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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019

Impact of Rubrics, Addie and Gagne Model on

the Performance of Students in Programming
Nilima S.

Abstract: Student’s satisfaction is the core of teaching and it is [4] Addie has been used as a base model to ideate precision in
continuous learning process. In order to achieve this author have medicine domain. In [5-7] various approaches for the usage of
experimented with rubrics, ADDIE and Gagne model to deliver Addie have been explained, it is used in the domain of moral
the topic thread in java subject. Detail rubrics with four criteria education, early childhood education as well as open online
and four levels have been designed and performance has been
course to develop the professionalism in a teacher profession.
evaluated after delivery of specific topic by using one of the
educational models. Paired student’s t-test has been used to In short Impact of Addie model has already been proven in
evaluate the before the after impact and statistical significance. versatile domain. In this study author has experimented the
Results have been retrieved at 99%, 95% and 90% confidence delivery steps of Addie model for the performance
interval. Criteria 1 and Criteria 2 has not retrieved significant enhancement of programming subject along with the
results at alpha=0.01 and hence failed to reject the null hypothesis coordination of well design[8-10] usage of gagne
in Gagne and Rubrics model respectively. The entire set model in the various domain has been explained. In [11-15]
hypothesis has rejected the null hypothesis at alpha=0.05 and importance of rubrics in the assessment and its designed
alpha=0.10.The survey has been conducted for ADDIE and
parameters are explained. Rubrics have played a very
Gagne group at the end of this experimentation. This study has
proven that to deliver programming subject steps of ADDIE model important role in the area of design thinking and working
is more appropriate. practices. Rest of the paper is divided into sections
Keywords: Addie, Gagne, Rubrics, Statistical test methodology, result, discussion and results.Methodolgy
section gives the insight of identification of students in the
I. INTRODUCTION study and application of steps of rubrics, Addie and gagne. In
result section hypothesis statistical test and individual subject
In education delivery of contents is an art.In this work we level performance analysis result has been retrieved. And the
have experimented with popular 3 educational models and results are discussed in detail in discussion section. Study has
importance of known rubrics in advance. To check the impact been concluded in conclusion section.
of educational model on programming subject java, on
specific topic thread as it assumes to be difficult to understand II. METHODOlOGY
and implement for the students as per verbal enquire about the
subject. Addie model has been used in the literature in various In this section approach used in this study has been discussed along
domains. Proposed elements in this study have been used in with the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of subject in study.
versatile domain in literature. This model has designed in A. ADDIE Model
such a way that in every academic as well as related field steps This educational model involves five major steps analysis,
of this model can be introduced to check the performance design, development, implementation and evaluation. First
impact, comparison impact and so on. In [1] Addie model has phase mainly focus on the appropriate sample inclusion to
been used for the feature driven development agile method deliver the expected product. In order to deliver the topic by
and has given the new dimension to though process of usage adopting the steps of ADDIE model author have moulded
of model. Language learning assumed to be very difficult after entire instruction sets of topics in the skeleton of Addie
the person cross the certain age or one can say learning model. Analysis phase has been fulfilled by identifying the
process slower down as the age progresses but in [2] author appropriate sets of students, outcome of the course has been
has clearly made use of Addie model for the development of decided by setting the hypothesis to gain the enhancement in
educational model. This model has versatile application and the criteria level, as input criteria level to this study is the
many found them useful as the performance enhancer, in [3] output generated by case 1 study, author has set the hypothesis
this model has been used to sensitize the postgraduate to increase the performance of the students on the scale of
students about the competency based medical education level. Various assignments have been produced and
programm. The steps enlisted in this model gives a very clear videos/tutorial and practical’s have been designed and
understanding for the demonstration of complicated subject provided to students. Evaluation has been done on the basis of
as well, Thus model has gain a wide range of publicity in short detailed designed rubrics and statistical test has been executed
span if time. Ideate precision medicine design is the important to check the acceptance and rejection of stated null
area and this model has also proven useful for this criteria, in hypothesis.
Revised Manuscript Received on October 05, 2019
* Correspondence Author
Nilima S. Department of Virtualiaztion,School of Computer
Science,University of Petroleum and Energy studies,Dehradun,India Email:
[email protected]

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A9973109119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9973.109119
7140 & Sciences Publication
Impact of Rubrics, Addie and Gagne Model on the Performance of Students in Programming Subject

B. Gagne Model 8. Delivery of topic with Gagne model and assessment

Gagne model is educational delivery model which is mainly by designed rubrics as in case 1(Case 3)
focus on steps for planning and steps for execution emphasize 9. Comparison of results at criteria level.
given to planning and execution steps decide the success of
execution of gagne model. Planning steps of gagne comprises For the execution of the study and to check its impact
of identification of the type and learning outcomes. It also hypothesis has been designed for all three cases:
analyzes the skills already available with the learner so that Case 1:
dynamic learning model can be designed. Null Hypothesis: There is no significant impact on the
Creating a well background to float the real concept is also a performance of the student of communicating rubrics in
major part of this model. Identification of appropriate media engineering education in advance.
to deliver the content. Plan to motivate the learner as without Alternate Hypothesis: There is significant impact on the
motivation of the learner delivery of anything results into zero performance of the students of communicating rubrics in
output. Once planning for execution is done this model focus engineering education in advance.
on execution of steps in real environment and check the
consequences of the planning well in advance. In execution Case 2:
gain the attention of student’s plays an important role as if Null Hypothesis: There is no significant impact on the
students are not paying attention to the delivery then entire performance of the students of delivering a programming
planning would be fail, thus efforts need to make to gain subject by adopting the ADDIE educational model
attention and provide them with clear and concise feedback of Alternate Hypothesis: There is significant impact on the
their learning. performance of the students of delivering a programming
C. Design of Rubrics subject by adopting the ADDIE educational model.
Two types of rubrics have been designed in this study
generalized rubrics with 7 criteria and 4 levels of satisfaction. Case 3:
A generalized rubric have been analyzed for the suitability of Null Hypothesis: There is no significant impact on the
this study and rather than considering all seven criteria only performance of the students of delivering a programming
four criteria has been involved in this study. Generalized and subject by adopting the Gagne educational model
restricted rubrics are as shown in table 1 and 2 respectively. In Alternate Hypothesis: There is significant impact on the
restricted rubrics which are used in this study have four performance of the students of delivering a programming
criteria and four level of satisfaction. subject by adopting the Gagne educational model.
D. Study Setup Identified three cases have been executed by including an
appropriate sample in study. Steps to identify the appropriate
In education it is very important to keep on experimenting population are as in inclusion and exclusion criteria of the
with delivery models as per the requirement. As in today’s era subject in study.
technology is increasing in rapid manner and intervention of E. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria of subjects in
technology gives the feel of real visualization of subject and study
concept. Especially in programming subject in order to In the first step of study, branch Cloud computing and
understand the concept visualization is the key tool to make Virtualization 4th semester students of university of
student familiar with concept in easy and friendly way. To petroleum and energy studies, Dehradun with strength of class
understand the impact of educational models ADDIE, Gagne 134(79 Male and 55 Females) in the age group of 18-20 has
on the delivery mode of programming subject this study has been identified. All students were physically and mentally fit
been conducted. To conduct the study three cases has been to pursue 4 years of engineering degree education. Students
designed; case 1 is associated with importance of rubrics in an have been already taught topic thread in subject java by using
assessment and performance of the students. Case 2 and case the resources, PowerPoint presentation and white board for
3 is associated with impact of involvement of model ADDIE the duration of 180 mins for 3 days in a week time.
and Gagne respectively in delivery of topic thread in java Execution of case 1:
programming. For the execution of case 1 entire available student 134 has
Study has been progressed in seven steps: been involved in batch size of 44, 44, and 46 without
1. Design of rubrics for the generalized programming considering the ratio of male and female .These batch size has
subject asked to implement the program considered and asked to
2. Identified the appropriate topic to experiment. execute the problem statement. Each batch size has provided
3. Identified the appropriate criteria to assess the with time of 90 mins for execution followed by quick
questionnaire regarding the flow of program in order to mark
identified topic.
the criteria 2 level of assessment.
4. Identification of subject criteria to include or exclude “Implement a program
from the study Statement: Banking domain work segment which
5. Assessment of performance without circulating the include deposit and withdrawal operation.
rubrics in advance to students.(Case 1) Constraints:
6. Assessment of performance by circulating the rubrics 1. No withdrawal is possible if Balance Amount < 5000.
2. No deposit if deposit amount>50000 in single day.
in advance to student.(Case 1)
Concept: Thread/Multithread
7. Delivery of topic with ADDIE model and assessment
by designed rubrics as in case 1(Case 2)

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A9973109119/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9973.109119 7141 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019

Remark: No assessment guidelines, rubrics were provided to Ex: Traceability matrix. SRS User
students. Guide etc.
Purpose of conduct of case 1: Identify an appropriate
population for further study. F. Statistical Significance test:
Students have been assessed by following the designed Paired student t-test has been used to compute the statistical
rubrics as in table 2.After assessment student population has significance of before and after effect of all proposed
clearly divided into two groups proficient and deficient group approach. Test has been computed at confidence interval of
as in table 3. Proficient group has been identified by who has 90%, 95% and 99% in order to check the correctness of
scored level 3 and level 4 in any of the 2 criteria’s and
Deficient group has been identified as who has scored only
level 1 and level 2 in all the criteria’s. Same case has been Paired student’s t-test found to be appropriate to use in this
repeated in the followed week with same number of students study as major concern of this study is to check if there any
in the same batch size but during this time rubrics were significant impact of the experimented approach on the
already made available to all the students and purpose to academic performance of the student or not.
conduct this study is to reduce the deficient percentage level
and increase the proficient percentage level. Table 2: Restricted rubrics designed for the study
Execution of case 2:
For execution of case 2 inclusion of subjects in the study has Criteria Level 1(0-3) Level 2(4-6) Level Level
been identified from the result analysis of case 1. Deficient 3(7-8) 4(9-10)
Process Tried to Create a Create a Made use
group even after introduced the rubrics in advance still need followed and create a complete complete of all
more attention to improve the overall performance in their Project program program with program appropriat
academics, thus deficient group with only who has scored Features with basic middle level with e methods
level 1 satisfaction only in 3 criteria’s has been included. knowledge of proficiency to create a
only. Easily understandin level but simulation
Addie model has been used to deliver the topic thread to the
breakdown g g, not robust for
group of students. somewhere it and banking
Execution of case 3: breaks down somewhere operations
For execution of case 3 inclusion of subjects in the study has breakdown withdraw
been identified from the result analysis of case 1. Deficient and
group even after introduced the rubrics in advance still need Robust
more attention to improve the overall performance in their program.
academic thus deficient group with only who has scored level Efficient.
2 satisfaction only in 3 criteria’s has been included. The No
Gagne model has been followed to deliver the topic thread to in any
the set of students. situation.
Table 1: Generalized Rubrics designed for the study Usability Not aware Able to Able to Excellently
about flow explain few explain explain the
No. Criteria Details in program things more than flow
1 Process followed Project Plan – Milestone Timelines - half part of
Requirement Analysis – Technical program
Design – Internal Reviews (Within Quality Not Test cases are Few test Created
team , With Mentor) – Product Assurance prepared at not cases has sufficient
Packaging – Presentation – Hand-outs Testing all supporting to been test cases
including Future Roadmap robustness designed to prove
2 Project Features Simple, Medium and Complex the
Scenarios which are covered. Watch robustness
for unwanted scenarios as well which of the
lead to slippage and increased not system
required complexity in project. Code No Some Part Most Part Highly
Advance features which are Optimizatio optimizatio optimized
implemented which actually adds n n
value to project use /efficiency
3 Usability Minimum number of clicks
Tool Tips
Field arrangements. (Ex: First Name, III. RESULT
Last Name, TAB Press / focus
handling) Results retrieved in this section are categorized into three
Readily available analytics within parts. Part 1 results are the execution of Case 1 which is
4 Code Optimization Design Flexibility
associated with impact of rubrics. Part 2 results are associated
Best Practices Followed. (ex: Code with impact of Addie model on the performance of the
Comments) students. Part 3 results are associated with the execution of
Coding Standard and Optimization / case 3 which deals in to identify the impact of gagne model on
Performance Followed in
the academic performance of the students in programming
5 Quality Testing Matrix (Unit , End to End), subject.
Assurance(Testing) Test Data
6 Delivery Timeline Duration within which it is completed
and team spirit and strength
7 Documentation Artifacts Created for future reference.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A9973109119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9973.109119
7142 & Sciences Publication
Impact of Rubrics, Addie and Gagne Model on the Performance of Students in Programming Subject

Table 3: Proficient and Deficient group identification Table 5: Statistical performance of the rubrics
before and after rubrics. Rubrics
Before After Criteria t p p=0.05 p=0.01 p=0.10
Deficient Proficient Deficient Proficient 1 8.285994 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 2 2.076517 0.03977 Sig No-Sig Sig
52 24 24 31 30 20 49 35 3 9.102436 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig
4 7.19909 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig

Figure 3: Rubrics impact before and after for criteria 1

Figure 1: Before and after impact of rubrics involvement

in the study

Table 4: Descriptive statistics result before and after

implication of rubrics
Mode Mean Figure 4: Rubrics impact before and after for criteria 2
l Before After
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Rubri 3.7 5.3 4.5 4.6 5 5.6 5.8 5.8
cs 6 3 2 6 8 5 0

Figure 5: Rubrics impact before and after for criteria 3

Figure 2: Impact at criteria level of rubrics

Figure 6: Rubrics impact before and after for criteria 4
Paired student’s t test has been computed to check the Results of Execution of case 2:
significant impact after introducing rubrics to the student in
advance row wise as per criteria and columnwise.check the
impact of known rubrics criteria level wise on the student
population or not.
We have checked the impact of known and unknown rubrics
on the performance of students
90, 95, 99% confidence interval

Figure 7: Performance assessment for Addie Model

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A9973109119/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9973.109119 7143 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019

Table 6: Statistical performance of the Addie Model

Criteria t p p=0.05 p=0.01 p=0.10
1 7.468092 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig
2 6.585718 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig
3 6.76432 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig
4 9.788554 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig

Figure 8: Addie impact before and after for criteria 1

Figure 9: Addie impact before and after for criteria 2

Figure 10: Addie impact before and after for criteria3

Figure 11: Addie impact before and after for criteria 4

Result of execution of case 3:

Figure 12: Performance assessment for Gagne Model

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A9973109119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9973.109119
7144 & Sciences Publication
Impact of Rubrics, Addie and Gagne Model on the Performance of Students in Programming Subject

Table 7: Statistical performance of Gagne model

Criteria t p p=0.05 p=0.01 p=0.10
1 2.376654 0.02429 Sig No-Sig Sig
2 7.946215 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig
3 9.641712 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig
4 7.303142 0.00001 Sig Sig Sig

Figure 13: Gagne impact before and after for criteria 1

Figure 14: Gagne impact before and after for criteria 2

Figure 15: Gagne impact before and after for criteria 3

Figure 16: Gagne impact before and after for criteria 4

Comparative statement of result of execution of case 1, 2 and 3

Table 8: Statistical comparative results for rubrics, Addie and Gagne
Criteria Rubrics ADDIE GAGNE
0.01 0.05 0.10 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.01 0.05 0.10
1 Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig No-Sig Sig Sig
2 No-Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig
3 Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig
4 Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig Sig

knowledge of assessment criteria /rubrics. Descriptive

IV. DISCUSSION: statistics has been computed for both the steps and from figure
it is clear that it has increased from step 1 to step 2.It is a clear
The purpose of conduct of this study is to identify the impact
evidence that if assessment criteria made available to students
of rubrics and educational model Addie and gagne on the
in advance it make a difference positively in the academic
performance of students in programming subject. In order to
performance of the students. Statistical paired student t-test
analyze the impact author has designed 3 cases.
has computed at criteria level with confidence interval of 90,
Case 1 has explicitly designed to check the impact of rubrics
95 and 99 and computed results are statistically significant for
on the academic performance of the students. Rubrics with 4
all confidence interval except 99% for criteria 2 as shown in
criteria and 4 satisfaction level have been designed as shown
table 5.Criteria 2 has been designed to check the
in table 2.Students has asked to perform the programming
understanding level of the students, but by making available
problem statement without the knowledge of rubrics going to
rubrics in advance this criteria
use for the evaluation.
has failed to reject the null
Thus case 1 is a two-step process step 1 implement the thing
hypothesis at 0.01 value. But
without knowledge of rubrics for assessment. Step 2 with
overall performance at other

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A9973109119/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9973.109119 7145 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019

criteria level has significant for all the level. Individual at subjects can lead to better academic performance of the
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designed has not satisfied at 0.01 level for criteria 2 ,Criteria 2 Fundamentals of Engineering Course.
has been set to understand the usefulness of the problem
statement and understanding the usability criteria has not AUTHORS PROFILE
made clear to students by mere designing the rubrics and let
the students know that rubrics in advance. Nilima S. has done her BE.Mtech and PhD in
Computer Science and Engineering. Her
research interest area is human computer
Interaction, cognitive science; Signal
In these study Rubrics, ADDIE and Gagne Model has been processing, Machine Intelligence and
Academic Research.
experimented for concept thread in subject java and statistical
results have been retrieved at the confidence interval of 90%,
95% and 99%.Addie model stands statistically significant to
improve the performance of students from level 1 to level 4 at
all the confidence level. Thus to deliver the programming
subjects inclusion of ADDIE model steps for the delivery of

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A9973109119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9973.109119
7146 & Sciences Publication

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