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Post Mauryan Period


(185 BC – 320 AD)
After the decline of Mauryan Empire once again FOREIGN INVASION
Northern India came into the grip of Political
The most important incident of Post Mauryan
turbulence and instability and many new regional
period was the brutal attacks of Middle East Foreign
monarchs came into existence in the Central India powers. The chief powers among than were Indo-
where as the North West Frontier regions of India Greek, Shaka, Pahlav and Kushans. Their ordinary
ruled under the onslaught of many powerful and
introduction is as follow:
ruthless rulers of middle east whereas the Central
and Eastern India was ruled chiefly by ‘Shunga’, HIND YAVAN (INDO GREAK OR INDO
Karva, Satvahana (AP) and ‘Wakatak dynasty BACTERIAN)
(South India)
After the decline of Mauryan rulers, the first
Post Mauryan Period
foreign invasion on North Western frontier of India
was carried by the rulers of “Hind-Yavan”. They
The North western East Central India were basically the Greeks who had settled in the
Frontier Region (Patliputra)
bacteria region of Selucusian Empire. They after
taking advantage of the prevailing circumstances
Indo-Greek Shaka Pallavas Kushana attacked the west frontier region here two different
empires were setup after division, which are as
Shunga dynasty follows:-
Hind- Yavan (Indo Greek)
Kanva dynasty
(220 B.C – 100 B.C.)
Andhra- Satvahan dynasty
Dametrious Dynasty Eukeratidus Dynasty
(First Invader) Capital Takshila
The main sources of Post Mauryan Period Capital – Shakal Important Ruler
information are as follows:- (Sialkot) (Entialacidus)
 Nanaghat Manuscript (Nagnika)
 Nasik Manuscript (Gautami Balshri) Important Ruler – Menander
 Junagarh Manuscript (Rudradaman) (165 -145) BC
 Ayodhaya scriptures (By governor Menander is known by the nickname ‘Milind’
Pushyamitra Dhanadev) in the Budhist literature. According historians he
 Base nagar Script (Greek ambassador invaded upto the Ganges river basin area. A rock
Heliodorus) edit descending his expedition to this area has been
 Mahabhasya (Patanjali), Milindpanho (by recovered from ‘Reh’ in Kaushambi District.
Nagsena, written in Pali language) Gargi
Menander became a Buddhist monk after
Samhita, Malvikagnimitra, Natural
listening sermons of Nagsena. Description regarding
historica (Plini), Geography (Ptolemy) and
Nagsena & Menander deliberations is available in
Periplus of Erythrean Sea (Red Sea) –
historical books the famous relic ‘Milindpanho’.

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History and Polity
Antialcidas was the prominent ruler of THE HISTORY OF INDIAN COINS
Eucratydus dynasty. Its capital was Takshila. He
was a Vaishnav follower. He sent an ambassador
called Heliodorus in the Court of Sunga ruler  The study of currencies or coins is known
Bhagbhadra. Heliodorus erected a “Garur pillar” as ‘Mudrashastra’ (Numismatics)
at Besnagar in Vidisha district (M.P.) and dedicated  The ancient most coins of India were called
it in the honour of ‘Vasudev’. It is considered as the as ‘Ahatmudra’ or Panchmark’ coins.
first documentary evidence of Vaishnav religion in
India.  The credit for starting Gold Coins first also
goes to Indo – Greek rulers.
The Influence of Indo-Greek—As a
consequence of Indo-Greek growing ties both Indian  The credit to start pure Gold Coins in a large
and Greek traders benefited a lot in different sectors quantity goes to ‘Gupta’ rulers.
which are as follows:-  Actual Silver Coins were started by Gupta
 The use of scripted coins gained popularity ruler Chandragupta – II.
in India. The credit of starting the use of  Satvahana rulers started the use of lead and
actual coins goes to Indo-Greek rulers in Potin metal for the first time in India.
India. They were the first to start the gold
 The use of several types of coins was
coin currency in India.
prevalent most during the ‘Post Mauryan
 The Greeks gathered information in the Period’. It was considered as an indicator
areas of Religion and Philosophy from of advanced trade activities.
Indians. The Greeks learnt about the ‘Yoga’
from the Indians only.
 India learnt a great deal about Astrology
from the Greeks. According to Gargi Taking advantage of the political instability in
Sanhita. Yavan’s are barbaric but they India, the Central Asian origin ‘SAKAS’ attacked
being advance in Astrology are reverable.
India via Iran. The source of information about
 According to ‘Varahmihir’ – Though the
Sakas ruling period are as follows:-
Greeks are Unsophisticated and dirty but
they are scholars in Astrology, therefore  The pillar edict of Rajvul, Mathura’s Dan
they are as respectable as the ancient saints. patra edict of Shodas, Nasik 'Guhalekh' of

Shakas (Scythian)

Northern Branch (20 B.C. – 22 A.D.) Western Branch

Capital Takshila Capital Mathura Kshaharathas Dynasty Kardamak dynasty

Mouse Rajvul (Rajul) Capital (Nasik) (Capital- Ujjan)

Azes Shodas Bhumak Yashomatik

Azilisej Nahpan (119-124 AD) Chestan

Azes II Ushavdutt Rudradaman (130-150 AD)

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Post Mauryan Period
Rudradaman’s, Junagarh edict is the first edict KUSHANAS
which is written in Sanskrit language. Among the numerous foreign invasions carried
 Rudradaman defeated the Satvahana ruler (Middle East) during the Post Mauryan period. The
Vashishti’s son. Pulmavi. Besides that he Kushanas attack were the most prominent one. In
conquered many regions India and around the Kushanas Empire, were included some regions
central and western India. of Central Asia some China’s region and most parts
 Rudradaman renovated the famous of Central India. Kushan’s were basically high caste
’Sudarshan Lake’ in Saurashtra with the Asiatic tribes. They got divided into 5 different parts
help of his Governor Suvisakh. after their population increased manifold whose 3
 The last ruler of Saka dynasty was Rudrasen branches in Europe, 1 was in Iran and 1 branch
– III. He was defeated and killed by Chandra attacked the China region. European and Iranian
gupta-II Vikramaditya and made the Saka branches settled in that region itself whereas the
state a part of his Kingdom. Chinese branch of Saka attacked India after being
NAHAPAN (119-126 AD) unsuccessful in gaining a foothold in China.
The leader of Kushans – Kuzul Kadphises’
Nahapan had under his domination and attacked the North – West frontier region of India
jurisdiction a vast region comprising of after mobilising various tribal communities under
Maharashtra, Ajmer, and Saurashtra. Coins of one roof and occupied a vast region extending upto
antique design of Nahapan’s rule were obtained Kabul and Kashmir. In this way the founder of
(excavated) from Jogalthambi region of Nasik. Kushan Empire is considered to be kujulkadfisez.
 Satvahana ruler Gautamiputra Satkarni After Kujul, ‘Vim Kadphises’ became the next
defeated and killed Nahapan and got his Kushanas ruler. He captured region upto Takshila
name carved on his coins. After this Sakas and Punjab. Among the major titles proclaimed by
kingdom came to an end. him were Maharaj, Maheshwar and Sarva
PAHLAV (PARTHIAN) Lokeshwar were the most important ones. He
promulgated coins made up of copper and gold.
Pahlavs were basically the natives of ‘Parthia’
Therefore he is considered the real founder of Kushan
region of Iran. The founder of this dynasty was
dynasty in India. He accepted the shaiva religion
‘Mithredatus’ (171 – 130 B.C.). In India the founder
and proclaimed the title of Maheshwar. In this way
of Pahlav dynasty was Mouse (90 – 70 B.C.). The
he was the first ruler to establish Kushan rule and
major source of gathering information about
to indigenise the Kushan rule in India.
Pahlavas was the ‘Takhte –bahi edict of Gondo
Vim Kadphises started the circulation of Lord
Shiva, Trishul and Nandi figured Coins. During the
GONDO PHERNES (20 – 41 A.D.) period of Vim Kadphises. There was good relations
He was the major ruler of ‘Pahlav dynasty’. From between Kushans and Romans.
the Takhte ‘Bahi’ edict information about his rule is KANISHKA – Ist (78 AD – 105 AD):
gathered. During his reign (Ist century A.D.). The first On the year of Coronation of emperor Kanishka to
Christian religion Preacher (emissary) St.Thomas the throne a new era, called Saka era was initiated
came to India. with the coronation of Kanishka, the Kushan
 The Pahalava’s and Saka’s were expelled colonialism era began Kanishka was the greatest ruler
from the Western region of India by of the ‘Kushan Dynasty’ Under his occupation were
‘Kushanas’ and the Northern branch were some region of Central Asia and China and most of the
completely demolished by Kushanas. region of Central India. Due to the impressive
Vikramaditya (Self proclaimed or title owner) Geographical status of Kaniskha’s empire it was called
defeated the Sakas in Malwa region in 57 AD and the Internation Empire of India.
started the Vikram era. (Malav Samvat).  For fixation of time-period of Kanishka rule,
three international conferences were held.

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History and Polity

 Kanishka attacked Magadha and took ASHWAGHOSH—He was the royal poet in
away the charity bowl of Lord Budha and the Court of Kanishka – He was a scholar, dramatist,
Budhist philosopher ‘Ashwaghosh’ to his philosopher and a musician. He wrote Buddha
capital Purushpur at Peshawar. So Kaniska Charitra, Saundra Nanda Shariputra Prakaram
Empire extended his reign upto Magadh famed books.
NAGARJUN—He was called the Einsten of
 Kanishka fought against his contemporary
India. He wrote a famous book called ‘Pragya
Chinese ruler Pan-Chao’ after which his
empire spread is dominion upto Khotan, Paramita’.
Kashgar, Yarkand – Chinese region. CHARAK—He was Royal physician in
Hence the Kanishka region of dominion was Kanishka Court. He wrote a book called ‘Charak
included Ganga Valley, Sindhu valley and Oxus Sanhita’. He is known as the first Surgeon of India.
river valley regions. SANDHARAKSH—He was the Chief Priest of
Kanishka’s empire had two capitals : Emperor Kanshishka.
(A) Purushpur (Peshawar - Pakistan) Vasumitra, parswa, Matrachet, Mathar and
(B) Mathura (UP – India) Unani (Greek) Scholar – Agisilaos were also
Gandhar Art Mathura Art
The art flourished in The art flourished in
Some of the major currency coins circulated
Gandhar region was mathura region was by emperor ‘Kanishka’ were:-
not pure Indian pure Indian art.  Horon (Varuna), Omyo (Uma), Sukemo
because its subject Because its subject & Bodha (Shakya muni Budh), Mithro etc.
was Indian but the ornamentation both
ornamentation was was Indian. In this
 During Kanishka’s time, Fourth Buddhist
Greek way first time Idols Summit was organised at Kundalvana in
of Swami Kashmir.
Mahaveera Gautam  During Kanishka rule Chinese Princes
Buddha, Vishnu & started cultivation of Nashpati and Aadu.
Shiv construes'. In
mathura art red
 Kanishka had two sons – ‘Vasishka’ and
sand stones were ‘Huviska’. After Kanishka’s demise
used. ‘Huviska’ ascended his throne. Huvishka
 Under Kanishka’s occupation, region established Huviskkapar City in Kashmir
and got built a ‘Budh Vihara’ at Mathura.
included ‘Great Silk route’ (Resham Marg)
which had three branches, which brought  ‘Vasudev’ was the last important ruler of
prosperity in India. In a period of peace and Kanishka dynasty. Later on, local Nagas,
prosperity two different art forms Vakatakas and foreign based ‘Shakas’ and
developed. Pallavas captured several parts of his
kingdom and empire.
 Kanishka built a large ‘Stupa” and a 400
ft. tall 13 storey Tower in his capital INDIAN KINGDOMS DURING POST
After the decline of Mauryan Empire Shunga,
 Kanishka is also called the second Kanva’s and Andhra’s – Satvahana Kings ruled in
Ashoka becuase the great patronage Magadha whose common introduction is as
 Kanishka gave shelter to 9 learned
scholars in his Court. The Scholars were SHUNGA DYNASTY (185 – 75 B.C.)
as follows : Pushyamitra Shunga The Brahmin disciple of
the last Mauryan King ‘Brihadrath’ occupied

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Post Mauryan Period
Magadh and started/ established Patliputra as its Garunadhwaj (flag) at Basenagar (Vidisha)
capital. in M.P.
PUSHYAMITRA SUNGA (185 – 149 B.C.)  The last Sunga dynasty ruler ‘Devabhuti’
Pushyamitra Sunga originally belonged to was killed by his minister Vasudev ‘Kanva’
Ujjan. who laid the foundation of ‘Kanva
He became the General of Brahdrath and taking dynasty'.
advantage of prevailing circumstance he captured KANVA DYNASTY (75 -30 B.C.)
the power of ruling in Magadha. Pushyamitra Kanva dynasty foundation was laid by Vasudev
Sunga is known as the re-founder of ‘Vedic System’ Kanva. He was also a Brahmin follower. In this Royal
of religion. He established the ‘Varnashram’ system dynasty, four rulers Vasudev, Bhumimitra, Narayan
and conducted 2 ‘Ashwamegh yagya.’ and susharman ruled the state, Sudharma was got
 Patanjali was the friend and the ‘State killed by Satvahana ruler Simuk and usurped this
Priest. He wrote an epic called magadh state into the Andhra – Satvahana dynasty.
 According to the famous grantha – “Gargi
– Samhita” and Malavikaagni mitra, Yavans (30 B.C. – 320 A.D.)
attacked Madhyamika (Chittor), Saket The rise of Satvahana dynasty took place in
(Ayodhya), Panchal (Barelly) and Mathura. Maharashtra and on the banks of Godavari river.
Pushyamitra Sunga’s grandson and Initially its capital was located at Pratishtan
Agnimitras son – Vasumitra drove them out (Maharashtra). Taking advantage of the Subsequent
after defeating them outrightly. Mauryan rulers the Satvahana rulers captured the
 The custom of animal sacrifice and rituals western and Central Indian Kingdoms. Since the
like Yagyas which were banned during founders of this dynasty belonged to Andhra
Ashok’s reign were restarted. Pradesh therefore they were known as ‘Andhra –
 Buddhist scriptures describe Pushyamitra Satvahanas’ Satvahana ruler ‘Simuk’ killed the last
Sunga as “Buddhist Torturer”. But it is not Kanva ruler Sudharman and captured Magadh.
true because Pushyamitra Sunga himself  After Simuk, Kanva ruled for 18 years
supervised the renovation of Mahastupa at thereafter Sri Satkarni became the next
Sanchi and installed ‘stone-carved Satvahana ruler. He is considered as the
Balustrade‘ in place of ‘Wooden Balustrade' actual founder of Satvahana Rule.
(Vedica)  Satvahana’s are considered as the first
 The famous ancient scholar Manu who lived political power of South India. After their
during Pushyamitra’s time wrote decline, ‘Vakatak’ dynasty rulers became
Manusmriti’ whcih is considered as ancient powerful in south India.
Hindu religion “doctrine of methodology.” Satvahana's achievement is gathered from the
 The Ayodhyan Rock edict was encrypted edicts of Satvahana Kingdom rulers which are
by Pushyamitra’s Army’s General as following:
‘Dhanadev’.  Nanaghat (Pune) Edict Engraved by
 After Pushyamitra Sunga, Agnimitra, Satkarni first wife Naganika.
Vasumitra, Mitradeva, Andhrak, Pulindak,  Nasik (Maharashtra) rock edict (Engraved
Vajramitra, Bhagbhadra and Devabhuti by Gautam Balshri)
(Total 10 rulers) succeeded the throne  Karle Guha edict (Engraved by Vashisti son
successively. Pulmavi.
 During the reign of ninth ruler of Sunga
dynasty. ‘Bhagbhadra’, Greek ruler Antiol st
Cedas emissary Heliodorus’ came to his Satkarni I was the actual founder of this
Court. He laid the foundation of dynasty. He was the first such ruler who brought
fame and importance. According to Nanaghat edict

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History and Polity
he conducted 2 Ashvamegh and Rajsuya Yagyas. called Navanagar and carried extension work of
Among the important title which he assumed Amravati stupa Vashisti Putra, Pulumavi was
‘Dakshin Pathpati’ and ‘Apratihatchakra’ were the defeated two times by Shaka rular Rudradaman
famous ones: but gave clemency on account of being his relative.
 After the death of Satkarni Ist the protector  ‘Vashisti Putra Pulumavi’ was called
of his two minor sons, Vedshri and Shakti Dakshina patheswar and
Shri, queen Naganika, ruled over the state. ‘Dakshinapathpati’.
 Satvahana ruler, Hala (20 – 24 AD), wrote
an epic called ‘Gatha Saptashati’ in Prakrit
language. His courtier Sharva Varman YAGYA SHRI SATKARNI (165- 194 AD.)
wrote an epic named Kantatra in Sanskrit. He was the last important Satvahana ruler. On
GAUTAMI PUTRA SATKARNI the coins released on him were imprinted the image
(106 – 130 A.D.) of Boat, fish, and Shells. Buddhist philosopher
Gautami putra ‘Satkarni’ was the greatest ruler Nagarjun was his friend.
of Satvahana dynasty. He defeated the Shakas,  The official language of Satvahana was
Greeks, Pallavas and neighbouring regional powers ‘Prakrit’.
and re-established the might of Satvahana dynasty.
 The Post Mauryan era is considered as the
Among the most important titles assumed by him
were ‘Venkatak Swami’, Adwitiya and the ‘Golden age’ of Indian History from
Ekabrahmina king. economic point of view. In this period
 Gautami Putra Satkarni defeated and killed unprecedented progress was made in Trade
the Shaka Satrapas ruler ‘Nahapan’ As a and Craft field. In the same period coins
result the Satvahana dynasty glory
reached its Zenith. The information about were circulated on a large scale and new
his path breaking and hilarious victory contact routes and ports were also
over Shaka King is available from the coins developed.
obtained from Nashik Joglathambi. The
coins excavated from this place, depict the
Kharvel : Kalinga State
image of Satkarni over and above the image After the demise of Emperor Ashoka, Kalinga
of ‘Nahapan’. became independent and a new dynasty emerged,
He established marital ties with the Kadarmak which was called Chedivansh or Mahamedh Vahan
wing ruler of Shaka, Rudradaman.
dynasty. The Kharvel was coronated in 176 BC.
 Evidentiary information about Satkarnis
rule is gathered from the Nasik edict. The Hathi Gumpha Rock Edict—The source of
edict had been encrypted by his mother information about Kharvel's acheivements is
‘Gautami Balshri’ after Satkarnis demise. Hathigumpha rock edict. It is located at
In this same edict we find mention of land Bhuvaneshwar (Orissa), Kharvel is remembered in
devotion by Satkarni to some saints and Indian history not only for his military exploits
seers. In this way, the custom of land
but also for his cultural achievements. He is also
donation started from the Satvahana
ruling period. called a monk and Dharmaraj probably in his last
years of life he embraced Jain religion and died on
(130 – 154 A.D.) Ananth Chaturdarshi day while in meditation.
Thereafter there is no creditable information
He consolidated and exalted his Naval
Supremacy to a great extent. He established a town regarding his future dynasty rulers.

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Post Maurya Period
1. Which dynasty rulers started the custom of do- (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
nating tax free land or villages (land donation) (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) None of these
to the Brahmins and Buddhist monks? 6. During which King's ruling period the Chris-
(a) Satvahanas (b) Mauryans tian Missionary St’ Thomas came to India?
(c) Guptas (d) Cholas (a) Minander (b) Ruddradaman
2. In which Puran there is the largest list of (c) Gondophernes (d) Kanishka
Andhra-Satvahan rulers? 7. Consider the following statements and choose
(a) Vayu Puran (b) Vishnu Puran the correct answer from the codes given below :
(c) Matsya Puran (d) Bhagwat Puran 1. The Shaka Samvat used by the Indian
3. Consider the following statements and choose Government was started by emperor
the correct answer from the codes given below : Kanishka.
1. The reconstruction of Indo-Greek history is 2. Kanishka started the great silk route for the
made on the basis of the coinage evidence. Indians.
2. The major contribution of the Indo-Greek rulers 3. Kanishka is also called as the Second Ashoka.
Code :
in the field of Indian Culture was coin minting.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
Codes: (c) 1 and 3 (d) All the above
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 8. Statement (A) : The Kushan traders used to trade
(c) 1 and 2 both (d) None of the above through Persian gulf and Red Sea.
Reason (R) : Their highly organized navy was
4. Which of the following Kings issued a long edict
of high standard.
in pure Sanskrit language for the first time in Code :
India? (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the ap-
(a) The Yavan King Minander propriate explanation of (A).
(b) The Shaka King Rudradaman (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
appropriate explanation of (A).
(c) The Parthian King Gondophernes
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) The Kushan King Kanishka (d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
5. Consider the following statements and choose 9. In India the first recordable evidence of Bhagwat
the correct answer from the codes: religion is available?
1. The Junagarh edict of Rudradaman has been (a) From the Ghosundi Prastar edict of King
obtained from the Girnar Mountain of Sarvatat
Gujarat (b) From the Basenagar edict of Heliodorous.
2. It is the most ancient Sanskrit edict which has (c) From the Nanaghat cave edicts of Queen
Nagnika of Satvahana dynasty.
been obtained in an engraved form of Brahmi
(d) From the Mehrauli edict of
Code :

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b)

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Ancient History
10. During the Kushana period the Gandhara style (b) The production of commercial goods and
of sculptural art was a mixture of ? the distribution classes were effectively
(a) Indo-Islamic Style (b) Indo-Iranian Style
(c) The goods producers worked under control
(c) Indo-China Style (d) Indo-Greek Style of States.
11. Who is credited with performing four (d) In the production of goods carried by groups
Ashwamegh Yagya among the following? (Shrenia) used to hired labor
(a) Pushyamitra Shunga 16. Which of the following became the main cause
(b) Pravarsen-I of rapid growth of trade in the Gupta ruling
(c) Samudragupta
(a) The necessaries of the Roman empire
(d) Nandivarman Pallav
(b) The success of banking system
12. In context of India Monsoon was discovered by
(c) The circulation of better coins
(a) Strabo (b) Ptolemy
(d) Encouragement provided by the Kings
(c) Hippalus (d) Arian 17. The ‘Periplus of the Erythrean Sea’ gives descrip-
13. Agrahar was a type of land donation which was tion of the sea voyage from where to which
granted : place?
(a) To the Purohits who effected the Ashwamegh (a) From Arabian Sea to Bay of Bengal
Yagya (b) From Arabian Sea to Mediterranean Sea
(b) Scholar Brahmins (c) From Red Sea to Bactria
(c) Samvedi who used to sing song for the vic- (d) From Red Sea to India
tory of Kings
18. The most significant achievement of East Roman
(d) The fans of the King ruler justinian was in the field of -
14. Which of the following gives most suitable (a) Law (b) Architecture
definition of the term “Shreni”?
(c) Science (d) Literature
(a) An organization of traders of the same class
and caste. 19. Consider the following statement and choose the
correct answer using the codes given below:
(b) An organization of same caste people doing
different professions. 1. The first mention of Anthropomorphism is
(c) An organization of one or more than one caste found in the Bhagwat Geeta.
people doing similar professions. 2. A Yavan Ambassador called Heliodorous who
(d) An organization of different caste people established a Garun flag at Basenagar was
carrying different professions. sent by the Yavan ruler Antialcidas.
15. Which of the following statements related to the 3. Heliodorous declared himself the Bhagwat.
subject of some social features concerning the 4. Heliodorous came in the Court of
production of commercial goods in the Post Bhagbhadra.
Mauryan period is not true? Code :
(a) Remarkable technical development took (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
place in the production of commercial goods.
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) All the above

10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14.(c) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (d)

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Post Maurya Period
20.C onsider the following statements : Codes :
1. The Satvahana rulers committed atrocities on (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
Buddhists. (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) All of them
2. Pushyamitra Shunga gave patronage to the 24. Consider the following statements in context of
Buddhists. Post Mauryan period and choose the correct
answer :
3. Shashanka cut the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya.
1. The most preliminary recorded evidence
Which of the above statements is/are true? regarding artesian classes is obtained from
(a) Only 1 (b) 2 and 3 the Post Mauryan period.
(c) 1 and 3 (d) Only 3 2. In this period the head of the artesian classes
21.C onsider the following statements and choose was known as Jethak (Jayeshthak).
the correct answer from the codes given below : 3. The leader of Karwa (march) of traders was
called Sarthvah.
1. The Post Mauryan period coins were known
4. Kasharpan were silver and copper coins of
as Kasharpan.
this era.
2. The Kushanas issued coins made up of gold
Codes :
and copper.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
3. The Kushanas issued the maximum pure gold
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) All of them
25. Match the List-I with List-II :
Code :
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 List-I List-II
(c) 1 and 3 (d) All the above (State) (Capital)
22.C onsider the following statements and choose (A) Sunga 1. Vidisha
the correct answer from the codes given below : (B) Chedi 2. Kalinga
1. The images of Sankarshan and Vasudeva on (C) Satvahana 3. Pratisthan/Paithan
the coins of Huvishaka. (D) Kushana 4. Purushpur/Peshawar
2. The Kanishka Chaitya located at Purushpur Code :
(Peshawar) was built by Agilus. A B C D A B C D
3. The Nanaghat edict of the Satvahana ruling (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 1 3 4
period gives the most ancient recorded evi- (c) 1 2 4 3 (d) 4 3 2 1
dence of land donations. 26. Match the List-I with List-II and choose the
Codes : correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 List-I List-II
(c) 1 and 3 (d) All of the above (Ruler) (Title)
23.C onsider the following statements and choose (A) Ashoka 1. Vikramaditya
the correct answer from the codes given below : (B) Kanishka 2. Kalinga-
1. Mahabhashya was composed by Patanjali. Chakravarti
2. Mahabhashya is a grammar epic which has the (C) Kharvel 3. Mahendraditya
mention about the Yavan invasion. (D) Kumargupta 4. Devaputra
3. Nagsena composed ‘Milindpanho’ in 5. Priydarshi
Pali language. Code :
4. From the ‘Milindpanho’ we get information A B C D A B C D
regarding Indo-Greek contacts. (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 5 4 2 1

20. (d) 21. (b) 22. (d) 23.(d) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (d)

Major Kalshi Classes Pvt. Ltd. 59

Ancient History
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 5 4 2 3 29. Match the following :
27. Match the List-I with List-II : List-I List-II
List-I List-II (A) Kasharpan 1. Gold Coins
(Era) (Counted from the year) (B) Kankani 2. Silver coins
(C) Shatmaan 3. Copper coins
(A) Vikram Era 1. 3102 B.C.
(D) Nishk and Pan 4. The coins of Gold,
(B) Shaka Era 2. 319 A.D. Silver, Copper and
(C) Gupta Era 3. 78 A.D. Lead
(D) Kali Era 4. 57 B.C. Code :
Code : A B C D A B C D
A B C D A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 3 2 1 4
(a) 2 4 3 1 (b) 1 3 2 4 (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 3 1 2 4
30. Which of the following goods were exported to
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 4 3 2 1
Rome during Post Mauryan Period?
28. Match the following : 1. Black pepper 2. Pearls
List-I List-II 3. Muslin (Malmal) 4. Objects made of ivory
(Port) (Situated at ) 5. Perfumes and Sandal
Codes :
(A) Bairigaza 1. Malabar Coast
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) Mujiris 2. The present Mumbai
(c) 1, 3, 4, 5 (d) All of the above
31. Which of the followings is not correctly
(C) Sopara 3. Eastern Coast of India matched?
(D) Suvarnabhumi 4. On the mouth of List - I List - II
Narmada river (Dynasty) (Metal of the coins)
Code : (a) Kushan –Gold and copper
A B C D A B C D (b) Gupta –Gold and silver
(a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 1 3 4 2 (c) Satvahan –Gold
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 4 1 2 3 (d) Kalchuri –Gold, silver and copper


27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (d) 31. (c)

Major Kalshi Classes Pvt. Ltd. 60

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