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Case Report
Profit Optimization Using Linear Programming Model:
A Case Study of Ethiopian Chemical Company
Vishwa Nath Maurya1, Ram Bilas Misra2, Peter K Anderson3, Kamlesh Kumar Shukla4
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, School of Science & Technology, The University of Fiji, Lautoka, Fiji
Department of Mathematics & Computing Science, Divine Word University, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Dept. of Information Systems, and Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science, Divine Word University, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Department of Management, Adama Science and Technology University, Adama, Ethiopia
Email address:
[email protected] (V. N. Maurya)
To cite this article:
Vishwa Nath Maurya, Ram Bilas Misra, Peter K Anderson, Kamlesh Kumar Shukla. Profit Optimization Using Linear Programming Model: A
Case Study of Ethiopian Chemical Company. American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 51-57.
doi: 10.11648/j.ajbes.20150102.12
Received: October 12, 2015; Accepted: April 15, 2016; Published: June 16, 2016
Abstract: This paper aims for profit optimization of an Ethiopian chemical company located in Adama (Ethiopia) using linear
programming model. Particularly, our present study brings out clearly the necessity of using quantitative techniques for
utilization in Ethiopian company; a factory situated within Adama about 90 kms. from Addis Ababa (Capital of Ethiopia). The
first step comprises data generation. A questionnaire is prepared and circulated amongst company staff both executive and
technical to determine the production, sales and profit during a few months of 2014. The profits varied considerably owing to
subjective approach. It was established that the decisions are undertaken by experienced people without use of quantitative
people and quantitative method. Whole approach applied here is seemingly subjective. A theoretical perspective undertaken for
the present study is review of various different applications of linear programming. The characteristics of base assumptions of
linear programming and its advantages and disadvantages towards establishing its need for optimization are briefly outlined in
terms of its application to the factory. Survey data is analyzed to determine the style of decision making and the problem is
defined. An objective function is created in terms of decision variables of production, sales and profit over a period of time using
the quantitatively available data of these parameters. A linear programming model for company is developed for profit
optimization. The model equations with adequate restraints taking into account manufacturing limitations are solved using
MS-Excel solver. Finally, some conclusive observations have been drawn and recommendations have been suggested.
Keywords: Profit optimization, linear programming model, simplex method, manufacturing limitation, service industries
large LP models are well developed and widely available, e.g. Wijeratne and Harris [11] proposed that the linear
(Dash Assoc., 1993). Linear programming is one specialized programming model is used by the managers to determine the
mathematical decision-making aid. It can be applied to many most economical arrangement of finance, to arrange the best
problems in the real world, not because the world is linear but times to start and finish projects, and to select projects to
because it is a powerful problem-solving technique. Here, the minimize the total net present cost of capital. Linear
researches carried out by Kim [7] and Mehdipoor et al. [8] are programming optimizes (maximizing or minimizing) a
also worth mentioning. dependent variable subject to a set of independent variables in a
Linear programming, or linear optimization, is a linear relationship, given a number of linear constraints of
mathematical method to achieve the minimum or maximum independent variables. The value of dependent variables which
value of a linear function on a convex polyhedron. This convex is the value obtained from solving the problem, is subject to the
polyhedron is, in fact, a graphical representation of some independent variables set by the decision maker (or determined
constraints as inequalities on/off functional variables. To put by solving the problem). The dependent variables are usually
simply, one can achieve the best outcome (e.g. maximum profit set as objective function which may be one of the economic
or minimum cost) by using linear programming under specific concepts such as profit, cost, income, production, sales,
settings and constraints. While linear programming is mainly distance and time, etc. The independent variables in linear
used in management and economics, it can also be utilized for programming are known as variables of unknown value, and
some engineering problems. Linear programming uses a the decision maker has to calculate the value of such variables
mathematical model to describe the problem of concern. Thus, by solving the problem [13]. In Ethiopia, most decisions were
linear programming involves the planning of activities to obtain taken by government or non-governmental organizations,
an optimal result, i.e. a result that reaches the specified goal best whether it is profitable or not for companies, manufacturing or
(according to the mathematical model) among all feasible service industries are based on trial and error. Qualitative
alternatives. Although allocating resources to activities is the decisions, like intuition, judgmental approaches are more
most common type of application, linear programming has dominant and the application of model based decision making
numerous other important applications as well. In fact, any like optimization techniques, e.g. linear programming models
problem whose mathematical model fits the very general format have little or no application. Hence, it is initiated by author to
for the linear programming model is a linear programming conduct an assessment of the application of linear programming
problem. Furthermore, a remarkably efficient solution in this particular company as a case study.
procedure, called the simplex method, is available for solving
linear programming problems of even enormous size [9]. These 3. Objectives and Research Questions
are some of the reasons for the tremendous impact of linear
programming in recent decades [5]. 3.1. Objectives of the Study
As stated above, linear programming was developed as a
mathematical pattern during World War II to plan The main objectives of this paper are:
expenditures and returns in order to reduce costs to the army To formulate a linear programming model that would
and increase losses to the enemy. The method was kept secret suggest a viable product-mix to ensure optimum profit
until 1947. After the war, many industries began using it. The for Company.
founders of linear programming are: G.B. Dantzig who To highlight the peculiarities of using linear
published the simplex method in 1947, John von Neumann programming technique for the Company and prove that
who developed the theory of duality, and Leonid Kantorovich despite obstacles, the application of the technique in
- the Russian mathematician who applied similar techniques determining the product-mix of the company would be
before Dantzig, and won the Noble Prize in 1957. The more profitable than otherwise.
Babcock and Wilcox applied the linear programming to help To know about the constraints of the company regarding
plan a major expansion of the company’s Tubular Products cost, resources.
Division (TPD) in Pennsylvania. Owen [10] has also used the 3.2. Research Questions
linear programming method to design antenna array patterns
that suppress interference from certain directions. How is the company currently making decision on the
allocation of resources for the production of its
2. Statement of the Problem products to maximize its sales and profit?
Whether the company uses qualitative decisions or
Linear programming is a set of techniques and methods employs mathematical/statistical models or both?
inferred from mathematics and other sciences which can play Whether the current method adopted in making decision
an efficient role in improving the management decisions. is effective or not?
Although it is still regarded as a new science, but it has well Whether the resources available are sufficient for
proved to be capable of solving problems such as production production of the products to satisfy the demands of the
planning, allocating resources, inventory control, and customers?
advertising. Those managers who care about the best
outcomes for their decisions cannot be indifferent to this.
53 Vishwa Nath Maurya et al.: Profit Optimization Using Linear Programming Model:
A Case Study of Ethiopian Chemical Company
4. Significance of the Study Simplex algorithm was preferred over graphical approach
because of this method can help to solve linear programming
It helps to understand the best way of making decisions problems of any number of decision variables. Excel solver
using quantitative models in order to determine its optimal was preferred for accuracy purpose.
product-mixes that can maximize its profits subject to the
scarce resources it has. The study will provide a deep
understanding and insight of the applications of linear 6. LPP Model and its Application
programming models in industries and how to apply such Linear Programming is a mathematical technique for
models in practical and real world experience. To other generating and selecting the optimal or the best solution for a
researchers of similar interest who are willing to undertake given objective function. Technically, linear programming
further investigation on the topic, this research document can may be formally defined as a method of optimizing (i.e.
be used as a secondary information source. maximizing or minimizing) a linear function for a number of
This research paper is structured in seven sections.§1 is constraints stated in the form of linear inequalities.
introduction and it concerns with background of the study and According to Fagoyinbo [5], Williams [12] and Wood and
the company. § 2 – 4 deal with the statement of the problem, Dantzig [13] the problem of LP stated as that of the
objectives of the study, research question, and significance of optimization of linear objective function of the following
the study. §5 deals with data and methodology. Linear form:
programming and its applications are discussed in §6.
Presentation of data, analysis and results are also discussed in Z = c1x1 + c2x2 (Objective function),
§6. Major findings and conclusions are given in§ 7. Finally,
some recommendations are illustrated in the end. subject to the linear constraints:
This study was conducted for three reasons. Firstly, there a11 x1+ a12 x2(≤ or≥) b1,a21 x1+ a22 x2(≤ or≥) b2,…… ,
was no reliable and comprehensive study to examine the role
of linear programming in companies in Ethiopia. Secondly, it am1 x1+ am2x2(≤ or≥)bm,x1, x2(≤ or≥) 0.
might pave the way forward for the company, policy makers,
6.1. The Proposed Model
and financial institutions to understand the different roles of
institutions in the development process. Finally, this study The objective function and constraints were used in the
advances the knowledge of linear programming in decision following general form:
making. Maximize Z = P1X1 + P2X2 subject to constraints:
C11X1 + C12X2≤B1, C21X1 + C22X2≤B2, C31X1 + C32X2≤B3,
5. Data and Methodology
C41X1 + C42X2≤B4, C51X1 + C52X2≤ B5, X1, X2≥ 0,
5.1. Method of Data Collection
In order to gather the relevant data from the company
Z = total profit contribution of Aluminum sulphate and
producing sulfuric acid, oleum and Aluminum sulfate utilizing
Sulphuric acid,
partially locally available raw materials. This paper was based
Pi = profit contribution coefficients expressing per unit
on primary and secondary sources of data. Especially to get
contribution to the profit equation,
information on the decision making practice of the company
X1, X2 = the set of unknowns to be determined, i.e. the tons
under study, an interview was conducted with the
of Aluminum sulphate
manufacturing manager and the sales managers of the
And Sulphuric acid produced by company,
company and data collected on the unit costs of production of
C’s = the numerical values that expressed in per unit usage
the products, the unit selling price of the products and also
of the right hand side,
contacted the sales and the purchasing, production and
B1, B2,….,B5 = the resource values which were fully
marketing managers of the company. And additionally
secondary data sources were used to get accurate information.
Estimates of the variables are presented in tables. The
5.2. Method of Data Analysis optimum values of the different brands produced by the firm
shows the combination (product mix) obtained through the
Collected data were presented in a narrative form and application of linear programming model.
analyzed using linear programming model. Since the purpose
of this study was to develop linear programming model for the 6.2. Assumptions of the Model
collected data from the company, the authors tried to
For applying the proposed model to case of profit
transform the data into a linear programming model and
optimization, following assumptions were taken into
solved the model (problem) using simplex algorithm using by
applying MS-Excel solver in order to determine the optimal
(i) Proportionality assumption: The contribution of each
combination of the products of the company that can
activity to the value of the objective function Z is
maximize its profit within the available scarce resources.
proportional to the level of the activity xj, as
American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics 2015; 1(2): 51-57 54
represented by the terms cjxj in the objective function. data gathered from the company. For collection of the
Similarly, the contribution of each activity to the necessary data, the last author prepared a guide questions
left-hand side of each functional constraint is based on its objectives and research questions. He made an
proportional to the level of the activity xj, as effort to know whether the company applies any model for
represented by the terms aijxj in the constraints. their decision making especially whether linear programming
(ii) Additive assumption: Every function in a linear models are applicable for decision making. If decision is not
programming model (whether the objectives function based on mathematical model, then researchers tried to
or the function on the left-hand side of a functional investigate the style of decision making of this company.
constraint) is the sum of the individual contributions Through this research it is identified that the company
of the respective activities. manufactures two major products namely: aluminum sulphate
(iii) Divisibility assumption: Decision variables in a linear and sulphuric acid.
programming model are allowed to have any (real)
values, including non-integer values that satisfy the 6.4. The Decision Approach of the Company
functional and non-negativity constraints. Since each According to collected data of the Company authors
decision variable represents the level of some activity, investigated that the company has annual based sales records.
it is being assumed that the activities can be run at In order to determine how much to manufacture for the next
fractional levels. year the company do not use any sound mathematical or
(iv) Certainty assumption: The value assigned to each statistical decision making models. Instead it decides the
parameter of a linear programming model is assumed quantity of its products on a simple trial and error or simple
to be a known constant. individual’s judgment. For this reason their annual sales plan
6.3. Application and Analysis and the actual sales they achieve varies every year. When it
comes to the case of the applicability of linear programming
This section deals with the presentation and analysis of the model for the optimal decision of the product mixes.
Table 1. Production, sales and gross profit trends for the years 2006-2012.
According to the Annual Bulletin of the company (2012/13), using linear programming model (MS-Excel Solver) it is
it has been described as below: As compared to the design identified below that the company should produce 20tons of
(production) capacity of the company, the actual production aluminum sulphate per day (20×300=6,000tons per year) and
achievement of aluminum sulphate and sulphuric acid is on 6.98tons of sulphuric acid per day (6.98×300=2,094 tons per
average 21.51% and 19.56% only. Even though there is an year) in order to get a gross profit of Birr107,353.17 per day
improvement in the actual sales of these items\o some degree (107,353.17×300= 32,205,951 per year).
over the past four years, compared to the capacity of the
company, it did not exceed annual average sales of 20%.
Though the reason for such low sales is assumed to be the
decline in domestic market the major problems are:
Some users of the products were importing substitute
products for their purpose. However, considering the current
industry development strategy of the country and the attention
given by the government for industry, the company was
expecting more demand for its products in the near future.
Even though the company states the above factors as causes
for low demand and sales of its products, the last author
identified that the annual demand for aluminum sulphate was
on average 6,000 tons per annum and for sulphuric acid it was
5,000 tons per annum. This indicates that the company was not
fully utilizing the currently available demand for its product. Figure 1. Year wise grass profit in Birr.
One of the cause for underutilizing the demand was the poor
decision making approach used by the company. Had it used 6.5. LPP of the Chemical Company
Quantitative (model based) decision making especially linear
programming, it might have achieved more than what it did. A linear programming model consists of certain common
According to the information gathered from the company components and characteristics. The model components
include decision variables, an objective function, and model
55 Vishwa Nath Maurya et al.: Profit Optimization Using Linear Programming Model:
A Case Study of Ethiopian Chemical Company
constraints, which consist of decision variables and plywood and others. Sulphuric acid is a chemical used in the
parameters. Decision variables are mathematical symbols that production of aluminum sulphate as a raw material or as
represent levels of activity by the firm. medium of production for oleum, phosphates, car batteries,
Data gathered from the company into a linear programming pulp & paper, steel picking and textiles (brochures of the
model as follows: company).
A chemical industry owned by the Ethiopian Government According to data collection, the company was
manufactures two major products, aluminum sulphate and manufacturing 51.5 tons of sulphuric acid per day
sulphuric acid each of which passes through three different (51.5×300=15,450 tons per year) and only 40 tons of
processes: reaction, filtration, and evaporation. Aluminum aluminum sulphate per day (40×300 = 12,000 tons per year).
sulphate is a coagulant used for purification of drinking water, The major constraint the company states for this is demand
industrial waste water treatment, paper sizing, dyeing, which is at most 6,000tons for aluminum sulphate per annum
pharmaceuticals, soap modification, tanning cellulose , etc. so and utmost 5,000 tons per annum for sulphuric acid. But in
it is highly demanded by companies like: water supply and addition, availability of machine hours on 3 processes of
sewerage authorities, pulp and paper factories, leather manufacture was also constraining manufacturing of the
industries, textiles, food and beverages, metals, chip woods, products as given below:
Table 2. Constraint of machine hours on 3 processes of manufacture.
*The machine hours are roughly converted to per day basis for simplicity of model formulation and calculation while company officials suggested that it is
sometimes not logical to make such conversion.
The constraints of the company are expressed as follows: x1≤20 tons (demand for aluminum sulphate per day),
Maximize Zmax = 3,760.66x1 + 4,604.58x2, x2≤51.5 (sulphuric acid produced per day),
0.45x1 + 2.15x2≤24 hrs. (machine hrs. on reaction), 6.7. Solution of the LPP Using MS-Excel Solver
0.2x1 +2.15x2≤24 hrs. (machine hrs. on filtration), To apply the MS-Excel Solver, first we translate the linear
programming model into its standard form. Thus, the above
0.1x1 + 2.15x2≤24 hrs. (machine hrs. on evaporation), model, written in the standard form, becomes.
American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics 2015; 1(2): 51-57 56
Zmax = 3,760.66x1+ 4,604.58x2 + 0s1 +0s2 +0s3 +0s4 +0s5, 0.25 x1 +s1 =s2, 0.35 x1 + s1 =s3, 0.1 x1 + s2= s3.
x1+s4=20 tons, x2+s5= 51.5 tons, x1= 0, x2=24/2.15 = 11.16, s3 = 0,s4= 20, s5 = 40.34;
x1, x2,s1, s2,…,s5≥0 (non-negativity). that determines Z = 51,400.08. In the following, we workout
all basic solutions and compute the values of Z:
Eliminating x2 from the first three equations there also result
the equations:
Table 4. Solution of the LPP for the Chemical Company by MS-Excel Solver.
x1 x2 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 Is soln. feasible Z
0 11.16 0 0 0 20 40.34 Yes 51,400.08
20 15/2.15 =6.98 ” 5 7 0 44.52 ” 107,353.17
− 192.72 51.5 ” <0 <0 212.72 0 No
0 11.16 0 0 0 20 40.34 Yes 51,400.08
20 20/2.15 = 9.3 −5 ” 2 0 42.2 No
− 433.2 51.5 <0 ” <0 453.2 0 ”
20 22/2.15 = 10.23 −7 −2 0 0 41.27 ”
− 867.25 51.5 303.54 86.73 ” 887.25 0 ”
20 ” <0 <0 <0 0 ” ”
Thus, the optimal feasible solution is x1= 20 tons of aluminum sulphate per day, x2 = 6.98 tons of sulphuric acid per day, s1=0, s2=5 hrs., s3=7 hrs., s4=0, s5=44.52
tons, yielding the maximum profit Zmax= Birr 107,353.17 per day.
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