Managing Directoy: True
Managing Directoy: True
Managing Directoy: True
Dt. 09/11/2020
The Branch Manager
Bank Limited.
Dear Sir
Sub:- Order of The Hon. Maharashtra State Co.Op. Appellate Court, Mumbai
Bench At Aurangabad.
Sir, As per order of The Hon. Maharashtra State Co.Op. Appellate Court,
Mumbai Bench At Aurangabad. Please find the D.D. drawn from SVC Bank Ltd. Jalgaon
Bearing No. 565311 Dt. 09/11/2020 Of. Rs. 5000/- (Rs. Five Thousand only). As the cost
imposed by the Hon. Court.
Please acknowledge the receipt of the same. Thank you...
1> Court Order Copy. TRUE COPY
2> D.D. Sum Of Rs. 5000/- details above
Godavari Laxmi Co-op.
Bank Ltd.Jalgaon
Managing Directoy
Dt. 09/11/2020
The Branch Manager
Dear Sir
Sub:- Order of The Hon. Maharashtra State Co.Op. Appellate Court, Mumbai
Bench At Aurangabad.
1> Court Order Copy.
2> D.D. Sum Of Rs. 5000/- details above tRUE
Godavari Laxmi Co-op.
Bank Ltd.Jalgaon
Managing DIrecza
1 Misc. Application No.19 of 2020.
Received on 30-06- 2020
Registered on 30- 06-2020
Decided on 02-11 - 2020
Bench Aurangab Duration Year Month Days
00-04 - 03
DATE 02.11.2020. Maharasht
(Dictated and pronounced in the open court) Be
3) By fling the application, it is contended by the applicants
that, the respondent no.I has filed recovery dispute againsT them as (
well as respondent nos.2 &3. In the said matter they have appeared
before the trial court and strongy contested the dispute. After
recording evidence the Ld. trial judge has passed judgment &award
on 17.12.2019. Thereafter, on 16.1.2020 the applicants have applied
for certified copies, but for one reason or other copies are not
provided to them till 11.6.2020. They have obtained the certifled
copies on ll.6.2020, and thereaqfter immediately they tried to file an
appeal but as there was an objection from office side in respect of
delay. They have filed the present application on 29.6.2020. It is
3 Misc. Application No.19 of 2020.
contended that, the delay caused is not intentional one, the applicants
have good case on merit. If delay is not condoned they will suffer
Would be
great loss, on the contrary if the delay is condoned no loss
caused to respondent no.1. In "such circumstances delay needs to be
condoned. Thus, the applicants have urged for condonation of delay
ch Aur angabad
by allowing this application.
6) Ihave already narrated the
application as well as reply
filed by respondent no.1, hence no need to repeat.
1) The Misc. Application No.I9 of 2020 is hereby
allowed to subject to cost of Rs. 10,000/- to be paid
by the applicants in favour ofthe respondent no.I
on or before 26.11.2020.
6 Misc. Application No.19 of 2020.
coOperatibe Ap e
Manarara 2) The concern clerk is directed fist to see whether
the direction as, mentioned in clause 1 of this order
Bench Aurangaba
is complied with or not. If, order is complied, then
registeredhe appeal.
Copy Applicd on
Copy Ready on
Çopy Supplied on G
rasntrz Stale Co-0p. Appeilate TRUE COPY
*svongibal Berch
Godavari Laxm' Co;0p.
Bank Ltd.Jaiy aon
Managing Díreci