(Biomes of The Earth) Peter D. Moore, Richard Garratt - Tundra (Biomes of The Earth) - Chelsea House Publications (2006)
(Biomes of The Earth) Peter D. Moore, Richard Garratt - Tundra (Biomes of The Earth) - Chelsea House Publications (2006)
(Biomes of The Earth) Peter D. Moore, Richard Garratt - Tundra (Biomes of The Earth) - Chelsea House Publications (2006)
Peter D. Moore
Illustrations by
Richard Garratt
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Where is the tundra biome found? 1
What factors determine tundra distribution? 4
The Earth’s climate patterns 7
Climate in the polar tundra 14
Albedo 15
Climate in the alpine tundra 18
Lapse rate 19
Diversity of tundra landscapes 22
Arctic tundra vegetation 23
Alpine tundra vegetation 26
Conclusions 29
Polar geology 31
Mountain geology 33
Plate tectonics 34
Ice accumulation 35
Ice sheets, ice caps, and glaciers 36
Effects of glaciation 40
After the ice 43
Patterns on the ground 46
Soil formation in the tundra 55
Soil types of the tundra 57
Soil change in time 62
The tundra atmosphere 64
Conclusions 67
What is an ecosystem? 69
Tundra food webs and energy flow 72
Nutrient cycling in the tundra 76
Stability of the tundra ecosystem 81
Conclusions 82
Living in the freezer 84
Tundra plants 86
Evergreen or deciduous? 88
Solar-tracking flowers 91
Microbes of the tundra 94
Lichens 97
Tundra invertebrates 98
Energy and tundra insects 102
Tundra birds 102
Putting on weight in the tundra 106
Polar tundra mammals 111
A tundra heavyweight, the musk ox 117
Alpine tundra mammals 121
Adaptations in tundra mammals 126
Conclusions 128
Ice ages 130
Glacial history 133
Cycles of climate change 138
Causes of glaciation 142
The Milankovitch theory 144
Biological history of tundra 145
People in the tundra 148
The woolly mammoth 150
Tundra exploration 153
Conclusions 159
Hunting and trapping 161
Mineral reserves 163
Ecotourism and recreation 168
What is ecotourism? 169
Tundra as a carbon sink 172
Conclusions 173
Consequences of climate change 175
Ozone holes 178
Pollution 180
The Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol 180
Tundra conservation 182
Bringing back the wolf 185
Conclusions 186
Glossary 189
Further reading 203
Web sites 205
Index 209
Earth is a remarkable planet. There is nowhere else in our
solar system where life can survive in such a great diversity of
forms. As far as we can currently tell, our planet is unique.
Isolated in the barren emptiness of space, here on Earth we
are surrounded by a remarkable range of living things, from
the bacteria that inhabit the soil to the great whales that
migrate through the oceans, from the giant redwood trees of
the Pacific forests to the mosses that grow on urban side-
walks. In a desolate universe, Earth teems with life in a bewil-
dering variety of forms.
One of the most exciting things about the Earth is the rich
pattern of plant and animal communities that exists over its
surface. The hot, wet conditions of the equatorial regions
support dense rain forests with tall canopies occupied by a
wealth of animals, some of which may never touch the
ground. The cold, bleak conditions of the polar regions, on
the other hand, sustain a much lower variety of species of
plants and animals, but those that do survive under such
harsh conditions have remarkable adaptations to their test-
ing environment. Between these two extremes lie many
other types of complex communities, each well suited to the
particular conditions of climate prevailing in its region. Sci-
entists call these communities biomes.
The different biomes of the world have much in common
with one another. Each has a plant component, which is
responsible for trapping the energy of the Sun and making it
available to the other members of the community. Each has
grazing animals, both large and small, that take advantage of
the store of energy found within the bodies of plants. Then
come the predators, ranging from tiny spiders that feed upon
even smaller insects to tigers, eagles, and polar bears that sur-
vive by preying upon large animals. All of these living things
Few words conjure up such bleak images as the word tundra.
If asked to write down the ideas that come into their heads
on hearing the word, most people would probably include:
cold climate; unproductive, treeless, bare landscapes; and lit-
tle sign of life, with a total lack of human habitation. There is
a measure of truth in these ideas, but they are far from the
whole truth. In fact, summer days in the tundra can be
extremely warm, and for short periods the vegetation can be
very productive. Although low in diversity, the tundra is rich
in living organisms. Trees are present, but they tend to grow
only to knee height, and humans manage to make a living in
these regions despite the rigors of the tundra winter.
Geography is the study of the Earth and includes the way in
which landforms and living things are distributed over the
surface of the Earth, what factors have caused their distribu-
tion, and how the world came to contain the forms now
found here. Geography can teach people much about the
tundra biome, including the parts of the world in which it is
found and the reasons why it has this distribution pattern.
North Pole
extent of tundra
The extent of the Arctic
tundra. South of this
line, forest becomes
increasingly abundant.
at high altitude. Below this ice zone lies the alpine tundra,
again forming a ring between ice and forest.
The map above shows the extent of the tundra region
around the North Pole. It occupies the coastal region of Alaska
and the Aleutian Islands and the northern parts of Canada,
sweeping south to include the coast of Hudson Bay, the north-
ern tip of Newfoundland, and the whole of Greenland and Ice-
land. It includes the northern coastal strip of Norway and the
northern edge of Russia, sweeping south again in the northern
Pacific to skirt the Bering Sea. In Antarctica, the great extent of
the ice cap, much of which is situated on land below sea level,
restricts tundra to isolated fragments along the coastal regions
and islands, especially at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Alpine tundra is, of course, more scattered over the face of
the Earth, wherever high mountains are to be found, from
the Arctic to the equator. In the Americas, alpine tundra is
The distribution of the a latitude of 0 degrees. A cross section through the Earth
main mountain ranges would show that the North and South Poles are at right
of the world. The two angles to the line of the equator, so these have latitudes of
major ice sheets and the 90°N and 90°S, respectively. Between the equator and the
main regions of poles, the angles of the lines of latitude lie between 0° and
mountain glaciers are 90° with the higher values being closer to the poles; hence
also shown. the polar regions are referred to as the high latitudes and the
equatorial regions as the low latitudes. Mountains occur both
at high and low latitudes, as shown in the illustration on this
page and also in the illustration on page 20.
average annual precipitation (in)
The relationships
between the major tropical
rain forest
biomes of the Earth and 80 temperate
the climatic factors of
temperature and taiga
solar energy
Incident solar energy on dust caused by volcanic eruptions, and the precise angle at
the surface of the Earth which the sunlight strikes the atmosphere. In general, how-
during a Northern ever, the equatorial regions receive about six times the
Hemisphere summer. amount of incident energy from the Sun per unit area when
Energy is spread over a compared with the polar regions.
greater area near the At the same time as energy is arriving at the surface of the
North and South Poles Earth, it is also being radiated from the Earth back into space,
than at the equator. The but the overall balance varies from one part of the planet to
sunlight also passes another. In the low latitudes, more energy is arriving than is
through a greater leaving, creating an energy surplus that becomes dispersed by
thickness of atmosphere movements of the atmosphere and the ocean currents. But in
at the poles, so more the high latitudes, especially those between 75°N or 75°S and
energy is absorbed the poles, more energy is being radiated than is received. So
or reflected. these polar regions are in an energy deficit. If there were no
mechanisms by which energy was redistributed around the
world, then one would expect the equatorial regions to be
25°F (14°C) warmer than they actually are, and the poles
would be 45°F (25°C) colder. As it is, the atmosphere and the
oceans are moderating the temperature differences between
equator and poles.
Seasonal changes also contribute to the uneven distribu-
tion of energy over the surface of the Earth. Seasonal varia-
tions in climate result from the fact that the Earth is tilted,
(Northern Hemisphere
tilts away from Sun)
23.5 °
(Northern Hemisphere
tilts toward Sun)
North Pole
low ITCZ
N. Atlantic C.
Canary C.
Gulf Stream
N. Equatorial C.
Guinea C.
S. Equatorial C.
S. Equatorial C.
warm currents
West Wind Drift Humboldt C. Falkland C. Brazil C. Benguela C. Agulhas C. cool currents
Circulation patterns in Air masses thus assist in the dispersal of heat around the
the Earth’s oceans. world, ensuring that the overall temperature difference
Note that the warm between the equator and the poles is not as great as one
waters of the Gulf would expect from studies of solar energy input. Ocean cur-
Stream penetrate into rents also have an important role in global heat transfers (see
the Arctic Ocean from illustration above). In the eastern Atlantic, warm water from
the North Atlantic, but the Caribbean region, called the Gulf Stream, moves north
there is no such warm and east, becoming the North Atlantic Drift, which warms
movement in the North the western coast of Europe. Bergen, in Norway, is at the
Pacific. As a result same latitude as the southern tip of Greenland and of Baffin
northern Alaska is Island in Canada. But Bergen lies within the coniferous forest
much colder than (or taiga) biome, well to the south of the tundra, while
northern Scandinavia. Greenland and Baffin Island lie deep in the tundra biome.
(See also the illustration Warmed by the ocean currents of the east Atlantic region, the
on page 141.) climate of Bergen is warm enough to support forest growth.
There is also a warm North Pacific Drift, but this does not
penetrate past the Aleutian Islands because of the southward-
Albedo can be defined as the proportion of incoming solar radiation that is reflected from
a surface. Pale, shiny surfaces reflect much of the light that is incident upon them, while
dark, dull surfaces absorb most of the incoming energy. The albedo value is usually
expressed as a decimal, so that an albedo of 0.9 means that 90 percent of the incoming
radiation is reflected, while an albedo of 0.1 means that only 10 percent is reflected. The
reflected energy is measured either by an instrument located a few feet above the surface
or, on a larger scale, it can be measured from a low-flying aircraft. The following table
gives some albedo values for different kinds of surfaces.
°C °F
20 Niwot Ridge, Colorado (mountain – 12,000 ft) 68
Churchill, Manitoba (polar)
Isachsen, Northwest Territories (polar)
10 50
0 32
-10 14
-20 -4
-30 -22
-40 -40
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Lapse rate
When a fixed amount of air (for convenience called a “package”) is in contact with a hot
land surface, it absorbs heat and it expands. This means that the molecules within the
package of air occupy more space and the air becomes less dense. When air is less dense
than the air above it, it rises, being displaced by the denser air. As it rises, the package of
warm air is subject to less and less atmospheric pressure because it has less weight of air
pressing down upon it from above, and the lower pressure means that it expands. The
molecules in expanding gas have to push other molecules out of their way, and doing so
slows down their movements and causes them to lose energy; in other words, the gas
cools. This is called adiabatic cooling; the word adiabatic means that there is no energy
exchange between the gas and its surroundings. Adiabatic cooling resulting from gas
expansion with altitude causes a general decline (or lapse) in air temperature with height
above the ground, and the rate at which this occurs is called the dry adiabatic lapse rate.
The adiabatic cooling of the air, however, means that it cannot hold as much water
vapor, because warm air has a higher capacity for water-holding than cold air. As the air
in the package cools, therefore, its water vapor condenses into droplets. A special prop-
erty of water comes into play here: its resistance to changes of physical state. Water occurs
in three physical states—solid (ice), liquid, and gas (water vapor)—and a change of state
requires a relatively large gain or loss of energy. When water changes state it either
absorbs or releases energy in the form of heat, called latent heat. During condensation
water releases some of this energy, warming the air. The actual observed lapse rate at any
location results from a combination of the two processes of dry adiabatic cooling and the
additional input of latent heat. This will vary depending on such factors as the humidity of
the atmosphere, but a general figure is approximately 3.6°F fall in temperature for every
gain of 1,000 feet in altitude (6.5°C fall for every 1,000 m).
(feet) Himalayas
10,000 10,000
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
latitude (°N) equator
A selection of Northern hardly rises during the polar winter. The range of tempera-
Hemisphere mountains ture between day and night is thus relatively small.
bearing alpine tundra. An additional climatic factor of importance in both alpine
The closer a mountain is and polar tundra is wind action. High wind speeds remove
to the equator, the the layer of air close to the ground, which is often the
higher the altitude at warmest air when vegetation is present because of the heat
which the tundra biome absorption by dark surfaces. If this warm layer is stripped
is found. away it leaves vegetation and soil cold. The presence of ice
crystals in the wind adds to its abrasive capacity and is partic-
ularly harmful to plants that emerge. For this reason, wind is
an important factor in determining the altitude of the tim-
berline on mountains. The direction of the prevailing winds
can often be detected from the pattern of the forest/tundra
border on mountains. In the Sierra Nevada of California, for
example, tundra vegetation can be found at lower elevations
on the western side of the mountains (facing the Pacific
Ocean) than on the east. On the west, the limit of subalpine
forest is about 10,500 feet (3,200 m), while on the protected
eastern side it is at about 11,800 feet (3,600 m). High winds
Shrub tundra in the Low rarely found in the Arctic timberline of Alaska or Canada, but
Arctic. An autumn they are widespread in Europe and Asia, particularly the Scots
landscape in Denali pine (Pinus sylvestris). Isolated trees, sometimes contorted into
National Park, Alaska twisted shapes by the wind, may grow on favorable sites, or
(Photo by sometimes groups of trees survive in sheltered hollows, pro-
Michio Hoshino) tected from the wind. Beneath the trees is a dense layer of
shrubs and herbs. This zone is really a transition between the
boreal forest or taiga (the biome that forms a zone in the lati-
tudes below the tundra) and the true tundra. Ecologists refer to
such gradual boundaries as ecotones.
Beyond the zone of true tree growth, in the Low Arctic, the
rolling landscape is dominated by low woody plants, forming
the tall shrub tundra. The shrubs are characteristically less
than three feet (1 m) in height but may occasionally grow as
high as six feet (2 m). Some dwarf trees and shrubs are con-
tained within this vegetation, largely dwarf birches and wil-
rock hyrax
alpine tundra
12,000 ft
giant heath
9,800 ft
7,500 ft
tree fern
rain forest
5,400 ft
forest buffalo
The major zones of material over the course of years. This is called firn. As new
vegetation found at snow accumulates from above, firn becomes compressed and
different altitudes on compacted into ice, and in this way, over the course of about
Mount Kenya in East 10 years, the snow becomes fully incorporated into an ice
Africa. This tropical mass, or glacier. But not all snow is converted to glacial ice;
mountain lies on the some simply melts with the coming of summer and exposes
equator yet has tundra once again the land that it buried.
vegetation near “Snow patches” are temporary accumulations of snow that
its summit. may survive over a few years but never form true glaciers.
Some melt each year and leave behind a wet patch of land-
Tundra is found in those parts of the Earth where conditions
are extremely cold in their average temperature but are still
able to support life. The high latitudes bear tundra because
Polar geology
As explained in chapter 1, most of the polar tundra habitats
on Earth are found around the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The
rocks of this region lie in three massive sections, called
shields, which occupy the three continents that surround the
Arctic Ocean. These are the Canadian Shield, which includes
Greenland; the Fennoscandian Shield, covering northern
Scandinavia and Finland in Europe; and the Angara Shield,
extending through the northern edge of Asia.
Mountain geology
Tundra habitats are found not only in the polar regions but
also upon many of the world’s mountains, even in the low,
equatorial latitudes (see the map on page 4). The mountain
regions of the world are very varied in their geology and the
mountains may be formed from a whole range of rocks, both
Plate tectonics
The relatively cool surface of the Earth, called the lithosphere or crust, is floating upon a
molten core. Within this fluid core, convection currents occur, in which hot, less dense
materials rise and cool, while dense materials descend. These currents cause the surface
crust to strain and shift. The crust is not a uniform layer, but is divided into a series of
plates, and the study of these plates and their movements is called plate tectonics.
In some regions, two plates are being pushed apart because hot material from the
mantle breaks through the crust, forming a zone of volcanic activity. The Mid-Atlantic
Ridge is one such region. It is a north-to-south-running line where rising hot and relatively
low-density molten rock from deep in the Earth rises to the surface, causing the crust to
split and move away from the line, both to the east and the west. So the seafloor of the
Atlantic is spreading very slowly, widening between two and four inches (5 to 10 cm) per
year; America and Europe are gently drifting apart. The distance sailed by Columbus in
1492 was approximately 150 feet (50 m) shorter than he would have to sail today.
Another case of crustal spreading caused the fragmentation of the landmass that once
contained Antarctica.
Crustal movements not only take continents away from one another; they can also
result in collisions. One such collision, of India with Asia, caused the line of contact to
buckle, thrusting up the Himalaya Mountain chain. When plates collide, one may slide
over the top of the other, forcing some of the crustal material down into the molten man-
tle, and the region where this occurs is called a subduction zone.
Ice accumulation
Ice accumulates where there is an abundant supply of snow
and where the temperature is low enough to prevent the
snowfall from melting completely away. Snow crystals, with
their complex and intricate forms, become altered within a
matter of days after they settle. They fragment into pieces,
they may melt in the sun, or they may become compacted
by the accumulation of further snow. They become denser
and harder, forming sugarlike grains that are crushed
together, eliminating the air spaces (although some bubbles
of gas may be permanently trapped within them). If temper-
atures are low enough to permit their survival, snowflakes
will have changed their form totally within two years, to
produce what has been referred to as firn, or “old snow.”
Within another three or four years, the firn will become
compacted to glacial ice.
Although ice caps and glaciers are composed mainly of ice,
they also contain many impurities. The snow that accumu-
lates may contain a range of airborne contaminants, from dust
and pollen grains to human-made pollutants. Especially in
geologically active regions such as Iceland, where active volca-
noes are present, volcanic dusts consisting of fine glass parti-
cles called tephra may settle in layers over glaciers during
periods of eruption. These tephra layers become buried as fur-
ther ice accumulates, and their presence provides a means of
Effects of glaciation
The high mountain ranges in which many glaciers form are
subject to intense erosion, and the resulting rubble, soil, and
detritus often ends up on the ice surfaces of the glaciers. It
falls from cliffs and slips down slopes, piling onto the stream
of gently moving ice in the valley below. Even more eroded
material may be gained as the ice scours the ground surface at
its base. The heavy mass of ice, slowly grinding its way down-
hill, carves out rocks and breaks them up under its massive
weight. When ablation (the loss of ice by melting) occurs, all
of these suspended materials are released once again and may
be either deposited on the spot or transported farther by
water that has resulted from ice melt, known as fluvial out-
wash. Long after the ice has gone, these deposited materials,
often found far from any remaining areas of active glaciers,
provide evidence of former glaciation.
Around 5.8 million square miles (15 million km2) of the
Earth’s land surface, or about 10 percent of the total, is cur-
rently covered by ice. Only 22,000 years ago, an area about
three times as large was ice-covered. We know this because of
the direct and indirect signs the glaciers left when they
retreated. Many regions of tundra, both polar and alpine,
bear the marks of ice action in the very recent past.
When glaciers grind their way down a valley, they excavate
materials in a very characteristic manner (see illustration on
opposite page). The floor of the valley becomes smooth and
rounded, while the sides of the valley are left steep, so that in
section a glaciated valley has a distinctive U shape. The steep-
ened sides may cut back into the side valleys that empty into
the main valley, leaving them cut short, or “hanging,” often
with their streams descending as waterfalls into the main val-
ley. The head of the main valley is often carved out in a steep,
rounded, basinlike form, creating what is known as a cirque
or corrie. A mountain that has formed the focal point from
which several valley glaciers have arisen often remains as a
sharpened peak, eroded on all sides, like the famous Matter-
horn in Switzerland, while hills carved out by foothill or
“piedmont” glaciers are rounded and smooth. Rock faces
exposed to passing glaciers may bear scars in the form of par-
allel lines and scratches caused by the slow grinding of
end moraine
esker till
rocks contained in the moving ice. Central Park in New York Cross section of a
City has a number of large rocks with such marks upon them, decaying valley glacier
bearing witness to former glaciation in that area. This pro- along both its long and
vides evidence that the tundra biome was once much more short axes. Melting ice
extensive on Earth, reaching as far south as modern New at the base of the
York City. glacier produces ridges
When glaciers retreat, they leave materials behind them of detritus called eskers,
that provide further evidence of their former extent and the and the sides of the
direction of their movement. The mass of material trans- glacier retreat to form
ported by ice includes large rocks and boulders as well as lateral banks, or kame
finely ground detritus, sometimes referred to as “rock flour.” terraces. At its lowest
When this mix is deposited in an unsorted mass, it is called point, the retreating
till, or sometimes boulder clay. Much of North America and glacier leaves an
northern Europe and parts of northern Asia are covered by end moraine.
such tills derived from rocks of the far north, which were car-
ried south by large-scale glacial movements. Many tills are
derived from geologically recent glaciations (often occurring
during the past 1 million years), but there are also ancient
tills from much earlier times. These very ancient tills, usually
termed tillites, have become consolidated, cemented, and
hardened until they have the appearance of a rock. They are
By studying these various glacial features and their marks The maximum extent of
upon the landscape, glacial geologists have been able to put ice sheets and glaciers
together detailed pictures of former glaciation events. in the Northern
Answering the seemingly simple question of how many Hemisphere during the
glaciations have taken place in recent times, however, has most recent ice age
been made difficult by the fact that the latest glaciation has
often destroyed or obscured the evidence of former glacial
events. The glacial features themselves are relatively easy to
recognize, but deciding exactly when they were produced,
and in what sequence, is much more difficult. Geologists
have mapped the extent of ice when the last ice age was at its
maximum, around 22,000 to 20,000 years ago, and the map
above shows this extent in the Northern Hemisphere. Many
of the regions covered by the ice sheets had been glaciated
during former cold episodes over the past million years, but
much of the evidence for these earlier glaciations was
destroyed by this final ice advance.
offshore permafrost
continuous permafrost
discontinuous permafrost
30° 0° 30°
ice ice
Profiles of Arctic
polygons, showing both
the low-centered and
the high-centered forms.
The active layer of the
surface soil melts each active layer
spring, while the deeper water
layers (permafrost)
remain frozen. Low-
centered polygons bear
marsh vegetation, while
high-centered forms are
dry and covered only
with mosses and lichens.
3 70–330 feet
10–17 feet
bare peat
soil, including iron and aluminum, and they also cause fine
A podzol soil profile clay particles to become mobile and to migrate down the soil
from northern Finland. profile. All of these moving materials become deposited in
The surface layer the lower B horizon, where they form a dark reddish zone,
consists of organic litter mainly because of the color of the iron oxides present. This
derived from the type of soil profile is dependent on the downward movement
vegetation, below which of water, so it can develop only if there is relatively free
is a pale layer that has drainage of water through the soil.
been leached of its iron. When drainage is poor, as when a site is low-lying and
Lower in the profile is a receives an inflow of water from surrounding areas, the soil
deposition layer underneath is often permanently waterlogged and this
containing iron, strongly affects its chemistry and its biology. Poor drainage
aluminum, and organic also affects its general appearance. Digging a pit in such a
matter leached from waterlogged Arctic site would reveal, first, a black layer of
above. (Photo by poorly decayed organic matter, and below it, a mineral soil,
Peter D. Moore) often with a blue-gray appearance. Such a soil is called a gley
soil. The reason for its gray color is the fact that it is starved
of oxygen. Most healthy soils have air spaces within them
and the penetration of air into the soil allows oxygen to
reach the bacteria, fungi, earthworms, plant roots, and other
living organisms that dwell in the soil and depend on oxy-
gen to breathe. When a soil becomes fully saturated with
water, all air spaces and channels to the surface become
blocked by standing water and the air can no longer pene-
trate to the lower layers. Although oxygen does dissolve in
water and can move by diffusion through water, its rate of
movement when dissolved in water is about 10,000 times
slower than is possible in the air. So, in a water-soaked envi-
ronment oxygen is often in very short supply, and this
means that microbes, animals, and plant roots are all starved
of oxygen. Many plants and animals literally drown in such
a difficult habitat.
The dearth of oxygen also affects chemical processes.
Some chemical reactions in soils are dependent on oxygen,
especially reactions involving the element iron. Iron is a
very common element in all soils, and in a well-aerated soil
it is usually present in the oxidized form iron-III (ferric
iron). Iron-III is often further combined with oxygen to
form iron oxides that have a reddish (rusty) color, and this
often gives a soil its rich, dark color. When oxygen is in
short supply, however, as in gley soils, iron becomes
reduced to its iron-II form (ferrous iron). In the iron-II form,
the element takes on a blue-gray color that is very apparent
in the gley soil profile. So the waterlogged soils of the tun-
dra take on the gray character of the form of iron contained
in an oxygen-poor environment.
A careful examination of a gley soil profile will sometimes
reveal flecks or lines of reddish color. These rusty spots and
stripes are usually associated with the channels and tubes
through which roots of plants have penetrated: Old root
channels in which the root has died and decayed form
access routes for air into the soil. They create tubes along
which oxygen can travel, and its presence is displayed by the
formation of iron-III oxides with their characteristic rust
(see the sidebar “Lapse rate,” page 19), but at the very top of
this layer a change occurs at a point called the tropopause.
Just above the tropopause is the stratosphere, and this layer
extends up to a height of about 31 miles (50 km). The strat-
osphere contains significant quantities of ozone, and this
gas has properties that are of particular importance to the
polar tundra regions. Ozone absorbs solar radiation in the
ultraviolet (UV) part of the spectrum. As a result, parts of
the stratosphere actually become warmer than the upper
layers of the troposphere, sometimes reaching as high as
50°F (10°C). Most of the light that is visible at the surface of
the Earth and that plants use in photosynthesis passes
through the stratosphere, but the very short wavelength
energy of UV is absorbed by the stratospheric ozone and fil-
tered out. This is important to all the living things on the
land surfaces of the Earth because high-energy UV radiation
is potentially damaging to cell structure. It causes break-
down of various cell components, including the DNA,
which carries genetic information, and this damage can
lead to cell malfunction and even cancer, especially of the
skin. So the ozone of the stratosphere is critical for the pro-
tection of life on Earth. In the tundra regions, especially of
the Antarctic, stratospheric ozone destruction has been
noted in recent years and this is a cause of concern (see
“Ozone holes,” pages 178–180). What happens in the polar
atmosphere can provide an early warning for those parts of
the world where human populations are denser and may be
in danger.
Another essential aspect of the polar atmosphere relates
to the layers that lie above the stratosphere. From a height
of 31 miles (50 km) to about 50 miles (80 km) lies a layer
called the mesosphere, at the top of which the temperature
may be around –180°F (–120°C). The density of the atmos-
phere here is very low, but it still contains enough oxygen
to burn up the meteorites that head toward the Earth, creat-
ing shooting stars. Above this, up to around 250 miles (400
km), lies the thermosphere, where the atmosphere gradu-
ally thins to the emptiness of space. Satellites are positioned
at around this altitude. It is also in this layer that a remark-
The cold conditions of the regions surrounding the North
and the South Poles have encouraged the accumulation of
permanent ice sheets. Mobile masses of ice in the form of
glaciers have also developed both in polar and some moun-
tainous regions of the world, and the presence of ice has had
a major impact on the physical environment of the tundra.
Over long periods of time ice can grind away mountains and
create valleys. When ice melts it deposits detritus that cre-
ates a variety of distinctive landforms. Ice in the soil, the
permafrost, is also responsible for the development of pat-
terned ground and strange geological blisters called pingos
and palsas. Soils in the tundra are often unstable because the
freezing and thawing processes place them under great
stress, but in time tundra soils mature to produce distinc-
tively layered profiles, and this maturation is accompanied
by the invasion and stabilization of tundra vegetation.
What is an ecosystem?
Living organisms can be looked upon in many different
ways. The simplest approach is to study the individual: its
structure, its biochemistry, or its behavior. But individuals
usually occur in groups, and to understand the individual it
is sensible to study it in the context of the other members of
its species. A group of individuals of the same species is called
a population, and individuals usually modify their behavior
to fit in with the other members of the population. In nature,
however, pure populations of a single species are unusual;
more frequently different species are found mixed up
together. A collection of individuals belonging to a number
of different species is called a community. When different
species are mixed together in this way, they interact. One
species may eat or may act as a parasite upon another. Some
species demand the same resources from their surroundings
and find themselves in competition with one another. Some
species may even inadvertently aid one another, as when a
A food web for a herbivorous invertebrates lemmings dead plant ducks, geese caribou
(leaf hoppers, etc.) litter
tundra community. All
organisms, when they
die, provide food for the
primary productivity by plants
detritivores and (sedges, grasses, willows, dwarf birch, etc.)
the microbes.
A breeding colony of polar tundra are poor in chemical elements, but the fact that
thick-billed murre (Uria they are constantly being shattered by freezing and thawing
lomvia) on a cliff face of means that there is a constant supply of new material into
the High Arctic island of the soil. The dead remains of plants and animals also serve as
Spitsbergen, Svalbard. a source of elements in the soil. As decomposers extract
These birds feed on energy from the organic components of dead material, they
marine fish and then also leave behind residual elements, such as nitrogen, phos-
deposit nutrients in their phorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and many others
excreta on the tundra that were once part of the living organism. As they are
landscape at their released, these elements enter the fabric of the soil.
breeding sites. (Photo by Animals deposit some materials into the soil even before
Patricio Robles Gil/Sierra death in their excreta. Urine is a waste product that enables
Madre/Minden Pictures) an animal to rid itself of toxic elements and also those mate-
rials that are in excess supply, especially nitrogen. Predators,
in particular, take in more protein than they need, so their
bodies remove the nitrogen component and convert the
remainder into carbohydrates or fats. The nitrogen then
The tundra can be viewed as an ecosystem because the ani-
mals, plants, and microbes that it contains function as an
integrated unit, interacting with their chemical and physical
setting. Using the ecosystem approach to the study of tundra,
it is possible to trace the processes of energy flow and nutri-
ent cycling that link the living and nonliving components of
the system.
The energy input from the Sun is relatively low in tundra
ecosystems when compared with those of all other biomes,
and it is strongly seasonal in its distribution. Polar sites
undergo a prolonged winter in which energy input is very
low or completely absent. Low temperature in the winter sea-
son reduces the primary productivity in both polar and
alpine tundra. As a result, energy flow in the tundra ecosys-
tem is limited and consequently there are relatively few links
in food chains and food webs. The outcome of these energy
Life in the tundra is both harsh and bleak. It is not surprising,
therefore, that it contains a relatively low diversity of plants,
animals, and microbes. Few organisms are able to survive in
the difficult conditions that prevail in the tundra, but those
that do so are of considerable ecological and evolutionary
interest because of their high degree of specialization. Tundra
plants and animals have to be tough to endure the problems
that face them and they have developed some unusual fea-
tures that help them to survive.
Tundra plants
The impact of cold and wind blasting has led to the evolu-
tion of a distinctive plant life-form in the tundra. Most plants
are of a type called chamaephytes. These are small shrubs and
perennial herbs that grow to a height of just a foot (25 cm) or
so and often take the form of a cushion or blanket over the
surface of the ground. Thus they hold their buds above the
soil surface, yet close to the ground. The advantage of this
structure is that the wind moves over the top of the low veg-
etation. Any shoot that emerges above the general level is
damaged and trimmed by the icy blast so the growth is held
back. Within the vegetation blanket, the temperature is
Evergreen or deciduous?
Most Arctic and alpine plants are perennial and evergreen. The saxifrages, cranberries,
heathers, and willows are all perennial plants. The likely reason for this is that the growing
season is so short. As soon as the Sun appears in the spring and the temperature begins to
rise, the plants need to start their growth. Being evergreen is an advantage because the
leaves that perform the photosynthesis are already present and able to begin their work.
Some plants, including the willows and birches, are deciduous, and they need to develop
new leaves as soon as conditions improve in the spring. They do this very rapidly but still
lag a little behind their evergreen competitors. Where they gain some advantage is in their
smaller bulk during the harsh winter. Stems without leaves are less likely to be damaged by
wind blasting than those that still bear a leafy cover. So there is a kind of trade-off between
keeping leaves through the winter and losing them, each strategy having certain advan-
tages and disadvantages. On the whole, however, the evergreen habitat probably proves
the more effective and successful. Evergreen leaves have one additional advantage: Con-
structing them costs less. When a plant builds a new leaf it has to invest some of its food
reserves, including the sugars produced by photosynthesis and the nutrient elements, such
as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, taken out of the soil by the roots. Evergreen
leaves last longer, perhaps two or three years, so the investment is more worthwhile.
the presence of fewer leaves during fall and winter means that
the plant requires less in the way of water supply. This is one
of the great advantages of being deciduous. Evergreen leaves
could result in water loss to the plant through the whole year,
so they need to be constructed in such a way that water loss is
reduced to a minimum. The long-lasting evergreen leaves are
usually thick, rounded, and glossy with wax, and they may
bear a cover of hairs. All of these adaptations serve to reduce
water loss by cutting down the evaporation of water (transpi-
ration) from the pores upon the leaf surfaces. In addition to
reducing water loss, some of these adaptations, such as silvery
hairs on the leaf surface, can also serve to reflect light and to
prevent the leaf from becoming heated. If a leaf becomes hot
it loses water faster, so keeping the leaf cool on a hot summer
day can be important even in the tundra.
One method some plants adopt in order to avoid periods
of great stress is to die. It sounds like an extreme solution to
The spring gentian large flowers with bright colors are likely to succeed best. Some
(Gentiana verna), flowers may even turn during the course of the day, always fac-
growing on the ing the Sun. In this way they gather heat, which further
mountains of encourages insect activity (see sidebar on opposite page).
Switzerland, blooms as The high mountains of the Tropics are a home to some
soon as the winter snow remarkable plants. Many of the typical Arctic-alpine plant
has melted. As with species of the high latitudes have failed to colonize these iso-
many alpine plants, its lated patches of tundra habitat, far from the main regions of
flowers are large and the tundra biome. The outcome is that some types of plants
brightly colored in order that are not usually associated with tundra have evolved some
to attract the attention features that enable them to survive in the cold conditions
of pollinating insects. that they find there. Among these are members of the genera
(Photo by Senecio (a group that includes the ragwort) and Lobelia (a group
Peter D. Moore) that includes the cardinal flower and Indian tobacco). Both of
these plant groups are generally herbaceous (that is, they have
no woody tissue) but in the tropical tundra habitats they have
taken on a most remarkable form (see illustration above). They
Solar-tracking flowers
The flowers of many tundra plants have the capacity to track the Sun across the sky. Often
their petals have the curved shape of parabolic reflectors that can gather sunlight and
focus it upon the vital part of the flower, the fruit-producing carpels. In this way they can
ensure that the development of their reproductive structures gains as much energy as
possible. But the energy-focusing effect of the petals is also a means of making life easier
for the pollinators. Most pollinators in the tundra are cold-blooded insects, whose activity
is determined by their immediate energy intake, often largely from the Sun. So providing
the insects with a hot flower ensures that they can work faster and provide a more effi-
cient pollination. Poppies are an excellent example of this use of flower shape to encour-
age visits from cold pollinators. The visual outcome of the flower’s need to attract
pollinators is that many tundra habitats, especially the high mountains, are decorated by
a wide variety of large and colorful flowers through the summer season.
In the cold alpine climate some flowers, such as this alpine pasque flower (Pulsatilla
alpina) in Switzerland, track the Sun across the sky and gather warmth by adopting a
parabolic shape that focuses the rays on the flower’s center. (Photo by Peter D. Moore)
The alpine zone of high produce thick, treelike trunks that are clothed with a compact
mountains in equatorial mass of dead leaf bases that wrap around the trunks like fur
regions is home to some coats. Like animal fur, this fibrous covering forms an insulat-
remarkable plants. ing layer around the living cells of the stem. Although frost
Giant senecios, such as damage is a problem that plants of the Tropics do not nor-
the species Senecio mally face, at night the air temperature at 13,000 feet (3,800
elgonensis shown here m) can fall below freezing even on the equator. The layer of
on Mount Elgon, leaf bases on the trunks of the giant Senecio and Lobelia plants
Uganda, East Africa, are ensure that even if the air temperature falls to 25°F (–4°C), the
treelike forms of a plant temperature beneath the insulating layer, where the living
group that is normally cells are found, remains at about 36°F (2°C). For a tropical
herbaceous. (Photo by plant, this is the difference between life and death.
Peter D. Moore) Coping with the cold is evidently the most serious problem
for tundra plants. Unlike mammals that can migrate or hiber-
nate beneath the snow and maintain a living body tempera-
ture by their biochemical activities, plants (together with
Lichens are both abundant and very apparent in the tundra regions. The lichen is a
remarkable construction that looks like a single organism (and is classified and named as
such by biologists) but is in fact a combination of two separate organisms, closely bound
in an interdependent union. The combination consists of a fungus and either a green alga
or a blue-green bacterium.
The body of the lichen (the thallus) can take on a variety of forms. It may form a crust,
almost like paint, on the surface of a rock, or it may take on a leaflike form, curling up at the
edges, or it may even have stalklike structures that stand up from the ground and may
branch like miniature trees. Even the tallest of lichens, however, are rarely more than two
inches (5 cm) in height. But since they can grow in dense colonies and can form compact
mats over the surface of the ground (especially over shallow and dry soils), they may form
the main vegetation cover in some of the polar semidesert regions of the tundra. Where
there is taller vegetation, such as dwarf shrubs, lichens may grow on the surface of the
shoots and branches of their hosts. When they adopt this way of life, they do not act as par-
asites but simply use their host as a means of support and of escape from the shade on the
ground beneath. An organism that uses a plant for support in this way is called an epiphyte.
Epiphytism is a very common way of life in tropical rain forests, where obtaining light can be
a severe problem, but it is found even in the tundra habitat if shrubs are present.
Tundra invertebrates
Invertebrate animals (animals without backbones) are
extremely numerous in almost all the habitats of the world,
and the tundra is no exception. All invertebrates, however,
have the disadvantage of being cold-blooded, which means
that their body temperature is largely determined by the tem-
perature of their surroundings. In a cold habitat, such as the
tundra, this limits the activities that invertebrate animals can
undertake, especially during the winter season. Invertebrates
are generally much smaller than vertebrates, so it is useful to
try to see a habitat from an invertebrate’s point of view. For
an animal the size of an ant, the mat of lichens and mosses
on the surface of the soil appears as a forest would appear to
a person, having a high canopy and branches and a sheltered
floor beneath that lies in its shade. Within this microhabitat,
therefore, the conditions may be very different from those in
the air up above. The temperature will fluctuate less, because
the trapped air layer beneath the canopy neither heats up so
much in the day nor cools down so rapidly at night. The
humidity also remains high, which is an important consider-
ation for many invertebrates that lose water easily through
their body surfaces.
The soil itself is also an important habitat for invertebrates
within the tundra, for the surface layers are usually warm and
moist during the summer months. Many different types of
invertebrates manage to make a living here. There are two
types of worm, for example, the nematodes (phylum Nema-
toda) and the enchytraeids (phylum Annelida). Nematodes
are among the most numerous and diverse of all animal
Tundra birds
The long days and the abundant supplies of insects and
berries, together with the availability of seafood along the
white-fronted goose
Anser albifrons
arctic tern
Sterna paradisaea
The breeding range and (Alca torda) of the east coast. The Pacific loon (Gavia pacifica)
the migration routes of is another seagoing migrant that moves along the west coast
the arctic tern (Sterna in flocks of several hundred as it migrates between the tundra
paradisea), perhaps the and the ocean off Mexico, where it spends the winter. But of
best-traveled of all birds all the migrant seabirds that nest in the tundra the prize for
the most well traveled must go to the arctic tern (Sterna par-
adisaea). This small white bird, sometimes called a “sea swal-
low” because of its elegant flight and long forked tail, breeds
throughout the tundra regions of the north. It then sets off
on a journey that takes it deep into the Southern Hemi-
sphere, all the way to Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (see
illustration above). Researchers have studied its main migra-
tion routes by banding birds (placing small, harmless rings
marked with code numbers around their legs) and recording
their places of recovery when they are trapped for observa-
tion or found dead. The arctic terns from North America and
eastern Russia move from the Arctic mainly down the west
Emperor penguins sometimes even catching it before it lands in the water. These
(Aptenodytes forsteri) bully birds of the tundra seldom actually attack and kill the
in a colony at Cape birds they pursue but may catch their wings and tails in their
Crozier, Antarctica. bills and cause them much distress. Like the arctic tern, they
These are the largest of breed in the open tundra of the Arctic and then migrate
the penguins, and it is southward along the coasts of all the major continents in
the male that takes sole winter. They may reach as far as New Zealand, southern Aus-
responsibility for tralia, and Tierra del Fuego, so they come close to equaling
incubating the single the terns in the distances covered. There is an equivalent
egg. (Photo by Norbert Antarctic jaeger, called the south polar skua, which is a gen-
Wu/Minden Pictures) eral predator of smaller birds, including penguins. It nests on
the bleak, boulder-covered coastal regions of Antarctica.
Perhaps the most familiar of the Antarctic birds, however,
are the albatrosses (family Diomedeidae) and penguins (fam-
ily Spheniscidae). Albatrosses are enormous seabirds with
wingspans of up to 12 feet (3.5 m). They fly by soaring and
gliding, keeping their long wings perfectly stiff and using
Hudson Bay
total range Québec
known calving grounds
Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario
The range of caribou in only every other year. Males, as well as females with growing
the tundra of North cubs, tend not to build snow dens, but remain active through
America. The species is the winter.
distributed in a number While polar bears stay in place through the winter and
of herds, each of which endure the hardships, the caribou (Rangifer tarandus) escapes
occupies its own calving the worst of winter conditions by moving south to areas of
grounds in the spring, better food supply. The caribou, or reindeer as it is called in
migrating south in Europe and Asia, is the only deer that survives north of the
the winter. Arctic tree line throughout its life. Although there is just one
species of caribou, it is widely distributed throughout the
polar tundra of the north and is divided into several sub-
species that have different ways of life. In Siberia, for exam-
ple, and also in western North America, there are subspecies
that spend their lives in the forest rather than out on the tun-
dra. But the most common forms of this animal graze on the
open tundra vegetation. The North American caribou is gen-
erally larger than the Eurasian reindeer, a bull often growing
to a height of more than four feet (120 cm) at the shoulder
and weighing up to 600 pounds (270 kg). The cows are
smaller. North America’s caribou population occurs in a series
they will sit and watch the skies for predatory eagles and give
warning to their grazing colleagues by emitting loud and
penetrating whistles when they see danger threatening.
Marmots are largely social and cooperative mammals, liv-
ing in extended family groups, but they defend their local
territory and will chase off individuals that seek to graze their
territory. Males will also wrestle with one another during the
breeding season, standing on their back legs and pushing one
another with their forelegs. They live in burrows or rock
crevices beneath the ground, and they have short, strong
limbs for burrowing in the rocky soils. Here they hibernate
through the long cold winter. Once the spring arrives and the
melting snow reveals green plants, the marmots emerge, bask
in the sunlight, and clean themselves. They are active in the
daytime and are relatively unafraid of people, so they are
easy to observe in their activities. One of their first activities
on emerging in the spring is to clear out their bedding and
replace it with clean materials. When a marmot tries to carry
too much new bedding material, it may end up rolling on its
back holding a mass of bedding with all four legs. When this
happens, its companions drag it by the tail into their burrow.
This behavior was first recorded by the Roman naturalist
Pliny (23–79 C.E.) from his observations in the European
Alps, and, like some of Pliny’s other tales, it was once
regarded as suspect. But scientists in recent times have
observed the same behavior, so Pliny’s unlikely-sounding
story has been confirmed. When their winter bedding has
been replaced, marmots turn their minds to breeding, and
the first young are born within about six weeks of mating.
The family stays together for several years before the young
are sufficiently mature to set off on their own.
In the short season of the high mountain tundra, the mar-
mot must spend much of its time feeding, especially as the
winter approaches. Marmots do not store food in their bur-
rows but build up large reserves of fat to keep them alive
through the hibernation. This, together with their dense fur,
serves as an insulating layer to retain some body warmth,
and human hunters prize both the fur and the fat. The
black-capped marmot (Marmota camschatica) of eastern Rus-
sia is one of the most proficient sleepers in the animal king-
dom. It can spend up to nine months of every year asleep.
Intensely cold conditions cause all chemical reactions to pro-
ceed slowly, and this includes those occurring within living
cells. For organisms that cannot control their body tempera-
ture (which includes all microbes, plants, and invertebrate ani-
mals) activity in the tundra is confined to those occasions
when the temperature rises in summer. Wind, burial by snow,
and even drought can add to the stresses of life in the tundra.
Tundra plants are generally herbs or dwarf shrubs, fre-
quently take on a cushion form, and are often evergreen.
Trees are absent, and annual plants are extremely rare. There
is a short season for flowering, and pollinating insects may
not be abundant, so there is much competition to attract
their attention. Consequently, flowers are often large and
brightly colored, especially among species of alpine tundra.
Many plants have hairy surfaces and cells rich in chemical
antifreezes, which enable them to survive the winter cold.
Tundra soils are often rich in undecomposed organic matter,
so there is plenty of food available for microbes, but for much
of the year the temperature is too low for these organisms to
be active. Even in summer, many parts of the tundra become
too wet for decomposer microbes to operate efficiently.
Lichens are among the most successful groups of microbes.
The combination of photosynthetic (cyanobacteria or algae)
and structural (fungi) components allows them to grow
slowly, fix nitrogen, and avoid desiccation in summer.
Invertebrate animals abound during the summertime.
They include soil dwellers that feed on the organic debris,
herbivores that consume the growing vegetation, pollen
feeders, and predators. Tundra wetland provides a rich habi-
tat for many aquatic insects, such as mosquitoes.
Ice ages
The occasions in the Earth’s history when permanent ice has
been present in the form of ice sheets and glaciers are often
referred to as ice ages. They rarely last more than a few mil-
lion years, which is quite brief in relation to the 4.6 bil-
lion–year history of the Earth, and these ice ages are not
times of uniform cold but are often interrupted by relatively
warm episodes. So an ice age consists of alternating cold and
warm conditions. A time of cold, when ice sheets and glaciers
spread, is called a glacial, and a warmer episode when ice
retreats is called an interglacial.
The accompanying table shows the occasions when ice
ages have occurred on Earth. An approximate reconstruction
of the climatic history of the Earth is given in the graph at
Past ice ages have left evidence behind them in the rocks.
As discussed in chapter 2, the movement of ice over the sur-
face of the ground and its subsequent melting leave behind
distinct clues (see “Effects of glaciation,” pages 40–43). Some
of these clues are the scars that they create on the landscape,
but that kind of evidence does not survive the millions of
years involved here. Glaciers also leave distinct deposits, such
The changes in global
Ordovician temperature (black line)
Cambrian over geological time,
determined from
chemical and biological
evidence. The wide blue
bands represent the ice
2,000 ages, the times in
Precambrian Earth’s history when
glaciers and ice sheets
3,000 and hence the tundra
biome were present.
Note that the time axis
4,000 ice ages
has been expanded for
more recent times.
Glacial history
Although the present conditions on Earth are relatively
warm, there is no reason to believe that the ice age of
Pliocene and Pleistocene times is over. It is entirely likely that
the present warmth is simply the latest interglacial in a con-
tinuing ice age. More is known about this current ice age
than any other, simply because the records have been better
preserved than for any previous cold episode. This ice age has
so far lasted about 10 million years, beginning in the
Miocene, becoming more evident in the Pliocene, and then
really making its mark on the Earth during the last 1.8 mil-
lion years of the Pleistocene.
It may come as a surprise that an ice age continues despite
all the current discussions of global warming. Ice sheets and
tundra are still present, however, and the possibility remains
that they may one day expand again. During the past 10,000
cial advance and retreat. In 1909 this work dealing with the
Alps was formally published, proposing that there had been
four main ice advances. The publication named these after
the rivers Gunz, Mindel, Riss, and Würm, all of which are
tributaries of central Europe’s Danube River, and it identified
the rivers as the advance limits of the different glacial stages.
For about 50 years, this interpretation of the climatic fluctua-
tions of the Pleistocene was regarded as firmly established,
and geologists attempted to fit all new evidence into this
framework. But in science, the test of time often proves new
ideas to be wrong or too simple, and such was the case with
this fourfold interpretation of the Pleistocene. With the
development of more sophisticated techniques for the study
of climate change, such as the use of oxygen isotopes in
marine sediments and in ice cores, it became evident that the
true picture is much more complicated. Within the past mil-
lion years there have indeed been at least a dozen major
glacials, interspersed with warm interglacials. But shorter-
term fluctuations have taken place within these stages as the
climate has displayed a high degree of instability. These
shorter intervals of cold and warmth, which are too short or
too insignificant to permit major biological responses, are
termed stadials and interstadials, respectively, rather than
glacials and interglacials—terms that are reserved for major
changes in climate resulting in major biological responses,
such as the extension of polar tundra during the cold inter-
vals and the expansion of forests in the warm ones, including
the present interglacial.
This understanding of the complexity of climatic fluctua-
tions in the Pleistocene has emerged only since about 1970,
and much still remains to be discovered about its precise pat-
tern, the dating of the glacial advances, the causes of the
observed fluctuations, and the biological and ecological con-
sequences of these changes. Research is currently focused on
the periodicity of warm and cold episodes in the hope of clar-
ifying the pattern of change (see sidebar on page 138) and
providing a basis for future forecasting.
Detailed study of the older glacial episodes is difficult
because so much of the evidence has been destroyed by the
more recent ones. Every time the glaciers advance they are
likely to carve away many of the tills and other evidence laid
down in former times. In the case of the most recent glacia-
tion, the evidence remains more fully intact. Glacial
advances have taken different directions, however, so that
some previously glaciated regions have been left undamaged.
This means that the evidence of earlier glaciations remains
undisturbed and can be used to reconstruct the patterns of
past glaciation. The study of recent glacial movements (those
of the last 40,000 years) has been greatly assisted by the
development of the radiocarbon method of dating. This
method depends upon the gradual decay of heavy, unstable
atoms of carbon into their normal, lighter form. The decay
occurs at a constant rate, so the content of heavy carbon in
any organic material gives a reasonable estimate of its age.
Using this and other dating methods, it has been possible to
reconstruct the history of the ice, and hence the tundra, in
some detail for these recent times.
Adam’s Inlet
1907 1892 1929
1907 1907
1963 1892
Muir Inlet
Glacier Bay 1857
Causes of glaciation
Although there have been several episodes of glacial activity
in the Earth’s history, during which ice caps have been pres-
ent in the polar regions, these are the exception rather than
the rule. For the bulk of the Earth’s existence there have been
no ice sheets or glaciers, so present-day conditions are by no
means typical for the planet. Why the Earth should have
periodically entered such a state over the past 2 billion years
remains something of a mystery, and observers have put for-
ward various theories to account for the rare instances of
The basis of one such theory is incomplete oceanic circula-
tion. One thing that is evidently needed for polar ice caps to
develop is the presence of a continental landmass at or near the
poles or for the landmasses to be so arranged that the free cir-
culation of waters around the Earth is interrupted. This pre-
vents the redistribution of energy from the Tropics to polar
regions. The relative isolation of the Arctic Ocean by the ring of
continents that currently surround it, for example, may have
played an important part in encouraging the Pleistocene glacia-
tions. Other possible explanations relate to the circulation of
the atmosphere. The elevation of mountain ranges, such as the
Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, can also create new atmos-
pheric circulation patterns that may induce major global cli-
matic changes, as can periods of excessive volcanism. It is
interesting to note that the onset of the most recent Ice Age
coincided with the elevation of the Alps and the Himalayas. Yet
another hypothesis takes into account events in space. Inter-
stellar dust and belts of asteroids could be responsible for peri-
ods of poorer penetration of the Sun’s energy to the Earth’s
surface. Clearly ideas abound, but a full explanation of the
occasional episodes of glaciation on Earth is still some way off.
Intensive study of the Pleistocene glaciations, however,
does provide some information about the pattern of glacial
cycles once an ice age has commenced. The last 2 million
years have shown a distinct pattern of glacial and interglacial
cycles. These have a cycle wavelength of about 100,000 years.
As long ago as 1864, Scottish geologists suggested that ice
ages could be caused by astronomical factors, particularly the
way in which the Earth wobbles on its axis in a regular and
predictable way. But it was a Yugoslav physicist, Milutin
Milankovitch (1879–1955), who finally put together a full
explanation of the cyclic pattern of the glacials during the
Pleistocene (see sidebar on page 144).
and animals first evolved. But the history of this recent tun-
dra has been repeatedly interrupted, and each time an ice age
has hit the Earth, the plants and animals have had to begin
over again in their adaptation to the new environment.
In the recent ice age (the last 10 million years), the likely
origins of plants and animals appropriate to tundra condi-
tions are the mountains and the coniferous forests. The high
mountains of the world, such as those of Alaska 12 million
years ago, were becoming colder, subjecting the natural vege-
tation to increasing stress. Forests had occupied even the
high mountains in Miocene times, but conditions must have
made tree growth increasingly difficult, producing a more
open canopy. The increased light penetration would have led
to the evolution of new forms in the ground vegetation.
Plants of the blueberry family (Ericaceae), the saxifrages (Sax-
ifragaceae), the pinks (Caryophyllaceae), the cress family
(Brassicaceae), the grasses (Poaceae), the rushes (Juncaceae),
and the poppies (Papaveraceae) were all important in the
founding of tundra vegetation. Plants of wetlands, especially
the sedges (Cyperaceae), also found conditions in the devel-
oping tundra suitable for their needs. Among the trees,
birches (Betulaceae) and willows (Salicaceae) proved most
able to develop new forms that could cope with cold and
wind exposure. Joining them, of course, were the mosses and
lichens that could survive even under the harshest condi-
tions. Most important among these were the bog mosses
(Sphagnum species) and the “reindeer moss” group of lichens
(Cladonia species).
Many mammals evolved tundra forms, among them some
surprising groups. The bears proved adaptable, as did deer
(such as caribou), the elephants (mammoths and
mastodons), foxes, cats, rodents, and especially the mustelids
(including stoats, weasels, and wolverines). Birds adapted to
fit the conditions, including songbirds (such as buntings),
owls, raptors (such as falcons and eagles), and grouse,
together with a wide range of seabirds and waders. As the
tundra habitats developed and extended, some mammals
and birds developed migratory patterns, allowing them to
exploit the productivity of the tundra without having to
experience the hardship of polar winters.
of the North Atlantic around the 10th century C.E. They set-
tled Iceland and southern Greenland, surviving there for sev-
eral centuries. Dispute still surrounds the claim that they
traveled farther and even reached North America. One of
their traditional tales, or sagas, tells of the land of Vinland,
where the wild grape was discovered. Archaeological evi-
dence indicates that they settled Newfoundland, but penetra-
tion farther south cannot be conclusively proved.
Antarctica essentially has no prehistory. People did not Inuit hunters with their
reach this continent—or, indeed, confirm its existence—until harvest of caribou
the late 15th century. It is the one continent that has a his- carcasses in Alaska.
tory devoid of the impact of humankind until very recent Caribou have long
times. been an important prey
Although archaeologists know something of the people item for the Inuit people.
of the Arctic tundra during prehistoric times, until very (Photo by Michio
recently they knew next to nothing of human activities in Hoshino/Minden
the alpine tundra regions. The high mountains of the world Pictures)
Tundra exploration
The tundra regions of the Arctic, then, were inhabited by
people long before the world’s civilizations were fully aware
of the existence and geography of such lands. The northern
lands were largely known through vague myths and stories.
Global exploration, until very recent times, was driven
mainly by the need to expand the opportunities for food pro-
duction to support human populations, or to gain wealth
through trade, so the far north had few attractions. The
Viking people of Scandinavia were the only European culture
to exploit the economic opportunity of colonizing the
remote North Atlantic islands and seaboards. The discovery
(or perhaps more accurately, the rediscovery) of North Amer-
ica by Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) in 1492 came at a
time when global travel and trade by sea were increasing rap-
idly. European colonialism became an incentive for further
exploration that lasted for several centuries and led, among
other things, to the first modern expeditions by Europeans
into the far north. Most such voyages of discovery proved
disastrous, but explorers made enormous efforts to discover a
northwest passage that would link the North Atlantic to the
North Pacific. If found, it would provide a trade route to the
Far East, allowing ships to avoid the lengthy and dangerous
passage around Cape Horn at the southern tip of South
America or eastward around the Cape of Good Hope in South
Exploration in the Arctic in search of the Northwest Pas-
sage accelerated in the 18th century, and many lost their
lives in trying to win the prizes European governments
offered to anyone who found it. Most expeditions set off
from the Atlantic and many ended in Hudson Bay, but at the
end of the 18th century attention moved to the North
Pacific. The British naval officer George Vancouver (1757–98)
took his ship, HMS Discovery, into the Icy Strait of Glacier Bay
in Alaska in 1794 and was impressed by the 10-mile-long (16-
km) ice wall where glaciers entered the ocean (see the illus-
tration on page 142). The American naturalist and
conservationist John Muir (1838–1914) visited the region 85
years later and found that the glaciers had retreated 48 miles
(77 km), probably as a consequence of global warming. The
In the late 19th century the media entered into the realm
of exploration. James Gordon Bennett, Jr. (1841–1918), edi-
tor of the New York Herald newspaper, was a great supporter of
exploration. His most famous exploit was to support Henry
Morton Stanley (1841–1904) in his search for Dr. David Liv-
ingstone (1813–73) in remotest Africa, but he also sponsored
Arctic exploration. In July 1879 he provided the financial
backing for an attempt to reach the North Pole by George
Washington De Long (1844–81). Believing that the North
Pole was surrounded by open ocean, De Long set out north-
ward from the Bering Strait, but by September his boat
encountered masses of pack ice, and he spent two years in
the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia before the boat was eventu-
ally frozen in and crushed. Three open boats set off from the
wreck. Only one of the boats reached safety; De Long and his
party died before help could reach them.
The successful discovery of the Northwest Passage did not
occur until the voyage of Roald Amundsen (1872–1928), a
Norwegian who later became the first man to reach the South
Pole. His voyage took place between 1903 and 1906 and it
took him north of Baffin Island and Hudson Bay, through
Baffin Bay, and then through the channels separating Victo-
ria Island and Banks Island from the mainland. Eventually
Amundsen arrived at the Mackenzie River delta. To travel
from there to the Bering Strait, he had to wait until the ice
had melted, and then he finally sailed down the West Coast
to San Francisco. By the time he arrived, the news of his suc-
cess had already become a little stale. Moreover, the excite-
ment that might once have surrounded the achievement had
diminished: Although the existence of the route had now
been demonstrated, it clearly could never become commer-
cially important. (Flight has changed this. Perhaps ironically,
jets from Europe to the west coast of North America essen-
tially follow the course of the long-hoped-for Northwest Pas-
sage through the Arctic tundra.)
The North Pole itself eluded human contact until April
1909, when a U.S. naval officer, Robert Edwin Peary
(1856–1920), led an expedition from Fort Conger on Ellesmere
Island in Canada. Using relays of dogsleds and aided by the
Inuit people, the team laid out a route with supply stations.
Ice ages, periods when ice sheets and tundra are present on
Earth, are relatively rare events in the history of the planet
and seem to occur in a regular pattern, roughly every 150
million years. The causes of these long-term climate cycles
are not understood, but the events may relate to the posi-
tions of continents on the surface of the Earth and the way
they influence ocean currents. Earth is currently occupying a
warm interval within an ice age, and it is possible to detect
more detailed patterns of climatic fluctuation, with alternat-
ing peaks of warmth and cold at intervals of approximately
100,000 years. This scale of climate pattern appears to be
related to astronomical factors, especially the varying dis-
tance between the Earth and the Sun.
Tundra plants and animals have also experienced an inter-
rupted history, and the present vegetation and fauna of tun-
dra is relatively recent in origin, perhaps less than 10 million
years old. High mountain organisms may well have been the
first tundra dwellers, expanding in range and abundance as
the cold of the current Ice Age intensified, especially over the
past million years.
Humans lived in tundra habitats of Europe and Asia
throughout the last glacial period, which reached its maxi-
mum extent around 20,000 years ago. They spread from the
eastern tip of Asia into North America as that glacial episode
began to recede, passing over what was then a dry land
bridge between Asia and Alaska. The Inuit people took up
permanent residence in the tundra and adapted their culture
to life in the bitter cold of the far north. Viking exploration
around the 10th century C.E. led to the invasion of European
peoples into the North Atlantic tundra regions, but these set-
tlements proved to be temporary. Renewed exploration
began in the 15th century when commercial traders sought
alternative routes to the Far East, and this led to a fuller
understanding of the geography and biology of the Arctic
Mineral reserves
Mineral prospecting in the tundra regions developed along-
side hunting and trapping in the early history of tundra
marine life along cliffs and beaches. Cleaning up after oil spills
usually involves the use of detergents that emulsify the oil, dis-
persing it into very small globules that eventually decompose
in the water. But the detergents are often more harmful to
wildlife than the oil itself, and many conservationists believe
that the cleaning operations do more damage than good.
Oil extraction in the tundra also involves the establish-
ment of settlements and the development of roads or other The Alaska oil pipeline
transport systems. Settlements generate waste and, as has between Prudhoe Bay
been described, waste matter decomposition is slow in the and the port of Valdez,
tundra, so waste mountains can develop. Apart from being is owned by Alyeska
unsightly, waste heaps attract pests, from rats and gulls to Company. It crosses the
polar bears. Road development on tundra soils is also diffi- Brooks Range of
cult because of the freezing and thawing that takes place each mountains, North
fall and spring. Hard surfaces in the winter turn into wet- Slope, and heads south
lands in the summer, and roads quickly break up under the toward the Gulf of
strain. Oil pipelines provide an alternative to the use of truck Alaska. (Photo by
transport, especially where long distances are involved. The Yva Momatiuk and
Trans-Alaska Pipeline runs from Prudhoe Bay on the North John Eastcott/
Slope south to the Gulf of Alaska and avoids the need for Minden Pictures)
What is ecotourism?
Essentially, ecotourism has two distinct features. First, it is a type of tourism in which the
focus of attention and interest is the natural world and its associated human cultures.
Ecotourists seek out wilderness areas of natural beauty in order to appreciate the scenic
wonders, exciting wildlife, and distinctive culture of the resident people. Second, eco-
tourism sets out to be environmentally friendly, seeking to avoid any ecological damage
to the area visited: to look but not touch. In some respects ecotourism has replaced the
game-hunting of former times. The gun has been replaced by the camera, and the hunt-
ing no longer results in the death of an animal.
The desire to avoid any harmful impact, however, is very difficult to fulfill. When
tourists from developed countries visit wilderness areas they usually demand high stan-
dards of hygiene, good food, clean water, and effective waste disposal, all of which are
difficult to achieve in remote areas. The natural wilderness found in the tundra regions of
the world, both polar and alpine, provides an ideal target for the development of eco-
tourism. But providing for the needs of the ecotourists, especially waste disposal, places a
strain on the resources of the regions they have come to enjoy.
for the tourists and remove all the waste generated by the
same means. Waste disposal is a particularly important con-
sideration in such cold climates where natural decomposi-
tion is slow, and tourists who wish to visit such sites can
disturb the natural ecosystems by depositing waste materials.
The ecotourist is also in danger of disturbing the wildlife by
approaching animals too closely, or by trampling sensitive
plants. In the Antarctic, for example, visits to seal and pen-
guin colonies are very popular, and the animals often show
little fear of humans. But this can encourage very close
approaches, which cause stress to seals and penguins with
young. There is also the constant danger that visitors will
inadvertently bring diseases that will endanger wildlife popu-
lations. Heavy trampling on fragile tundra soils and the pos-
sibility of contamination from spills of fuel and toxins add to
the dangers inherent in wilderness tourism. Conservation
authorities often impose strict controls on both the number
and the activities of visiting parties in the Arctic and the
Despite the fact that tundra habitats are generally remote and
difficult to access, people have used them for a variety of pur-
poses. Tundra has been and continues to be a source of eco-
nomic profit in many respects, but it also has certain values
that are not immediately evident.
Tundra supports many large mammals, including caribou,
arctic fox, seals, and polar bears, and the meat and skins of
these animals have formed the basis of certain human cul-
tures since the Ice Age. In more recent times, hunters and
trappers have continued to exploit this resource, which has
been the basis of economically important trade. In most
cases, the hunting and trapping of animals in the tundra has
concentrated on truly wild animals, but in the case of the
European and Asian herds of caribou, or reindeer, a degree of
domestication has taken place. Reindeer herding by the Sami
people is the only type of agriculture practiced in the tundra.
The rocks of the tundra contain many minerals that have
attracted human attention. Metals such as gold have generated
The tundra is home to many highly adapted plants and ani-
mals, which have developed the attributes needed to survive
in an extreme environment. But despite the hardy nature of
many of its inhabitants, the tundra is a fragile ecosystem. It is
low in biodiversity, so it is in danger of collapsing if any of its
component species become extinct. Its nutrient capital and
its productivity are low, so the ecosystem may be sensitive to
disruption, whether by changing climate or human distur-
bance. Its soils are unstable, easily damaged and easily
eroded. The tundra, therefore, is a biome that is in danger,
and the problems that face it need to be considered carefully.
because the warming process will not be the same in all loca-
tions. Observations of the increased temperature over the
past 50 years show that the high latitudes, which include the
regions of polar tundra, have become warmer much faster
than the equatorial latitudes. If this trend continues into the
future, then the polar latitudes may undergo a greater change
in climate than anywhere else on Earth.
The tundra biome contains the world’s reserves of ice, and
a warmer climate will mean that some, perhaps most, of this
reserve will melt and join the oceans. It is quite possible that
the Greenland ice sheet will have melted by the end of the
21st century, and this would add considerably to the level of
the world’s oceans. The floating pack ice of the Arctic Ocean
is melting and, if the process continues at the present rate,
may disappear completely by about 2070. The Antarctic ice
sheet is more difficult to predict. Current evidence shows
that the surrounding sea ice is breaking up extensively, but in
the long term much will depend on levels of precipitation.
Warmer sea temperature means faster evaporation of water,
and this could bring more precipitation over Antarctica.
More snow would fall over the vast ice sheet, so the ice vol-
ume might not decline as fast as expected on the basis of
future temperature calculations. So there are still some
important unknown factors in the equation. Water expands
when it is heated, so increasing the temperature of the
world’s oceans will cause an expansion that will raise sea lev-
els globally. Taking into account the combined effects of
melting ice and expanding water, observers widely expect the
level of the Earth’s oceans to rise by four to 10 inches (10–25
cm) by 2050. A sea level rise of this magnitude would flood
many coastal areas of Arctic tundra. But, on the other hand,
the loss of ice and snow over the tundra landscape will
expose more elevated land areas where tundra vegetation can
While the rising sea level erodes the polar tundra from the
Arctic Ocean in the north, vegetation changes will also take
place from the south. At the boundary between the tundra
and the boreal forest (or taiga) in the Low Arctic, warmer
conditions will enable trees to bear fruit and spread their
seeds into new regions. The forest will advance northward
into regions that are now covered by low shrubs and cushion
herbs. There is already evidence of spruce invading beyond
its former limits in Canada and extending the boreal forest
into the tundra zone. The tundra biome, therefore, will
become squeezed between the forest and the sea, and it is
likely to occupy an increasingly narrow zone as climate
Meanwhile, in the mountains of the world the warmer
temperatures will cause the tree line to extend upward and
the line of permanent snow will retreat. This means that the
belt of tundra will gradually occupy higher altitudes. But this
process can continue only until the permanent snow zone is
completely lost, and snow loss will depend upon the latitudi-
nal position of the mountain (equatorial mountains will lose
their snow first) and the overall altitude of the mountain
(higher mountains will retain their snow longer). In the case
of low mountains in warm, low-latitude climates, increased
warmth will eventually eliminate alpine tundra vegetation.
As the trees spread upward the tundra plants will have
nowhere to retreat to and will eventually become shaded out
by the expanding forest. Studies of mountains in the high
latitudes, especially those in the polar regions, suggest that
high winds may prevent forest expansion even though the
air temperature may rise. These mountains, particularly those
of the Arctic, may become the final refuge for tundra in a
warmer world.
The prospects for the tundra biome in the event of contin-
ued climatic warming may therefore appear rather bleak. But
the tundra has survived as a biome for several million years,
despite episodes in the Earth’s recent past that were much
warmer than the present world. This suggests that the tundra
has a higher degree of inertia, or resistance to change, than
one might expect. Two possible reasons have been put for-
ward to explain this. First, the very low levels of nutrients in
tundra soils may actually help in the survival of this biome.
Chapter 4 proposed that low nutrient reserves might make an
ecosystem fragile; but poor soils could also make the tundra
difficult to invade. Trees generally need more chemical nutri-
ents than smaller plants do, and most trees find it difficult to
establish themselves in poor soils. Even the tough birches,
pines, and spruces that occupy the border regions of the Arc-
tic tundra find it difficult to germinate and survive in very
poor soils, especially when they are being grazed upon by
voracious herbivores such as arctic hares and caribou. So,
nutrient poverty may actually protect the tundra from tree
The second feature that the tundra biome has in its favor is
a high level of genetic diversity in its flora and fauna. Earlier
discussion has stressed that the number of species of plants
and animals in the tundra is low, but among the species pres-
ent there are many subspecies and races. The environment
itself is quite diverse, with wet locations and dry ones, salty
and fresh areas, high altitudes and low, exposed and pro-
tected areas, snow-covered and open locations. The species of
plants and animals present, though low in number, have
developed a whole range of genetically adapted forms, called
ecotypes, that are able to cope in each of these different micro-
habitats. This genetic diversity will greatly assist the tundra
as it faces the challenge of climate change. Whatever new
sets of conditions are generated by the changes, it is likely
that many existing species will have the right set of genetic
adaptations to take advantage of the new opportunities. Per-
haps this high genetic diversity is what has enabled the tun-
dra to survive the many occasions when climate change has
threatened this biome in the past.
Ozone holes
Apart from climate change, another aspect of changing
global conditions that has attracted attention in recent years
is the development of gaps in the ozone layer, especially in
polar regions. These may present a further threat to the
health of the tundra biome.
It is easy to become confused about the gas ozone. It is a
very reactive material, having the chemical formula O3 and
possessing great powers of oxidation. It attacks many types of
materials and can even decompose rubber. When people
breathe it in, therefore, it damages the lungs and can prove
fatal to those with weak respiratory systems. Produced from
the chemical reactions of oxides of nitrogen, ozone is one
Pollution by human waste products and accidental spills
threatens all of the Earth’s ecosystems, but particularly the
sensitive tundra biome. As discussed in chapter 6, the exploita-
tion of the mineral resources of the tundra regions has often
been accompanied by pollution and consequent environmen-
tal damage (see “Mineral reserves,” pages 163–168). Oil spills
at the site of extraction, or during transport by pipeline or
Tundra conservation
For the tundra to remain as one of the Earth’s major biomes,
people must conserve it. Conservation is not quite the same
thing as preservation. In preservation, one isolates an object
The tundra biome, both in the polar regions and in the
mountains of the world, faces a number of problems, some of
which threaten its very survival. Continued climatic warm-
ing is almost certain, and this will have a particular impact
on the Earth’s coldest biome. Tundra lies at the world’s
extremities, either close to the poles or near the highest parts
of mountains. There is no place to which tundra can retreat if
warming continues; it may be eliminated from the tops of
mountains (windy Arctic mountains are a possible exception)
and become confined to an increasingly narrow belt of land
south of the Arctic Ocean. The likely rise in global sea level in
the warmer world can only make things worse. Added to this,
it seems probable that the polar regions will experience more
rapid rises in temperature over the next century than most
other places on Earth. Many of the highly adapted cold-toler-
ant species of plants and animals will find themselves under
climatic and spatial stress, eliminated by stronger, more com-
petitive, warmth-loving species. The one hope for tundra bio-
diversity is its great genetic variability. The organisms of the
tundra are not only highly adapted but also highly adapt-
able, and this may prove vital for their survival.
Ozone depletion in the polar stratosphere has posed a new
threat to the tundra because it permits higher levels of ultra-
violet radiation from the Sun to penetrate the atmosphere.
This can cause genetic damage to exposed tissues. The
human causes of ozone thinning appear to have been identi-
fied, and the efforts of many nations to reduce this poten-
tially serious threat to tundra survival may prove successful.
Pollution, both in the form of direct deposition of harmful
compounds and in the less obvious form of atmospheric and
oceanic contamination, is a further source of damage to the
tundra. People must make pollution control a priority to pro-
tect this biome.
and clay from the upper layers and their deposition lower
pollen analysis the identification and counting of fossil
pollen grains and spores stratified in peat deposits and lake
pollen grains cells containing the male genetic information of
flowering plants and conifers. The outer coat is robust and
survives well in wetland sediments. The distinctive structure
and sculpturing of the coats permit their identification even
in a fossil form
polygon mire patterned wetlands of the Arctic regions in
which raised polygonal sections are separated by water-filled
channels, particularly apparent from the air
polygons patterns of stones caused by frost heaving on level
ground in tundra habitats
population a collection of individual organisms all of the
same species
precipitation aerial deposition of water as rain, dew, snow, or
in an occult form
primary productivity the rate at which new organic matter is
added to an ecosystem, usually as a result of green plant pho-
radiocarbon dating a technique for establishing the age of a
sample of organic matter, based upon the known decay rate
of the isotope 14C (carbon-14)
raised bog a mire in which peat accumulates to form a central
dome that raises the peat-forming vegetation above the influ-
ence of groundwater flow. The surface of the central dome
thus receives all its water input from precipitation; it is
realized niche the actual spatial and functional role of a
species under competition from other species in an ecosys-
reclamation the conversion of a habitat to a condition appro-
priate for such human activity as agriculture or forestry
rehabilitation the conversion of a damaged ecosystem back to
its original condition
relict a species or a population left behind following the frag-
mentation and loss of a previously extensive range
replaceability the ease with which a particular habitat can be
replaced if it were to be lost
representativeness the degree to which a site illustrates the
major features characteristic of its habitat type
Tundra history
Houghton, J. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing. 3d ed.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Imbrie, John, and K. P. Imbrie. Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979.
John, Brian S. The Winters of the World: Earth Under the Ice Ages. New
York: Wiley, 1979.
Pielou, E. C. After the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North
America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.
Roberts, N. The Holocene: An Environmental History. 2d ed. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishing, 1998.
Polar tundra
Aleksandrova, V. D. Vegetation of the Soviet Polar Deserts. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Alpine tundra
Bowman, W. D., and T. R. Seastedt. Structure and Function of an
Alpine Ecosystem: Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Oxford: Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 2001.
Hambrey, M., and J. Alean. Glaciers. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1992.
Larson, D. W., U. Matthes, and P. E. Kelly. Cliff Ecology. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Matthews, J. A. The Ecology of Recently Deglaciated Terrain. Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
URL: http://www.antarctican.com
This Tasmanian web site carries current news from Antarctica.
Antarctic Philately
URL: http://www.south-pole.com
This is primarily a philatelic web site, but it contains a wealth
of information on polar exploration.
Conservation International
URL: http://www.conservation.org
Particularly concerned with global biological conservation.
Earthwatch Institute
URL: http://www.earthwatch.org
General environmental problems worldwide.
Gateway Antarctica
URL: http://www.anta.canterbury.ac.nz
This site is based in the University of Canterbury in New
Zealand and has much information on wildlife and manage-
ment in Antarctica.
URL: http://www.glacier.rice.edu
Based at Rice University, in Texas, this is a good educational
Sierra Club
URL: http://www.sierraclub.org
Covers general conservation issues in the United States and
also issues relating to farming and land use.