M.TEch ECE Syllabus CSP
M.TEch ECE Syllabus CSP
M.TEch ECE Syllabus CSP
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
S. Course periods/week
No. No. Course Title
End Internal
L T P Exam Assessme
Marks nt Marks
Detection & Estimation of
1. EC801 3 3 - - 70 30 100
Advanced Digital Signal
2. EC802 3 3 - - 70 30 100
3. EC803 Advanced Communications(ACM) 3 3 - - 70 30 100
4. EC804 Microwave Communications(MWC) 3 3 - - 70 30 100
5. Elective –I 3 3 - - 70 30 100
6. EC805 DSP Lab(DSPL) 2 - 3 50 50 100
7. EC806 Seminar 1 - - - - 100 100
TOTAL 18 15 - 3 400 300 700
(For M.Tech (CSP) – I Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30
End Exam : 70 L T/D P C
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge about various estimation techniques like parametric and non parametric
estimation techniques.
2. To provide knowledge for finding good estimators.
3. To provide enough knowledge for detection of signal in noise and estimate the signals in the presence of
Course Outcomes:-
1. The students will be able to apply various methods of signal estimation knowing the significance of each
2. The students will be able to decide which is a good estimator for the given specifications.
3. By applying suitable criterion the students will be able to detect the signals with minimum errors
in the presence of noise.
Introduction: Properties of estimators, Finding good estimators, Estimation of spectrum from finite duration
Modern (Parametric) Spectral Estimation: Time series models, relationship between auto-correlation and the
model parameters, AR Parameters by Yule-walker, Burg and Sequential estimation methods, selection of AR
model order, MA and ARMA models for power spectrum estimator, Maximum entropy spectral estimator,
Minimum variance spectral estimator.
Detection of Signals in Noise: Minimum probability of Error criterion, Neyman-Pearson criterion for Radar
detection of constant and variable, amplitude signals, Matched Filters, optimum formulation, detection of random
signals, simple problems thereon with multisample cases.
Estimation of signals in Noise: Linear mean squared estimation, non-linear estimates, MAP and ML estimates,
maximum likelihood estimate of parameters of linear system, simple problems theoreon.
Text Books:
1. Alan V.Oppenheim and Ronald W.Schaffer, Digital Signal Processing, PHI,3rd edition,2002
2. J.G.Proakis, DSP Principles, Algorithms and Applications, PHI,3rd edition,2002
Reference Books:
3. Steven .M.Kay, Modern Spectral Estimation, Theory and Applications, New age International
Private Ltd,2011
4. Shanmugam and Breipohl, Detection of Signals in Noise and Estimation, John
Wiley & Sons, 2004.
5. Mischa Schwartz, L.Shaw, Signal Processing: Discrete Sprectral Analysis,
Detection, and Estimation,Mc Graw Hill
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
(For M.Tech. ECE(CSP) – I Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30
End Exam : 70 3 0 0 3
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students familiar with design of digital filters and DFTs of sequences with different lengths.
2. To give the students an idea about multirate signal processing that is useful to combine signals of
different frequencies.
3. To make the students familiar with the architecture of DSP processors and related soft wares
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will be able to design digital filters and apply DFTs to sequences of different lengths.
2. The students get exposure to multirate signal processing.
3. The students get familiarity to architectures of various DSP processors and related softwares.
Filters: Structures for FIR filters, Structures for IIR filters, effects of coefficient quantization and round off noise,
designing techniques for IIR. Transformation from Analog filters, computer aided design, designing techniques
for FIR filters – windowing, frequency sampling and optimum approximation
DFT: Radix-2, Radix-4 and composite Radix DIT and DIF algorithms, applications of DFT to real time DSP
Multirate Signal Processing: Mathematical description of change of sampling rate – Interpolation and
Decimation – continuous time model – Direct digital domain approach – Decimation by an integer factor D
Interpolation by an integer factor I. Single and multistage realization – poly phase realization – Application to sub
band coding – Wavelet transform and filter bank implementation of wavelet expansion of signals.
DSP Architecture and Processors: Architectures-VanNuemann, Harward, VLIW(Very Long Instruction Word),
SIMD(Single Instruction and Multiple Word), Super Scalar. Hardware-Loops, Circular Buffers.
Optimizations: Software Pipelining, Loop-unrolling, Overall mapping of DSP algorithms to architectures.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
(For M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – I Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students familiar with advancements in various types of communication systems like
satellite communications and mobile communications.
2. To impart the basic knowledge about the architectures and protocol stacks of various types of mobile
communication systems.
3. To make the students aware of different types of network configurations, modulation schemes etc and
understand their implementations in satellite communications.
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will be familiar with the architectures and protocol stacks of various types of
communication systems.
2. The students will be able to understand the developments from basic to the advanced in the field of
mobile and satellite communication systems.
3. The students get enough knowledge and exposure to different types of network configurations and their
VSAT: Very small aperture Terminal Networks VSAT Technologies, Network configurations, Multi access and
Networking, Network error control polling VSAT networks
Global Mobile Satellite Systems: MSAT networks, Operating environment, concept, CDMA network, Iridium,
Global star and Telederc system and comparison
Mobile Data Communications: Specialized packet and mobile radio networks, Circuit switched data services on
cellular networks, packet-switched data services on cellular networks, wireless LANs – IEEE 802.11 and
HIPERLAN, Mobile IP, Mobile multimedia, WATM.
GSM: Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) system overview: GSM Architecture, Mobility
management, Network signaling.
GPRS: General Packet Radio Services (GPRS): GPRS Architecture, GPRS Network Nodes.
Text Books:
1. Digital Satellite Communications, by Tri T.H.A, Mc Graw Hil 2nd edition 2009.
2. Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Services, by Raj Pandya, IEEE Press, 2004.
3. Wireless Communication and Networks, by William Stallings, PHI, 2007.
Reference Books:
4. Wireless Communications Principles and Practice, by Theodore, S. Rappaport, 2nd Ed, PHI, 2005.
5. Fundamentals of Communication Systems by John G. Proakis, 3rd edition, PHI, 2008.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
(For M.Tech. ECE(CSP) – I Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students familiar with advancements in various types of communication systems like
satellite communications and mobile communications.
2. To impart the basic knowledge about the architectures and protocol stacks of various types of mobile
communication systems.
3. To make the students aware of different types of network configurations, modulation schemes etc and
understand their implementations in satellite communications.
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will be familiar with the architectures and protocol stacks of various types of communication
2. The students will be able to understand the developments from basic to the advanced in the field of
mobile and satellite communication systems.
3. The students get enough knowledge and exposure to different types of network configurations and their
Microwave Radio System: Types of propagation, line of sight transmission, Radio Horizon, Microwave links,
Repeaters, Diversity, Frequency and space diversity systems, Fading, System gain and path losses, Noise and
Absorption in Microwave links.
Satellite Links: Frequency ranges, orbits, up link, transponders, downlinks, satellite system parameters, multiple
access, system noise ratio G/T ratio, calculation of system noise temperatures, Noise figures, Design of satellite
links for specified (C/N), Radio attenuation model.
Satellite Services: MSAT service, BSAT service, RADARSAT service, SAR SAT service, INTEL SAT service,
INMAR SAT service, VSAT service.
Earth Station: Earth station design for low system noise temperature, linear apertures, rectangular apertures,
circular apertures, tracking techniques, low noise amplifiers, high power amplifiers, terrestrial links and
Microwave Troposcatter propagation: Introduction to OTH (Over The Horizon) systems, Tropospheric
forward-scatter radio link, block diagram of Troposcatter communication link, Transmission interference and
signal damping, derivation of LOS communication range, derivation for field strength of a Tropospheric wave,
Fading in troposphere and its effect on Troposcatter propagation.
Text Books:
1. Roddy D, Microwave Techonology, Reston Publications.
2. Chatterjee R, Microwave Engineering, East West Press.
3. Rizzi P, Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits, Prentice Hall.
4. Kulkarni M, Microwave Radar Engineering, Umesh Publications.
Reference Books:
5. Tomasi M, Advanced Electronic Communication Systems, Prentice Hall.
6. Clock P.N, Microwave Principles and Systems, Prentice Hall.
7. Combes,Graffewil and Sauterean, Microwave Components, Devices and Active Circuits , John wiley.
8. Annapurna Das, Sesri . K.Das , Microwave Engineering, Tata Mc GrawHill.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
(For M. Tech CSP – I Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 50 L T/D P C
End Exam : 50
0 0 3 2
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Two year M.Tech Course (Scheme – 2013)
Scheme of instruction and Examination
(Effective from 20013-14)
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
S. Course periods/week
No. No. Course Title End Internal
Credits Total
L T P Exam Assessme
Marks nt Marks
Digital Image processing and
1. EC807 3 3 - - 70 30 100
Pattern Recognition.(DIPPR)
Optical Communications(OCN)
2. EC808 3 3 - - 70 30 100
(For M.Tech. ECE(CSP) – II Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To Impart fundamental knowledge of Digital image processing.
2. To make the students familiar with the various design aspects
3. To give enough exposure to the concept pattern recognition systems.
Course Outcomes:-
1. The students will be able to understand the developments from the basic to advanced techniques in the
field of image processing.
2. The students familiar with the various design aspects.
Digital Image Representation: Elements of digital image processing system – An image model, Basic
relationships between image pixels and Basic Transformations.
Image Transforms: Study analysis with examples of Fourier Transforms, Walsh transform, Hadamard
Transfrom, Discrete cosine transform, Hotelling Transform and Hough Transform.
Imaging: Image Enhancement, image smoothing and image sharpening. Image restoration, Degradation model,
Algebraic approach to restoration, Inverse filtering, Least square restoration.
Image Encoding and Segmentation: Fidelity criteria, Encoding process, Transform encoding. Detection and
discontinuities, Edge linking and Boundary defection, Boundary description.
Pattern recognition systems: Basic concepts, Fundamental problems in pattern recognition system design,
design concepts and methodologies. Character recognition, speech recognition, Finger print recognition,
clustering concepts, Cluster seeking algorithm, Maximum distance, K means algorithms.
Text Books:
1. R.C.Gonzalez and P.Wintz, Digital Image Processing, 3rd edition Wesley Publishing Company.
2. A.K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India.
Reference Books:
3. J.T.Tou and R.C.Gonzalez, Pattern Recognition Principles, 2nd edition Wesley Publishing Company.
4. E.Gose and R.Johnson Bough, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall of
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students understand the importance of optical communications in the evolution of next generation
communication systems.
2. To make the students familiar with the various design aspects of optical communications.
3. To give enough exposure to the concept Integrated optics.
Course Outcomes:-
1. The student will be able to understand the significance of optical communications in the evolution of next
generation networks.
2. The students get the idea about the choice of proper optical components to meet the design requirements of
advanced networks.
System Concepts: Need for optical system, system model, laser and fiber optic communication, choice of wave
length, source and detectors, photonic vs Electronic systems.
Fiber Optic System: Guided light transmission modes, Fiber structure, types characteristics, signal attenuation
and dispersion, slices, connectors and couplers, fiber optic cables, optical sources: LED and Laser diodes,
characteristics, Homo and hetrojunction optical receivers: PIN/APD –characteristics, modulation and
demodulation schemes, optical transmitters and receivers.
Optical Link Design: System considerations, power budget, rise time budget, maximum link length design
system design.
WDM concepts and Components: Operational principle of WDM, passive components, tunable sources and
tunable filters.
LASERS and Modulators: Requirements, spontaneous and stimulated emission, Ruby and HENE Lasers,
characteristics and applications. Laser modulators: Electro-optic and acoustor optic effects and modulators,
system realization, LASER radars.
INTEGRATED OPTICS: Advantages of I/O planar waveguides slab and strip waveguides, direction couplers,
semiconductor sources and detectors, modulators, optoelectronic integration, digital optics, optical computing
trends in optical integrated circuits.
Advanced Optical Systems: Coherent light wave systems, semiconductor laser amplifier and Erbium doped fiber
amplifier. Solition communication system. Fiber optic networks: LANs, FDDI and SONET/SDH: features,
concepts, protocol architecture and functional working.
Text Books:
1. Optical Communications: Components & Systems, by Franz and Jain, Narosa Publishing, 2002. .
2. Optical Fiber Communications , by Senior M.J, 2nd Ed, PHI, 2003.
References Books:
3. Optical Fiber Communication, by Keiser.G, 2nd Ed, McGrawHil, 2nd ed, 1991 .
4. Introduction to Fiber Optics by Ghatak A.K. and Thyagarajan.K, Cambridge University Press,
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
(For M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – II Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
3 0 0 3
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Objectives:-
1. To build a strong foundation in adaptive signal processing.
2. To develop the mathematical theory for realizing various linear adaptive filtering algorithms.
3. To make the students familiar with various applications of adaptive signal processing.
Course Outcomes:-
1. The student will be able to design, implement and apply various adaptive filtering algorithms.
2. The student will be able to analyze the accuracy and determine the advantages and disadvantages of
each method.
3. The students will be able to identify the applications in which it will be possible to apply the different
adaptive filtering approaches.
Introduction: Adaptive filters, Filter structures, approaches to the development of Adaptive filter
theory, Applications.
Discrete Time Wide Sense Stationary, Stochastic Process, Stationary Process, Spectrum Analysis,
Eigen Analysis.
Linear FIR Adaptive Filtering: Method of steepest descent, mean squared error, Least mean square
Adaptive algorithm, Gradient Adaptive lattice Algorithm.
Method of Least Squares: Standard Recursive least squares estimation, comparison of RLS and LMS
algorithms. Fast recursive algorithm , Adaptive Forward and Backward linear perdition. Fast
Transversal Filters.
Reference Books:
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
(For M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – II Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
3 0 0 3
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Objectives:-
1. To make the students understand the importance of mobile communications in the evolution of next
generation communication systems.
2. To make the students familiar with the various design aspects of mobile communications.
3. To give enough exposure to the concept Integrated optics.
Course Outcomes:-
1. The student will be able to understand the significance of mobile communications in the evolution of
next generation networks.
2. The students get the idea about the choice of proper mobile components to meet the design
requirements of advanced networks.
3. The students will be able to understand the developments from the basic to advanced techniques in the
field of mobile communications.
Mobile Radio Environment: Representation of a mobile radio signal, caused propagation path loss,
causes & types of fading, reciprocity principle cumulative probability distribution.
Frequency plans and the schemes: Frequency reuse, FDM, TDM, Spread spectrum and frequency
hopping, cellular concept, spectral efficiency.
Multiple access technique: Introduction, FDMA, TDMA, spread spectrum multiple access, space
division multiple access, packet radio.
Design factors of mobile systems: Antenna locations, antenna spacing, Antenna spacing heights,
mobile unit standing still and in motion, sampling rate, directional antennas, frequency dependency,
antenna connections and locations on the mobile unit.
CDMA: Narrowband wave propagation wideband signal, propagation, spread spectrum techniques in
modulation, DS modulation, comparison of different multiple access schemes.
Text Books:
1. William C.Y.Lee - Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals, 2nd Edition, John wiley,1992.
Reference Books:
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
(For M. Tech ECE (CSP) – II Semester)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 50 L T/D P C
End Exam : 50
0 0 3 2
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Estimation of spectra from finite duration signals, Nonparametric methods – Periodogram, Modified periodogram,
Bartlett, Welch and Blackman-Tukey methods, Parametric methods – ARMA, AR and MA model based spectral
estimation, Solution using Levinson-Durbin algorithm
FIR adaptive filters – adaptive filter based on steepest descent method- Widrow-Hopf LMS algorithm,
Normalized LMS algorithm, Adaptive channel equalization, Adaptive echo cancellation, Adaptive noise
cancellation, RLS adaptive algorithm.
Text Books:
1. Monson H. Hayes, ‘Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling”, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc, Singapore, 2002
2. John J. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, : Digital Signal Processing’, Pearson
Education, 2002
Reference Books:
3. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, “ Digital Image Processing”, Pearson
Education Inc.,Second Edition, 2004 (For Wavelet Transform Topic)
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Description Subject title Code
Microelectronics(MEL) EC 910
Elective IV High Speed Networks(HSN) EC 911
Advanced Antenna Systems (AAS) EC 912
System Modeling & Simulation(SMS) EC913
Course Objectives:
To become familiar with advanced Microprocessor Architecture, Instructions, Operating Modes,
To use microprocessor for various applications.
To study various peripherals for microprocessor based systems.
Course Outcomes:
The students get expertise with programming with advanced microprocessors and find a scope to innovate
various microprocessor based systems.
Introduction: Architectural advances of Intel Microprocessor series from 80386 to Pentium and Pentium Pro –
Addressing Modes, Instruction Sets, Interrupt processing.
Software model of XX86 processors, Data organization, Memory Organization, Programming with DOS and
BIOS function calls.
The 8051 Microcontroller: 8051 Microcontroller Architecture and Memory organization, Addressing modes,
Instruction formats, CPU timings, Interrupt structure and Interrupt priorities, Port structure and operations,
Accessing internal and external memories, timer/Counter functions and different modes of operation.
Programming and Peripheral Interface to Microcontrollers: Simple Programs using Memory interface, serial
Applications: Interfacing a real time clock, Interrupt based controlling, traffic signal controller and Elevator
Text Books:
Reference Books:
4. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming & Applications, 3rd Ed, Penram
5. Gilmore, Microprocessors Principles and Applications, 2nd Ed, Mc Graw Hill.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students familiar with design of digital filters for optical image processing.
2. To give the students an idea about optical signal processing that is useful to combine signals of
different frequencies.
3. To make the students familiar with the architecture of optical computers, processors and related
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will be able to design digital filters for optical image processing.
2. The students get exposure to optical signal processing.
3. The students get familiarity to architectures of various optical computers, processors and
related softwares.
Introduction: Basic elements of optical systems , mirrors, gratings, lens, transducers, spatial light
modulators, holographic elements, fundamental limitations on dynamic range – hybrid optical /
electronics systems, dependence between optics and electronics.
Optical image and signal processing: Spectral analysis and filtering, pattern recognition, picture
deblurring, synthetic aperture radar imaging, radio signal analysis, simple arithmetic, matrix operations,
differentiation and integration, analog solution of practical differential equations.
Non Linear Optics: Non linear effects, optical bistability, hybrid polarization devices, optical phase
conjugation, uses of optical phase conjugation.
Text Books:
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Course Objectives:
This course presents an overview of the theory and applications of artificial Intelligence and rules to
engineering applications with emphasis on Knowledge Representation and control.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to understand various artificial network and models and the applications of these
models to solve engineering problems.
PROLOG: An overview of prolog- an example program: defining family relations, Extending the example
program by rules, A recursive rule definition, declarative and procedural meaning of programs. Syntax and
Meaning of prolog programs - Data objects, matching. Lists, operators, Arithmetic - Representation of lists, some
operations on lists, operator notation, and arithmetic. Using Structures: Example Programs - Retrieving
information from a database. Doing data abstraction.
Artificial Intelligence: The AI problems, the underlying Assumption, What is an AI Technique? The level of the
model, Criteria for success, Problems, problem spaces, and search - defining the problem as a state space search,
production systems, problem characteristics, production system characteristics, issues in the design of search
Heuristic Search Techniques: Generate and test- travelling sales man problem, Hill climbing, Best first search,
problem reduction, constraint satisfaction, Mean ends analysis
Knowledge Representation: Representations and mappings, approaches to knowledge representation, The Frame
Problem. Using Predicate logic - Representing simple facts in logic, Representing Instance and Isa relationships,
Representing Knowledge Using Rules: Procedural versus declarative knowledge, logic programming, forward
versus backward reasoning , matching.
Learning - What is learning, rote learning , learning from taking advice, learning in problem solving, learning
from examples: induction, explanation based learning, Hopfield networks, learning in neural networks,
Text Books:
1. Elaine Richie And Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, 2005.
2. Ivan Bratko, Prolog.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
Introduction & Review of MOS & BICMOS Technologies: Logic gates, switching logic, basic electrical
properties, circuit design processes & Scaling.
Combinational Logic Networks: Layout design methods, simulation, Network delay, cross talk, power
optimization and testing.
Sequential systems & Clocking disciplines: Design, Power Optimization, Validation & Testing.
Sub-system Design Principles: Combinational shifters, Adders, ALUs, Multipler, High density memory, FPGA,
Floor Planning Methods: Placement- Routing, Power and Clock distribution, Packages – I/O Architecture & Pad
Architecture Design: Register Transfer Design, High Level synthesis- Architectures for low power –
Architecture Testing
Chip Design – Design Methodologies – Examples of chip design from specification to design validation,
Introduction to CAD tools and Algorithms, Hardware – Software Co-design.
Reference Books:
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
Introduction and overview: Review of underlying network technologies, Internetworking concept and
architectural model
Internet addresses, mapping Internet addresses to physical address (ARP), determining and Internet
address at startup (RARP)
Internet Protocol: Connectionless datagram service, Routing IP datagram, error and control messages
(ICMP), Internet multicasting (IGMP)
Subnet and supernet address extensions.
User Datagram Protocol, Reliable stream transport service (TCP), TCP State machine, core routers,
peers, GGP, SPF protocols, Routing on an autonomous systems (EGP)
TCP/IP over ATM networks, Client server model of interaction, the socket interface, DHCP, Domain
name system (DNS)
Applications: Remote Login, FTP, TFTP, NFS, Electronic mail (SMTP, MIME), Internet management
SNMP, SNMPV2, Internet Security and Firewall design, features of IPV6.
Reference Books:
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Course Objectives:
The main objective of the course is to get students familiar with the typical problems and
constraints that arise when designing and developing embedded systems
The course will also introduce theoretical and practical solutions to these typical problems that the
students are expected to master and be able to apply to realistic case studies.
Course Outcomes:
Be able to perform a rigorous analysis of a given problem, while taking into account the classical constraints
of an embedded system
Be able to implement the designed system, according to the model.
Introduction: Overview of dedicated and Automated Systems and their requirements. The product
design cycle, design challenges in Embedded Systems design.
PIC Microcontrollers: Overview and features, Architecture details of PIC 16CX/7X, instructions,
addressing modes, I/O ports, Interrupts, Timer, ADC, and Features of 16F8XX series.
Software Issues: Selection of RTOS, RTOS performance metrics-RTOS scalability and tool support-
compiler selection-overview of loading software in remote targets.
HW/SW Integration: Methods of embedded debugging-specialized tools for real time system debug-
strategies for real time system observation-code instrumentation.
Text Books:
1. Arnold Berger, Embedded System Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools & Techniques, 1st
Edtion, CMP Books, 2006.
2. David E.Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2007.
Reference Books:
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Course Outcomes:
1. Able to know about the all radar systems, design of radar systems and requirements of radar systems
2. Able to characterize the performance of radar system
Introduction: Radar functions and application, target, detection, resolution and clutter, Basic surveillance Radar
– implementation.
Radar Range Performance: Radar Range equation – parameters, loss factors, Radar detection with noise
Jamming, volume clutter and area clutter. Detection probability, false alarm sensitivity and introduction to CFAR
technique, basics of CACFAR processor, Resolution cell and measurement accuracy, Ambiguities in Range and
Signal Processing & Wave form Selection-1: Introduction, matched filter processing Matched filter receiver,
matched filter and correlation function, efficiency of practical filters, effect of transmitted waveform, correlation
detection – cross correlation receiver. Detection criteria – Neyman – Pearson observer, ideal observer, sequential
observer, likelihood ratio, Maximum likelihood function, Inverse probability criterion. Uncertainty relation.
Phase coding techniques: Principles, Random binary coding, binary periodic sequences, ambiguity function for
PR sequences, maximal length binary codes, perfect words and codes, poly phase codes. Decoding techniques –
analog and digital schemes. Noise and clutter performances.
Linear FM and frequency coding Techniques: Principles, linear FM pulses, generation and decoding, distortion
effects on LFM signals, discrete frequencies – waveform analysis, capabilities. Resolution properties of frequency
coded pulses.
Text Books:
1. M.I.Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems, Mc Graw-Hill, 3rd edition.
2. M.I.Skolnik, Radar Hand Book, 2nd Ed, McGraw-hill.
Reference Books:
3. F.E.Nathanson, Radar Design Principles, Signal Processing and Environment, 1st Ed, Mc Graw Hill.
4. Ramon Nitzberg, Radar Signal Processing and Adaptive Systems, Artech. House.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Course Objectives:
This course presents an overview of the theory and applications of artificial neural network and fuzzy
systems to engineering applications with emphasis on signal processing and control.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to understand various neural network and fuzzy systems models and the applications
of these models to solve engineering problems.
Biological Neural Network : Organisation of human brain, Neuron functions-cell body, Dendrites, Axon, Cell
membrane, computers and human brains.
Artificial Neural Networks : Characteristics, single layer and multi-layer Artificial Neural Networks, Training:
objective, supervised and unsupervised training, overview.
Perceptrons : perceptron representation, learning, training algorithm, advanced algorithms and applications.
Neural Dynamics : Counters propagation Networks: Introduction, Network structure, Normal operation, training
the Kohonen and Grossberg layers, full counter propagation network, applications.
Statistical Methods : Training, applications, applications to non-linear optimisation problems, Back propagation
and Cauchy training.
Bi-directional Associative Memories : BAM structure, retrieving a stored association, encoding the
associations, Memory capability, continuous, adaptive and competitive BAM.
Adaptive Resonance Theory : ART architecture and implementation training example, characteristics.
Introduction to Fuzzy Systems : Crisp sets, notation, basic concepts, classical logic, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy
operations -Complement, Union and Intersection.
Fuzzy Relations : Binary relations, Equivalence and Similarity relations, compatibility relation, Orderings,
Fuzzy Measures : Belief and plausibility measures, probability measures, possibility and necessity measures.
Fuzzy Associative Memories : Fuzzy and Neural function estimators, Neural vs Fuzzy representation of
structured knowledge, FAMs as mappings, Fuzzy hebb FAMs: The Bi-directional FAM, theorem, superimposing
FAM rules, FAM system Architecture.
Reference Books:
1. Phillip D. Wasserman – Van Nostrand Reinhold, Neural Computing, Theory and Practice, 2002.
2. George I Klir and Tina A. Folger, Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and Information, PHI, 2001.
Text Books:
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge about Microwave transistors ,Tunnel
diodes, Microwave Field Effect Transistors ,Transferred electron devices like Gunn, LSA, Inp and
CdTe Avalanche Transit time devices, Microwave linear beam tubes, Microwave crossed field
tubes, strip lines and microwave integrated circuits-fabrication
Course Outcomes:
Able to acquire the knowledge about all basic microwave devices
Able to know about the all microwave tubes and integrated circuits
Inductors, capacitors, resistors, microstrip components, coplanar circuits, multilayer techniques,
micromachined passive components, switches & attenuators, filter design.
Stability & gain analysis, matching techniques, reactively matched amplifier design, LNA
OSCILLATORS Design principles, active device CAD techniques for large signal oscillators design,
phase noise, MMIC_VCO, mixers.
Text Books:
1. Ravender Goyal, “Monolithic MIC; Technology & Design”, Artech House, 1989.
2. Gupta K.C. and Amarjit Singh, “ Microwave Integrated Circuits”, John Wiley, New York, 1975.
Reference Books:
3. Hoffman R.K. “Handbook of Microwave Integrated Circuits”, Artech House, Boston, 1987.
4. Ulrich L. Rohde and David P.N., “ RF / Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications”, John
Wiley, 2000.
5.C. Gentili, “ Microwave Amplifiers and Oscillators”, North Oxford Academic, 1986.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall
answer any Five questions
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge about Multimedia components
This course provides the audio and video compression and design of codec’s and VoiP.
Course Outcomes:
Able to acquire the knowledge about all basic Multimedia components.
Able to know about the all audio and video compression and design of codec’s and voip.
Introduction - Multimedia skills - Multimedia components and their characteristics - Text, sound, images,
graphics, animation, video, hardware.
Compression principles-source encoders and destination encoders—entropy encoding –source encoding -text
compression –static Huffman coding dynamic coding –arithmetic coding –Lempel Ziv-Welch Compression.
Basics of IP transport, VoIP challenges, H.323/ SIP –Network Architecture, Protocols, Call establishment and
release, VoIP and SS7, Quality of Service- CODEC Methods-VOIP applicability.
Multimedia networking -Applications-streamed stored and audio-making the best Effort service-protocols for real
time interactive Applications-distributing multimedia beyond best effort service-secluding and policing
Mechanisms-integrated services differentiated Services-RSVP.
Text Books:
1. Fred Halshall, “Multimedia communication - applications, networks, protocols and standards”, Pearson
education, 2007.
2. Tay Vaughan, “Multimedia: Making it work”, 7/e, TMH, 2007.
3. Kurose and W.Ross, “Computer Networking –A top down approach” ,Pearson education, 3rd ed, 2005.
Reference Books:
4. Marcus Gonzalves, “Voice over IP Networks”, McGraw Hill,
5. KR. Rao,Z S Bojkovic, D A Milovanovic, “Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques,
Standards, and Networks”, Pearson Education 2007
6. R. Steimnetz, K. Nahrstedt, “Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications”, Pearson Education,
First ed, 1995.
7. Ranjan Parekh, “Principles of Multimedia”, TMH, 2006
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall
answer any Five questions
(Elective-III for M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – III Sem.)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
3 0 0 3
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Objectives:
Main objective the course is to provide insight about introduction to source coding and channel
coding with design.
To familiarize the design of BCH, Convolution codes both encoding and decoding.
Course Outcomes:
Students will acquire the knowledge about the source coding and channel coding with design.
Design of BCH, Convolution codes both encoding and decoding
Source Coding: Mathematical models for information. A logarithmic measure of information. Average
mutual information and entropy, Information measures for continuous random variable.
Coding for discrete sauces: Coding for discrete memory less sources discrete stationary source, the
Lempel-ziv algorithms.
Channel Coding: - Linear Block Codes: Systematic linear codes and optimum decoding for the Binary
Symmetric chancel, generator and parity check matrices, Syndrome decoding on Symmetric Channels,
Hamming Codes, Weight enumerators and Mac Williams identities perfect codes.
BCH Codes: Idempotents and Mattson – Solomon Polynomials, Reed-Solomon Codes, Justin Codes,
MDS Codes, Alternate, Goppa and Generalized BCH Codes, Spectral properties , Cyclic Codes.
Decoding of BDH Codes : Berlekamp’s decoding algorithm, Massey,s minimum shift register synthesis
technique and its relation to Berlekamp’s algorithm. A fast Belekamp-Massey algorithm.
Convolutional Codes : Wozencraft’s sequential decoding algorithms, Fann’s algorithm and other
sequential decoding algorithm.
Text Books:
1. R.E. Balabut, Theory and practice of Error Control Codes, Addison Wesley, 1983.
Reference Books:
2. F.J. MacWillans and N.J.A. Slone, The Theory of Error Correcting Codes, North
Holland, 2006.
3. John D Proakis, Digital Communications, 3rd Ed, Mc Graw Hill, 2008.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Course Objectives:
Main objective the course is to provide insight about introduction to OS ,Memory Management,
Concept of Virtual Memory, File Systems, Deadlocks, Protection Policies and Distributed systems
Course Outcomes:
Students will acquire the knowledge about the OS principles-design, memory management and
distributed systems
Introduction to Operating Systems, Type of operating systems.
Overview of UNIX system, Structure, file systems, type of file, ordinary & Special files, file
Introduction to shell.
UNIX basic commands & command arguments, Standard input / output Input / output redirection, filters
and editors.
Introduction to LINUX System, editors and utilities, type of shells.
Linux Operations
Shell operations, file structure, file management, Operations.
Text Books
1. Maurice J.Bach, The Design of the UNIX Operating Systems, PHI, 2006.
2. Kernighan & Pike, The UNIX Programming Environment, PHI, 2006.
3. W.Richard Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, PHI, 2002
Reference Books:
4. Richard Peterson, The Complete Reference LINUX, TMH.
5. Ritchie & Yates, UNIX User Guide.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
(Elective-III for M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – III Sem.)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
3 0 0 3
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Objectives:
Main objective the course is to provide insight about introduction to Acoustic theory of speech
production , Time domine and frequency domine systems and design.
To familiarize the Linear Predictive coding of speech design
Course Outcomes:
Students will acquire the knowledge about the Acoustic theory and speech coding with design.
Design of LPC of speech and vocodecs.
Digital Models for the Speech Signal. The process of speech production, Acoustic theory of speech
production, Lossless tube models, and digital models for speech signals
Time domain models for speech processing: Time dependent processing of speech, short time energy
and average magnitude, zero crossing rate, pitch period estimation, short time auto-correlation function,
median smoothing and speech processing
Short time Fourier Analysis: Basic model for short time analysis and synthesis of speech,
implementation of filter bank summation method using FFT, pitch detection, analysis-by- synthesis.
Analysis – synthesis systems.
Homomorphic speech processing, complex cepstum approach, pitch detection, Format detection,
homomorphic vocoder.
Linear Predictive coding of speech. Principles of linear predictive analysis, solution of LPC Equation;
Prediction error signal, frequency domain representation of LPC analysis; Relation between the various
speech parameters, synthesis of speech from LP parameters and applications.
Speech Coding: Sub–band coding, transform coding, channel Vocoder, Formant Vocoder, ceptral
Vocoder, LP Vocoders. Vector quantizer coders.
Man-machine communication, speaker recognition system, speech recognition systems.
Text Books:
1. L.R.Rabiner & R.W. Schafer, Digital processing of Speech Signals, PHI, 2005.
2. Paramichalis, Practical Approach to Speech Coding, PHI, 2006.
Reference Books:
3. Owens, Signal Processing of Speech, 2003.
4. Dellar & Proakis, Digital Speech Processin, 2007.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
(Elective-III for M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – III Sem.)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge about Continuous Wavelet Transform & Discrete
Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Filters, Embedded wavelet Coding, Lifting Schemes and Applications
Course Outcomes:
Students will able to know about all the wavelet filters and its applications related to image processing
Continuous Wavelet Transform: Wavelet Transform-definition and properties – concept of scale and its relation
with frequency – Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT)- Scaling function and wavelet functions ( Debauchis,
Haar, Coilfet, Mexican, Hat, Sinc, Gaussian , Bi-orthogonal)- Tiling of time- scale plane for CWT.
Discrete Wavelet Transform: Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)- Filter Bank and sub band coding principles-
Multi-resolution analysis – time scale difference equations for wavelets ad scaling functions- Wavelet Filters –
scale variation in the Discrete domain – Mallat’s algorithm for DWT – Inverse DWT computation by filter banks-
Multi- band Wavelet transforms.
Case study-I : Sub-band coding of speech and music. Case study-II : Multi-band wavelet
transform based SONAR spectral classification and Transient detection.
Case study –III : Image compression using 2- D DWT
Case study-IV : Fractal signal analysis
Case study-V: Denoising of signals
Text Books:
1. Strang G, Nguyen T, Wavelets and Filter Banks, Wellesley Cambridge Press, 2007.
2. Vetterli M, Kovacevic J, Wavelets and Sub-band Coding, Prentice Hall, 2006.
3. Mallat S, Wavelet Signal Processing, Academic Press, 2005.
Reference Books:
4. Meyer Y.et. al, Wavelet Toolbox Manual (MATLAB). Mathworks inc, 2005
5. Wornell GW, Signal Processing with Fractals: A Wavelet Based Approach, Prentice hall, 2006.
6. Rao. R.M and A.S Bopardikar, Wavelet Transform, Addison Wesley, 2006.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
3 0 0 3
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge about Bessel function matrix theory, random
variables for one and two dimensional and models and Applications.
Course Outcomes:
Students will able to know about all the Bessel function matrix theory, random variables for one
and two dimensional and models and Applications.
Bessel's equation – Bessel function – Recurrence relations - Generating function and orthogonal
property for Bessel functions of first kind – Fourier-Bessel expansion.
Some important matrix factorizations – The Cholesky decomposition – QR factorization – Least squares
method – Singular value decomposition – Toeplitz matrices and some applications.
Poisson Process – Markovian queues – Single and Multi-server Models – Little’s formula - Machine
Interference Model – Steady State analysis – Self Service queue.
Text Books:
1. Moon, T.K., Sterling, W.C., Mathematical methods and algorithms for signal
processing, Pearson Education, 2000.
2. Richard Johnson, Miller & Freund, Probability and Statistics for Engineers,
7th Edition, Prentice – Hall of India, Private Ltd., New Delhi (2007).
Reference Books:
3. Taha, H.A., Operations Research, An introduction, 7th edition, Pearson education
editions, Asia, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Donald Gross and Carl M. Harris, Fundamentals of Queueing theory, 2nd edition,
John Wiley and Sons, New York (1985)
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall
answer any Five questions
(Elective-IV for M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – III Sem.)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
3 0 0 3
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Objectives:
1. To make students familiar with pipeline and vector processing in system design.
2. To make students familiar with memory organization and optimization.
3. To make students familiar with Dennis and Arvind machines.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will get scope to analyze architecture design related to VLSI sub system.
2. Students will be able to organize memory for optimum use.
3. Students will be in a position to map algorithms in VLSI arrays.
Pipeline and Vector Processor: Analogy with assembly line, linear pipeline speed up, efficiency and
throughput, instruction pipeline, arithmetic pipeline, CSA tree, nonlinear pipeline, principles of
designing pipeline processors, job scheduling, characteristics of vector processing, pipelined vector
Array processors: SIMD array processor organization, masking and data routing mechanism,
interconnection network classifications, mesh, cube, barrel shifter networks, parallel algorithms, matrix
multiplication, summation of vector elements, polynomial evaluation, FFT, parallel sorting.
Multiprocessor Systems: Loosely coupled and tightly coupled organizations, interconnection networks,
common-bus, cross-bar, Banyan, delta networks, Language features for parallel processing FORK-JOIN
and other concepts, MPS operating system.
Advanced memory organization: Virtual memory concept paging, segmentation, paging algorithms,
cache memory organization, C.S.C/S access schemes, multi-port memory organization.
Data-flow Computers and VLSI computing Structures: Data-driven computation, data flow machine
architectures, data flow graphs and languages, Dennis machine and Arvind machine, VLSI computing
structure attributes, systolic array, mapping algorithms into VLSI arrays, re configurable processor
array, VLSI matrix arithmetic processor.
Text Books:
1. K.Hwang & F.A.Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, First Edition, Mc
Graw Hill Education, 2012.
2. J.P.Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education, 2012.
Reference Books:
3. Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Advanced Computer Architectures-A Design
Space Approach, First edition , Addison-Wesley, 2005.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Course Objective:
1. To make students familiar with Assembly and package technology.
2. To make familiar with reliability and device modeling.
3. To make students familiar with applications
Course Outcome:
1. Students will be able to design Assembly and package technology.
2. Students will be able to check the reliability and device modeling.
A Review of Microelectronics and An Introduction to MOS Technology: Introduction to IC
technology, The IC era MOS technology and VLSI, Basic MOS transistors, Enhancement mode
transistor action, Depletion mode transistor action, NMOS fabrication, CMOS fabrication, Thermal
aspects of processing, Production of E-beam masks.
Assembly Techniques and Packing : Introduction, Wafer separation and sorting, Die interconnection,
Package types and fabrication technologies, special package consideration, package application
Yield & Reliability: Introduction, Mechanisms of yield loss in VLSI, Modeling of yield loss
mechanism- Reliability requirements for VLSI, mathematics of failure rates, common distribution
factions, Accelerated testing, Failure mechanism.
Device Modeling: MOS models, diode models, Bipolar models, passive component models.
Text Books:
1. D.A. Pucknell & Kamran Esraghian, Basic VLSI Design Systems and Circuits, PHI, 2005.
2. SM.SZE, VLSI Technology, McGraw-Hill International, 2007
Reference Books :
3. R.L.Geiger, P.E.Allan and N.R.Stader, VLSI Design Techniques for Analog & Digital Circuits,
McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Five questions.
Course Objective:
1. To make students familiar with traffic and high performance network like ISDN etc.
2. To make familiar with ATM network, interconnect network routers etc.
3. To make students familiar with TCP/IP.
Course Outcome:
1. Students will be able to design traffic and high speed network like ISDN etc
2. Students will be able to design ATM, Routers and TCP/IP networks.
ATM Networks
Network layering, switching of virtual channels and virtual paths, applications of virtual channels and
QOS parameters, traffic descriptors, ATM service categories, ATM cell header, ATM layer, ATM adaptation
Interconnection Networks
Introduction, Banyan Networks, Routing algorithm & blocking phenomenon, Batcher-Banyan networks, crossbar
switch, three stage class networks.
Rearrangeable Networks
Rearrangeable class networks, folding algorithm, bens network, looping algorithm.
TCP/IP Networks
History of TCP/IP, TCP application and Services, Motivation, TCP, UDP, IP services and Header formats,
Internetworking, TCP congestion control, Queue management: Passive & active, QOS in IP networks:
differentiated and integrated services.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, ISDN & B-ISDN with Frame Relay, PHI, 2005
2. Leon Garcia widjaja, Communication Networks, TMH, 2006.
3. N. N. Biswas, ATM Fundamentals, Adventure Books Publishers, 2005
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any Five
(Elective-IV for M.Tech. ECE (CSP) – III Sem.)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To make students familiar with antenna fundamentals and radiation patterns
2. To make familiar with design of antennas and measurement of powers
3. To make students familiar with applications.
Course Outcome:
1. Students will be able to know antenna fundamentals and radiation patterns .
2. Students will be able to design antennas with different patterns.
3. Students will get industry standard antennas applications and design.
Antenna fundamental parameters, Radiation integrals ,Radiation from surface and line current distributions –
dipole, monopole, loop antenna; Mobile phone antenna base station, hand set antenna; Image;
Induction ,reciprocity theorem, Broadband antennas and matching techniques, Balance to unbalance transformer,
Introduction to numerical techniques
Linear array –uniform array, end fire and broad side array, gain, beam width, side lobe level; Two dimensional
uniform array; Phased array, beam scanning, grating lobe, feed network,; Linear array synthesis techniques –
Binomial and Chebyshev distributions.
Text Books:
1. Balanis.A, “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1982.
2. Krauss.J.D, “Antennas”, II edition, John Wiley and sons, New York, 1997.
Reference Books:
3. I.J. Bahl and P. Bhartia,” Microstrip Antennas”,Artech House,Inc.,1980
4. W.L.Stutzman and G.A.Thiele,”Antenna Theory and Design”, 2nd edition,John Wiley& Sons Inc.,1998.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall
answer any Five questions
(Elective-IV for M.Tech. ECE(CSP) – III Sem.)
Scheme : 2013
Internal Assessment : 30 L T/D P C
End Exam : 70
End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To make students familiar with types of simulation
2. To make students familiar with state machines and markov process
3. to make students familiar with Alpha/beta trackers.
Course Outcome:
1. Students will be able to work with different packages and simulation
2. Students will be able to work with Poisson process in real time
3. Students will be able to model and simulate models.
Basic Simulation Modeling, Systems, Models and Simulation, Discrete Event Simulation, Simulation of single
server queing system, Simulation of Inventory System, Alternative approach to modeling and simulation.
Simulation Software
Comparison of simulation packages with Programming languages, Classification of Software, Desirable Software
features, General purpose simulation packages – Arena, Extend and others, Object Oriented Simulation, Examples
of application oriented simulation packages.
Markov Process
Probabilistic systems, Discrete Time Markov processes, Random walks, Poisson processes, the exponential
distribution, simulating a poison process, Continuous-Time Markov processes.
Event Driven Models
Simulation diagrams, Queing theory, simulating queing systems, Types of Queues, Multiple servers.
System Optimization
System Identification, Searches, Alpha/beta trackers, Multidimensional Optimization, Modeling and Simulation
Text Books:
1. Frank L. Severance, John Wiley & Sons, System Modeling & Simulation, An
2. Averill M. Law, W. David Kelton, Simulation Modelling and Analysis, 3rd Ed, TMH.
Reference Books :
3. Geoffery Gordon, Systems Simulation, PHI, 2005.
Note : The question paper shall consist of Eight questions out of which the student shall answer any
Two year M.Tech Course (Scheme – 13)
Scheme of instruction and Examination
(Effective from 2013-14)
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
S No Course No Course Title Credits
End Internal
L T P Exam Assessment
Marks Marks
1. EC903 Dissertation Phase-2 12 - - - 50 50 100