn't have this
manner of animalistic weapon. Whatever the form this
power, regains a point of Willpower and whenever the
weapon assumes, it rips apart esh with inhuman
user resists Frenzy of any kind those same chosen
violence, all while the user ignores the detrimental
Mortals or Kindred add half the user's Presence in
e ects of pain and injury.
bonus dice to their pools to resist Intimidation and
Cost: One Rouse Check
Fear Frenzy.
Dice Pools: Protean + Brawl
Duration: One scene or until intentionally ended.
System: Activated as a Protean + Brawl attack, the user
sprouts an animalistic light piercing Brawl weapon with
P«·ea a damage modi er e ual to their current Hunger as
they leap up to ve yards/meters towards their target,
making a loud animalistic sound that draws attention.
Level 1 On a successful hit, this attack deals non-halved
Super cial Health Damage to the target, and the user
SKIN TAKER may choose to automatically grapple their victim by
A power fre uently seen among the indigenous Gangrel di ing their animal weapon into esh or garments.
of North America, said to have been developed out of Attack pools made with this power su er no penalties
their spiritual meditations and traditional connections from Impairment or Crippling Injury.
with nature. By draining and then consuming an A Critical Win on this attack allows the user
animal, bones and all, the user can then assume that to activate it again next turn for free, while a Messy
animal's shape, so long as they can keep the esh down. Critical removes the cost entirely for the remainder of
Cost: Free the scene. is power also has no cost while the user is
Dice Pools: -- in Frenzy. Attack pools made with this power cannot
System: e user fully drains an animal and then be split to strike multiple targets.
consumes it entirely, then makes a Test of Protean + Duration: Animalistic weapons gained from this
Composure; Di culty 3. On a success the user keeps transformation last until the end of the turn it was
the animal down without issue, while a fail causes them activated.
to retch up the esh at the end of the scene. If the user
Bd S«ce«× Level 2
A Ritual that takes ambient spiritual energy and uses
vitae as an animating nexus to form it into an arti cial
Amongst less academic practitioners of Blood Sorcery,
spiritual construct. is construct is in no way a proper
especially those who are primarily interested in the
elemental spirit, but can pass as one even when present
processions and rituals of an almost religious
among such beings.
signi cance, the core ability to specialize in those
Cost: One Rouse Check, One Willpower
rituals is more important than the overt mastery of
Dice Pools: Ritual Test (Intelligence + Blood Sorcery;
one's blood, leading to the learning of this talent in the
Di culty 3 or 6)
place of more academic sorcery.
Ingredients: Vitae, the heart of a large ruminant,
Cost: Free
common fungus, fresh moss, an acorn or pinecone
Dice Pools: --
Process: e caster grinds up their vitae along with the
System: e user learns Blood Sorcery Rituals at a cost
fungus and moss. e animal heart is then stu ed with
of two experience per dot, rather than three, and when
the mixture as well as the acorn or pinecone, before
this power is taken they immediately learn a free level
being planted at the center of a clear plot of land, open
two Ritual, regardless of Blood Sorcery level.
to the sky, during which the caster makes their Ritual
Additionally the user learns Rituals in half the time. If
they have a teacher they learn them in a fourth of the
System: On a Win a large stag (regardless of what
animal contributed the heart) made of earth, moss, and
Duration: Passive
wood rises from the spot where the heart was buried.
is stag will obey the caster's commands, and is more
P«eda·« Tרe¯
• Gain the Enemy Flaw: Deadly Mortal (●●) - A
veteran Hunter that likely has your name etched into
their favorite weapon.
More than any other clan for the Gangrel the hunt and Predator Pool: Resolve or Intelligence + Allies or
the methods they pursue is the greatest form of self Technology to get a line on the movement of a local
expression. Below are new Predator types that treat a Hunter, or to nd one of their loved ones to feed from
Feral's most comfortable methods of feeding as or Strength or Dexterity + Athletics to subjugate a
inhuman acts. Hunter in combat and feed from them. e Cazador's
uick hunts always have their di culty increased by
one, due to the dangerous nature of their feeding
Cannibal habits.
Cruel Deerstalker
failing that, their loved ones. You in ltrate their circles
through various means, or simply bait your hunters into
a trap that gives you the upper hand, and attack and
feed from them, usually a er or during combat. You give your prey a head start and then relentlessly
Considered to be a dangerous and reckless method chase them down, maybe even playing with your food.
of feeding, it none-the-less turns heads when found out Your hunts tend to cause a massive problem here and
or mentioned, though the precariousness of what you there, but that doesn't matter. ere is only meaning in
do doesn't necessarily garner you outright fame, as you the eeing prey and the thing that hunts them.
get praise and scorn in e ual measure. • Add a specialty: Athletics (Pursuit) or Intimidation
• Add a specialty: Athletics (Bows) or Cra (Traps) (Glare)
• Add one dot of Celerity or Fortitude • Add one dot of Dominate or Presence
• Spend three dots across the Allies Background (●●●) • Gain the Feeding Merit: Gratifying Predation (●) -
- A mortal you can call on to in ltrate, or get a lead on, ey run, you chase them. Nothing feels better.
a potential Hunter, or someone that Hunter cares Predator Pool: You manipulate your target into eeing,
about. then with raw exertion run them down with Strength +
• Gain the Mythic Merit: (●) Early Riser - Your Athletics, or you pick out someone in a crowd and
vigilance has led you to waking earlier than most meet their gaze and trick them into a poor position
Kindred. with Manipulation + Intimidation. Cruel Deerstalkers
tend to Succeed at a Cost for their Hunts.
Stalking the trackless wastes and outskirts was how
your human ancestors lived in ancient days, and how
your inhuman progenitors persisted in the early nights.
Everything you need is out there, amongst the trees,
rocks, ravines, and pools. is is what you nd the most
appealing, the most natural.
• Add a specialty: Survival (Wilderness) or Stealth
• Add one dot of Protean or Fortitude
• Gain the Feeding Merit: Prey Specialization (●●) -
Animals. You might feed on a human out yonder, but
feeding on Animals is what you're best at.
• Gain the Haven Merit: (●) - You have a small hunting
shack or a secret place away from the city.
• Gain the Feeding Flaw: Taste of the Kill (●●) - It's
only worth eating if you nabbed it yourself.
Predator Pool: Stamina + Survival or Stealth. You cross
the night tracking down prey, or sneak up on your
uarry over several hours. In any case, your " uick
hunts" always take at least two hours if you're not
already in the wilderness.
Within this section are new Merits, Bloodlines, Loresheets, and Flaws that Players and Storytellers can use to build
their characters. Many of the Advantages here are designed with Gangrel in mind, and certain advantages should only
be taken by Gangrel, though any player who aims to have a more bestial or hunger-associated character concept might
nd these of interest regardless of written intention.
Storytellers and Players are encouraged to think about the whys and hows of these merits, and consider what events
may have lead to a character having them, and how they will a ect the character scene-to-scene, as they are stand-out
ways to help de ne characters, both Player and otherwise, and add stronger context and story.
Merits & Flaws (•••) Predatory Elo uence. You add +1 Bonus Dice to
any Social dice pools made while Hunting, your
predatory nature shining through as an allure, or
BESTIAL New Advantages that focus on the presence
warning, of imminent danger.
of the user's Beast and its Hunger and how it in uences
a Cainite's night-to-night and moment-to-moment life.
ese are meant to be primarily associated with Flaw (•): Bestial Impulse. When you reach or start a
Gangrel, as they have a uni ue and more personal scene at Hunger 4 or 5, your Beast will give you a Desire
association with their Beast, however any particularly for the scene. All Dice Pools that aren't made towards
monstrous or animalistic character may take them at achieving this desire get a -2 Dice penalty. is penalty
the Storyteller's discretion. is increased to -4 at Hunger 5.
(•) Frenzy's Catharsis. A er you Frenzy for at least one Flaw (•): Monstrous Countenance. When you lose
Scene, choose Physical, Social, or Mental. Add 1 die to Humanity you gain a permanent animal feature.
all pools of the chosen type for the rest of the night. Di culties to hide these features are increased by 1 for
each that you have and give you a -1 Die penalty to a
speci c Skill. Even if you somehow gain the lost
(••) Inhuman Advisor. When you reach or start a scene
Humanity back, the feature stays.
at Hunger 4 or 5, your Beast will give you a Desire for
the scene. All Dice Pools made towards achieving this
desire get +2 Bonus Dice. is bonus is increased to +3 Flaw (• to ••): Animal Antipathy. For each dot in this
at Hunger 5. Flaw choose a type of Animal, such as Cat, Canid, Bird,
or Rodent. at Animal will never converse with you
and is completely immune to your powers of
(•• to ••••) Hunger's Bargain. When you slake at least
Animalism. In certain cases they will also attack you
one Hunger, add +1 Bonus Dice to resist Frenzy for the
remainder of the scene. If taken at four dots increase
the bonus to +2 Bonus Dice.
BONDING A Feral's blood is a tool of survival like (•••) Solitary Hunter. When you hunt down and feed
anything else, and nothing helps with survival more from prey on your own, without any other individuals
than dependable bonds that one can rely on. helping you, including animals, slake 1 additional
Hunger. is cannot reduce Hunger below zero.
(••) Shackle Eater. When you slake at least 1 Hunger by
drinking the blood of the vampire that you've been (••••) E cient Metabolism. Your Beast is either more
Blood Bound to, slake 1 additional Hunger. is can not easily slaked, or you've learned how to utilize what
reduce Hunger below zero. blood you consume more e ciently. For every 2
Hunger you slake, slake 1 more. is cannot reduce
(••) Deeper Bond. When an animal drinks at least a Hunger below zero. is cannot be taken with Solitary
Rouse Check worth of your Blood, they become Hunter or any other Merit that slakes bonus Hunger.
two-steps towards a bond with you, rather than one.
Additionally certain powers of Bonding, such as Flaw: (••) Connoisseur. You slake one less Hunger from
choosing a Famulus, take only two nights, rather than blood that doesn't have an Intense or Acute Resonance,
three. and your Hunger can only be fully Slaked by draining a
vessel with a Dyscrasia.
Flaw: (••) Animal Vagary. Your Blood su ers from a
strange uirk that prevents it from bonding sentient Flaw: (••) Dead Palette. You cannot taste or gain a
Mortals, Kindred, and most other Supernatural Resonance, and by extension cannot bene t from them.
Creatures. You can only create Blood Bonds with is aw cannot be taken if you have Bloodhound or
animals. Connoisseur.
FEEDING As with the core Advantages, what follows
Flaw: (••) Glutton. Your Hunger can only be fully
are several new merits and aws associated with
slaked when consuming at least half your weight in the
hunting and imbibing in blood of various kinds.
esh and blood of other supernatural creatures.
LOOKS Gangrel act aloof and disinterested at times PSYCHOLOGICAL A type of Merits and Flaws
when it comes to looks, but the fact of the matter is introduced in Forbidden Religions, these are always
that it is as part of their every-night life as much as it is mental in nature, framing the character's conscious or
the Toreador, perhaps just inverted. Bloodlines like the subconscious mind with traits that are a core part of
Knights of Avalon prize themselves on their human how they think or act, sometimes not of their own
appearance and well-kept grooming, while others such choice. While many of the Bestial Merits and Flaws
as Country Gangrel maintain their Bestial Features as a above are also psychological in nature, the ones listed
badge of pride, a casting away of their prey here are independent from the Beast's instincts and
countenance for a predator's, or so they might claim. designs.
Flaw: (••) eriocephaly. Your head has transformed (••) Wild Heart. Add +2 Bonus Dice towards any Social
into that of an animal's, or very similarly to one, like and Mental pools made when interacting with animals.
the animal-headed deities of ancient myths. Di culties is bonus is increased to +3 at Hunger 4 or higher.
to hide your countenance are increased by 2, but you
gain a free Specialty in relation to how this Flaw: (•) Animals Are Better an People: You can't
transformation helps you in some way. is Merit isn't stand to see animals get hurt or be mistreated.
mutually exclusive with positive Looks Merits. It is Whenever you see something like this happen and you
almost wholly found amongst Gangrel, Ministry, don't act to circumvent or prevent it, you take a point
Nosferatu, and Tzimisce, though a powerful curse or of A ravated Willpower Damage.
some other supernatural happenstance may cause it in
any Clan. Flaw: (• to ••) Zoophilist: You stru le to understand
Humans, probably even before the Embrace. You su er
MYTHIC Every bloodline of the night carries some
a -1 Die penalty in all Eti uette, Insight, and Leadership
strange peculiarity or some other bizarre property that
pools made in relation to Mortals and other Cainites
a ects them in a nearly inexplicable way, granting some
for each dot in this aw and you can't take non-Animal
boon or curse.
related Specialities in those same Skills.
(•) Early Riser. You always awaken the moment the sun
sets, regardless of your Humanity rating.
HAVEN MERITS AND FLAWS Additional Addon Merits
that help create and build out a Haven for the Cainite on
the move, or one that's more animal-minded.
feeding in this enclosure, treat this Merit as an e uivalent
of Herd as well. Di culties to get in and out of this
Haven Addon (•) Mobile Shelter. Your haven is mobile,
enclosure with a key are e ual to the rating. is
allowing you to take it with you in some way and still
di culty is doubled for animals and other Bestial
remain secure. A one dot Haven is small and portable,
like a Sunbag with some camping amenities, a two-dot
would be something like a small car or pop-up shelter, DOMAIN Additional Traits to assign to you or your
while a three-dot would be a large van or RV. e security Coterie's Domain.
of a Mobile Haven's base rating is partially gained
primarily from its mobile nature, rather than being as Domain Trait (• to •••••) Chicane. You know the ins
secure as an e uivalent structure. and outs of your territory better than anyone and can
attack or defend on your turf with unmatched expertise.
Haven Addon (• to •••) Stomping Grounds. Your Haven Add +1 to any Specialties used in Contests while within
has an enclosure of some kind that can hold animals very the boundaries of your own Domain for every dot in this
securely, and is e uipped with everything that animal Trait.
needs to survive within reason. A single dot in this might
be a very large yard for a wolf, while three dots might be
several acres of land for a bull. If you keep prey related to
What follows are Loresheets associated with the Gangrel as part of their identity as a Clan in Modern Nights. Many of
these call back to old traditions, while presenting completely new and unseen pieces that are built on their themes and
overall structure of the Gangrel as a whole. Many of these Loresheets were created and designed to be for the Gangrel,
but a Storyteller may nd associating them with any Kindred, especially other Low Clan like Nosferatu, a compelling
way to build out the backgrounds of a character.
Each of these Loresheets is almost entirely self-contained, but further elaboration on in e Gangrel Modern
Nights (Pg. 52) section of this book if readers need some details on how they might t into their World of Darkness.
Storytellers, and Players, are encouraged to modify the narrative and backstory of these Loresheets as they wish in order
to make them more compelling for their own settings and characters. When conceptualized and written, these optional
Backgrounds are meant to help build out archetypes for use in a Chronicle, and to help bolster playstyles and
archetypes that have been presented in Clanbook Gangrel elsewhere.
Some of these Loresheets, like many others, can be uite disruptive to a Chronicle. Storytellers should keep in
mind what kind of themes they want to portray when building out a Chronicle, and if some of these Loresheet
backgrounds might be too disruptive of those themes. e Storyteller is the nal arbiter of anything presented here.
blood of artio
nce a prominent member of the Sabbat, Casimir has kept to the teachings
of the Priests from his youth: at the Camarilla are tools of the ancients,
and that humanity exists to be ruled as cattle by the strong. With the
majority of his former Sect having ed to the beckoning elds of the
Gehenna War, Casimir not manifests his ambitions across the cityscapes of the cities of
the Ivory Tower, running surgical strikes and hollowing out whole courts one at a time,
then lling the vacuum le with his own bloodthirsty generals.
With a larger-than-life personality, Casimir now bows to no other Cainite and elds a
burgeoning kingdom that spans land and seas, a Warlord gathering the most ambitious
and strongest to his banner, to build a new world in the name of strength and in the name
of Casimir himself.
With a brutal and unforgiving nature, the Warlord's methods are to disarm with
inappropriate humor, before ordering vicious acts of violence, making examples of foes
and subordinates alike. Favoring ghters of his own Clan, he leaves a trail of tributary-
cities helmed by lieutenants in the path he carves. e strong nd their name under his
banner as they coerce and break others into joining with their engine of con uest.
● “Rise and shine ! It's a new joke. You're still expected to give for violence and ambition. While in
beginning”: You have been tribute, even without this Mawla. this form you add your current
WIllpower in place of Strength or
branded by a Casimiri Adherent. If
you would gain a step towards a ●●● “I Give With One Hand, Intimidation in your associated Dice
And With the Other I Take Pools. Each drink also moves you one
Blood Bond make a Strength +
step towards a bond with Casimir.
Resolve; Difficulty 4 Test. If you pass, Yours”: At any time you may
the strength of that bond does not summon two Casimiri Warbandits (Pg.
increase. Additionally you do 1 bonus 99) to brutally kill someone who has
●●●●● “Can’t I Visit My Good
Superficial Willpower Damage to been an obstacle for you, however Old Friend”: The fall of your city's
targets at Hunger 3 or higher, as the the Warbandits will view your need for leadership is written on the halls of
mark chaffs against their Beast. them as weakness, and also kill one of their court. Casimir arrives to lend
your Allies, Contacts, Mawla, or support in your claim to the seat of
●● “What’s yours is mine and Retainers. If you have none, they the domain. Once per Chronicle you
what’s mine is still mine”: attempt to kill you instead. may stake any number of
Background Dots towards the effort to
Casimir expects tribute to fund the
●●●● “A Vial A Day Keeps the take the city alongside Casimir's
war machine. You gain Status (●●)
warriors. If the City is taken, you are
amongst local Cainites, and a Mawla Disloyalty Away”: You've been
installed as its administrator and not
(●●). By the end of each Story you sent three specially treated ceramic
only regain your contributed
must accumulated Resources (●) vials of altered Proteonic Vitae. You
Backgrounds, but that many more
worth of tribute. If you don't your may consume one vial, transforming
dots to spend across Allies, Contacts,
Mawla's broken body will be you into a monstrous mass of
Fame, Resources, Status, and Havens.
delivered to you along with a sick musculature for a Scene. While in this
form your strength is tied to your drive
n the ancient days of life, there was the rst death. e rst murder. is blessed fratricide begot the separation
of strong from the weak. Murderer, from murdered. Life from death. For his act of brutality, the murderer was
bestowed an inner mind of holy savagery to keep his rationale clear of weakness –the ultimate sin. So says the oral
canon of the Eremites of the Perfect Beast, an ancient and scrupulous group that wanders the wilds of the world,
who believe that the Beast is the shard of a greater, supreme, being.
You are an aspirant that has come into contact with a wandering Eremite. Seeing potential in you, they've
granted you a chance to prove your adherence to the Beast. Upon taking this Loresheet the Eremite le in your
possession a type of, supposedly, ascended Wight they call a Perfect (Pg. 101). Proving yourself to this denomination
re uires that you take care of, observe, and eventually understand this Wight. Losing this Wight, or letting it escape,
proves that you are not ready for perfection.
● Purpose in Liberation: The ●●● Hands and Claws in weapon, vampires in Fury Frenzy will
instincts and inclinations of the Beast Common Cause: Your ignore you so long as there are other
are freedom from the baggage and targets in their line of sight.
understanding of the Perfect in your
tediums of humanity. Others must feel care grants you the ability to
the message of unfettered freedom. converse with it. Once per story, you ●●●●● Descent Into Sanity:
When someone gains a Stain due to can make a Resolve + Animal Ken; Studying the Perfect has shown you
Frenzy or a Messy Critical, and you Difficulty 6 Test. Pass or fail, the Perfect clarity and understanding of the
console with your bestial philosophy, will perform a single task for you to its Beasts of all Kindred, and a way to
add one die to their remorse roll. If ability, however on a failure it will not force that clarity unto others. If you
they pass it, restore all of your return to the place where it is kept, manage to provoke a Fear, Fury, and
Willpower. and you must find it before the end of then Hunger Frenzy In a Cainite on
the current story. each night in sequence, that
●● Complines of Inner Voice: individual loses three Humanity after
Each night when you awake you may ●●●● Perfect Piece: The Perfect the Hunger Frenzy. If this bestial ritual
spend a point of Willpower and recite manages to reduce a victim to zero
has shed a huge fang or claw that
a mantra to speak to your inner Beast. Humanity, they become a Wight that
the Eremites treat as a gift of pure
Though it may not answer, it will is wholly bound to your will, and you
violence. This shed body part counts
acknowledge the act of deference. may use any powers of Animalism on
as a light Melee or Brawling weapon
The next time you resist Frenzy that them as if they were an Animal.
that deals 2 Aggravated Damage on
night, its Difficulty is increased by 2, a successful attack. Victims must test
but you get three free turns to for Fury Frenzy; Difficulty 4.
maintain control. Additionally, while holding this
feral child
● One of the Pack: Your family non-combat pools while in the shape credence to the status of your more
was a pack of wolves, who taught of a canid. However you must spend civilized peers. You only take
you how to hunt and survive in the one Willpower to revert to human Willpower Damage from the margin
wilds. You gain these wolves as an Ally form. of loss from Social Contests. Additional
(●●) that can be called on for damage from others present, or from
assistance and will automatically ●●● Skulking Wolf: You've Status, do nothing.
show up at least once per Story. learned how to move and position
Additionally, all canids treat you with when you've been heavily weakened ●●●●● Family Resemblance:
an innate sense of deference, and will or injured. When your Health Tracker is You struggled, bled, and cried with
be friendly unless specifically fully marked, your Survival, Stealth, your family in the wilds. You are as
instructed to attack you by their and Awareness pools suffer no much them as they are you, a fact
master. penalties and you instead add two true down to your bones. Once per
dice to those same pools. Specialties story, you can make two Rouse
●● Canid Mind: Your teeth are in those pools also add an additional Checks to take the shape of an
exceptionally sharp, and you have die while under this effect. enormous Dire Wolf (Pg. 91) that has
learned the methods of hunting and great size and strength. You can do
fighting from your canid family. Add ●●●● Bestial Ignorance: Raised this even without the powers of
one die to your attack pools made to amongst the wilds, where social Protean, however if you have four or
bite or carry objects in your mouth. hierarchy was defined by the more dots in Protean, you may use
You also add three dice to any strongest leader, you lend little this ability as many times as you wish.
● A Link in the Chain: You're ●●● Owl-Mask: The Hushed deliveries of information within it,
trusted enough to have been given Chorus only works as well as it does coming into it, and going outwards.
information on a few Ghouls, because each member is You can key off of the way
well-trained animals, unsuspecting anonymous. You've proved that information flows to know well ahead
Mortals, and even one or two Kindred. you're capable of staying indifferent of time when someone within the city
Gain them as Contacts (●●) - "Chorus and anonymous in your work, and the is setting up to make a big move.
Links". You may use one of these dots Operators have gifted you a secret
to ensure a message gets where it Haven (●) with the Security (●) addon, ●●●●● A Song of Whispers:
needs to anonymously, even if it's to and a Mask (●●) that has been The Operators have passed down a
another city. However that dot is zeroed. If any of these backgrounds task specifically for you to personally
unusable for the remainder of the are compromised, they will not be carry out. This message or item must
current story. replaced, however. be delivered to the head of a
Domain, Sect, or Clan. While they trust
●● One With The Chorus: You've ●●●● Nest of Whispers: The your ability and methods to ensure
proven to have a talent for delivering Chorus in any given area operates via delivery, disclosing this message to
messages. Once per story you can a series of unincorporated "Nests", others, delaying its arrival, or simply
ask a superior to transfer all deliveries with each Nest being made up of one keeping it for yourself will affect
meant for a specific Kindred so you or two Kindred that are responsible for Kindred society at large. Then again,
might deliver them personally. This ensuring all Chorus messages get to getting into the same room as the
usually nets you addresses and where they need to be. You have a receiver could yield opportunity
information on that Kindred. Nest in your city, and see all the enough.
the invicti
ating back to the age of imperial Rome, these militant Kindred
functioned as a praetorian guard, protecting those who bear the Curse
of Caine from mortal hunters. With the rise of the SI the INVICTI
have come into the light once more under the leadership of the
enigmatic Constanus II, who has organized them into a powerful regiment of highly
trained Gangrel. As a group they have used their military prowess to push back the
SI in cities such as Bordeux and Madrid. Some claim that the INVICTI have
unlimited funding due to a massive numberof boons that have been held onto from
the age of Rome, and are cashing out the debts of anonymous High Clan Elders,
leveraging their protection to gain status, wealth, and security.
You are a member of the INVICTI and have trained in one of their camps until
you were deemed ready to operate as a hunter of hunters. It is your solemn duty as a
Protector of the Undead to ensure that your charges never see the light of the sun, or
nd themselves at the end of a Second In uisition blade. You have an o ciating
mark of authority and a ceremonial wolf helm from Constanus II that solidi es your
rank and position as an SI hunter.
● Seal of Constantius II: You ●●● Oath of Protection: A case, it's especially deadly to Kindred,
have successfully protected a high-profile group of Kindred in the dealing +1 Aggravated Damage.
member of your city, garnering you city have drawn the eyes of SI hunters,
Status (●●) in the reigning Sect. Once and have contacted you to defend ●●●●● INVICTI Inner
per Story you can gain an audience them. You gain them as a Mawla Induction: Constanus II has sent a
with any member of that Sect. (●●), and once per story they will call message via courier to you, an SI
on you to protect them. Each time target that's meant to be taken
●● Insightful Collateral: You've you are successful they will reward down. This target comes in the form of
charmed, persuaded, bought, or you with a permanent dot in Fame, an Enemy (●●●) and has a base of
intimidated someone close to a Resources, Status, or Herd. However operations in your city. You've been
member of the SI into assisting you. you also gain SI Hunters as an Enemy given an armored personnel vehicle
They count as a Contact (●) that (●●). that counts as a Haven (●●●) with
specializes in getting you SI-related Mobile Shelter (●) and Armory (●●). It
information or equipment. You can ●●●● Inquisition Trophy: also has a mounted high-caliber
push them for more, gaining them as You've killed one of these Kine that weapon that can be fired as a
a three-dot Contact until the end of fancy themselves "Hunters", and have ranged attack with Strength +
the current Session, however they will a tangible reminder of your victory to Resolve, dealing +4 Superficial
become unreachable until the end of show for it –One of the mortal's Damage. The target must be
the next story. personal weapons. This weapon takes destroyed by the end of the
the form of a specialized Firearm that Chronicle, or you are stripped of your
might shoot cinder rounds, or maybe station and all other INVICTI treat you
even a blessed blade. Whatever the with disdain.
orekeerpers are Gangrel who safeguard a mythical oration techni ue that
dates back to pre-history, even before the so-called "Dark Ages" of the
Mas uerade. eir duty is to pass down stories, usually parables and fables
of note, to keep their Clan strong. ese individuals also immortalize
their fellow Kindred, usually Gangrel, with tales of their deeds that are told through
the ages.
You are a Lorekeeper, one that is part of a push to ensure the Clan's historied
knowledge remains in oral form to keep the spark of your Clanmates alive and well.
Other Kindred may roll their eyes at such a pursuit, the wisest know that your duty
is an important one, as you are a valued repository of Cainite History, and can
provide many insights to lost knowledge, even paganistic processions and beliefs.
● Ennoia Edda: You know the epic Clan's blood. Once per story, when 3 Test. Passing this Test grants you
of Ennoia, an allegorical poem you tell the tale of another person's once piece of true information about
several hours long when spoken in its deeds, you increase their Fame by the topic, such as what it is, where it is,
entirety. Once per Story, you may one for the remainder of the or what it does. Upon achieving
orate a part of the Edda to an Chronicle. twelve total successes across these
audience with a Test of Charisma + tests, you find the object and it
Performance; Difficulty 3. Passing the ●●● Trial by Ordeal: In the days teaches you a new Discipline with a
test grants a benefit to those listening: before Kindred institutions of law and dot in it. It is treated as in-Clan for you.
LIFE WITH WOLVES: Re-roll an entire order, the Lorekeepers were seen as a
pool that includes Animal Ken or wise and impartial group amongst ●●●●● The Wild Hunt: Amongst
Animalism when using Willpower. Kindred. Once per story you can hold Kindred, the act of Hunting has
a duel or contest for two parties to always been a passtime, a universal
SURVIVAL IN ENOCH: Survival may be
settle their disagreements, which they truth that equalizes all castes of
used in place of Streetwise for the
will agree to. You are the arbiter of society, friend or foe. You know the
remainder of the Story for pools and
this Ordeal and decide the rules of tales of the grand hunts of old. The
engagement that the participants celebrations of ending one era and
must follow. So long as you remain beginning anew and one per
points of Willpower to become
neutral, the outcome will be the Chronicle you can hold such an
immune to Willpower Damage for one
settlement of the disagreement. event as an Elysium-like gathering,
aimed at a specific festival or
the Wave during Frenzy, add two dice ●●●● Seeker of celebration of the end of an event
Understanding and Power: You and the beginning of another. Your
to your physical Discipline Pools.
know of an Elder Kindred, a holy Status is increased to (●●●●●) during
place, or an artifact of old. Whenever the Story leading up to the Festival
●● Raconteur: Your orations
and during the event.
spread like wildfire, stirring the hearts the object of your seeking, once per
and minds of those that hear them in Story you may make an Intelligence +
ways that are borne through your Academics or Investigation; Difficulty
● Spirit Knowing: Your mentor ●●● Bounty of the Forest: You Fire in a scene by two. The inscription
has taught and can see and and your Mentor perform a ritual to of the Moon grants you a one die
commune nature spirits in an area, so infuse the seed of a tree with blood bonus based on the Moon's phase; +1
long as you've rested there at least from the both of you. When planted, to Dexterity pools on New Moon, +1 to
three days within the last week. As the seed sprouts to a sapling Strength pools on a Full moon, or +1 to
long as you have, you can make a immediately, growing to adulthood Charisma in any other phase.
Test of Resolve + Occult; Difficulty 3, to within a lunar cycle. This tree has ●●●●● The Crone's Design:
attempt to commune with a local brilliant crimson leaves that can be The revelations of your Mentor's
spirit. This spirit counts as a Contact used as additional ingredients for intentions have become apparent.
(●●) and give you information that Blood Rituals performed in your Like the land you draw power from,
tends to be occult-aligned, though domain, reducing their difficulty by 2. you are fertile soil from which their
they demand steep prices if If ever this tree is destroyed, your practices will bloom anew. The power
offended. mentor will refuse to grant you the of the old ways now flows through
●● Vestige of Old: Your mentor privilege of another. you, and you have been given the
has transfused a vestige of their old ●●●● Bounty of Sun and knowledge how to teach others in the
power into you. Your eyes have a Moon: Inscribing a rune upon your same way you've been taught.
subtle green glimmer that betrays Additionally while within fifty miles of
body symbolizing either your greatest
your affiliation and emotional state to your place of rest, you automatically
enemy, the Sun, or your constant
some degree, conferring a one die pass any Rouse Checks made to
companion, the Moon, you gain a
penalty to resist Insight pools. However wake or use Blush of Life, and you add
benefit. With the inscription of the Sun,
you add two dice to any Social or three dice to your Blood Sorcery and
you reduce the first instance
Mental Skill pools made outside of Protean pools.
Aggravated Damage from Sunlight or
populated areas.
● Survival is Blood: Blood slaked animal as your prey. Until dawn, you ●●●●● Hunter Hunted: Your
controls your Beast and ensures your get a bonus die to any Physical Skill reputation as an apex predator has
survival. You gain the Bloodhound (●) pool made with that person as the reached the ears of an Elder Kindred,
Feeding Merit, and also add a bonus target. Additionally supernatural who has decided to hunt you. You
die to any Athletics, Survival, Insight, attempts for your prey to hide or mask gain the Adversary Flaw (●●●). You
and Investigation pools made themselves from you have their are incredibly outmatched by this
towards tracking and anticipating Difficulties increased by an amount individual, however you've sharpened
your prey's location. equal to your current Hunger. your mind and fangs to take down
larger targets than you. Once per
●● Trophy of the Feat: When ●●●● Red Queen's Decree:
chronicle, in a single scene, you add
you take a trophy or memento from Predator and prey are in a constant
four dice to all pools to out-maneuver
someone you best or prey upon, race to survive, and it takes all their
or overcome any actions or obstacles
restore a Willpower point. If you have running just to stay in place. You
this Elder has made against you. If you
that trophy on you, add one bonus adapt to this fluctuation better than
best this Elder, and make of them your
die to any pools made to coerce or most, and whenever you are beaten
prey, you may diablerize them without
frighten that same person or someone in a contest by another, you may
suffering automatic Humanity loss.
they were close to. move a point from one Skill used in
You are also granted the Elder's
the beaten pool to another in the
●●● Marked Target: Each night Haven (●●●), Resources (●●), and
same category. The categories being
is another potential hunt, another Status (●●) and Fame (●●) amongst
Physical, Social, or Mental, as your
chance to mark a person as prey. local Kindred.
mind, body, and blood shifts to
Upon waking from Daysleep, choose anticipate conflict.
a specific individual or a type of
● You Can't Trust No One In ●●● Fangs of the Past: however if you investigate her closely,
This City: You don't know who to Whenever you imply that you're she might not be telling you the whole
working at the behest of, or truth…
trust, but you do know people. You
gain six dots to spend across three alongside, the Black Wolf of the ●●●●● The Pulseless Unlife of
Allies, Contacts, or Mawla, however Golden Coast while in Social Combat, the City: You've been entangled in
at the beginning of each Story one of you deal non-halved Superficial the lives and unlives of the city for
them becomes an Enemy without you Willpower Damage. Dredging up the long enough now that you know the
knowing which, with the previous past will likely draw the considerable hangouts and haunts of all the
reverting to their previous state. ire of Inspector Wolfe however. biggest players, and if you don't, you
●● Black Masks: In a city of ●●●● Thorns of a Lost Rose: A know someone who knows. You can
masked monsters, everyone has their beautiful lover, a problem, a job. easily locate anyone in the city if
own ambitions and desires. Once per Wolfe's dark past comes knocking they're following their usual routine,
Story, you can delve deeply into the when the Childer of the Toreador who and when you need to track
background of one of you or your held his leash appears to find someone down, you can roll your
Coterie's Allies, Contacts, Retainers, or evidence of the one responsible for Resolve + Contacts; Difficulty 5 to find
Mawla and learn a definitive piece of her Sire's death. She lends you exactly where they are, or where
true and useful information about Resources (●●) up front as payment, they're going to be and when.
them. If Wolfe helps you achieve this, and gives you Contacts (●●) that However any Contacts used in this roll
you add two bonus dice to any have information about the case. If may lay low for a time.Kindred society
Insight, Investigation or Streetwise you solve this problem she will inherit at large. Then again, getting into the
pools going forward due to the her Sire's vast wealth and holdings same room as the receiver could yield
information he gave you. and become a Mawla (●●●), opportunity enough.
t h e w o r l d-a n e w m o v e m e n t
he Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster
for Kindred. It has fortified the Kine to such an extent that they have
become aware of us. ey've seen passed our “Masques” and only those
of "High Clan" tend to survive the Second Inquisition. While at first the
lights of these burgeoning cities served as bastions against the wild dark, it is now
apparent that they only prove a des abilizing force, illuminating our secrets and
subjecting us to indignities that are counter to our nature.
" is is nothing to say of the great harm done to the natural world, over which
the Clan of the Beast is meant to hold domain and watch as protectors. Machinery and
the expansion of Kine have manifested, in this age of electrical light and mass
production, the destruction of what we once were. It will only worsen as the system is
main ained, as it expands, as it advances. e Kine themselves will buckle under the
weight of their own machine as it simul aneously grinds them in its gears, and we
cannot s and idle when next it grinds us. e Enoch experience has ailed and only by
returning the world to a pre-industrial era, where the wilds reigned and we reigned in
them, can we all once again prosper. I pledge that this will be done by any means necessary."
To you, the words of this journal ring truer to you than any you've ever read, and you will use them to bring about
a better, truer, era.
● The Tale of A Rolling ●●● Like Minds of Destructive own Status to the resulting Willpower
Country: A story, wrought with Kind: You have gotten into contact Damage you deal you to them. If you
manage to impair them with this
consequence. You tell the tale of with an individual who keeps their
attempt, they will willfully give up a
land, beautiful and bountiful with life, distance that counts as a Contact
dot in one of their Backgrounds.
and how Ferals once roamed in (●●●) who feeds you strategic
freedom from the encroaching lights information about corruption and
of society, where prey was plentiful. commercial overreach in the city that ●●●●● Apocalyptic Holdout:
Telling this story always attracts impacts the environment. You can Someday you'll go too far and attract
Gangrel, and other like-minded ask them to assist you on information too much attention. Every facet of
individuals who will listen in, regardless they provide, and they will appear in your identity will get burned. You've
of standing or relationship. person as a Werewolf Vandal (Pg. 97), prepared a contingency. You know
but cannot be contacted again until the right people. Once per Chronicle
●● Fire and Rebirth: You know the end of the next Story. you can fake your death, and appear
as a completely different person with
that small steps lead to bigger
●●●● At What Point To the Backgrounds purchased on this
ventures. When you destroy a piece
Loresheet, and redistribute any other
of equipment or structure owned by a Escalate: You know that people
Backgrounds you have to be
proponent of civilization, especially a won't change on their own. There
associated with new people, places,
commercial asset, you restore a point needs to be a push towards a return
and things. Even your appearance
of Willpower. This can occur up to two to a primordial, purer, way of unlife.
will be altered by someone you know;
times in a single Story. Kindred are the creators of their own
A Thin-Blood Alchemist, Tzimisce
prisons. Once per Story you can tear
Fleshshaper, or a rare Volgirre.
down a Kindred socially, adding their
● Predatory Evaluation: You can be used amongst your fellow dots in Resources to gain two dots of
know every beast has its burdens and wolves, or to intimidate outsiders. temporary Resources for each one
its weaknesses, and the same is true spent. These temporary resources
for these commercial institutions. ●●● Pack Acquisition: Nothing cannot be sacrificed for any other
Once per story you can identify a wagered, nothing gained. You've effect, but can be spent to get what
pivotal weakness somewhere in a established yourself in the Wolf Pack you need immediately. Sacrificed
commercial institution that can be and can call for their assistance to run and temporary Resources are lost at
exploited. The disorganized mailing down an enemy too large for you the end of the current session.
list, the outdated security system, or alone. Once per Story, you can spend
the easily purchased loyalty of an your Status in the Wolf Pack to ●●●●● Feral Buyout: Your
insider are all examples of a automatically damage twice that influence has expanded and taken
company's soft spot. many Resource dots of another root in one of the major corporate
character. You can gain no entities in your city, specifically one
●●Corporate Wolf: You know Background from doing this, however, that another major Kindred player
where to hit and how to capitalize on as the other members of the pack owns. You effectively have Influence
it in ways that garner you take the lion's share for themselves, (●●●) within this company, and can
considerable prestige and fear and your call for assistance grants you make major decisions that affect its
amongst your peers in the corporate no positive reputation in their eyes. operation and aims. It also has its own
world. Whenever you manage to Resources (●●●) that can be used
damage the Backgrounds of another ●●●● It's All Liquid: Meat spoils however you see fit. However the
individual that are tied to their assets if not eaten quickly, so having eyes Kindred in control is treated an
or income, specifically through play or bigger than your stomach is usually a Adversary (●●) and will constantly
with a Project, you gain Status (●) that benefit when in the wilds. At any point undermine your efforts elsewhere until
you can sacrifice any number of your you give up your control.
ot all Gangrel keep the same aspects in their blood as others. In this section are the various Bloodlines of
the Clan of Beasts, along with a full Bloodline sheet for each that follows. e Clan of Beasts is as varied as
the Animal Kingdom itself, with some lineages of Gangrel gaining aspects and particularities that set
themselves apart from the greater clan, such as the near-ubi uitous Country Gangrel, the noble Knights of
Avalon, the plotting Blood Ravens, or the ever-starving Wendigo. Many of these divergences from the main clan have
their own Discipline distribution, having favored certain powers over the norm. In these cases, those that belong to one
of these Bloodlines may choose to use the optional discipline spread presented in place of the one typical to Clan
A player may take a Bloodline Sheet in addition to a Loresheet, further creating a uni ue assemblage of
backgrounds and setting themselves apart from their peers, even in a Coterie consisting of nothing but Gangrel. is
section gives a brief elaboration of these Bloodlines and what sets them apart from others, as well as a full Bloodline
write up that confers uni ue Advantages.
e Sabbat was once the primary disruptive force in Kindred society. Spanning from the old haunts of Europe,
to the searing nights of the middle east, but most prevalently in North America, the Country Gangrel served as the
shock troops and eld agents of the Sword of Caine for hundreds of years. Due to the practice of mass-embracing,
few Country Gangrel have any real lineage to look back on, or can even cite who their sire is. Contemporary
scholars of Kindred lineage have managed to whittle down the likelihood that the majority of these Country
Gangrel have heritage that stems from Scandinavian regions, and some still practice such nordic paganisms in their
night-to-night. Even so, fewer Country Gangrel truly care who their Sire or Grandsire is, and take little interest in
nding out.
In contemporary nights, Country Gangrel are the most numerous kind of Gangrel found in North America,
with even many who mingle in Camarilla circles being the descendant of a former Sabbat, or simply using the
Camarilla's members for their own immediate gain. ey're fre uently embraced outside of large cities, from among
rural and isolated towns, hikers in national parks, or drivers that travel long commutes over highways. is tends to
make them rather worldly and capable outside of civilization, even compared to their cousins.
With a heritage in the brutally violent Sabbat, and the ability to survive in the wilds, the Country Gangrel live
up to their moniker. Free to live as wild things without the six traditions, or an authoritative Baron breathing down
their neck, many Country Gangrel embrace the appearance and life of animals.
country gangrel
he lineage of the Country Gangrel were once some of
the most prominent murderers and scouts of the
Sabbat. Rarely were these Gangrel subject to the
zealotry of the Sabbat itself, and instead got along with
their packmates primarily because of how inhuman they loved to be
as they stalked the ages and feasted on the blood of order. Sects rise
and fall on the whims of ambitious fools, but the wilds are forever
free, and with the Sabbat's traversal to the Gehenna War, these
Gangrel roam wild, relishing in the truest form of their Clan.
e sect of your forebears has no in uence on the simple
fact that you are a bestial thing of the night, embraced into this new
unlife with all the trappings and intentions of an animal, but with
an intelligence unlike the wilds. While your cousins regularly
choose gilded shackles provided by Elders, you burden yourself with
only what you need to thrive and survive. A free hunter, amidst the
fettered hunted. You do not deny the most bestial aspects of your
blood when it calls, and so you live with extensive transformations,
reveling in how inhuman you can look and act.
● House on the Edge: You've ●●● A Beast I Am: The thrashes Chronicle, when you heal from a
made a place for yourself on the of the Beast in your blood perform in a crippling injury that caused an
edge of wilderness, beyond the manner beyond the comprehensions impairment, you may permanently
authority of other Kindred. You have a of other Clans. The fact of the matter increase your Strength, Dexterity, or
Haven (●) with a Postern (●) that is is that you and your Beast have aims Stamina by one, up to a maximum of
unknown to anyone else as long as that align, like enemies with a five.
you keep it that way. common goal. Once per Session,
when you have a Messy Critical, add ●●●●● Shifts in Blood and
●● Mixed Blessings: The an additional number of Successes to Body: A fluid and constantly
transformations and manifestations of the roll equal to your current Hunger, changing shape allows one to survive
your Beast can be extensive, but also however your Hunger automatically destruction and help ensure you
beneficial. Once per Story, when you increases by 1 afterward. thrive against odds that would've
Blood Surge a Dice Pool that includes killed you previously. You gain a dot in
a Discipline, add an additional die to ●●●● Survivor of the Wastes: Fortitude or Protean, and at the
the surged pool, however you Survival is in your blood, through and beginning of each Story you may
manifest a Bestial Feature afterward, through. Your predecessors have switch a power in one of them for
even if you have an alternate Bane. shrugged off death numerous times, another power at an equal or lower
making you hardier and stronger than level.
others in your Clan. Once per
Bd RaÐe¯
She checked the boxes in her head. One by one each ordered vessel that was purchased from the Circulatory System was
here. Each an illegal vin age from the Camarilla across the river, but the Baron demanded beyond her ability. It was then that
she heard something in the dark of the warehouse. Shi ing. A motion. Her eyes changed to pitch black, reflecting the night back
at itsel , and the darkness gave way to visual clarity. Shouting into the dark she said "Show yourself!!" Her hand rested on her
holstered gun. Nothing was there.
e sanguin vessel was the most expensive, the most forbidden. Most enticing. She would get the most praise for i .
Looking at it again, something in her dead gut then made her look up. Movemen . Closer. But nothing. Her eyes didn't
corroborate her instinc . e cold comfort of the shadow that wrapped around her felt disrupted. Yet it was empty. e
warehouse was quie . Almost s atic, save for the murmuring breaths of the cultivated Kine she ca aloged. But there. On the
sanguine's expensive nape. A black feather, tipped red.
A rather brutal and monstrous bloodline xated on tra cking information and accruing leverage. e Blood
Ravens tend to become competing predators to the Nosferatu in the cities they ock to, and in many Anarch cities
this will spill over into a uiet war for exclusive information, dark secrets, boon-trading, and even assassination.
Rare is it that this invasive species and the sewer-rats are able to get along within the same circles of in uence.
e bloodline's namesake, Blood Raven, was a powerful Gangrel Elder with twisted raven-like transformations
who came to prominence during the age of the Baronies of Avalon. Amassing a hoard of blackmail and boons, the
Elder embraced prodigiously and usually without permission, all to create an army of Childer that would allow for
further scheming and information mongering. is ock's expanding presence and political maneuvering became so
abrasive that Prince Mithras grew wary of the Elder and began to cull the ock, calling Blood Hunts and
slaughtering them by the dozens. When the Blood Raven himself was brought before Prince Mithras, he was
shackled in gold-plated irons, and buried beneath the crypt of St John's Chapel, below the White Tower of London,
forever sealed under tons of stone and earth, and the binding power of Mithras' Blood Sorcery.
With the Fall of London, Mithras' once forgotten deeds have tempted many Kindred into following the long
storied trails of his exploits. One such individual, an up-and-coming Gangrel Anarch, hoped to nd a powerful
artifact below St. John's Chapel and dug his way into the crypt, nding the torpored body of the Blood Raven
instead. A erward this Anarch claimed to be Blood Raven reborn, and the ock resurged in prominence and
population overnight. Old members of the Bloodline came out of hiding, while others were Embraced, all to create
the Feathered Court, which now nests somewhere outside of London. is new Court, populated by the most
in uential and accomplished members of the Bloodline, spread their wings outwards, and perch in cities far and
wide, sending valuable information back to the nest. Some claim this a long-form plan by Prince Mithras himself,
to pull all information back to London, while others claim the Blood Raven amasses secrets and leverage as a
bulwark against the supposed return of the Methuselah.
● Talons of the Blood Raven: from you to others in this network, and
is considered a one dot Retainer that
One of your hands and forearms has ●●● Murder of Informants:
taken on the likeness of a crow's leg, serves as an additional Famulus in
Your bloodline has a natural
with thick scaly skin and long curved regards to Discipline Powers –even if
propensity to exert a network of
talons. The limb keeps this likeness you don't have Animalism, or already
information gathering throughout the
even under other transformations. This have another Famulus. When this
city, to the point that you have, likely
arm counts as a Light +2 Brawling background is taken, at the start of a
without even realizing it, created one
natural weapon, which is increased to new Story, or whenever you deliver
for yourself. You gain four dots to
+3 while under the effects of a useful intelligence to the Blood Raven,
distribute between different
Protean power, such as Feral you gain a secret from another
kindred-related institutions, clans, and
Weapons or Altered Assault. However character of your choice.
sects throughout the city in the form
you lose 1 die from any pools that of Mawlas, Retainers, and Contacts,
require precise manipulation with however you must keep these ●●●●● Corvidian Anatomica:
both hands. individuals anonymous, else they will The twisting transformations of your
vanish. bloodline manifest more overtly,
causing black feathers to grow from
●● Avian Aid: The birds of the
your skin and large wings to sprout
world share a natural kinship with you, ●●●● Feathered Court: The
from your back. You lose Beautiful or
and will attempt to aid you. Once per current Blood Raven, head of your
Stunning Looks Merits and any
session, a bird can appear to lend a Bloodline, holds you in high regard,
attempts to hide your mutations have
hand or point you in the right impressed with your abilities, they
their difficulties increased by 2.
direction, such as tapping on the have admitted you into their
However you gain the ability to glide
window of a shop your target fled personalized network of information
through the air at running speed, a +2
into, hopping around outside of an gathering known as the Feathered
Dice bonus to Stealth pools, and
alleyway that can be used as a good Court. Membership in this Court has
when you use your powers of
escape route, or swooping down to granted you a very large Raven with
Obfuscate they also affect anyone
grab a small item and dropping it red-tipped wings. This creature's
under your wings.
before you. primary function is to ferry information
Not every Gangrel follows their feral inclinations, or treats their Beast as a friendly enemy. e Knights of
the Order of Avalon hold true to chivalric values and keep strong convictions of faith and honor. Unlike the rest of
their clan, these brave Kindred refuse to give into their Beast, and view Frenzy and the transformations that occur
from it as marks of shame.
In the dark ages of centuries passed the young Gangrel, Godfrey d'Au ay, set out to join a chivalrous
order. Viewing honor, confraternity, and a strong code of chivalry as the best defense against his Beast. However
back then the line between the High and Low clans of Cainite society was regularly drawn in blood, and a lord of
little renown and of a Feral's lineage hardly warranted membership in the established orders of the High.
Undeterred by this circumstance, Sir Godfrey went before Mithras, Prince of Avalon, and proposed that honor was
not reserved only for the High and that wolves such as he could be as noble. While those in the Prince's court
sco ed, Mithras did not and named him the leader of the Order of the Knights of Avalon, giving the young lord his
blessing and a charge to destroy the monstrous wicked things of the world. Taking St. Austrebertha as the Order's
patron, Sir Gofrey went out and lead the order nobly, proving those who sco ed in the wrong for centuries to
While most of the founding members have since been beckoned away, this regal order still holds true to
the charge Mithras gave them, long a er his vanishing from the throne. Having strongholds in Cornwall and Caen,
they also exist in smaller lodges in Andorra, Schenectady, and most recently Corpus Christi. Now led by Sir Arthur
Blaidd, who is assisted by Lady Sophia of Leeds and backed by the Venture Prince of Cornwall, the Knights of
Avalon root out and destroy evil wherever it might be. e loss of Sir Humphrey of Exeter, a Nosferatu, at the turn
of the century due to outer-clan politics as seen non-Gangrel recently barred from entry into the order.
PRESENCE With tutelage and help from their steadfast Ventrue allies, the Knights of Avalon ingrained the
powers of Presence into their very blood during the Dark Ages. eir uni ue usage of this power is primarily a
sel ess one, to inspire others, rather than manipulate onlookers into fear or adoration.
PROTEAN With less focus on this power than others of their Clan, the Knights of Avalon still employ Protean to
give themselves an edge in combat, or to shelter amongst animals. Almost always taking the form of a noble beast,
such as a Lion, Wolf, and more rarely, a Stag. As a part of their code of honor, a Knight may assume the shape of a
Beast, so long as they still maintain a human mind and proper chivalry.
n the dark age of centuries passed the young Gangrel, Godfrey d'Au ay, set out to join a
chivalrous order. Viewing honor, confraternity, and a strong code of chivalry as the best
defense against his Beast. However in the Dark Ages, when the line between the High
and Low clans of Cainite society was regularly drawn in blood, a lord of little renown and
of a Feral's lineage hardly warranted membership in the orders of the High. Undeterred by this
circumstance, the lord went before Mithras, Prince of Avalon, and proposed that honor was not
reserved only for the High and that wolves could be as noble. While those in the Prince's
court sco ed, Mithras did not. Giving the young lord his blessing and a charge to
destroy the monstrous wicked things of the world, Sir Godfrey set out to lead his own
You descend from one of the original Knights of Avalon, and the charge of your
forebears runs through your blood, even if unknowingly, as well as a powerful sense
of chivalry that runs contrary to your Beast. Your bloodline has completely shunned
the powers of Animalism, instead mastering the more regal power of Presence in its
place. Your bloodline's transformations are wholly wolf-like, and many older
members venerate St. Austreberthe as an anchoring point.
● A Knight's Squire: Under your three bonus dice to any Charisma Composure or Resolve is increased by
pools for the rest of that scene. 1, up to a maximum of 5. However
care is a mortal squire who serves you
whenever you enter Fear Frenzy, or
and provides you with a lifeline to
●●● Regal Beastclaw: Your gain a Fear-related Compulsion, you
humanity and honour. This Squire gain 1 automatic Stain.
forebears forsook the animalistic
counts as a Retainer (●●), doing their
approach to solving their conflicts,
best to assist you. Mistreating this and instead put their faith in the ●●●●● Thy Cup Runneth
Squire inflicts a Stain upon you, and if industriousness of humanity to sharpen Over: From Sire to Childer, you've
they die you take three Stains. If you their minds against the Beast. When been gifted or bequeathed a goblet
choose this Squire as a Touchstone, you take this merit, choose a melee depicting the scene of Prince Mithras,
their associated Conviction defends weapon. You gain a specialty in as he sits upon his throne, and Sir
Melee for that weapon and it deals Godfrey, who kneels in proposition of
against two stains rather than one.
non-halved damage to creatures of your Order. Drinking blessed water
horror (Werewolves, Wraiths, Faeries, from the goblet allows you to add
●● Noble Blood: Your forebears mortal magic wielders, and Kindred your Humanity rating as bonus dice to
have proven themselves contrary to who assume monstrous forms, as well any pools made to resist the effects of
the system of High and Low clans for as other appropriate supernaturals). Oblivion and Blood Sorcery, and also
centuries, and have gained an When you grip this weapon tightly in gives you an innate sense of who
ingrained respect from both. When a both hands for a turn, add one die to wields such powers, for the remainder
distinction between High and Low resist Frenzy. of the night. Once per story, you may
clans occurs, regardless of context, present the goblet to others for them
you are considered a member of ●●●● Thou Shalt Not Recoil: to drink. Those that do gain half your
both, preventing the negative social Etched in your vitae is the strength of Humanity, rounded up, as bonus dice
connotations from either, and gain mind to remain steadfast against thy to resist the same powers.
Beast. The lower of either your
Holding origins in Scandanavia, this Bloodline hails from the proto-Nordic period and grew into the
culture and people that eventually became more widely known as Vikings. Split into two groups consisting of the
Einherjar and the Waelkyrige, with both holding the old Nordic gods of Asgard in reverence. Members of this
Bloodline are embraced entirely from warriors who have died in battle, with the Valkyries being treated as battle
fates who observe con icts and then embrace the most capable combatants that have fallen. ough the Valkyries
are erce and powerful ghters in their own right, their Childer are the Einherjar who are embraced speci cally to
prepare for Ragnarok and destroy the systemic entrenchment of oppressive Sects.
e Bloodline's culture and Anarchy-centric actions are born from an undying grudge against the
advancement of Christianity and southern European nations into their lands during the Dark Ages, who labeled
them as savages and pagans. As a result of their ght to preserve their culture and beliefs, this Bloodline's members
fell into obscurity, with many of the Elders going into torpor in self-made barrows, so that they may rise again in
time for Ragnarok. With many Kindred believing the Bloodline nearly extinct, little attention was given as the
Camarilla and Sabbat rose to prominence.
With the waking of Brunhilde during World War I, this Bloodline has returned and begun undermining
the established Sects, usually with alliances inside Anarch movements. Recreating the Waelkyrige, now simply
called Valkyries, through rousing her sisters from torpor and Embracing from strong-willed ghters, she sent them
out into the Anarch movements of Europe and North America to nd the greatest warriors of the modern age, and
put the ame to the ruling class of the Sects. ough there are whispers abound that the Valkyries now operate
without Brunhilde's guidance, there remains a persistent mentality that the killing elds of Gehenna War are
merely the rst stage of Ragnarok. is Bloodline now embraces uite prominently in Anarch regions, and wages
open war against the Camarilla, with older members leaving with their Beckoned sires.
● Heroic Espousal: Once per ●●● Claws of Fenrir: The Dexterity, and Resolve pools for the
Story, you can regale an audience Einherjar were notorious for their remainder of the scene.
with a tale of your deeds. This story endless rage and terrible Hunger.
catches everyone's attention, While at Hunger 3 or higher, and while ●●●●● They Send Shrieking
overpowering even most Presence having a Sanguine Resonance, you Spears: Legendary are the Valkyries
powers. may make a Rouse Check to grow when marshaled for war, descending
long steel-hard claws that count as a upon the night with such inhuman
●● Memory & Thought: The +3 Light Brawling weapon that deals ferocity and skill, that their powers
Valkyries claim that the All-Father's non-halved Superficial Damage. would buckle the sunder the armor of
Ravens circumnavigate all the world champions, pillars of gods, and set a
each night, returning to Odin at ●●●● Their Armor, Drenched kingdom to the flame. Once per
nightfall to tell him of what they in Blood: Einherjar and Valkyrie alike Chronicle, when you would initiate
witnessed. A pair of ravens roost near don the blood of their enemies upon open combat that's likely to involve
to your haven, always watching and their apparel, so that all might see the leader of a Sect and its forces,
listening. Once per story you may ask their fierce might. When you score a you may find a swan, raven, or horse,
them a single question, which they will critical hit with a Brawl or Melee whispering to it Brunhilde's name.
answer succinctly and truthfully with attack, those struck have their Hunger Within the same night a Valkyrie will
almost preternatural knowledge. After increased by 1 as even vitae is pulled descend upon the conflict and
this they will refuse elaboration, and from their body by the blows. attempt to turn the tide in your favor,
refrain from further answers. Spreading this blood over your face however any slain may be taken with
and apparel adds 1 to your Strength, her back to Valhalla upon her
Taking their name from the "wise spider", this legacy of Laibon holds that they are the inheritors and
keepers of his wisdom and cleverness. eir blood compels them to go out into the world and seek knowledge and
wisdom wherever it might be found, and then disperse that learned wisdom and knowledge to those that will listen,
in an e ort to provide a betterment to Kindred society. As a general rule, this Bloodline isn't intentionally
secretive, but does maintain mystery and dispenses wisdom at measured moments.
e origins of this Bloodline are relatively consistent. Scholarly accounts of the Weavers found them
fanning outwards from the west African region of Ghana, tending to travel along rivers, and Embracing during the
rainy season especially. ey are relatively generous with their Embrace, choosing anyone with a thirst for life
lessons and useful knowledge, and tend towards consensual embraces. Unlike their regional origins, the Bloodline's
progenitor is somewhat contested, with the majority of the clan claiming that Enoia Embraced the Spider-God
Anansi a er he guided her through a dark rain forest, and others that it was his daughter who was Embraced a er
she convinced Enoia that she wished to travel the world as a Beast.
In modern nights this Bloodline is sparsely spread across the domains and Sects world-wide, owing
allegiance to few of them. ey tend to most regularly nd themselves as part of the Anarch scene, assisting those
that dismantle poor leadership and tyrannical power. If they do throw their lot in with a Sect or organization, it is
usually to observe from within, and provide wisdom or knowledge to those that seek to lead nobly and properly.
Preferring this advisory role, Akunanse rarely take the leadership roles of a Baron or Prince, and when they do, they
tend to organize or orchestrate their own replacement within a few decades.
● Kin of Weavers: You share a additional die. This resistance stems the traits and shapes of a spider. You
spiritual kinship with spiders, who are from your Beast, and can occur gain the Looks Flaw: Ugly (●) but
normally quiet to most other members without your conscious awareness. Mental Skills have their experience
of your clan. All of your powers of costs reduced to 2 times their level,
Animalism work on and affect Spiders ●●● Wisdom in a Drop of and you gain three Specialties of your
as they would typical animals. Rain: Your bloodline truly believes choosing across any skills.
Additionally, your sire gifted you a that all the wisdom of the world was
Akyede Ananse (Pg. 90) , a special poured into its water, and you can ●●●●● A Web of Knowing: You
African Jumping Spider, when you even sense and partake in it at times. have entrenched yourself in the area
struck out on your own. This spider is You have a gourd or animal skin, you live in and have set up a network
uncannily cunning and resourceful, blessed by your Sire, with which you of watchers that keep you informed.
and is immortal so long as you persist. can collect rainwater. Drinking down These watches can be anything from
It can serve as your Famulus. all the water in the gourd grants you a animals to mortals –Or even
Specialty in one of Academics, something stranger. You gain ten dots
●● No Elder's Fool: The Akunanse Investigation, Medicine, Occult, or to spend across two groups of Allies as
are solely interested in their own Politics. Drinking the water again you see fit. You may call on these
pursuits and are rarely duped or removes the previous specialty if it Allies once per story to get almost any
controlled by the other clans and wasn't purchased with experience. information on what's happened in
more especially their Elders. When you recent nights and provide a lead on
Blood Surge to resist the mental ●●●● Aspect of the Spider: As further information. However
powers of a lower generation someone powerful creeps lightly upon
you learn, your knowledge is
vampire, such as Dominate, your web, watching back.
expressed in your flesh as it takes on
Obfuscate, or Presence, add an
Creatures embraced into the Sabbat, the City Gangrel, or Coyotes as they're also called, are descendants
of the Greek Gangrel. Before the new millennium, these Gangrel were mass-embraced, usually as shock troops or
cannon fodder, to siege and dismantle entrenched Camarilla cities. How the Greek Gangrel became the prevalent
bloodline within the Sabbat is rather unknown, but the common consensus is that every Coyote is the descendant
of a rather prodigious Ductus, who embraced ceaselessly until succumbing to the Beast.
Reminding most Kindred of their namesake animal, these Gangrel have adapted to city life rather than
the countryside, and prefer to hunt exclusively in heavily populated areas rather than in the wilds, allowing this
bloodline to ourish and supplant their mainline Clan in certain areas, especially in South America. is doesn't
mean they have any love for the city or the Kindred that call it home, and in fact are usually some of the most
secretively destructive agents at times.
In the last two decades, with many of the hardline Sabbat traveling to the war elds of Gehenna, many a
Coyote has been le unattended, allowing them to exist independently. If joining or assisting members of other
Sects, many Coyotes assume the facade of being a typical Gangrel, as their previous a liation with the Black Hand
garners no small amount of suspicion and scorn. Even so, when their former a liations or lineage does come out,
few younger Anarchs know enough about the Sabbat to readily identify how adversarial and terrifying they are,
and even fewer care to label a useful asset with rather uni ue powers as an enemy.
● Domestic Animal: You've ●●● Sheep's Clothing: You're Streetwise, or Drive Test, however the
developed a talent for communing exceptionally capable of passing as result counts as a Messy Critical.
with the creatures of the city. At any Kine due to your lineage's ability to Additionally you have a mental map
time, you may make a Rouse Check adapt. It's survival of the fittest after of the entire city and have a general
to use Feral Whispers, even if you all, and that old adage never meant knowledge of where you are, and
don't have it, but only to speak with the most athletic, but rather who fits in where you need to go, so long as you
and understand domesticated the best. When you use Blush of Life can see a landmark or a place you've
animals. you may roll two dice for the Rouse been before.
Check and choose the better
●● Old Commiserates: Your outcome, your blush effect lasts the ●●●●● Suite Digs: Home is a
bloodline were frequent allies of the entire night, and if you pass your shelter from the storms, and you've
Nosferatu in the past, and together Rouse Check upon waking the next been around the block enough times
you would provide an underground night it's maintained another night to stake out one of the best Havens
bulwark to keep the underbelly of the longer for free. this city has to offer. You have a
city in your control. You gain Status three-dot Haven and a second
(●●) with the Nosferatu of the city, ●●●● Concrete Creature: You three-dot Haven that serves as a
and a Nossy Sewer Rat as a Mawla (●) and your Beast know every alleyway, secret safe house attached to, or
who will give you tidbits of every sewer grate, and every rooftop within, the first Haven. Addons
information, though you're expected jump you can make, and you work purchased for either Haven cost two
to help them defend the sewers from together to ensure navigation and experience per dot, rather than three,
threats every now and again. survival in this concrete jungle. Once and in order to reach the secondary
per Story, you can choose to Haven, the defenses of the first must
automatically pass any Survival, be overcome.
S·a«Ðlg Wl·e«¯
"Pushing out into the frontier of the Americas was later painted as some grand conques , but to me it was a careful victory by
degrees. e supposed 'New World' was full of very old things, untouched by the lights and fires of the renaissance that had
spread across my beloved home of Versailles. Here we were under amiliar s ars that guided us through strange and unknown
wilds, and within those vast expanses in the north there was already a great and dire hunger that preceded us, rivaling and
even succeeding our own. e Academics of the Tremere claim them as fellow Kindred due to similarities in their blood, but
having seen one myself I remain entirely unconvinced. ese insatiable hellish things came without the trappings of our politics
or pretenses of our rivalries, and carried with them the madness of a wintry s arvation that only sought a er naught else but
the new bloodied flesh we bore, onto which they'd feast in their dark forests."
–Garnet de Rune, Seneschal of Detroit
With heavily contested origins, these half-cryptid monsters crave both the blood and esh of other
Kindred, and will gorge on them if given the chance. Kindred Scholars claim them to be related to Gangrel, but
when pressed their certainty tends to wane. Lorekeepers tell that the Gangrel came to the shores and su ered in the
bleak winters of North America. Unable to nd nourishment,these Gangrel were consumed by their Hunger and
cannibalized one another, until only one remained. e last Feral, blood now potent with diablerie, began the
Wendigo bloodline. Einherjar Lorekeepers, who explored the Great Lakes region long before heavy European
colonization, insist that the Wendigo predates the Kindred's arrival by a century or more, and tell tales of starving
nightmarish spirits that appropriated the hungers of Caine's bloody curse to consume Kindred colonists, and to
maintain total mastery of all that starves in the night.
e Wendigo might wear the trappings of other Kindred, most closely their supposed Gangrel cousins,
however they do so with the primary ambition to consume their kin and as a result are solitary by nature. Embrace
into this Bloodline usually occurs purely so that a Wendigo can feast on the esh of their own kind, rather than a
mortal's. What few Childer who persist beyond being a meal usually do so in unintended accidents, or by their
Sire's attempt at Diablerie failing to consume them. Rare is it when a Wendigo Sire embraces simply to reproduce,
as their famished nature creates stark competition almost instantly, as they are cannibalistic above all else, and
prefer to eat one another, and of the Clan of the Beast.
Present in North and South America, in recent nights there have been reports of chilling cannibalistic
creatures feasting on Kindred as far away as Denmark. e grim fact of the matter is that these creatures are
insatiable instruments of all-consuming Hunger, and will go wherever their preferred prey will be found. However
when taking territor, the Wendigo tend to stick to rural areas, but are not adverse to stalking across cities to get
their ll, and though bestial in their ambitions, they have adapted a cunning mentality to hunt other undead, and
can run a long and vicious campaign, picking o members of a court or coterie over decades.
● Delicatessen: Your very blood is ●●● The Last Winter: Your ●●●●● Ravenous: There's no
starving. Mortals and Animals who Hunger is a terrible winter that escaping the gnawing hunger in your
partake in it are always hungry, eating consumes all in its expanse. You veins as it grows. Once per story,
any food indiscriminately, but still passively chill everything within a when you reach Hunger 4, you may
becoming thinner. Kindred who feed number of yards/meters equal to assume a tall, monstrous, and
on your blood slake no Hunger, and twice your current Hunger. Drinks emaciated form. While in this form,
instead their Hunger increases by 1 for quickly cool, open flames slowly you grow +3 natural brawling
every 2 Hunger they might've slaked wither, and others feel a cold draft. weapons, and your successful bite
from you. You also gain the Famished You may spend a point of Willpower attacks cause the victim to Test for
Mythic Flaw. to magnify this effect, forcing all Hunger Frenzy; Difficulty 4. You cannot
others in the radius to pass a Stamina slake Hunger in this form unless you
+ Resolve; Difficulty 3 Test. Failure drain and consume a victim
●● Bones and All: Your blood is a
causes two Superficial Damage. completely. All other attempts at
manifestation of the evils of greed
slaking Hunger instead cause you to
and gluttony, and you relish in this
nature to consume more of it. You
●●●● A Certain Hunger: When grow larger, and increase one of the
your Beast is satiated or starving your Physical Attributes by 1, each up to a
can consume up to twice your mass
powers become oppressive in their maximum of 5. You revert to your
without any issue and when you
potency. While at Hunger 0 or Hunger base form at the end of the Scene or
diablerize, add two dice to any pools
5, add two dice to your Discipline when you reach Hunger 0. You can
made in the attempt.
pools. assume this form whenever you wish if
you have Protean 4 or higher.
Be·hlc Fe«a¯
“Deep beneath the waves they drown, gargantuan beings cast out by God in Noah’s trial. Under the sea they gasp for
air, but tread water in its place. eir pain and misery unwitnessed, until the child of Ennoia came upon them. In that
discordant chorus of gasping the child of Ennoia did learn.”
–Excerpt from Rahab's Lament
Referred to by scholars of lineage and researchers and cataloguers of Bloodlines as Gangrel Aquarii, these
Mariners are an elusive o shoot of the main clan. Choosing to live in bodies of water and assuming the forms of
animals that call such habitats home, they are extremely similar to typical Gangrel outside of their preference for
a uatic animals and forms. As a rule, they choose to hunt in bodies of water, usually vast ones, and rarely care for
taking domains or territory outside of it.
e source of this Bloodline di erentiates from that of others, in that a mainline Gangrel can embrace a
Childe, who then assumes all of the traits and preferences of a Mariner, and a Mariner can embrace a Childe that
reverts to the mainline Clan's preferences. However in recent nights there exists lines of Mariners that seem to be
more "true". From the crushing depths rise Mariner Elders, Beckoned to landfall in their long swim to the killing
elds of the Gehenna War, and as they paddle violent paths through cities, they leave newly Embraced Mariners in
their wake. Hapless Childer embraced by these elders have little choice in how to go about their transformations, as
the benthic nature of the ocean appears to saturate their very blood with its strange biology and adaptations. While
other Mariners take on the appearance of sharks or octopi, these Benthic Mariners take on much more alien forms,
such as that of the angler sh, giant s uid, or monstrous crustaceans.
Once considered extremely rare, in modern nights more and more of this Bloodline has begun to appear, as
many Gangrel seek refuge in the depths of the ocean from tyrannical Princes and the res of the Second
In uisition. Adding to these are the aforementioned Benthic Mariner Elders who tread cities almost like sh out of
water, bringing all the strangeness of the abyssal depths to bear on their prey.
Despite their stark di erences when compared to their terrestrial cousins, the Mariners still employ the same
core Disciplines as their kin, albeit with an a uatic bent.
Discipline Spread
ANIMALISM Mariners use Animalism to communicate underwater, usually telepathically. If taking a Famulus, a
Mariner almost always chooses something that can live in and around water. Crocodiles, whales, sharks, and
otters are all rather common.
FORTITUDE For the deep sea dwellers, this power gives them considerable durability, and allows them to survive
in the crushing depths of the ocean, or against the unseen gigantism of the things that sleep there.
PROTEAN Like with their preferences of Animalism, Mariners almost always take on transformations that are
related to water. Webbed claws, shark teeth, and even barbed tentacles are used as Feral Weapons. More rarely a
Mariner will assume the form of an albatross or a seagull. ose that hold origins in the deep sea tend to take on
very alien and haunting shapes of large sizes.
any Gangrel are constantly on the move, always searching for the
undiscovered country to live far from the expanding reach of
civilization, and more especially the reach of other Kindred. is
search for mythical isolation has lead several Gangrel to become the
variant called Mariners, Ferals who seek sanctuary beneath the blackened waves and
assume the twisted guise of large isopods, mollusks, and sh, and strange
transformations that mimic deep-sea life when they Frenzy.
Once thought to be incredibly rare, the beckoning has dredged utterly inhuman
Elder Mariners from their benthic havens, and they have le childer of greater
numbers in their wake. ese chaotic embraces have no apparent reason, with many
embraced by these ancient creatures le to wallow alone. ose that take a er their
sires tend to live in self-imposed exile, disconnected and usually clueless, to Kindred
● Immersion: Your flesh and blood every turn until they spend a full turn quick and secret movement. You and
is called to the water, and when to remove the sludge. Expelled your Storyteller choose three separate
completely submerged you gain organs can be projected with locations that are all linked by this
webbed membranes between fingers Stamina + Athletics roll, and are
network of waterways. While traveling
and toes, and may even sprout fin-like treated as a typical ranged attack.
these submerged paths, your sense of
protrusions, as your eyes and ears Aqua Jet: While your forearm is
direction is unerring, however others
shift. You automatically pass all submerged, you can spend a turn
will need to make a Wits + Survival;
Athletics Tests while underwater, your absorbing water into it, and then
perception pools are also increased project it as a powerful stream with a Difficulty 7, to navigate them.
by one. Strength + Brawl ranged attack that
deals two Aggravated Damage. ●●●●● Creature of the Deep:
●● Benthic Mutation (choose One of the elders who has made
one): Your blood has altered your ●●● Rest on the Ocean Floor: landfall left a trail in their wake, and
body in some fashion that grants you Vast watery depths are your most you've followed it somewhere deep
one of these strange abilities: comfortable home, amongst the below sea level, into a secreted away
Bioluminescence: With a Rouse Check, deep reaches of the world. When you subterranean lake, where aquatic
your skin can display patterned glows daysleep uninterrupted in, or buried monstrous creatures rest. You gain
of alternating colors that hypnotize
under, a body of water at least the these Creatures of the Deep as Allies
and attract. Those that see you must
size of a pond, your Blood Potency is (●●●●●), and you gain the location as
make a Willpower Test; Difficulty 2 +
your Protean to resist. However when increased by 1 until dawn the next a Haven (●●●). These allies will always
you're at Hunger 4 or higher, your skin day. appear once per Chronicle when
becomes transparent. ●●●● Obscure Waterways: You summoned, but will cause
Expulsion: With a Rouse Check, you know of a network of underground considerable damage to whatever
expel your dead organs, which waterways that weave their way location they're called.
quickly liquify to acidic sludge. Those
through your local area, allowing for
hit take a point of Superficial Damage
On its face the Clan of the Beast may seem like it doesn't belong in these modern nights, too primitive for the
society at large, its powers replicated, replaced, or shared with too many other Kindred. at they are ill-suited to
modernity and it's a small wonder that these Ferals still stand strong when other decentralized Clans have fre uently
been trampled by the march of history and those who write it.
However the Feral's lack of unity is a core strength. Unconcerned with the individual a airs of the Clan's members,
the Gangrel have proven themselves to be the most eclectic clan in all of Cainite history. e divides of sects or politics
mean little to a Clan of Beasts that is populated by so many Bloodlines and Kindred of vastly di erent talents and
capabilities that continue to persist in a world that has always put them to the ame, stranded them on their own, and
born down upon them with ever-expanding metropolises of concrete and light. Ferals unite under the one notion that
they hold close to the core of their being, something that no other clan understands so intimately and de nitively, and
so purely: Survival.
Sha¨ed b× ·he Wl · these Bloodlines are usually the result of a potent
Gangrel kindred, whose proteonic blood has imprinted
Fellow Travelers on the Road e territorial nature of the Gangrel is not entirely
unwarranted or without merit. Historically the Clan of
"It's a long road, this life. A few hundred years long if
Beasts have been pushed out of their Domains due to
you s ay clever. at's a long time to be alone, so I travel
the expansion of cities and the marching armies and
with a few friends. 'A spider eats what's in its web, but it dies
in uences of others, leading to them constantly being
pushed further and further out of their own territory.
–Rial, Akunanse Lorekeeper
Especially prevalent during the Dark Ages in Europe,
this caused many Gangrel to ee across the ocean to
While the Gangrel are seen by other kindred as
America, and were even some of the rst Kindred to
loners or Kindred who look down on humans, instead
arrive in the new world, claiming their Domains in the
preferring the company of animals, that could not be
new frontier with thoughts that the Camarilla would
further from the truth. e Gangrel can be found
back their claim. When the cities grew out of the soil
accompanying or mirroring Kine who share their
the grim realization of the truth was manifest, however,
mentality or whose circumstance forces them to be on
and the Gangrel were yet again pushed out of their
the move, such as wandering refugees and traveler
Domains, by both political decrees and even direct
communities. Relationships with these fellow travelers
and nomads can range from purely pragmatic, such as
Since those early nights of colonial history,
easy feeding stock put to use as a mobile Herd and a
Gangrel have been harboring a sense of paranoia,
like-minded Ghoul servant to ensure safety during the
turning their territories into strongholds to prevent the
day, to a silent benefactor or guardian angel helping
incursions and erosion of their land by other Kindred.
them on road and ensuring their safety, even against
ese Gangrel preoccupy their time with knowing
other Kindred. Some nomadic Gangrel who grow
every single nook and cranny of their Domain, laying
especially attached to these groups go so far as to reveal
down traps or stashes to use in case someone assaults
their vampiric nature and form symbiotic relationships
them on their territory. Some of the older or more
amongst them, though this is much to the disapproval
powerful of these even warp their form, combining
and dismay of other Kindred. Finally there are those
with the land and enthralling the animals, so that
who prefer to travel with a single person such as digital
taking their territory would be too costly.
nomads, o en feeding on them and the entourage they
When a pack of Gangrel share a territory, they
come into contact with, and using their relationship
defend it together, rising up against any threats and
with technology as an asset to help navigate an
ghting tooth and claw to maintain their turf. Like a
ever-modernizing world of electronics.
family of wolves, they prowl the land and ensure it
remains their hunting grounds. While Gangrel have few
e Stru le for Territory rules and constraints, one that betrays their packmates
"Outside of the city the only principle that governs is is almost universally reviled, even by Gangrel of other
'might makes right.'" sects. It's been known that a pack betrayed will travel
–Rickon, Anarch Emissary thousands of miles to destroy such traitors, and other
Gangrel will even assist in the endeavor.
ose Gangrel that do decide on claiming a While some of the more naive and ignorant
domain are matched only by the Tzimisce in Kindred might nd a Gangrel clamoring for, and
territorialism, and they tend to lay claim to vast maintaining, territory in a city confusing, the truth of
expanses of land that have easily defensible borders, the matter is that life in the wilds is hard. Few Kine live
with plenty of prey to hunt and feed, rather than any in the countryside, and those that do don't provide a
kind of politically in uential function. In cities this is density enough to ensure a consistent supply of blood.
rarely possible outside of the least-desirable districts, as While animals can provide one with sustenance, a
other Kindred readily stake their claim, or have it gi ed particularly active Gangrel would need to hunt them
to them by a gure of authority due to their deeds or fre uently, and travel long distances to do so. On top of
status. Only the most vigilant and well organized this, the wilds are home to Lupines and other things of
Gangrel, usually along with the help of a pack, can hope dire monstrousness. Few Gangrel will admit it, and
to maintain a large city-based Domain without losing fewer still enjoy it, but Domains in the city are much
ground to the High Clans. more consistent and comfortable for hunting. ose
A Pl·lca Ala
that are able to hold highly sought out territory in a
city for decades are uietly admired and feared, in e ual
measure, by their clanmates. "Kindred aims are always selfish. Other clans build a
acade of some gobbledygook to prop up their ideals and
reasons why they're in charge, but it all has that day-time
Relationship with the Environment
soap opera feeling. I can't be bothered with all that bullshi .
"I don't know the names of these fish, but I do know
Just give me what I wan ."
they need dirty water to breathe, so if that hydroelectric dam
–Ravager Meryl
gets buil , they'll die. If they die everything else that eats
them leaves or dies. en I need to leave or die. It's not that
Many think that the Gangrel are incapable of
hard to unders and."
navigating the politics of Kindred society on their own,
–Mariner "Cap ain" Clayton
and that they are easy tools and pawns for other
powers, and while historically the Gangrel have been
Considering themselves stewards of the land they
the swords and shields of Dark Age courts, in these
fre uent, most Gangrel have a strong sense of
modern nights that's far from the case. Most
responsibility to maintain and protect it from
contemporary Gangrel have taken a path that has
unnatural forces. e human creation of dams,
radically transformed the landscape of Kindred politics,
reservoirs, cabins, camping grounds, and even hiking
setting out on their own and carving freedom from the
trails can draw a local Gangrel's scorn and result in the
hands of Princes and Barons. For the rst time in
Feral sabotaging human activity and e uipment,
centuries the Gangrel are no longer silent partners or
hunting down and killing Kine until they're forced to
pawns for the machination of those that govern sects,
leave, and even lash out against those higher up on the
they are movers, shakers, and agitators. Finding
commercial or government ladder to stop technological
themselves in positions of power and in uence as key
expansion into their territory. Surprisingly, this is
pillars of their chosen political movements, and more
fre uently uite e ective, as SI operatives care less
importantly they are recognizing this new position and
about a few torn-down power lines on a distant stretch
the opportunities that it o ers to them and their Clan
of road, or the mangling of half a dozen workers along a
as a whole.
river far outside the city.
In rare cases, this protection of the environment
invites a cohabitation with Lupines, who would Anarchs
otherwise be too-stretched thin to maintain the " ere's a time and a place for resis ance and we've had
Gangrel's claim of land themselves. When this does time enough now. e world is a big place. Let tyranny fly
happen there's rarely love lost between the two someplace else to inflict misery, I've seen enough of it for two
monsters, but they function with parallel purpose all lifetimes. ' e mosquito stru les against a web, but all the
the same, and try to make sure that they don't disrupt stolen blood in its belly will be eaten too.'"
one another's stewardship and maintenance of the land. –Rial, Akunanse Lorekeeper
Brujah, while their ability to scout and travel the is escalation has brought the attention of several
dangerous and fetid sewers to scout and carry messages other groups and Clans. Camarilla members a ected by
and secrets nds them useful even to the Nosferatu. the destructive methods of the World-Anew nd
eir uni ue mix of camou age and raw combat ability themselves fortifying their holdings with armed
allows them to readily undermine institutions remotely security and advanced alarm systems, sometimes
and install surveillance via Animalism without any creating a uiet war of attrition. Fellow Anarchs regard
need for technology that is ever-increasingly these tactics with mixed observation, some thinking the
compromised by Second In uisition Hunters. A Feral extreme measures as too dangerous, while others view it
amongst their Anarch companions can ll numerous as a necessary shock to the system. Meanwhile Lupines
niches, and provide aid and protection for the tend to revel in the destruction this movement causes,
movement as a whole. and rumors abound that the movement stands
Occasional points of friction do grow out of shoulder-to-shoulder with Lupines, who not only
interactions within Anarch movements, as agents of participate in the destruction caused, but even provide
change and stru le, such things are to be expected, intelligence, funding, and logistics to ensure that whole
even if the Brujah like to blame the machinations of city blocks are disrupted.
Camarilla courts that keep the youth of the night at one As a group the World-Anew operates as a
another's throats. e fact of the matter is that points collection of heavily scattered cells across Europe and
of friction arise. Gangrel love their freedom, and they North America. Messages and information between
have the strength and exibility to defend it, even each cell is terse and infre uent, as each member
against powerful Barons who would seek to use them, already knows the ultimate goal of what it is that they
or take from them. Territory and the ability to hunt should do, but when they do communicate they tend to
within it is regarded as an inalienable right to those do so using and exploiting Kindred information
Gangrel that take it, and anyone that disrupts or networks, such as the Hushed Chorus and the Blood
contests their claims should prepare to be carved by a Ravens, to keep in contact with one another.
Feral's weapons.
In addition to territory-related grievances, the
Gangre have always treated society with no small
amount of caution, and Brujah are nothing if not
bringers of society's change for the betterment and e Gangrel have been tied down by the
expansion of those within that society. Few within the expectations of the sects and clans for a long time, few
Clan of Beasts are comfortable with a large central elders remember the night when they had no
power, be it Camarilla or otherwise, governing their obligations to a titled High Clan, or an Elder that
night-to-night activities. is wariness puts them at dangles their boons over a Feral's head. Xavier's
odds with the grand designs of many Anarch emancipation of the Clan of Beasts from the Ivory
movements, which demand organized cooperation and tower fostered an already-developing attitude in the
ever-elaborate methods of oversight and governance. minds of the Gangrel: at of self-determination. On
top of that, Gangrel who can make such sweeping and
the world-anew movement in uential changes within an already disparate clan
Growing out of this distaste for civilization is the become increasingly rare with each passing night, as
"World-Anew Movement", an extreme Anarch group their ancient blood is Beckoned away to the killing
that's gaining traction even amongst non-Gangrel. elds of Gehenna.
While it began as a concerted e ort to ensure ecological Having witnessed the tremendous e ort and
prosperity and the preservation of natural land, this organization re uired to leave the Camarilla, even if it
movement has been twisted and has become was kickstarted by a powerful and widely-respected
increasingly destructive in a very short amount of time. member of their blood, many Gangrel found the
eir eventual goal is to take down the rotting edi ce prospect of taking refuge in another Sect more trouble
that is modern civilization by any means necessary, than it's worth. Hesitant to entangle themselves in
sometimes even tossing aside the Mas uerade to ensure Anarch politics, or their open war with the Ivory
they reach their goal. Tower, many in the Clan of Beasts remain wholly
independent, taking to their own lands and keeping to
themselves. e claims of freedom that Anarch espouse within the group, so that the Atavists remain uni ed in
serve little temptation, as their promises of autonomy their mindset.
ring hollow when power over others tends to remain
the truth, even more so now that the Ministry have
begun to nest within the Sect. war dogs
While some groups of Gangrel are considered
independent because of their staunch convictions that
atavists support those positions and ways of unlife, the War
Amongst the Gangrel is the ever-growing ideal Dogs instead operate on relative indi erence. Less an
that they should only be governed by their own Clan, as institution or organization, and more a term that
too long have they compromised their convictions, describes the many Gangrel mercenary companies
beliefs, and survival for not only other Sects and Clans, willing to work for whoever pays the right price, living
but also in relation to what other claim is their and dying on their own prestige and operating on their
supposed humanity. As if the Clan of Beasts weren't the own sense of morality. ese disjointed companies of
most natural of what they were meant to be. mercenaries tend to be de ned by their leadership.
At their core, the Atavists believe that they should Some follow strict codes of honor, or refuse jobs that
return to the Path of the Beast, a philosophy and they nd distasteful, while others have absolutely no
movement based around nurturing and understanding ualms about what the job is, and are willing to do
their inner-Beast through the primal concepts of whatever it takes to ful ll the contract.
Self-Su ciency, Strength, and Survival. rough this ese mercenaries are uick to gain prestige and
animalistic existence, and a return to the old ways of reputation when they're consistently successful, but
their Clan, they've come to value paganism, and hold usually nd themselves walking a tightrope to keep
their members to the convictions of Gangrel being from being dra ed into the Sects that have hired them,
"Hunters among the Hunted", and have a duty to or embroiled in their politics. Canny War Dogs use
maintain the balance between the cunning of man and their jobs and position as leverage, however even these
the ferocity of the Beast in themselves and the world as individuals can nd themselves backed into a corner by
whole. a Prince and a particularly competent Sheri if it
e hardliners of these ideals within the Clan take becomes more bene cial to cover up a job entirely.
it one step further, proclaiming that the dichotomy of
man and beast also engloves Kindred society and their
place as a member of the Clan of Beasts. For this reason
ose Who Remain in the Camarilla
they are very isolationist and revile the idea of an "We don't s and idle. We are a definitive pillar of the
institution not of their own blood being able to judge Cour . A shining shield against horrors. ey show us due
them or dictate how they should live. Primarily based respect because we have earned i ."
on the outskirts of towns or pockets of wilderness, they –Knight Commander Blaidd
stay away from cities whenever possible, however they
have been known to spontaneously organize, usually While the Camarilla would never admit it, they are
without warning, to humble the local members of a missing, or at the very least silently regretting, the loss
Sect, or even target speci c Kindred who attempt to of the Gangrel and not having done more to retain
expand outwards or subjugate members of their Clan. their Clan as members. Many High Clan Kindren found
Within the group of Atavists themselves runs the a use for the apolitical dog in the court, who le
rm ideal that might make right, so challenging leaders matters uncomplicated and was easily swayed or
and others higher status within the group is encouraged manipulated, not looking too deeply into the
and fostered as part of what cements the identity of the complexities of politics. is uni ue position now goes
clan as an ever-changing and strengthening animal. completely un lled, as the in ux of the Lasombra prove
When challenges like this do occur, it tends to be a too ambitious and politically astute, while many of
ceremonial event, o ciated by a Lorekeeper who Haqim's Children retain a distant aloofness, as well as a
knows the old ways, or another widely respected and keenly edged blade.
wise gure of the Clan. ese events are also used to In many courts this has created an amusing
regulate divergent ideas, or punish transgressions position, where the Gangrel that remain are tended to
by High Clans and others of status, and made a show of provide many opportunities to the ambitious
being admired for their loyalty and superior mineset. In Greyhounds willing to brave the halls of power that
certain cases this even becomes a fashionable trend or a they tend to avoid. ese more elitist Gangrel tend to
shallow social ritual of hollow appreciation, where the nd common cause with the Toreador and other
Feral is practically put on display and showered with members, acting as a kind of intermediary to the
gi s and appreciation. While some Ferals nd this members of their clan on lower rungs of the social
validating, most see it as little more than a pat on their ladder such as the Hounds, as well as those outside the
head that is insincere. Sect. Fre uently they also nd themselves aligning with
those in the Clan of the Rose who seek to preserve
aesthetically pleasing natural areas, such as large parks,
loyal hounds and oppose the development of expanding urban areas,
For some, service within the Ivory Tower is simply usually to the detriment of the masses.
a means to an end. While they may have loyalty to the
local Prince or their Coterie, many have stayed simply
because the Camarilla tends to have the resources to the orders
reward their e orts. ese hounds usually act in the Members of the Gangrel that didn't heed the call
role of maintaining bu er Domains at the edges of for defection based on principle alone. e resurgence
cities, or in areas too far from the court's seat of power, of the Invicti and the Knights of Avalon have gained
giving them a degree of freedom that most others don't new prominence in some Camarilla cities due to their
share. martial organization and their ability to stand tall and
Since the defection of most of their Clanmates, with poise. ese orders have become renown in many a
these few remaining Gangrel are now dependent on the Prince's Domain for their poise in the face of
few remaining Camarilla-aligned Gangrel Elders, or overwhelming opposition, with the Invicti sel essly
more commonly the Prince, to provide them with pushing back against the Second In uisition and
guidance. However these same individuals tend to re-taking cities with sound tactics and incredible
exploit them as a way to solve private a airs without martial acumen, while the Knights of Avalon press
upsetting the balance between the ruling class in the outwards as paragons of what it means to be a defender
Court and disrupting a careful balance of power and of the Ivory Tower against the terrors of the dark
in uence amongst the other members. Hounds that are beyond the lights of the city.
use, or exploited, in this way are a ectionately, and also Some individuals have been critical of the rise of
mockingly, called the House of the Prince. such groups within the Sect, however, citing their
meteoric rise as a sign of political meddling, and far too
convenient. ese same people theorize that their
greyhound presence has been engineered as a way to arti cially
While many Gangrel le the Camarilla to throw in boost Sect morale, and that they are backed by the
their lot with the other Sects, many of those who were Inner Circle or some other unseen powers who merely
already well-established and a part of the Ivory Tower's wish to show other Gangrel that they do still very much
upper echelons of society and nobility made the choice have a place of prestige within the Ivory Tower. Of
to remain. ese "Greyhounds" as they're called by those course those that openly share this conspiracy with
found within and outside of the Sect, nd themselves members of either group uickly nd it a good way to
better suited to keeping their position, whether it be be disemboweled by a blade, or challenged to an
because their values align with the Camarilla very well, honorable rite of combat.
or more sel shly because they have an array of amassed
assets and titles tied to their membership, neither of
which they want to lose.
Another key reason is that, unlike the rest of their
Clan, these Greyhounds tend to be shrewd politicians
who know how to exploit the arrogance of those of the
Ivory Tower who turn their nose up at the Gangrel, as
you be underestimated is uite an asset that can
Legacy of the Sabbat most competent and strongest of those who remain and
blood bond them, leaving them responsible for the city,
and allowing them some degree of self-governance.
When the Sword of Caine le for the Gehenna
Along with these blood-bound overseers, he leaves a
War, not all marched on with their packmates. While
small group of three or four capable and trusted
many pursued the beckoned elders, especially key
Gangrel, who keep watch and provide protection from
leadership, many were le to wander without guidance
other Sects and forces that would seek to move into the
and many more were destroyed and scattered by their
territory. While the overseers remain somewhat
enemies or the Second In uisition. Among these that
autonomous, Casimir re uires that they pay him
remain are the signi cant number of Country and City
tribute, usually in the form of actionable assets, ghouls,
Gangrel, who were a large portion of the Sabbat's
blood, or even Kindred to fuel his war machine. In
frontline and scouting specialists. In the absence of core
some cases, without warning, Casimir will appear to
leadership, many of these Gangrel became roaming
collect these tributes himself, usually to display his
packs of violent predators, killing, destroying, and
agrant acts of brutality and sardonic wit.
diablerizing everything at a whim.
While this new empire has yet to push into the
While many of these Ferals nd some semblance of
largest Camarilla held cities, it's only a matter of time
camaraderie within the Anarchs, they eventually
and infantry numbers before there is an open assault on
become murderous enforcers with inhuman traits and
a position of the Ivory Tower, who Casimir seems to
appetites, or they're exiled or killed outright by the
hold a speci c disdain for. is isn't to say that
more morally-sound Barons and their members. Few of
Anarch-aligned city-states are any safer from the
these ex-Sabbat nd a real place of belonging within
shredding claws of his army, as many have already
the Anarch as anything more than a tool for violence.
thrown their lot in with him, either through coercion
e few Sabbat that are able to throw o the
conditioning of their former Sect nd themselves most or convenience. ⬛
comfortable amongst the Ministry, who readily shi
and aim their fervor towards more productive ends.
animals and dyscrasia these cases, should the Childe manage to fend o their
ere are some animals whose blood holds great Sire, they are fre uently rewarded with proper
power being able to confer disciplines or even hidden guidance or assistance, and le to persist in the night.
insight. ese animals are said to be the descendants of
powerful beastly companions that drank from
methuselahs or even antediluvians. When these ancient those that distinguish
masters withdrew from the world their companions While embrace by trial is the most known method
were le to wander the world procreating with others of embrace, it is far from the only one. Some more
of their kind and passing on a fraction of their old radical Gangrel believe that newer generations are
master’s power to their progeny. Cainite scholars are tainted by modernity and civilization and thus take it
skeptical of the veracity of these claims, but the idea upon themselves to kidnap children at a young age and
remains a pervasive one in clan Gangrel. As streets and to raise them in the wild or isolate them in
cities alike have been torn to shreds by Gangrel hunters environments that aren't conducive to the evils of
thinking they are tracking such blessed animals. modernity. e "feral children" are usually raised by a
Gangrel's ghouled animals until they have survived and
matured enough for the Embrace. e warped and
Methods of Embrace inhuman belief behind this process is that this creates a
purer, stronger, Gangrel who is closer to Ennoia.
Some Gangrel also prefer to Embrace those that
embraced by trial have managed to prove themselves in some remarkable
Gangrel are widely known amongst Kindred for way, beyond that typical to other Kine, such as those
their method of Embrace, where they leave their new who provide a great challenge while being hunted, or
Childe to fend for themselves to see how many years even gain the upper hand in combat. ese future
they can survive without direct aid. is is usually Childer are seen as exceptional, and embraced to
referred to within the Clan as surviving a number of strengthen the ways of the Clan.
"winters'' and it's not uncommon for older Gangrel to Others still Embrace purely on the matter of
ask younger ones "How many winters?" to get a degree shared ideals or values, and even sometimes are
of how capable a younger Feral is. Childer who show embraced to preserve values. is method is common to
the ability to survive and adapt to their new nature as a all Kindred in many ways, however for Gangrel the
predator, as well as the everynight trials they must face, shared beliefs are usually speci c to something primal,
are usually taken under the wing of older Gangrel and protective, or destructive. Environmental activists that
given more direct wisdom and assistance. refuse to back down against all odds, or hunters that
e Clan as a whole have recognized the problem throw their well-being into jeopardy to stave o
with these methods of Embrace, however, and in these poaching, are both good examples of these kinds of
exceptionally dangerous nights many Wolves Embrace embraces.
from especially hyper-competent Kine to ensure their
survival, or at the very least guide them to some degree.
As said above, it's not uncommon for older members of Bloodlines Surge
the Clan to ask other Gangrel who are in dire straits A recent phenomenon is the sudden surge in
the uestion "How many winters?" to ascertain just how Gangrel Bloodlines, both in their sudden appearance
new they are, and how much help should be given. and reintroduction. Many of them have entered
Despite it becoming more common that Gangrel Kindred circles to blaze their own trail, and present
receive help from others these nights, there still remains monstrous and strangely speci c adaptations that
certain members of the Clan that are brutally manifest due to their uni ue environments or even
darwinian and believe that if you are unable to remain their beliefs. Some range from the withered and
discreet, that if you attract unwanted attention to stag-like Wendigo, to the abyssal deep-sea aspects of the
yourself and the rest of Gangrel society, then you have Mariners. Even stranger as insectoid approximations
shown yourself to be un t to survive. In many cases, if that have compound eyes and ns suited for wading
these un t Childer do not destroy themselves, their through thick marshes. ese Bloodlines of Gangrel
Sire will descend upon them and end their existence. In
show abilities and practice Disciplines that usually tend to repeat themselves and bring old parables and
surprise or confound even other members of their clan. lost history to the fore once again, resonating through
While these Bloodlines would once keep to echoes in the blood of an ancient descendant. In these
themselves, or be uncommon enough that they might strange ways, the Gangrel have a storied heritage unlike
go unnoticed as little more than a rumor or strange any other clan. An instinctual history, perpetuated even
sight at the edge of town, the Beckoning has pulled when lost, that sometimes adapts and changes to suit
many of their elders from slumber and pulled them to the environment in which it is most useful to them.
the killing elds of Gehenna. In their travels many of Myths featuring Ennoia, the supposed founder of
these anachronistic Elders have Embraced into their the Clan, and her many enemies, allies, and lowers, are
once-rare lines, resulting in a surge of prominent especially prominent amongst the more learned of the
numbers, even in places that are normally uncommon. Gangrel. Serving as allegorical lessons about a Kindred's
e uirks of these Bloodlines pose an interesting existence and how it relates to others, especially other
conundrum for the Gangrel and Kindred, as their Clans and monsters of the night, akin to La Fontaine's
particularities could be a great asset to those willing to Fables. When told well, and with belief in their
accept them into their ranks, however many of them authenticity, these orations of Ennoia are inspirational
have forms and strange animal aspects are less than in a supernatural way that stirs the listener's blood to
ideal for a Kindred Society that continues to sink help them persevere against in nights for opposition,
deeper behind the Mas uerade. almost as if the antediluvian fosters their messages and
lessons herself, and grants her boon to those that hear
Oral Traditions In addition to tales of ancients, oral traditions are
e roots of the Gangrel go deep, both into the also used to preserve the exceptional deeds of Kindred
culture of Kindred as a whole, and into the distant past in contemporary or more recent nights. Immortalizing
that the Clan grew out of. e growing and blooming their actions for either praise or infamy. e subject of
stories of the Gangrel grow outwards through the these tales are usually overshadowed by embellishments
preservation and cultivation of a long oral history. that an orator takes upon telling it, and the passage
from Sire to Childe usually results in a great deal of
creative license, until the retelling can no longer be
the lorekeepers of beasts
distinguished from what the actual events were, and the
Foremost amongst those that preserve these stories
legend itself. In this way, the Gangrel create modern
are the Lorekeepers, who pass traditionals of oral
myths. Acts of grand heroism, or terrible villainy,
stories from Sire to Childe, and treat them as a pivotal
which resonants and is appreciated even by other
part of everynight life as parables to live by, or at least
Clans, especially the Toreador.
lessons of wisdom. Lorekeepers are known to even
ose cunning enough in these methods also
speak in code to keep their stories secret from the
utilize these tales of deeds as leverage. ough many
prying corruption of other Clans, or sometimes to
Lorekeepers refrain from embellishing an event with
ensure that their lessons don't preserve those that need
purposeful twisting of the story and its message, some
to be undone by their own foolishness. e Akunanse,
re-weave a narrative to teach a new lesson, adding
Laibon of Africa and followers of the Wise Spider, as
threads of note that grant the Lorekeeper or the subject
particularly adept at gleaning the wisdom found in the
of their tales social prominence and standing, or take it
old oral traditions of the Gangrel, and dispensing them
away. is can of course be a double-edged sword, as
to their own Childer as powerful mental knowledge, or
many Kindred seeking to alter their status or damage
an incredible method of providing level-headed and
the reputation of others, fre uently seek out a
critical advice to others.
Lorekeeper to weave a tale that might help them, or
e whole of the Gangrel's history is preserved in
hinder their opponents.
fragments of events and unlife, in song and story,
passed from an ancient world of myths and gods to the
storied history of contemporary nights. is spoken
lore is the beating heart of the Clan of Beasts. While
the loss of oral tales is inevitable in some cases, events
always o ered the Embrace by the Prey Priest, even Gangrel that held territory, usually to take it
against that Kine's will, as the escaped uarry have themselves, but sometimes just out of spite. Despite
proven themselves worthy against all attending hunters, this, even in these modern nights these tales persist and
even as a mere mortal. ose embraced in this manner even multiply, of course their origins are always always
are usually regarded with no small amount of prestige thrice removed, obscuring the truth if there is any.
and enjoy much elevated status among the Clan, their Tales talk of strange beings from the wilds playing
tale of escape also perpetuated by any attending favorites, and even pitting their chosen Gangrel against
Lorekeepers. one another in hunts and ordeals. Others speak of the
For exceptionally large Great Hunts, the Prey intolerable sensations of being followed or watched by
Priest usually endows another of the Clan with the title something far o , a presence that's indiscernible by
and position of Predator Priest. ese Predator Priests mundane senses, but felt none-the-less, and only
ensure that all who participate follow the rules outlined ceasing when strange o erings are le , such as
by the Prey Priest. ese rules can be anything from hollowed carcasses lled with wild owers and bones.
hospitality, to methods of the Great Hunt itself. When On a night-to-night basis, especially in modern
these rules are broken it also falls to the Predator Priest nights, Gangrel tend to hold their beliefs deep within
to enact punitive actions. For this reason the Predator themselves, rarely opening up about what it is they
Priest is usually especially capable in combat, and it's revere or hold dear, and most of them care little to
not uncommon that the winner of the previous Great learn the beliefs of others. Rarely does a Gangrel
Hunt isn't given the position. agrantly and openly claim their religious values, even
when provoked.
such example is Mielikii in Finland, a primal bear of for this reason that some Gangrel are willing to aid
dire size and strength that is believed to have drawn these Beckoned Elders as they make their dangerous
breath for over ve centuries. Many believe that in journey to their nal destination, even accompanying
caring for, and keeping these famulus alive, will bring them along all the way as a form of pilgrimage in some
the blessings of their ancient masters when they wake. cases. Many claim it is for sentimentality, others that it
is to safeguard their memories and learn hidden secrets.
Lorekeepers travel with Elders for this very reason.
path of the beast Many Elders usually welcome the company, though are
An inner belief system that originates from Via wary of overly disruptive or humane members of their
Bestiae, a philosophical belief system that once served as Clan, other Elder Gangrel see their companions as no
the Gangrel's dominant way to govern morality and better than vultures or carrion feeders to be chased
nightly unlife during the Dark Ages. is path has been away –or eaten. ⬛
slightly warped by various movements, and even veered
o into other paths, such as Paths of the Hunter,
Nomad, Savage, and Grey Hunter, however its core
values remain intact by those that practice it: Survival
at all costs, in any situation, above all others.
With the advent of the Camarilla and the
corrupting religious in uences of the Sabbat, the exact
practices of this old road have receded. While it was
still practiced in small numbers, in these unsure nights
its adherents have grown nding comfort and meaning
on this once forgotten path, to learn the morality of
willfully allying with one's own Beast, and to feel no
need for guilt or mercy at the cost of one's own survival.
Of the dichotomy of leashing and unleashing one's
Beast whenever needed, and not denying it outright,
allowing it to roam free and pushing it to a speci c
course with muttered prayers and mantras. e primary
practitioners and perpetrators of this path are the
Atavists, who relish in their feral urges and the
destruction of the weak.
Exceptionally radical versions of this philosophy
have developed in remote corners of the world, where
the worship of wights as perfect beings has taken root.
ese extreme religions view the Wight as a pure
manifestation of instinct and drive, unfettered by the
concepts of humanity. ese Eremites claim that God
rewarded Caine for his act of violence, for his primal
urge and the o ering of Abel's life, granting Caine a
fragment of Himself in the form of the Beast.
e Beckoning
For many Gangrel the reaction to the sudden
disappearance of their Elders is a mixed one, for they
do not share the same typical animosity that other
Kindred have. eir Elder’s grip was not as su ocating
as those found within other Clans, and they represent
the memories and storied history of their blood. It is
holdings, the Gangrel who were once at peace in nature has become almost a ritual for Gangrel to adopt the
have also been pushed into the cities. Displaced Gangrel guises of bizarre creatures and fearsome entities. is
fre uently seek their cousins, warning of conspiring practice serves a dual purpose: deterring other Kindred
and mobilizing Lupines, though their warnings are from encroaching upon their domains and warding o
rarely heeded. mortals from areas deemed sacrosanct.However, such a
Amongst the Kindred, there were always rumors strategy demands a delicate touch and a keen sense of
that the Gangrel held some deep connection to the timing. One must know precisely when to breathe life
Garou, some link that allows them to co-exist. Such into these stories, for overstepping might draw the
claims have existed since the Dark Ages, and usually unwanted gaze of the Second In uisition or pi ue the
call back to tales of Ennoia's relationship with them, interest of those with a penchant for the grim and the
who some Lorekeepers claim birthed the rst Garou unknown.
from her earthen womb. However, in actuality, an
alliance or even co-existence between Garou and
Gangrel is exceedingly rare. Despite this the idea of this when the beast is freed
relationship persists, most likely kept alive by the e precarious nature of the Gangrel's pact with
Gangrel themselves. their inner beast is fraught with peril, akin to a perilous
In incredibly rare cases, there have been times dance atop a razor's edge. Many of which have been cut,
when the Clan of Beasts and the Children of Gaia have ultimately losing themselves to the beast within. is
aligned and worked towards a common goal. In these grim fate is disproportionately common among the
situations the Gangrel are rarely treated as e uals, and Gangrel, leading to a notably higher prevalence of
are usually regarded as subservient to the Garou in wights within their ranks—a somber reality that elders
some fashion, such as a tributary or a serf. In these among them are reluctant to discuss with their kin.
instances the Gangrel are given a task, or volunteer for is dark metamorphosis is accelerated by the
one, that aligns with the values of the werewolves, such Gangrel curse, spiraling them into a frenzy of continual
as feeding exclusively on invasive species, adhering to transformation. ese creatures, unrecognizable as
strict edicts of hunting, or coming to the defense of anything remotely human and endowed with
territories outside the reach or ability of the formidable might, prompt swi retribution from the
werewolves. Despite these occurrences, many Gangrel Second In uisition and other Kindred.Yet, some of
sco at such tales, declaring that no true member of the these wights seek refuge in the deep wilderness, where
Clan of Beasts would lay low and bow before the they are either destroyed by lupines, succumb to the
Garou. sun, or, in rare instances, evolve into beings of
astounding cunning and terror. ese survivors morph
into the things of nightmares, fueling urban legends
tales of monsters and cryptid lore as they devolve further from their
Tales of the macabre and the monstrous have original selves.A few Gangrel, motivated by either a
always enthralled the clan renowned for weaving sense of duty to the Mas uerade or a uest for status,
narratives and embodying the beastly. e Gangrel, hunt these monstrosities. Despite these e orts, many
masters in the art of storytelling, understand the potent wights continue to exist in the shadows, their descent
sway of a well-cra ed legend, recognizing that tales can into inhumanity casting them as true monsters even to
o en guard one's existence more e ectively than any kindred. ⬛
physical barrier or brute strength. In certain realms, it
ravel between cities is no small feat for the damned. e comfort and safety of cities exist for a reason, and
the lights of civilization are a bulwark against the vast strange dark of the wilds, and the numerous dangers
that darkness hides. Elder Kindred are wise and in uential enough to avoid traversing the expanse between
cities and what few remain regularly send others in their place. Even with modern day transportation,
movement between cities can be exceptionally perilous. e roads are patrolled and guarded with SI checkpoints and
local Hunter cells, using bureaucracy and surveillance in tandem. O the beaten path and in the trackless wastes are the
territory of Lupines and even more nightmarish creatures of the dark.
All this is to say that travel outside of a Kindred's city is no small feat, and the dangers that occur during such
instances can add a great deal to the ction of your Chronicle and the World of Darkness it takes place in. What follows
in this section are tools, tips, story hooks, mechanics, and optional systems to create and manage Tension. During these
extra-city ventures, the skillsets of rough and tumble street Kindred and country survivalists tend to shine, giving them
an ideal place amongst the coterie. If your Chronicle's Coterie doesn't have such a character, introducing a Gangrel
guide or courier that's willing to trailblaze for a price can also lead to additional twists and turns.
As Kindred move through the wilderness, something is ⬛ Named and primary Antagonists may add Tension
always watching, waiting, hunting. ings go wrong, to their Dice Pools by spending a point of Willpower.
stakes are raised, and the race against the sun is a deadly
one. Tension serves as a rating, 0-to-5, similar to ⬛ Finding secure shelter for Daysleep at increasing
Hunger. Its increase signi es the building sense of Tension might become di cult as the Coterie's vehicle
unease, peril, and isolation that Kindred feel when is compromised with bullet holes, the Motel they set up
outside of the safety of cities, as well as the peril of the ahead of time is swarmed with local law enforcement,
wastes that the Coterie traverses. e higher it gets, the or they just need to scavenge for material to cra a
more treacherous and di cult their journey becomes. makeshi haven. In these cases the players roll against
Tension lasts until the end of the current Story, or until the current Tension to nd a suitable place to Daysleep.
the group reaches their destination. Certain Chronicles
that follow a Nomad Coterie or take an entire ⬛ At Tension 3 the Beast begins to feel uneasy. Tests to
Chronicle to reach their destination may result in resist Fear Frenzy have their Di culties increased by 3.
Tension being maintained from Story to Story. In these
⬛ At Tension 4 the ability to phone a friend might
instances it's recommended that Tension decreases by
become unusable, stranding the group without help
one or two at the start of each new Story.
that's normally available.
Tension increases due to especially dangerous
or attention-drawing actions; A Messy Critical, Frenzy,
⬛ At Tension 5 the group su ers a terrible event.
succeeding at a cost, or hunt gone wrong are all likely
Lupines begin to ruthlessly chase them, they take a dire
to increase Tension by one rather than cause typical
turn into the den of some awful creature that time
downsides. When in doubt about if Tension should
forgot, or threats previously established become aware
increase, the Storyteller can make a "Tension Check" by
of one of the Coterie's Backgrounds, or even a
rolling a single die. A Success yields no increase, while a
failure does. As a general rule, Tension does not
decrease during a Story unless a Coterie makes an players and tension dice
active e ort to safeguard themselves, such as nding a Despite Tension being primarily negative, Players may
safe Haven to lie low in for the day, or misdirect what attempt to use it as a driving factor to reach their goal
might be pursuing them. e exact e ects of building and overcome the threats that bar their path. At any
Tension changes depending on the nature of their time a player may spend Willpower e ual to the current
traversal. Tension to add that many Dice to a Dice Pool that
include one of their Disciplines. If the resulting pool
using tension in play fails the Test it was made for, the Storyteller
As previously stated Tension's e ects should vary
immediately makes a Tension Check, mentioned above,
depending on the themes of the current Story, however
while a Critical Success lowers Tension by 1. ough
the Tension Tracker is a good gauge of how di cult
using Tension Dice has a steep cost, a successful
travel will become. As Tension increases, so does
outcome allows a Kindred to accomplish even
di culty. Opposition rises, obstacles bar the path, and
insurmountable tasks when the ames of adversity lick
help dries up as other Kindred hunker down to avoid
at their heels. ⬛
e Storyteller ultimately has the nal say in
how Tension a ects the player characters and the world
they're moving through, but what follows are some
Ch«lce H}¯ f« Wlde«e¯¯ EÖc¼«¯l¯
ith the myriad dangers of the wilderness, why would a smart Kindred ever venture over that
threshold and into certain uncertainty of what lay beyond the borders of their well-lit domains?
A er all, unlife in the city itself is already fraught with con ict and the ability to survive there
presents enough challenges that inviting more adversity in a harsher and less-known
environment would be foolish. e answer to this is that any Kindred knows full well that they will be pushed,
pulled, and commanded outside of their own comfort zone. ey don't always get what they want, and even more
rarely do ambitious Kindred get to choose how their nights are spent when pressure bears down onto them. What
follows are several ideas that can help you, even if only temporarily, tempt or move your coterie outside of the night
lights of civilization, and into the unknown frontier beyond.
realize that they've gone in a circle, ending up back at Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3;
Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 2;
where they rst spotted the strange light. It takes
Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 1
everything the Coterie has to nd a path out of this Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3, Humanity
dream-like loop of wilderness, and escape the 6
maddening ame. Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3,
Humanity 7
e Feu Follet is not unlike the Will o' the Wisp, and Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 5
some scholars will claim that they are the expression or Exceptional Dice Pools by Agent:
visions of fairfolk moving between our world and some First Strike: Melee 8 (Spears), Larceny 8; Leadership
7; Awareness 6, Medicine 6
dream-like state, twisting up mundane reality in their
Shroud: Firearms 8 (Sniper), Stealth 9; Insight 6
wake. (Non-humans), Subterfuge 7; Academics 10,
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1; Investigation 8, Science 8
Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Composure 2; Fear: Firearms 8 (Close Proximity), Intimidation 11;
Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 1 Academics 8, Finance 7, Occult 10, Technology 8
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 3 Haste: Drive 9 (Motorbike), Brawl 10 (Pugilism);
Skills: Stealth 5, Survival 5; Animal Ken 4, Persuasion Persuasion 6, Streetwise 8; Awareness 7 (Combat),
3, Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 5; Awareness 5 Politics 7
Disciplines: Celerity 3, Dominate 3, Obfuscate 3, Reach: Athletics 11 (Bows), Drive 9 (Motorbikes),
Presence 3 Survival 8; Animal Ken 7;
Notes / Other Traits: Many of this entity's abilities Equipment: Each Agent comes with body armor,
use the Tension system (Pg. 70) to meddle and pester specialized ammunition for Vampires and
the Coterie. If Tension is not used the Storyteller is Werewolves, and explosive breaching tools.
encouraged to simply add three Dice to this Additionally each agent has a personal +4 Damage
creature's pools. weapon associated with their individual specialty;
Upon being seen, make note of any landmarks that first strike has a carbon fiber spear, shroud has an
the Coterie could recognize, after some time anti-material sniper rifle, fear has a sawn-off shotgun,
traveling, perhaps even a scene later, the Coterie will haste has blessed silver knuckles, and reach has a
somehow end up back at these landmarks again, compound bow.
having gone in a circle, and this will immediately add Notes / Other Traits: They count as prepared
one Tension. Escaping this circular reality requires a mortals with occult defenses and add +4 bonus dice
force of will: Resolve + Composure; Difficulty 2 + to resist Mental Disciplines.
While it hounds the Coterie, this creature will use the
equivalent of Chimerstry and various powers of
Obfuscate to disorient and distract. If a Coterie
member attempts to attack the Feu Follet, it defends
itself with its Wits + Stealth. If successfully hit it takes a
single point of Aggravated Damage from any source.
When this creature's Health or Willpower tracker is fully
marked in Aggravated Damage, it vanishes and frees
those snared in its trap.
attribute focus: physical / mental
An important package has been given to the
Coterie, and they're charged with escorting it to a GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 4/3
speci c person in a small town roughly three hour's A Cell of three hunters; Natty, Vas uez, and
drive outside the city. ey're speci cally told not to Kamino, who patrol the roads outside the city. ey
open the contents of the package, and get it there by specialize in vehicular combat, and drive 80's-era
dawn. e package itself is small and unassuming, but Crown Victorias painted matte black. All three are all
locked tightly. If opened, the Coterie nds a large glass mortals, but are seasoned enough to know that while in
container, full of preserved blood sealed with yellow their vehicles, they're an even match for the things they
wax. If the blood is consumed, it o ers a Dyscrasia. hunt.
ey've caught the trail of the Coterie and are
what could happen hell-bent on their destruction, or ensuring that they
⬛ While on the road it becomes very uickly apparent never return to the city again. ese Agents are
that a cell of traveling Hunters is in the area, and is designed to be extremely di cult to combat, but not
looking for the parcel and a group of supernatural impossible to overcome. ey come prepared with
creatures that might have it. Highway law enforcement powerful weaponry, an armored SUV, and two
seems happy to look the other way and even provide a high-performance motorbikes.
degree of assistance. If used, rising Tension uickly Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 3, Mental
results in these Hunters descending upon the coterie 3
–loaded for bear. Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 5
Exceptional Dice Pools:
⬛ During the drive, the Coterie gets a message from the Natty: Drive 9, Awareness 5
Vasquez: Melee 8, Drive 7 (Ramming)
Hushed Chorus (Pg. 23), either via a secure line, a large
Natty: Academics 8, Occult 6
animal delivering a written letter, or a mortal who
Notes / Other Traits: Each of the three
happens upon them at a stop. e sender of this Quartermaines prefers to stay in their cars to combat
message claims that they are who is meant to receive the supernatural along the roads. If using Tension
the parcel, and that the drop o point has changed to they begin using caltrops, smoke bombs, and
somewhere outside of town, in a farther and much firearms to try and stop the Coterie.
attribute focus: physical / mental
e local Baron or Prince has issued a Bloodhunt for
the Diablerist LAnsa. Once a trusted member and GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 4/2
enforcer of the local Kindred authority, this individual A Gangrel has been killing and eating Kindred in
has been revealed to have been consuming other the city. Fleeing out of town and into the vast expanse
Kindred, gorging himself on their esh and blood and beyond, where he thrives amongst the animals and
showing no signs of slowing down. wilds. He has little pity for the Kindred he's killed, and
However Lansa has ed the city and is uickly views most of his peers as little more than food.
moving across the countryside to seek refuge beyond However the terrible Hunger that makes him so
the reach of the local Kindred government, and there's dangerous is also his primary weakness as not even he
only a few nights until he's gone for good. While most fully understands it, and will go to great lengths for a
would be ne to let him ee and be someone else's meal.
problem, Status, Resources, or even Major boons are Clan: Gangrel (Wendigo)
promised rewards for capturing Lansa, or bringing back Sire: ???
evidence of his destruction. Embraced: 1990 (Born 1978)
Ambition: Find a meal that satiates his Hunger
what could happen Convictions: None.
⬛ e Coterie sets out into the wilderness, either piling Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3;
into a single vehicle, or taking a small eet. ey follow Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 1;
signs of Lansa's passage, who has now tossed aside the Intelligence 3, Wits 1, Resolve 2
Mas uerade entirely in his haste to run. ey happen Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 6,
Humanity 5
upon a tiny roadside town where he has killed one and
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 3 (Bites), Melee 2, Stealth 3
brutally hurt another. Giving aid to the town takes
(Forests), Survival 4; Insight 2, Intimidation 3, Persuasion
precious time, but provides the Coterie with Contacts 1, Subterfuge 3; Occult 3 (Kindred)
(●●) in the area, and a better idea of what they're up Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 3,
against. Potence 2, Protean 4
attribute focus: social / mental
An important shipment has been stranded at a
dock three hours south of the city. Several Coteries GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 4/3
have been tasked with personally going to pick it up A Tzimisce that was the former ductus of her pack.
and bring it back to the city. ey're given a large truck She spends her nights hunting and prowling along the
to haul the shipment, which comes in the form of three banks of the river to feed and collect biomass. She has
large crates, and each member is given a basic Mask (●) used extensive eshcra ing to hollow out her torso to
that allows them to pass scrutiny among the dock's house two Electric Eels, which lash out and bite
workers and security, but won't stand up to scrutiny through openings in her collar and abdomen.
elsewhere. e shipment needs to be in the borders of Without her pack, Mithentronika's mental state
the city by dawn, or it'll be lost. hinges entirely on keeping what little she has le : Her
river, and she will irrationally attack any other
what could happen Kindred that travels through it, or along its banks.
⬛ e road south has a well-known checkpoint run by Clan: Tzimisce
local law enforcement, and rumored to have ties to the Ambition: Fortify my domain.
SI. Going through it is the uickest way to travel, but it Convictions: Humans are such easy prey.
carries its own steep risks if the party can't talk Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4; Charisma
3, Manipulation 2, Composure 3; Intelligence 3, Wits 1,
themselves passed it.
Resolve 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 5,
⬛ Travel via boat may be possible, but picking up the Humanity 5
crates and getting them back to the city draws Skills: Athletics 3 (Swimming), Brawl 3, Stealth 3
unwarranted attention from an ex-Sabbat whose (Water), Survival 3; Insight 2, Intimidation 4, Persuasion
claimed the river as her own, and will stop at nothing 2, Subterfuge 3; Occult 3 (Koldunism), Medicine 3
to antagonize and destroy their watercra .
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 2, Blood Sorcery 2,
Protean 4
⬛ Upon reaching the crates, the Coterie realizes that
Notes / Other Traits: When attacking with Brawl,
the weapons are military grade. Mounted machine guns, the electric eels in Mithentronika's body can spend a
assembly parts for an armored vehicle, and even point of Willpower to add +2 Superficial Damage to
rockets. ese weapons would fortify the ruling her attack and stun mortals.
Kindred's position with threat of considerable violence,
but might also secure the Domain from Hunters and
other threats. It'd be a shame if one of the three crates
was lost in transit… GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 3/2
Electric eels can reach up to 8 feet in length and
can generate a nasty electric shock of up to 600 volts.
ese animals use their electric shocks to hunt and
defend themselves from predators.
the terrible weather conditions, but happen upon Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 6,
assistance in the form of a Hecata Necromancer, who Humanity 5
may or may not be responsible for the Wraith or the Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Firearms 4 (Rifle), Melee
abductions –or both. 1, Survival 3; Insight 2, Intimidation 3, Persuasion 2,
Subterfuge 2; Academics 3 (Local History), Occult 3
⬛ Rescuing the Touchstone was only part of a larger (Wraiths)
ploy by a rival Kindred, who has lured them out into Disciplines: Dominate 2, Oblivion 3, Fortitude 3
the open, and away from the eyes of their peers to be
Notes / Other Traits: Lansek has access to
destroyed. e Hecata, Victor Lansek below may be in Ceremonies of Oblivion that assist in helping him
on the ploy. deal with Wraiths. If no such Ceremonies are
available to the Storyteller, use his Resolve + Oblivion
against a Wraith's Resolve + Composure to
command or attack them through arcane means.
attribute focus: physical / mental
e Coterie, or someone they're ac uainted with, has
recently come into possession of information that GENERAL DIFFICULTIES: 6/2
points to a supposed cache of buried loot, old valuables A large amalgamation of human and animal bodies
from a bygone era, and possibly even Kindred-related that appear to have been melted together to form a
artifacts. Additionally even if the Coterie doesn't want mass of agonized esh. is awful creature is
these things for themselves, there's a high pro le unmarred by the passage of time, and could be
Kindred willing to pay in Boons, Fame, or Status. e centuries old. Between the splits in its wi ling limbs
primary complication of this loot is that it's resting out and in the hollows of its many eyes glows a burning
in the middle of nowhere, far from any safe haven or green ame that it can release outwards, searing itself,
well-paved road, and that there's something old and but attempting to burn away all nearby intruders in
diabolical about it. the process.
hat follows are stat blocks that are designed to help a Storyteller or Player create characters and
their companions, adversaries, and minions. Listed here are an extensive a regation of
information and stats for animals that can be used as Player Character companions and as forms
that can be assumed through various powers of transformation, such as Shapechange or Shi ing
Traversal. Some entries here can be found in the Vampire the Mas uerade Core Rulebook on Page 373, but here
they have been expanded upon to have much more de ned purposes, and to better display each individual animal's
uni ue properties.
Beyond the extensive number of animals are also Mortals, Kindred, and other terrifying supernatural
ings in the Dark that one might populate the cities and wastes of the World of Darkness. ese tools are meant
to be in-depth, but also provide a Storyteller or Player a uick and easy resource to drop characters into their
Chronicle without having to compose them on the y. Storytellers are encouraged to modify and change these stat
blocks if they have better ideas of how they might function, especially in their own world, and more especially in
the case of the ings in the Dark.
e Clan of Beasts have been the undead masters of the Animal Kingdom since pre-history, and some Gangrel
scholars even believe that they share a heritage with many of the creatures of the wilds, rather than a direct lineage
to Caine. Regardless of beliefs, none can argue the breadth of the Feral's ability to survive amongst, train, and even
befriend, the animals of the world, from the heights of the sky to the depths of the sea, and all the land in between.
Aerial Animals
Bat (Small) Bat (Large)
General Di culties: 3 / 1 General Di culties: 3 / 2
An animal that has been associated with vampires Larger bats are renowned for their maneuverability in
throughout history, but more especially in pop culture ight and incredibly high resistance to infection. Many
of the last century, this is in no small part because of Gangrel and Nosferatu prefer taking large bats as a
Kindred willingly associating with them for hundreds Famulus over birds of prey for this very reason.
of years. Nocturnal hunters, just as Kindred are. ese Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 2, Mental 1
small bats are fre uently found throughout the world in Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 1
large groups referred to as "cauldrons", and are highly Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6 (Aerial Maneuvers),
social animals. Stealth 5 (Total Darkness); Awareness 7
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 2, Mental 1 Special: Bats su er no perception penalties from
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1 mundane darkness due to their ability to employ
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4, Stealth 5 (Total echolocation. Unlike their smaller cousins, larger bats
Darkness); Awareness 7 have vision comparable to humans. Due to their
Special: Bats su er no perception penalties from inherent social nature, Bats always know of any nearby
mundane darkness. Small bats otherwise have poor colonies of other bats.
vision and are e ectively colorblind. Due to their
inherent social nature, Bats always know of any nearby
colonies of other bats.
Crow Owl
General Di culties: 4 / 1 General Di culties: 3 / 1
Unrivalled among raptors in their intelligence, Crows Nocturnal and crepuscular hunters with forward-facing
are a social bird that is capable of self-motivated eyes. While slower moving than falcons, the Owl is
problem solving and have some of the best critical nearly silent when in ight and have excellent senses,
thinking skills of any animal, with some research even seeing better in low-light than in bright light
showing them to surpass animals that are typically Preferring to prey on smaller animals, Owls have
thought of as intelligent, such as dolphins or monkeys. nonetheless been employed as competent look outs and
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 3 spies.
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 3 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4, Brawl 3; Insight 6; Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 1
Awareness 5 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Survival 6;
Special: Crows add their Willpower to any pools that Awareness 8 (Low Light)
involve critical thinking and problem solving. Attempts Special: Owls are completely silent while in ight, and
to communicate with a crow via Animal Ken have their are able to ambush any target uncontested, so long as
di culties reduced by 1, as crows are naturally social the target doesn't have Rapid Re exes, or an e uivalent
and capable of understanding basic body language and ability. ough they prefer hunting small animals, the
even intention from both Kindred and Kine. Owl is capable of harring larger targets and herding
them away from vulnerable areas by rolling their
Falcon Survival vs the target's Composure + Resolve.
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Incredibly e cient birds of prey that rank among the
fastest ying animals in the world. Falcons can dive at
speeds of over 250km/150mph, and have virtually General Di culties: 3 / 2
unrivalled sight, that allow them to surgically strike a A well-known bird, with the males featuring
prey without warning. e most well-known falcons are extravagant and metallic plumage and females having
the kestrel, peregrine, and gyrfalcon. rather dull or tawny coloration. Despite the
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 1 ostentatious and typically admired appearance of
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 2 peacocks, within the species itself the peahen holds the
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6, Brawl 5 (Distant ultimate choice of taking a male as a mate.
Target); Awareness 6 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 2
Special: Falcons can dive at speeds that exceed the Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 2
ability for typical individuals to track their movement. Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Survival 3;
While swooping and diving at full speed, a Falcon Intimidation 2; Awareness 3 (Food)
automatically evades any attacks that don't exceed its Special: Peacocks can spread their tail feathers to
Physical pool rating. Due to their impressive speed, display their extravagant plumage. When doing this
Falcons su er no minor action penalty for moving into Toreador onlookers gain a compulsion that keeps from
range of their target. looking away. Peahens get +1 Die to physical pools, as
their lack of excessive feathers makes for uicker
Terrestrial Animals
e Ferals have long used animals to assist them in the without a rest break, and have been known to stay
night, with each Gangrel tending to take on awake for twenty-nine hours at a time to accomplish
companions and animal thralls that suit their tasks.
temperament and needs. Listed here are an extensive
a regation of information and stats for use as Cat (Domestic)
character companions and for forms that can be
General Di culties: 3 /1
assumed through various powers of transformation.
One of the oldest pets on earth. ese beloved little
Some entries here can be found in the Vampire the
felines have managed to keep their predatory instincts
Mas uerade Core Rulebook on Page 373, but have been
and relative independence despite being kept in the
expanded upon to have more de ned purposes, or to
houses of humanity since ancient anti uity.
better display each individual animal's uni ue traits.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2
Bear Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5, stealth 4
General Di culties: 5 / 2 (Hunting), survival 4; Performance 3 (Yowling);
A powerful animal that prowls forests across the Awareness 3
northern hemisphere of the world. Typical bears are Special: Domestic cats are extremely uick and agile.
erce creatures that tend to be crepuscular in their ey automatically pass any tests that involve balance
activity, but can regularly hunt in nocturnal conditions or landing on their feet, and can't take damage falling
without issue. from most heights.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7 Chameleon
Exceptional Dice Pools: Intimidation 7; Awareness 3
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Small four-le ed reptiles with scaly hides that are
Special: Bears unarmed attacks are brutal +3 heavy
found throughout the world, only absent from areas of
piercing natural weapons that rake bare esh. When
extreme cold and the deep oceans. Most lizards have
ghting something smaller than themselves, regardless
adapted to their environments to such a degree that
of how strong their opponent is, Bears add one die to
many species have gone almost unchanged for millions
their pools to attack.
of years. ey commonly have long detachable tails to
fool and distract predators, a long thin tongue, and
Beaver lidless eyes.
General Di culties: 3 / 1 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1
Found commonly throughout the rivers and forests of Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2
Europe and North America, the beaver is the second Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Climbing), stealth
largest animal in the rodent family. eir at 5 (Camou age), survival 4; Awareness 2 (Low light)
paddle-shaped tail and webbed hind feet make them Special: Chameleons can change the color of their hides
excellent swimmers, and their robust and muscular to blend in with their surroundings. Blending into
build allows them to haul large logs and construct river foliage gives an automatic success, while blending into
dams and dwellings out of sticks, mud, and other anything else gives a +2 Dice bonus.
natural materials.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 5
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5 (Swimming), cra 5
(Rudimentary Structures); Awareness 3
Special: Beavers have powerful jaws that allow them to
chew through most so materials with ease.
Additionally they are one of the few animals that can
perform labor intensive activities for up to seven hours
Coyote Ferret
General Di culties: 3 / 2 General Di culties: 3 / 1
Canids native to North America, where they feature in In uisitive and mischievous, ferrets are intelligent little
many indigenous folklore. ese versatile creatures are animals that are able to get into places they really
uick and smart enough to survive even in human shouldn’t thanks to their long dextrous and slender
cities, turning from predator to scavenger, and back bodies. Domesticated from the European polecat, their
again without issue. Like foxes, Coyotes tend to hunt cute appearance belies their e ectiveness as a uick and
primarily with exceptional sight, rather than their deadly hunter.
still-exception smell. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 3, Mental 2
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 4 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Contortion,
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4 (Bites), stealth 5; scurry), larceny 7 (Small objects), stealth 6;
Insight 3, intimidation 2; Awareness 5 (Sight) Performance 4 (War Dance); Awareness 4 (Smell)
Special: +1 damage to bite attacks. Coyotes can form Special: e Ferret's long and exible tube-like body
mutual teamwork tactics with other animals, such as allows them to jump and dodge exceptionally well and
Crows and Badgers. crawl through tight spaces. Add one Automatic Success
to a ferret's Dice Pools made to evade and escape.
General Di culties: 5 / 3
Large reptiles that reach up to ve yards or meters in General Di culties: 3 / 2
length. ey di er from the commonly confused Preset across every populated continent, the Fox is a
alligators by being much larger and having a small canid with red, white, and black coat coloration.
wedge-shaped snout. Crocodiles also tend to fre uent Red Foxes are present across numerous histories. ey
salt-water or brackish habitats. ey also happen to be are omnivorous, and tend to be opportunistic hunters
far more a ressive and hold the record for the that can thrive even in urban environments.
strongest bite of any living animal. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 1, Mental 1
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 8, Willpower 4 Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4 (Bites), stealth 5;
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 7, Stealth 6; Intimidation Insight 3, intimidation 2; Awareness 5 (Sight)
5; Awareness 2 Special: +1 damage to bite attacks. Foxes have excellent
Special: +2 A ravated damage to bite attacks. If biting eyesight and get +2 Dice to detect movement.
a limb, the crocodile can choose to immediately sever it
through sheer bite force.
Deer General Di culties: 5 / 2
General Di culties: 4 / 2 Horses can be unpredictable and dangerous animals.
Found in a variety of habitats, ranging from dense ey are large and powerful, and if not properly
forests to open meadows. Deer are herbivores that are handled or trained, they can become easily frightened
active during evening and night, skittish and graceful. or agitated, being able to run down and trample down
Many Kindred view them as a sign of valor, vigor, and their foes if forced to defend themselves.
nature. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 1, Mental 1
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 2 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8 (Gallop);
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 7 (Escape); Awareness Awareness 4
5 Special: Horses do +2 damage when trampling prone
Special: Deer su er no minor action penalty when opponents. ey can travel up to 30 mph or 48 km/h,
closing distance and deal +3 damage on goring with allowing them to cross long distances.
their antlers.
Hound Lion
General Di culties: 4 / 2 General Di culties: 4 / 3
A man's best friend is said to be his dog. e same tends Held in high regard amongst the Baronies of Avalon
to be true even a er death. Fiercely loyal, domesticated during the Dark Ages, where this animal was
dogs and hounds lack the physical size of wolves, but considered a majestic symbol of pride. In modern
make up for it in fearlessness and sel essness, making nights Lions are rare as ghouled pets outside of the
them much better guards and protectors. Laibon, who themselves avoid ghouling them without a
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 1, Mental 2 speci c purpose, such as turning them into man-eaters.
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 4 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 2, Mental 2
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics (Chasing), brawl 6 Secondary Attributes: Health 6 , Willpower 5
(Bites), stealth 4; Intimidation 4; Awareness 4 (Smell) Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 7 (Chasing), Brawl 9;
Special: +1 damage to Hound bite attacks. On a Intimidation 6 (Roars); Awareness 4
successful bite attack a Hound can lock its jaws and Special: Lions deal +2 Damage with bite and claw
grapple an opponent. attacks. ey may make a special pouncing attack by
rolling their Athletics. is attack su ers no minor
Komodo Dragon action penalty for closing short distances. If this is used
as a grapple, add four dice to the Athletics pool.
General Di culties: 4 / 3
Enormous and exotic animals are favored as ghouls by
eccentric Kindred, or those who live in and around
Indonesia. ese beasts are the largest of all extant General Di culties: 3 /2
lizards, growing passed three yards/meters in length Small four-le ed reptiles with scaly hides that are
and can weigh up to 300lbs. Solitary and territorial, found throughout the world, only absent from areas of
these creatures also have a mortal bite, that's not only extreme cold and the deep oceans. Most lizards have
venomous, but tears esh and causes rampant infection. adapted to their environments to such a degree that
Ferals fre uently nd kinship with these creatures, and many species have gone almost unchanged for millions
they make brawny and powerful ghouls. of years. ey commonly have long detachable tails to
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 2, Mental 1 fool and distract predators, a long thin tongue, and
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 4 lidless eyes.
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 7, Stealth 6; Intimidation Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1
5; Awareness 4 (Carrion) Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2
Special: If a komodo dragon successfully bites a mortal Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics (Climbing), stealth 5,
opponent, it deals +1 A ravated Health damage and its survival 4 (Chosen habitat); Awareness (Low light)
venom kills or debilitates the victim by the end of the Special: When attacked or grappled, the lizard may
scene if not treated. Against vampires, this bite deals instead choose to take 1 A ravated Damage and detach
non-halved Super cial Damage, as the komodo dragon their tail, preventing other damage and allowing for
specializes in feeding on tough dead esh. escape. A ghouled lizard regrows this tail within three
If Chameleon special: May change the color of its skin
to blend gain +4 to stealth while immobile
Moose Opossum
General Di culties: 4 / 3 General Di culties: 3 / 1
Weighing up to 1,800 pounds and the largest member of e only marsupials north of Mexico, even having a
the deer family with , overhanging, bell-shaped head. special pouch in which they can carry their young.
ey can cause serious damage if they feel threatened or eir prehensile tail allows them to hang from
provoked. ey can become a ressive and charge at branches, or carry heavy objects. Strangely enough they
people, cars, and other animals. ey are also very fast have an incredible immune system that makes them
and can easily outrun humans. immune to many diseases and poisons, such as rabies
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 1, Mental 1 and most forms of venom. Nocturnal by nature, they
Secondary Attributes: Health 8, Willpower 2 only forage during the day when seeking a mate, or
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8; Awareness 5 caring for their young.
Special: Moose su er no minor action penalty when Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 2, Mental 2
closing distance and deal +3 damage on goring with Secondary Attributes: Health: 3 Willpower: 2
their antlers in a charge attack. Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Climbing), survival
4 (Foraging, hiding); Performance 4 (Play Dead);
Mouse Awareness 3 (Danger)
Special: As an involuntary response, opossums can
General Di culties: 3 / 1
enter a state of shock that slows their heart rate and
Small furry rodents with a pointed snout, whiskers, and
releases a noxious smell that mimics rotting decay and
a long hairless tail. ese little rodents usually stay
disease. is state can last up to four hours in certain
hidden in small nooks and crannies, and have adapted
cases, but serves as good defense in the wild against
exceptionally well to life in urban sprawls. Strangely,
being eaten. Additionally, Opossums are immune to
they have a very similar brain structure to humans and
most poisons and diseases, and when ghouled, this
have long been used in research and study.
includes most supernatural poisons and diseases.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 2
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 2 (Climbing), stealth
6, survival 4; Awareness 4 (Smell) General Di culties: 3 / 1
Special: Any Dice Pools made by a signi cantly larger Successful in numerous ecosystems, raccoons have
creature to nd a mouse automatically fail if they do ve- ngered and dexterous paws that can handle
not beat the mouse's Stealth rating. objects with human-like e cacy, being able to open
doors, manipulate lids o jars, and even pluck sh out
of the water. Despite their reputation for trash-diving
Monkey pests, raccoons remain one of the few animals that
actively wash their food before eating it.
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 2, Mental 2
With a playful and intelligent behavior, Monkeys are
Secondary Attributes: Health 3 Willpower 2
social and adaptable creatures that can learn complex
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 3 (Climbing), Larceny
communication and have cognitive skills.
5, survival 3; Streetwise 3; Finance 2 (Bells), technology
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 4
3 (Door Knobs)
Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 3
Special: Raccoons are opportunistic scavengers and
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5 (Climbing), stealth
predators, they tend to know their environment
6, survival 4; Awareness 4
extremely well and how to navigate it in ways that
Special: Monkeys can add +1 Bonus Die to any test
other animals can't. e raccoon's di culty to move
they've done before in the same Session.
through urban environments is reduced by 2.
Tiger Wolf
General Di culties: 4 / 3 General Di culties: 4 / 2
Another exotic animal enjoyed by eccentric collectors An e cient hunter with sharp senses that has
and the largest of the big cats with powerful muscles captivated kine and kindred for millennia. Forming
and sharp teeth and claws that make them formidable strong familial bonds with their packmates, wolves are
predators. ey are both solitary and territorial, and social animals that hunt larger prey through complex
prefer to live in forests and grasslands. Many Kindred pack tactics.
ghoul these creatures as a social statement. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 2, Mental 2
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 2, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 , Willpower 5 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics (Long Marches),
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8 (Jumping, brawl 6 (Bites), stealth 5; Intimidation 5; Awareness 4
Swimming), Brawl 9; Intimidation 5; Awareness 4 (Smell)
Special: Tigers deal +2 Damage with bite and claw Special: +1 damage to Wolf bite attacks. Employing
attacks. ey may make a special pouncing attack by pack tactics, Wolves provide a bonus of 2 Dice instead
rolling their Athletics. is attack su ers no minor of 1 when assisting with Teamwork rolls, up to a
action penalty for closing short distances. While hiding maximum of 4.
in tall grass, tigers are invisible to color blind animals.
Aquatic Animals
e waters of the world are home to some of the most individual, adding +2 Super cial Damage to their
diverse and strange life on earth. While few have such attacks. Mortals are stunned one stun by this e ect.
animals as their Famulus, the Mariners tend towards an
amphibious or a uatic Famulus and use them uite Fish
e ectively. As a general rule many of these animals
General Di culties: 2 / 1
cannot function on land, or if they do, function at a
Cat sh, salmon, char, steelhead, and trout. Fish come in
reduced capacity.
a wide variety of colors and vary in size depending on
many circumstances.
Crab Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 1
General Di culties: 4 / 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 3
A crustacean with a hard exoskeleton that uses its Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4 (Swimming)
strong claws to tear and grip objects. Special: When in a school of a dozen or more sh, add
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1 +2 bonus dice to evasive pools.
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4, stealth 2 Giant Isopod
Special: Targets grappled by crabs lose 1 die to all pools
General Di culties: 4 / 1
due to the pain and annoyance of being pinched.
e giant isopod is a large, segmented marine
crustacean It has a broad, attened body, up to 40cm in
Dolphin length, and is typically a mottled gray or brown color.
General Di culties: 4 / 3 It is uick to scuttle away but has a nasty bite and
is sh-like mammal is e ual parts brilliant, playful, durable exoskeleton if backed into a corner.
and cruel. As one of the most intelligent creatures in Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
the world, the Dolphin is capable of incredible problem Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 3
solving. ey swim exceptionally uick, and have been Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8 (scurry), Brawl 3
known to organize their pods to hunt extremely (bite), Stealth 8
dangerous predators, such as sharks and whales. Special: An isopod may curl into a ball defended by its
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 2, Mental 4 exoskeleton, gain +4 armor while curled up
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 4
Exceptional Dice Pools: Awareness 8 (echolocation), Octopus
larceny 3
General Di culties: 3 / 2
Special: With a greater concentration of hemoglobin in
Highly intelligent and known for their ability to escape
their cells, a Dolpin's blood is nearly as satiating as a
even the most secured tanks, these creatures use their
mortal's. When drinking from a Dolphin, the user
long tentacles to manipulate their environment with
su ers no half penalty to slaking Hunger.
incredible dexterity.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 3
Electric Eels Secondary Attributes: Health 3, Willpower 3
General Di culties: 4 / 3 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5 (Climbing ,
Electric eels can reach up to 8 feet and can generate a swimming), brawl 8 (Grapples), larceny 6; Insight 5
nasty electric shock of up to 600 volts. Electric eel use (problem solving)
their electric shocks to hunt and defend themselves Special: e octopus can release a jet of ink. While
from predators. underwater this ink creates a cloud that provides total
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 1 cover and a -2 dice penalty to those trying to see into or
Secondary Attributes: Health 2, Willpower 2 through it. Additionally the octopus uses its Brawl to
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6 (swim), Brawl manipulate objects in place of Dexterity-related pools.
4(sting), Stealth 5; Intimidation 2 While outside of water, the octopus su ers a -2 minor
Special: ese eclectic eels may spend a point of action penalty for anything that re uires moving more
Willpower when coming into contact with an than 1 yard/meter.
Orca Piranha
General Di culties: 5 / 3 General Di culties: 2 / 1
Known as wolves of the sea, these large sleek black and A species of South American sh, roughly eighteen
white whales have great maws with sharp teeth; they inches long and with sharp teeth that can tear into prey
coordinate with others of their kind to form pods that uickly and e ciently. ough relatively harmless in
make them apex predators. small numbers, a school of these creatures can enter a
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 11, Social 3, Mental 2 feeding frenzy to uickly consume large prey.
Secondary Attributes: Health 12, Willpower 5 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 1, Mental 1
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8, Brawl 10, Stealth 5; Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1
Intimidation 6 Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 4 (Bite), survival 5
Special: Employing pack tactics, Orca provides a bonus (Bloodscent),
of 2 Dice instead of 1 when assisting with Teamwork Special: When in schools of ten or more, Piranhas'
rolls. attacks automatically hit and their Health Tracker and
Physical Dice Pools are tripled.
General Di culties: 2 / 0
A slimy and usually salty mollusk that can lter toxins General Di culties: 5 / 3
and algae out of its environment, with some species Sharks are powerful predators that are responsible for
being able to clean up to y gallons per day. ey many alassophobias (phobias of the ocean). Sharks
produce pearls when foreign objects, such as a grain of have sharp, powerful teeth and a strong sense of smell,
sand, gets inside their shells and irritates their so which allows them to detect and track prey. eir bite
tissues. ese animals are very rarely ghouled by is fatal to most living creatures.
Kindred. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 9, Social 1, Mental 1
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 1, Social 1, Mental 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 9, Willpower 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1 Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 5, Brawl 10, Stealth 5;
Exceptional Dice Pools: -- Intimidation 6
Special: When prying open an oyster, a character rolls Special: Sharks deal +3 A ravated Damage on bite
two dice. With two or more successes they nd a pearl, attacks. When hunting a bleeding target, the shark
on a Critical Win that pearl is worth a dot of resources. automatically passes any tests to nd and pursue it,
assuming the target is still in water.
General Di culties: 4 / 3
is immense whale moves through the water with
grace, and despite its size isn't particularly a ressive; it
can leverage its strength and bulk to cause considerable
damage to ship hulls if needed.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 12, Social 3, Mental 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 15, Willpower 6
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 10 (swim),
intimidation 8
Special: e whale's bulk allows it to capsize any boat
smaller than it without issue. It uses its athletics to
attack and crash into other targets.
S·«age C«ea·¼«e¯
Not every animal is completely mundane. Kindred have Blood Raven
kept a number of creatures with supernatural abilities
General Di culties: 4 / 1
as companions. ese include the revenant-like
Large Ravens with red-tipped wings employed by the
Animals like the Akunanse's colorful jumping spiders,
Feathered Court. Bred and ghouled for hundreds of
or the Blood Raven's Blood Ravens. ere's also strange
years, their revenant-like physiology produces its own
creatures that are conjured up from forgotten pagan
thin vitae that makes them canny, strong, swi , and
rituals as physical contrivances of old spirits, and even
incredibly long-lived. Some of these corvids have even
things of unknowable origins that were once thought
outlived their Elder owners from the night of Avalon.
extinct. As a rule, Kindred cannot assume the forms of
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1;
these strange creatures without a special circumstance,
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2; Intelligence
usually granted by speci c powers of the blood, or an
2, Wits 4, Resolve 3
occurrence within their Bloodline.
Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Larceny 2, Stealth 3
(Darkness), Survival 3; Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 3;
Akyede Ananse Awareness 3
General Di culties: 2 / 1 Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 5
eir name meaning "Gi ed Spider" in the Twi Disciplines: Obfuscate 1 (Cloak of Shadows)
language of the Akan people of Africa, these colorful Special: Blood Ravens are exceptionally fast iers and
jumping spiders are roughly the size of a pea, and are can cover roughly 100 mi/160 km in a single night, so
long as weather conditions are favorable and they y
believed to have been gi s from the wise trickster
non-stop in a straight line. ey hold a bit of Obfuscate
Spider-God. Exceptionally cunning and intelligent in their blood due to generations of ghouling, allowing
arachnids, these spiders appear almost comically them to utilize Cloak of Shadows.
di cult to capture or destroy, and have supernatural
ualities and knowledge that make them helpful in a Dark Hart
General Di culties: 3 / 1
Standard Dice Pools: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 1;
Certain Gangrel have been taught the Blood Rituals
Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 1; Intelligence
that allow for the conjuring of these aspects of nature's
3, Wits 4, Resolve 2
power. Dark Harts are most fre uently seen in the old
Skills: Athletics 4 (Jumps), Survival 6; Performance 4
forest of Europe, but some have been sighted in the
(Singing); Awareness 7 (Sight), occult 5
jungles of South America, or the bush of Australia,
Secondary Attributes: Health 1, Willpower 1
even in places where Deer are not native fauna.
Special: ese tiny spiders cannot take damage or be
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4;
destroyed so long as the Akunanse they're linked to has
Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 2; Intelligence
not met Final Death. Additionally they have the
2, Wits 4, Resolve 2
e uivalent of Sense the Unseen, and can phase out of
Skills: Awareness 5, Occult 4
existence and reappear nearby when out of line of sight.
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 4
Special: Su ers no minor action penalty when closing
distance and it deals +2 piercing damage when goring
with antlers in a charge attack. It can perceive
individuals and objects as if it has Sense the Unseen.
Once per scene the Dark Hart can spend a point of
Willpower to add a single die to the caster's Willpower
Sacred Bear
Shielded Luster
General Di culties: 6 / 3
A huge bear that was once the Famulus of a Gangrel General Di culties: 4 / 2
Methuselah, such creatures fre uent the wilds of A pangolin that has pearly scales that shimmer in the
ancient forests, where they long for vitae and to be fed moonlight. It is uncannily durable, with scales that are
from. Creatures such as these are wise beyond their more like thick plates of bone, rather than keratin
years in matters of nature and beast. typical to normal pangolins.
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4; Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5;
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 4; Intelligence Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2; Intelligence
2, Wits 3, Resolve 3 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Larceny 3, Survival 2; Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Larceny 3, Survival 3;
Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 5; Awareness 3 Insight 2; Occult 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 5 Secondary Attributes: Health 8, Willpower 5
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Potence 2, Protean 2 Disciplines: Fortitude 2 (Toughness, Resilience)
Special: ese creatures tend to have thick vitae owing Special: When making an All-Out-Defense, reduce
through their veins, even if they haven't been directly Super cial Damage by 1 more. is can reduce damage
fed by a Kindred in some time, those that feed from to zero.
them slake Hunger as if they were feeding from a Blood
Potency 2 Vampire. eir powers of Protean and Spiral Iridescence
Potence make them brutal and dangerous.
General Di culties: 3 / 2
An enchantingly beautiful peafowl that's said to have
Silvered Trickster been bred by a Toreador. Both sexes display incredibly
beautiful plumage.
General Di culties: 4 / 1 Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 1, Mental 2
A pale Raven with re ective feathers that look almost Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 2
silver in direct light. eir bright plumage makes them Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Survival 3;
poor at stealth, however they have heightened Intimidation 2; Awareness 4 (Carrion)
intelligence comparable to children. Special: When spreading their tail feathers, those who
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1; look directly at the display must make a Composure +
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2; Intelligence Resolve; Di culty 3 Test. A failure Stuns the onlooker
3, Wits 4, Resolve 3 for one turn.
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Larceny 3, Survival 2;
Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 5; Awareness 3, occult 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 5
Disciplines: Obfuscate 1 (Cloak of Shadows)
Special: Silvered tricksters can speak at least one mortal
language and don't re uire Feral Whispers to
communicate with.
Populating both the cities and wilderness, and
outnumbering their Kindred predators, mortals are Digital Nomad
prey, threat, and tool. is section details the still-living
General Di culties: 2
and relatively mundane populace of the World of
With their old way of life long gone, these individuals
Darkness, and how they function in relation to the
have le it behind entirely, never looking back and
Kindred that hunt them.
instead moving from city to city. Working remotely for
corporations or high-paying freelance jobs, they carry
Animal Control Specialist with them only a trusty traveling pack full of what they
It seems like everyone decided to get a dog over the last need, searching for a new city with something, or
few months and now their incompetent owners have let anything, worth staying for.
their mutts run wild, not to mention the untold Standard Dice Pools: Physical 3, Social 4, Mental 3
environmental damage their cats cause. Still, this job Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 7
gives him the opportunity to take his revenge on pet for Exceptional Dice Pools: Streetwise 6; Academics 5
causing so much racket while he's trying to sleep. (Linguistics), nance 6, technology 6 (Computers)
General Diculties: 2 / 3 Special: ough not entirely self-su cient, these
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 2, Mental 2 nomads are capable of moving across borders and living
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5 in multiple countries with little e ort. ey have access
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 5 (Animals), rearms 6 to portable technology, such as the latest smart phone,
(Non-Lethal Weaponry), Survival 6 (Animals); Animal high-end laptops, and are savvy enough to keep their
Ken 8; Awareness (Animals) personal information relatively safe.
Special: Comes e uipped with a tran uilizer gun, a net
gun, an animal catch pole, muzzles, and most other
e uipment needed to deal with animals of any size. Highway Patrol
General Di culties: 2 / 3
Law enforcement that specializes in enforcing tra c
Avenging Supernatural Hunter laws and safety on the roadways. ey also respond to
General Diculties: 6/3 emergencies and special operations to set up
Avenging supernatural hunters are usually out for checkpoints, regularly working in tandem with the SI,
blood and have little to lose outside of their cell. ey though unknowingly. ese individuals roam the streets
come with experience that usually belies their age, in cars or on motorcycles. When Tension (Pg. 70) is
either because they had a good mentor, an intelligence high, they may even pursue using helicopters.
network, or have a natural talent at surviving and Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 3, Mental 3
dealing with inhuman monsters. Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 7
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 7, Mental 5 Exceptional Dice Pools: Firearms 5, Drive 5 (Pursuit);
Secondary Attributes: Health 9, Willpower 8 Streetwise 6; Investigation 6
Exceptional Dice Pools: Drive 7 ('67 Impala), melee 8 Special: Highway Patrol appear in cars, motorcycles,
(Stakes); Academics 7, awareness 7, investigation 6, and even on horses. ey come e uipped with rearms
occult 8 and usually have high speed vehicles, and are always in
Special: ese mortals come prepared with weaponry contact with local dispatch, who can uickly eld more
designed speci cally for the creatures they're up o cers to the area.
against. In combat against Kindred and their Coterie,
they have access to stakes, burning ammunitions and
torches, transportation, as well tools to exploit any of
their Folkloric Banes.
Lost Hunter Special: Can use their spray wand to deal a ravated
damage to pests and swarms.
General Diculties: 3 / 2
Someone who went on a hunting trip and got lost,
Radical Environmentalist
either because they were unprepared, or due to a
sudden change in weather, has found themselves General Diculties: 4 / 2
stranded in the wilderness or an unfamiliar location. From a young age they identi ed the core problem of
Disoriented and in need of help they are tired and wary. this world and its apathy towards it, and they've been
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 3, Mental 4 ghting against that apathy and for the protection of
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 6 the environment from the short-sighted and corrupt.
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 6, rearms 6, survival ese radicals are willing to take any measures, any
5; Awareness 4 risks, to ensure nature remains safe from the expanding
Special: ese mortals carry survival supplies, such as a industry of humanity, and have accrued many technical
hiker's pack or things like bear mace, however they are and organizational skills along the way, becoming
usually running low on ready-made food and they will competent and dangerous leaders.
eventually stop to cook or attempt to make camp. Most Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 5, Mental 4
importantly they come e uipped with a +3 damage ri e Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7
or crossbow. Exceptional Dice Pools: Cra 6 (Demolition), larceny 6,
stealth 5; Leadership 7, persuasion 6; Academics 5
Naturalist Researcher (Environmental Preservation)
Special: ese individuals carry with them tools to take
General Diculties: 2 / 1 out power grids, shred tires, and disrupt construction.
A eld researcher who works tirelessly with a passion Pipe bombs, home-made EMP devices, and litigation
for being in and understanding nature. is individual are all weapons in their arsenal, and they are used in a
is knowledgeable of the ecosystem and can rely on their zealous manner without regard for their own safety.
wits and academics to learn and survive at a uick pace,
but lacks the physical capabilities to thrive in the wilds
Road Hunters
e ortlessly.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 4, Mental 6 General Diculties: 4 / 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7 Hunters who patrol the roads outside the city. ey
Exceptional Dice Pools: Science 6, medicine 5, specialize in vehicular combat, and tend to drive high
academic 5, athletics 3 (hiking), survival 2 performance sports and muscle cars. ey're seasoned
Special: ese researchers have whatever e uipment is and use their vehicles as an extension of their wills and
needed to help them understand the area they're in. tactics.
Anything from seismic gear to infrared cameras. Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 3, Mental 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 5
Pest Control Worker Exceptional Dice Pools: Drive 8
Special: ese hunters tend to travel in small eets. In
General Diculties: 3 /2 these cases giving variations on Exceptional Dice Pools
It's not exactly what you dream of doing when you are a might be good to characterize each driver individually,
kid. But the job pays well enough, at least enough to as seen with the modi ed stat block provided for the
ignore the coughing ts from the chemicals. ey're a uartermaines on Pg. 73.
veteran of their eld, and have picked up experience
needed to deal with almost any threat.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 2, Social 3, Mental 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 6
Exceptional Dice Pools: Melee 4; Academics 3 (Vermin),
investigation 3 (Vermin),
Technology 2 (pesticide), academic 2 (insect and
rodents), Science 2 (chemical), investigation 2, melee 4
(spray wand)
Urban Explorer
General Diculties: 2 / 4
ey can still remember the rst time they decided to
explore an abandoned subway. e rush of the
unknown that led to the frenetic escape from the
o cer who pursued them, and then getting lost all over
again in the old tunnels below the city. Ever since then
the call of the abandoned, the ruined, and the
forgotten, is all they think about. Sometimes they
record and stream every moment of it, so that others
can feel as they do.
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 7, Social 4, Mental 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7
Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 9 (Parkour), larceny
6, stealth 8; Performance 6, Streetwise 7; Academics 4
(City Maps), awareness 7, investigation 5
Special: e urban explorer is young and highly
athletic, carrying everything from bolt cutters to
colored smoke bombs. ey wear obscuring dark
clothing that allows for free movement, such as hoodies
and long pants, and are sometimes e uipped to climb
or scale surfaces and pass over impeding structures like
barbed wire.
Typical Blood Suckers
"My Sire used to say to me 'Dearest Elena, we're all in this together, some simply don't realize i .' He'd say it while looking
heroic, full of poise and peering out the window and into the moonligh . An old knight from a airy ale age that never really
existed. 'All are meant to live in harmony, with grace and poise. Circums ance is something you rise out o , overcome, not
something you drown in.'
"He was a fool, of course. I won't lie and say that I don't miss him now and again, his idealism was oppressive, but also
genuine, which meant it was endearing. So few things are real when we say them. He thought the world could be a harmonious
place, and he fought for it every nigh . I wield his sword now. I speak the words he spoke to me. But unlike him, I gladly raise
this blade to cut down my enemies. ey are notches on my bel . Just a number ever-growing. Nothing more. e act of the
matter is that we are our own worst enemies. Monsters, wraiths, aefolk, magicians, even Second Inquisition Hunters – ey
don't hurt us like we hurt each other. We're experts on what makes us suffer. I feel no pangs of remorse for the other Kindred I
must kill."
–Lady Sophia of Leeds, Knight of Avalon
Strange Kindred
ese are Kindred that are fairly uni ue and uite uncommon. For the purposes of this book, they are used
primarily by Loresheets or Bloodline backgrounds, similar to the Strange Creatures. Storytellers can also use these
stat blocks and concepts to add unconventional Kindred to their Chronicle.
hat follows are examples of an assortment of rare supernatural animals and the dyscrasias that
can be gained from them. In order to tap a Dyscrasia from one of these creatures, the drinker
must slake at least one point of Hunger. In addition to any gained Dyscrasia, these animals also
provide an Intense Animal Resonance, granting +1 die to Animalism and Protean pools, on top
of any other bonuses and e ects they might confer. ese Dyscrasias, and the animals who harbor them, are meant
to be rare and used as a valued resource that many Kindred would covet or ght over. It's recommended that
Storytellers treat each of these animals as key plot points or centerpieces within their Chronicle.
Many of these beasts are presented as being mistreated by their current master or jailer, and can be o ered as a
uni ue interaction or story beat for Kindred with Animalism or high Animal Ken. e individual stat blocks of
each animal can be found on Pg. 90, in the Strange Creatures section.
ust as with the section above, this section has a number of example animals that a Storyteller can draw
from at a moment's notice to populate their nights with small story hooks or interesting characters for
characters with high Animalism or Animal Ken, who might not normally get moments to shine or use
those abilities to be helpful. Unlike the section above, these animals are meant to be generally common to
the area they might appear in to help keep scene momentum or to create a scene where one might not have
been before. As a general rule of thumb, many of the animals that follow are meant to be beats that lead to, or
directly help with, a greater event that's occurring in the area.
ese animals are not designed with any apparent supernatural properties in mind, and outside of their
somewhat uni ue situation and personality, are just typical night-to-night beasts. If a Storyteller needs stats for
these animals, it's recommended that they simply use the e uivalent under the Animals section (Pg. 79).
the city. What They Want: ey want What They Can Provide:
What They Can Provide: to know what a "two leg" tastes Not mauling you.
Willing to become backup or a like. Expanded Utility: Yogi/Bella
tracker in return for getting rid What They Can Provide: could be used to intimidate
of the Kine in their territory. ey could provide safe passage targets or guard a location with
Expanded Utility: Could through waterways. their imposing presence.
provide knowledge about safe Expanded Utility: e perfect Location: Near a city's
passages through the wilderness way of disposing of unwanted… outskirts, in a forested area with
and alerts about dangers or 'Problems'. nearby campgrounds or hiking
traps set by hunters or other Location: In a secluded part of trails.
entities. the city's river, particularly in a
Location: In the outskirts of less-traveled area with dense 15 noble lion
the city, near a forested area foliage.
Name: Leo
where urban development
Who they are: An old lion.
meets the wilderness. 13 small fish
Personality: Noble and proud,
Name: Swimzell with a deep-seated desire for
11 charming fox
Who They Are: sh freedom.
Name: Mr. Todd Personality: Skittish and What They Want: To be free
Who He Is: A sly fox alert, constantly aware of their and no longer in this cage
Personality: Charming and surroundings. What They Can Provide:
in uisitive, with a knack for What They Want: To be able Could be convince to lend you
getting into and out of trouble. to swim peacefully without his might in return for freedom
What He Wants: Food and seagulls or other predators Expanded Utility: While Leo
many other creature comforts coming at them makes a capable combatant,
What He Can Provide: What They Can Provide: having a lion accompany you
Willing to provide information Information of the going on around can provide some potent
on what he has seen and even near the sea, strange two legs symbolism and surprise even
gather more if you promise to with gills cited not far near the the most jaded kindred.
improve his well being. shoreline Location: Con ned in a large,
Expanded Utility: Mr. Tod Expanded Utility: Swimzell somewhat neglected enclosure
could become a scout or a spy, could o er insights into at the city zoo.
using his cunning to gather underwater happenings,
information or lead adversaries including the movements of 16 isolated deer
astray. boats or the presence of
Name: Roe / Buck
Location: Fre uently seen near underwater creatures.
Who They Are: A rather large
a busy city s uare, especially Location: In the waters near a
popular pier or close to a busy deer.
during the evening.
Personality: Timid and
shipping lane.
gentle, with an innate
understanding of the forest.
12 man-eating croc 14 big bear
What They Want: To make it
Name: Gustave / Cora / Name: Yogi / Bella back to their herd safely a er
Laguna Who They Are: A large black being separated.
Who they are: Crocodile that bear. What They Can Provide:
rests comfortably in their spot. Personality: Gru and Can show you the location of an
Personality: Predatory and intimidating but with a empty tent torn to shreds that
patient, with a deep surprising level of curiosity and smells of ash and blood.
understanding of their a uatic warmth. Expanded Utility: ey could
environment. What They Want: Food, lots provide valuable reconnaissance
of food. in forested areas and alert to the
hese are meant to be uick and easy gossip that are related to Gangrel, their Bloodlines, or some other
adjacent group, topic, or individual. ey're best used as a little way to spice up a scene, entice a player
with a little mystery, or provide a hook for a much larger picture. ey are meant to lack elaborate
context, and if used a few of them may re uire broader knowledge on the topic that might not be
thoroughly provided within this book. Despite this, Storytellers are encouraged to spin their own narratives and
plots in regards to these tidbits. Creating something out of very little is usually better than burdening oneself with
too much research into old tomes.
An order of Gangrel calling themselves the INVICTI have Some local Gangrel Elders haven't forgotten the atrocities
begun to gain prestige in local Kindred society. Regardless of that Clan Tremere had committed against their Clan, and
Sec , they have aken up the mantle to hunt down local are looking to form an alliance with local Gargoyles in order
Vampire Hunters, and are looking for capable applicants. to create a greater federation that will finish the Omen War
Some claim they may even have the support of a justicar. once and for all.
In the mid-century the Irish Gangrel, Michael Flannery, e supposed founder of the modern Bloodline of City
supposedly flew from Donegal Ireland to Boston, Gangrel has been spotted moving through a local Anarch
Massachusetts as a bat amidst a terrible winter. Some claim territory. Rumors abound that he's in alks with a local
he was a powerful Methuselah, and that a similar occurrence Baron.
has happened in the city.
08 living zoo
03 magda's expulsion
Enkidu, one of the oldest Gangrel known to exis , is said to
An ancient Elder has awoken in Ireland and wields old have ghouled and curated animals on the edge of extinction.
sorceries that control and empower plantlife. ose fleeing Supposedly destroyed by the Ivory Tower, some claim they've
from the island claim that she may not be a Kindred at all, seen a strange creature aking up a similar mantle, creating a
and her primary goal is expelling all vampires from her nearby preserve.
09 lupine exodus
04 night road
A massive influx of Lupines has been moving through the
A nearby Prince has been looking to create a network of city. Some Gangrel claim that something in the nearby pine
trafficking information and cargo between cities to strengthen barrens has spooked them to such an extent that they'd rather
other Prince's domains and foster a broader alliance. flee than figh .
In hushed tones, various people are saying that a jawbone An aberrant group of insectoid Gangrel has aken purchase in
has been used in several bru al murders that have carved the nearby city of Houma, where they are in open war with
their way through courts. Some even claim its the same the Nosferatu for control of the swamps and sewers. eir
biblical weapon used to slay Able, and that its being used to aims seem overly insidious, even for Kindred kind, and the
decimate the Kindred across whole cities. creatures they call upon are twisted and strangely resis ant to
powers of Animalism.
e most influential local Gangrel have chosen a Predator Word abound that a member of " e Fist" has survived their
and Prey Pries , and are looking to hold a grand feast and destruction during World War II, and has been seen on the
hunt to bring in the new seasons, and enlighten other Ferals move in the city. Great prestige is granted for those that fell
about their heri age. e winner of this hunt is said to be this survivor, or bring them before the local Baron.
rewarded but an elder of the bloodline.
17 grim tremors
12 moon elk
ose who merge with the earth when in slumber claim that
Gangrel in the city have claimed to dream of a grant white they have dreamt of numerous bloodied teeth, and have been
elk. Some claim they are being beckoned for its council, while momen arily roused from slumber by tremors from deep
others claim it wishes to be hunted. below. Some have aken to claiming that it is Ennoia, moving
eastward to parts unknown.
13 glorious death
18 ivory animal
A Valkyrie has appeared at a local Anarch gathering, and
offered those capable and willing an honorable death at the e grand childer of Milov Petrenkov, Julius, has been seen
final conflict when Ragnarok begins. ose who fight beside moving through local Gangrel circles, converting some Ferals
the Valkyries and the All-Father will achieve enlightenment to the banner of the Camarilla as part of a grand new vision.
and glory in death.
19 ambitious wolves
14 blood beast
A group of exceptionally wealthy Gangrel have aken ou , or
A massive bear has been seen moving into the city. It aken over, several Gangrel institutions in the city.
specifically hunts Kindred, and supposedly has developed a Supposedly they want to create a city that is entirely under
aste for Vi ae. Mixed accounts claim that it is an ancient their Clan's thumb, where they hold all the cards.
ghoul, while others tell that it's been seen shi its form like a
Kindred with Protean. 20 drunken fool
he Lorekeepers of the Clan of Beasts have long labored to keep the oral history of the Gangrel, and
Kindred at large, persistent into the modern age. ough this practice has wavered a bit in recent
nights with the departure of many Elders, it lives on through the Childer who are willing to take up
the mantle. Below are a number of Myths and Tales that Players and Storytellers can use or draw from
to help represent the history or ancient folktales of Kindred.
I before the lost city of Ennoia from the darkest wood. Into this effi , she
summoned the spirit of the first fores , ancient and arcane,
In the days before the First City, Ennoia, daughter of Lilith, breathing alse life into this twisted simulacrum. us was
was forsaken by kin and kingdom. She wandered the wilds, born Lhiannan aking the appearance of Ennoia, but earning
her heart heavy with solitude, and was raised by wolves. her eternal ire.
Among them she grew strong and fierce, her spirit
intertwined with the un amed land. In a union most
V beauty marked wrath
forbidden, she coupled with a mighty wolf under the silver
eye of the moon, and from this union, the Beast of the Moon Since time immemorial, distrust has festered between Gangrel
was born, harbinger of terror in the night and enemy of man. and Toreador, ever since Ish ar, the radiant but treacherous
It and its progeny wander the earth, a fearsome specter, its Toreador Antediluvian, sought to usurp Ennoia's sacred
howls a reminder of the eternal bond between the wilds and charge. She sent her airest Childer to beguile and steal from
the children of Ennoia. the daughter of Lilith, her honeyed words dripping with
decei . But Ennoia, wise to the empty words, cast them ou ,
II the turn of the siblings marring the beauty of Ish ar's Childe. Henceforth, the
Gangrel watched the Toreador with eyes of suspicion, their
Born alongside Ennoia was a twin, a rival as fierce as she, enmity as enduring as the s ars.
their spirits forged in the same infernal flame. Together they
wandered, together they battled, their strength and fury
VI coils of temptation
matched only by each other. But upon their dark ather's
mysterious departure, their unity fractured, turning to bitter With relentless determination, Ennoia and her legion pursued
enmity. Armies of their progeny rose, and the land was her cowardly twin, traversing lands desolate and strange. In
soaked in blood, a crimson tes ament to their fraternal wrath, their journey, they chanced upon an oasis, a haven of
as each sought the other’s destruction seductive tranquility, where dwelt a serpen , vast and vile,
offspring of Apep, whisperer of lies. It beckoned them to s ay,
III the carnal conflict to par ake in its forbidden fruits, its words slithering into the
hearts of the weary. But Ennoia, unyielding and resolute,
e war, cruel and relentless, consumed child and child of rebuked the serpen , leading her aithful away from its
child, a battlefield of endless carnage. But Ennoia's twin, ensnaring coils, while those who succumbed were constricted
cunning and craven, vanished into the earth's arthest and devoured by the son of Apep.
corners, scattering his blood like chaff in the wind. It is
whispered in hushed tones that only when the last of his line
is devoured, will Ennoia return, her wrath quenched. Until
that day, her eyes search the horizon, her heart a cauldron of
vengeance, awaiting the hour of reckoning when blood shall
call to blood.
As traces of her twin were carried away by the winds of time, e first Kindred on the continent of Europe were the Noaid,
Ennoia, wearied by the endless chase, cursed his name to the ancestors of our blood and first born of Ennoia. It's said they
night sky. Gazing upon the ravages of war, the desolation communed with the Guovssahas, whose screams they could
wrought by her vengeance, her heart grew heavy with sorrow. hear in the night sky. e Noiad shepherd their tribes, but as
She saw the unspoken cost of those who followed her path and the followers in Christ's crucifixion spread across the land, the
cause. Wracked with guil , she proclaimed that children of screaming lights grew possessive of their tribes and urged the
Ennoia should make their own path, never to be shackled to Noiad to tighten their grip lest they escape, but in doing so
another’s cause. they suffocated the herd in their fists. us the screaming gods
of light fell silent and the Noaid were los .
VIII victorious dead
XII rahab's mercy
In the annals of the Blood Saga, there is the ale of Canarl,
the first of the night's children. Cast out as an outlaw, An Erimite by the name of Rahab was a great scholar of the
wounded in the throes of battle, it was under the cold gaze of Beast's blood. He walked the land hungering for knowledge
the All-Father Odin that Canarl's blood seeped upon the earth and power so that he may never be shackled as he was in
and transformed, birthing the Einherjar. e first chosen youth. He continued to grow in power until he came across a
slain was led by Ennoia to join All-Father Odin in his halls of strange and alien thing washed up on the beach. It spoke in a
victorious dead. Forsaken by kin, embraced by nigh , to roam voice like a rain all and proclaimed if its life was saved then
the earth, a draugr of war and blood, forever bound to the it would give him what he craves, and so Rahab granted the
darkness that birthed him. mercy of his blood upon the thing, and joined it beneath the
deep black waves.
IX old one-eye
XIII the warrior's hound
In the frozen north, where the wind sings laments of the los ,
sat Odin, the One-Eyed Lord of the Slain, in his majestic hall ere was a renowned warrior named Amos who was strong
of Valhalla. It is said that with his enchanted drinking horn, and brave, his deed and life continued to accrue until he was
he and his brood could turn the sweetest wine into the darkest encountered by Scylla, who was so impressed by him that she
blood. Shadows of warriors of great renown danced in his Embraced him into the Clan of Beasts. He awoke, reborn as a
halls. ere, in the heart of winter's grasp, the lord and his child of Ennoia, and by his side a large black hound. With his
children feasted, his eye aglow with the ancient knowledge, a newfound power he continued to prosper, aided by his hound
boon of those from those before the flood. until he became a legend. But in his prestige he began to
neglect and ignore the hound that had been with him from
X spider's reminder the beginning and one day on a hunt it turned on him and
devoured him. e hound of Amos is said to be only a few
As the daughter of Lilith roamed the world, traversing the steps behind all children of Ennoia, ready to devour those
Ebony kingdom, where the night holds secrets and paths are who stray too ar from themselves.
le untreated by any of God’s creation. Ennoia found herself
lost deep within a angled forest of web and bone, there she
XIV ennoia and the eldest
encountered Anansi who aunted her until she became a
primal force of nature. Chase did she, through the winding In Ennoia's long travels before her rest deep within the earth,
heart of darkness, until she found herself clear of the trees did she come across the Dragon, an enigma of flesh and bone,
and rain. For reminding her of the Beast's mastery of a living nightmare that twisted and reshaped its form. Under
instinc , Ennoia bestowed her immor al gi unto his daughter the eye of a blood red moon, the Dragon and Ennoia found
and the Akunanse did beguile this world ever-a er. themselves in a s alemate. Recognising the futility of their
conflic , they struck an ancient pact: Once per century, or in
the direst of times, their progeny would come to each other's
aid, a bond forged in the recognition of their shared, ine able
ere was a Gangrel named Aethon Whisperwind, bound to Whispered in the night of the steppe is the ale of Dobrul the
the wild, trusted his winged kin above all. But when darkness Brave, the first of the Anda, who slumbered deep beneath the
stormed, it was not the beast but man who stood stead ast in earth, his spirit entwined with the ancient victories of the
the maelstrom's eye. e alcon, a creature of the skies, once great Mongolian horde. It is said that in his dependence
vanished into the tempest's shroud. us was it revealed: True on their migh , he lost his own, becoming but a ghostly echo
loyalty, a rare gem, may emerge from the most unforeseen of of their conquest as their accomplishment became echoes of
realms. the pas . And so he sleeps, and the land trembles with his
dreams, for it is foretold that he will rise once more at the end
XVI sylvana's haligtree of days, his awakening heralding an era of turmoil and blood.
So, the children of the night wai , their hearts a stilled
Sylvana, priestess of Ennoia, erected a majestic monument in drumbea , for the moment when Dobrul shall emerge, a ti an
honor of Ennoia and her descendants. In a profound act of reborn from the ashes of history.
devotion, she severed her own hear , letting her blood nourish
the soil. From this sacrifice, a mighty oak emerged, a towering
XIX jukash the breaker
emblem of Gangrel fortitude and migh . Ye , others, envious
of its grandeur, conspired in the dark. rough sorcery and Jukash, breaker of the gate of heaven, crusher of stone and
plotting they spawned a monstrous ivy that coiled insidiously enemy of civilisation, tore down the cities of corruption in his
around the oak, sapping its strength and twisting it to their quest to restore purity. His might was uncontes able, until the
own purpose. But it is said the Gangrel will be above all, denizen of a cursed decadent city did invite him into their
when the heart of Sylvana may beat freely once more. labyrinth of stone and sin, wherein the Gangrel, children of
wilderness had their strength sapped. In their quest to cleanse
XVII lysander's kin corruption, they find themselves ensnared, for the city's
darkness is as intrinsic as roots to the earth. As they delve
Lysander, son of Ennoia and brother to wolves, was a warrior deeper, their nature, once wild and free, becomes shackled to
of great renown and wisdom, his mind and heart open to all. the very corruption they sought to destroy, a tragic irony
However he did not see the envious look of man. ey trapped woven into the abric of the city's hear . His descendant to
him with fire and bounded his heart with wood. But in his this day entwined in an eternal dance with the city, a dance
anguished howl, a lament for trust broken, did awaken the of predator and prey, forever bound to its shadowed streets.
vengeful spirits of the fores . With eyes aflame and hearts
cold, the wolves, his true kin, emerged. eir wrathful
XX the mother of beasts
retribution, a tragic ode to the shattered bond between man
and beas . e sun will grow black and the earth shall shudder, as the
children of blood and moon unite under their mother. As she
makes her war, the walls of man shall no longer s and all
and their master’s will be cast down before her judgmen .
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