Effects of Aminoglycoside Administration On Cochlear Elementsin Human Temporal Bones - Kusunoki2004 - Copie
Effects of Aminoglycoside Administration On Cochlear Elementsin Human Temporal Bones - Kusunoki2004 - Copie
Effects of Aminoglycoside Administration On Cochlear Elementsin Human Temporal Bones - Kusunoki2004 - Copie
Objective: Although there have been numerous reports on the relationship between the period of aminoglycoside administration and cochlear
damage in animals, to date there have been no such studies in humans. The purpose of this study is to observe the early and late cochlear effects
of aminoglycoside administration on hair cells, spiral ganglion cells, stria vascularis, and spiral ligament.
Methods: Specimens were divided into three groups. Group I included ‘‘normal’’ temporal bones with no histopathologic findings of otitis
media and no history of otologic or ototoxic drug administration. Group II consisted of temporal bones that received aminoglycosides within 2
weeks before death and group III of temporal bones that had aminoglycosides from 2 weeks to 6 months prior to death. Patients in groups II
and III received gentamycin, kanamycin or tobramycin. Temporal bones were excluded from groups II and III if patients had a history of
otologic disease or other ototoxic drugs. All temporal bones were examined under light microscopy. Standard cytocochleograms and spiral
ganglion cell reconstructions were done on all temporal bones.
Morphometric measurements of areas of stria vascularis were made in all turns of the cochlea on mid-modiolar sections. Spiral ligament
was divided into four segments according to the locations of different types of fibrocytes. The mean loss of fibrocytes in each segment was
Results: The percentages of intact outer hair cells in the basal turn were significantly greater in group I compared to groups II and III. The
mean area of the stria vascularis in the apical turn was significantly less in groups II and III compared to group I.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that in a short period (within 2 weeks) after aminoglycoside administration, a decrease in hair cells and
in the area of the stria vascularis occurred.
# 2004 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Keywords: Ototoxicity of aminoglycoside; Human temporal bone; Hair cell; Spiral ganglion cell; Stria vascularis; Spiral ligament
late cochlear effects of aminoglycoside administration on their location at the interface between sections. For
hair cells, spiral ganglion cells and the lateral wall (stria statistical analysis, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
vascularis and spiral ligament) in the human cochlea. was used to compare the mean number of spiral ganglion
cells in the three groups.
Table 1
Spiral ganglion cells and hair cells
Table 2
Mean of the areas of the stria vascularis
50% in the cochlea. One temporal bone had missing outer There was no relationship between the number of spiral
hair cells in over 50% of the apical turn. In two other ganglion cells and the damage of outer hair cells (Table 1).
temporal bones, missing outer hair cells were observed in
over 50% of the basal turn. Two of three temporal bones with
3.3. Stria vascularis
outer hair cell damage greater than 50% were under 32 years
of age. In group III, 4 of 10 temporal bones (two temporal
The mean areas of the stria vascularis (Table 2) in the
bones were excluded from this study because of artifacts in
apical turns of groups II and III were significantly less than
hair cells) had outer hair cell damage greater than 50% in the
group I (p < 0.05, p < 0.001). There was no significant
cochlea. In three of these, missing outer hair cells were
difference between groups I and II, or III in the middle or
observed in over 50% of the basal turn of the cochlea (Fig.
basal turns (p > 0.05). Some cases of older patients from all
1A and B). In one of them, loss of outer hair cells was
three groups had atrophy of the stria vascularis with
primarily in the apical turn. Two of the four temporal bones
vacuolization, shrinkage of cytoplasm and low cellularity. In
with severe outer hair cell damage in group III were 25 years
some cases, hair cell damage was seen in the same section as
of age.
those with degenerative changes of the stria vascularis and
The percentages of intact outer hair cells in the basal turn
the extent of missing outer hair cells occurred in over 50% of
was significantly greater in group I compared to groups II
the turn. (Fig. 2A and B).
and III (p < 0.05). Although not significant, the incidence of
outer hair cells with damage greater than 50% in group II
27.3% (3/11) and group III 40.0% (4/10) was higher than in 3.4. Spiral ligament
group I; 0.06 % (1/16). The incidence of outer hair cells with
damage greater than 50% in patients 0–32 years of age in In groups I–III, fibrocytes in the spiral ligament tended to
group II was 28.6% (2/7) and in group III—40.0% (2/5). decrease with increasing age. Types II and IV fibrocytes
These were higher than those of group I—0.0% (0/6). were the first to decrease followed by types I and III,
respectively. The most prominent loss of fibrocytes (Table 3)
3.2. Spiral ganglion cells including all types was observed in the apical turn. Loss of
types II and IV occurred in temporal bones from younger
There was no significant difference in the number of patients (Fig. 2A). There was no significant difference in the
spiral ganglion cells among the three groups (p > 0.05). loss scores of fibrocytes among the three groups (p > 0.05).
Table 3
Mean of the loss scores of the fibrocytes
T. Kusunoki et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 31 (2004) 383–388 387
Fig. 1. (A) Both outer hair cells and inner hair cells are intact in the basal why outer hair cells of the middle turn were mostly intact in
turn of this left temporal bone from a 25-year-old from group I. Haematox-
ylin eosin, original magnification 400. (B) There are no outer hair cells
both presbycusis and aminoglycoside ototoxicity. It appears
(arrow) in the basal turn of this left cochlea of a 25-year-old from group III. that outer hair cells of the middle turn may be more resistant
Haematoxylin eosin, original magnification 400. to pathological change.
Otte et al. [8] reported the mean number of spiral
ganglion cells as 28,620 at adult normal ears (20–80 years).
4. Discussion Their data is similar to our findings. We found no significant
difference in the number of spiral ganglion cells among our
McFadden et al. [11] reported that age-related cochlear three groups. There was no relationship between the number
hair cell loss in mice advanced from the basal to the apical of spiral ganglion cells and the severity of damage of the hair
turn and there was a greater loss of outer hair cells than cells.
inners. Schuknecht and Gacek [7] reported that in human In our study, group II as well as group III showed a
cochlear pathology in presbycusis, some cases had damage significantly lower percentage of intact outer hair cells than
in the apical turn as well as in the basal turn, but the middle group I. Forge and Fradis [5] reported that changes of hair
turn was intact. In our study, one case that had missing outer cells and stria vascularis in guinea pigs could be observed as
hair cells in over 50% of the apical turn was 40 years old early effects of gentamicin. Moreover, Matz [13] reported
(group I). This could be related to aging. Hair cell loss in that hair cells were primarily affected by aminoglycosides.
aminoglycoside ototoxicity has been reported to be This may suggest that hair cells may be more susceptible to
primarily in the outer hair cells of the basal turn of the ototoxicity than spiral ganglion cells.
cochlea. The loss of outer hair cells in the basal turn was Forge and Fradis [5] reported that at 4 weeks post-
greater than that of the inner hair cells [11–13]. In our study, treatment, there was a highly significant decrease in the
group I did not have any case with missing outer hair cells thickness of the stria vascularis. In our study in the apical
that was greater than 50% of the basal turn, however missing turns, the areas of the stria vascularis were significantly less
outer hair cells of more than 50% of the basal turn were in groups II and III compared to group I, suggesting that the
observed in groups II and III and would seem to be the affect early effects of aminoglycoside ototoxicity may occur in the
of ototoxicity rather than aging. Our study cannot explain apical turn of the stria vascularis. However, there was no
388 T. Kusunoki et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 31 (2004) 383–388
significant difference in areas of the stria vascularis of the This study demonstrates that even a short period after
other turns among any group. Matz [13] suggested that aminoglycoside administration can promote severe outer
degeneration of the stria vascularis caused by aminoglyco- hair cell loss, and a decrease in the area of the stria
sides starts at the basal turn of the cochlea and progresses vascularis.
toward the apex. Hawke and Jahn [14] reported that
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