CFC Revenue Further Instructions From Adjustment of Banked Units After 10.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

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144, Anna Salai,
Chennai – 600 002.

Circular Memo.No.CFC/REV/FC/REV/AO/REV/AS.3/TF.Order/D.493/
22, Dated 28.09.2022.

Sub : Elecy-TNERC – Order No.07 of 2022 in T.P. No.1 of

2022,dt.09.09.2022 [effective from 10.09.2022] issued
by the Hon’ble TNERC – Implementation – Further
Instructions Issued – reg.

Ref : 1. The Hon’ble TNERC’s Order No.07 of 2022 in T.P.

No.1 of 2022, dt.09.09.2022 [effective from

2. Circular Memo.No. CFC/REV/ FC/REV/ AO/REV/

AS.3/ TF.Order/D.491/ 22, Dated 21.09.2022.

3. Corrigendum No.2 dated 20.09.2022 to Order.No.7 of

2022 in T.P.1 of 2022 dated 09.09.2022.

4. Circular Memo.No. CFC/REV/ FC/ REV/ AO/ REV/

AS.3/ TF.Order/ D.492/ 22, Dated 24.09.2022.

In the reference 1 cited above, the Hon’ble Tamil Nadu
Electricity Regulatory Commission has revised the retail Tariff rates
with effect from 10.09.2022 in its Order No.07 of 2022 in T.P. No.1 of
2022, dt.09.09.2022 (effective from 10.09.2022). In this connection
the instructions has been issued with regard to HT Billing for the
month of 09/2022 and Open Access Charges collectable from
consumers vide reference 2nd cited.

2. In the said circular in para 1.2, billing instructions have

been issued for all captive/third party users. In this connection, the

Hon’ble Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission issued Energy
Accounting and Billing procedure vide Order in Generic Tariff for Wind
power and related issues vide Order.No.6 of 2018 dated 13.04.2018,
the relevant portion of the same is the Licensee shall record the slot
wise generation and consumption during the billing period. Slot-wise
adjustment shall be made for the billing period. However, peak hour
generation can be adjusted to normal hour and off peak hour
consumption of billing period. Normal hour generation can be adjusted
to off peak hour consumption. The banked units in 5 slots as on
31.08.2022 is converted to new slots by transferring the C3 banked
units to C4 units, since both slots are normal hour as per the old Tariff
order. In this connection, working instructions with illustrations for
adjustment of captive wind is hereby issued for easy understand.


Description C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Total
Banking as 30000 31000 3000 55000 50000 169000
in the
existing 5

Banking as 30000 31000 ---- 58,000 50,000 169000

in the New 5


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Up to (Morning (Evening (Normal) (Normal) (Night)
09.09.2022 peak) peak)

6.00 am 6.00 pm 9.00pm 5.00 am 10.00pm

to to to to 6.00 to 5.00
9.00 am 9.00 pm 10.00pm am and am
9.00 am
10.09.202 6.00 am 6.00 pm -
onwards to to 5.00 am 10.00pm
10.00 am 10.00 pm to 6.00 to 5.00
am and am
10.00 am

The rearranged banked energy as on 31.08.2022 in the new 5 slots is

converted to 3 slot for adjustments as follows:-

Peak Hr Normal Hr Night Hr Total

A [C1+C2] [C3+C4] C5
61000 58000 50000 169000

II Consumption:-
Consumption recorded during 01.09.2022 to 09.09.2022 in the
existing time slot :-

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Total
10000 12000 5000 20000 10000 57000

Consumption recorded during 10.09.2022 to 30.09.2022 in the
new time slot :-
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Total

40000 50000 -- 80000 46000 216000

Total consumption for the month of 9/2022 is arrived for

adjustment in 5 slot by adding above two tables :-

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Total

50000 62000 5000 100000 56000 273000

Total consumption is converted to 3 slots for adjustment:-

Peak Hr Normal Hr Night Hr Total

B [C1+C2] [C3+C4] C5
112000 105000 56000 273000

III Generation:-

Generation for adjustment recorded during 01.09.2022 to

09.09.2022 in the existing time slot :-
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Total

5000 6000 2500 10000 5000 28500

Generation for adjustment recorded during 10.09.2022 to

30.09.2022 in the new time slot :-

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Total

20000 25000 -- 40000 22500 107500

Total Generation is arrived for adjustment for the month of
09/2022 in 5 slots by adding above two tables:-

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Total

25000 31000 2500 50000 27500 136000

Total Generation is converted to 3 slots for adjustment:-

Peak Hr Normal Hr Night Hr Total

[C1+C2] [C3+C4] C5
56000 52000 27500 136000

Adjustment for the month of 09/2022:-

Description Peak Hr Normal Night Hr Total

Gross 112000 105000 56000 273000
B consumption
C Less 56000 52000 27500 136000
[B-C] Billed units 56000 52500 28500 137000

Drawn from 61000 58000 50000 169000

A banking
Net billed 0 0 0 0
Banking as 5000 5500 21500 32000

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