Chapter 4 and 5 EDITED
Chapter 4 and 5 EDITED
Chapter 4 and 5 EDITED
This chapter presents the interpretation of data collected from the study. The data
The findings will be presented about the research objectives stated in the study. The method used
These are the following questions used in collecting data: 1. What comes to your mind
when you hear the word Artificial Intelligence? 2. Do you use CHAT GPT or any other AI
chatbots to help you with your schoolwork (YES/NO), 2.1 (If yes) How do these software
applications help you, or how does it affect you negatively? 2.2 (If no) What is the reason that
you're not using any AI chatbots to help you with your schoolwork? 3. What do you think about
Artificial Intelligence is it helpful or not and why? 4. Does Artificial Intelligence have any effect
The first question is “What comes to your mind when you hear the word Artificial
Intelligence “, most of the student's answers are; “It is a modern or High Technology”, “ It is a
computer system that performs human activities the way a human does”, “ It is a robot”, “ An AI
chatbots that give answers and help expand one's knowledge”, “ It gives accurate answers and
make the research faster”, “ It helps the people, the students specifically to make their
schoolwork easier, and less time consuming”, there is also an answer that says it has positive and
them, or how it affects them negatively, and to those who don’t use AI chatbots, what are their
reasons for not using it? The majority of the respondents use AI chatbots and their reasons are; It
helps them with their Schoolwork/homework and makes it easier, it helps them gain more
knowledge, and can be used as a dictionary, it can correct grammar, help understand a certain
topic, it helps answer difficult questions. The negative effects of using these chatbots are; that too
much usage can affect your health, it makes the students lazy, and the students depend on it so
much that they don’t answer their schoolwork on their own. However some students refused to
use these applications and their reasons are; “ I don’t want to involve myself too much or depend
on it”, “ if I rely on it, I won’t learn anything”, and “ It seems like when using these applications,
And for the third question is “What do you think about Artificial Intelligence is it helpful
or not, and why?”, Some students refer to AI as helpful saying; “it is helpful because it provides
information that we need”, “it is helpful even though it has negative effect”, “ it is helpful
because we just have to search what we want to know”, “it is helpful cause it helps the students
to have a further understanding about the topic”, “it is helpful because it helps me correct my
grammar”, “it is helpful because it is easy to gather information”, “it can help us find the
definition of the words that are unfamiliar to us”, “ it is helpful because it makes my homework
easier”. On the other hand, some students are neutral about it, they refer to it as both helpful and
not saying; “in some cases it is helpful, but more it is not especially in the learning of the
students who are being dependent on it”, “it is helpful the way it gives students to do their
activities most easily, and also not cuz’ students depend on AI”, “it depends on the person using
it, and how they use it”. While some students say it is helpful, and some are neutral about it,
there is a student who refers to AI as not helpful saying; “ it is not helpful, because we won’t
learn anything if we rely on it too much, and we won’t be a responsible Student anymore”.
The last question asks “ Does Artificial Intelligence have any effect on your academic
performance?”. The student's answers are; “Yes, because I depend on it too much and became
unmotivated on my study”, “Yes, it made my study easier”, “Yes, because we often get our
answers on it”, “ Yes, because of AI I have a good quality of schoolwork, so I also have good
grades “, “Yes, because it helps me deeply understand the topic”, “it helps me to make my marks
higher and it improves my academic performance”. While some students state that it affects their
academic performance, some students said it doesn’t saying; “No, because it only makes our
schoolwork easier”, “No, I’m just using AI when I need it”, “No, because I don’t use AI”.
Chapter 5
This chapter offers a summary of the study, with important findings and conclusion as
well as recommendations. The conclusion was based on the purpose, research question, and the
result of the study. Recommendations were based on the conclusion and purpose of the study.
achieve the objectives of the study. Qualitative Interviews were conducted with the students of
Liceo de San Jacinto Foundation Incorporated, who were selected based on their accessibility
and availability to become the respondents of the study. The interviews were conducted face-to-
This study aims to analyze the perception of the High School Students at Liceo de San
Jacinto Foundation Incorporated about artificial intelligence, this study will aim to answer the
following questions:
1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word Artificial Intelligence?
2. Do you use CHAT GPT or any other AI chatbots to help you with your schoolwork
2.1 (If yes) How do these software applications help you, or how do they affect you
2.2 (If no) What is the reason that you're not using any AI chatbots to help you with your
3. What do you think about Artificial Intelligence is it helpful or not and why?
For the first question based on the collected data the student's first impression when they
hear the word Artificial Intelligence is that it is an invention of modern or High Technology such
as robots and AI chatbots, they think it is a computer program that is made to make their
schoolwork easier and help them with studying, which are correct because AI’s are invented to
perform human activities that requires human intelligence to make everyone’s lives convenient,
For the second question, the respondents were asked if they use AI chatbots or not and
their reasons, as well as the positive and negative effects of it. Many of the respondents use AI
chatbots and only a few do not, the positive effects of it are; that it can make their schoolwork
easier, by answering difficult questions, correcting grammar, and finding the meaning of
unfamiliar words, it also helps them understand a certain topic, and let them gain more
knowledge. The negative effects of it are; that it can affect the student's health if used too much,
and those students who rely on it become lazy and let the AI answer their schoolwork. And for
those students who do not use AI chatbots their reasons are; that they don’t want to depend on it,
because if they depend on it they will learn nothing, and if they use these applications they won’t
For the third question, the students were asked if Artificial Intelligence is helpful or not
and why, there are three categories of the students’ answers, some students say it is helpful some
say it is not, and some are neutral about it, the students who said it is helpfully stated that it is
helpful because it provides them information that they want to know, it helps them have a further
understanding about a certain topic, it can correct grammars, it can be used as a dictionary, and it
answers their homework, while those students who stated it is not helpful said; it is not helpful
because they won’t learn anything if they rely on it, and if they rely on it they are not responsible
students anymore, On the other hand, those students who are neutral about it says; it is both
helpful and not because it makes their schoolwork easier, but they depend on it too much, and it
depends on the person using it, and how they use it.
For the last question, the students were asked if AI has any effect on their academic
performance, the students' answers varied from one another, while some students say it has an
effect, the effects are both positive and negative, some students depend on it too much which
make them unmotivated about their study, some students are happy about it because their
schoolwork is done easily, and they often use it as a source of their answers, and some says
performance, however, some students say it has no effect on their academic performance because
it only makes their schoolwork easier, and they only use it if needed, one student also said it has
The data collected from students revealed that they initially perceived Artificial
Intelligence as a high-tech invention designed to make their schoolwork easier and study more
efficiently. However, the use of AI chatbots can have both positive and negative effects. While
many students use AI chatbots for tasks like answering difficult questions, correcting grammar,
and understanding unfamiliar words, they also have negative effects such as health risks and
laziness. Some students do not use AI chatbots due to a desire to learn and share their own
grammar, and answering homework. However, immoderate dependence can result in a lack of
learning and responsibility. Some students believe AI is both helpful and not helpful, depending
on how they use it. As for the impact of AI on academic performance, students’ responses varied.
Some found it helpful, while others found it unmotivating. Some students found AI chatbots
helpful in making tasks easier and improving grades. However, some students felt AI chatbots
only made activities easier and only used them when needed.
make their study easier, the student's opinions differ from one another, some students say it is
helpful, while some students say it is not helpful. The same goes for the effect of artificial
intelligence on the student's academic performance, while some say it makes their activities
easier and improves their grades, some found it unmotivating because it makes their activities
easier. Every student’s opinion varies from one another depending on how they use it, and how
they see it. Everyone has their perception and we must respect it regardless of how much it
When using artificial intelligence or AI chatbots, the students must be mindful and not
The students must only use AI to help them and not rely on it entirely.
If the students refuse to use AI, they have a strong desire to learn on their own and
Artificial intelligence can be used to help with schoolwork but don’t let the AI do all the
The output that you make yourself that needs improvement is better than an AI-generated