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Tabla de Sensores

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Sensor de 10k Ohms (25ºC)

Sensor de 5k Ohms (25ºC)

¨Todo lo que pase por tus manos reparalo¨

H8 10K-2 Thermistor Output Table *

BAPI Sensor Specifications Rev. 10/16/12

10K-2 Thermistor Output Table

°F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms
-39 -39.44 323839 37 2.78 28365 113 45.00 4367
-37 -38.33 300974 39 3.89 26834 115 46.11 4182
-35 -37.22 279880 41 5.00 25395 117 47.22 4006
-33 -36.11 260410 43 6.11 24042 119 48.33 3838
-31 -35.00 242427 45 7.22 22770 121 49.44 3679
-29 -33.89 225809 47 8.33 21573 123 50.56 3525
-27 -32.78 210443 49 9.44 20446 125 51.67 3380
-25 -31.67 196227 51 10.56 19376 127 52.78 3242
-23 -30.56 183068 53 11.67 18378 129 53.89 3111
-21 -29.44 170775 55 12.78 17437 131 55.00 2985
-19 -28.33 159488 57 13.89 16550 133 56.11 2865
-17 -27.22 149024 59 15.00 15714 135 57.22 2751
-15 -26.11 139316 61 16.11 14925 137 58.33 2642
-13 -25.00 130306 63 17.22 14180 139 59.44 2538
-11 -23.89 121939 65 18.33 13478 141 60.56 2438
-9 -22.78 114165 67 19.44 12814 143 61.67 2343
-7 -21.67 106939 69 20.56 12182 145 62.78 2252
-5 -20.56 100218 71 21.67 11590 147 63.89 2165
-3 -19.44 93909 73 22.78 11030 149 65.00 2082
-1 -18.33 88090 75 23.89 10501 151 66.11 2003
1 -17.22 82670 77 25.00 10000 153 67.22 1927
3 -16.11 77620 79 26.11 9526 155 68.33 1855
5 -15.00 72911 81 27.22 9078 157 69.44 1785
7 -13.89 68518 83 28.33 8653 159 70.56 1718
9 -12.78 64419 85 29.44 8251 161 71.67 1655
11 -11.67 60592 87 30.56 7866 163 72.78 1594
13 -10.56 57017 89 31.67 7505 165 73.89 1536
15 -9.44 53647 91 32.78 7163 167 75.00 1480
17 -8.33 50526 93 33.89 6838 169 76.11 1427
19 -7.22 47606 95 35.00 6530 171 77.22 1375
21 -6.11 44874 97 36.11 6238 173 78.33 1326
23 -5.00 42317 99 37.22 5960 175 79.44 1279
25 -3.89 39921 101 38.33 5697 177 80.56 1234
27 -2.78 37676 103 39.44 5447 179 81.67 1190
29 -1.67 35573 105 40.56 5207 181 82.78 1149
31 -0.56 33599 107 41.67 4981 183 83.89 1109
33 0.56 31732 109 42.78 4766 185 85.00 1070
35 1.67 29996 111 43.89 4561 187 86.11 1034

* All Passive Thermistors 10K Ω and smaller are CE compliant.

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com
H2 Thermistor Overview

BAPI Sensor Specifications Rev. 11/09/17

Thermistor Description
BAPI Thermistors are thermally sensitive
resistors known for exhibiting a large change
in resistance with only a small change in
temperature. It is important to note that a
thermistor’s change in resistance is non-linear.
It follows a pre-defined curve which is provided
by the thermistor manufacturer. An example of a
thermistor output curve can be seen in Figure 1.
Thermistors are manufactured to follow a specific
curve with a high degree of accuracy. All BAPI
thermistors have a standard accuracy of ± 0.2 °C
throughout the commercial temperature range of
0 to 70 °C. BAPI also has available a higher accuracy sensor for meeting tougher specs. The extra
precision [XP] line has an initial accuracy of ± 0.1 °C throughout the commercial temperature range
of 0 to 70 °C. Please call for availability and pricing on [XP] line thermistors. Both accuracy levels
allow BAPI thermistors to be interchanged without the extra expense of offsetting the controller.
* All Passive Thermistors 10K Ω and smaller are CE compliant.

Thermistor Specifications
Thermistor Specifications
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
The maximum amount that thermistors following
Standard Sensor: ± 0.2 °C (0 to 70 °C)
the same curve will differ from each other.
High Accuracy [XP] Sensor: ± 0.1 °C (0 to 70 °C)
Dissipation Constant: Dissipation Constant: 2.7 mW/°C
The power needed to raise the thermistor’s
body temperature by 1°C. At the heart of all Stability (drift): Less than 0.02 °C / year
BAPI thermistor products is a sensor with a 2.7 Thermal Time Constant: 5 seconds (bead in still air)
mW/°C dissipation constant to ensure that self- .5 seconds (stirred liquid)
heating stays at an absolute minimum.
Stability (drift): Sensor Reference Operating
The amount that the resistance characteristics Type Resistance Range
of a thermistor will change. BAPI uses only the 1.8K 1.8 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
highest quality, “pre-aged” thermistors with very 2.2K 2.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
small drift values. Over a ten year span, BAPI 3K** 3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
thermistors will not change more than 0.1°C. 3.3K 3.3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
Operating Range: 10K-2** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
The operating range shown is for the thermis- 10K-3** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
tor only. The mounting package may further 10K-3(11K)** 5.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
limit the operating range and is described on 20K** 20 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
each mounting type specification. The thermal 47K 47 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
time constant will also be affected based on the 50K 50 KΩ @ 25 °C -80 to 150 °C
added mass of the stainless steel probe and 100K** 100 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
moisture protection encapsulation.
Thermal Time Constant
Bare sensors are typically measured and specified Other Thermistors are available. Contact BAPI for
in still air and are timed at the statistical 63.2% of availability and specifications of additional thermistors.
the step temperature change. A stirred liquid test
will typically result in a much faster response time **Available as an [XP] high accuracy sensor.
and is also timed at 63.2% of the step temperature Minimum quantities and long lead times may apply.
change. The time constant is always the same 10K-2[XP] and 10K-3[XP] thermistors are typically
whatever the temperature step change may be. stocked items

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com
20K Thermistor Output Table H11
Rev. 10/16/12 BAPI Sensor Specifications

20K Thermistor Output Table

°F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms
-39 -39.44 776470 37 2.78 60451 113 45.00 8260
-37 -38.33 719538 39 3.89 57005 115 46.11 7886
-35 -37.22 667144 41 5.00 53777 117 47.22 7531
-33 -36.11 618900 43 6.11 50750 119 48.33 7194
-31 -35.00 574453 45 7.22 47912 121 49.44 6874
-29 -33.89 533481 47 8.33 45249 123 50.56 6567
-27 -32.78 495691 49 9.44 42750 125 51.67 6278
-25 -31.67 460818 51 10.56 40383 127 52.78 6004
-23 -30.56 428619 53 11.67 38180 129 53.89 5742
-21 -29.44 398615 55 12.78 36111 131 55.00 5494
-19 -28.33 371140 57 13.89 34165 133 56.11 5258
-17 -27.22 345732 59 15.00 32336 135 57.22 5033
-15 -26.11 322223 61 16.11 30615 137 58.33 4819
-13 -25.00 300459 63 17.22 28996 139 59.44 4616
-11 -23.89 280301 65 18.33 27472 141 60.56 4420
-9 -22.78 261622 67 19.44 26037 143 61.67 4235
-7 -21.67 244304 69 20.56 24674 145 62.78 4059
-5 -20.56 228239 71 21.67 23400 147 63.89 3892
-3 -19.44 213201 73 22.78 22200 149 65.00 3732
-1 -18.33 199368 75 23.89 21068 151 66.11 3579
1 -17.22 186518 77 25.00 20001 153 67.22 3434
3 -16.11 174575 79 26.11 18994 155 68.33 3295
5 -15.00 163471 81 27.22 18043 157 69.44 3163
7 -13.89 153140 83 28.33 17145 159 70.56 3035
9 -12.78 143526 85 29.44 16297 161 71.67 2914
11 -11.67 134575 87 30.56 15488 163 72.78 2799
13 -10.56 126236 89 31.67 14731 165 73.89 2689
15 -9.44 118397 91 32.78 14016 167 75.00 2584
17 -8.33 111156 93 33.89 13339 169 76.11 2484
19 -7.22 104402 95 35.00 12699 171 77.22 2388
21 -6.11 98099 97 36.11 12092 173 78.33 2296
23 -5.00 92214 99 37.22 11519 175 79.44 2208
25 -3.89 86719 101 38.33 10975 177 80.56 2123
27 -2.78 81583 103 39.44 10461 179 81.67 2043
29 -1.67 76783 105 40.56 9969 181 82.78 1966
31 -0.56 72294 107 41.67 9507 183 83.89 1892
33 0.56 68057 109 42.78 9069 185 85.00 1822
35 1.67 64129 111 43.89 8654 187 86.11 1754

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com
H2 Thermistor Overview

BAPI Sensor Specifications Rev. 11/09/17

Thermistor Description
BAPI Thermistors are thermally sensitive
resistors known for exhibiting a large change
in resistance with only a small change in
temperature. It is important to note that a
thermistor’s change in resistance is non-linear.
It follows a pre-defined curve which is provided
by the thermistor manufacturer. An example of a
thermistor output curve can be seen in Figure 1.
Thermistors are manufactured to follow a specific
curve with a high degree of accuracy. All BAPI
thermistors have a standard accuracy of ± 0.2 °C
throughout the commercial temperature range of
0 to 70 °C. BAPI also has available a higher accuracy sensor for meeting tougher specs. The extra
precision [XP] line has an initial accuracy of ± 0.1 °C throughout the commercial temperature range
of 0 to 70 °C. Please call for availability and pricing on [XP] line thermistors. Both accuracy levels
allow BAPI thermistors to be interchanged without the extra expense of offsetting the controller.
* All Passive Thermistors 10K Ω and smaller are CE compliant.

Thermistor Specifications
Thermistor Specifications
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
The maximum amount that thermistors following
Standard Sensor: ± 0.2 °C (0 to 70 °C)
the same curve will differ from each other.
High Accuracy [XP] Sensor: ± 0.1 °C (0 to 70 °C)
Dissipation Constant: Dissipation Constant: 2.7 mW/°C
The power needed to raise the thermistor’s
body temperature by 1°C. At the heart of all Stability (drift): Less than 0.02 °C / year
BAPI thermistor products is a sensor with a 2.7 Thermal Time Constant: 5 seconds (bead in still air)
mW/°C dissipation constant to ensure that self- .5 seconds (stirred liquid)
heating stays at an absolute minimum.
Stability (drift): Sensor Reference Operating
The amount that the resistance characteristics Type Resistance Range
of a thermistor will change. BAPI uses only the 1.8K 1.8 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
highest quality, “pre-aged” thermistors with very 2.2K 2.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
small drift values. Over a ten year span, BAPI 3K** 3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
thermistors will not change more than 0.1°C. 3.3K 3.3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
Operating Range: 10K-2** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
The operating range shown is for the thermis- 10K-3** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
tor only. The mounting package may further 10K-3(11K)** 5.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
limit the operating range and is described on 20K** 20 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
each mounting type specification. The thermal 47K 47 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
time constant will also be affected based on the 50K 50 KΩ @ 25 °C -80 to 150 °C
added mass of the stainless steel probe and 100K** 100 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
moisture protection encapsulation.
Thermal Time Constant
Bare sensors are typically measured and specified Other Thermistors are available. Contact BAPI for
in still air and are timed at the statistical 63.2% of availability and specifications of additional thermistors.
the step temperature change. A stirred liquid test
will typically result in a much faster response time **Available as an [XP] high accuracy sensor.
and is also timed at 63.2% of the step temperature Minimum quantities and long lead times may apply.
change. The time constant is always the same 10K-2[XP] and 10K-3[XP] thermistors are typically
whatever the temperature step change may be. stocked items

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com
50K Thermistor Output Table H13
Rev. 10/16/12 BAPI Sensor Specifications

50K Thermistor Output Table

°F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms
-39 -39.44 1956240 37 2.78 151235 113 45.00 20651
-37 -38.33 1812199 39 3.89 142605 115 46.11 19716
-35 -37.22 1679700 41 5.00 134519 117 47.22 18829
-33 -36.11 1557748 43 6.11 126941 119 48.33 17987
-31 -35.00 1445439 45 7.22 119834 121 49.44 17187
-29 -33.89 1341952 47 8.33 113168 123 50.56 16421
-27 -32.78 1246540 49 9.44 106912 125 51.67 15699
-25 -31.67 1158525 51 10.56 100988 127 52.78 15013
-23 -30.56 1077290 53 11.67 95475 129 53.89 14360
-21 -29.44 1001621 55 12.78 90296 131 55.00 13740
-19 -28.33 932353 57 13.89 85428 133 56.11 13150
-17 -27.22 868317 59 15.00 80852 135 57.22 12588
-15 -26.11 809086 61 16.11 76547 137 58.33 12053
-13 -25.00 754271 63 17.22 72497 139 59.44 11544
-11 -23.89 703517 65 18.33 68685 141 60.56 11055
-9 -22.78 656499 67 19.44 65095 143 61.67 10593
-7 -21.67 612919 69 20.56 61685 145 62.78 10154
-5 -20.56 572506 71 21.67 58500 147 63.89 9734
-3 -19.44 534686 73 22.78 55499 149 65.00 9335
-1 -18.33 499905 75 23.89 52669 151 66.11 8954
1 -17.22 467604 77 25.00 50000 153 67.22 8590
3 -16.11 437592 79 26.11 47481 155 68.33 8243
5 -15.00 409692 81 27.22 45104 157 69.44 7912
7 -13.89 383745 83 28.33 42859 159 70.56 7593
9 -12.78 359601 85 29.44 40739 161 71.67 7292
11 -11.67 337126 87 30.56 38718 163 72.78 7004
13 -10.56 316194 89 31.67 36826 165 73.89 6729
15 -9.44 296522 91 32.78 35037 167 75.00 6466
17 -8.33 278353 93 33.89 33345 169 76.11 6215
19 -7.22 261408 95 35.00 31745 171 77.22 5975
21 -6.11 245599 97 36.11 30230 173 78.33 5745
23 -5.00 230842 99 37.22 28796 175 79.44 5526
25 -3.89 217062 101 38.33 27438 177 80.56 5314
27 -2.78 204189 103 39.44 26152 179 81.67 5113
29 -1.67 192156 105 40.56 24923 181 82.78 4921
31 -0.56 180906 107 41.67 23768 183 83.89 4737
33 0.56 170291 109 42.78 22674 185 85.00 4561
35 1.67 160449 111 43.89 21635 187 86.11 4392

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com
H2 Thermistor Overview

BAPI Sensor Specifications Rev. 11/09/17

Thermistor Description
BAPI Thermistors are thermally sensitive
resistors known for exhibiting a large change
in resistance with only a small change in
temperature. It is important to note that a
thermistor’s change in resistance is non-linear.
It follows a pre-defined curve which is provided
by the thermistor manufacturer. An example of a
thermistor output curve can be seen in Figure 1.
Thermistors are manufactured to follow a specific
curve with a high degree of accuracy. All BAPI
thermistors have a standard accuracy of ± 0.2 °C
throughout the commercial temperature range of
0 to 70 °C. BAPI also has available a higher accuracy sensor for meeting tougher specs. The extra
precision [XP] line has an initial accuracy of ± 0.1 °C throughout the commercial temperature range
of 0 to 70 °C. Please call for availability and pricing on [XP] line thermistors. Both accuracy levels
allow BAPI thermistors to be interchanged without the extra expense of offsetting the controller.
* All Passive Thermistors 10K Ω and smaller are CE compliant.

Thermistor Specifications
Thermistor Specifications
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
The maximum amount that thermistors following
Standard Sensor: ± 0.2 °C (0 to 70 °C)
the same curve will differ from each other.
High Accuracy [XP] Sensor: ± 0.1 °C (0 to 70 °C)
Dissipation Constant: Dissipation Constant: 2.7 mW/°C
The power needed to raise the thermistor’s
body temperature by 1°C. At the heart of all Stability (drift): Less than 0.02 °C / year
BAPI thermistor products is a sensor with a 2.7 Thermal Time Constant: 5 seconds (bead in still air)
mW/°C dissipation constant to ensure that self- .5 seconds (stirred liquid)
heating stays at an absolute minimum.
Stability (drift): Sensor Reference Operating
The amount that the resistance characteristics Type Resistance Range
of a thermistor will change. BAPI uses only the 1.8K 1.8 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
highest quality, “pre-aged” thermistors with very 2.2K 2.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
small drift values. Over a ten year span, BAPI 3K** 3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
thermistors will not change more than 0.1°C. 3.3K 3.3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
Operating Range: 10K-2** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
The operating range shown is for the thermis- 10K-3** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
tor only. The mounting package may further 10K-3(11K)** 5.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
limit the operating range and is described on 20K** 20 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
each mounting type specification. The thermal 47K 47 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
time constant will also be affected based on the 50K 50 KΩ @ 25 °C -80 to 150 °C
added mass of the stainless steel probe and 100K** 100 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
moisture protection encapsulation.
Thermal Time Constant
Bare sensors are typically measured and specified Other Thermistors are available. Contact BAPI for
in still air and are timed at the statistical 63.2% of availability and specifications of additional thermistors.
the step temperature change. A stirred liquid test
will typically result in a much faster response time **Available as an [XP] high accuracy sensor.
and is also timed at 63.2% of the step temperature Minimum quantities and long lead times may apply.
change. The time constant is always the same 10K-2[XP] and 10K-3[XP] thermistors are typically
whatever the temperature step change may be. stocked items

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com
H14 100K Thermistor Output Table
BAPI Sensor Specifications Rev. 10/16/12

100K Thermistor Output Table

°F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms °F °C Ohms
-39 -39.44 3916295 37 2.78 302466 113 45.00 41303
-37 -38.33 3627711 39 3.89 285206 115 46.11 39434
-35 -37.22 3362274 41 5.00 269035 117 47.22 37660
-33 -36.11 3117987 43 6.11 253877 119 48.33 35976
-31 -35.00 2893035 45 7.22 239664 121 49.44 34376
-29 -33.89 2685770 47 8.33 226331 123 50.56 32843
-27 -32.78 2494694 49 9.44 213819 125 51.67 31399
-25 -31.67 2318444 51 10.56 201971 127 52.78 30027
-23 -30.56 2155781 53 11.67 190946 129 53.89 28722
-21 -29.44 2004274 55 12.78 180588 131 55.00 27481
-19 -28.33 1865595 57 13.89 170853 133 56.11 26300
-17 -27.22 1737397 59 15.00 161700 135 57.22 25177
-15 -26.11 1618827 61 16.11 153092 137 58.33 24107
-13 -25.00 1509102 63 17.22 144992 139 59.44 23089
-11 -23.89 1407512 65 18.33 137367 141 60.56 22111
-9 -22.78 1313405 67 19.44 130189 143 61.67 21188
-7 -21.67 1226184 69 20.56 123368 145 62.78 20308
-5 -20.56 1145306 71 21.67 117000 147 63.89 19469
-3 -19.44 1069620 73 22.78 110998 149 65.00 18670
-1 -18.33 1000019 75 23.89 105338 151 66.11 17907
1 -17.22 935383 77 25.00 100000 153 67.22 17180
3 -16.11 875329 79 26.11 94963 155 68.33 16486
5 -15.00 819505 81 27.22 90208 157 69.44 15824
7 -13.89 767589 83 28.33 85719 159 70.56 15187
9 -12.78 719284 85 29.44 81479 161 71.67 14584
11 -11.67 674319 87 30.56 77438 163 72.78 14008
13 -10.56 632442 89 31.67 73654 165 73.89 13458
15 -9.44 593086 91 32.78 70076 167 75.00 12932
17 -8.33 556739 93 33.89 66692 169 76.11 12430
19 -7.22 522842 95 35.00 63491 171 77.22 11949
21 -6.11 491217 97 36.11 60461 173 78.33 11490
23 -5.00 461699 99 37.22 57594 175 79.44 11051
25 -3.89 434134 101 38.33 54878 177 80.56 10627
27 -2.78 408383 103 39.44 52306 179 81.67 10225
29 -1.67 384316 105 40.56 49847 181 82.78 9841
31 -0.56 361813 107 41.67 47538 183 83.89 9473
33 0.56 340581 109 42.78 45349 185 85.00 9121
35 1.67 320895 111 43.89 43273 187 86.11 8783

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com
H2 Thermistor Overview

BAPI Sensor Specifications Rev. 11/09/17

Thermistor Description
BAPI Thermistors are thermally sensitive
resistors known for exhibiting a large change
in resistance with only a small change in
temperature. It is important to note that a
thermistor’s change in resistance is non-linear.
It follows a pre-defined curve which is provided
by the thermistor manufacturer. An example of a
thermistor output curve can be seen in Figure 1.
Thermistors are manufactured to follow a specific
curve with a high degree of accuracy. All BAPI
thermistors have a standard accuracy of ± 0.2 °C
throughout the commercial temperature range of
0 to 70 °C. BAPI also has available a higher accuracy sensor for meeting tougher specs. The extra
precision [XP] line has an initial accuracy of ± 0.1 °C throughout the commercial temperature range
of 0 to 70 °C. Please call for availability and pricing on [XP] line thermistors. Both accuracy levels
allow BAPI thermistors to be interchanged without the extra expense of offsetting the controller.
* All Passive Thermistors 10K Ω and smaller are CE compliant.

Thermistor Specifications
Thermistor Specifications
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
Interchangeability Tolerance (Accuracy):
The maximum amount that thermistors following
Standard Sensor: ± 0.2 °C (0 to 70 °C)
the same curve will differ from each other.
High Accuracy [XP] Sensor: ± 0.1 °C (0 to 70 °C)
Dissipation Constant: Dissipation Constant: 2.7 mW/°C
The power needed to raise the thermistor’s
body temperature by 1°C. At the heart of all Stability (drift): Less than 0.02 °C / year
BAPI thermistor products is a sensor with a 2.7 Thermal Time Constant: 5 seconds (bead in still air)
mW/°C dissipation constant to ensure that self- .5 seconds (stirred liquid)
heating stays at an absolute minimum.
Stability (drift): Sensor Reference Operating
The amount that the resistance characteristics Type Resistance Range
of a thermistor will change. BAPI uses only the 1.8K 1.8 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
highest quality, “pre-aged” thermistors with very 2.2K 2.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
small drift values. Over a ten year span, BAPI 3K** 3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
thermistors will not change more than 0.1°C. 3.3K 3.3 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
Operating Range: 10K-2** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
The operating range shown is for the thermis- 10K-3** 10 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
tor only. The mounting package may further 10K-3(11K)** 5.2 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
limit the operating range and is described on 20K** 20 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
each mounting type specification. The thermal 47K 47 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
time constant will also be affected based on the 50K 50 KΩ @ 25 °C -80 to 150 °C
added mass of the stainless steel probe and 100K** 100 KΩ @ 25 °C -55 to 150 °C
moisture protection encapsulation.
Thermal Time Constant
Bare sensors are typically measured and specified Other Thermistors are available. Contact BAPI for
in still air and are timed at the statistical 63.2% of availability and specifications of additional thermistors.
the step temperature change. A stirred liquid test
will typically result in a much faster response time **Available as an [XP] high accuracy sensor.
and is also timed at 63.2% of the step temperature Minimum quantities and long lead times may apply.
change. The time constant is always the same 10K-2[XP] and 10K-3[XP] thermistors are typically
whatever the temperature step change may be. stocked items

Building Automation Products, Inc. • 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel: +1-608-735-4800 • Fax: +1-608-735-4804 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.bapihvac.com

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