Cancellation of Section 4
Cancellation of Section 4
Cancellation of Section 4
Department of Justice
Land Registration Authority
Pagadian City
COMES NOW the petitioner and to the Honorable Register of Deeds for the City of Pagadian City
respectfully alleges;
That the Petitioner is RED APRON HOME SOLUTIONS, INC., a corporation duly
organized and existing under and by virtue of of the Laws of the Republic of the Philippines,
represented by JADEE EMY L. VALVERDE, President, of legal age, Filipino, and a
resident of Davao City.
1) That, JADEE EMY L. VALVERDE, President, of legal age Filipino citizen, and with residence
and postal address at Davao City in the Transfer Certificate of Title No. 130-2021000927 , issued
by the Register of Deeds, Province of Zamboanga del Sur.
2) That the said property is subject to an encumbrance as provided for under Section 4, Rule 74 of the
Rules of court. To Secure it against the afore mentioned property within the period of TWO
(2)years as provided under Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules of the court.
Wherefore, premises considered it is respectfully prayed of this Honorable Office that
the memorandum under Encumbrances under primary entry no. 2021000210 Bond to answer claims
under Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules of the Court cancelled.
Republic of the Philippines )
Province of Zamboanga del Sur )
I, JADEE EMY L. VALVERDE, of legal age Filipino citizen, and with residence and postal
address at Davao City, after having been duly sworn to an oath in accordance with law, hereby depose and
That I am the petitioner in this petition and that all the preparation of said petition.
That I have read and understand the said petition and that all allegations stated here is true and
correct of our own knowledge.