Season 4 Syllabus - Daycare I - 24-25
Season 4 Syllabus - Daycare I - 24-25
Season 4 Syllabus - Daycare I - 24-25
Season 4 split: 22 academic days, 3 recap day, 5 observation days, 1 field trip day
1. Identify 3-4 Farm Animals (cow, goat, sheep, pig, hen, horse)
2. Identify 3-4 Pet Animals (dog, cat, parrot, rabbit, fish)
3. Identify 3-4 Wild Animals (lion, tiger, giraffe, elephant, monkey, zebra)
4. Identify 2-3 Marine Animals (fish, octopus, jelly fish, star fish)
5. Identify 2-3 birds (crow, duck, parrot, owl, peacock)
1. Identification of capital letters M, N, O, P, Q
2. 1-2 objects from letters M to Q
3. Pattern writing – Slanting lines and mountain pattern
4. Writing/Tracing letters L and T
5. Colour concept – Black and White
1. Identification and number values of numbers 7 and 8
2. Recap of numbers 1 to 6
3. Rote counting 1 to 15
4. Tracing number 1
5. Opposites – One-Many, and Far-Near
6. Shapes – Triangle and recap of circle and square
1. र वण बड़ा ऊ, ऋ, ए को पहचानना
2. इसने शु होने वाले एक वा ु का नाम
1. My Family (Father’s name, mother’s name)
2. My School (School name, class name, class teacher’s name)
3. Days of the week (Monday – Sunday)
1. Chubby cheeks
2. Stop and go
3. Ring-a-ringa roses
4. पेड़
5. गु ारे
6. रे ल
Creative Time:
Story Time: The hare and the tortoise (In English and Hindi both)