TOD. Artigo 1 em Ingles
TOD. Artigo 1 em Ingles
TOD. Artigo 1 em Ingles
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Systematic Review
A Systematic Review of Multiple Family Factors Associated
with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Xiuyun Lin 1, *, Ting He 1 , Melissa Heath 2 , Peilian Chi 3 and Stephen Hinshaw 4
1 School of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
2 McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, USA
3 Department of Psychology, University of Macau, Macau 999078, China
4 Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10866.
Maíra Sobieski - [email protected] - CPF: 022.578.040-23
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10866 2 of 19
depression [5,8]. Given the significant deleterious role of ODD in children’s social re-
lationships [1,7], it is necessary to investigate factors that influence the emergence and
trajectory of ODD. By deepening our understanding of this disorder, we can help to lay the
groundwork to better inform prevention and intervention strategies. We propose that these
strategies must strengthen family-based education, specifically focusing on the critical areas
of marital conflict, parent–child relationships, and individualized child-focused supportive
guidance [9].
of child ODD symptoms [20]. As such, the current review identified literature that corre-
sponded with the dual influence of couple interactions and parent–child interactions as
family factors at the dyadic level.
For individual factors, we considered each family member as a separate subsystem.
We included parental and child’s individual characteristics, cognitive factors, and emotional
factors as factors at the individual level. According to this conceptual framework presented
in this review, impairment and dysfunction of the family factors at three levels are critical
for the occurrence and aggravation of child ODD symptoms.
Based on the multilevel family factors model [9], we review previous research, partic-
ularly exploring familial risk factors of ODD across the past two decades. Furthermore,
we examine interactive mechanisms underlying these pathways, to better understand
the development of ODD and to assist in developing effective family-based educational
strategies for this disorder. We end the paper with a proposal of a three-level multilevel
family factors framework to highlight the importance and necessity of understanding child
ODD symptoms within the family context.
2. Method
Notably, the symptoms of ODD may be observed to some extent in individuals
not formally diagnosed with this disorder. Longitudinal studies reveal that many ODD
symptoms escalate from minor behaviors during the preschool period to more extreme
behavioral patterns during adolescence [1]. Such longitudinal trends highlight the critical
implication for early intervention that focuses on risk factors of both ODD symptoms and
ODD-related behavior patterns [1]. All procedures and findings are reported in accordance
with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
guidelines [21].
3. Result
3.1. Family System Level
3.1.1. Socioeconomic Status
Our review indicates the existence of increasing literature clarifying the negative effect
of low socioeconomic status (SES) on child ODD symptoms [22–25]. For example, of a
New Zealand longitudinal birth cohort, Boden, Fergusson, and Horwood (2010) sampled
926 youth who were diagnosed as CD (conduct disorder) or ODD. Family socioeconomic
disadvantage was significantly associated with CD and ODD [26]. Similarly, in their longitu-
dinal study—among a diverse community sample of 796 children—Lavigne and colleagues
(2016) found that family socioeconomic status was significantly and negatively related to
child ODD symptoms one and two years later (children at age 5 and 6, respectively) [19].
Life challenges associated with low SES include inadequate education, a chaotic
family environment, and nonresponsive and/or harsh parenting. Altogether, the negative
home environment prominently contributes to children’s externalizing and internalizing
problems [27]. From this perspective, the mechanism by which SES affects ODD might be:
a lower level of SES is linked to family conflict and hostility, which in turn contributes to
more ODD symptoms in children [28]. Additionally, the family investment model proposed
by Conger and Donnellan (2007) specifies that, when compared with children from low-SES
families, children from higher SES families had more access to financial, social, and human
(i.e., education) capital [29]. Accordingly, those parents might invest more in child-rearing
activities to foster child academic and social success, a robust protective factor against child
externalizing problems, including ODD symptoms [3].
the association between parental monitoring and ODD in children at age 3 (n = 419) and
again at age 6 [46]. The results manifested that poor parental monitoring at age 3 predicted
more child ODD symptoms at age 6, suggesting that a higher level of parental monitoring
is a potential protective factor for child ODD. An uninvolved parenting style was also
significantly correlated with more ODD symptoms in children [45]. For example, by
utilizing a community sample of 89 children ranging in age from 9 to 12 years, Pederson
and Fite (2014) demonstrated that poor parental involvement is linked to more ODD
symptoms [49].
Parental discipline practices have also been linked to child disruptive behavior dis-
order, including ODD. Specifically, inconsistent use of discipline, failure to use positive
reinforcement (e.g., support and acceptance), and excessive use of corporal punishment
have been linked to child ODD symptoms. Of which, inconsistent use of discipline refers to
not following through with proposed punishments [50,51]. Tung and Lee (2013) sampled
162 5- to 10-year-old children and concluded that inconsistent discipline predicted elevated
ODD among children experiencing low peer acceptance or high peer rejection, even control-
ling for children’s age, sex, number of ADHD symptoms, and parents’ race-ethnicity [51].
Additionally, less use of positive strategies, such as support and acceptance, in parenting
also contributed to more ODD symptoms in children [43]. For instance, in a longitudinal
study, Lavigne and colleagues (2016) found direct effects of parental hostility on child ODD
symptoms one year later. In contrast, a higher level of parental support lowered the risk of
subsequent ODD symptoms [19]. Moreover, research has shown that excessive use of cor-
poral punishment promotes and exacerbates child problem behaviors and ODD symptoms
as well [49,52]. Li, Lin, Hou, Fang, and Liu (259 6- to 13-year-olds; 2016) and Liu, Lin, Zhou,
Zhou, Li, and Lin (368 7- to 14-year-olds; 2017) found that parental maltreatment served
as a vital risk factor in relation to children’s emotional and behavioral problems [53,54].
Cruz-Alaniz, Martin, and Ballabriga (2018) also found that harsh parenting was positively
associated with child ODD symptoms, based on data from their sample of 100 families
with preschool children [55].
Likewise, Rowe, Maughan, Pickles, Costello, and Angold (2010) also asserted that children
with CD showed significantly higher rates of parental drug and alcohol problems when
compared to their study’s no-diagnosis group [61]. The ODD group’s data fell between
the other two groups (CD group and no-diagnosis group) when compared to the other
two groups’ data. Rowe et al.’s analyses were based on four waves of data covering
1420 children in the community aged 9–16 years.
Parental attribution style. According to Weiner’s (1974) original attributional model,
three proposed dimensions are linked to the attribution process [62]. These dimensions
include the locus (whether the behavior was caused by the child, other people, or the
environment), control, and stability [63]. Johnston and Ohan (2005) suggested that parents
of children with ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders were more likely to attribute
children’s negative behaviors as internal and stable, whereas they attributed children’s
positive behaviors as external, less stable, and less controllable [64]. These attributions were
especially noted when child behavioral stimuli were ambiguous. Parents’ inaccurate attri-
bution of their child’s ODD symptoms frequently limited the parent’s ability to realistically
interpret the child’s real intent underlying the behaviors. In turn, the parent’s negative
attributions further impacted child development negatively [64].
Research on the relationship between parental attribution style and child ODD symp-
toms is less abundant. However, studies on the linkages between parental attributional
style and children’s emotional and behavioral problems may provide indirect evidence.
For example, Wang and Wang (2018) sampled 864 students (mean age = 13.55 years) in
China and found that negative paternal attribution was positively associated with child
emotional problems [65]. From the perspective of parental locus of control (PLOC), McCabe,
Goebring, Yeh, and Lau (2008) studied 58 children with behavior disorders and 57 typically
developing children with no behavioral disorders. Children in the sample ranged between
the ages of 3 and 7 [66]. They found that their sample of Latino parents were more apt to
adopt external control attribution and that their pre-school children were more likely to
exhibit behavioral problems. In studies such as McCabe et al. (2008) and Wang and Wang
(2018), parents of children with ODD symptoms are inclined to consider child behavior
problems as uncontrollable and difficult to manage. Consequently, these parents might not
take the initiative to discipline children.
Parental emotion factors. One of the main contributing factors to the development
of ODD symptoms in children is parental socialization of emotion, which is thought to
occur through modeling of emotional expression and regulation, direct coaching in how to
identify and cope with emotion, and/or parental reinforcement of emotional expression [67].
Dunsmore, Booker, and Ollendick (2013) illustrated that parental emotional expression
placing value on children’s appropriate expression of emotion, and engaging in direct
instruction about coping strategies, may ameliorate children’s emotion regulation and
emotional understanding, which would reduce ODD symptoms [68]. In the aspect of
the empirical research, Duncombe, Havighurst, Holland, and Frankling(2012) conducted
a study among 373 5- to 9-year-old children with typical ODD symptoms. They found
that negative parental emotional expression positively correlated to the number of ODD
symptoms in children [56]. Similarly, by using a longitudinal design with a sample of 146
children (5 years old at Time 1) and their parents, Weber-Milne (2015) confirmed the strong
link between parents’ emotional expression and children’s OD behavior [69].
As for the other aspect of parent emotion socialization, parental emotion regulation
plays an important role in the development and maintenance of child ODD symptoms as
well [53]. The deficits in parental emotion regulation might affect the process of child emo-
tion socialization, contributing to poor psychological outcomes [70]. For instance, among a
sample of 239 6- to 13- year-old children with ODD, Lin et al. (2019) found that parental
emotion dysregulation was positively associated with child depressive symptoms [15].
Additionally, Jiang, Lin, Zhou, Hou, Ding, and Zhou (2020) sampled 123 Chinese children
with ODD (ages 6–13) and their mothers. Their data indicated that maternal emotion
dysregulation was significantly and positively related to child ODD symptoms [71].
in the theory of mind aspect and the psychological domain. Furthermore, Skoulos and
Tryon (2007) studied 27 children who met the ODD diagnostic criteria and 27 children
(aged between 14.3–19.3 years) who did not meet the ODD diagnostic criteria [89]. They
suggested that a lack of adaptive social skills exacerbated psychopathology in adolescent
females who were identified with educational disabilities and who displayed symptoms
of ODD.
Additionally, the social information processing (SIP) was particularly well docu-
mented in previous studies, which accounted for the proximal factors of child externalizing
problems [90]. Specifically, there are several steps in the SIP model (encoding, making
attributions, selecting a goal, generating responses, evaluating responses, and enacting
responses), and researchers investigated the different outcomes resulting from problems
associated with different SIP steps and the interactions among these steps [90]. Coy, Speltz,
Deklyen, and Jones (2001) compared the difference in social information encoding between
children with ODD and those without ODD [91]. The sample included 88 preschool boys
with ODD and 80 nondisruptive boys, with longitudinal assessments over a two-year
period. The results showed that boys with ODD encoding of social information were less
accurate than normally developing children.
Children’s emotion regulation. The development of adaptive emotion regulation (ER)
competencies is critical in children’s early development [92]. When persistently failing
to cope with negative emotions (i.e., venting and lack of effective regulatory strategies),
children become overwhelmed with distress and frustration and are at a heightened risk
for developing psychopathology and experiencing maladaptive outcomes [93,94]. Indeed,
considerable research has shown that maladaptive ER competencies are significantly related
to the development of child ODD symptoms [95–97]. More succinctly stated, children with
impaired ER competencies appear to be more vulnerable to developing ODD symptoms
and other psychopathology [98–101].
In another study conducted by Schoorl, van Rijn, de Wied, van Goozen, and Swaab
(2016), included 65 boys with ODD/CD and 38 typical developing boys (8–12 years),
Schoorl et al. (2016) asserted that the ODD/CD group rejected more ambiguous offers
than the non-clinical (NC) group, which was seen as an indication of poor emotion reg-
ulation [102]. Parents also reported that the ODD/CD group experienced more emotion
regulation problems in daily life than the NC group. Additionally, Paliziyan, Honarman,
and Arshadi (2018) sampled 320 students with a mean age of 16.34 (SD = 0.66) years and
found that emotion dysregulation was the most effective predicting variable of ODD [103].
More recently, Lin et al. (2018, 2019) also stated that lower levels of emotion regulation play
a transdiagnostic predictive role in children’s co-occurring internalizing psychopathology
and ODD symptoms [9,15].
Given the importance of the family systems theory, in the following sections, we
review the interplay of how family factors at the system, dyadic, and individual level affect
child ODD symptoms. We elucidate these interconnected multi-level relationships as we
propose our understanding of how factors at system, dyadic, and individual levels exert
effects on the development and maintenance of child ODD symptoms.
3.4.1. Mediation/Moderation Effect between Family SES and Child ODD Symptoms
Researchers have illuminated that lower SES, as a distal factor to the child, exerts its
effect indirectly, through more proximal factors, such as dyadic marital relationship, parent–
child relationship, and parenting, as well as individual parent and child factors [19,28]. For
example, Granero, Louwaars, and Ezpeleta (2015) sampled 622 3-year-old children and
demonstrated that the association between low SES and high ODD was partially mediated
by difficulties in child effort control, corporal punishment, and inconsistent discipline [105].
Additionally, Lavigne et al. (2012) studied 796 4-year-old children and found a direct
and negative relationship between SES and child ODD symptoms [28]. Further, this
relationship was mediated by dyadic-level factors (e.g., marital conflict, parental hostility,
parental support, and parental scaffolding), and individual-level factors (e.g., child effortful
control and sensory regulation). Consistently, Lavigne et al. (2016) examined a cascade
model of ages 4 and 5 multi-domain factors on child ODD symptoms at age 6 in a diverse
community sample of 796 children [19]. Significant indirect effects on age 6 ODD symptoms
were found for age 4 SES via age 5 conflict and parental scaffolding skills.
3.4.2. Mediation/Moderation Effect between Family Function and Child ODD Symptoms
Aside from SES, family dysfunction, a system-level family factor, also appears to
predict child ODD symptoms through the mediation of dyadic- and individual-level factors,
such as parenting practices and parental psychopathology [28]. In fact, impaired family
function might lead to more negative parenting practices (e.g., inconsistent discipline
and hostile parenting) and fewer positive parenting practices (e.g., warm and supportive
parenting), which further facilitates child ODD symptoms [28].
Individual parent and child factors are also significant mediators between family dys-
function and child ODD symptoms. For example, studies have suggested that family stress
and conflict, associated with parental depressive symptoms and child temperament, may
facilitate child ODD symptoms [28]. Additionally, Lin et al. (2018) purported that family
cohesion/adaptability affected child ODD symptoms indirectly through the sequence of
parent–child relationship and child emotion regulation [9]. This study’s results illustrated
that the distal factor of family cohesion/adaptability could exert its effects on child ODD
symptoms via more proximal factors, such as parent–child relationship and the child’s
emotion regulation.
Moreover, individual child factors also moderated the pathway from family dysfunc-
tion to the development of ODD symptoms. For instance, Chen et al. (2020) demonstrated
that children’s emotional lability/negativity significantly moderated the link between fam-
ily violence and children’s ODD symptoms, by using a sample of 409 children (Mage = 9.36,
SD = 1.55). Consistent with this viewpoint, a higher level of family violence was associated
with higher levels of ODD symptoms among children with lability/negativity [98].
3.4.3. Mediation/Moderation Effect between Couple Interaction and Child ODD Symptoms
Several studies have explored the individual mediators and moderators between
marital conflict and child ODD symptoms [15]. In particular, Lavigne et al. (2012) conducted
a multi-domain model of risk factors for ODD symptoms in a community sample of
796 4-year-old children [28]. The results showed that marital conflict had both direct effects
on ODD symptoms, and indirect effects via parental depression and child effortful control
and sensory regulation.
Furthermore, Ding et al. (2019) found that the link between marital quality and child
ODD symptoms was particularly moderated by child gender [20]. Specifically, parental
marital quality predicted subsequent ODD symptoms for boys. However, the direct effect
of paternal marital quality on girls’ ODD symptoms was not significant. Their sample
included 253 6- to 13-year-old children with ODD and their parents and teachers from
mainland China.
Figure 2. Three-level multiple family factors framework. Note that there also may be bidirectional
relations and interactions among family factors and child ODD symptoms.
4. Discussion
Based on publications in the past two decades, we summarized familial risk factors
which are implicated in the etiology and maintenance of child ODD symptoms. Based
on this summary, we developed a multiple-level framework describing the mechanisms
underlying the pathway from familial risk factors to ODD psychopathological symptoms.
Particularly, from the perspective of the family systems theory, we divided these familial risk
factors into three different levels, including the system level, dyadic level, and individual
level (see Figure 2). From this perspective, children are at the highest risk for developing
ODD symptoms when confronting prominent problems in system level (e.g., lower SES,
family dysfunction), dyadic level (e.g., marital conflict, poor parent–child interaction), and
individual level (i.e., individual parent and child characteristics, cognitive factors, and
emotion factors).
We also explained the underlying mechanism between familial risk factors and child
ODD symptoms. Simply stated, there are significant interactive effects among various famil-
ial risk factors, which serve as both mediators and moderators in this process. Specifically,
indicators of the system level are the most distal risk factors of child ODD symptoms in
the family system, and the link between system level factors and child ODD symptoms are
prone to be mediated and moderated by factors at dyadic and individual levels. Indicators
on the dyadic level are more likely to be associated with child ODD symptoms directly
and indirectly via individual-level factors. Moreover, indicators on the parent and child
individual level are the most proximal risk factors of ODD symptoms and are inclined to
contribute to child ODD symptoms in a direct manner.
Overall, our study outlined the direct and indirect influences on the development,
maintenance, and modification of child ODD symptoms, including overall family func-
tioning, interparental relationship, parent–child relationship, parent characteristics, and
child characteristics. Based on this information, we recommend that future research focus
on multiple levels of familial risk factors related to child ODD symptoms, rather than
focusing on individual child psychological functioning. Additionally, our review pro-
vides contextual information to guide the development of more effective prevention and
intervention strategies.
Throughout the review, we found multiple levels of risk factors in the family system
that contributed to the occurrence and development of child ODD symptoms [5]. These
multiple levels of risk factors included factors of impaired family socioeconomic status
(SES) and family dysfunction on the system level; factors of marital conflict, maladaptive
parent–child relationships, and poor parenting practices on the family dyadic level; and
factors of parent and child characteristics on the individual level. In addition to these
factors documented in current review, we also believe that there are still more factors linked
to ODD symptoms. Logically, this suggests that ODD is a multiple-risk-factor consequence
rather than a single-child-individual problem.
Taking both parent–child interaction and child individual factors into consideration,
the three-level multiple family factors extends Vose’s (2010) work, which proposed a
multiple-level assessment of family functioning [17], involving whole family, dyad (i.e., in-
terparental relationship), and parental individual levels. Specifically, in the three-level
multiple family factors framework, we expanded on the family factors at the dyadic level.
In addition to interparental relationship, we also include the parent–child relationship.
Additionally, for family factors at the individual level, in addition to parental individ-
ual factors (including both paternal and maternal individual factors), we include child
individual factors.
In this review, our proposed three-level multiple family factors framework urges
researchers, practitioners, teachers, and parents to conduct prevention and interventions
for child ODD symptoms from the perspective of multilevel family factors theory. That
is, we must focus on risk factors of different levels, not solely on child individual factors.
Furthermore, for children with ODD symptoms, addressing multiple factors in the family
system will prove more effective than treating children in isolation of their environment,
most importantly, the family context. Our proposed framework also clarifies the interactive
effects among various familial risk factors, by examining the influences of both mediators
and moderators. Particularly, research that investigated factors at the system level was
limited. The majority of studies highlighted the mediated role of the dyadic and individual
levels of factors in the pathway from system-level risk factors to child ODD symptoms.
Furthermore, factors at the dyadic level were extensively examined. Our review addresses
the important roles of marital conflict and impaired parent–child interaction at the dyadic
level in the mechanism underlying the etiology of child ODD symptoms [23,45].
Additionally, it is important to note that, factors at the dyadic level may function in
two different ways in the family process [28]. First, factors at the dyadic level are related
to child ODD symptoms directly and indirectly via individual parent and child factors.
Second, dyadic-level factors serve as important mediators linking the system level factors
and child ODD symptoms. Moreover, according to our review, parental and child factors at
the individual level in the family system may account for the variance of the development
of child ODD symptoms. Additionally, individual parent and child factors, as proximal
factors, are more inclined to play a moderated and mediated role in the association between
distal family factors and child ODD symptoms in the family system. More studies that
combine longitudinal and experimental design with moderator/mediator analyses are
needed to further explore the interactive mechanism in the pathways from multilevel
familial risk factors to child ODD symptoms.
5. Conclusions
Overall, this review focused on the roles of familial risk factors in the etiology, main-
tenance, and development of ODD symptoms. These risk factors included lower family
socioeconomic status (SES) and family dysfunction on the family system level; marital
conflict and maladaptive parent–child relationship on the family dyadic level; individ-
ual parent factors, such as parental psychopathology, parental negative attribution style,
parental emotion factors; and individual child factors, including difficult temperament,
emotion dysregulation, impaired social cognition, and lack of empathy on the individual
level. During the examination, the interactive mechanism among various risk factors was
emphasized, which further accounted for the development of child ODD symptoms in
the perspective of the family systems theory. Additionally, according to the review, when
designing and developing family-based interventions and educational guidance to address
child ODD symptoms, researchers and practitioners must lay an extreme emphasis on
the dynamic and interactive effects of multiple levels of family factors that influence the
emergence and exacerbation of ODD symptoms. As well, both the initial predictors and
the mediators/moderators of child ODD symptoms should be taken into consideration,
rather than focusing solely on the individual child-related factors.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, X.L.; methodology, T.H. and S.H.; software and validation,
P.C.; investigation and resources, T.H. and P.C.; Supervision, X.L.; Writing—original draft, X.L. and
T.H.; Writing—review & editing, M.H. and S.H.; project administration and funding acquisition, X.L.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by [The National Nature Science Foundation of China] grant
number [31800935, 32071072], and [The National Social Science Foundation of China] grant number
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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