8 Fault
8 Fault
8 Fault
Fake Review Detection and Removal: If Alerting the Administrator: Once the
a review is flagged as suspicious or fake system identifies a suspicious IP address
based on the analysis conducted, the with a pattern of fake reviews, it notifies
system takes appropriate action. The the administrator. This alert prompts the
administrator is notified, and the review is administrator to review the flagged IP
either deleted immediately or marked for address and take appropriate action, such
manual review. as removing the fraudulent reviews and
potentially banning the IP address from
further interactions with the system.
Transparency and Accountability: The
system ensures transparency and
accountability by providing users with Enhanced Fraud Prevention: By
visibility into the review process. Users proactively tracking and flagging
can trust that the reviews they read are suspicious IP addresses, the system
strengthens its ability to prevent fraudulent - Admin will remove the
activities such as fake review spamming. review which tracked
This proactive approach helps maintain the by the system as fake.
integrity and credibility of the platform's 2. User Login: User will login to the
review system. system using his user ID and
View product:
User Privacy Considerations: It's - User will view
important to note that while the system product.
tracks IP addresses for fraud detection Post Review:
purposes, it also respects user privacy. IP - User can post review
addresses are handled securely and in about the product.
accordance with relevant privacy Tracks IP Address:
regulations to ensure user data protection. - If the system finds a
review is fake it will
- inform the admin to
remove the fake
By implementing IP address tracking
and fraud detection mechanisms, the
system adds an extra layer of security
and reliability to its review management
process, fostering a more trustworthy
Software Requirements:
online environment for both users and Windows 7 or higher
administrators. WAMP Server
My SQL 5.6
Hardware Components:
The system comprises of 2 major
modules with their sub-modules as Processor – Dual Core
follows: Hard Disk – 50 GB
Memory – 1GB RAM