Rong 2020
Rong 2020
Rong 2020
Xing Rong
University of Miami
Miami, Florida, USA
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As far as the virtual machine is concerned, it always needs remote startup technology and installation image creation
the deployment of its virtual machine system as an effective technology. If there is interaction among all parts, it is
premise, because as far as this virtual system is concerned, it accomplished through semantic-based information
mainly includes the existing operating system and the brand- transmission. In this case, in order to ensure the correctness
new virtual system. As far as this kind of virtual machine is and reliability of the whole system, it is only necessary to
concerned, it is quite different from the virtual system, ensure the correctness and reliability of the interaction
because the virtual machine usually needs to simulate the between each part and each part. In a distributed operating
corresponding hardware instructions in the running process, system, resources are managed and used globally, and their
and the running speed is relatively slow. When performing access is realized through a global mechanism. The control
dangerous operations in the virtual client, the host computer and management of the system is based on a single system
can close the connection with the virtual client and close the strategy, and the global benefits are considered. Because of
virtual client at any time, thus minimizing the possibility of the encapsulation caused by virtualization, snapshots
hardware damage or system paralysis caused during the become a feature of virtual machine disk mirroring. Using
experiment. snapshots, virtual machine disk mirroring can be restored
from the wrong state to the correct state at any moment.
The relationship between distributed computer system DNOS is a set of software packages copied on each node
and computer network is easy to be blurred. As far as we
machine of distributed system, and runs together on each
know now, there are similarities but essential differences independent node machine, providing a virtual machine for
between them. Before establishing a system design method,
distributed system users by providing a set of facilities.
the design goal of the system should be defined first. The
network infrastructure is shown in Figure 1. Global internal mode consists of three parts, namely,
slice mode, allocation mode and mapping mode. The local
conceptual model represents a local database with the data
description language of the local data model. The global
structure is shown in Figure 2.
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and each function completes a certain and predefined known in the system scope, while the other parts of the task
service as a whole. In the system design based on task are local to the task, and are created and generated by the
model, the interaction between tasks is accomplished management process with the continuous operation of the
through information transfer primitives. When a task whole system. The object is generated with the received
receives a service request primitive, its management process creation and deletion primitives, and the processing
searches for the required object according to the information subprocess is randomly created according to the service
given in the request and creates a corresponding processing request primitive received by the task, and is terminated by
subprocess on the required object to respond to the service the management process after executing the processing
request. If the system needs to expand its functions or request.
develop other application systems, it is realized by calling
In the network operating system, resources are managed
the existing system functions as a whole. After these two
steps of abstraction, the design of the whole system is locally, used locally, and accessed through local mechanism,
without any single system strategy. Whether using the flat
structured, modular and functional-oriented.
image format or the wizard image format for remote
In order to obtain the optimal rate of the startup process, installation, it actually needs to install files directly to the
the total throughput of all storage nodes needs to be operating system. Some of the core of DNOS are concrete
calculated. Figure 3 shows the total read rate when multiple solutions to these problems, but it is aimed at resources, and
virtual machines are started. Figure 4 corresponds to the the parts that need to be divided and abstracted are resources.
total write rate when multiple virtual machines are started. The implementation method of division and abstraction
adopts task model. In a process-oriented system, the
operating system is a collection of processes, while in an
object-oriented system, the operating system is a collection
of objects. In the process-oriented system, the
synchronization and control of user process and system state
is realized through message transmission, while in the
object-oriented system, this synchronization and control is
accomplished through the management and distribution of
capabilities. Virtual desktop system is used in enterprises to
provide a unified working interface for employees. Most
users will start their virtual machines within the time period
after work starts. In the enterprise environment, hundreds of
virtual machines are started at the same time, which will
consume the throughput of most single storage services.
Figure 3 The total read rate when multiple virtual machines are started With the popularization of desktop virtualization
technology, many enterprises began to deploy desktop
virtualization systems. Intelligent computer, neural
computer and molecular computer in the future must be a
highly parallel multi-computer system. Distributed computer
system has made great progress in recent years, and has
been paid more and more attention by the scientific and
technological circles, and its application has attracted more
and more attention. For virtual machines with certain
simulation function, whether they can be widely used is
particularly important and critical. In fact, its deployment is
a thorny problem. In this kind of measures, the
corresponding countermeasures are put forward and
implemented, but they also show a complex feature. As a
result, we need the vast number of computer practitioners to
carry out the actual remote deployment of virtual machines.
Using virtual machine software to assist the training and
teaching of computer operating system, the teaching
Figure 4 The total write rate when multiple virtual machines are started demonstration and student experiment can be carried out
smoothly. As a virtual client is a file created by VMware
A user's service request may need to schedule a series of software on a physical computer, any operation on the
tasks to complete together, which together provide a virtual virtual machine will not damage the hardware devices.
machine system for the user. The interaction of objects Therefore, experiments that cannot be done in traditional
between tasks is carried out indirectly through the teaching can be completed in virtual machines.
management process in the task. After the data abstraction
of the first step object model, the system physical resource REFERENCES
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