7-Supervision (1) HHK
7-Supervision (1) HHK
7-Supervision (1) HHK
Prepared by:
Samah Reda
Mona Shehata
Kawther Abo Dief
Supervised by:
Dr. Azza Elazab
Objectives :
Discuss the introduction of supervision
Identify supervision
Identify supervisor , professional supervision ,clinical supervision
Explain Objective of supervision
List benefits of supervision
Enumerate Components of supervision
List types /levels of supervision
Mention principles of supervision
Mention Management skills required for all supervisor
Discuss supervision process
Discuss techniques of supervision
Supervisor responsibilities:
Mention difference between mentoring and supervision
Outlines :
Definition of supervision
Major concept of supervisor , professional supervision, clinical
Objective of supervision
Benefits of supervision
Components of supervision
types /levels of supervision
Mention principles of supervision
Management skills required for all supervisor
supervision process
techniques of supervision
Supervisor responsibilities
Difference between mentoring and supervision
Introduction :
Supervision is a Latin word super means (from the above)and
vision means (to see). In ordinary sense of the term,
Supervision means overseeing the activities of others,
In management supervision means overseeing the subordinates
at work with authority and with an aim to guide the employees,
if he doing wrong.
For supervision
Benefits of supervision :
Improved worker retention.
Improved motivation and commitment to the organization.
Maintenance of clinical skills and quality practice.
Improved communication among workers.
Increased job satisfaction.
Identification of strengths in nursing practice.
Nursing leadership development.
Components of supervision
1- Inspection
Inspecting another's work.
2- Evaluation
Evaluating and appraising nurses’ performance.
3- Correct and improve nurses’ performance.
4- Oriented with criteria need for judging the quality of work processes such
as job description standard and performance standards to provide such
evaluation criteria.
Types of supervision :
Supervision may be direct or indirect
Direct /Onsitesupervision
In which the nurse is physically present or immediately available while the activity
is being performed . Supervision generally occurs in the acute care or ambulatory
care setting where the RN is immediately available.
Principles of supervision
A -It should focus on improvement of the work and up-grading of the staff
C -It should be based on the need of the individual worker, which has been
cooperatively determined.
D -It should cooperatively plan objectives, methods of supervision and criteria for
judging success in the attainment of goals between worker and supervisor.
E -It should consider the experience, ability and intelligence of the staff member
and the existing situation.
Supervisors have to be able to work effectively with other people and possess
human resources which include the ability to communicate with , motivate and
understand other people .
-Administrative skills:
Refer to knowledge about the organization and how it works , the planning ,
organizing and controlling function of supervision .
-Conceptual skills:
The ability to see the relation of the parts to the whole and to one another
-Knowledge skills:
The ability to utilize E- mail , voice mail ,fax internet to manage and distribute
continuous streams of data
Techniques of supervision:
[A] Observation:
supervision process.
Observation of patient occurs during patient round, during giving
and receiving report and after all the care has been given.
The supervisor may simply observe the nurse during making care of
one or more patients.
Observation technique:
Learn to see what to look at:
Have same ideas about what to look for before you begin your
Consider each person as an individual.
Try to be objective.
Look for relationships between what you see.
4- Giving the employees clear instructions and making sure they understand
their jobs.
5- Look for problems and try to correct them before employees' performance
deteriorates further.
6- Treat the employees fairly and to speak up for their interests to top
7- Cooperating with co-workers in other departments.
8- Listen with an open mind when co-workers in other departments make
suggestions about improving the way things are done.
Difference between mentoring and supervision
Mentoring Supervision
Definition Providing guidance, support and Overseeing
sometimes advice for the benefit to help performance, giving
make transition or change or to assist feedback and
professional development. supporting professional
Roles Supporter Instructor
Guide Expert
Advisor Facilitator
Protector Trainer
Collaborator Assessor and help