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Introduction …….………………………………………………………...…………………
Site Analysis and Site Development | Siting and Structure Design Efficiency
User Requirement
Topography ………………………………………………………………………………..13
Architectural Style
Site planning is the process of thinking and placing the site design elements in order
to integrate land use, landscape design (vegetation, landforms, and water), site
context aspects and other considerations for enhance efficiency of site activities,
environmental sustainability and mitigate any threats as identified in the site analysis.
The main objective of site planning is to achieve balance, reducing risk, facilitating
proper building function, and aesthetics. The site design must consider the existing
physical, programmatic and fiscal constraints. Site planning and design should aim at
asset protection through devising measures and strategies that will ensure the
protection of facilities, services, and users. This can be achieved by proper site
selection, the orientation of buildings on site, integration of vehicle access, control
points, physical barriers, landscaping, and parking.
Internal and external aspects of the site play a major role in the appropriation of land
use to the proposed site. External features comprise of the characteristics of the
surrounding area, construction type, occupancies, and the nature and type of
adjacent social and economic activities. These features adversely affect the
protection of the people inside and nearby the site, property, and activities inside the
site. Internal aspects entail the amount of land available on the site for usage and
ability of the site to accommodate and assure safety and security to the users and its
components. The design must balance protection goals and other priorities like open
circulation and common spaces for it to be resilient to different situations. Zoning,
subdivisions, and well-planned unit developments determine urban configurations
that impact the economic and social stance of the community.
Performance-based zoning allow for greater freedom in land use it avoids the
negative impacts like the concentration of activities in one area, the inflexibility of
spaces and rigidity to changes in spatial use. The performance-based zoning
enables flexibility to both owner and operator through enabling them to make
decisions on the changes of land use, the level of risk they are willing to accept and
strategies to mitigate through land-use countermeasures.
The main goal in planning a site is to enhance the protection of life, property, and
operations. Prior to planning a thorough study and analysis should be conducted
identifying threats and hazards to support decision making on the measures to the
reduction of vulnerability and risk.
For conventional site design, it is better to ensure the presence of more open
circulation and common spaces whereas for security-oriented site design such
spaces should not be encouraged. A holistic approach site design integrates form
and function for achieving a balance among the various design elements and
objectives, this helps to raise safety, sustainability performance.
The site layout provides the starting point for making site development. It determines
the placement and form of buildings, infrastructures, and amenities.
The orientation of the building on site affects its performance. It impacts the energy
efficiency of the building, the security of the occupants, and privacy. Orientation can
be referred to as spatial relationship to the site relative to its surroundings, or its
orientation to the sun or as horizontal or vertical aspects relative to the ground.
The orientation of the building can be open to the area, or it can turn its back, it can
be inviting to those outside or it can be as defense wall restricting access to the
The provision of open space in the site design presents a lot of benefits. It first allows
stormwater to percolate back into the ground, it decreases the need for culverts,
drainage pipes, and manholes. In a wetland or densely vegetated piece of land, open
space provides environmental and aesthetic amenities.
The design of the movement pattern of the people into, through and out of the
building is shaped by the design of its access, circulation and parking layouts. These
patterns have to be designed to maximize efficiency while minimizing conflicts
between pedestrians and vehicles. To achieve this objective, the transportation
requirements studied in relation to how the building will be used. It includes
determination of the number and types of access points required, parking volume
needed pedestrian movement patterns and the modes of transport to be used.
The highest goal of green architecture is to be fully sustainable. Simply put, people
do "green" things in order to achieve sustainability. Some architecture, like Glenn
Murcutt's 1984 Magney House, has been an experiment in green design for years.
While most green buildings do not have all of the following features, green
architecture and design may include:
You don't need a green roof to be a green building, although Italian architect Renzo
Piano not only created a green roof but also specified recycled blue jeans as
insulation in his design of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. You
don't need a vertical garden or green wall to have a green building, yet French
architect Jean Nouvel has successfully experimented with the concept in his design
for One Central Park residential building in Sydney, Australia.
Water Efficiency
Material Efficiency
Indoor Air Quality
Waste Reduction
Low maintenance costs
The Green Principle “Site and its Surroundings” deals with it. We can relate them and
try to understand the essence of this whole principle.
studied. A better and efficient way of utilizing the site’s natural elements have to be
figured out.
Since most members of the public do not know what all the possibilities are, their
answers are limited by their past experiences and imaginations, or loaded by the
choices they are given in the questions. Although attitude surveys are becoming
increasingly sophisticated, there are so many variables and difficulties that they may
only be useful as a ways to substantiate the hypothesis or intuitive guess of an
intelligent designer or planner who is familiar with the situation.
Factual questionnaire surveys which provide an indication of the actual use of
facilities, parks, and playgrounds are probably more valuable. Studies of this nature
at least tell us how the existing facilities are used and the distance people of various
ages are prepared, if not content, to travel for various recreation activities and
experiences. The extent to which particular features or landscape or city have
significance or what Lynch calls “image ability” to the majority of the people can also
be measured through interview techniques.
Questionnaires may also be employed in the so called feedback or user study. This
analysis provides useful information and opinion about a specific environment in
which the respondents live and about which they are more interested and able and
qualified to answer. Several studies have been made of reactions and patterns of
tenants in housing developments in which the findings are contrasted with the
original expectations of the architect, which are sometimes at odds with the actual
use. It not possible to make generalizations from these specific studies, but a series
of user feedback studies may reveal patterns and recurring problems. One of
Alexander’s techniques of generating form is based on the same concept, that of
improving the design by critical analysis of previous solutions to the same problem.
Direct observation of behavior in particular use or activity areas reveals another level
of information. For example, Vere Hole’s of children’s playgrounds in London,
measuring the child’s attention time and the variety of environment needed by
children, those occupations and features receiving most attention, and so forth,
provides valuable general information for future design work. It’s use is limited to
some extent, however, by the specifics of particular case study, since findings related
to children’s play in London would not necessarily apply in Los Angeles except in the
very basic physical needs inherent in maturation in body building. By observing
people in parks and public open spaces in a systematic way, it is possible to get an
impression of the way in which the environment is used or misused and the way in
which the design and arrangement of elements such a fountains, benches result in
different behavioral patterns. Even without the presence of the people to observe, tell
tales such as litter and worn path, graffiti, and other marks can be an indication of
use patterns or dissatisfaction with the environment.
The other way to match the needs and desires of the people who will use it is for
them to build it themselves. The ideal concept is being limited by the imagination of
the people and their awareness of options and alternatives. The experience of
working with the potential users is in itself educational for the designer as well as the
participants. In addition, the project is more likely to reflect the expressed need and
interest of the users as they then are defined. Flexibility in the solution will
presumably take care of future users whose needs and preferences may be different.
We must be cautious of the tremendous adaptability of the people to the given
environmental situations, which can, in fact, lead us to find satisfactory-and even
favor-environments that previously or objectively would have been considered
unsatisfactory or hostile. Attitudes change, people move, life is ongoing, and there is
always the dilemma that what the people seem to want or need at one moment may
be in conflict with long term goals or the needs of others.
The interaction between human behavior and the nonhuman environment is a two-
way process. On the one hand, the environment has a definite impact on the
individual, and our response may be adapt to the imposed conditions. On the other
hand, we are continually manipulating or choosing our physical surroundings in any
attempt to make a life physically and psychologically more comfortable.
Behavior is the result of a complex interaction between two main sets of variables.
The first is the environment that surrounds and affects the individual. The second is
the inner condition of the individual, which has two parts: psychological, related to the
body’s biological mechanisms, and psychological, related to the cultural background,
motives, and experiences of the individual and his basic needs. Thus in design we
are concerned with three categories of human factors: physical, physiological, and
Analysis of average measurements and postures , movement , and growth results in
a set of dimensions for parts of building and detailed landscape design. A door must
be high enough to allow people to pass through without stooping, seats must be at
the right level and inclination to be comfortable etc. Design details derived from
purely visual considerations may or may not fulfill the condition fit for user. Le
Corbusier’s modular system derived a set of visually pleasing proportions and
dimensions from the human body, thereby theoretically relating beauty and functional
satisfaction in his design. Special situations may logically result in deviation from
usual dimensions and standard. Example, when young children are involved, the
environment must facilitate growth and development.
Human physiological needs are also relatively easy to specify. They result from
interaction of the inner biological condition of an individual with the surrounding
environment. People need food, water, air, exercise and protection. A state of heath
or disease may be regarded as an expression of the success or failure of an
organism to respond adaptively to the environment changes. The process by which
the individual maintain its internal environment in an approximately permanent state
is homeostasis. This process is innate and automatic, resulting in the operation of
body mechanism and glands. Perspiring, shivering and sleeping are examples of the
body’s response to the environmental conditions.
Need can be fulfilled through the provision of nutritious food, clean air, adequate and
pure water, in addition to the elimination of disease with the effective physical
environment which allow for control of cold and heat. A human comfort zone in which
maximum and minimum temperatures and humidity are specified has been
developed by Olgay, suggesting an optimum environment in terms of the homeostatic
process, human comfort, and ease of living. A semi-physiological need is the need for
self-preservation and avoidance of pain. It is a self-protecting device against physical
injury and death. The responsibility of city agencies to provide conditions of safety for
citizens has resulted in a series of regulations related and design specifications to
our need for security and fear of injury through falling.
Health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The definition adopted by the
World Health Organization describes heath as a state of physical, mental, and social
well-being. Thus, we come to the third human component in the environmental
design: human psychological and social needs, behavioral patterns and tendencies.
It is the most difficult of the three sets of human factors to define and relate to the
form of the environment.
Human psychological needs and perception of the environment differ according to a
multitude of variables including age, social class, cultural background, past
experience and motives, and daily routine of the individual. These factors influence
and differentiate the need structures of individuals and groups. Even if the same
need is identified, the overt behavior is likely to be different. Despite the complexity of
the variables and difficulties in the definition of many needs, it is possible to suggest
certain broad categories of inner needs defined on the basis of observed behavior
and empirical evidence and social analysis. Some psychological are stronger than
the others, and our need structure changes according to the situation.
The basic human inner condition may be classified into five generalized groupings of
motivational forces and psychological needs: (1) social, (2) stabilizing, (3)
individual, (4) self-expression, and (5) enrichment. There is inevitably overlap and
potential conflicts among categories.
The first group of social needs, includes the need of the individual for social
interaction, for group affiliation, for companionship, and for love. Together with these
go the more subtle need to be needed and to be sustained by others and by
implication the need for the protection of other people. The family group and the peer
group are obvious manifestations of these needs. The whole society is organized to a
large extent around these basic social needs. It is clear then that wherever the
environment is meant for people or where the purpose of the design is not contrary to
the fulfillment of these social needs, it should characteristically have a sociopetal
form designed to draw people together, to engender social relationships or at least to
make this possible.
The second set of needs have been called stabilizing needs. We have a need to be
free from fear, anxiety and danger. And we have a need for clear orientation, a need
to develop and to hold a clear philosophy in life., a need to order and organize the
environment a hope to have a say in its form and content through democratic
process. We have the inherent need to manipulate the environment, not only from a
point of view of developing physical conditions responsive to our physiological needs,
but also to satisfy some more deeply rooted need to make a mark, to form and shape
the environment according to a symbolic metaphysical urge. The concept of
advocacy planning (self-help and self-determination) is to an extent related to this
desire for stability through participation in decisions concerning one’s own local
environment. The concept of self-help projects where derelict, unused land is
transformed through the energies, initiative, and artistic expression of local people,
who will be the users of the land, gives rise to a form of design activity that not only
satisfies the need of human sense for stability and involvement basic to securitybut
also leads to a completely new type of design process. Other implication are
imageability, the ordering of space so that it is free from ambiguity, and the selection
of paving surfaces to provide information about a place and its use.
Behavior, then results from the interaction of the individual(the social environment)
and with the surrounding (the physical environment). Consequently, the
environmental designer must be interested in the structure of the environment and its
effect on the individual. Second, and very much related to this, we must render to
understand the way in which the environment is perceived by the individual; and
The local and existing culture of a site affects the
context of the space along with its flow of activities
and circulation. The culture of a site is importantly
considered because the planning process must
acknowledge and respond to the cultural needs
and values of a certain site.
The architectural style of a site is highly
significant in considering the aesthetic and
physical attributes of the site context. In site
planning, the architectural style of a
particular site is being followed and
physically manifested to maintain the context
of the site.
The use of local materials as well as the
construction techniques used are considered
in building the aesthetic and physical
formation of a site context. The materials and
construction techniques may have
significance in the existing site, which should
be manifested to ensure the context of the
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