APV Pumps WsPlus Sanitary 7026 02 04 2012 GB

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Sanitary Centrifugal Pumps

W s + S e l f - P r i m i n g P umps
Ws+ Series - Revolutionary Technology
Engineering excellence, allied to stringent Product Features and Benefits:
quality control, ensures that SPX’s unrivalled • Ideal for CIP return
range of APV products complies with the • Extremely clean design
highest international standards for hygiene. • Superior shaft seal design
In the light of growing pressure worldwide to • Higher efficiency
deliver safe, high quality food, all SPX products • Noise reduction

are designed for easy cleanability, while • Parts interchangeability with W+ centrifugal series
• Particle friendly design
minimizing the use of valuable resources, such
• 3-A (optional) and EHEDG certified
as energy. The APV product portfolio includes a
• Designed for CIP (Cleaning In Place) as well as SIP (Sterilizing In Place)
wide range of pumps, valves, heat exchangers,
mixers and homogenizers designed for use in
the food, dairy and brewing industries, as well A U n iqu e D e s ig n:
The APV Ws+ uses a unique design that combines the abilities of most liquid
as in chemical, healthcare, pharmaceutical ring pumps with the efficiencies of the W+ centrifugal series. As a result
customers can now handle entrained air and lift requirements with lower power
processing and heavy industries. consumption, less noise and at lower cost.

The Ws+ employs a unique air screw, spinning in an eccentric arranged priming
liquid chamber, and a recirculation loop to generate the liquid ring required to
handle aerated product and produce a vacuum in the suction pipe. The design
allows the use of standard centrifugal pump components to configure the pump
to a specific duty point to produce efficiencies previously unobtainable with liquid
rings. Impellers can be trimmed to further reduce power consumption.

The result is:

1. Higher efficiency
2. Decreased power consumption Air screw

3. Simpler components
4. Less noise
Food and beverage processing has never
been more challenging. Margins are being
squeezed, food safety is paramount and
consumer demands for new products make
formulation changes a regular occurrence. To
meet these challenges head on, you need a Air screw spinning in an eccentric Liquid ring
arranged chamber forms the liquid ring
partner with a deep understanding of process
engineering and a broad portfolio of equipment.
Look to SPX and its industry leading brands
to provide unparalleled technical support, T h e P e r f e c t CI P P ump : Fluid recirculation loop

equipment versatility and food processing The ability to pump both fluid and
entrained air makes the Ws+ ideal for
expertise. Explore the endless solutions that difficult CIP return applications.
SPX has to offer. You’re sure to find answers The pump is approved by the
European Hygienic Engineering
that will improve plant performance, increase
& Design Group (EHEDG) as a
profitability and enhance the value of your hygienic pump and is also authorized
to carry the American 3-A symbol
brand. (optional) per sanitary standard 02-
10. Consequently the pump can be
used as a CIP as well as a first class Eccentric arranged
Air screw liquid ring chamber
hygienic product pump.
Typical Applications
The piping loops, that are typically required for traditional liquid ring
pumps in CIP applications, can often be avoided with the Ws+ pump
due to the horizontal inlet.
Furthermore, because of the open impeller design, the Ws+ pump
is particle friendly. Small objects can pass through the pump with
minimal damage.

Sealing Area Designed for Hygienic Applications: The Ws+ Pump is commonly used as a
The shaft seal area is essential in terms of hygiene. Ws+ pumps are CIP return pump as well as for product
designed without dead pockets and for frequent exchange of liquid.
because of its first class hygienic design.
The pumps are equipped with a shaft seal that is ideal for hygienic

• CIP Return
Seal Advantages: • Handling aerated product, liquid/air
• Ws+ pumps are fitted with the same shaft seals as the W+ centrifu-
gal pumps series • Lift applications
• Internal seal design optimizes cooling and lubrication of seal sur- • Complete emptying of tanks
faces while the seal chamber is built to efficiently dissipate heat.
Both work to reduce risk of “dry-running” • Tanker unloading
• Directed flow assures thorough cleaning of seal area • Evacuation of lines
• The stationary spring is located outside the product contact area to
maintain cleanliness
• Two sizes cover all models
• Can easily be rebuilt into a double mechanical shaft seal for use
with water flushing or with a barrier medium for aseptic applications
• Double mechanical is mirror image of single: same seal faces and

Stationary seal face



Rotating seal face

Back plate

Single mechanical seal


Double mechanical seal prepared for flushing or a steam barrier

Product Specifications:
M at e r i a l s

Ca s i n g SS 3 1 6 L

F r o nt c ove r SS 3 1 6 L

I m p e ll e r SS 3 1 6 L

Ai r scr ew SS 3 1 6 L

R e c i r c u l at i o n p i p e SS 3 1 6 L

B a c k p l at e SS 3 1 6 L

Shaft SS 3 1 6 L

Clam p r i ngs SS 3 0 4

Exte nsion fram e SS 3 0 4

Legs SS 3 0 4

M oto r s h r o u d SS 3 0 4

Ca r b o n / S i l i c o n Ca r b i d e
Shaft seal O pt i o n a l :
S i l i c o n Ca r b i d e / S i l i c o n Ca r b i d e

El a sto m e r s EPDM ( F DA C o m p l i a n t )
O pt i o n a l :
F PM ( F DA C o m p l i a n t )

T e c h n i ca l data

Max. discharg e pr essu r e Ws + 2 0 / 1 5 : 6 b a r

Ws + 3 0 / 3 0 : 8 b a r
Ws + 4 4 / 5 0 : 1 3 b a r

M a x . o p e r at i n g t e m p e r at u r e 9 5 ° C as sta n da r d . > 9 5 ° C , p l e a s e c o n tact SPX F lo w T e c h n o lo gy

C o n n e ct i o n s :

Ws + p u m p s ca n b e s u p p l i e d w i t h a ll sta n da r d t h r e a d s a n d cl a m p s i n a cc o r d a n c e to DS , B S , DIN , SMS a n d ISO a s w e ll a s DIN

fl a n g e s .

M ot o r

IE C m e t r i c s ta n da r d , at 5 0 / 6 0 H z , IP 5 5 , i n s u l at i o n cl as s F.
W s + p u m p s a r e as s ta n da r d i n E u r o p e d e l i v e r e d w i t h m oto r s m e e t i n g t h e IE 2 e ff i c i e n cy l e v e l i n a cc o r d a n c e to t h e D i r e c -
t i v e 2 0 0 5 / 3 2 / E C Ec o - d e s i g n o f E n e r gy u s i n g P r o d u c ts .

M a x . Cap.
I n let s i z e Out l e t s i z e M a x . Imp e l l e r M a x . H e ad ( mw c * )
Mod e l ( m 3/ h )
mm mm mm 2 9 0 0 r pm
2 9 0 0 r pm

20/15 65 51 142 30 27

30/30 65 51 17 5 50 40

44/50 76 51 220 90 65

*10 mwc equals 1 bar

Ws+ pumps meet the requirements of the Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact
with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC.

Extended Hydraulic Range:
The Ws+ range consists of 3 basic models – Ws+20/15, Ws+30/30 and Ws+44/50 - with pressure and flow capacities to 6,5 bar
(50 Hz) and to 90 m3/h (50 Hz).

The use of a conventional open impeller design ensures a flexible flow range enabling adjustment of performance to application. A
Ws+ pump can be optimized the same way as a conventional end-suction centrifugal pump.

Head (m)

2900 RPM, 50Hz







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Flow (m3/h)

Ws+44/50 Ws+30/30 Ws+20/15

A Solution for Any Requirement:

Wide Range of Standard Options Available

Ws+ pumps are as standard delivered with a single mechanical shaft seal in Carbon/Silicon Carbide, EPDM elastomers, on adjustable
legs and with a motor shroud in stainless steel.

Standard Options:

• Shaft seal in Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide

• Double mechanical shaft seal – Flushed
• Brackets for bolting direct to a skid or baseplate
• Stainless steel pump trolley with motor starter
• Special sound-dampened motor shroud
• Casing drain (with or without drain valve)
• ATEX approved design (hazardous zone)
• Ra < 0.8 µm product contact parts (3-A)
• Ra < 0.5 µm and electro polished product contact parts (without use of castings)
• Documentation package
• All standard threads and clamps in accordance to DS, BS, DIN, SMS and ISO as well as DIN flanges.

Proven Performance
Ws+ pumps are widely recognised for their superior performance and are installed in numerous applications all over the world.

Successful installations include:

• Dairies
• Breweries
• Wineries
• Bio-pharma
• Fishing
• Wastewater

W+ is the Leading SPX Sanitary Centrifugal Pump
W+ is a comprehensive range of premium sanitary end-suction pumps designed to maximize the life time of the pump and minimize life
cycle cost elements such as energy, maintenance and downtime/production loss. The W+ range consists of 17 standard models with
pressure and flow capacities to 15 bar (50 Hz) and to 725 m3/h (50 Hz) and a number of special versions which may be specifically
adapted to customer requirements. The W+ pumps are modular so that any pumping job can be done with a perfectly customized W+

Features and Benefits of the W+ Series:

• Reliable and heavy duty design

• Energy efficient
• Quiet performance with minimal vibration
• Superior shaft seal design
• High pressure capability
• 3-A (optional) and EHEDG certified
• Designed for CIP (Cleaning In Place) as well as SIP (Sterilizing In Place)
• Suitable for wide variety of products
• Wide range of optional features available
• Easy and cost effective maintenance

Va r i at i o n s o f t h e W +
Whp+ high pressure pumps
Designed to withstand system pressures up to 60 bar. The Whp+ pump’s sturdy construction increases stability and dampens

Wi+ Inducer pumps

Provide a built in “booster pump” feeding the main impeller. Reduces the NPSH requirement by 50-70%. Handles higher viscosity
products and entrained air more efficiently.

Wa+ aseptic pumps

Are ultra hygienic and designed for applications that require steam sterilization at all connections.

The inducer in a Wi+ pump rotates in a close-

fitting housing to provide the “booster” effect.

The Whp+ pump casing is a

heavy duty construction in SS
316L with a bolted flange.

Centrifugal Pumps

W s + S e l f - P r i m i n g P umps

S P X F l ow T e c h n o lo gy

Zechenstrasse 49
Unna D-59425
Phone: +49 (0) 2303 180 0 Fax: +49 (0) 2303 180 210
Email: [email protected]

SPX reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.
Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless
confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit www.spx.com.
“The green “>” is a trademark of SPX Corporation, Inc.”
APV-7026-GB Version: 02/2012 Issued: 04/2012 Copyright © 2011, 2012 SPX Corporation

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