Advisory Circular 121 03 Upset Prevention Recovery Training
Advisory Circular 121 03 Upset Prevention Recovery Training
Advisory Circular 121 03 Upset Prevention Recovery Training
AC 121-03 v1.0
Advisory Circulars are intended to provide advice and guidance to illustrate a means, but not necessarily the only
means, of complying with the Regulations, or to explain certain regulatory requirements by providing informative,
interpretative and explanatory material.
Advisory Circulars should always be read in conjunction with the relevant regulations.
The information in this Advisory Circular (AC) is expected to be of general interest to all aeroplane
operators and training providers and of specific interest to:
The contents of this AC reflect CASA's pre-determined acceptable means of compliance with
requirements within the civil aviation legislation for certain aeroplane operators and training
providers to conduct UPRT programs.
Note: At the time of publishing v1.0 of this AC, the only legislative requirements for the conduct of UPRT are within
the Part 121 Manual of Standards (MOS). The UPRT requirements of this MOS do not become effective
until 31 March 2022.
Operators and training providers may propose alternative means of compliance, however, will need
to provide significant explanation of how the proposed alternate means of compliance achieves
equivalent safety outcomes and the proposed alternate means would need to ensure it
encompassed the areas covered under each chapter heading in this AC.
This AC was written to provide guidance on general and specific elements of Upset Prevention and
Recovery Training (UPRT) including:
• Recognition and prevention of developing undesired and upset conditions to ensure that
pilots are trained in the correct recovery responses.
• Instructor training on the uses and limitations of simulation.
• Pilot academic training on aerodynamic and human factors.
Unless specified otherwise, all subregulations, regulations, Divisions, Subparts and Parts
referenced in this AC are references to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).
This version of the AC is approved by the Branch Manager, Flight Standards.
1 Reference material 6
1.1 Acronyms 6
1.2 Definitions 7
1.3 References 15
1.4 Forms 18
2 Introduction 19
2.1 Background 19
2.2 Training objectives 20
2.3 Human factors 21
3 Considerations regarding UPRT implementation 22
3.1 Applicability of this AC 22
3.2 Expectations for the first phase of UPRT implementation 22
3.3 Focus of training 23
3.4 Threats to successful implementation 23
4 Training standards for UPRT Instructors 25
4.1 General 25
4.2 Instructors 25
4.3 Training for licence issue 26
4.4 Training for type ratings 26
5 Training program development considerations 27
5.1 Background 27
5.2 Outcomes from a UPRT program 27
5.3 Device requirements 27
5.4 Syllabus development 28
5.5 Knowledge levels 29
6 Preparation for Implementation 31
6.1 Preparation steps expected of operators and training providers 31
6.2 Preparation timelines 31
7 Implementation of a Compliant UPRT program 32
7.1 Overview of requirements 32
7.2 Elements of a compliant program 32
7.3 Need for an integrated program 32
1 Reference material
1.1 Acronyms
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this AC are listed in the table below.
Acronym Description
AC advisory circular
AOA angle of attack
Acronym Description
SOC statement of compliance
UAS undesired aircraft state
UPRT upset prevention and recovery training
VTE valid training envelope
1.2 Definitions
Terms that have specific meaning within this AC are defined in the table below.
Term Definition
aerodynamic stall An aerodynamic loss of lift caused by exceeding the critical angle of attack
(synonymous with the term “stall”).
aeroplane upset Traditionally, an upset has been defined as exceeding fixed parameters
(unintentional pitch beyond +25 or -10 degrees or bank angles greater than 45
degrees or speed inappropriate for the conditions).
Note: Undesired airplane state is defined in the Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)
manual, ICAO Doc 9803, 1st edition.
The third edition, Revision 3, was created by working groups from Airbus, Avions de
transport régional (ATR), Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer and ICAO and added to the
coverage provided by Revision 2. In addition the name was changed to Airplane
Upset, Prevention and Recovery Training Aid (AUPRTA) in recognition of the
importance of the Prevention task and the re-defining of the term “upset” to include
the over-arching concept of undesired aircraft state.
alpha/beta plot An FSTD Alpha/Beta plot provides the instructor with an Instructor Operating
Station (IOS) display of the two-axis envelope provided by the wing angle of attack
(Alpha) on the vertical axis and the degrees of sideslip (Beta) on the horizontal axis.
This display shows the FSTD valid training envelope (VTE).
Term Definition
Note: In the case of Airbus as a data provider, the FSTD validation envelope is
represented as alpha-beta plot for the high lift configurations.
For the clean configuration, Airbus provide two envelopes: one alpha-Mach and one
beta-Mach. The reason is that the envelope becomes narrower when Mach number
increases, and Airbus did not feel that an alpha-beta plot would have been as
angle of attack The angle between the oncoming air, or relative wind, and a reference line on the
airplane or wing.
civil aviation See section 3 of the Civil Aviation Act 1988.
competency based Competency is a combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform
training and a task to the prescribed standard.
Competency-Based Training and Assessment is characterised by a performance
orientation, the development of training to specified performance standards and the
development of assessments to determine whether competencies have been
achieved. .
competency A level of performance that is defined as acceptable when assessing whether or not
standards competency has been achieved.
correct trend and A tolerance representing the appropriate general direction of movement of the
magnitude aeroplane, or part thereof, with appropriate corresponding scale of forces, rates,
accelerations, etc. This concept is used during initial FSTD evaluations especially
where only a generic or representative level of fidelity is required.
Term Definition
Aircraft manufacturers or other data suppliers must be able to demonstrate that the
predicted changes in aircraft performance are based on acceptable aeronautical
principles with proven success history and valid outcomes. This must include
comparisons of predicted and flight test validated data.
Refer EASA CS-FSTD (A) AMC7 FSTD(A).300 and Attachment B to Part II of ICA0
Doc 9625 for discussions on engineering simulation validation data.
engineering A simulator developed by an aircraft manufacturer or other approved data supplier
simulator which typically includes a full-scale representation of the simulated aircraft flight
deck, operates in real-time and can be flown by a pilot to subjectively evaluate the
simulation. It contains the engineering simulation models, which are also released
by the aircraft manufacturer or other approved modeler to the industry for FSTDs.
The engineering simulator may or may not include actual on-board system
hardware in lieu of software models.
evidence-based Training and assessment based on operational data that is characterized by
training developing and assessing the overall capability of a trainee across a range of core
competencies rather than by measuring the performance of individual events or
Term Definition
Note that the use of CT&M is not to be taken as an indication that certain areas of
simulation can be ignored. It is imperative that the specific characteristics are
present, and incorrect effects would be unacceptable.
FSTD validation The FSTD validation envelope refers to the domain in which the FSTD has been
envelope demonstrated as being capable of being flown with a degree of confidence that the
FSTD responds similarly to the aeroplane. This is the same as the FSTD training
For UPRT events this envelope can be further divided into three subdivisions:
A UPRT instructor should be provided with tools at the IOS to ensure that the
training mission takes place within the validation envelope. The IOS information
should be in the form of an alpha/beta envelope providing the instructor real-time
feedback on the simulation during a manoeuvre.
full stall Any single, or combination of, the following characteristics:
Term Definition
The training provider must ensure that UPRT instructors have been properly trained
to interpret the data provided by these IOS feedback tools.
loss of control in A categorization of an accident or incident resulting from a deviation from the
flight intended flightpath.
manoeuvre-based Training that focuses on a single event or manoeuvre. For example, recovery from
training an inadvertent excursion into the post stick shaker regime. This is a foundational
level of training and typically precedes or is integrated with scenario based training.
manual of The MOS comprises standards (including knowledge, competency, experience and
standards equipment capability) prescribed by CASA, determined to be necessary for the
safety of air navigation. In the circumstance of any perceived disparity of meaning
between MOS and CASRs, primacy of intent rests with the regulations.
negative training Training which unintentionally introduces incorrect information or invalid concepts,
which could actually decrease rather than increase safety.
negative transfer of Negative transfer of training refers to the inappropriate generalization of a
training knowledge or skill to a situation or setting on the job that does not equal the training
situation or setting.
operational flight Aeroplanes are designed to be operated in well-defined envelopes of airspeed and
envelope altitude.
Within these limits, the airplanes have been demonstrated to exhibit safe flight
characteristics. OEM and regulatory test pilots have evaluated the characteristics of
airplanes in conditions that include inadvertent exceedances of these operational
flight envelopes to demonstrate that the airplanes can be returned safely to the
operational flight envelopes.
original equipment OEM is a commonly used abbreviation referring to the source of a particular aircraft
manufacturer component including the aircraft as a whole, flight test data, software and
subsequent modifications.
OEM provided data and recommendations play a very significant role in UPRT. The
guidance on UPRT in ICAO Doc 10011 and the AURTA has been influenced by the
Term Definition
For UPRT, the QA system includes all the planned and systematic actions
necessary to provide adequate confidence that all activities satisfy given standards
and requirements, including the ones specified by the training organization in
relevant manuals.
quality A quality management system should be established and maintained by the FSTD
management operator to ensure the correct maintenance and performance of the FSTD. The
system quality management system may be based upon established industry standards
and must be approved by CASA.
quality system Quality system is an over-arching term describing the aggregate of all the
organization’s activities, plans, policies, processes, procedures, resources,
incentives and infrastructure working in unison towards a total quality management
approach. It requires an organizational construct complete with documented
policies, processes, procedures and resources that underpin a commitment by all
employees to achieve excellence in product and service delivery through the
implementation of best practices in quality management.
Term Definition
Transport aircraft are typically required to be equipped with some form of stall
protection system. The indication system may include a stick shaker. Many types
also incorporate a stick pusher.
Stall recognition systems are typically unable to take account of the effect of
contaminated surfaces and the effect of non-symmetrical contamination.
The principal source of guidance on stall indications and responses is the OEM.
startle An uncontrollable, automatic muscle reflex, raised heart rate, blood pressure, etc.,
elicited by exposure to a sudden, intense event that violates a pilot’s expectations.
statement of A declaration that specific requirements have been met. For a statement relating to
compliance (SOC) the development of a simulator flight model the SOC should refer to sources of
information and show compliance rationale to explain how the referenced material
is used, applicable mathematical equations and parameter values and conclusions
As an example, traditionally, models based on flight test collected data have been
the preferred data source for the objective evaluation required for FSTD
qualification. It is recognized, however, that strict time-history-based evaluation
against flight test data may not adequately validate the aerodynamics model. As a
result, the SOC-based approach for evaluating the aerodynamics model at angles
Term Definition
of attack approaching the stall was implemented to allow for the aerodynamics
modeller and data provider to develop enhanced exemplar stall models which are
based upon generally accepted engineering and scientific principles.
stick pusher A device that, automatically applies a nose down movement and pitch force to an
aeroplane’s control columns, to attempt to decrease the aeroplane’s AOA. Device
activation may occur before or after aerodynamic stall, depending on the aeroplane
subject matter In order to qualify as an acceptable SME to evaluate an FSTD’s stall characteristics
expert pilot (SME) in the absence of objective testing based on OEM flight test data, both EASA and
the FAA require an SME pilot to meet the following requirements:
Refer to the FAA’s NSP Guidance Bulletin 14-01 for description of how an SME
pilot is involved in the Statement of Compliance, confirming the subjective
evaluation of the FSTD by the SME pilot possessing direct knowledge of the
aircraft’s stall characteristics.
surprise An unexpected event that violates a pilot’s expectations and can affect the mental
processes used to respond to the event.
train to proficiency Training designed to achieve performance objectives, providing sufficient
assurances that the trained individual is capable to consistently carry our specific
tasks safely and effectively.
transfer of training The ability of a trainee to apply knowledge, skills, and behaviour acquired in one
learning environment (e.g., classroom or FSTD) to another environment (e.g.,
flight). In this context, “negative transfer of training” refers to the inappropriate
transfer of knowledge or skills to line operations.
undesired aircraft Undesired aircraft states are flight crew-induced aircraft position or speed
state deviations, misapplication of flight controls, or incorrect systems configuration,
associated with a reduction in margins of safety. Undesired aircraft states that result
from ineffective threat and/or error management may lead to compromising
situations and reduce margins of safety in flight operations. Often considered at the
cusp of becoming an incident or accident, undesired aircraft states must be
managed by flight crews (ICAO Doc 9868).
The Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) manual, ICAO Doc 9803, 1st edition
defines an “Undesired Aircraft State” as:
Term Definition
1.3 References
Regulations are available on the Federal Register of Legislation website
Document Title
Part 60 of CASR Synthetic Training Devices
Part 61 of CASR Flight Crew Licencing
Part 61 MOS Flight Crew Licencing Manual of Standards
Part 91 of CASR General operating and flight rules
Part 119 of CASR Australian air transport operators—certification and management
Part 142 of CASR Integrated and multi-crew pilot flight training, contracted recurrent training and
contracted checking
Document Title
ICAO Doc 9625 The Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training
Devices (ICAO Doc 9625 4th Edition, 2015) addresses the use of Flight
Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs) representing aeroplanes (Volume I) and
helicopters (Volume II). The methods, procedures and testing standards
contained in this manual are the result of the experience and expertise
provided by Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) and aeroplane and FSTD
operators and manufacturers. The 4th Edition of Volume 1 includes UPRT
requirements for FSTDs.
ICAO Doc 9683 The Human Factors Training Manual (ICAO Doc 9683) provides guidance
material for the design of training programs to develop knowledge and skills
in human performance. The material in this manual is essentially an edited
compilation of the series of ICAO Human Factors digests. Its target audience
includes senior training, operational and safety personnel in industry and
regulatory bodies.
ICAO Doc 9803 Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) manual, International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) Doc 9803, 1st edition.
ICAO Doc 9841 The Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841) provides
information and guidance on the implementation of the Standards of Annex 1
(Personnel Licensing) related to the approval of training organizations. The
first edition was focused exclusively on flight training entities. The latest
edition is significantly expanded in scope and now deals with the approval of
training organizations which provide training services for the issue of an
aviation personnel licence or rating. This manual should be used in
conjunction with Annex 1.
Document Title
ICAO Doc 10070 (in ICAO Manual on the Competencies of Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors.
draft form as at 2016)
AURTA and AUPRTA The Airplane Upset and Recovery Training Aid (AURTA) was developed by
ICAO and industry representatives and was released in its second edition in
2008. This publication is foundational for the development of UPRT programs
and, along with later revisions, is the core training and implementation
document on UPRT, ICAO Doc 10011. Revision 3 (released in 2017) was
created by working groups from Airbus, ATR, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer
and ICAO and saw the name changed to Airplane Upset, Prevention and
Recovery Training Aid (AUPRTA) in recognition of the importance of the
Prevention task and to include transport category straight wing turbo-prop
aeroplanes and regional jet types.
Advisory material
CASA's advisory circulars are available at
The ACs referred to below will only be effective in relation to compliance with the new Flight Operations regulations
(Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138) which commence on 2 December 2021.
CASA's Civil Aviation Advisory Publications are available at
The CAAPs referred to below are only effective until the commencement of the new Flight Operations regulations
(Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138) on 2 December 2021.
Document Title
AC 119-01 Safety management systems for air transport operations
AC 119-12 Human factors principles non-technical skills training assessment for air
transport operations
CAAP SMS-01 Safety management systems for regular public transport operations
CAAP SMS-2 Integration of Human Factors (HF) into Safety Management Systems (SMS)
CAAP SMS-3 Non-Technical Skills Training and Assessment for Regular Public Transport
CAAP 215-1 Guide to the preparation of operations manuals
Other references
− EASA’s standards are contained in CS-FSTD (A) Issue 2 released in 2018. The
Explanatory Note to Decision 2018/006/R “Update of flight simulation training
device requirements” for UPRT was released with the changes from Issue 1.
− Appendix A to FAR Part 60—Qualification Performance Standards for Airplane Full
Flight Simulators
− FAA AC 120-111 CHG 1- UPRT
− FAA AC 61-138 ATP Certification Training Program
− FAA AC 120-109A (CHG 1) Stall Prevention and Recovery Training
− FAA FSTD Directive No. 2
− FAA Qualification Guidance Bulletin 11-05 “FSTD Evaluation and Qualification for
UPRT Tasks” and similar bulletins for other extended envelope training tasks.
− Flight Simulation Training Device Qualification Standards for Extended Envelope
and Adverse Weather Event Training Tasks
− FAA AC 120-71B on crew monitoring
− An Evaluation of Several Stall Models, a paper presented at the American Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics Modeling and Simulation Technologies conference
in 2014
− An overview of the occurrence of stalls in Australian operations can be found in the
ATSB report “Stall warnings in high capacity aircraft: The Australian context 2008
to 2012”
− IATA UPRT Implementation Guidance Material and Best Practices 2nd Edition
− Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) International Committee on Aviation Training in
Extended Envelopes (ICATEE) Reports
1.4 Forms
CASA’s forms are available at
2 Introduction
2.1 Background
2.1.1 Between 2001 and 2011, aeroplane accidents resulting from a loss of control in flight
(LOC-I) event were the leading cause of fatalities in commercial aviation. LOC-I
accidents often have catastrophic results with very few, if any, survivors.
2.1.2 The causes of inflight Loss of Control, whether transitory or extended, are many and
− loss of Situational Awareness (especially through distraction but also complacency)
− wind shear or Clear Air Turbulence
− structural or power plant damage caused by, for example, a bird strike, severe
turbulence, or collision with another aircraft
− intended or unintended mishandling
− attempted flight with total load or load distribution outside of safe limits
− mismanagement of pressurisation systems
− inadequate de-icing before take-off
− airframe or engine icing
− attempting to manoeuvre an aeroplane outside its capabilities
− in-flight fire
− fuel exhaustion or starvation
− false instrument readings
− wake turbulence
− malicious interference.
2.1.3 Following a conference in June 2009 on aeroplane upsets and LOC-I, the Royal
Aeronautical Society (RAeS) initiated a study to investigate the LOC-I phenomena and
make recommendations on mitigating strategies, notably with respect to potential
improvements to international civil aviation standards and guidance material. This work
was undertaken by the RAeS International Committee on Aviation Training in Extended
Envelopes (ICATEE), with ICAO support.
2.1.4 ICATEE concluded that most effective way to defining training solutions is to first clearly
delineate the training needs, which can be defined as the difference between the
current capabilities of an individual and the desired performance objective.
2.1.5 Analysis of LOC-I accident data indicated that contributory factors can be categorised
as being any, or a combination of, the following:
− aeroplane systems induced
− environmentally induced
− pilot/human induced.
2.1.6 Of the three factors, pilot-induced accidents represented the most frequently identified
cause of the event, principally resulting from one or more of the following reasons:
− application of improper procedures, including inappropriate flight control inputs
2.2.5 Current thinking (refer AUPRTA Revision 3) now includes a wider definition of upsets
and uses the established concept of undesired state and the pilot's awareness of this,
regardless of airspeed or specific pitch and/or bank angle parameters.
3.2.1 For domestic and international operations, all pilots should have:
− completed a UPRT theory course (including CASA on-line training)
− commenced, or re-commenced participation in an operator's UPRT theory program
by the end of 31st March 2021.
3.2.2 Operators and training providers should identify and remove negative training as soon
as practicable. Before commencement of any UPRT program the initial group of
instructors must complete a "Train the Trainer" course acceptable to CASA1. The
operator should also inform CASA of the specific instructors that will be conducting
UPRT2. From 1 April 2021 an operator or training provider delivering any part of a
In this context, acceptable to CASA means that the operator has provided CASA with details of the
course and CASA has not issued a formal legal direction to the operator that the course is unsuitable.
CASA will not be formally approving UPRT instructors. However, noting the criticality of this training,
operators should inform CASA (whether via specific listing of instructors in an operator manual / exposition
or via written communication to CASA) of the specific instructors. If CASA determined that certain
instructors were unsuitable for the nominated role, CASA would be required to issue legal directions to the
operator that certain instructors were unsuitable.
UPRT program must have a sufficient number of instructors trained using an acceptable
course to deliver theory and practical UPRT programs (refer Section 14 of this AC).
3.2.3 For international operations, all pilots should have commenced or re-commenced
participation in a UPRT practical handling course by 31 March 2021.
3.2.4 For domestic operations, all pilots should have commenced or re-commenced
participation in a UPRT practical handling course by 31 December 2021.
3.2.5 Operators and training providers should have a UPRT program by 31 March 2022.
− an inflexible syllabus that is not upgraded, as better and more focused information
becomes available (for example via the operator’s SMS after training and accident
− lack of robustness in post-implementation governance and/or oversight by the
regulatory authority.
− post-implementation "drift" if under-supervised instructors move away from the
UPRT standards and syllabus requirements initially approved.
4.1 General
4.1.1 UPRT programs will be competency-based training only, except for some UPRT-related
elements of type rating and licence programs which may require demonstrated
competency in a proficiency test. This will not include proficiency requirements for
manoeuvres beyond the initial stall indication.
4.2 Instructors
4.2.1 Regardless of background, all instructors providing training in a UPRT program
(including UPRT training in a Part 142 Type rating program) must successfully complete
instructor qualification training (i.e. via an acceptable "Train the Trainer" course, in
accordance with the applicable requirements in ICAO Docs 9868 and 10011) (refer to
Section 14 of this AC).
4.2.2 In accordance with the provisions of ICAO Annex 1, CASA, having issued a pilot
licence, shall not permit the holder thereof to carry out flight instruction required for the
issue of a pilot licence or rating, unless such holder has received proper authorisation
from CASA. Proper authorisation shall comprise one of the following:
− a flight instructor rating on the holder’s licence
− the authority to act as an agent of an approved organisation authorised by CASA to
carry out flight instruction
− a specific authorisation granted by the State which issued the licence.
4.2.3 Forthcoming amendments to the Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS) are expected to
add the requirement for all Part 61 instructors involved in aeroplane type rating training,
to be trained to deliver UPRT-related theory and practical elements as required,
including in-seat demonstrations in a qualified flight simulator (refer to Section 15 of this
4.2.4 Training organisations wishing to conduct on-aeroplane UPRT training will need to
obtain a specific approval under the provisions of Part 141 or 142 and must comply with
the requirements listed in Chapters 2, 3 and 5 of ICAO Doc 10011. Special attention
must be given to the training, qualifications, competencies, safety and risk management
relating to on-aeroplane UPRT instruction and training program management.
4.2.5 For training and checking programs for operations involving aeroplanes with 30 seats or
more or MTOW above 8,618 kgs (this will be simulator training), operators are required
by the Part 121 Manual of Standards to provide induction and recurrent UPRT training.
This will require instructors specifically trained to deliver UPRT. These instructors may
be either of the following:
− the holder of the training endorsement mentioned in Item 4 (multi-crew pilot training
endorsement) and / or Item 5 (type rating training endorsement) of Table 61.1235
− until the commencement of Part 121 of CASR — a check pilot approved for the
instructional tasks under the provisions of CAAP 217-1(0)
− after the commencement of Part 121 of CASR — a pilot who has been specified in,
and has completed the acceptable course of training specified in, the operator’s
5.1 Background
5.1.1 Many LOC-I accident investigations revealed the affected flight crew had received
misleading information from well-meaning training staff or their organisations. ICAO Doc
9868 notes that some existing training practices were found to be ineffective and a
contributory factor to the inappropriate responses by some flight crews.
5.1.2 For example, in certain cases the methodologies being applied in the training and
checking of a recovery from an approach to stall condition of flight, were based on the
pilot being able to achieve recovery with a minimal loss of altitude. This resulted in
training practices which emphasised the importance of a rapid application of power with
the least amount of reduction in angle of attack (AOA) to minimise the loss of altitude,
rather than appreciating the importance of reducing the AOA to effectively increase the
ability of the wing to restore its capability to generate lift.
5.4.8 The most fundamental take home message for training sequences near, at or beyond
the stall, is recognition and deliberate action to reduce AOA, thereby “unloading the
wing”. Emphasis needs to be on:
− the recognition, prevention and when needed, recovery methods, rather than undue
focus on how the aeroplane entered the condition
− pilot understanding of the difference between attitude and AOA as this difference is
often misunderstood.
5.4.9 UPRT should include instructor guided practice of manual handling at the edges of the
flight envelope.
Note: Training using procedures from one type may have a detrimental effect if carried over to a different
type even if there are superficial similarities.
5.5.7 Unfortunately, many airline pilots, including instructors, have not been in an actual stall
since the single-engine flights in their early training. Compounding this, the aviation
community has had a history of erroneously emphasising “minimum loss of altitude”
over immediate AOA reduction.
7.4.4 The IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of Upset
Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). 2nd Edition (2018) offers useful guidance
for UPRT implementation and should be read in conjunction with the AUPRTA and
ICAO Documents 9868 and 10011 when the implementation plan is being developed.
8.1 Overview
8.1.1 Most current flight simulators can be used satisfactorily to conduct unusual attitude
recovery training tasks, awareness and AOA related training and a significant portion of
recognition, prevention and upset training not involving full stalls. Until now only
approach-to-stall training was necessary in FSTDs and as such, FSTD data packages
did not necessarily concentrate on flight characteristics at angles of attack beyond the
first indication of a stall.
8.1.2 While current simulators are typically capable of supporting brief excursions beyond the
initial stall indications, until UPRT upgrades began, simulation flight models were
usually found to be deficient in adequately representing the post-stall indication regime.
8.1.3 Before being upgraded for UPRT, most simulators have not provided the cues and
performance degradation needed, to train in recognition of an impending aerodynamic
stall or in recovery techniques from a stalled condition. Instead the simulators presented
dynamic characteristics in the stall and post-stall regimes that were easier to recover
from than in the actual aeroplane. In particular, the wing drop that may accompany a
stall was seldom modelled.
8.1.4 The use of a simulator beyond the capabilities and fidelities necessary to complete the
required training, can pose a significant threat to the achievement of the desired
outcomes and ultimately, a threat to flight safety.
8.1.5 The development and utilisation of a “type-representative post-stall aerodynamic model”
to support demonstrations beyond the critical AOA is necessary, for such
demonstrations and practice to be properly conducted.
8.1.6 The need to have FSTDs qualified for UPRT (including full stall) brings with it the
requirement for fidelity levels adequate to support recognition cues, performance and
handling qualities of a developing stall, through and beyond the stall identification AOA
and recovery.
8.1.7 As the buffet associated with a developing stall may exceed the expectations of pilots
and instructors not ordinarily exposed to buffet beyond the initial stall indications, care
(such as thorough briefings and mandatory use of seat belts during stall training) should
be taken to avoid physical injury within the simulator.
8.1.8 Many current FSTDs lack enhanced instructor feedback tools to allow for a complete
and accurate assessment of the trainee’s performance. Until the progressive
implementation of upgrades to simulators is complete, these fidelity and IOS limitations,
if not fully appreciated by training program designers and instructional staff, can result in
the serious and long-term repercussions of trained flight crews and instructors with
significant misunderstandings of upset events.
8.1.9 Traditionally flight test has been the preferred data source for FSTD objective
evaluation and it is expected that best endeavours will be made by FSTD modellers to
secure flight test data. However even if the traditional array of flight test data is
available, strict time-history-based evaluations against that data may not adequately
validate the aerodynamic model in an unsteady and potentially unstable flight regime,
such as stalled flight.
8.2.8 The SOC must address, and the aerodynamic model must incorporate, the following
stall characteristics where applicable (with explanation of methodology):
− Extrapolated: The region extrapolated beyond the flight test validated and wind
tunnel/analytical regions. It is a “best guess” only and within this region there is low
confidence that the simulator will respond similarly to the aircraft.
8.3.3 For simulators upgraded to capability for high-AOA modelling the model must support
stall training manoeuvres in the following flight conditions:
− stall entry at wings level (1g)
− stall entry in turning flight of at least 25degree bank angle (accelerated stall)
− stall entry in a power-on condition (required only for propeller driven aircraft)
− aircraft configurations of second segment climb, high altitude cruise (near
performance limited condition), and approach or landing.
8.3.4 In lieu of objective testing for the high-altitude cruise and turning flight stall conditions,
these manoeuvres may be subjectively evaluated by a qualified SME pilot and
addressed in the required SOC.
8.3.5 Objective testing for characteristic motion vibrations is not required where the FSTD’s
stall buffets have been subjectively evaluated by an SME pilot.
8.3.6 Where aerodynamic modelling data is not available or insufficient to meet the
requirements of FAA Directive 2, CASA may limit qualified engine and airframe icing
manoeuvres to scenarios where sufficient aerodynamic modelling data does exist.
8.3.7 During the initial evaluation, a footprint test should be documented with an associated
SME pilot subjective “sign off” of the model, as being fully representative. For the
purposes of stall manoeuvre evaluation, the term ‘representative’ is defined as a level of
fidelity that is type-specific of the simulated aeroplane, to the extent that the training
objectives can be satisfactorily accomplished.
8.3.8 Where correct trend and magnitude is used it is strongly recommended that an
automatic recording system be used to ‘footprint’ the baseline results, thereby avoiding
the effects of possible divergent subjective opinions on recurrent evaluation.
8.3.9 It is imperative that specific characteristics are shown to be present, and incorrect
effects would be unacceptable. (e.g. if the aeroplane has a weak positive spiral stability,
it would not be acceptable for the simulator to exhibit neutral or negative spiral stability).
8.3.10 Numerical tolerances are not applicable past the stall AOA but must demonstrate
correct trend through the recovery.
8.3.11 The provisions for high AOA modelling should be applied to evaluate the recognition
cues as well as performance and handling qualities of a developing stall, through the
stall identification AOA and stall recovery.
8.3.12 In lieu of mandating such objective tolerances, an SOC should define the source data
and methods used to develop the aerodynamic stall model.
8.3.13 The provisions for the evaluation of full stall training manoeuvres should provide the
following levels of fidelity:
− aeroplane-type-specific recognition cues of the first indication of the stall (such as
the stall warning system or aerodynamic stall buffet)
− aeroplane-type-specific recognition cues of an impending aerodynamic stall.
8.3.14 Where correct trend and magnitude is used, it is strongly recommended that an
automatic recording system be used to footprint the baseline results, thereby avoiding
the effects of possible divergent subjective opinions on recurrent evaluations.
8.3.15 Where qualification is being sought to conduct full stall training tasks in accordance with
FAA Directive 2, the FSTD operator must conduct the required evaluations and
modifications as prescribed in Directive 2 and report compliance to CASA’s Flight
Simulation Team on the UPRT application form. At a minimum the operator must supply
the following information:
− a description of any modifications to the FSTD necessary to meet the requirements
of Directive 2
− statements of Compliance (High Angle of attack Modelling/Stick Pusher System) –
as per Table A1A, Section 2.m., 3.f., and Attachment 7 to FAR Part 60
− statement of Compliance (SME Pilot Evaluation) – See FAR Part 60 Table A1A,
Section 2.m. and Attachment 7
− copies of the required objective test results.
9 Envelope protection
9.1 Background
9.1.1 For many decades, aeroplanes have been equipped with various devices and systems
capabilities aimed at modifying natural aerodynamic characteristics, and/or protecting
the aircraft from exceeding defined aerodynamic or structural limitations. These devices
and systems have included:
− yaw dampers
− rudder load limiters
− mach trim compensators
− flight control software (with roll and pitch protection functions)
− stick pushers
− powered elevators (for stall recovery, e.g. DC-9).
9.1.2 In addition, there are systems to aid the pilot in normal flight activities and handling
tasks. These include:
− powered controls
− auto-throttle
− auto-pilot
− powered control trims.
9.2 Knowledge
9.2.1 Trainees should understand envelope protection systems and associated failure modes
relevant to UPRT and how these systems can cause or contribute to an upset, or simply
increase the likelihood of an upset. Upset-inducing failures/malfunctions related to
systems, instruments, power and automation should be incorporated into training
whenever applicable, if specified or approved by the OEM.
9.2.2 Trainees should be made particularly aware of the insidious nature of inaccurate
information (e.g. unreliable airspeed, failures of stall and icing alerting devices,
degradation of envelope protection systems), so they are trained to recognise the
problem/error, prevent an upset and maintain control of the aeroplane.
9.3.5 Notwithstanding paragraph 9.3.4, CASA expects UPRT training providers to liaise with
OEMs to ascertain the usefulness of development of relevant scenarios, where for
demonstration purposes only, the disabling of appropriate envelope protection systems
(for example by the failure of an input mode such as the pitot-static system) might allow
the introduction of demonstrations of approach to, and recovery from, stall in various
degraded modes. The primacy of the aeroplane OEM must be recognised in this, and
operators must not independently develop their own training protocols and practices for
this critical flight regime.
9.3.6 Safety considerations may mean that that the collection of data or obtaining SME
experience beyond the pusher activation, will be very limited. However, simulator
modelling beyond the stall indication AOA does not necessarily require flight test
validation data. Wind tunnel and analytical methods may be used to develop an
adequate representative model.
or other suitable documentation (such as flight test reports or aircraft certification data)
that fully describes the stall characteristics of the simulated aircraft.
9.4.4 For “fly-by-wire” aircraft the FSTD should be evaluated in both “normal” and “non-
normal” control modes. Reversion to degraded control laws (such as secondary,
alternate, or direct control laws) should be conducted with consideration of potential
failure scenarios that may be encountered in an operational environment, or as
necessary to support the operator’s training requirements.
9.4.5 If necessary, an SME pilot will be expected to initiate “fine-tuning” of the operations of
the aerodynamic model in the particular FSTD. This might include:
− minor longitudinal stability adjustment before stall
− adjustments to “roll-off” due to asymmetric stall
− adjustments to a randomiser algorithm.
9.4.6 For aeroplanes equipped with a stick pusher, the SOC should verify that the stick
pusher system has been modelled, programmed and validated, using the aeroplane
manufacturer’s design data or other approved data source. At a minimum, the following
characteristics should be addressed in the SOC:
− stick pusher activation logic
− stick pusher system dynamics, control displacement, and forces
− stick pusher cancellation logic.
9.4.7 The model must also be capable of simulating the dynamics of the aeroplane
concerned as a result of a pilot initially (and possibly very forcefully) resisting the stick
pusher in training.
9.4.8 Simulators may be used to demonstrate the activation of a stick pusher system,
however, training providers are cautioned that the range beyond stick pusher activation,
may not accurately represent the aeroplane unless the post-stick pusher regime is
properly modelled and evaluated.
Attachment 7 to Appendix A of FAR Part 60:
“The model validity range must also be capable of simulating the airplane dynamics as
a result of a pilot initially resisting the stick pusher in training. For aircraft equipped with
a stall envelope protection system, the model validity range must extend to 10 degrees
of angle of attack beyond the stall identification angle of attack with the protection
systems disabled or otherwise degraded (such as a degraded flight control mode as a
result of a pitot/static system failure)”.
9.4.9 The FSTD sponsor/FSTD manufacturer may limit maximum buffet based on motion
platform capability/limitations or other simulator system limitations.
9.4.10 Tests may be conducted at centres of gravity and weights typically required for airplane
certification stall testing. Tolerances on stall buffet are not applicable where the first
indication of the stall is the activation of the stall warning system (i.e. stick shaker).
9.4.11 As the pitch down from stick pusher activation or the buffet associated with a
developing stall may exceed the expectations of pilots and instructors not ordinarily
exposed to buffet beyond the initial stall indications, care (such as thorough briefings
and mandatory use of seat belts during stall training) should be taken to avoid physical
injury within the simulator
9.4.12 The stall model should be evaluated by an SME pilot with knowledge of the cues
necessary to accomplish the required training objectives, and experience in conducting
training and stalls in the type of aeroplane being simulated.
9.4.13 The purpose of the subjective evaluation is to provide an additional layer of protection to
ensure FSTD fidelity. The intent is for the simulation to be qualified initially only once by
an SME. Objective recording can then be made and used without an SME for initial or
recurrent qualification of FSTDs for the same aeroplane make, model and series.
11 Icing models
11.1.1 In-flight icing is one of the environmentally-induced causes of aeroplane upsets. It
represents a serious hazard (refer AUPRTA Section 6.6). By disturbing the smooth flow
of air on the aeroplane icing will increase drag, decrease the ability of an airfoil to
produce lift and degrade control authority.
11.1.2 The lift distribution characteristics along the wing may be affected by even trace
amounts of ice contamination.
11.1.3 Unexpected handling characteristics can be expected with ice build-up. During the
progression of a stall condition, flow separation on the contaminated aerofoil may be
affected and the pitch and/or roll characteristics may be different from those of an
uncontaminated wing.
11.1.4 Historically, the effects of icing were typically simulated by adding weight to the
simulated aircraft without incorporating abnormal aerodynamic characteristics (such as
aerodynamic changes as a result of ice accretion) or altered engine performance.
11.1.5 Studies of airplane accidents where loss of control (LOC) was attributed to icing, have
suggested that existing FSTD icing models that do not capture additional effects may be
inadequate for training.
11.1.6 Requirements for FSTD qualification for UPRT have been developed to define
aeroplane-specific icing models that support training objectives for the recognition and
recovery from an in-flight ice accretion event.
Note: Refer FAA Guidance Bulletin 11-04 FSTD Evaluation and Qualification for Engine and Airframe
Icing Training Tasks.
11.1.7 Icing models must be upgraded to simulate the aerodynamic degradation effects of ice
accretion on the aircraft lifting surfaces. These effects should where possible, be
consistent with performance degradations that accident investigation agencies have
extracted during the investigations of icing-related accidents and incidents.
11.1.8 Systems (such as the stall protection system and auto-flight systems) must respond
properly to ice accretion, consistent with the simulated aircraft. A description of the anti-
ice system operation will be required to assist both instructors and trainees in
interpreting FSTD behaviour.
11.1.9 Where a particular airframe has demonstrated vulnerabilities to a specific type of ice
accretion (due to accident/incident history) which may require specific training (such as
supercooled large-droplet icing or tail-plane icing), ice accretion models should be
developed that address the training requirements.
11.1.10 Ice accretion models and the associated training cannot replicate all possible icing
situations but should:
− demonstrate the cues necessary to recognise the onset of ice accretion on the
airframe, lifting surfaces and engines
− have the capability of providing procedures for use of on-board anti-icing equipment
and monitoring and maintaining appropriate airspeeds in icing conditions
− provide exemplar degradation in performance and handling qualities to the extent
that a recovery can be executed
13 The IOS
“The instructor must be provided with minimum feedback tools for the purpose of
determining if a training manoeuvre is conducted within FSTD validation limits and the
aircraft’s operating limits” FAA FSTD Directive 2 and FAR Part 60 Table A1A.
13.2.2 The IOS should represent load factor and speeds with a boundary of operational load
and airspeed limits. This display should be constructed in accordance with OEM data
and should incorporate OEM operating recommendations.
14.1 General
14.1.1 This material is adapted from IATA’s Guidance Material and Best Practices for the
Implementation of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training.
14.1.2 When starting a UPRT project, operators should first select an individual or a team to be
charged with the design and implementation of the program. This team should form the
core-group of instructors to set up the UPRT program. As an example, operators with
several fleets might select two instructors per fleet as core instructors.
14.1.3 The core-group of FSTD Instructors will have to complete an acceptable “Train-the-
Trainer” course with the aim of qualifying them to deliver UPRT and enabling them to
train the remaining regular instructors of the operator. As an example, the initial course
for core-group FSTD instructors may include:
− identification of negative training and risk mitigation strategies
− pre-studies in UPRT theory
− academic instructor training
− on-aeroplane UPRT (if relevant)
− human factors
− FTSD training (use and limitations of simulators including the IOS).
14.1.4 The operator may build an “in-house” "Train-the-Trainer" course (preferably supported
by the operator’s own or visiting experts, i.e. training captains with previous experience
as test pilots, etc) or send the core-group to an experienced UPRT provider. The
capabilities of such a provider and the course content, should be discussed with CASA
before committing to the training course.
14.1.5 ICAO Doc 10011 Chapter 5 and FAA AC No: 120-111 Change 1 Chapter 2.5, describe
training elements and subject areas of instructor training that will assist in ensuring the
adequacy of UPRT instructor preparation and minimise the risk of negative transfer of
14.2.3 Before qualifying the remaining regular FSTD instructors of the organisation, it would be
beneficial for the core-group instructors to gain experience in the delivery of UPRT by
teaching trainees for a certain time. Ideally this phase would be
supervised/accompanied by an experienced mentor, preferably from the initial UPRT
Train-the-Trainer course.
15.1 General
15.1.1 Instructor training is one of the most critical elements in a UPRT program. Training
should be delivered within an approved Part 142 training organisation or as part of a
training and checking system.
15.1.2 A simulator instructor may have little formalised training in on-aeroplane upset, may
have never been beyond 60 degrees of bank angle, or flown beyond the initial
indications of a stall in an aircraft. Due to lack of formal guidance, many instructors have
been found to teach recovery techniques they personally decided as appropriate,
without any quality assurance to prevent negative transfer of training.
− The importance of adhering to the FSTD Upset Recovery Training scenarios that
have been validated by the training program developer, whether using AUPRTA,
ICAO Doc 10011 or OEM recommendations and the consequences of excursions
outside of the validated training envelope.
− Distinguishing between generic UPRT strategies and OEM specific
− The ability to accurately deliver theory and assess levels of understanding while
employing sound instructional techniques.
− The need for a “safety first” attitude and daily practice in simulator training where
buffet levels, unusual attitudes and even the possibility of mechanical failure,
require the routine use of full seat belts, seat locks and security of loose objects.
17.1 General
17.1.1 For a new operator, UPRT assessments will be included in the wider assessment of an
exposition under Part 119 or 142. Elements to be considered will follow the guidance in
Chapter 6 of Doc 10011.
17.1.2 For an existing RPT or charter operator implementing their UPRT program prior to the
commencement of Part 119 and 121, or an existing Part 142 training provider, CASA
will work with each operator or training provider, to define an implementation strategy
which will initially involve amendments to the existing training and checking program
which would then become accepted elements of the operator’s exposition. In the case
of a Part 142 training provider, as earlier stated the introduction of the UPRT program
would be regarded by CASA as a significant change. Approval to use an existing or
upgraded FSTD will be managed in accordance with regulation 60.055 of CASR.
17.1.3 The world-wide shift towards systems-based approaches (e.g. SMS and QA) requires
the implementation and maintenance of good governance practices in UPRT by
industry and authorities alike.
17.1.4 The UPRT implementation process should include a re-evaluation of documented
policies, processes and procedures, to confirm that training providers have a well-
articulated and developed SMS and QA (refer Doc 10011, for the specific UPRT-related
definition of a quality system).
17.1.5 This quality-based approach should not be viewed simply as a paper exercise, where
the training provider submits a copy of their quality and safety manuals to CASA for
review. CASA will ensure that the documents are consistently being adhered to by all
training personnel and their clients.
− documentation process (e.g. the review and update of the training and procedures
manual), with particular emphasis on course documentation, including records of
system updates, training/operations manuals, etc
− training delivery in the classroom and in simulation devices and, if applicable, flight
instruction or on the-job training, including briefing and de-briefing
− instructor training
− QA practices
− SMS functionality, including pro-active flight data analysis
− evaluation (and checking, where applicable)
− training, examination and assessment records
− aircraft registration, associated documents and maintenance records
− training device qualification and approval.
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