Calc Medic Guided Notes (Topics 1.1-1.6)
Calc Medic Guided Notes (Topics 1.1-1.6)
Calc Medic Guided Notes (Topics 1.1-1.6)
Maximum height: Locate a point on the graph where the rider is the maximum height above the
ground. What are the coordinates of this point? Write an interpretation of the coordinates
of this point in the context of a Ferris wheel ride?
How is the height of the rider above the ground How is the height of the rider above the ground
changing before reaching the maximum height? changing after reaching the maximum height?
Circle one. Circle one.
increasing decreasing increasing decreasing
In this video, we will investigate how two quantities change together, how to calculate that rate of
change, and how to visualize this through the concavity of the graph.
Example 1: So, let’s explore why the graph from Topic 1.1 was
curved and what that curvature tells us about HOW these
quantities change together.
Coordinating Amounts of Change: Let’s systematically explore how the output changes for equal
changes in the input.
As you watch the video use red and blue to fill in the
This type of diagram, that shows both the change in the _________________ and the change in the
If, for equal changes in the ___________, the corresponding change in the ___________ is increasing,
by _________________________.
Let’s Practice:
If, for equal changes in the ____________, the corresponding change in the _____________ is
Let’s Review!
Average Rate of Change over the interval Average Rate of Change over the interval
[*! , *" ] [-, .]
The ratio of the change in output values to the
change in input values over the specified Δ((!) ((9) − ((6)
= = =
interval of the domain. Δ! 9−6
A. [9,11] =
If the temperature changed by the same amount each hour between
_____ a.m. and ______ a.m., the temperature would have increased by
_________ degrees Fahrenheit per hour.
B. [11,12] =
If the temperature changed by the same amount each hour between _____ a.m. and ______ a.m., the
temperature would have increased by _________ degrees Fahrenheit per hour.
C. [12,17] =
If the temperature changed by the same amount each hour between _____ a.m. and ______ a.m., the
temperature would have decreased by _________ degrees Fahrenheit per hour.
Interpreting Average Speed The table below gives the time recorder every
Did Bolt run 10.32 meters every second? 50 meters during Bolt’s 2008 race.
Δdistance 50 − 0
= = ____________
Δtime 5.50 − 0
Δdistance 100 − 50
= = ____________
Δtime 9.69 − 5.50
Was 10.32 meters per second the fastest that Is a speed of 10.32 meters per second a good
Bolt ran? approximation for Bolt’s speed 4 seconds into
the race?
The table below gives the time recorded every 10 meters during Bolt’s 2008 race.
Fill in the third row of the table by calculating the average speed over each of these 10 m intervals.
Was Bolt running the fastest as he crossed the finish line? ___________________
What was Bolt’s fastest speed? _________________
The point (12,100) indicates that Monica is _________meters from the _______________________,
___________seconds after the race began.
Write an interpretation of what the y-intercept indicates in the context of Monica’s 100-meter race?
Calculate Monica’s average rate of change. What constant speed is needed by Monica to
Show all your work. Draw and label a rate of run 90 meters in 12 seconds?
change triangle on the graph above.
Draw a graph on the grid above of Monica’s
distance from the start in terms of the number
of seconds since the race began, if Monica ran
at this constant speed.
Δ- -# − -$
+= =
Δ. .# − .$
Topic 1.3 Rates of Change in Linear and Quadratic Functions (Daily Video 2)
AP Precalculus
In this video, we will explore how the average rate of change of the average rate of change varies
over intervals of a function’s domain.
What kind of pattern are the average rates of change following over successive
#$$%$$& equally sized intervals
!" +$)%$
of 2? Explain your reasoning below.
The pattern is __________________________ because __________________________________________
Example: A truck’s distance north of a stop sign
The concave down graph to the right represents a
stop sign
truck’s distance north of a stop sign in relation to the
stop sign
number of seconds since it started moving.
north ofof
Use the information in the graph to fill in the blanks
in feetnorth
The truck stops heading north away from the stop sign,
in feet
turns around, and heads south toward the stop sign at
time t = ____ seconds because the graph stops
______________________ and starts #$$$$$%$$$$$&
#$$$$$%$$$$$& ______________________ .
!"#$%&'!",/)%#$%&'!", !"#$%&'!",/)%#$%&'!",
# of seconds
# of secondssince the
since the car truck started
started to move to move
Fill in the values in the table to the right and use the
values in the table to fill in the following blanks.
The truck’s average rate of change in #$ $$%$$$& is
______________ 2
______________________ on the interval 0 < / < 6 seconds
#$$$$$%$$$$$& 1
because the graph of the truck’s distance north of the
stop sign is #$$$$$%$$$$$&
______________________ . 2
#+"#&/% -0⁄#+"#&/% )+1"
Inflection Point: This occurs where the graph of a polynomial function changes from concave-up to
concave-down or concave-down to concave-up. Occurs at input values where the rate of change of
the function changes from increasing to :; ;;;;<;;;;;=or from decreasing to :;
____________________ ____________________
-./0123-.4/61/0123-.4 -./0123-.4/61/0123-.4
Let’s Practice!
Problem #1: Given the graph to the right,
which of the points are the following:
Give approximate values.
1. Global maximum
4. The relative minimums occur at ... Note: While the x values of the points indicated
are where the extrema (minima; maxima) occur,
5. Inflection points the output (or y) value is considered the actual
maximum or minimum.
What is the average rate of change between the One of the inflection points is at (2.333, 15.259).
absolute maximum of the graph and the What happens to the rate of change before that
absolute minimum of the graph? Show your point and after that point?
work below. The rate of change approaching the inflection
point is 45 55556555557 ... Then, after
inflection point, the rate of change begins to
Example: )(*) = *! − +*
Check: "(0) =_______________________
"(2) =_______________________
"(') =_______________________________
Solve: 0 = '(' + 2)(' − 2) "(−2) =______________________
' =_______________________
Write out all of the zeros: ' =______; ' =______; ' =______
Multiplicty of a Zero
The multiplicty of a zero is how many times the zero’s factor appears in a given polynomial.
If the zero’s multiplicity is odd, then the graph If the zero’s multiplicity is
will cross through the zero on the x-axis. even, then the graph will
be tangent to the x-axis
at that point, because the
signs of the output values
are the same for input
values near ' = !.
5(') = ' & − 10' $ + 36' % − 54' + 27
5(') = (' − 3)% (' − 1)&
Factor: 5(') = ________________________
Set 5(') = 0: _______________________
Set 5(') = 0: _______________________ Set the factors equal to zero and solve. Show
Set the factors equal to zero and solve. Show your work in the space below.
your work in the space below.
C. Are there any non-real zeros? Explain how you know below.
D. Does the graph of the polynomial have even or odd symmetry? _____________
Substituting: )(−') =____________________________________________
Graph the function !(#) = 4# " Graph the function !(#) = −2# '
As input values of the As input values of the
nonconstant polynomial function nonconstant polynomial function
increase without bound the increase without bound the
ouput values ________________ ouput values ________________
without bound. without bound.
As input values of the As input values of the
nonconstant polynomial function nonconstant polynomial function
decrease without bound the ouput values decrease without bound the ouput values
________________ without bound. ________________ without bound.
End Behavior Summary
4 5