CFPS Program Overview (1) 22
CFPS Program Overview (1) 22
CFPS Program Overview (1) 22
Protection Specialist
Program Overview
NFPA is honored to have the following subject matter experts contributing to the development of
this certification program.
Anthony Apfelbeck Alan Beard Robert (Bob) Berry
Director of Building and Fire Head of Fire Engineering, Chubb Sr. Consultant Specialist
Safety Overseas General AIG
City of Altamonte Springs (FL) Chubb LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn Profile LinkedIn Profile
The CFPS program application can be completed online by going to the NFPA certification
management system (CMS) at
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to take the CFPS examination, candidates must demonstrate they meet ONE of the
following criteria:
• Bachelor’s or master’s degree in a fire protection-related discipline* from an accredited
college or university, including degrees in engineering fields that are applied to the
practice of fire protection; plus TWO years of verifiable work experience dedicated to
curtailing fire loss, both physical and financial.
• Associate’s degree in a fire protection-related discipline* from an accredited college or
university, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree in any unrelated field; plus FOUR years of
verifiable work experience dedicated to curtailing fire loss, both physical and financial.
• High school diploma or equivalent, plus SIX years of verifiable work experience dedicated
to curtailing fire loss, both physical and financial.
*Examples include degrees in Fire Protection Engineering, Fire Science, Fire Protection
Technology, and Fire Service Administration. Examples of engineering fields that are frequently
applied to the practice of fire protection include, but are not limited to, Fire Protection,
Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, and Electrical.
Question: What is work experience dedicated to curtailing fire loss, both physical and financial?
Answer: This covers a wide variety of jobs, roles, and industries. If your primary job role involves
reducing the risk of fire occurrence (design engineering, inspections, and code enforcement,
etc.), or reducing physical damage, loss of life, or financial loss in the event of a fire (fire service,
risk engineering, fire protection system design/installation, etc.), your work experience will
Note: While completing the Current Employment section of your application, you are asked to obtain
the signature of either your current supervisor or a human resource contact. If you are self-employed,
please contact the CFPS certification department at so we can work with you to
review alternative proof of your current work experience.
Program Fees
The CFPS program fees are collected for the following:
Body of Knowledge
The publication below forms the comprehensive body of knowledge for the CFPS certification
Christian Dubay, ed., Fire Protection Handbook®, 21st ed. (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection
Association, 2023).
Note: The Fire Protection Handbook® (FPH®) is available to order at or by phone at 1-800-
Domain Weighting
Domains % of Exam
I. Safety in the Built Environment 16%
Exam Blueprint
It is important to remember that while some domains correspond both in title and content to
sections in the 21st edition of the Fire Protection Handbook (FPH), not all of them do, nor are they
meant to be an exact reflection of the FPH sections.
II. Information and Analysis for Fire Protection and Fire Science
A. Perform fire loss investigations, given AHJ requirements, organizational policies and
procedures, source of origin, building plans if needed, historical and current fire data,
fire dynamics, and fire load, so that the damage caused by the fire is determined.
i. Requisite Knowledge – AHJ requirements, fire analysis, scientific methodology,
fire dynamics, building construction, investigative methods best practices
ii. Requisite Skills – The ability to read and interpret building plans and data,
determine fire load, documentation, recordkeeping, and interpersonal and
communication skills
B. Perform fire analysis to determine the proper size design fire and the fire’s impact on
occupants within the building, given AHJ requirements, building plans if needed, fire
load, organizational policies and procedures, fire incident data and statistics, so that
the cause of the fire is determined and recorded for historical purpose or the
expected outcome is predicted, and the building is safe during evacuation.
i. Requisite Knowledge – AHJ requirements, organizational policies and
procedure, fire analysis best practices, heat transfer, building construction,
current trends in fire hazards, communication strategies, and other building-
related life safety protocols, design and code analyses, heat release rate, flame
spread, and smoke development
ii. Requisite Skills – The ability to read and interpret building plans and data,
determine fire load, perform calculations, recordkeeping skills, and
interpersonal and communication skills
Certification Maintenance
Once you attain your CFPS certification, an annual renewal fee is due every year and you must
recertify every three years from the date on your certification documentation. Failure to meet all
recertification requirements in a timely manner will result in your information being removed from
the NFPA certification list and will require you to reapply as a new CFPS candidate. NFPA will send
reminder emails in advance of your certification expiration date to the email address you provide in
your CMS account.
Recertification applications are submitted through the NFPA certification management system at For the most up-to-date fees, see the website.
Recertification Points System
Recertification is accomplished by accumulating a required amount of recertification points, as
shown in the table on the next page, before your three-year certification period ends. It is important
you begin accumulating the required points as soon as possible. If college courses are declared for
training hours, the same course cannot be taken twice within the three-year period, and the
candidate must convert credit hours to actual hours spent in the classroom.
It is highly recommended that you track your progress using the NFPA certification management
system at
Maximum Acceptable
Category Allotted Points
Points Allowed Documentation
Professional Letter from supervisor or
1 per month 36 per cycle
Practice client(s)
Membership in
Fire/Safety 2 per organization 4 per year Proof of membership
Other Fire/Safety Proof of certification for
5 each year certification is maintained 15 per cycle
Certifications each year
Letter from supervisor or
Professional 5 per organization/activity (excludes
0 organizational training
Service – CFPS or CFPS activities)
Other Organization
A minimum of 16 of the required 50 points must come from the following three categories, and of those 16, at
least 8 points must be earned from the first category (training and professional development, including
service on the CFPS Certification Advisory Group [CAG], and proctoring NFPA certification exams, and taking
online, classroom, or college credit courses).
1 per contact hour for Seminars &
Certificate or proof of
1 per contact hour for Online or
Classroom Training
Training and 5 per full year of CAG
Professional Service/Membership 36 per cycle
Development 5 per exam NFPA certification exam
3 per credit hour of college credit
Official Transcript from
courses (e.g. 9 points for 3 credit
Teaching a Course: 4 points per credit Letter from college verifying
hour (e.g. 12 points details of course and you’re
Teaching a Course
for a 3-credit course) 36 per cycle teaching it or documentation
or Seminar
Teaching a Seminar: 1 point per hour describing seminar and your
taught participation
Paper or article in peer-reviewed Article/Paper: Copy of first
publication: (minimum of 1,000 words) page of article/paper
Single Author – 4 points indicating the title, name &
Multiple Authors – 2 points date of publication, your
Published article or paper: name as author, and other
(minimum of 1,000 words) authors names (if
Single Author – 2 points applicable).
Multiple Authors – 1 point Book: Copy of the title page
Published book: of book indicating the title,
(Fire/safety 30 per cycle
Single Author or Editor – 25 publisher, date of
related) points publication, your name as
Author of a Chapter, Single author, and other authors’
Author – 3 points names (if applicable).
Author of a Chapter, Multiple
Author – 1 point
Published review of a book in a
fire/safety journal or magazine – 1