Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection System

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Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in IoT Using

Deep Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
Muaadh A. Alsoufi 1,*, Shukor Razak 1,*, Maheyzah Md Siraj 1, Ibtehal Nafea 2, Fuad A. Ghaleb 1,*, Faisal Saeed 2,3
and Maged Nasser 1

1 School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai,

Johor 81310, Malaysia; [email protected] (M.M.S.); [email protected] (M.N.)
2 College of Computer Science and Engineering, Taibah University, Medina 41477, Saudi Arabia;

[email protected] (I.N.); [email protected] (F.S.)

3 Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, City Campus, Pengkalan Chepa, Universiti Malaysia

Kelantan, Kota Bharu 16100, Kelantan, Malaysia

* Correspondence: [email protected] (M.A.A.); [email protected] (S.R.);
[email protected] (F.A.G.)

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) concept has emerged to improve people’s lives by providing
a wide range of smart and connected devices and applications in several domains, such as green
IoT-based agriculture, smart farming, smart homes, smart transportation, smart health, smart grid,
smart cities, and smart environment. However, IoT devices are at risk of cyber attacks. The use of
deep learning techniques has been adequately adopted by researchers as a solution in securing the
IoT environment. Deep learning has also successfully been implemented in various fields, proving
Citation: Alsoufi, M.A.; Razak, S.; its superiority in tackling intrusion detection attacks. Due to the limitation of signature-based de-
Siraj, M.M.; Nafea, I.; Ghaleb, F.A.; tection for unknown attacks, the anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) gains advantages
Saeed, F.; Nasser, M. to detect zero-day attacks. In this paper, a systematic literature review (SLR) is presented to analyze
Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection the existing published literature regarding anomaly-based intrusion detection, using deep learning
Systems in IoT Using Deep techniques in securing IoT environments. Data from the published studies were retrieved from five
Learning: A Systematic Literature
databases (IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, and MDPI). Out of 2116 identified
Review. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383.
records, 26 relevant studies were selected to answer the research questions. This review has ex-
plored seven deep learning techniques practiced in IoT security, and the results showed their effec-
tiveness in dealing with security challenges in the IoT ecosystem. It is also found that supervised
Academic Editors:
Dimitrios S. Paraforos
deep learning techniques offer better performance, compared to unsupervised and semi-supervised
and Anselme Muzirafuti learning. This analysis provides an insight into how the use of data types and learning methods will
affect the performance of deep learning techniques for further contribution to enhancing a novel
Received: 13 August 2021 model for anomaly intrusion detection and prediction.
Accepted: 7 September 2021
Published: 9 September 2021 Keywords: systematic literature review; anomaly intrusion detection; deep learning; IoT; resource
constraint; IDS
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and institu-
tional affiliations.
1. Introduction
Internet of Things (IoT) is the research and industrial trend in the arena of Infor-
mation Communications Technology (ICT) that has become accustomed to being part of
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
technology advancement in our everyday life [1]. The IoT term refers to a new communi-
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. cation paradigm in which devices have sensors and actuators that can serve as objects or
This article is an open access article ‘things’ to sense their surrounding environment, communicate with one another, and ex-
distributed under the terms and con- change data through the internet [2]. The IoT requires a platform in which all the applica-
ditions of the Creative Commons At- tions, products, and services are associated with, used to capture, communicate, store,
tribution (CC BY) license ( access, and share/transmit data from the real world [3,4]. Nowadays, there are around 50 billion IoT devices connected to the internet, and it is expected to grow to an enormous

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 2 of 26

size over the next few years [5,6]. These huge numbers of devices produce a tremendous
amount of data that can be used by many applications. IoT applications scenarios are
ubiquitous, and this includes, food, agriculture, smart farming, demotics, assisted living,
e-health, and enhanced learning, to mention a few examples of possible IoT applications.
For instance, there will be 15.3 billion IoT devices for smart agriculture by the end of 2025
[7,8]. A huge number of sensors and actuators are needed for real-time monitoring and
environment of many industrial domains to provide actionable insights and make timely
decisions [9]. However, many challenges hinder the full adoption of the IoT in both re-
search and industry. These challenges include, but are not limited to, security and trust,
reliability, scalability, and mobility, among many others [10].
Because IoT devices are connected to the global internet with unmatured and vulner-
able communication protocols and applications, it is exposed to many potential security
threats [3,4]. Adversaries may exploit these vulnerabilities and inject anomalies that trig-
ger the system to make wrong control decisions in IoT-based application, causing a cata-
strophic impact on people’s live, properties, and economics [7,11]. The evolved threats of
cyberattacks pose significant challenges to the IoT ecosystems. Moreover, IoT devices use
different platforms and a combination of network connections protocols such as Ethernet,
Wi-Fi, ZigBee, and wire-based technologies to increase their connectivity, which needs
coordination between different standards and protocols to mitigate security risks. Besides
the diverse technologies used by the IoT industry, the heterogeneity, and the distributed
nature of IoT applications increase the complexity of IoT networks and thus, magnify the
security risk. These shortcomings cause the IoT network to be exposed to many security
issues and cyberattacks. Therefore, an accurate anomaly-detection IDS model is vital for
IoT applications [12].
Many IDS solutions have been proposed to protect IoT devices from being exposed
to cyber criminals [13–15]. These security solutions can be divided into either proactive or
reactive measures. The proactive measures can be effective for protecting the IoT against
external threats. However, due to the connectivity of the IoT to the global internet, the risk
posed by intruders that can circumvent proactive measures is high. Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDSs) work as a second line of defense that can impede many cyberattacks. IDS
solutions have received intensive attention from researchers and industries in the IoT
field, and many IDS solutions have been proposed [16–18]. Based on the detection ap-
proach, IDS solutions can be categorized into three approaches: signature, anomaly, and
hybrid IDS model. In general, the signature-based approach is effective for known attacks,
while the anomaly-based is effective for unknown attacks. However, due to the heteroge-
neity, dynamicity, and complex nature of the IoT network, the signature-based approach
is inefficient and ineffective for IoT because it requires continuous human interventions
and knowledge expertise to extract attack patterns and signatures to update the IDS
model [19,20]. Anomaly-based IDS detection gains advantages in IoT because it detects
zero-day attacks and needs fewer human interventions [20]. The hybrid approach com-
bines both signatures-based and anomaly-based approaches. However, because it is im-
practical to rely on pre-defined attack patterns (signature-based) intrusion detection in
IoT, the utilization of the signature-based IDS is limited in IoT networks [18–20]. To this
end, anomaly intrusion detection systems play a vital role in intrusion detection in IoT
Most of the existing IDS use conventional machine learning techniques to develop
detection models [21]. Machine learning techniques were widely adopted to construct the
IDS model. However, due to the speed and volume of the IoT-generated data, conven-
tional machine learning techniques that need well-crafted features engineering need in-
tensive research efforts to extract the representative features from big and unstructured
data generated by IoT devices. Thus, conventional machine learning–based solutions still
encounter many challenges. Recently, deep learning techniques (DL) have been widely
adopted for intrusion detection systems. DL expedites the analysis between fast and real
data streams in extracting relevant information to predict the future of the IoT domain.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 3 of 26

DL is known to be more reliable than traditional learning because it can easily extract
information, and hence, provides better accuracy [22]. Due to this, several studies have
been focused on using deep learning techniques to provide new solutions tackling two
different perspectives of both technical and regulatory, such as anomaly and malware de-
tection; however, the results are still unconvincing. Furthermore, most IDS solutions have
been adopted from existing computer networks, wireless sensors networks, and mobile
ad hoc networks. Yet, the unique characteristics of IoT-based networks, such as connec-
tivity to the global internet and lightweight resources, make the IDS proposed for these
networks not suitable to IoT applications [13,14]. There are only a few surveys that have
been found that focus specifically on DL techniques in the IoT domain [23]. To the best of
the authors’ knowledge, there is no review that is dedicated to investigating the effective-
ness of the deep learning-based IDS solutions in the IoT security domain. Therefore, this
paper was conducted to bridge this gap and investigate the most effective and efficient
use of DL approaches in securing the IoT environment. This review provides an in-depth,
focused, and high-quality analysis to orient future research toward finding robust anom-
aly-based IDS using DL techniques.
The paper is organized as follows. The contributions introduced by this study are
briefed in Section 2. Related work is presented in Section 3. The review method, which
includes the review protocol, planning, research questions, is described in Section 4. Sec-
tion 5 presents the search strategies, which include the primary records selection, second-
ary records selection, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, quality assessment (QA), data
extraction, and synthesis. Section 6 presents the results, studies selection and quality as-
sessment results, and overview of publication sources. Section 7 presents the outcomes,
which include the answers to the research questions, taxonomy, analysis and discussion,
and the open issues. Section 8 presents the discussion. Section 9 presents the future direc-
tion. Limitations of the study are illustrated in Section 10, and the study is concluded in
Section 11.

2. Contributions
1. This study systemically explores the existing techniques on an anomaly-based intru-
sion detection system that uses the DL techniques in IoT.
2. A general taxonomy is proposed for the different deep learning techniques used for
constructing the anomaly-based IDS in IoT.
3. An analysis of the state-of-art DL-based techniques of anomaly-based intrusion de-
tection systems in IoT, which use DL, is introduced in this survey.
4. This study discusses the challenges and future direction of DL-based anomaly detec-
tion in the IoT domain.

3. Background and Related Works

Existing deep learning studies related to IoT security focus primarily on experimental
aspects rather than the adopted techniques, leaving a gap for a comprehensive review of
different anomaly intrusion detection. For such reason, the goals are to identify what is
the most prominently used techniques and how to ensure better performances for each
technique. Due to the rapid growth of advancement in this area, the relevant studies
should be reviewed and appraised in parallel.
Hajiheidari et al. [19] conducted comprehensive work on intrusion detection systems
in the IoT that focuses on four different types of IDS (anomaly-based, signature-based,
specification-based, and hybrid-based). However, the scope of work was broad and un-
specific on the anomaly intrusion detection system, which used DL techniques. On the
other hand, Sharma et al. [23] surveyed studies that use DL for anomaly detection in IoT.
Likewise, Fahim and Sillitti [20] conducted a general study on anomaly detection, analy-
sis, and prediction techniques in an IoT environment. However, this study was not spe-
cific to the IDS. Alsoufi and Razak [24] in our previous work, surveyed the anomaly in-
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 4 of 26

trusion detection system in IoT, which used DL techniques. The finding of our work in-
spired us to propose this work, which is an in-depth systematic literature review follow-
ing the guideline based on proposed work by Kitchenham to provide researchers and de-
velopers in-depth information and obtain details about an up-to-date technique and meth-
odology in anomaly intrusion detection in IoT, using deep learning [25].
Table 1 shows a detailed comparison with the similar reviewed articles in the area.
Consequently, there is an urgent need to conduct a systemic review and appraise the spe-
cific studies in the field of IDS in IoT that used DL techniques. Thus, this systemic review
provides an in-depth and focused analysis on orienting future research toward finding
robust anomaly-based IDS using DL techniques.

Table 1. Comparison with other similar review articles in the area: (✓: Yes, x: No).

Paper Name Year IoT Systematic Study Anomaly-Based Deep Learning

Fahim et al. [20] 2019 √ √ √ x
Hajiheidari et al. [19] 2019 √ √ x x
Sharma et al. [23] 2019 √ x √ √
Alsoufi, Razak [24] 2021 √ x √ √
This work √ √ √ √

4. Review Method
4.1. Development of the Protocol
This review follows the guidelines of performing systematic reviews in the software
engineering domain, according to [25,26] as well as other methods from several works

4.2. Planning the Review

In the planning step, the need for SLR was determined, the research questions were
identified, and the review protocol was established.

4.3. The Need for a Systematic Review

There are many approaches applied in detecting intrusion attacks in IoT, using deep
learning. However, there is a lack of an in-depth and systematic analysis of those studies.
Such an analysis is crucial for the research community, especially for those who are new
to the area, to gain a holistic idea of the state of the art of anomaly detection in IoT, using
deep learning techniques. Hence, this study focuses on literature reviews of various meth-
ods adopted for anomaly-based intrusion detection and inclusive of those researchers that
have conducted overview literature on different techniques, taxonomies, and compari-
sons. This survey presents an in-depth discussion from different perspectives in adher-
ence to the highlighted research questions.

4.4. Research Questions

Q1 What is the comprehensive taxonomy of anomaly-based intrusion detection in IoT
using deep learning techniques?
Q2 What is the performance of anomaly-based intrusion detection in IoT using deep
learning techniques?
Q3 What are the challenges in the existing anomaly intrusion detection deep learning
techniques in IoT?

4.5. The Review Protocol

The review protocol is known as one of the most crucial steps in establishing system-
atic literature reviews (SLRs). It provides an extensive guideline to determine the suitable
and formal methods to be discussed in the SLR. The goal of adapting review protocols is
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 5 of 26

to ensure that there is no bias and to distinguish SLR from any other traditional methods
of the literature review 23. This review protocol defines the review background, search
strategy, development of RQs, extraction of data, criteria for study selection, and data
syntheses. The research questions and background were discussed in previous sections.
The next sections provide insights on different components. All stages of conducting this
systemic review are described in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Literature review methodology.

5. Search Strategy
This SLR used automatic search to explore and retrieve the related scholarly publica-
tions from online databases (IEEE Explorer, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct, and
MDPI), using specific keywords that were constructed in response to the research ques-
tions. “Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Internet of things”, “Anomaly intrusion de-
tection” AND “Deep learning”, “Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Internet of
things”, “Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Deep learning”, “Anomaly-based”
AND “Internet of things”, “Anomaly-based” AND “Deep learning”. The time frame was
from any time up to 2020, while no filters were applied for countries, type of publications,
or language during the retrieval of primary records from the online databases. The re-
trieval of primary records from the pre-specified online databases involved two inde-
pendent investigators. If discrepancies occurred, a third investigator was consulted. For
manual search, reference lists of published reviews and surveys were looked through,
while the Google Scholar search engine was used to distinguish all studies that were cited
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 6 of 26

by the chosen primary studies. The manual search was managed to ensure a comprehen-
sive search of the pertinent studies. Any overlapping and redundancies in these publica-
tions were removed permanently.

5.1. Primary Records Selection

After the removal of duplicates, the remaining primary records were screened by
titles and abstracts to exclude books, conferences, reports, lecture notes, and miscellany.
This restricts selection to the original articles published in good-quality journals. The pri-
mary selection involved two independent investigators. If discrepancies occurred, a third
investigator was consulted.

5.2. Secondary Records Selection

All the primary selected articles underwent secondary selection by applying eligibil-
ity criteria (exclusion and inclusion criteria), which were constructed in response to the
research questions. Exclusion and inclusion criteria were employed to ensure the inclu-
sion of only pertinent studies for data analysis regarding anomaly intrusion detection in
IoT using deep learning.

5.3. Inclusion Criteria

1. Publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals.
2. Accessible research articles.
3. Relevant content to anomaly intrusion detection system in IoT, using deep learning.

5.4. Exclusion Criteria

1. Research articles published in predatory journals according to Beals’ list.
2. Inaccessible articles.
3. Irrelevant to anomaly intrusion detection system in IoT using deep learning.

5.5. Quality Assessment (QA) of the Eligible Included Records

For pooling reliable data from the eligible studies, secondary selected records under-
went assessment for their quality. Based on [25], a necessary step to be followed through
to evaluate the quality of assorted studies was carried out by applying a quality assess-
ment (QA). For evaluation purposes, a set of four research questions (RQs) were taken
into consideration, including the following QA criteria:
1. QA1: Is the topic related to anomaly intrusion detection in IoT using deep learning
2. QA2: Is the research methodology adequately interpreted in the manuscript?
3. QA3: Is there an adequate clarification on the background review in which the study
was conducted?
4. QA4: Is there a comprehensible declaration regarding the research objectives?
The reliability of each 42 research articles was assessed, according to each criterion
mentioned in the four QA. There are three phases of QA quality schema, which are high,
medium, and low [29]. The quality of each paper was assessed, based on its loading score.
For a better context, papers that fulfill the criteria receive a score of two, whilst papers that
only fulfill the criteria partially receive a score of one, and papers that did not fulfill any
of the criteria receive a score of zero. In a scoring board, based on the four defined criteria,
studies that receive a score of five or above can be categorized as high quality.
In contrast, studies that receive a score of four can be grouped as medium quality.
Studies that receive a score below four will fall under the category of low quality. The
studies that scored five and above after QA were then included in data extraction and
synthesis. Two independent investigators reviewed the assessment of the quality of eligi-
ble studies. A discussion with a third investigator solved any discrepancies.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 7 of 26

5.6. Data Extraction and Synthesis of the Systemic Literature Review

The data were extracted from the related studies that underwent the assessment for
their quality. A form for better data extraction was created and performed thoroughly by
using Endnote and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to analyze and extract significant infor-
mation from each eligible study. The extracted data included study ID, first author, pub-
lication date, methodology, technique-based taxonomy, datasets, accuracy, precision, re-
call, False Alarm Rate (FAR), F1-Measure, False Positive Rate (FPR), and False Negative
Rate (FNR). Extraction of the data from studies was performed by two independent in-
vestigators. Any discrepancies were solved by a discussion with a third investigator.
The data extracted were then synthesized for digressive analysis concerning issues
associated with anomaly detection in IoT using deep learning, which includes
strengths/weaknesses, classification, and approaches.

6. Results
6.1. Studies Selection and Quality Assessment
A total of 2116 records were extracted from the online database (n = 2106) and extra
sources (n = 10); after the removal of duplicates (n = 765), 1351 records were subject to
primary selection, out of which 714 records were excluded (books, lectures note, confer-
ences and miscellaneous). Accordingly, 637 records were identified as journal articles, out
of which 97 records were excluded (reviews, surveys, and reports). Finally, 540 records
were subjected to inclusion and exclusion criteria, out of which 43 studies were eligible.
However, only 26 studies met the criteria of quality assessment. The 26 studies that fulfill
the assessment criteria were selected to extract the data and synthesis of the systemic lit-
erature review. Table 2 shows the number of retrieved records from online databases ac-
cording to the pre-specified keywords. Figure 2 shows the fellow chart of selection stud-

Table 2. Number of retrieved records from online databases according to the pre-specified keywords.

Database Name Keywords Records Total

“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Internet of things” 113

“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Deep learning” 109

IEEE explore “Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Internet of things” 96 1263
“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Deep learning” 96
“Anomaly-based” AND “Internet of things” 411
“Anomaly-based” AND “Deep learning” 442
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Internet of things” 6
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Deep learning”
Science direct 344
“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Deep learning” 1
“Anomaly-based” AND “Internet of things” 188
“Anomaly-based” AND “Deep learning.” 144
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Internet of things” 4
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Deep learning”
Scopus 138
“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Deep learning” 4
“Anomaly-based” AND “Internet of things” 69
“Anomaly-based” AND “Deep learning” 47
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Internet of things” 3
Web of science 71
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Deep learning” 6
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 8 of 26

“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Deep learning” 2
“Anomaly-based” AND “Internet of things” 36
“Anomaly-based” AND “Deep learning” 22
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Internet of things” 40
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Deep learning” 39
“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Internet of things” 20
MDPI 290
“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Deep learning” 20
“Anomaly-based” AND “Internet of things” 90
“Anomaly-based” AND “Deep learning” 81
“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Internet of things” 2

“Anomaly intrusion detection” AND “Deep learning” 1

“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Internet of things” 2

Other sources 10
“Anomaly intrusion detection system” AND “Deep learning” 1

“Anomaly-based” AND “Internet of things” 2

“Anomaly-based” AND “Deep learning” 2
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 9 of 26

Figure 2. The fellow chart of selection studies.

6.2. Overview of Publication Sources

Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the list of selected papers published according to year and
journal. Noticeably, there is a trend toward anomaly-based intrusion detection in IoT, us-
ing deep learning. This signifies a rising interest in this domain, especially after 2018. An
elevated increase of nine studies in 2020 was noted, compared to only five studies in 2019.
In comparison, the trend seems to start in 2017, as there was only one study published.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 10 of 26



Number of Studies

2017 2018 2019 2020
Years of publications

Figure 3. Selected distribution studies by years.

Number of studies

Journals Name

Figure 4. Selected distribution studies by journals.

7. Outcomes
7.1. RQ1: What Is the Comprehensive Taxonomy of Anomaly Intrusion Detection in IoT Using
Deep Learning Techniques?
Recently, various studies have explored the application of anomaly detection in IoT
using deep learning. For better insight, taxonomy is shown in Figure 5 to pinpoint all ex-
isting techniques and requirements of anomaly intrusion detection in IoT, using deep
learning techniques. The IDS are commonly categorized as supervised, unsupervised, and
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 11 of 26

• Supervised: in a supervised manner, anomalies detecting labeled datasets by con-

structing the network or system is normal behavior. Supervised anomaly detection
techniques can leverage the measurement of distance as well as the density of clusters
for the detection of intrusions.
• Unsupervised: in an unsupervised manner, the approach assumes a greater fre-
quency of normal behaviors, thus leading to the establishment of the model on as-
sumptions, wherein there is no need for any labeled data for training.
• Semi-supervised: in a semi-supervised manner, the algorithm is trained upon a com-
bination of labeled and unlabeled data.

Figure 5. Taxonomy of anomaly intrusion detection in IoT using deep learning techniques. [13–17,30–49]

7.2. RQ2: What Is the performance Of Anomaly Intrusion Detection in IoT Using Deep Learning
Accuracy, precision, recall, false-positive rate (FPR), false-negative rate (FNR), and f-
measure are the most frequently employed model evaluation techniques based on deep
learning [50–54].
As shown in Table 3, the high accuracy is nearly 100%; precision and recall are almost
100% in D-PACK [45]. They used CNN and AE techniques on the Mirai-RGU dataset.
However, this model takes a long time for training and preprocessing, which is resource
consuming. Additionally, it covers only a few types of attacks. Similarly, the study con-
ducted by [37] used CNN and AE techniques on the Yahoo Webscope S5 dataset and
achieved 99.62% accuracy, 98.78% precision, and 97.2% recall. This indicates that the com-
bination of CNN and AE may improve the performance. Nevertheless, the resource-con-
suming aspect, network overhead, and datasets with real IoT traffic should be considered
as well. D. Li et al. [47] proposed a model that achieved an accuracy of 99.78%, precision
of 98.99%, recall of 91.05%, and FAR of 0.22%, using DML techniques by using the
KDDUP99 dataset. However, this model suffers from high resource consumption, and the
dataset does not contain IoT traffics and modern types of attacks. Shi and Sun [16] pro-
posed a model that achieved 99.36% accuracy, the precision of 97.97%, and recall of
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 12 of 26

98.86%, using LSTM with RNN techniques. However, they did not report the FAR, as the
model is for a specific type of attack and is resource consuming. We can say that combin-
ing AE with CNN techniques could enhance the accuracy and decrease the FAR, but we
should consider the resource consumption and cover the IoT attacks. Figure 6 shows the
frequency of the performance measures of the studies.

Table 3. Performance of the studies models.

Study Techniques Accuracy Precision Recall FAR F1-Measure FPR FNR

Lopez et al. [48] AE 80% 81.59% 80.1% 79.08%
Yang et al. [15] VAE + DNN 89.08% 86.05 95.68 90.61 19.01
Cheng et al. [30] LSTM 98%
Thamilarasu et al. [14] DBN 97%
Shi et al. [16] LSTM + RNN 99.36% 97.97% 98.86%, 98.42
Munir et al. [17] CNN 99% 100%
Gurina et al. [41] AE 0.007
Manimurugan et al. [40] DBN 98.37% 97.21%, 98.34% 97%
Malaiya et al. [46] CCN + VAE + LSTM 99%
Kim et al. [34] CNN 99%,
Jung et al. [35] CNN 96.50%, 85%
Gurina et al. [42] AE
Multi-Layer deep
Diro et al. [13] 99.02% 99.27% 99.14% 0.85%
Parra et al. [33] CNN + LSTM 94.30% 93.48% 93.67% 93.58% 5.20%
Cheng et al. [49] CNN 99.88% 99.89% 97.94% 98.64%
Moustafa et al. [38] DFFNN 98.4%, 92.5% 99%,93%
Xie et al. [31] LSTM
Zhao et al. [36] CNN
Li et al. [32] LSTM 97.58% 83.79% 2.02% 6.02%
Kim et al. [43] AE 99.81%
Hwang et al. [45] CNN + AE 100% 100% 100% 100% 0%
Yin et al. [37] CNN + AE 99.62% 98.78% 97.2% 98.78%
Telikani et al. [44] AE 99.6 100% 100% 100% 0.0057
Shone et al. [18] AE 97.85% 100% 100% 85.42%
Drosou et al. [39] GNN/RNN 99%
Deng et al. [47] DML 99.78 98.99 91.05 0.22%
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 13 of 26


17% 31%


20% 18%

accuracy precious Recall FAR F1-Measure FPR FNR

Figure 6. The frequency of performance measures of the studies.

7.2.1. Analysis of Accuracy Range

Table 4 shows the accuracy range for each deep learning technique used. The CNN
has a wide range that starts from 76.76% and reaches 99.88%; this technique was tested 10
times individually and integrated with another technique. In addition, AE covers a wide
range starting from 80% and reaches 99.81%, and it is similar to CNN in the detection
accuracy range and the one used. LSTM was used three times and achieved an accuracy
between 79.58% and 98%. DBN was used two times and gained an accuracy range from
97% to 97.21 with little enhancement. RNN and DFFNN were used once. Figure 7 shows
the techniques used in the studies.

Table 4. Accuracy range for the techniques.

Study No. of Study Techniques Used Accuracy Range

[17,34–36,49] 5 CNN (76.76–99.88%)
[37,45] 2 CNN + AE (99.62–100%)
[18,41–44,48] 6 AE (80–99.81%)
[31,32] 3 LSTM (79.58–98%)
[33] 1 CNN + LSTM (94.30%)
[46] 1 CCN + VAE + LSTM 99%
[14,40] 2 DBN (97%–97.21)
[15] 1 VAE + DNN 89.08%
[16] 1 LSTM + RNN 99.36%
[39] 1 GNN/RNN 99%
[38] 1 DFFNN 98.4%
[13] 1 Multi-Layer deep learning 99.02
[49] 1 DML 99.78
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 14 of 26

Figure 7. The frequency of the techniques used in the studies.

7.2.2. Analysis of Type of Attacks Detected

The type of attacks is the most important metric used to identify the advantage of the
anomaly intrusion detection system. Some models [16,46,50] achieved high accuracy in
detecting specific types of attacks. Howeve+-r, with only a few types of attacks included
in their training datasets, their performance is questionable. Therefore, these models need
more improvement to be able to detect as many attacks as possible with high accuracy.
For example, in the IC_VAE model proposed by Lopez-Martin et al. [48], using the NSL-
KDD dataset, the types of attacks detected by this model are Probing, Remote to Local
(R2L), User to Root (U2R), and Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Similarly, studies pro-
posed by [13,18,36,44,47] detected the same types of attacks, using NSL-KDD and KDD
Cup 1999 datasets. Moreover, in [15,38], by adapting the NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15,
they extended the range of attack by detecting modern attacks, such as Fuzzer and worm,
back door, analysis, exploits, generic, seel-code, and recionnary. In [34], by using KDD
CUP 1999, CSE-CIC-IDS2018, they extended the range of attack by detecting modern at-
tacks, such as DoS-Hulk, DoS-GoldenEye, DoS-SlowHTTPTest, DDoS-LOIC-HTTP, DoS-
Slowloris, and DDoS-HOIC. The study conducted by [14] used a test-bed that contains
several attacks, such as the Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS), sinkhole attack, Worm-
hole Attack, Black-hole Attack. In [40], authors used CICIDS 2017 dataset with a set of
attacks, including DoS/DDoS, Botnet, Web Attack, Brute Force, Infiltration, PortScan, SQL
Injection, Benign, DoS Hulk. In the study conducted by [45], the Mirai-RGU dataset with
a range of attacks, including UDP Flood, SYN Flood, ACK Flood, and HTTP Flood, was
used. In [41], by using N-balot databases, the authors focused on Mirai and BASHLITE.
Similarly, in [33], the authors used the same dataset of N_BaIoT, but focusing on Distrib-
uted Denial of Service (DDoS) and phishing attacks. In [16], by using the MCFP dataset,
they focused on Botnets, SYN flood, RST attacks. In [42], by using a test-bed, the range of
attacks included flood attacks and SQL injection attacks, SYN Flood, TCP Flood, UDP
Flood Detection, ICMP Flood Detection, and HTTP Flood Detection. In [35], the authors
used a test-bed with a set of attacks against IoT, such as botnets attack, Mirai, Hajime,
Bricker, BotIoT Reaper, Masuta, Sora. In [30], by using a test-bed, the range of the attacks
included malicious scan, DoS attack, malicious control spying, malicious operation,
wrong setting categories, and data probing. In [31], by using a test-bed, the range of at-
tacks included sip, ssh, SSL, conn, DNS, and HTTP. In [39], by using a test-bed and CTU-
13 datasets, the range of attacks included Infiltration attack, Propagation attack, worm
infiltration, and worm propagation attack. In the study conducted by [43], the authors
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 15 of 26

used the self-collection dataset and focused on interval attacks. In the studies
[17,32,37,46,49], there was no report explaining what kinds of attacks they used.
The DL algorithms that were used in the previous studies prove their ability to detect
a wide range of traditional types of attacks patterns, such as the attacks listed above. More-
over, DL algorithms perform better once there are huge amounts of attack data. However,
more studies are needed to show the performance of the DL algorithms to detect the recent
IoT attacks, such as physical attacks, privilege escalation, eavesdropping, brute-force
password attacks, malicious node injection, and firmware hijacking.

7.2.3. Tools and Environments Applied by the Studied Work

Table 5 shows the categorization of the papers based on the tools and environments
applied by the studied work. There are several types of development tools that have been
used in such development, such as Python, MATLAB, and R language. As can be observed
in Table 5, TensorFlow and Keras have been used by many researchers due to their ability
to deal with large data and objects detected with high performance and provide high-level
APIs for easily building and training models. Furthermore, it can run on Linux, macOS,
Windows, and Android.

Table 5. Tools and environments applied by the studied work.

Hybrid Analysis Site

Entropy,K LD
Raspberry Pi






Lopez et al. [48] AE √ √

Yang et al. [15] VAE + DNN √
Cheng et al. [30] LSTM √
Thamilarasu et al. [14] DBN √ √ √
Shi et al. [16] LSTM + RNN √ √ √
Gurina et al. [41] AE √
Manimurugan et al. [40] DBN √ √ √
Malaiya et al. [46] CCN + VAE + LSTM √ √
Kim et al. [34] CNN √ √
Jung et al. [35] CNN √
Gurina et al. [42] AE √
Diro et al. [13] Multi-Layer deep learning √
Parra et al. [33] CNN + LSTM √
Cheng et al. [49] CNN √
Moustafa et al. [38] DFFNN √
Xie et al. [31] LSTM √ √
Zhao et al. [36] CNN √ √
Li et al. [32] LSTM √
Kim et al. [43] AE √
Hwang et al. [45] CNN + AE √ √
Yin et al. [37] CNN + AE √
Telikani et al. [44] AE √
Shone et al. [18] AE √
Drosou et al. [39] GNN/RNN √
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 16 of 26

Deng et al. [47] DML √

Munir et al. [17] CNN

7.2.4. Analysis of the Used Datasets

Table 6 shows the datasets used by the existing research regarding deep learning in
IoT security. As shown in Table 6, most of the studies used NLS_KDD and KDD CUP
1999. This is due to a lack of substitute datasets. However, these datasets are outdated and
do not contain IoT traffic or modern types of attacks. Some modern datasets are now avail-
able that contain modern types of attacks—UNSW-NB15 [55] and IoT traffic BoT-IoT [56]
we suggest for future researches. Table 7 shows the analysis of the most used datasets in
the surveyed studies.

Table 6. The datasets used in the studies.

Yahoo Webscope S5
KDD CUP 1999








Lopez et al. [48] AE √
Yang et al. [15] VAE + DNN √ √
Cheng et al. [30] LSTM √
Thamilarasu et al. [14] DBN √
Shi et al. [16] LSTM + RNN √
Munir et al. [17] CNN √
Gurina et al. [41] AE √
Manimurugan et al. [40] DBN √
Malaiya et al. [46] √ √
Kim et al. [34] CNN √ √
Jung et al. [35] CNN √
Gurina et al. [42] AE √
Diro et al. [13] √
deep learning
Parra et al. [33] CNN + LSTM √
Cheng et al. [49] CNN √
Moustafa et al. [38] DFFNN √ √
Xie et al. [31] LSTM √
Zhao et al. [36] CNN √
Li et al. [32] LSTM √ √ √
Kim et al. [43] AE √
Hwang et al. [45] CNN + AE √
Yin et al. [37] CNN + AE √
Telikani et al. [44] AE √ √
Shone et al. [18] AE √ √
Drosou et al. [39] GNN/RNN √ √
Deng et al. [47] DML √
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 17 of 26

Table 7. The analysis of the most used datasets in the surveyed studies.

Total Total
Published IoT No. of
Dataset Features Normal Attacks Description
Year Specific Classic
Records Records
This dataset is an extension of the da-
taset “KDDCUP 99”. The duplicate rec-
ords were removed and lack in modern
large-scale attacks. Moreover, it is not
NSL-KDD 2009 NO 43 4 77,054 71.463
IoT specific. It contains 22 attack types
in the training dataset and 17 attack
types in the test dataset, which are cate-
gorized as 4 attack classes.
This dataset does not contain modern
attack data and modern large-scale at-
KDD CUP 1999 1999 NO 43 4 1,033,372 4,176,086 tacks. Moreover, it contains unbalanced
labels, and this dataset is not specific to
the IoT.
This dataset is based on a synthetic en-
vironment for generating attack activi-
UNSW-NB15 2015 NO 49 9 2,218,761 321,283 ties. It contains approximately one hour
of anonymized traffic traces from a
DDoS attack in 2007.
This dataset is not specific to the IoT. It
contains complex features that are not
CICIDS 2017 2017 NO 80 14 2,273,097 557,646
present in previous datasets. However,
it contains a modern large-scale attack.
This dataset is not specific to the IoT.
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 2018 NO 80 18 N/A N/A However, it contains a modern large-
scale attack.
This dataset contains IoT traffic, but it is
N-BaIOT 2018 YES 115 8 17,936 831,298 unbalanced, due to the normal records
being smaller than malicious records.
This dataset is not specific to the IoT.
AWID 2015 NO 155 4 530,785 44,858 However, it contains modern types of
This dataset contains web traffic, which
Yahoo Webscope
2015 NO - - 93,197 1669 includes normal and attacks traffic.
However, it is not specific to the IoT.
This dataset is not specific to the IoT.
Kyoto 2006 NO 24 - 50,033,015 43,043,255 However, it contains modern types of
attacks [57].

7.3. RQ 3: What Are the Challenges Faced in Current Anomaly Intrusion Detection Deep Learn-
ing Techniques in IoT?
7.3.1. Threat Detection
Because IoT supports a wide range of applications that need different resource re-
quirements in terms of processing, storage, and communication, the network becomes
more complex, due to the heterogeneity of the IoT devices that are being connected. This
makes it hard to provide a secure environment in the IoT ecosystem and even harder to
detect security threats. In securing an IoT environment, it is important to acknowledge the
features and criteria necessary for applying security analytics in deep learning algorithms
[54]. However, the existing mechanisms lack the effective and efficient methods that can
perceive the hidden correlation between these features. Nevertheless, the rapid growth of
deep learning algorithms is believed to have the capability of handling the hidden param-
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 18 of 26

eters not limited to the IoT application, but also for finding the correlation of data varia-
tion. In addition, a higher detection rate toward detecting zero-day attacks efficiently is
obtainable with deep learning [58].

7.3.2. Computational and Resource Constraint

The computational complexity can be considered one of the prominent obstacles in
the area of IoT security and deep learning. The usage of IoT devices requires a low battery
and CPU power. Hence, the computational time in IoT devices should be quick, and the
operation should be straightforward [59]. For better performance, it is more effective to
mitigate the IoT computation to the edge of the cloud. There is one particular study [60]
that emphasized analyzing the implementation of an algorithm that focuses on producing
a lightweight computation system. The distributed computing and distributed algorithms
provide better computational optimization by distributing the tasks overs multiple nodes,
which improves the efficiency [54,61].

7.3.3. Time Complexity

Time complexity is considered an obstacle because the current detection techniques
were developed based on batch processing applications rather than real-time detection.
As mentioned before, the IoT environment deals with real-data streaming. Hence, the time
complexity is crucial in detecting threats in IoT applications. In addition, it can assess the
impact on several attributes associated with security threats. Deep learning is highly ca-
pable of resolving time complexity issues in IoT by implementing GPU components to
deal with real-time processing in an efficient manner [62].

7.3.4. Edge Computing and Security

An edge computing platform offers better extensibility in data processing and stor-
age for resource-constrained IoT devices. Furthermore, it enables nearby devices located
around the data sources to intelligently operate, even if they are far from the center node
of infrastructure. The cloud infrastructure stores the IoT devices’ data source regarding
network computing to provide rational edge services in detecting real-time threats. Un-
fortunately, IoT as a standalone entity is incapable of storing and analyzing data for any
potential threats, due to insufficient resources [63]. Hence, with the aid of edge compu-
ting, it will enable multiple resource distribution of data processing over the cloud for
analysis [64]. It is convincible to state that the amalgamation of deep learning in IoT helps
in facilitating security analytics in providing an enhanced processing system that can de-
tect threats effectively and accurately [54].

7.3.5. Training Time

One of the major problems that existing techniques suffer from is the large and high
dimensional datasets used for training [65]. Due to that, more time is needed to train the
model for higher accuracy detection. In tackling these issues, deep learning algorithms are
proposed because they can work on lesser training duration and dataset. This helps to
increase the efficiency during model training. The batch size may also affect the time con-
sumed in the training phase because of the accumulation of the network onto the weight
update [54,66]. To solve this, multiple layers can be used to build deep learning networks,
which facilitates the weighing and recognizing of the set of significant patterns from the
datasets. Furthermore, the exploits of storage and processing facilities additionally ob-
struct the model training time. Dealing with this issue, the adaptation of big cloud-based
architecture and data technologies improve the efficiency by reducing the model training
duration [63].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 19 of 26

8. Discussion
We found that the trend goes to AE techniques. The studies [18,41–44,48] used AE
techniques because of the ability of AE to take advantage of the linear and nonlinear di-
mensionality reduction to detect the anomalies. The AE training phase involves the recon-
struction of clean input data from a partially destroyed one as well as the ability of AE to
deal with heterogeneity, unstructured and high dimensional data that generated from IoT
device. However, using techniques such as CNN combined with AE would be preferable
for better classification, depending on the data reduction from the AE phase. Another ob-
served five studies used CNN techniques [17,34–36,49], which can automatically detect
the most important feature and learn the key feature of each class by itself without human
intervention. Moreover, CNN can perform identification and prediction through the
dense network. The CNN considered is a very vast technique, and this may be due to the
ConvNets. Other factors that may affect the efficiency of CNN are filters, kernel size,
stride, and padding. However, using techniques such as AE combined with CNN would
be preferable to reduce the high dimensional data, which generate from IoT devices to
minimize the exchange data between IoT nodes to avoid the energy-consuming and com-
munication overhead.
In addition, we found that three studies used LSTM techniques [30–32] that are useful
for classifying, processing, and predicting time series in long duration. Moreover, they
have a memory that can store previous time step information, and this is how they learn.
They also can deal with noise distributed representation and continuous value. However,
LSTMs are apt for overfitting, and it is not easy to apply the dropout algorithm to restrain
this problem. Combining CNN with AE [37,45] could achieve a promising result in terms
of accuracy, recall, and precision. However, the researcher and developer should consider
the resource consumption, training time, and the type of attacks. Notably, the AE and
CNN are the most common techniques used in the literature. In addition, some studies
used a single technique, and others combined multiple ones to improve the performance
[16,46,47]. However, the FAR needs to be decreased when considering different types of
attacks in the used dataset. Datasets that include a wide range of attacks with simulation
tools are suggested above. In addition, still, some DL techniques have not been examined
yet, which makes the need for more work in the area to achieve robust IDS for resource-
constrained IoT devices. Combining two DL could lead to achieving high detection at-
tacks, but it may lead to resource consumption and a high training time. The datasets used
in the literature are outdated, perhaps due to a lack of substitute datasets. However, these
datasets are outdated and do not contain IoT traffic or modern types of attacks. Some
modern datasets are now available that contain modern types of attacks; UNSW-NB15
[55] and IoT traffic BoT-IoT [56] we suggest for future research. In addition, there is a need
for new datasets that reflect the IoT traffic. Table 8 shows the domain of state-of-the-art
studies, IDS architecture, the technique used, and methodology as well as the advantages
and disadvantages.

Table 8. List of the state-of-the-art studies and the advantages and disadvantages.

IDS Techniques
Study Methodology Advantages Disadvantages
Architecture Used
proposed Model to perform • Lightweight. • Low detection ac-
feature reconstruction and de- • High accuracy in curacy.
Lopez et al. [48] Network-based AE
tect malicious in IoT environ- recover categorical • High training
ment. features. time.
proposed model to perform
• Low detection ac-
monitoring unknown attacks • Lightweight.
VAE + curacy.
Yang et al. [15] Network-based using AE and DNN to learn the • Low resource con-
DNN • High training
complex traffics and imbal- sumption.
anced classes.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 20 of 26

proposed model that adopts an • High detection ac-

innovative concept of the drift curacy. • Multi-classifica-
Cheng et al. [30] Network-based LSTM method to improve the accu- • work well for time tion method needs
racy of anomaly detection using series. to be enhanced.
LSTM. • Memory effective.
Proposed an intelligent IDS to • Detection accu-
Thamilarasu et al.
Network-based DBN detect malicious traffic in IoT • Real-Time IDS. racy needs to be
networks using DBN. enhanced.
• Few types of at-
Proposed approach is to ana- • Enhanced robust-
lyze a series of network packets ness.
LSTM + • High false-posi-
Shi et al. [16] Network-based to detect botnets using LSTM • High detection ac-
RNN tive rate.
and RNN for better classifica- curacy.
• Resources
tion. • Lightweight.
• High detection ac-
• High
• Detect point anom-
Proposed DeepAnTmodel to time.
alies, contextual
Munir et al. [17] Network-based CNN anomaly detection and time se- • Poor data quality
ries prediction. can corrupt the
• Model works well
data modeling
with a vast amount
of data.
Proposed N-BaIoT to extract • Enhanced robust- • Low traffic predic-
network traffics and detect ness tion.
Gurina et al. [41] Network-based AE
anomalies from resource con- • Efficient time to • Detection accu-
straint devices. detect attacks. racy not reported.
• Not a Real-Time
Proposed approach to detect • High detection ac-
Manimurugan et Centralized IDS.
DBN anomaly attacks in IoT environ- curacy.
al. [40] Host-Based • Detect few types
ment. • Lightweight.
of IoT attacks.
Proposed approach to detect • Resource-consum-
CCN + • High detection ac-
anomaly in IoT networks by ing.
Malaiya et al. [46] Network-based VAE + curacy.
combining three deep learning • High computa-
LSTM • Lightweight.
techniques. tional complexity.
• Detect few types
Proposed approach to detect • High detection ac-
of IoT attacks.
Kim et al. [34] Network-based CNN anomaly in IoT environment curacy.
• High computa-
with focusing on DoS attacks. • Lightweight.
tional complexity.
• -Expensive power
Proposed approach to monitor- monitor.
ing malicious botnet on re- • Good classification • Detection accu-
Jung et al. [35] Host-based CNN source constraint IoT devices accuracy. racy needs to be
using three types of IoT de- • Real-Time IDS. enhanced.
vices. • High computa-
tional complexity.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 21 of 26

• High False posi-

• Lightweight.
Proposed approach to detect tive rate.
• capable to detect
malicious in web server during • High computa-
zero-day attacks.
Gurina et al. [42] Host-based AE users’ requests processing con- tional complexity.
• High detection ac-
sidering the MyBB web server • No comparison
curacy for individ-
as a case study. with previous
ual attacks.
• Lightweight
Multi- • Few types of at-
Proposed a distributed ap- • High detection ac-
Distributed Layer tacks.
Diro et al. [13] proach to detect attacks in so- curacy.
Network-Based deep • High training
cial IoT. • Low resource con-
learning time.
• Detection accu-
Proposed a distributed cloud-
• Lightweight. racy needs to be
Distributed CNN + based approach to detect and
Parra et al. [33] • Low communica- enhanced.
Network-Based LSTM mitigate phishing and Botnet
tion overhead. • High computa-
attacks on client devices.
tional complexity.
Proposed a semi-supervised • Lightweight
Centralized • High computa-
Cheng et al. [49] CNN based model to detect anoma- • High detection ac-
Host-Based tional complexity.
lies in IoT communication. curacy.
• Lightweight
Proposed anomaly detection to • High detection ac-
learn and validate the infor- curacy. • Not a Real-Time
Moustafa et al. [38] Network-based DFFNN
mation collected from TCP/IP • Model covered IDS.
packets. vast types of at-
Proposed approach to monitor • Lightweight.
• Detection accu-
Xie et al. [31] Network-based LSTM and detect malicious from the • work well for time
racy not reported.
network traffic flow. series.
• Detection accu-
• Enhanced robust- racy needs to be
Proposed approach to detect in-
Zhao et al. [36] Network-based CNN ness. enhanced.
trusion in industrial IoT.
• Lightweight. • High computa-
tional complexity.
• Enhanced robust-
Proposed approach to detect at- ness.
• High computa-
Li et al. [32] Network-based LSTM tack interval from historic data • Lightweight.
tional complexity.
in industrial IoT. • High detection ac-
Proposed approach to the anal- • Enhanced robust-
ysis of attack profile, detect the ness.
• High training
Kim et al. [43] Host-based AE threats and abnormal behavior • Lightweight.
that deviates from normal be- • High detection ac-
havior in IoT devices. curacy.
• High computa-
Proposed D-PACK anomaly ap-• High detection ac-
tional complexity.
proach to detect features and curacy.
CNN + • High training
Hwang et al. [45] Network-based profiling traffic with just a few • Lightweight.
AE time.
first packets from each flow in • Low false alarm
• Focusing on few
IoT networks. rate.
types of attacks.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 22 of 26

• High detection ac-

• High computa-
Proposed approach to detect curacy.
CNN + tional complexity.
Yin et al. [37] Network-based the anomaly and to enhance • Lightweight.
AE • High training
classification in time series. • Low false alarm
Proposed CSSAE (cost-sensitive • High detection ac-
stacked auto-encoder) to solve curacy.
• High training
Telikani et al. [44] Network-based AE the class imbalance problem in • Lightweight.
IDS and detect low-frequency • Low false alarm
attacks in IoT environment. rate.
Proposed model to dimension- • High false alarm
• High detection ac-
ality reduction for the data and rate.
Shone et al. [18] Network-based AE curacy.
detect malicious at the IoT envi- • High training
• Lightweight.
ronment. time.
• High computa-
Proposed collaborative anom- • High detection ac-
Distributed GNN/ tional complexity.
Drosou et al. [39] aly intrusion detection to detect curacy.
Network-based RNN • Power consump-
malicious for IoT devices. • Lightweight.
• High detection ac-
proposes an approach to detect curacy. • High computa-
Deng et al. [47] Network-based DML malicious and feature extrac- • Lightweight. tional complex-
tion for smart cities. • Low false alarm ity.
Table 8 also shows that there are many types of IDS architectures that have been im-
plemented. Network-based IDS is the most applied architecture, due to the availability of
labeled network traffic datasets. In the IoT networks, the architecture of the IDS depends
on the application domain and the host environment [2]. The host-based approach is rec-
ommended to protect the operating system of the IoT devices from malicious attacks,
while the network-based is suitable for protecting the communicated devices from mali-
cious traffic. Most studies applied the network-based architecture, while the nature of IoT
is heavily distributed. It will be more effective if the researchers and developers pay more
attention to combining host-based architecture with those that are network-based in a dis-
tributed and hierarchical architectural design manner to minimize the detection time, im-
prove the detection accuracy, and decrease the network’s overhead.

9. Future Direction
Undoubtedly, improving the efficiency of deep learning detection results remains an
open research direction issue. IoT security researchers and developers must always con-
tend for 100% detection with zero false alarms while considering IoT resource constraints.
Moreover, most of the studies are pertinent to the system’s normal behavior. Often, most
of the approaches depend on the training of normal behavior, while the deviation is per-
tinent to scenarios investigated as abnormal behavior. Thus, a better method in terms of
precision and robustness is needed to deal with complex real scenarios. Data complexities
include unexpected noise, redundancy in data, and imbalanced datasets. To extract sig-
nificant knowledge and information, well-designed techniques are required to organize
the datasets. In this scenario, a lightweight system can be exhaustive, due to the high com-
putational task of dealing with complex data. The current technology of cloud computing
can be utilized to obtain a productive result in real time. Most of the work done in recent
years was in the detection of anomalies, as the research community did not foster much
interest in anomaly prediction and prevention. This could contribute to predicting anom-
alies in future work. There is a need to adopt and/or develop new methods that can pre-
vent the systems before attacks occur. Moreover, anomaly detection in multivariable time
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 23 of 26

series is still an open research direction. In addition, applying anomaly intrusion detection
systems, using deep learning in smart vehicles, needs to be investigated. There is an im-
perious need for normal and anomaly datasets that are up-to-date and integrated with IoT
applications and services. These datasets could be extremely useful for testing various IDS
types and methods in IoT environments. The capability to implement effective and mean-
ingful IDS comparisons will rely on these datasets.

10. Limitation of the Study

Throughout the review study, the SLR is performed to provide extensive coverage of
all relevant studies associated with the use of deep learning techniques in securing IoT
environments. The main limitation of this study is in searching. There are also few limita-
tions of the SLR that should be taken into consideration, which are listed as the following:
1. This review is limited to articles and does not include books, magazines, and confer-
ences related to deep learning in IoT.
2. This review is limited to papers available in the English language.

11. Conclusions
In general, this study presented a systematic review of anomaly IDSs in IoT environ-
ments using deep learning. A comprehensive report was produced, regarding anomaly
intrusion detection in the domain of IoT, using deep learning techniques. Upon comple-
tion of this study, a full adherence of systematic literature protocol and guidelines based
on proposed work by Kitchenham is presented [25]. All the data used were gathered from
primary studies published without applying any filters to differentiate between confer-
ence proceedings and journal articles. This study summarized and organized the current
literature related to anomaly-based intrusion detection in IoT, using deep learning tech-
niques according to the pre-defined keywords and RQs. A total number of 26 studies were
included, according to the stated exclusion, inclusion, and quality criteria. A comprehen-
sive taxonomy was presented based on the results of the study conducted for anomaly
intrusion detection in IoT using deep learning techniques. This study provided an insight
into the attributes and knowledge of existing anomaly intrusion detection in an IoT envi-
ronment, using deep learning techniques. Additionally, the study presented a comparison
in terms of the performance, the dataset used, attacks detection, techniques, and evalua-
tion techniques in each study. Finally, the study discussed challenges faced in anomaly
intrusion detection in IoT using deep learning. This paper can provide researchers with
details about an up-to-date technique and methodology in anomaly intrusion detection in
IoT, using deep leering. The limitations of current anomaly-based intrusion detection sys-
tems in IoT using deep learning techniques indicate the future direction for further im-
provements of the IDS systems, considering the characteristics of IoT.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.A.A.; methodology, M.A.A.; resources, M.A.A.,

F.A.G., F.S. and M.N.; data curation, M.A.A., F.A.G. and M.N.; writing—Original draft preparation,
M.A.A.; writing—Review and editing, S.R., M.M.S., F.A.G., I.N. and F.S.; supervision, S.R. and
M.M.S.; project administration, S.R.; funding acquisition, S.R. and I.N. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research is funded by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia under the Research
Excellence Consortium in IoT Security (VOT R.J130000.7851.4L946).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8383 24 of 26

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