Received on 04 April, 2018; received in revised form, 09 June, 2018; accepted, 18 June, 2018; published 01 December, 2018
Matsyakhyadi kashaya etc. are some of the Ltd., Thane, Maharashtra, India) for further
preparations using the drug 4, 16. Most of the analysis. Quantitative analysis and antioxidant
literature has illustrated the padmacarini as assays were done by dissolving 1 mg extract in 1
Hybanthus enneaspermus and Habernaria ml respective solvent. Antimicrobial study was
grandiflora. Traditional healers and ayurvedic done with well diffusion method by dissolving 1
physicians of Kerala have considered the single mg extract in 1 ml DMSO.
leafed plants orilathamara is same as padmacarini
and they used the plants Nervilia crociformis, Qualitative Phytochemical Screening: For
Nervilia plicata and Habernaria diphylla as preliminary phytochemical screening, plant extracts
padmacarini. The present study aims at qualitative of the whole plants of N. crociformis and N.
and quantitative phytochemical screening with infundibulifolia was subjected to various qualitative
special reference to the antioxidant and chemical tests to determine the presence of phyto-
antibacterial properties of the plant Nervilia constituents like glycosides, tannins, phytosterols,
crociformis which is known as padmacarini in proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, flavonoids,
Sanskrit and a closely related species Nervilia phenolic compounds, oils and fats, and saponins 5.
infundibulifolia whole plant extracts. Total carbohydrate content of the selected plants
was done by anthrone method 6. The total phenolics
Indian species of Nervilia infundibulifolia have not of the different plant extracts were determined
yet been subjected to such phytochemical screening according to the method described by Makkar 7.
to understand the medicinal values. The selected The flavonoid contents of all the extracts were
plants were belonging to the family Orchidaceae. quantified according to the method described by
The plants have a single leaf and are ground Zhishen, et al. 8
hugging in case of N. crociformis and small and
with reddish patches in case of N. infundibulifolia. In-vitro Antioxidant Assays: Two different assays
These plants have a fleshy flower stem with only including free radical scavenging DPPH assay and
one flower and a leaf which arises later at the base Phosphomolybdenum assay were used to evaluate
of the dying flower stem. The flowers of the plants the antioxidant potential of the selected plants.
appear soon after the first heavy rain in monsoon Each experiment was done in triplicate and mean
season. values were taken. The antioxidant activity of the
extract was determined in terms of hydrogen
MATERIALS AND METHODS: donating or radical scavenging ability using the
Preparation of Extracts: The whole plants of N. stable radical DPPH, according to the method of
crociformis and N. infundibulifolia were collected Braca et al. 9, 10 The antioxidant activity of samples
from Kasargod District, Kerala, India. The plants was evaluated by the green phospho-molybdenum
were identified in department of PG studies and complex formation according to the method of
research in botany, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba. Prieto et al. 11
The collected plants were washed thoroughly with
tap water followed by distilled water for the Antibacterial Activity Test: The antibacterial
removal of dust and soil particles, cut into pieces activity was carried out on the extracts chloroform
and shade dried at room temperature for 15 days and ethanol against gram negative (Pseudomonas
then coarsely powdered using Panasonic Mixer and aeroginosa ATCC 27853) and gram positive
used for extraction. The powder (20 gm) was (Streptococcus mutans MTCC 890 &
extracted with petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923), Esteritia
in a Soxhlet apparatus (3840; Borosil Glass works coli (ATCC 25922) bacterial strains were used for
Ltd., Mumbai, India) and finally the dried powder the study. Antifungal activity by Aspergillus niger
was macerated using water with constant stirring (ATCC16404).
for 48 h using the orbital shaker (Rivotek; Riviera
The agar well diffusion method was employed for
Glass Pvt., Ltd., Mumbai, India) and the extract
the determination of antimicrobial activities of the
was filtered. The extracts were concentrated using a
selected plants. A suspension of the tested bacteria
rotary evaporator and stored at -20 ºC in the deep
(0.1 mL of 1 × 108 cells/mL) was spread on the
freezer (RQV- 300; plus, REMI electro technik
solid media plates. Wells of approximately 10 mm the zone of inhibition was measured after overnight
was bored using a well cutter and sample of 25, 50, incubation and compared with that of standard
and 100 µg concentrations were added. After antimycotic (Clotrimazole).
staying at 4 ºC for 2 h, the plates were incubated at
37 ºC for 24 h. The antibacterial activity was RESULTS:
assayed by measuring the diameter of the inhibition Phytochemical Screening: Screening of various
zone formed around the well (NCCLS, 1993) in phytochemicals of crude extracts reveals a good
centimetres. Streptomycin was used as a positive concentration of proteins, alkaloids, phenols,
control with the tested bacteria. In order to access tannins, amino acids, carbohydrates, saponins,
the biological significance and ability of the flavonoids, glycosides and fixed oils and fats in
sample, the antifungal activity was determined by petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol and water
Agar well diffusion method. Potato Dextrose agar extracts of Nervilia crociformis Table 1 and
plates were prepared and overnight grown species Nervilia infundibulifolia Table 2. These chemical
of fungus, Aspergillus niger was swabbed. Wells of compounds are responsible for different medicinal
approximately 10 mm was bored using a well cutter properties of the plant extracts.
and samples of different concentration was added;
S. no. Phytochemicals Pet. ether Chloroform Ethanol Water
1 Carbohydrate + ++ +++ +++
2 Protein + + + ++
3 Amino acid - - + +
4 Alkaloid - - + +
5 Flavonoid + + + +
6 Tannin - - + +
8 Saponin - - - +
9 Phenol + + + +
11 Cardiac Glycosides - - + -
12 Fixed oils and Fats - + + +
The chloroform extract shows lowest activity of the were investigated for antioxidant potential by using
two species studied and the ethanol extract shows three different methods. All extracts showed
highest activity. Of the two plants studied the antioxidant activity up to varying extent.
whole plant extracts of N. crociformis has highest
phenolic content than N. infundibulifolia. DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity:
S. no. Extract IC50 mg/ml
N. c N. i
1 Petroleum ether 48.16956 136.612
2 Chloroform 25.56237 88.65248
3 Ethanol 79.36508 111.1111
4 Water 24.11963 173.6111
Antioxidant Assays: In present study, the 4 Based on the demonstrated results the crude extract
extracts of N. crociformis and N. infundibulifolia of Nervilia crociformis can be categories as more
free radical scavenging activity than Nervilia infundibulifolia shows an average of 183.7 ± 6.12,
infundibulifolia. Basically, a higher DPPH radical- ethanol extract shows a value of 264.26 ± 1.7 and
scavenging activity is associated with a lower IC50 water extract shows a result of 325.93 ± 1.4.
value. Nervilia crociformis shows an average of 191.67 ±
1.5 in petroleum ether extract, 348.52 ± 1.2 in
Phosphomolybdenum Assay: The antioxidant chloroform extract, 154.63 ± 3.9 in ethanol extract
activity of samples was evaluated by the green and 293.89 ± 6.3 in water extract.
phosphomolybdenum complex formation according
to the method of Prieto (1999). This method is
based on the reduction of phosphomolybdic acid to
phosphomolybdenum blue complex by sodium
sulfide. The obtained phosphomolybdenum blue
complex is oxidized by the addition of nitrite and
this causes a reduction in intensity of the blue
S. no. Extract N.i N.c
1 Petroleum ether 209.44±2.55 191.67±1.5 FIG. 4: GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF PHOSPHO-
2 Chloroform 183.7±6.12 348.52±1.2 MOLYBDENUM ASSAY IN N. CROCIFORMIS AND N.
3 Ethanol 264.26±1.7 154.63±3.9 INFUNDIBULIFOLIA WHOLE PLANT EXTRACTS. N. i:
4 Water 325.93±1.4 293.89±6.3 Nervilia infundibulifolia; N. c: Nervilia crociformis
N. i: Nervilia infundibulifolia; N. c: Nervilia crociformis
Antimicrobial Activity: Antimicrobial activity is
The petroleum ether extract shows an average of observed high in chloroform and ethanol extracts
209.44 ± 2.55, chloroform extract of Nervilia compared to petroleum ether and water.
Streptococcus mutans
Staphylococcus aureus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escheritia coli
Aspergillus niger
Sample Concentration (μg) Zone of inhibition (cm)
chloroform 25 nil
50 1.0
100 1.3
ethanol 25 Nil
50 nil
100 1.4
Clotrimazole 50 2.0
The present study investigated the in-vitro In the case of antibacterial activity, the average IZ
antibacterial and antifungal activity of two different of the chloroform extract were highest against the
solvent extracts in Nervilia crociformis whole plant growth of Pseudomonas aeroginosa and least in
sample against four different strains of bacteria like staphylococcus aureus. The average IZ of the
E. coli, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Staphylococcus ethanol extract were highest against the growth of
aureus, Streptococcus mutans and a fungal strain streptococcus mutans and least in Staphylococcus
Aspergillus niger. The potency of the extracts and aureus. The inhibition zone against different
their antibacterial sensitivity were assessed bacterial strains in ethanol and chloroform extracts
quantitatively by determining the IZs given in shows in the Table 8 Fig. 7 and 8. Antifungal
Table 8 and the antifungal activity were assessed activity of the two extracts was shown in Table 9.
and IZs given in Table 9.
S. mutans P. aeruginosa
The results as diameter of the inhibition zone in DISCUSSION: Many species of orchids having
ethanol extract have been given in the Table 10 helpful phytoconstituents are currently being used
and Fig. 9. The chloroform extract of the plant as drugs in the Indian system of medicine. Being
shows little activity against selected microbial members of a highly advanced family, orchids have
strains so the results would be discarded. IZ of N. a major role to play in the genetic engineering of
infundibulifolia whole plant ethanol extract is new forms that may be useful in floriculture,
maximum in the case of E. coli and minimum in S. pharmacology and other, as yet unexplored fields
aureus. of science. Classical texts highlighted that orchid
drugs like Jeevaka, Rishabhaka, Riddhi as
Streptomycin was used as control in the case of Rasayana 12 and Vajeekarana agents 13 and used
antibacterial activity and Clotrimazole in the case mainly in the treatment of Vata dominant diseases
of antifungal activity. (which involves nervous system and musculo-
skeletal disorders mainly) 13. Certain conditions Out of five test strains, all the strains namely S.
like rheumatism, fractures, ear ache, nervous aureus (gram +ve, inhabit the respiratory tract is a
disorders, wounds, sexual problems, swellings, facultative pathogen) and P. aeruginosa, (gram -ve,
worm infestation, headache are found to be cause infection in blood and lungs), E. coli (gram -
managed by the traditional practitioners with ve, intestinal infection and fever), S. mutans (gram
simple formulations consisting of orchids. +ve, inhabiting in the mouth of humans) were
found to be inhibited by the 100 µg ethanol and
The results obtained from the present study provide chloroform extract of Nervilia crociformis and
certain informations with respect to the phyto- ethanol extract of Nervilia infundibulifolia. The
chemical constituents, antioxidant property, results obtained were found to be encouraging as
antibacterial activity of the two species of compared to that of Streptomycin. A. niger was the
medicinal orchid Nervilia namely Nervilia fungal strain studied and the results were
crociformis and Nervilia infundibulifolia. These satisfactory in the case of the extracts of the two
two species are closely related in their morphology studied plants.
and characteristics. In this study the authors try to
identify the differences in chemical properties of CONCLUSION: Hence, orchids were commonly
these two species because these two species were used as traditional medicine many of the medicinal
used interchangeably for a certain disease kidney orchids were yet to be explored for their medicinal
stone. properties. In the present study indicated that
Nervilia crociformis and Nervilia infundibulifolia
As evident from the phytochemical analysis Table two medicinal orchids possess a good phyto-
1 and 2, Out of the 12 phytochemicals studied chemical, antibacterial and antioxidant activities.
ethanol and water extracts of Nervilia crociformis Further, work is required to find out the active
contains a good number of phytochemicals principle from the plant extracts and to carry out
compared to Nervilia infundibulifolia. But pharmaceutical studies.
quantitatively carbohydrate and flavonoid content
was high in Nervilia infundibulifolia. Surprisingly ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We are thankful to the
all the extracts of Nervilia infundibulifolia studied faculties and Head of the department of PG studies
show good result than that of Nervilia crociformis. and research centre in botany Sir Syed College,
In the case of total phenolic content the case was Taliparamba, Kannur, Kerala for providing
just reversed, Nervilia crociformis shows good necessary laboratory facilities, and also thankful to
results than Nervilia infundibulifolia in all extracts. the Kannur University for the financial assistance
to carry out this research.
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the plants shows that Nervilia crociformis extracts We acknowledge the research scholars of the Sir
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