UNIT IV Question Paper

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10 Marks

1. Define and explain the law of estoppel as laid down in

Indian Evidence Act, 1872.+1
2. Define Estoppel. State the different kinds of estoppel. +1
+1 +1+1+1+1+1
3. what is Estoppel ? Discuss the relevancy of Estoppel.
4. What is estoppel? Explain the estoppel of tenants.
5. Define Estoppel. Distinguish it with Resjudicata.
6. What is burden of proof ? On whom it lies+1+1+1
7. Explain the presumption in dowry death and rape cases.
8. Explain the meaning of burden of proof and state on whom
the burden of proof as to particular fact lies.
9. Explain the law relating to burden of proof.
10. What are presumptions? Explain the presumption as
to the legitimacy of a child.
11. What do you mean by Burden of Proof ? On whom
does the burden of proof lies in any suit or proceedings ?
ls there any exception to the rule of burden of proof ?
12. Explain the scope of the Sections 113 A and 1 14 A
under Indian Evidence Act.
13. Explain the presumptions in cases of dowry death
and legitimacy of child.
14. Explain the presumptions in rape and dowry death

6 marks
1. 'X' an accused of murder, contends that by reason of
unsoundness of mind he did not know the nature of the
act. On whom the burden of proof lies ?
2. 'P' was the wife of 'X'. Two months after the death of 'X',
she marries 'Y'. Five months after the marriage a son 'Z' is
born to 'P'. Discuss the legitimacy of the child.
3. 'A' has drawn a bill on B for Rs.5,000 payable to 'C'. When
'C' has approached 'B', for money 'B' is denying the
authority of A draw bill on him. Decide
4. 'A' sues 'B' for money on a bond, but 'B' says that it was
obtained by fraud. 'A' denies the fraud. On whom the
burden of proof lies ?
5. 'A' has drawn a bill of exchange upon 'B'. On its
presentation 'B' denies that the bill was actually drawn by
'A'. ls 'B' estopped from saying so ?
6. 'A' sues 'B' for money due on a bond. 'B' has admitted the
execution of bond but contends that it was obtained by
fraud. 'A' denies it. On whom does the burden of proof
lies ?
7. A person is charged with ticketless travelling in a train. In
this case on whom does the burden of proof lie ? +1
8. A son who has just reached majority sold property to his
father. Subsequently the son has filed a suit for rescinding
this sale. Father contends that transaction was made in
good faith" On whom the burden of proof lies
9. A landlord had let-out the outhouse for residential
purpose. But he tolerated non-residential use of the house
by the tenant for seven years. ls the landlord estopped
from seeking eviction on that ground?
10. Write short notes on presumptions in dowry death
11. write short notes on presumption of good faith.
12. Write a note on presumption of legitimacy of a child.
13. Tenancy estoppel.
14. Presumption of legitimacy.
15. Write a note on presumptions"

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