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DCMHelp en
User Guide
What Is Designation Card Manager?
1.1 Requirements
• Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me, Windows 2000
(service pack 2 or higher), Windows XP (service pack 1 or
higher) or Windows NT4 (service pack 4 or higher)
• TrueType font Arial required. Any additional TrueType fonts can
also be used.
• A4 capable printer.
Note: As the program does not supply all languages for all
telephone types, some texts may appear in English even if
you selected another language. However, you can edit
these texts and type your own translation.
To edit text
Mark the checkbox for each of the card items that you want
to print.
Depending on telephone type, you can select the designation
cards for telephone and the additional key panels, and the cards for
extension number and the pull-out leaf.
To create an image
Make sure there is a one pixel black or grey dot in each of the
upper left and lower right corners.
This is to assure white space around the symbol or icon.
Otherwise, Designation Card Manager will size up the image to the
edges of the field.
Postcode: Country:
Tel: Fax:
The calibration values will be stored in the file “DCM3.ini”,
which is located in the Designation Card Manager program
folder. Make sure the file “DCM3.ini” is present and that it is
not write-protected.
Ericsson Enterprise AB
All rights reserved.
For questions regarding the product,
please contact your Ericsson Enterprise Certified Sales Partner. © Ericsson Enterprise AB 2003
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